Bread with tomatoes. What happens if you feed tomatoes with bread Bread with olive oil and tomatoes

There are many ways to prepare bread dough. The most common options are bread made with water or dairy products (milk, whey, kefir, buttermilk, with the addition of sour cream, cream, and so on). Of course, the world of bread baking is not limited to them, but on the contrary, “everything is just beginning” with bread on water or kefir. Well, it continues... for example, with “vegetable” breads. This is when pieces of vegetables are added to the dough, and the result is onion, zucchini, carrot, and pumpkin bread. Or, for example, three-color bread with spinach, carrots and beets. Masterpiece! It attracts home bakers with its brightness and colorfulness, and children eat it with pleasure. But this is by the way, because today we will talk about another “vegetable” bread - tomato.

If you are a fan Mediterranean cuisine, you will definitely love this tomato bread. Its dough is prepared using fresh tomato juice with pulp, which makes the bread aromatic and tender, with a pleasantly sweet taste with a slight sourness. The tomato flavor of the bread is complemented by Italian herbs - they give it the “ultimate” Mediterranean character.

Advice. Choose ripe, fleshy tomatoes for the base. Pink or yellow varieties are perfect.

The bread dough is specially kneaded to be very tender and soft, making the bread airy and fluffy, extremely porous. It will be easy to work with such dough if you use a mixer with hook attachments or a bread maker (model Binatone BM-2068 in this recipe) for kneading. It is best to bake in a mold.

On a note. If you don’t have a lot of tomatoes, or the puree is less than what was called for in the recipe, you can add a little water to the base.

Cooking time: about 4 hours / Yield: 1 loaf


  • tomatoes about 350 g (ready pureed juice will need 300 g)
  • white wheat flour 380 g
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt 1.5 tsp.
  • sugar 1 tsp.
  • dry yeast 1 tsp.
  • mixture of Italian herbs 0.5 tsp.


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    Prepare all the necessary ingredients.

    Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and cut into arbitrary pieces. Place the pieces into a blender bowl.

    Grind the tomato thoroughly until it becomes a homogeneous paste. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve.

    Pour the tomato puree into the bread maker bowl. Add olive oil to it.

    Then add flour, salt, sugar, yeast and dry herbs into the bowl.

    Dough kneading mode: 6 minutes first kneading, 20 minutes rest, 12 minutes second kneading and 50 minutes fermentation.

    When the kneading cycle is complete, transfer the dough to a floured surface.

    Use gentle rolling movements to form an oblong loaf.

    You should end up with a nice smooth loaf like this.

    Place the bread mixture into a baking pan that has been lightly greased.
    Cover the pan with film and leave to proof in a warm place for 45-50 minutes. The bread should increase 2-2.5 times. During this time, preheat the oven to 250 degrees.
    When the bread has risen, send it to bake.

    Bake for the first 15 minutes, sprinkling the bread with water every 3 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 200 degrees and bake for another 25 minutes until a pleasant golden brown color.

If the only consequence of Columbus's expedition was the appearance of the tomato in Europe, old Christopher for this alone should be recognized as the greatest discoverer in history.

Indeed, it is absolutely impossible to imagine modern European cuisine without what the Aztecs called “tomatl”. Today's issue of TOP5 is about the simplest (but, in my taste, one of the best) uses of tomato: tomato + bread.

Bread, tomato and lots of fun

The Spaniards, the first inhabitants of the Old World to taste tomatoes, seem to value them more than others. In Spain, in Mallorca, a special variety of tomatoes was even developed, the only purpose of which is to be grated on a piece of toasted bread.

The same thing, but with basil leaves and a dash of balsamic, is called bruschetta in Italy.

Spanish pan tomate

Some people think that a typical Madrid breakfast is churros with hot chocolate. And it is true. But an equally typical breakfast in the capital of Spain is a piece of bread with grated tomatoes. You can find out what else they put on this Spanish sandwich by following the link.

Well, what would Spanish food be without gazpacho? By the way, gazpacho was eaten in Spain long before Columbus's voyage. Because the main thing in gazpacho, don’t be surprised, is not the tomato, but the bread.

Greek dakos

For some time now, my favorite bread and tomato combination has been dacos. We brought the recipe for this simple summer dish from its homeland, the island of Crete. Every year, with the onset of warmer weather and the appearance of delicious tomatoes, we make dakos at the dacha.

If you ask a Catalan about traditional national dish, the first thing that comes to his mind will undoubtedly be pa-amb-cuff, bread with tomatoes, which can also be called "pa amb tomàquet" in Catalan. This is a very tasty and easy to prepare snack. In this article we want to tell you how to cook “pa amb tomàquet”. Take note!

Origin of "pa amb tomàquet"

Photo via Pixabay

Most sources say that " pa-amb-thumaka" came from simple recipe​​bread with olive oil from Mediterranean cuisine since ancient times in Greece. In the seventeenth century, panbolibo (bread and butter) first appeared in Jaume Oliver's cookbook, but it was not until the eighteenth century that people began to eat the succulent and delicious tomatoes from America. In 1884, the first written reference to pan-tumaca appeared, which appeared on Catalan farmhouses where they laid for dried bread and seasoned it with butter and garlic so that it was soft enough to chew. Other sources claim that pan-amb-thumaka was actually brought by the Murcanians who came to work in the construction of the Barcelona metro back in the twenties. It is said that they planted tomatoes along the paths and at lunchtime they collected tomatoes and ate it with dry bread.

Writer Manuel Vazquez Montalban says in his book " Prize" (1996), that pan tumaka, "materializes the clash between the European wheat culture, the American tomato, the Mediterranean and the devoted Christian culture of salt", meaning that this recipe could be seen as an amalgamation of different cultures. The Catalans accepted him as one of their own, and since then he has become symbol of their culture. In the rest of Spain and others European countries Pan-tumaka is often consumed as a mixture of crushed tomato, butter and salt on a slice of bread, sometimes with garlic.

Original recipe for “pa-amb-tumak”

Photo via Pixabay

To eat real Catalan pan tumaka, you must carefully select Ingredients: ripe tomato, a large slice (the best bread for this is toasted pa de pages or country bread), olive oil and a little salt.

Cut the tomato in half without removing the skin, take one half, place the cut side on the bread and press the tomato until the bread is completely red. Repeat the process on both sides of the bread if it " pa de payes" Don't worry if there are any tomato seeds or bits on the bread, they will make everything taste better. You can add a little garlic to a piece of bread if you wish. Finally, pour some olive oil and add a pinch of salt on the bread and voila! This bread goes perfectly with Spanish ham and is perfect.

Where to try pa-amb-tumaka in Barcelona?

La Bodegueta del Poble Sec

Restaurant La Bodegueta del Poble Sec located on the most famous pintxos street in Barcelona. It offers traditional Catalan dishes. There you will find many dishes that people love local residents, such as snails, flatbreads, sausages and, of course, pan-tumaka. Address:

Pan con tomate, which translates from Spanish as “bread with tomatoes,” is a famous snack that is loved in Catalonia, Andalusia, Aragon and other regions of Spain. It is very simple to prepare, but the bread with tomatoes is so tasty that it is sometimes called “Spanish” (although this is done mainly by Americans who pronounce it “bruschetta”). Now that a new product has appeared on all markets in the country - tomatoes with the smell and taste of tomatoes - this recipe is more relevant than ever.

Bread with tomatoes

4 servings

4 slices of bread
2-3 cloves of garlic
2 ripe tomatoes

Bread - and for this dish ideally you need bread in rustic style, made from coarser flour and with a spongy crumb, although a regular baguette will do - cut into not too thin slices and fry on both sides on the grill or bake in the oven. While the bread is still hot, rub the surface of the bread with garlic, then take half a tomato and rub the pulp vigorously into the bread as well. Drizzle the bread with olive oil and season with salt.

There is another way to prepare bread with tomatoes, it is less authentic, but perhaps some will find it more convenient and tastier: grate the tomatoes on a coarse grater, brush the garlic-rubbed bread with this pulp, then season in the same way with olive oil and salt. For greater variety and gluttony, you can add

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