DIY garden beds: examples of simple and beautiful garden beds. We design beautiful beds in the country house and garden with our own hands Beautiful beds and flower beds

How to make beds from boards at the dacha in order to get not only a well-groomed, neat garden, but also practical benefits? The easiest way to arrange garden plantings with your own hands is using wooden borders.

This is what homemade beds from boards look like

Garden beds decorated with wooden fences have many positive properties:

The disadvantage of wood is rapid deterioration, especially with constant contact with water and soil. However, if you treat the material with protective antiseptics, you can extend its service life by 10 years or more.

What wood to choose for boards

You can use any boards for fencing beds: slab, timber, edged material, clapboard.

Step-by-step instructions for making beds from boards

The choice depends only on how much the buyer is willing to spend on decorating the beds.

  1. Oak and ash. Highly strong and durable material with excellent rot resistance. However, they are also expensive.
  2. Larch. An excellent choice - larch has high performance strength and resistance to wet environments.
  3. Cedar. Coniferous wood is the most best option for a wooden bed at the dacha. Good balance between affordable cost and high quality.
  4. Pine. Pine boards are inexpensive, but do not have a long service life.
  5. Acacia. Sufficiently strong acacia boards can be used for arranging beds.

Wood processing and protection

To extend the life of a wooden bed, you should treat the boards with protective compounds:

Dimensions of board beds

Everyone chooses the shape and size of the beds according to their own taste and the space available in the greenhouse or plot. Eat general recommendations according to the size of the fence at which the garden bed will be most effective:

  • width from 90 to 120 cm;
  • height from 15 to 50 cm.

The length of the fence can be any, however, if it is long, it is advisable to provide the bed with additional supports. The width of the bed is the most important parameter. It is best to organize the area so that there are no more than two rows of crops in the garden bed. Firstly, with such planting, all seedlings will receive enough sunlight and air. Secondly, a bed that is too wide is difficult to care for and water.
The height of the bed is chosen arbitrarily, as long as caring for it is not difficult.

Scheme with dimensions of beds made of boards

Depending on the type of soil and type of crop, the following advice is given on the height of the fence for plants:

  1. If the soil at the dacha is fertile, the bed can be low - 15-20 cm. If the soil is rocky or unsuitable for planting - from 30 cm. Some gardeners make the height of the beds to waist level so as not to bend over when working.
  2. The height of warm compost beds should be at least 50 cm. High beds with compost will reliably protect plant roots from unexpected frosts in the spring.
  3. For early ripening crops, radishes, lettuce, and onions, it is better to use beds higher than 20 cm for their rapid ripening.
  4. If you plan to grow potatoes in the beds, their height should be at least 40 cm.

Installation of a simple box made of boards

The design of the fence for the beds is quite simple and can easily be done with your own hands. To work you will need simple equipment and materials:

Instructions for making a box for a garden bed

  • boards – 2 short ones of the same length and width, 2 long ones;
  • wooden posts made of timber, pointed on one side - 6 pieces;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • wood screws or nails;
  • shovel;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • roulette and level.

Work order:

A wooden garden bed of simple design is ready. You can fill it with soil and plant fruits and vegetables.

Do-it-yourself raised or raised bed

Raised beds have many advantages over traditional beds:

Raised beds for everyone undeniable advantages also have disadvantages:

  1. You will need some basic carpentry skills and knowledge to build a raised bed with your own hands.
  2. High beds dry out faster than classic ones, so if your dacha has problems with sufficient water for irrigation, such beds can become a problem.

Many people think that the appearance of a vegetable garden looks boring and uninteresting with its straight beds. But let me prove the opposite to you. Look at the photo of the original DIY vegetable garden.

In today's article we will talk about impressive ideas, decorating methods, recommendations for creating unique vegetable gardens and some instructive lessons.

Lazy beds - a modern option

Do you want to free yourself from boring and annoying gardening chores? You should immediately study the technology of creating modern beds, called lazy beds. They do not require constant weeding and provide you with time for a summer holiday.

In addition, this option of beds is convenient and helps to increase productivity.

Dacha residents are well acquainted with the processes of growing various plants, and the final result does not always live up to expectations and costs. Thus, seedlings may not take root and die, or may not produce a harvest. And lazy beds can help solve these problems.

The peculiarity of these beds is that the seedlings grow independently, and their productivity increases by several orders of magnitude. The secret of this technique is very simple: the beds should not be disturbed by weeding or loosening the soil; this is only possible during their preparatory period and during the planting period.

Undoubtedly, by regularly weeding the ground, you will eradicate all the weeds and loosen the soil, but because of this, the soil itself will begin to dry out and will not sufficiently moisten the plants.

Lazy beds are not difficult to make, you just need to do everything step by step:

First you should decide on the size of the sides, especially the height, which depends on their location. According to the selected dimensions, prepare boards for them, fasten them with self-tapping screws and wooden blocks at the corners of the sides. To do this, you should use clamps.

Having finished assembling the box for the garden bed, turn it over and install it in a predetermined place that is well lit.

Prepare holes, the depth of which should be 12-15 cm, so that the corner wooden blocks fit perfectly into them. Install the box securely. Use a level to make sure the bed is installed correctly.

On the inside, attach a PVC pipe to the sides so that you can later attach film or hoops with mesh to it. Lightly compact the bottom, cover it first with a metal mesh to protect against rodents, then with geotextile material.

Fill the box with soil and secure the watering hoses. Plant the harvested seedlings. If you need to cover the bed, secure the arcs for the film. The bed is ready!

Don't forget to provide a watering system. You don't have to buy an expensive one. It is recommended to water not often, but enough so that the plants are fully moistened before the next watering.

Gardening tools that are chosen correctly will help you save time and energy. In this regard, it is worth purchasing only quality tools to make work easier and more comfortable. Store equipment in a designated storage area.

As the planting season begins, dig up the soil to prepare it for planting seedlings or seeds.

Having completed the planting process, do not disturb the soil; the mulch will do everything for you. Your job is to provide regular watering.


As you can see, this version of the beds is really for the lazy, but the most hardworking summer residents have taken note of it and put it into action.

Excellent productivity from raised beds

The construction of a frame structure and watering system for high beds is a very labor-intensive process, but then you will be completely satisfied with the yield and weather conditions.

The sun's rays have an excellent effect on high beds in terms of illumination and warming up the soil, as a result of which planting can begin in April.

Rodent protection in the form of a metal mesh is also placed at the bottom of the bed. With a frame width of 1.5 m, it will be easy for you to care for plants either from one side or the other. You can also make a two-lane bed and cover it with film on top, you will get a greenhouse version of the bed.

The harvest in such beds usually ripens early. Their only disadvantage is that they need to be watered frequently, since water is not retained in the soil.


Despite the labor-intensive nature of building beds, this is quickly compensated for by good results and a very attractive appearance.

Smart beds are the best

Smart or warm beds are not much different from lazy ones. The only difference is the use of fertilizers, which, as a rule, increase the volume of the crop with minimal effort.

The soil used in smart beds is not soil, but compost with sawdust, leaves, and straw, which further nourishes the plants. A layer of soil is poured on top of the compost and after one month planting begins.

The height of the beds is approximately 1 m. You can use stones, logs or bricks to fence them, which will make the garden more interesting. Don't forget to provide the beds with internal watering.

If you don't mind the time and money for a large number of fertilizers, then this method is for you. But we assure you that you will not be at a loss, and you will be pleased not only with gorgeous beds and the design of the garden in general, but also with early harvest.


Economy option for raised beds

Fencing beds with wattle fence is the most economical option in terms of finances. Besides this, such design idea for the garden will perfectly decorate your plot. Such beds are suitable for growing both flowers and vegetables.

Step-by-step instructions for building a garden bed:

  • Inside the fence, cover the ground with geotextile material or cardboard so that beneficial substances do not seep into the soil when watering. Although cardboard is not durable, it will eventually become organic matter.
  • Top with garden weeds or freshly cut grass from the lawn.
  • Cover everything with a layer of dry straw.
  • Place compost or rotted leaves on top of the straw.
  • At the end there is a layer of black soil.
  • The best period for these beds is autumn, when the necessary components are abundant. To naturally warm the soil, it is worth taking care of a layer of manure, which will release heat when it flows.

A beautiful vegetable garden may well become a decoration of the landscape of the entire site. How to create a unique look for your garden with your own hands?

Use some tips:

  • if necessary, use a trellis for climbing plants;
  • use multi-colored and different shaped crops garden plants.
  • frame the beds in an original way, this will not only increase the yield, but also improve the appearance.
  • Decorate your garden with flowers, preferably perennial ones.
  • divide the beds with beautiful paths or paths in the form of pebbles or pebbles.
  • count on big harvest, then English or French styles are for you.


By building a scarecrow in your garden, you will not only scare away birds, but also decorate it.

And a scarecrow doesn’t necessarily have to be scary and unkempt. Your version of a scarecrow can be mischievous, fun and colorful.

It can be built not only in the form of a person, but also in various other images, using all kinds of available materials.

By installing such a guard in your garden, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your harvest!

DIY vegetable garden photo

While enjoying the garden and vegetable garden, we are sometimes deprived of the time to seriously engage in them for a long time. But if in the first years of purchasing a summer cottage you make every effort to thoroughly equip it, garden crops will require a minimum of care and attention in the future. It would seem like a difficult task, but it is inspiring, and even beginners are quite capable of it.

Why are decorative beds needed?

When vegetable and flower beds are talked about as narrow strips of land separated by furrows, it becomes boring. And the garden is perceived as endless forced labor. What if we move away from stereotypes and start building a modern peasant garden with its own style, clearly planned space, beautiful beds?

It can be located next to the porch of the house and will not spoil the overall impression. Decorative beds will enliven the area, and every year it will more and more acquire the features of your personality.

Elegant beds involuntarily create around themselves interesting design(neat garden paths, convenient multi-tiered greenhouse structures). After all, it is impossible to leave unkempt greenhouses, fences, gazebos, and benches against the backdrop of expressive “scenery.” Vegetable and flower and berry beds, decorated with garden figurines and wicker fences, will remind many of the perhaps idyllic and slightly artificial, but beloved rural landscape.

How to beautifully arrange beds

The garden must be strictly planned. To choose the best option, you can photograph it from different angles, including from the windows of the house, and then outline the main design elements. Thus, the support center can be beds in the form of a sundial, a figurally trimmed bush or a cement figurine, along the perimeter - a boxwood hedge with an arched entrance.

To save rural style, vegetable beds can be interspersed with flower beds and berry bushes. The main thing is that tall plants do not shade low crops, and that any bed can be easily reached. Such a vegetable garden is very productive: it provides a solid harvest in a small area.

When choosing which beds are more convenient and original, you should take into account all aspects: the shape of the dacha plot as a whole, openness to the winds, proximity to water, location of buildings and large garden trees, vacation spots, presence of pets. Round beds will look ridiculous in a narrow and long area, tall ones in the middle of a deserted lawn, wall-mounted ones in an old shabby barn, metal ones in the wooden design of a country house ensemble.

In order to rationally use the planting area, you need to decide which crops will be planted and where, and how they are combined with each other. Well-kept vegetable garden with useful plants should occupy a central place in the garden space. Along one alley of ridges bordered by a stone border, tomatoes with peppers and basil will grow, along the other - beets with cucumbers and onions, at a dead end - beans and radishes. Parsley can be placed in a high bed with strawberries, dill and salad can be placed in a “magic” cucumber wheel or next to cabbage.

Options for designing beautiful beds for vegetables

Beautiful beds are placed near terraces, garden benches, patios: convenient and impressive, especially if they are made in the same style. There can be quite a lot of options:

-geometric beds

The vegetable garden is divided into several segments in the form geometric shapes(circles, polygons, ornaments), filled with plants with lush above-ground parts of different heights, fenced with borders or low hedges of flowers and herbs, decorated with garden sculptures.

-arched beds

Arched openings are used for climbing garden crops (cucumbers, beans). They are installed along paths, in neighboring beds, in the form of a canopy in open areas. Metal and wooden arched huts are suitable for growing large vegetables. The fruits are easy to collect and protect from birds. A forged arch with container hanging plants can be installed at the front entrance to the house.

-container beds

The advantage of such a garden is its compactness and mobility. Containers and pots are hung on retaining walls, along a fence or the facade of a building. Potted (mosaic and painted) compositions made from a series of long containers are very expressive when vegetables, herbs, and decorative flowers ripen in them. Using container plants, you can grow garden screens for playgrounds using hydroponics.

-sculptural beds

A novice sculptor can create tall tiered and spiral beds from potting material, concrete, stone or plastic bottles. An interesting idea is a herb garden in the bowl of a fountain, on the lid of a decorative well, in the center of a garden obelisk.

-greenhouse beds

A greenhouse structure placed in a secluded corner of the garden makes the decorative garden complete. Nearby there is a bench for rest and large flowerpots for ripened vegetables. On an area of ​​18 sq. m in a narrow long space there are, as a rule, two (sometimes three) ridges separated by passages. If necessary, water heating is installed in the greenhouse, paths are paved with tiles, or multi-tiered vertical beds are organized.

Design options for beautiful flower beds

Pansies and daisies give the country front garden a touch of rural simplicity. Groups of bluebells and geraniums grow well in a shady border, while cornflowers, hollyhocks and scabiosa nestle in a sunny bed. This modest flower idyll was familiar to our grandmothers. Today, dacha passions do not subside about luxurious flower beds: exotic rutariums, rock gardens, rockeries. Here are some of them, the most beautiful and affordable:

  • a decorative hedge is formed on vertical supports by perennial vines (honeysuckle, clematis, virgin grapes, common hop);
  • a lawn flower bed of heuchera and periwinkle is used to restore damaged areas of the lawn;
  • a rocky flower garden with carnations, sedum, rhodiola framed by conifers is a mountain scree with a blooming “cushion”;
  • bouquet (group) planting of petunias, astilbe, phlox looks great in tree trunk circles trees, wall compositions, and also as a free-growing curtain;

  • a patterned border of low-growing marigolds, ornamental cabbage, and yarrow serves to mark the boundaries of the ridge and ribbon mixborder;
  • solid mass flower plants(mallow, lily, delphinium) of different varieties and species are used in parks and in garden corner beds;
  • a single large tapeworm (iris, daylily, dicentra, herbaceous grasses) creates a bright accent in the country landscape.

Beautiful beds with your own hands

Mobile beds, high and hanging, arched and container, raised, wall-mounted and simply unusual, but all stylishly designed make gardening easier and lift your spirits. They do not crumble after rain or watering, retain moisture longer, and look neat with side rails. The weeds have another obstacle.

-fencing beds

The sides for the beds can be lined with bricks, paving stones, boards, stones, slate, wicker, plastic and other materials that do not emit toxic substances. Using inexpensive border tape, you can create any shape of beds. Doesn't require a lot of time flat slate. Any slate fencing can be installed quickly, lasts a long time and looks beautiful.

From wavy colored slate you can make a structure with beveled corners, from concrete and galvanized steel with polymer coating- durable (but expensive) barrier tape. Even the wooden sides will last for more than one season and give the beds a finished look. An unaesthetic plastic mesh in combination with a forged arch will look elegant. All that remains to add to the composition is climbing roses or ordinary cucumbers. The effect is guaranteed.

A structure made of river pebbles in a galvanized mesh (a flowerpot for vegetables) will be the highlight of the garden renovation, and a sprinkle of small pebbles in the aisles and colored tree bark on the flower beds will complete the transformation.

-hanging beds

For those who don’t want to bother with regular beds, there is another, no less interesting option - hanging beds. The main material is metal, plastic, polyvinyl chloride pipes. On one square meter you can fit a whole strawberry garden. The supports are attached to the fence, and a structure made of PVC pipes inserted into each other with holes is screwed onto them.

Expanded clay and soil are laid at the bottom of a wide pipe, and water is supplied through a narrow pipe. Strawberry bushes are planted in the holes. The hanging bed is ready. It is compact, easy to transport to another place, and easy to maintain. If watering is done manually, the garden bed can be reduced in cost. A strawberry hanging bed is also made from several tiers of tires and burlap.

-beds on the wall

A type of vertical gardening is a phytowall - a plane assembled from living plants. Such construction paintings fill niches in the interior and exterior of buildings, are installed on balconies, and decorate steles and bay windows. Weeping and climbing pocket plants (ivies, ferns, begonias) create the appearance of hanging gardens. The phytowall is equipped with automatic watering and fertilizing of plants. Such technologies save usable space and are in great demand today.

-unusual beds

Usually means monotonous. Your favorite garden shouldn't look like this. Flower beds, hedges and labyrinths, alleys and beautiful beds will help make your estate beautiful. Beds decorated with decorative sides and borders, fences and boxes for vegetables are not excessive decorations. They tidy up not only the garden landscape.

A person suddenly begins to look for his own style, energetically rebuilding something, which means he moves forward. And now raised beds become not only an object physical labor, but an area of ​​relaxation and pleasure. The owner will definitely be proud of himself.

For lovers of unusual beds, we can offer garden compositions of vertical and pyramidal shapes, curved spheres with scatterings of flowers, weeping gardens of greenhouses and a paradise of untouched land near a dilapidated brick wall with a patch of uncut grass.

Beautiful vegetable beds go well with intricate flower beds, turf benches, raised flower beds, and garden fountains. Non-ideal terrain (ravines and slopes) can be visually corrected by transverse high beds and earthen ridges.

Using decorative figures to decorate beds

A beautiful vegetable garden looks even more attractive and homely if it is supplemented in moderation bright accents made with my own hands. The choice and size of the figures depends on the style of landscape design. Against the backdrop of a decorative wooden garden, a fabulous wooden bridge looks great, next to a fence or hedge there is a bird canteen on a high stump with a bath for drinking and bathing.

A hedgehog peeks out from the thorny thickets of honeysuckle, a frog and its family perch on a concrete corner of a cabbage patch, tits and redstarts perch on a nectar clearing of arabis. Isn't it a nice picture? Figures of animals, birds and trolls ideally “cover” the main frame of the decorative garden with smaller flowering details.

Features of constructing beautiful beds

It is better to plant a vegetable garden in the fall, and dig up the beds just before the onset of frost to destroy pests and weeds. In the spring, the soil is loosened, the balance of fertility is replenished with organic and mineral fertilizers, and planting begins, usually a couple of weeks earlier than usual. In beautiful beds bordered with edges, the earth warms up faster.

On a small plot you always want to build as many beds as possible. If you use suspended structures, spiral and multi-tiered structures, as well as any horizontal surfaces, the plan will certainly succeed.

Long gone are the days when only vegetables were grown in summer cottages and few people allocated enough space for flower beds. Now many, on the contrary, refuse to grow carrots and tomatoes, preferring a flower garden to a vegetable garden. At the same time, the fashion for beautiful vegetable gardens has now begun. In such gardens, flower beds are created that serve as decoration for the site and at the same time they add variety to our diet.

I suggest you think now how to beautifully design a vegetable garden- draw a plan, decide what plants you will grow and make a list of plants to buy. Beautiful and useful flower beds will decorate your site with a mixture of flowers and vegetables mixed with spicy and leafy herbs. And ordinary vegetable beds with traditional vegetables can be diversified with spices and phytoncides, which will be your helpers in the fight against plant diseases and pests.

Different varieties of lettuce look especially beautiful next to each other - leafy and cabbage with different leaves - multi-colored, with corrugated and wavy edges. For example, head lettuce Berlin (yellow), Kadro (with purple leaves), Zabava (long reddish leaves), Robin (yellow-red), Lolla Rosso (crimped burgundy-green leaves), Tornado (fan-shaped leaf), Azart (light green with wavy edges), Ballet (dark green leaves with scalloped edges), Odessa curly leaf (crimped emerald leaves). Plant curly parsley near the salads, and nearby - aromatic plants (catnip, anise lofant, oregano, hyssop, lemon balm).

As a border in a garden bed, flower bed or on alpine slide You can plant perennial chives with delicate thin leaves. Its decoration is lilac-pink inflorescences, and the foliage grows back quickly after cutting. Chard or Swiss chard will look beautiful in a flowerbed, especially green-leaved varieties with ruffled leaves and red-purple varieties. Decorate the center of the flowerbed with fennel and bush dill. You can also plant physalis here with its numerous small lantern fruits - in addition to being decorative, they are also tasty. Let ornamental vegetables and beautifully blooming edible flowers with healing properties grow nearby - tagetes, calendula, nasturtium, vegetable chrysanthemum. And don’t forget pharmaceutical chamomile - tea from it will come in handy during colds, and fresh herbs will be a good seasoning for meat dishes and salads.

Good neighbors for flowers would be coriander, watercress, leaf parsley, salad mustard, lovage (as an annual grown through seedlings). In one part of the flowerbed, plant spicy and medicinal plants: monarda, lovage, perilla. Continuously flowering and fruiting strawberries with red and white berries will look very beautiful along the border. And if you have the opportunity to periodically remove the mustache, you can plant it here remontant variety Rose glow with pink double flowers. You can combine the beautiful with the useful on an alpine slide. Oregano, snakehead, thyme (savory), bergenia, common primrose, bathwort, various bluebells, small-flowering violets, and a salad plant popular in Europe - a variety of plantain called “Deer Horn” - will be in place here.

You can change the assortment of medicinal and spicy plants, especially annuals, depending on your taste and preferences. Not far from the kitchen or resting place, you can arrange a fragrant corner in a flowerbed or garden bed. Snakehead, mignonette and gillyflower, various basils, matthiola bicornuum, as well as perennial monarda, different varieties of mint and lemon balm can settle here. Pelargonium will look good on a raised platform in a flowerpot.

Most garden plants, especially heat-loving ones, produce crops only in the sun. This primarily applies to eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, potatoes, dill, onions and most spices. But some plants can tolerate partial darkening. These are beans, white cabbage, perennial onions, parsnips, pumpkin (canes with ovaries can be placed in the shade, but it is better to place the root in the sun). If you plant radishes, turnips and beets in the shade, you will get juicy greens from which you can prepare salads. Sorrel, horseradish, rhubarb and kale do well in partial shade, but early and late varieties are recommended to be planted in the sun. Among the herbs that can grow in partial shade are salad mustard, Chinese cabbage, parsley, leaf celery, lovage, watercress, chard, mint, chives. It is advisable to grow spices and beets in partial shade through seedlings.

Beautiful DIY vegetable garden

The times when a vegetable garden was sown solely with the goal of getting as much harvest as possible have sunk into oblivion. Now, according to the latest trends in gardening, you should plant your garden not haphazardly, but so that it also pleases the eye. That’s why many people became interested in how to make beautiful beds in the garden - and I’ll help you with this, I’ll give you, as usual, a lot interesting ideas"know how".

Elements of a container garden - wooden boxes, flowerpots, clay tubs - all this is appropriate to use in the garden.
Such functionally important items as trellises for climbing plants (for example, beans) can become almost small architectural forms of your garden.

Supports for cucumbers can also be made attractive. These will not just be stakes driven in haphazardly and tied with old ropes, but elegant planks, ladders, arches and even pergolas!

One of the interesting ways to decorate a vegetable garden is to alternate planting vegetables with rows of annuals. They require little maintenance, and your garden will look more fun. You can also plant salads with different colors - not only will they decorate your garden, they are also very useful!

For example, marigolds and calendula will take root very well between your beds. In addition, they will repel pests and improve the soil in the garden.

When you think over the planting scheme. Do not forget to take into account the plants' need for different watering. Combine plantings taking this factor into account. It is very important to swap crops every year, with different requirements for soil nutrition.

Cabbage takes a lot of nutrients from the soil. Therefore, do not plant it in one place every year. The next year, plant beets in the same beds, and the year after that, plant peas and beans.

If it so happens that your garden is very small, then this is not a reason to give up growing vegetables. There is a way to grow vegetables even in bags of soil, and you can always find a little space for them.

Take a 25-liter bag, pour the nutrient mixture into it, make small holes on one side for plants, and holes on the other for water drainage. In one such “bed” you can grow 6 strawberry bushes, lettuce or 3 tomato bushes.

A beautiful bed with herbs planted in a checkerboard pattern will look very decorative!

Some squares can be planted with beautifully flowering herbs such as sage.

Creation decorative garden on a summer cottage - one of the brightest and most original techniques in landscape design. Unfortunately, gardeners do not always remember such a wonderful element of the garden as an ornamental vegetable garden. Many people don’t even imagine how to make a decorative vegetable garden and how to beautifully design the beds. But landscape design Vegetable gardening is a very interesting and exciting process. Decorative design gardening, of course, brings some trouble, it is very important to think through the design of the vegetable garden, choose a suitable place for it, implement proper care. But all the efforts will be worth it. An original vegetable garden and beautiful beds will look no worse than any flower garden. You will learn how to design a vegetable garden in our article.

The decorative vegetable garden, as well as other elements of the garden, serves for beautiful design space. Before you start decorating your garden beds, you need to choose a suitable place for your ornamental garden. A sunny place, protected from strong winds with drained fertile soil. On caring for ornamental garden It will take a lot of time - it needs to be watered and fed. It is better to water the beds using the drip method, since the water that remains on the leaves of the plants contributes to the development of diseases. You can also water your decorative vegetable garden using a watering can, but always with warm water from a barrel.

Will help you decorate your beds beautifully edging with border material, For example, . Special designs - modules - can be of different shapes, which will allow you to create different compositions on the site. In addition, installing a border on the decorative bed will prevent penetration lawn grass to the garden. The most convenient will be beds from 70 to 120 cm wide. The distance between the beds should be large enough - 50-60 cm. To avoid the growth of weeds, the distance between the beds (bark, wood chips, for example).

First of all, a decorative garden will be transformed by plants that look beautiful throughout the growing season. These are, first of all, green and spicy-tasting crops. In the design of beds, plants such as parsley and cilantro are often used. Indeed, it is impossible to imagine beautiful beds without them. Decorating a garden with crops and decorative greenery always looks elegant. Ornamental peppers, cabbage, zucchini, corn, sorrel, and lettuce are highly decorative.

Grows faster than cabbage. She prefers fertile soils and loves watering; tolerates transplantation well. Low-growing varieties of ornamental cabbage will look impressive in and. Ornamental cabbage is planted in the last ten days of March in pots with a diameter of 3-4 cm. The seeds of ornamental cabbage will sprout in 3-5 days. Seedlings are often susceptible to diseases, so proper watering is important. The soil is watered before and immediately after sowing. Then the watering is stopped and the seedlings are sprayed only a little. Decorative cauliflower also suitable for decorating a vegetable garden.

Decorative pepper- a fairly unpretentious plant. It is grown both indoors and in the garden. He prefers bright, sunny places. In summer it needs abundant watering. Decorative pepper bushes produce spherical, oblong or cone-shaped fruits, which, depending on the variety, are colored red, orange, yellow or cream.

Decorative corn loves sunny places protected from the winds. It is planted in the ground in late May - early June. Decorative corn cobs are very beautiful - the grains in them come in different colors, which looks very original. Such cobs will decorate your home.

Physalis decorative also called " Chinese lantern" Its name is translated from Greek as “bubble”. light-loving, winter-hardy. It is undemanding to soils, but still prefers calcareous soils. In dry summers, physalis is watered every other day. Decorative physalis looks great in cut flowers and bouquets.

Decorative sorrel prefers fertile, drained, slightly acidic soils. It does not tolerate drought well, it requires watering, and in hot climates it is advisable to spray it. It is recommended to trim the flower stalks to maintain a compact and dense rosette of leaves. Decorative sorrel can be severely affected by aphids. It will look great against the background of stones.

A decorative vegetable garden will decorate and curly lettuce. He is light-loving and prefers fertile ones. Young plants tolerate light frosts, so curly lettuce can be planted in open ground both spring and autumn.

Some ornamental vegetables can be used not only in the landscape design of a vegetable garden, but also for gazebos and hedges, as climbing plants. These include decorative pumpkin, decorative zucchini.

Decorative zucchini have lush foliage and fruits of different colors (yellow, orange, green, striped and spotted). Plant zucchini no earlier than the second ten days of May, since even with minor frosts the zucchini can die. Zucchini prefers a bright place and fertile, non-acidic soil. Quite drought-resistant.

Decorative pumpkin- the plant is unpretentious. Seeds need to be planted in pots in April, after germinating them. Pumpkins can be planted in open ground when the danger of frost has passed - the plant dies even at slightly sub-zero temperatures. All varieties of decorative pumpkins prefer sunny places and can tolerate light shading, but will bloom and bear less fruit. Remember that the pumpkin needs support, it grows quickly and can exceed 6 m in height. Pumpkin will grow better if it is regularly watered and fed. Decorative bottle gourd has very durable fruits that can be used to make unusual dishes. It will be very durable; the water in a pumpkin jug will remain cool for a long time.

Landscape design of a garden bed is rarely complete without such a beautiful flower as decorative sunflower. According to ancient belief, there should always be golden-colored flowers on the property - they attract wealth to the house. Decorative sunflower is light-loving and prefers fertile, loose and neutral soils. It is possible to grow decorative sunflowers in hedges, as some varieties of sunflowers reach 3-5 m in height. Decorative sunflower goes well with tall grasses. For growing decorative sunflowers it is important good processing soil (both pre-sowing and during the growing season - weeding, cultivation). Sunflowers are afraid of frost.

Vegetable garden design will not do without decorative onions. Varieties of decorative onions are, for the most part, light-loving. Decorative onions are planted in a sunny place, in fertile, well-drained soil. All types of ornamental onions are very sensitive to a lack of potassium in the soil. Decorative flowering onions are widely used for gardens continuous flowering. Decorative onions look great in bouquets, including dry ones.

Ornamental vegetable gardens: triangular beds (pizza garden)

For some reason, many gardeners are trying to make triangular beds radiating from the center, the so-called “ray beds,” “sun beds,” “flower beds,” or pizza gardens. Perhaps gardeners are inspired beautiful name and do not think about the ease of care and beauty of such beds, not bare, but with plants. And plantings in such beds turn out to be crooked, especially if the beds are small, and such crooked rows of plants greatly spoil the appearance of the garden.

The passages are also often made narrower towards the center, so it’s difficult to walk through, let alone bring a wheelbarrow. And everything would be fine if you simply covered the ridges and passages with stones and admired them. But plants, especially vegetables, grow and expand, many of them have spreading leaves, they need space and sunlight. Therefore, all this “geometry of bare beds” turns out to be hidden under the foliage, the foliage covers narrow passages Between the beds, the beauty is lost, maintenance becomes more complicated, the foliage is trampled, and the appearance of the garden is lost.

Therefore, if you nevertheless decide to make a pizza garden, draw what it will look like with overgrown vegetable plants spreading their leaves beyond the beds. And the examples given in the photos will help you choose the best option.

Photo 1 - Nice neat execution: paving with pink tiles (although white would have been better), the beds are bordered by a border strip. But, if this is not a corner of the garden, then why is there a corner of triangular ridges in the middle of the garden? Just to make the ends of the beds narrow and awkward?

Beds with heterogeneous plantings look worse than those given over to one entire crop. On the narrow part of the ridges there is too little space for zucchini or cucumbers; their leaves and vines will fall into the narrow passages and it will be impossible to pass. Therefore, we have photos only with young plants, because when the plants become adults, everything will be intertwined. The same applies to the tomato bed. You cannot plant tall plants on such narrow ridges with narrow passages.

Photo 2 - In this example, a more rational use of triangular beds in the corner of the garden. But still, instead of the corner bed itself, it would be better to make a platform, for example, with a decorative water container, for the convenience of watering the garden. The arched bed was made absolutely correctly, it has the same width and is convenient for planting. But the triangular beds on one side are too wide, which is inconvenient. It is also inconvenient and usually unsightly to plant different crops in the same bed. It would probably be better to make all the beds arched (i.e. in a circle), dissected by radial paths.

Photo 3 - Not a bad implementation. Light tiles contrast well with greenery. The disadvantages are the same as in the previous example: Beds with heterogeneous plantings look worse than those given over to one crop entirely. It is necessary to remove weeds along the edges of the tiles and in the cracks between them.

Photo 4 - Well-executed beautiful sides of triangular beds. But it would be better to use white color for the sides. The beds are inconvenient due to the variable width, too narrow at the end. Heterogeneous plantings within the same bed greatly impair the decorative effect. The passages are narrow; it would have been better to use light tiles. The area in the center is too small. The blue barrel is functional and convenient for watering, but it does not decorate the garden, which was created precisely for its shape. In the center it is better to use a decorative container for water (or a decorative pond). Light-colored backfill or paving around the garden would better emphasize the decorativeness of the garden than green grass.

Photo x - One of the best options for a flower garden or a pizza garden. Small ridges, they are closer in shape to circles than to narrow triangles. Each crop looks very good in its own bed, all crops are close in height, low and not too spreading - the paths are too narrow for spreading crops. The light gravel backfill contrasts very well with the greenery. A light path around the vegetable garden highlights its shape well. A white fence also looks much better than a dark one. The only thing is that the cast-iron lid of the septic tank or water supply could be covered or disguised with something, and the grass could be trimmed.

Photo x - Similar to the previous one, a good option for a pizza garden or a flower garden. Small ridges with low wattle fence, but still narrow passages. Beautiful landing each crop in its own separate bed. The light gravel backfill contrasts well with the greenery. The wattle fence (above right) looks more natural than a solid one.

Photo x - Similar to the previous one, a good option for a pizza garden or a flower garden. The passages are lightly paved. But the middle bed is too big. It is worth taking a closer look at the selection of crops that are similar in height, but different in color of leaves or inflorescences.

Photo x - An old photo of one of the first ornamental pizza gardens with radial beds. There are both good ideas and unfulfilled hopes. Narrow beds were made with fairly wide passages with a light sprinkle of white crushed stone. At the end of the ridges there is a bush or decorative perennial in a wicker fence.

However, it is clear that over time the white gravel has sagged and is overgrown with grass in places, and weeding it is problematic. Moreover, large crushed stone was used in the absence of small gravel. There is no circular path made of crushed stone. Sides made from old boards look sloppy and spoil the appearance of a decorative garden. Different crops of different heights are planted in one bed, which does not improve the experience. Planting bushes and perennials at the ends of the beds did not justify itself - it would be better (as an option) if they made a circular path along the side, and then planted bushes and perennials along the perimeter.

Photo x - Unsuccessful version of sharp-angled narrow ridges and narrow passages.

Photo x - It should immediately be noted the high quality of workmanship: Light paving, neat painted wooden sides. However, the idea of ​​oblique ridges and, accordingly, oblique rows of plants, which is vicious in these conditions, was used. Other comments are similar: heterogeneous crops of different heights in one bed, narrow passages.

Photo x - Careful execution and planting of one crop in the beds gave a very good view vegetable garden Although the beds are slanted, they are not too much. However, it is not very clear how convenient the plastic posts of the type-formed border will behave, and whether there will be grass there. In addition, the passages may become contaminated with soil from the ridges. The passages are very narrow and if the plants are spreading, then the beauty of the entire garden will immediately disappear.

Photo x - Neat execution, but the (acute-angled) triangular beds are too small to really plant anything on.

Photo x - All plants of approximately the same height form either a border or a continuous cover of greenery in the garden bed. Therefore, even a triangular bed with a border of healthy, strong plants looks good.

Photo x - Not a bad idea, good access (approach) to small convenient beds. But again the pink color takes attention away from the plants. White color the paving looked much better. But the shape of the beds is unsuccessful: because of the crooked beds, crooked rows of plants are obtained - and the garden loses its decorative value.

Photo x - It's a good idea to use lettuce as a border. However, the incomprehensible shape of the too small beds did not allow achieving a decorative effect. In addition, it is hardly justified to use it in the center of the vegetable garden. high support for climbing plants. But, since there is no paving or sides, everything can be replanned for next year - make beds of a different shape and bigger size so that planting on them creates a good look for the garden.

Photo x - An unsuccessful option for a decorative flower garden. A mindless pursuit of shape - triangular beds. The area is too small for a vegetable garden, the passages to the center are narrowing to nothing, and instead of a platform in the center there is again a garden bed. How to approach the center? Heterogeneous plantings within one bed. Ugly and inconvenient.

Everyone who has a dacha or a personal plot tries to make it beautiful. But few people succeed in having land and not planting cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley: they want not only to admire the flowers, but also to enjoy their own harvest. Yours tastes better. So they bashfully hide the vegetable garden somewhere behind the garden, at the edge of the plot. But in vain. A properly made and planned vegetable garden can be a decoration. There is even such a thing as landscape design of a vegetable garden, and it may be French or English. Like this. What’s interesting is that it’s easy to make beautiful beds with your own hands. To do it yourself, you just need to know a couple of secrets and rules.

Evenly planted leafy vegetables of different varieties are already beautiful

Decorative vegetable garden

You have probably noticed that vegetable and aromatic crops are beautiful both during flowering and during fruiting. Even potatoes bloom with cute flowers, and the rich color of their tops can be the envy of some flowers. The multi-colored shiny peppers on the bush are beautiful, the red and green tomatoes, even the cucumber bed with plants climbing along the arch looks good. There are also colorful salads, different types of cabbage, all sorts of parsley, dill and other healthy and fragrant herbs. Aesthetes noticed this and began to decorate the beds beautifully. There are even two different types of ornamental vegetable gardens.

French vegetable garden

IN classic version These are symmetrical beds, in the center of which there is a sculptural group, a fountain, and another recreation area. Such vegetable gardens were made near castles, and they were also a place of rest. The strict geometry of the planned site further emphasized the splendor of the castle. He was always the priority.

Clearly shaped beds, their boundaries marked by border plantings

Alternating colors are the basis of the decorativeness of the French vegetable garden

Beautifully laid out paths also contribute

In the center of the composition is a fountain or sculpture

IN modern version The beds can be square, rectangular, or in the form of a sector of a circle. All of them are separated by clear paths; border plants are planted along the edges of the beds. It’s clear that you can’t install a pure French vegetable garden on your 6-10 acres, but it’s very possible to do something similar.

In general, there are two types of beds - at the same level with the soil and raised. It is easier to organize a vegetable garden on one level, but raised beds are more convenient to cultivate. To fence them, you can use boards, or slate cut into strips; if desired, the fence can be made of stone or woven from wicker. This is who can or wants to aim at what. For a few examples of how to make a fence for beautiful garden beds, see the photo.

Related article: Monochrome interior without monotony

Decorative beds are fenced with plastic fencing for flower beds

The fence for the beds is made of flagstone - sawn natural stone

You cut flexible branches from the forest (willow, for example) and while they are fresh, weave a fence for a raised bed

Paths and fencing of beds made of paving slabs and borders

A fence made of boards is quick and easy, you just need to saturate the boards with a bioprotective compound, otherwise they will turn black and be unattractive

Read more about organizing raised beds here, and general rules site planning are described in this article.

For beds at the same level with the ground, plants can be used instead of borders. For example, parsley, regular or curly, lettuce different color. It is clear that the plants will be gradually cut off, but you can first plant them densely, gradually thinning out the planting. If space allows, along the edge of the beds you can plant marigolds or calendula, only a low border, other plants that produce dense greenery and grow small in height.

Curly parsley - beautiful and healthy

The border bush will not grow in one year, but it looks beautiful

Vegetable beds edged with flowers - beautiful

The main focus of the French vegetable garden is the layout and evenly planted rows. The second is in the alternation of colors. The third is in beautifully made paths that highlight the greenery.

To make everything look beautiful, you need to alternate the shades of plants, and to imagine how everything will look, it is better to draw in color. They draw as best they can: on a computer in a design program or on a landscape sheet. There you can also develop a layout of the beds yourself if you draw everything to scale. Then the ideas will need to be transferred to the site. There are several options for bed layouts in the photo.

Beautiful beds can be obtained from rectangular, triangular or diamond-shaped beds

If a circle cannot be fit into a plot, a semicircle or even a quarter of it looks good

Clear plantings and paths are the basis of any ornamental garden.

For some reason, our gardeners prefer the radial scheme for the vegetable garden. Probably because it resembles a cake)))

And lest you think that in our conditions it is impossible to create anything like this, below are several amateur photos from real dachas and garden plots where French beds have been living for more than one year.

Related article: Stucco decoration and interior wall decoration

Wicker fence for garden beds

It's autumn, but summer is very beautiful

Even at the entrance there will be an arch...

And again boards, mixed layout - rectangular and radial

Another beds made of boards

This one is still in the process of formation, but the results are visible

A small French vegetable garden, and even a sculpture

High beds with board fencing

Even the bow looks attractive in a geometrically perfect fit

We hope that the examples of designing beds have inspired you, and we’ll tell you how to make fences for them below.

English vegetable garden

It is not as symmetrical as the French one and it is dominated not by the castle or the house, but by the lawn. Vegetables are interspersed with flowers and all plantings emphasize the attractiveness of the lawn. The house itself is also rather vertical bed: ivy often climbs along the wall, pots and vases stand and hang. Everything is well-groomed and does not smell “wild”.

A classic example of an English vegetable garden

Actually, it is difficult to separate an English vegetable garden from a garden or flower garden. The “all together” principle applies here. But somehow they manage to combine everything, and very harmoniously.

It's in the process of being set up

Slightly raised beds

Wooden posts and slate - simple and attractive

Fencing for garden beds made of smooth slate

Painted slate looks even better

By the way, the fence can be grown or woven. Hedge- an excellent background for beautiful garden beds french style, and the wattle fence is for a country-style garden.

From boards

There are many options for borders and fences for beds made of boards. From the simplest - four boards nailed together into a square or rectangle, to complex structures.

In the simplest version, take two long boards and two short ones (according to the width of the bed). Nail a block with a cross section of 50*50 mm to the short edges. Its length is 15-20 cm longer than the height of the boards. Then nail long boards to the free side of the bars, assembling a rectangle.

How to make a simple fence for a garden bed made of wood

If desired, you can complicate the design. From the boards you can make a non-standard or even tiered bed. And it's not at all as difficult as it seems. See the ideas in the photo.

Having collected several pieces, you can begin placing them on the site

Unusual shape - inspired by a French vegetable garden

This kind of fence made from waste boards is non-standard, economical (there are few costs and space is saved) and convenient

Tiered flower bed made of boards

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