Where to publish a scientific article for a student. List of professional publications in which you can place your publication

To successfully pass the certification, it will be useful for the teacher to have publications of his lessons, extracurricular activities or articles in various media. We have compiled a list professional publications with comments about the conditions of publication in them.

I would like to note some general points:

  • The author's publication implies uniqueness (you can check your work for plagiarism on the website antiplagiat.ru), which does not cancel the citation indicating the authors and the list of references used at the end of the article.
  • If you use illustrations, pictures, photographs and videos in your work, you must also indicate the sources.
  • On all the sites listed below, you will need to register, which you can do if you have an address Email.
  • A publication on a website is equivalent to a printed publication only if the website has the status of a media outlet, that is, registered as an online publication with Roskomnadzor. If there is no such status, then such placement of material on the site will not bring points when passing certification.
Name Website address Media registration Certificate of publication Contributions
1 "InfoLesson" infourok.ru ? V in electronic format for free
2 "Pedagogical world" pedmir.ru Yes
3 Magazine "Osnova" e-osnova.ru Yes,
23 printed magazines in various areas
sent in paper form for free
4 "Online Teacher's Magazine" teacherjournal.ru Yes can be ordered in paper form after publication for free
5 Festival of Pedagogical Ideas " Public lesson» festival.1september.ru Yes each participant receives a complete set of final materials, including: a personal diploma; a certificate confirming the fact of publication of materials; CDs (DVDs) with full-text versions of all materials; books - collections of abstracts of all articles Registration fee (300 ₽) + cost of preparation of materials (590 ₽ or 890 ₽) + optional cost of collections of abstracts (290 ₽)
6 « Social network education workers" nsportal.ru Yes You can get a Certificate of Publication, Certificate of Website Creation, Certificate of Electronic Portfolio Placement, Certificate of Student Creative Work, Certificate of Publication of Educational Video Materials, Certificate of Website Creation educational institution, class, mug The cost of an electronic certificate (certificate) is 90 ₽
7 Internet project “Pedagogical experience. Innovations, technologies, developments" methodkabinet.rf ? project participant certificate The cost of a participant certificate in paper form is 590 ₽
8 Educational portal of ANOO "Center for PKP and DO "ANEX"" aneks.spb.ru Yes in paper form Publications are free, the cost of one certificate of publication in the media is 400 ₽
9 "Pedagogical community of Ekaterina Pashkova" pedsovet.su Yes sent in paper form Certificate of publication - 400 ₽ for the first certificate in an envelope and 150 ₽ for each subsequent certificate in the same envelope
10 International community of teachers “I am a teacher!” ya-uchitel.ru Yes free electronic certificates of publication of materials and/or paid printed certificates of publication The cost of the 1st certificate is 300 ₽. If several documents are ordered in one envelope, then each subsequent document will cost 150 ₽

1. Name: InfoLesson
Website address: infourok.ru
: no information.
Certificate of Publication: electronic.
Contributions: for free.
Additional terms : when publishing 5 or more developments, the teacher receives a certificate for creating a professional website.

2. Name: Publication "Pedagogical World"
Website address: http://pedmir.ru/
Certificate of registration of the product mass media : El No. FS77-39148 dated March 17, 2010 issued Federal service for supervision in the field of communications, information technologies and mass communications (Roskomnadzor)

3. Name: Magazine "Osnova"
Website address: http://www.e-osnova.ru/
The certificate of registration of mass media: 23 printed magazines in various areas.
Certificate of Publication: sent in paper form.
Contributions: for free.
Additional terms: materials are sent to the publishing house in electronic and paper form, reviewed for at least a month, and published within a year. Authors of published materials are guaranteed to receive two original copies of the magazine.

4. From the magazine “Osnova” there is also an electronic media “Teacher's Magazine Online”.
Website address: http://www.teacherjournal.ru/
The certificate of registration of mass media: EL No. FS 77-42343 dated 10.20.10
Certificate of Publication: Can be ordered in paper form after publication.
Contributions: for free.

5. Name: Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “Open Lesson”
Website address: http://festival.1september.ru/
The certificate of registration of mass media: All publications and the Internet portal have certificates of registration by Roskomnadzor of the Russian Federation.
Certificate of Publication: Each participant receives a complete set of final materials, including: a personal diploma; a certificate confirming the fact of publication of materials; CDs (DVDs) with full-text versions of all materials; books are collections of abstracts of all articles.
Contributions: To calculate the cost of participation in the Festival, it should be taken into account that the cost consists of three components: the registration fee (300 rubles per participant), the cost of preparing the publication of materials (590 or 890 rubles for one material) and the cost of collections of abstracts (290 rubles for all books ). Invoices for abstract collections are paid only by participants who wish to have the books listed.
Additional terms: A 100% discount on the registration fee is provided to all members of the Pedagogical Club “First of September” and those who in 2013/2014 academic year took part in the “Open Lesson” or “Student Portfolio” projects or took courses Pedagogical University"First of September." Books (collections of theses) are sent upon request and for a fee. The acceptance of applications for participation has been extended until February 15.

6. Name: Social network of educators
Website address: http://nsportal.ru/
The certificate of registration of mass media: El No. FS77-43268 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications on December 28, 2010.
Certificate of Publication: you can get a Certificate of publication, a Certificate of website creation, a Certificate of placement of an electronic portfolio, a Certificate of creative work by students, a Certificate of publication of educational video materials, a Certificate of creation of a website for an educational institution, class, or circle.
Contributions: The cost of an electronic certificate (certificate) is 90 rubles.

7. Name: Internet project “Pedagogical experience. Innovations, technologies, developments" of the all-Russian pedagogical portal METODKABINET.RF
Website address: http://methodkabinet.rf/
The certificate of registration of mass media: no information.
Certificate of Publication: project participant certificate.
Contributions: the cost of a paper participant certificate is 590 rubles.

8. Name: educational portal ANOO "PKP Center and DO "ANEX""
Website address: http://aneks.spb.ru
The certificate of registration of mass media: El. No. FS 77-52200 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications on December 25, 2012.
Certificate of Publication: on paper
Contributions: publications are free, the cost of one certificate of publication in the media is 400 rubles.
Additional terms: publications through the website only in the Electronic Journal “Pedagogy Online” (publications of teachers of St. Petersburg); for publication in a printed edition you need to send the article in paper form. The level of publications is regional.

9. Name: Pedagogical community of Ekaterina Pashkova - PEDSOVET.SU
Website address: Pedsovet.su
The certificate of registration of mass media: El No. FS77-41726 dated 08/20/2010
Certificate of Publication: sent in paper form.
Contributions: A certificate of publication costs 400 rubles for the first certificate in an envelope and 150 rubles for each subsequent certificate in the same envelope.
Additional terms: Users upload works to the site independently through the site interface or send works by email in accordance with the instructions

10. Name: International community of educators “I am a teacher!”
Website address: http://ya-uchitel.ru/
The certificate of registration of mass media: El No. FS77-54568 dated June 21, 2013.
Certificate of Publication: free electronic certificates of publication of materials and/or paid printed certificates of publication
Contributions: The cost of 1 certificate is 300 rubles. If several documents are ordered in one envelope, then each subsequent document will cost 150 rubles.


  1. The list of sites ready to publish materials needs to be continued. Such well-known media as “Zavuch.info”, “Director”, “Prodlenka”, “Method Council” and others were not included in it. Write in the comments about your experience, and we will try to expand our review of publication sites.
  2. The key to the quality of published material is its preliminary selection. This has two consequences: sites with paid publications have material of lower quality, and on sites with preliminary examination it is more difficult to publish your material.
  3. We hope that soon the website of the IMC of the Krasnoselsky district will receive a certificate of media registration and it will become easier and more convenient for teachers in our region to share their professional developments.

New requirements of the domestic system higher education made it mandatory for undergraduates to publish articles. To be admitted to defend a master's thesis today, it is required to publish at least three articles in scientific journals.

How to write a scientific article for a master's student: structure, practical recommendations

An article for a master's thesis usually does not exceed 3-4 pages and has standard structure and is issued in accordance with GOST. However, it is better to clarify the exact requirements for the design and volume of the article in the specific scientific publication where publication is planned. These requirements can be found on the website of the selected journal. The structure of the text of a scientific article includes:

    the title is a necessary element of any research, briefly expressing its main essence;

    abstract - a brief justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, statement of the main problems solved by the author (in Russian and English language);

    keywords – a list of the main terms of the work that most fully reflect the essence and facilitate the search (in Russian and English);

    introduction - this part provides introductory data, the starting point of the study;

    main text – reflects the essence of the research conducted by the author and proposed ways to solve the problems;

    conclusion - summing up the work done in the last paragraphs;

    reference base - all footnotes to scientific works used in preparing the work.

After the research is completed, it is necessary to decide where the undergraduate can publish a scientific article. If the article meets certain criteria and is formatted correctly, then there should be no problems with the publication of the text.

Various official collections of scientific papers, publications from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), special journals, as well as electronic collections of materials from Internet conferences are suitable for publication. The selected publication must be included in the RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index), and also have a UDC, LBC and ISBN. A professor of science must be represented on the journal's management team.

Popular publications among master’s students are “Bulletin of Master’s Studies”, “Master’s Student” magazine, “Master’s Bulletin”, “Modern Scientific Research and Innovation”, etc.

The full list of official publications where a master’s student can publish an article is constantly updated, so before publication, the selected publication must be found on the HAC website for verification. You can also try to find a publication for publication through your department educational institution. Often, this is the easiest way to select a publication to publish your work.

Scientific articles of master's students can be published for a fee or free of charge. Most of journals from the official list of the Higher Attestation Commission publish articles for a fee. Copies are not sold for retail sale, but are purchased by authors and interested parties. The cost of publishing an article varies depending on the publication and is indicated among other conditions of publication. As the most budget option for paid publication, you can recommend your own publications of universities or collections of materials from online conferences. However, in this case, publication occurs in electronic form and the author will not have a printed copy of the article in his hands.
Publication of an article for free is possible only when choosing a publication that attracts external investors who pay for the publication of articles for the declared authors, or when preparing an article in co-authorship with a scientific supervisor who has an academic degree.

Examples of undergraduate articles

An example of a properly formatted publication. Information about the author, abstract and keywords of the article are provided in both Russian and English.

Often, scientific journals provide an example of how to prepare work for publication on their website. Having chosen a specific journal for publication, you will find all the conditions for publication and an example of a finished article in the corresponding section on the journal’s website.

Thus, publication of one’s works in specialized publications is a prerequisite for admission to the defense of a master’s thesis. The article must be prepared in accordance with the conditions and samples of the publication where the undergraduate intends to publish. The same publication may also provide a sample article for publication. In the vast majority of cases, publication of articles is paid, but you can also hope for free publication. You can select a publication to publish your work via the Internet or by contacting the department.

Writing papers is excellent practice for developing skills in research structuring, scientific writing, and organization. However, preparing an article can become a serious problem if the undergraduate’s specialization is more practice-oriented. In this case, you should contact specialists in the preparation of scientific articles, who will help you quickly write an article or format it correctly for publication in one day.

Publish an article in the RSCI journal and publications from the list of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), collections of scientific papers, scientific journals and in electronic collections of materials from Internet conferences are absolutely free.

Finding the right magazine to publish is not that difficult. First of all, the journal must be included in the RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index), and also have a UDC, LBC and ISBN. The management of the journal must include a professor of science.

How to find a journal to publish a scientific article

Find scientific journals RSCI To publish research results, you can contact the department at the university, or independently, using the Internet. First of all, pay attention to informational messages. Both print and electronic publications post them on their official websites.

Feature of the majority scientific publications is that this is a paid service.

Students, undergraduates and graduate students can always publish a scientific article in a paid publishing house.

You need to understand that most scientific journals publish articles for a fee. Including almost all publications from the Higher Attestation Commission list. It should be remembered that the most prestigious publications almost always have a waiting list for publication. Sometimes you have to wait a year or even more for an article to be published. Therefore, if you want your work to be published as soon as possible, it makes sense to choose another publication that is not so popular.

Free publication of RSCI possible, including in a prestigious publication.

Quite often, doctors of sciences and professors can publish an article in the RSCI journal for free. During the conference, they are also given a free printed version of the magazine, handouts, invitations to excursions and a buffet, and sometimes the organizers also pay for their hotel stay. This is done because the publication of articles by authoritative experts in the collection and their participation in the conference significantly increases the prestige of the publication. In this regard, the list of potential participants increases, which ensures large quantity submitted articles and, accordingly, higher remuneration for the organizers and editorial board.

Moreover, periodicals that go on sale often pay royalties for writing articles, but, as a rule, free RSCI magazines They pay fees only to specialists who have a doctorate degree, and for the same reason: the presence of such publications increases the prestige of the journal.

However, there are also loopholes for students (master’s and postgraduate students) that allow them to get their RSCI publications for free. Just ask a PhD to be your supervisor. After some time, you will have the opportunity to co-author an article with him. Of course, his last name will come first, which is quite logical, and all the rough work on registration accompanying documents you will do it. But when your manager receives the author’s copy, you can make yourself a copy of the article absolutely free.

What is the RSCI index and why is it needed?

RSCI citation index is a national information and analytical system that accumulates more than 2 million publications of Russian authors, as well as information on the citation of these publications from more than 3000 Russian magazines. It is intended not only to promptly provide scientific research with up-to-date reference and bibliographic information, but is also powerful tool, allowing for assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the activities of research organizations, scientists, the level of scientific journals, etc.

In 2015, from all the journals indexed in the RSCI, a collection of the best journals was selected, which, by agreement with Thomson Reuters, was placed on the Web of Science platform as a separate database Russian Science Citation Index. This made it possible to significantly expand the representation of Russian scientific journals in the international information space, especially journals in the field of social, humanities, technical and medical sciences, which are poorly represented in the Web of Science and Scopus.

To publish the results of your research, you first need to choose to publish RSCI magazine. For free You can publish an article in it by finding a suitable publication, contacting the department with this question, or independently using Internet resources. In the publishing network, look for information messages about holding conferences and publishing collections on official websites.

Most scientific journals publish articles for a fee. To be featured in the magazine RSCI article, publish which is free, choose journals that attract outside investors, or co-author articles with your supervisor.

collection of student works

Dear Colleagues!!!

Scientific Electronic Library (SEL)on the website elibrary.ru.

( license agreement No. 236-04/2016 dated April 2016with NEB).

Google Scholar (Google Scholar) - full text search engine

scientific publications of all formats and disciplines on the website scholar.google.ru.

Format: electronic magazine

Russian language

Release frequency: monthly

Reception of materials: constantly

Placement of materials: within 7 - 10 days (from the date of receipt of the application)

Urgent publication: within 1 - 2 days (from the date of receipt of the application)

Conditions: paid publication

Participants: students of higher and vocational education, graduate students, applicants, young scientists under 35 years old

Architecture and construction

Biological Sciences

Veterinary Sciences

Military Sciences

Geological and mineralogical sciences

Geographical Sciences

State and municipal administration


Historical Sciences and Archeology

Art history and cultural studies

Information Technology

Medical Sciences

Management and marketing


Political science

pedagogy and psychology

Sociological sciences

Agricultural Sciences

Technical science

Physical and mathematical sciences

Philological sciences

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Philosophical Sciences

physical Culture and sport

Chemical Sciences

Economic Sciences

Legal sciences

Current issues of our time

Service and tourism

Supporting documents: certificate of publication.

Conditions: paid publication.


Paid publication:

500 rub. - publication of the article + electronic certificate + metadata of the article are posted in NEB + article metadata are posted;

600 rub. - publication of the article + original certificate, sent by registered mail by Russian Post + electronic version of the certificate is posted on the website + article metadata is posted in NEB + + article metadata is postedGoogle Scholar (Google Schoiar);

- 800 rub. - urgent publication (within 1-2 days, provided the article is prepared in accordance with the requirements)+ electronic certificate + original certificate (at the author’s request, sent by registered mail by Russian Post) + article metadata is posted in NEB + article metadata is postedGoogle Scholar (Google Schoiar);

200 rub. - electronic diploma for the scientific supervisor;

350 rub. - original diploma to the scientific supervisor.

Data about the authors in the certificate of rubrication is entered from applications that were received by the editor. All clerical errors, typos and other inaccuracies made by the author(s) in the questionnaire are corrected on a paid basis, the registration fee is 100 rubles.

Payment is indicated excluding bank commission.

When paying from the editorial website, no bank commission is charged.

Payment of registration fee from the website page

Video instructions for paying the registration fee

If an article was prepared by several co-authors, then one certificate is issued in which all co-authors are included. If co-authors need personal certificates, they pay an additional fee of 500 rubles. for an electronic certificate or 600 rubles. for an original certificate for each author. In accordance with copyright law, the certificate will indicate that the article was published jointly.


1. Prepare the article, fill out the author’s questionnaire in strict accordance with the requirements.

2. Send the following materials to the editorial office by email:

a) an article prepared in accordance with the requirements;

c) scanned (photographed) receipt.

3. The article + author’s profile + scanned payment receipts must be sent together, in one email. address [email protected]. Each file is signed, for example: Article by Ivanova T.N., Questionnaire by Ivanova T.N., Receipt by Ivanova T.N. (do not archive files!!!)

4.In the subject line of the letter, indicate “Publication in the Student Scientific Bulletin.”

5. When sending an urgent article, you must indicate “Urgent publication” in the subject line of the email.

6. Upon receipt of materials, the Organizing Committee sends a letter to the author’s address within 1-2 days confirming receipt of materials. Authors who do not receive confirmation must duplicate the materials again.

7. Articles are published only after payment.

8. Email Authors download the certificate of publication independently in the “Student” section scientific bulletin" via the active link "Certificate of Publication". Links remain active for 2 months from the date of publication of the article.

9. Original certificates are sent weekly to the postal address specified in the application by simple letter by Russian Post.


11. Articles that were previously published UNDER ANOTHER AUTHORITY in print or on the Internet are not accepted. If plagiarism is detected, the article is immediately removed from publication, the registration fee is not returned and is not taken into account when submitting another article.

12. By posting materials, the participant guarantees that the work is the author’s.

13. Assigning a UDC index to an article is mandatory.

14. UDC can be found on the website: http://teacode.com/online/udc/

Student Scientific Bulletin

sent simultaneously in one letter!

Each file is signed, for example:

Do not archive files!!!

Competition entries (articles) must be sent

to email address [email protected].

If you have paid the registration fee, sent the competition material/article,

but did not see ourselves in the list of participants/authors of the journal)

Report to the editor!

Information about the placement of metadata of article authors in

Scientific Electronic Library (SEL) on the websiteelibrary.ru

in order to promote the Russian Science Citation Index

The Scientific Electronic Library (SEL) was created within the framework of the federal target program to include Russia in international scientific citation systems and is a database containing metadata and full texts articles published in specialized scientific publications. Metadata is the name and information about the thematic focus of works (UDC/BBK codes) published in publications, the name (name) and other data of authors (copyright holders) extracted from the text of works, keywords, article references and annotations of works published in leading scientific journals. For authors, inclusion in this database means the opportunity to post information about their publication free of charge to a wide range of users. Accordingly, including metadata about your publications in our publications in the NEB database greatly increases the number of potential readers of your articles. Since a citation index is generated within the RSCI system for each author individually based on NEB data, information about publications in this system directly affects the author’s impact factor.

How it works?

The user enters the Scientific website electronic library http://elibrary.ru/defaultx.asp. Using the search on the issues of interest to him (search by keywords), he sees the metadata of all publications in the library that contain these words. At this stage, the user can familiarize himself with the abstracts of articles, bibliographies and information about the authors, which will allow him to navigate and select the articles that interest him.

Authors should keep in mind that personal data (full name, place, work address and position, academic degree, academic title, email address), which they submit along with the text of the article for consideration by the editors, are published in the electronic version of the journal “Academy of Pedagogical Ideas” Novation" and the series "Student Scientific Bulletin", and are also submitted for inclusion in the NEB database. This is done so that any user has the opportunity to contact the author by email directly from the editorial website or from the NEB website. Therefore, we ask authors to indicate an email address to which they agree to accept such requests.

Graduate students and candidates need to do a lot to achieve their desired degree. But without the publication of scientific articles (in the journal of the Higher Attestation Commission and for free), they still will not achieve it. Where to start, what to write about, how to format it, where to publish a scientific article for a student - we will try to answer all these questions in this article about publishing scientific articles in journals.

Free publication of articles in scientific journals: why are they needed at all?

Before a student writes a scientific article for publication, he needs to understand why this is being done at all. And this is done for several reasons:

  1. They provide access to the results of your scientific research for the whole society.
  2. Publication of scientific articles by students for free is quite strong evidence of the author’s contribution to solving a scientific problem.
  3. Free publication of a scientific article in scientific journal The Higher Attestation Certificate is indirect evidence of the reliability of the results obtained by the author while working on his dissertation. They also indirectly prove the novelty of the work and its scientific level. The reason is that as soon as the publication is published, access to this information is given to the general public, who can easily study the contents of the article and give it an objective assessment.
  4. The requirements for publishing a scientific article include a clause stating that any publication must include summary the essence of the dissertation work.

By the way! For our readers there is now a 10% discount on

Where and how to write a scientific article for publication?

First of all, it is worth remembering that newspapers and other journalistic publications of this kind are not scientific. Therefore, it will not be possible to publish in them. For this purpose, there are specialized publications - special journals for publishing scientific articles by students.

You can find out about specific scientific periodicals for your city or university at the department or from your supervisor. They will also help with identifying requirements for the design of a scientific article or publication. Typically, they allow the publication of scientific articles free of charge for students.

Choose highly specialized publications to publish your scientific article.

It is important that the selected scientific publication contains reliable data and materials of applied and theoretical research. The country publishes many magazines for a wide range of specialists.

Remember: if you are a candidate for an academic degree, then not only the place to publish a scientific article plays an important role, but also their number. The grade when defending your dissertation project will directly depend on this.

Well, if you're too busy scientific work or have already lost hope of writing or publishing a scientific article for free as a student, contact a professional student service. Respected professors, doctors and candidates of science work here, who defended themselves with dignity and now help others overcome this obstacle.

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