State University named after academician. Bryansk State University named after

About the university

Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky is the largest university in the region, with more than 14 thousand students.

The historical predecessor of BSU is the Novozybkovsky State Pedagogical Institute, founded in 1930. It included 3 departments for training teachers of literature, mathematics, biology and chemistry.

In 1976, the Novozybkov State Pedagogical Institute was transferred to Bryansk and renamed the Bryansk State Pedagogical Institute, which in August of the same year was named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated August 18, 1976 No. 460). In 1995, the Bryansk State Pedagogical Institute named after academician I.G. Petrovsky became a pedagogical university, and in 2001 received the status of a classical university (order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 2292 of June 6, 2001).

The university is known for its educational, scientific, historical and cultural traditions. Milestones in the recent history of BSU convincingly testify to its dynamic development and strengthening of the position of classical university education. Its structure includes 11 faculties, 64 departments, a socio-economic institute, a law college and a branch in Novozybkov, Bryansk region, the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Research.

The university is focused on the systematic formation of human resources and the labor market, and on the diversification of educational programs. The university is accredited and has a license from the Ministry of Education and Science to carry out educational activities in 57 specialties of higher professional education, 24 undergraduate areas and 4 master’s areas, which are part of 9 enlarged groups of specialties.

The renewal of the quality of the educational process was manifested in the implementation of a new concept of multi-level education, and the range of additional and postgraduate education programs was significantly expanded. New specialties in demand by employers are opened every year. Graduates who have mastered the basic educational program are prepared to continue their education in master's and postgraduate programs. Postgraduate training is provided in 28 specialties.

In 2006, Bryansk State University joined the Association of Classical Universities of Russia, headed by Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Among the honorary doctors and professors of the university are Chairman of the Federation Council S.M. Mironov, Rector of Moscow State University V.A. Sadovnichy, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the youth council of the NP (social partnership for the development of the Bryansk region) E.N. Vasilishin, poet E.A. Yevtushenko.

The university emphasizes the innovative orientation of the structure and content of graduate training, the accessibility of education for each individual, as well as the creation of a mobile competitive educational environment that ensures the right to choose an educational route.

At the disposal of scientists and students of the university there is a library with more than a million copies of literature, a unified information center for collective access, and more than a thousand units of computer equipment are involved in the educational process.

The learning process is carried out in inextricable connection with the scientific and industrial activities of students. The university has partnerships with foreign universities in Hungary, Poland, and Bulgaria, on the basis of which students - historians, economists, regional scientists, journalists, and fine arts teachers - undergo internships.

Scientific potential is steadily increasing. Fundamental and applied research is conducted on current problems of mathematical analysis and solid state physics, archeology, preservation of the regional ecosystem and literary local history, and informatization of education. As part of the agreement on creative cooperation with Moscow State University, projects on nanotechnology are envisaged.

Laboratories of electrochemistry and physical and chemical methods of analysis equipped with modern scientific equipment were opened; archaeological and ethnographic research, geobotany and biodiversity and its protection. An innovative scientific and educational center for biotechnology has been created, and the laboratory “Nitrogen fixation and plant immunity” operates on the basis of the university, jointly with the State Scientific Institution of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology of the Russian Agricultural Academy.

Every year, the university allocates up to 25-30 million rubles for the purchase of unique scientific equipment, modernization of research laboratories and co-financing of federal and regional scientific programs. Over the past 4 years, the volume of funding for scientific research from external sources has increased more than 10 times.

The university maintains stable ties with Russian and foreign scientific schools. These include the Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the St. Petersburg and Moscow branches of the Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the St. Petersburg Euler Institute, Yale University of Massachusetts (USA), the Institutes of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, and a number of scientific centers in Poland, Sweden and Norway.

The II Assembly of the World Forum “Intellectual Russia” was held at the university, in which over 300 leading scientists of Russia took part, including N.D. Nikandrov, V.A. Sadovnichy, L.A. Verbitskaya, A.F. Alimov, N.H. Rozov, international congress “Personal development in a multicultural educational space”, international conference “Problems of author’s and general lexicography”. In 2007, the university held the final stages of the All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren in history and literature, and in 2009 - in social studies and the Russian language.

The university is the center of educational, cultural and educational work in the region; it has created full-fledged conditions for unleashing the creative potential of students, increasing their social security and security.

Understanding the need of the region, the university initiated the creation of the Association for Continuing Education, uniting 42 educational institutions of Bryansk and the region. The main goal of the Association is to ensure a unified educational space, maintain continuity, develop uniform requirements for the level of personnel training, and disseminate innovations in professional pedagogical creativity.

The material support for training specialists is being systematically strengthened. Over the past four years alone, more than 400 million rubles have been invested in the development of the university, an academic building with a total area of ​​8 thousand square meters, a student dormitory for 688 places with a rehabilitation center for students affected by the Chernobyl disaster were put into operation.

The university is developing as a socially oriented educational institution. It educates about 4 thousand students from areas of the Bryansk region and neighboring countries affected by the Chernobyl disaster, and implements a system of social guarantees for orphan students with health problems, as well as from low-income families. The social and community infrastructure includes 6 comfortable sectional dormitory buildings, a sanatorium, 4 sports and 2 assembly halls, a canteen with a diet room and a cafeteria.

Every year, students are provided with free vouchers for health improvement and recreation in boarding houses and sanatoriums on the Black Sea coast.

Responding to the challenges of the time, the university perceives the changing conditions of the macroenvironment as a guide to action. Thus, trends in international integration and the transition to level higher education have led to a significant update in the quality of personnel training, which manifested itself in the fact that the university:

* demonstrates high student achievement rates;
* has a fairly stable percentage of graduates receiving a diploma with honors;
* maintains high competition among applicants when entering the university;
* produces specialists who are in demand on the labor market;
* annually has students who become personal scholarship holders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation, the Academic Council of the University, the E.N. Charitable Foundation. Vasylishina.

Today the university fully meets the characteristics of a powerful multifunctional scientific, educational and socio-cultural complex with an innovative focus.

In accordance with the strategic goal of state policy in the field of education - increasing the availability of quality education that meets the requirements of innovative economic development, the modern needs of society and every citizen, defined in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, the university is called upon to help strengthen public consciousness of ideas about education and science as determining factors in the development of modern Russian society.

Bryansk State University named after academician I. G. Petrovsky
(BSU named after Petrovsky)
Former names BSPU, BSPI, NGPI
Year of foundation
Rector Andrey Viktorovich Antyukhov
Location Russia, Bryansk
Legal address 241036, Bryansk, st. Bezhitskaya, 14

Full official name: state educational institution of higher professional education “Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky”; abbreviated name: BSU.


By order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education dated April 13, 1995 No. 545, the Bryansk State Pedagogical Institute named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky was renamed the Bryansk State Pedagogical University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2001 No. 2292, Bryansk State Pedagogical University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky was renamed Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky.

Founder - Government of the Russian Federation. The powers of the founder are exercised by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation dated March 13, 1998 No. 692, the university has a branch in the city of Novozybkov.

Branch name: branch of Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky in Novozybkov.

The university has the right to conduct educational activities.


  • 52 specialties of higher professional education,
  • 1 specialty of secondary vocational education,
  • 8 specialties of bachelor's training,
  • 4 specialties of master's training,
  • 26 postgraduate specialties,
  • 5 additional qualifications.



  • Foreign languages
  • Journalism
  • Philosophy, history and political science
  • Pedagogy
  • Sociology and social work
  • Physical education and basic medical knowledge
  • General history, international relations and international law
  • National history
  • Theoretical physics
  • Methods of teaching mathematics and information technology
  • Algebras
  • Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
  • General physics
  • Mathematical analysis
  • Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Design and art education
  • Theories and methods of teaching vocational and technological education
  • Life safety
  • General and professional pedagogy
  • College of Law
  • Chemistry

Personnel composition

In total, BSU employs 570 employees and faculty members. The educational process at BSU is carried out by highly qualified specialists. There are 52 doctors of science, 291 candidates of science, 43 professors, 188 associate professors teaching at the university.

BSU management

Rector of BSU. Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature. Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation. Member of the Petrovsky (St. Petersburg) Academy of Sciences.

  • Melnikov Sergey Leonidovich

First Vice-Rector. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

  • Lupoyadova Larisa Yurievna

First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor.

  • Sidorina Marina Sergeevna

Second Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

  • Stepchenko Tatyana Alexandrovna

Vice-rector for scientific work and international relations. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

  • Lagerev Igor Alexandrovich

Vice-Rector for Innovation Work. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

  • Zyateva Lyudmila Anatolyevna

Vice-Rector for Social Affairs, Extracurricular and Educational Work. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Bryansk State University named after academician I. G. Petrovsky
(BSU named after Petrovsky)
Former names BSPU, BSPI, NGPI
Year of foundation
Rector Andrey Viktorovich Antyukhov
Location Russia, Bryansk
Legal address 241036, Bryansk, st. Bezhitskaya, 14

Full official name: state educational institution of higher professional education “Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky”; abbreviated name: BSU.


By order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education dated April 13, 1995 No. 545, the Bryansk State Pedagogical Institute named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky was renamed the Bryansk State Pedagogical University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2001 No. 2292, Bryansk State Pedagogical University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky was renamed Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky.

Founder - Government of the Russian Federation. The powers of the founder are exercised by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation dated March 13, 1998 No. 692, the university has a branch in the city of Novozybkov.

Branch name: branch of Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky in Novozybkov.

The university has the right to conduct educational activities.


  • 52 specialties of higher professional education,
  • 1 specialty of secondary vocational education,
  • 8 specialties of bachelor's training,
  • 4 specialties of master's training,
  • 26 postgraduate specialties,
  • 5 additional qualifications.



  • Foreign languages
  • Journalism
  • Philosophy, history and political science
  • Pedagogy
  • Sociology and social work
  • Physical education and basic medical knowledge
  • General history, international relations and international law
  • National history
  • Theoretical physics
  • Methods of teaching mathematics and information technology
  • Algebras
  • Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
  • General physics
  • Mathematical analysis
  • Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Design and art education
  • Theories and methods of teaching vocational and technological education
  • Life safety
  • General and professional pedagogy
  • College of Law
  • Chemistry

Personnel composition

In total, BSU employs 570 employees and faculty members. The educational process at BSU is carried out by highly qualified specialists. There are 52 doctors of science, 291 candidates of science, 43 professors, 188 associate professors teaching at the university.

BSU management

Rector of BSU. Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature. Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation. Member of the Petrovsky (St. Petersburg) Academy of Sciences.

  • Melnikov Sergey Leonidovich

First Vice-Rector. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

  • Lupoyadova Larisa Yurievna

First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor.

  • Sidorina Marina Sergeevna

Second Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

  • Stepchenko Tatyana Alexandrovna

Vice-rector for scientific work and international relations. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

  • Lagerev Igor Alexandrovich

Vice-Rector for Innovation Work. Doctor of Technical Sciences.

  • Zyateva Lyudmila Anatolyevna

Vice-Rector for Social Affairs, Extracurricular and Educational Work. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.

I. G. Petrovsky

Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky
Former names

Bryansk State Pedagogical University
Bryansk State Pedagogical Institute

Year of foundation

Russia, Bryansk

Legal address

241036, Bryansk, st. Bezhitskaya, 14


Bryansk State University named after Academician Ivan Georgievich Petrovsky (BSU)- higher educational institution of Bryansk.

Full official name: state educational institution of higher professional education “Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky”; abbreviated name: BSU.


By order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education dated April 13, 1995 No. 545, the Bryansk State Pedagogical Institute named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky was renamed the Bryansk State Pedagogical University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2001 No. 2292, Bryansk State Pedagogical University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky was renamed Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky.

Founder - Government of the Russian Federation. The powers of the founder are exercised by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation dated March 13, 1998 No. 692, the university has a branch in the city of Novozybkov.

Branch name: branch of Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky in Novozybkov.

The university has the right to conduct educational activities.


  • 52 specialties of higher professional education,
  • 1 specialty of secondary vocational education,
  • 8 specialties of bachelor's training,
  • 4 specialties of master's training,
  • 26 postgraduate specialties,
  • 5 additional qualifications.


  • Technology and design
  • Legal
  • Foreign languages
  • Physical culture
  • History and International Relations (formerly Historical)
  • Philological
  • Social-Pedagogical
  • Natural geographic
  • Faculty of Finance and Economics
  • Branch of BSU in Novozybkov


  • Foreign languages
  • Fundamentals of medical knowledge
  • Psychology, advertising and public relations
  • Journalism
  • Philosophy
  • Economic theory
  • History, political science and sociology.
  • Pedagogy
  • Physical education
  • General history
  • Russian history of antiquity and the Middle Ages
  • New and Contemporary Russian History and Law
  • International relations
  • Theoretical physics
  • Methods of teaching mathematics and information technology
  • Algebras
  • Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
  • General physics
  • Mathematical analysis
  • Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Design and art education
  • Theories and methods of teaching vocational and technological education
  • Life safety
  • General and professional pedagogy
  • College of Law

Personnel composition

In total, BSU employs 570 employees and faculty members. The educational process at BSU is carried out by highly qualified specialists. There are 52 doctors of science, 291 candidates of science, 43 professors, 188 associate professors teaching at the university.

BSU management

Rector of BSU. Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature.

Member of the Petrovsky (St. Petersburg) Academy of Sciences.

  • Matyash Natalya Viktorovna

First Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. Doctor of Psychological Sciences.

  • Mikhalchenko Sergey Ivanovich

Vice-rector for scientific work and international relations. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.

  • Fomin Nikolay Vasilievich

Vice-Rector for Licensing and Innovation, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.

  • Zyateva Lyudmila Anatolyevna

Vice-Rector for Social Affairs, Extracurricular and Educational Work. Candidate of Pedagogical

Sciences, Associate Professor.

  • Pryadekho Alexey Anatolievich

Vice-Rector for Informatization. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.

Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs and Financial and Budgetary Work.

  • Grabov Yuri Vadimovich

Vice-rector for administrative and economic work. Candidate of Technical Sciences.



Wikimedia Foundation.

  • 2010.
  • Glades

Polyany (Leningrad region)

    See what "Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky" is in other dictionaries: Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky

    - The request "BGU" is redirected here. See also other meanings. The request "Bryansk State University" is redirected here. See also other meanings. Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky (BSU, BSPU, ... ... Wikipedia Bryansk State University (disambiguation)

    - Bryansk State University: Bryansk State Technical University Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky ... Wikipedia Bryansk State University

    - Bryansk State University: Bryansk State University BSU Bryansk State Pedagogical University Bryansk State Pedagogical Institute Novozybkov State Pedagogical Institute Bryansk ... ... Wikipedia Social work

    - Social work is a professional activity for organizing assistance and mutual assistance to people and groups who find themselves in difficult life situations, their psychosocial rehabilitation and integration. In its most general form, social work represents... ... Wikipedia Association of Classical Universities of Russia

    - The Association of Classical Universities of Russia is a non-profit organization that unites classical universities of Russia on a voluntary basis. As of October 2012, AKUR includes 44 universities. Chairman of the Association ... ... Wikipedia Health and Rehabilitation Center "Nadezhda"

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Latest reviews from BSU

At the time of graduating from secondary school (for me it was the prestigious first Lyceum in our city, bearing the proud name of A.S. Pushkin), I firmly knew that I wanted to enter the faculty of journalism. For a number of reasons, my choice fell on the local university. The competition was great; there were not enough 9 budget places for everyone. The current practice of purchasing budget places by applicants was the reason for my five years on a contractual basis. By the way, I graduated from the university with honors...

Maria Konovalova 14:18 06/15/2013

A typical state university, there are such in every regional center.

Pros: a huge selection of specialties, a maximum of budget places and benefits, the prestige of the university and diploma, a decent level of education, excellent organization of extra-university activities for students, international programs and grants, the opportunity to receive a second higher education along with the first.

Disadvantages: high cost of education, manifestations of corruption and patronage, low level of education received...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky"

BSU branches


No. 02088 valid indefinitely from 04/18/2016


No. 02006 is valid from 06/15/2016 to 02/25/2021

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for BSU

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 6 7 6 4
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study65.66 64.15 63.72 62.84 66.84
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget71.37 69.33 67.10 64.42 69.29
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis63.22 61.4 60.95 60.75 67.72
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled47.4 46.6 47.73 46.81 49.4
Number of students6965 6709 6704 7180 8534
Full-time department3844 3836 3643 4330 4874
Part-time department204 34 21 54 94
Extramural2917 2839 3040 2796 3566
All data
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