Cold steel: what fruits and vegetables should you buy in winter? Healthy vegetables and fruits in winter Winter berries and fruits.

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of the human diet. They not only stimulate the intestines, but are also a source of vitamins and minerals. Fruits and vegetables are especially necessary in winter to strengthen the immune system, maintain health, and rejuvenate the body as a whole.

The most useful are:

  • Apples;
  • Nuts;
  • Carrot;
  • Cranberry;
  • Kiwi;
  • Sauerkraut;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Olives and olives;
  • Sunflower seeds;
  • Chokeberry;
  • Bananas;
  • Garlic.


They are rightfully considered the “kings of fruits”, as they are a real treasure trove of vitamins and nutrients. Everything in them is useful - from the peel to the seeds. Thanks to apples, excess water and salt are removed from the body. The fruit is recommended to be eaten for high blood pressure and headaches. They are a good remedy for solving intestinal problems. These fruits are useful for mental stress, improve appetite, and the iron contained in apples increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. In addition, they are low in calories, so they promote weight loss.


They contain B vitamins, which strengthen the nervous system and prevent the appearance of irritability. Walnuts are also beneficial for high mental activity.

Persimmons are rich in potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the heart. It is also high in glucose and fructose, which is good for people with heart disease. The body only uses sugar to fuel the heart muscle.


Rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, which prevents the formation of intestinal cancer. Vitamin A is good for the skin and promotes cell renewal. It is advisable to eat carrots raw, as well as in the form of juice, not store-bought, but squeezed at home.

Cranberry and lemon

They contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and potassium salts. Can be consumed both raw and in
in the form of fruit drinks and with honey.


It is a source of potassium and magnesium, which is good for the heart. Also contains the daily requirement of ascorbic acid for an adult.


Rich in ascorbic acid. It must be stored correctly, otherwise it will lose most of its beneficial substances.
c: at a temperature of +1-40C, compressed and filled with brine.


Contains vitamin C, in addition, it is high in fiber and healthy sugars, which is good for the intestines, and it is a preventive agent against cancer. Can be consumed raw or cooked.

Olives and olives

Whether fresh or pickled, they contain sodium salts. They help support They are in a normal state and do not allow dehydration in the heat, since salt retains moisture in the body.

Sunflower seeds

They are useful for people who are addicted to cigarettes. They contain a lot of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant vitamin.

Rowan chokeberry

Contains a huge amount of antioxidant substances that
They prevent the occurrence of cancer. Also a source of vitamin C.


Rich in potassium, which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. It also normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, since the pectin substances and fiber contained in its pulp improve digestion. Banana is an excellent source of energy for humans, which is why athletes often eat it. But bananas don't have as many vitamins as other fruits. Scientists found only vitamins C, B1, B2 and PP.


It is considered exclusively a “winter” vegetable, as it is eaten for colds and as a preventive measure against them. It helps strengthen the human immune system. It contains a lot of protein, thanks to which the body produces antibodies that protect against the negative influence of the environment. Of course, garlic is inferior to antibiotic drugs, but it does not cause dysbacteriosis and addiction in microbes. Among other things, it inhibits the growth of tumor cells and helps lower blood pressure. Garlic is most beneficial to eat raw; when cooked, many of the beneficial properties are lost.

What foods will help strengthen the immune system, at what age can you start giving them and what should not be in a child’s diet in winter - a nutritionist answers these and other questions Elena Golubnichaya.

Elena Golubnichaya (@elena_dietolog) Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Not many people think about the fact that in winter they need to adjust their diet and, especially, their child’s diet. How your baby eats directly affects his immunity and development.
When the season changes, a child’s body (and an adult’s too, but today is not about us) completely rearranges its work. Winter is no exception, and in order for this “perestroika” to go well, it is necessary to take into account two particularly important aspects of the cold season when compiling a child’s menu.

Firstly, now our kids are especially prone to colds and other diseases. Sometimes a child spends almost the entire winter coughing and sniffling. This is the fault of reduced immunity: a lack of sunlight and a decrease in vitamins in the child’s diet (compared to the summer-autumn months) affect it. Secondly, to keep warm in cold weather, energy is needed, which the body receives mainly from protein foods. To do this, the diet must contain meat, eggs, fish, cheese and cottage cheese.


During the winter, children should consume meat, fish and seafood in large quantities. They are useful because they contain the necessary vitamins, amino acids, zinc, calcium, and iron. But the meat should not be fatty - turkey, chicken breast and lean beef are perfect. Meat can be added to food from the age of eight months.

Of course, you need to start introducing any new product with purees. Older children are recommended to cook steamed cutlets, meatballs, or simply boiled pieces of meat.


Fish protein, due to its amino acid composition, is much better absorbed by the child’s body. The most important beneficial feature of fish dishes is the omega-3 fatty acids it contains, which have a positive effect on the development of the nervous system and brain, and help normalize metabolism in the body.

Fish contains a large amount of vitamin A (retinol), which the child’s body needs for hair growth and good vision. Fish also contains a lot of B vitamins, which help strengthen the child’s immunity, stimulate the liver and strengthen the nervous system. This product is also rich in vitamin PP (niacin), which is necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


In winter, liver should be included in the child’s diet. This is due to the fact that animal by-products are more nutritious than regular meat.
For example, the liver contains beneficial microelements in much greater quantities than greenhouse vegetables and fruits, so it can fully replace them in the winter. Beef, pork and chicken liver contain a lot of vitamin A.

Just 10 grams of the finished product satisfies the child’s daily need for this vitamin, which is needed for growth, a strong immune system, good vision and mucous membranes.

It is best to give children veal and beef liver, as well as chicken and turkey. The latter is believed to have a less fibrous structure, a more delicate taste, and contains less fat. Pork liver is also very healthy, and its taste is not inferior to other types, but I do not recommend including it in the diet of very young children due to its high fat content. For the same reason, lamb liver is not welcome in the diet of children.

Foie gras goose liver is not suitable for a child at all, since to obtain it, birds are fed high-calorie food, and it turns out to be very fatty. But cod liver is rich in vitamins A and D, and this is its big plus. But there is also a minus: it is too fatty, and besides, it is only available in canned form, so it is not recommended to give cod liver to children under 5 years of age.


Another important product in a child’s diet, especially in winter. Egg white contains amino acids that are important for cell growth, increased brain activity, metabolism in general and the formation of strong immunity. A very valuable protein component is lysozyme, which destroys the walls of harmful bacteria and also prevents the development of viruses. The yolk contains saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids that promote child growth, brain cell development, and strengthen hair and nails. Moreover, they are easily absorbed by the child’s body.

But in general, eggs nourish babies with vitamins A, B, D, E, phosphorus, magnesium and iron - they are important for the normal development of the child’s body. Three eggs a week is enough for all the nutritional properties to benefit the normal development of the baby.


Walnuts, pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts and almonds, as well as sunflower and pumpkin seeds - all of these fruits are an excellent source of energy. The advantage of the protein contained in nuts is the balance of its amino acid composition. The fat contained in nuts contains beneficial acids such as linoleic and linolenic acid. Nuts are rich in phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium, and contain vitamins A, B and C, as well as E.

But there is one thing! It is better to introduce whole nuts into a child’s diet no earlier than three years of age. And children over 3 years old can be given 50 grams of nuts and seeds 2 times a week. Under no circumstances should you give your baby raw almonds, peanuts or cashews - these nuts may contain toxic substances. Allergic reactions can appear in the form of skin rashes, sneezing, coughing, and digestive disorders. It is worth remembering that if a child has any food allergies, then nuts should also be excluded from the diet.


Of all plant products, legumes occupy a leading position in the content of vegetable protein - a nutrient that a growing body so needs. Proteins contain essential amino acids that promote the absorption of minerals and participate in metabolic processes - they can only be consumed by the body with food. Legumes are also characterized by high nutritional value - the complex carbohydrates contained in the products provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety. And the good thing is that they are not stored in fats - carbohydrates are converted into “clean energy”, so necessary in the winter.

Legumes in a baby's diet will become a source of B vitamins - elements necessary for the “stable” functioning of the nervous system and the development of connective and muscle tissues.

Peas, beans and lentils contain many minerals - iron, calcium, manganese. These elements strengthen bones and hair and participate in hematopoiesis. But I don’t recommend giving your baby legume-based meals more than once every 3 days. And this is even provided that the child’s body accepts the product well. You can cook pea or bean soup.


Complex carbohydrates should be present in your diet every day. The child's menu should contain whole grain cereals, such as buckwheat, brown rice, oats, and pearl barley. Corn, millet, and barley porridges, which are rich in B vitamins, amino acids and microelements, are very useful for the baby. All these cereals contain hard-to-digest carbohydrates that stimulate intestinal function, as well as remove toxins and waste from the body.

Every child should eat porridge for breakfast, to which you can add a piece of butter or one teaspoon of vegetable oil.

And it’s better if the porridge is steamed or cooked in the oven, then it will have a completely different taste than porridge cooked on the stove in the usual way. And you can pour boiling water over buckwheat overnight and leave it wrapped up on the table, and by morning the delicious crumbly porridge will be ready.


In winter, preference in a child’s menu should be given to fermented milk products, which contain beneficial bacteria that support healthy intestinal microflora - which, in turn, is the key to good immunity. It is best to give children yoghurt and kefir - carefully read the composition so that the product does not contain preservatives or other chemical components.

You can buy a yogurt maker and make healthy yogurts at home, that’s exactly what I did. My kids enjoy eating homemade yogurt, especially when homemade jam or jam is added to it. Milk fermented with milk fungus will be very useful. It contains not only beneficial bacteria, but also vitamins, polysaccharides, enzymes, microelements - calcium, iron, zinc and others. At the same time, it is better not to add sugar to the finished fermented milk product - you can add honey, thawed berries, jam, banana or applesauce.


As I said earlier, it is very important to support the child’s immunity during the cold season. Persimmon will help you with this - it contains a large amount of vitamin C and helps children cope with colds. The natural sugars contained in the fruit (fructose and glucose) increase performance and improve brain activity. The fruit contains vitamins P and A, which normalize blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels.

During the growth of a child, these substances are simply necessary. In addition, persimmon contains calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. They help strengthen the child’s bones and nervous system, and also improve digestion and remove various unhealthy substances from the body. The fruits also contain iron, manganese, iodine and pectin.

But you shouldn’t introduce persimmons into your baby’s diet too early, as they contain substances that can lead to intestinal obstruction. The optimal age is 2-4 years. If a child has health problems related to digestion, then it is worth delaying the introduction to a new fruit until the age of five. It is by this time that the functioning of the digestive tract and excretory system is fully established.


Carrots contain many substances that have beneficial properties. Carotenes have an antioxidant and anticarcinogenic effect, promote healing and cleansing of the body. Pantothenic acid - regulates metabolic processes. Ascorbic acid - has an antioxidant effect and supports the immune system. Flavonoids - increase the elasticity of blood vessels, making them stronger. Anthocyanins - provide an antibactericidal effect and enter the body exclusively with foods.

In addition, carrots contain vitamins: thiamine, riboflavin, tocopherol, group “B” and many others. There are also minerals: iodine, iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum and others. Carrots also contain significant amounts of fiber, starch and pectin. It is especially important for babies and preschoolers, since their bodies are just developing, and a lot depends on good nutrition. In winter, there are few vegetables of good composition, without impurities and chemical additives, so carrots, especially if they are grown in their own garden, will be a lifesaver.

In addition to these products, it is very important to add vitamin drinks to children's diet - rosehip decoction, juices (mostly freshly squeezed), weak warm tea with honey and compotes from lingonberries and apples.

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What to eat in winter

Russia is an unpredictable country when it comes to temperature changes throughout the year. In the summer we swelter from the heat, and in the winter we suffer from the terrible cold. Severe Russian frosts make us wait for the next winter with fear and trembling. Coping with such a climate is not easy for any organism.

Of course, we can claim that we have adapted to the vagaries of nature, have become accustomed to various weather misfortunes, but this only applies to external protection. Internally, we are so vulnerable that we instantly catch various illnesses and suffer from worsening chronic diseases. To strengthen the body's internal defenses, it is necessary to eat properly, especially during the winter months.

So what should you eat in winter?

We answer the question

Understand that eating right is not difficult at all. There would be, as they say, a desire. When embarking on the winter “trail”, you need to reconsider your taste preferences and eating habits. It's winter outside, which means your body will have a hard time. He must still receive microelements and vitamins that are necessary for the normal functioning of vital processes and maintaining energy balance. However, in winter this is a problem!

Start with food restrictions: reduce the amount of animal fats in your diet, replacing them with vegetable fats. Instead of meat, eat fish, cereals, and legume dishes, because scientists have long found out that our body is focused more on plant foods than on animal products. The healthiest thing in winter, and the rest of the time, is rolled oats or buckwheat porridge. They are tasty, well absorbed by the body and provide undoubted benefits. Reduce your daily salt intake to 1 teaspoon – your health will only increase!

Potatoes and porridge in winter

In winter, the body requires more calories because a lot of energy is spent maintaining heat balance. What can quickly fill you up, provide the required amount of calories and not require any special financial costs? Of course, these are various cereals and potatoes. Cereals occupy an important place in the daily diet due to their enormous benefits. Potatoes are a source of complex carbohydrates that provide quick and lasting satiety. Potatoes and porridge will not harm your figure only if you eat in moderation.

Oatmeal provides the body with fiber, which is so necessary for normal digestion. It envelops the gastric mucosa and facilitates the digestive processes. Buckwheat is a supplier of a large number of microelements and vitamins. Rice is a healthy cereal, but too high in calories, and yet in winter you can treat yourself to boiled rice grains with sauces and vegetable dressings. It is best to eat brown rice, which retains most of the nutrients. But forget about semolina porridge: it is a refined product, heavy and practically useless for our body.

In winter we move little, so in order to stay healthy and stay healthy, white bread should be replaced with whole grain bread or crispbread. These foods provide the body with dietary fiber as well as B vitamins.

As for potatoes, eating them excessively leads to inevitable weight gain in winter. How to avoid this? Everything is extremely simple! Soak peeled potatoes in water overnight. This will keep more starch in the water. Dishes made from prepared potatoes will also be tasty, but are already safe for curly outlines.

Vegetables and fruits in winter

Winter cannot compare with summer in terms of the number of healthy vegetables and fruits, but regardless of the season, we are obliged to support ourselves with fresh natural delicacies. Of course, winter vegetables and fruits are not as rich in minerals and vitamins as summer reserves, but they also have benefits. Winter vegetables and fruits contain fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines, remove metabolic products, and heal the digestive system.

Natural fruit juices are quickly absorbed by the intestines, which ensures an immediate supply of nutrients into the blood. Stewed vegetables and fruits perfectly support the body in winter - this is for those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Vegetable and fruit salads and compotes are no less useful. Thanks to vegetables and fruits in winter you can avoid hypovitaminosis.

Drinks in winter

In winter, it is important not only to eat right, but also to adhere to the correct drinking regime. The desired tone is maintained by drinking 2 liters of water daily. It is a mistaken belief that a large amount of water causes edema. Edema is the result of disturbances in the functioning of certain body systems. If your metabolism is impaired, then edema may appear at first, but after that the kidneys will work better and fluid will not be retained.

Watch not the quantity of water you drink, but its quality. The liquid you drink must be fresh and clean, which is facilitated by filtering the water. Introduce green tea (preferably good tea), natural juices, compotes, and fruit drinks into your winter diet. Drink green tea separately from meals, enjoying it without sugar, sweets, or baked goods.

A delicious tea drink is a delicacy in itself. It is useful to limit your consumption of coffee in winter, or it is better to give it up altogether in winter. If coffee is your weakness, then allow your body no more than one cup of coffee drink per day.

Always listen to your body, learn to eat right - you will be provided with energy even during the difficult winter period. Take care of yourself!

Winter does not spoil us with an abundance of fruit, so we have to be content with the available sweet fruits. But it is precisely during this period that the body, more than ever, needs vitamin supplementation. Therefore, knowing which fruits to eat in winter is extremely important.

Orange immunity

So, what fruits to eat in winter to get the most benefits? Perhaps the only fruit that gets even better from frost is persimmon. Impact doses of potassium and magnesium make it an excellent remedy for heart disease. Vitamins A and C strengthen the immune system and treat colds. Followers of traditional medicine advise diluting persimmon juice with a glass of vodka for a sore throat and gargling with this mixture every three hours. This fruit is also indispensable for those who experience serious visual stress, because it contains beta-carotene. So it is rightfully one of the healthiest winter fruits. At the same time, it contains a lot of sugars, and therefore is contraindicated for diabetics and those who suffer from excess body weight. Excessive consumption of persimmons can cause intestinal obstruction.

Vitamin bomb

It is hardly possible to imagine the healthiest fruits in winter without pomegranate, because it has a lot of valuable properties. One of the most important is its ability to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, as well as the body’s resistance to various diseases. It can also be used to treat colds as pomegranate is effective in reducing fever and relieving cough. The juice of this fruit is a real vitamin elixir that has a powerful anti-inflammatory, diuretic and analgesic effect. And constant consumption of pomegranate helps to improve digestion, so it is rightly called the “scarlet healer.” However, people with peptic ulcers and sensitive tooth enamel should not use it. This can aggravate old ailments.

Lightness of Being

In response to the question of what fruits are healthy in winter, many will remember kiwi. And they will be right. This sweet and sour fruit perfectly removes toxins from the body and promotes the breakdown of fat reserves. Kiwi juice lowers blood pressure and is good for preventing heart disease. Its regular consumption helps normalize cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, kiwi is a real godsend for diabetics, because it contains little sugar, and thanks to fiber it helps regulate blood glucose levels. If your lunch turns out to be too filling, eat a small kiwi fruit and the heaviness will go away. However, with increased acidity, as well as sensitivity to allergens, it is better not to abuse this fruit.

Banana mood

When listing healthy fruits in winter, one cannot help but include all-season bananas in this list. This is the main winter antidepressant, which will quickly disperse melancholy and overcome excessive irritability. In addition, bananas stimulate brain activity, help relieve fatigue and quickly restore strength. They are very useful for patients with gastritis, since their fibrous structure allows them to improve the functioning of the stomach. Bananas are also good for hypertension, cardiovascular failure, kidney and liver diseases. But for those who are watching their figure, it is better to give up these sweet fruits, because bananas are very high in calories. In addition, they increase blood viscosity, so it is not recommended to eat them if you have varicose veins or thrombophlebitis.

Sweet life

Exotic fruits can often be seen on fruit shelves in winter. The benefits of these subtropical berries with tough green skin and delicate transparent pulp are impressive. By the way, it is the skin that contains the most antioxidants that prevent the development of cancer. In addition to them, feijoa contains easily digestible iodine compounds, the deficiency of which is especially important in our latitudes. So this fruit is indispensable for diseases of the thyroid gland, as well as atherosclerosis, inflammation of the digestive system and vitamin deficiency. Alas, feijoa is prohibited for diabetics due to its concentrated sucrose content. If the thyroid gland is overactive, it is also better to abstain from this fruit.

Tangerine miracle

For the vast majority of people, tangerines, beloved since childhood, are the most delicious fruits in winter. They are not only associated with the holiday, but also boast a whole range of useful properties. The main one, undoubtedly, is the high content of vitamin C, which can be preserved in full for months. Freshly squeezed tangerine juice reduces the formation of mucus during a runny nose and is effective in combating bronchitis and asthma. The substance synephrine, which is contained in these juicy fruits, is known as an effective fat burner. But, like most citrus fruits, tangerine irritates the gastric mucosa, and therefore, with gastritis, its use can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

We hope our review will help you figure out what fruits to eat in winter. They will help keep your body in good shape and maintain a great mood throughout the long cold months.

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No matter how you feel about abnormally warm winter, in any weather, the human body needs fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Fortunately, there are now as many fruits and vegetables on store shelves in winter as in autumn and summer. Of course, they are inferior in the content of useful vitamins and microelements to those fresh from the garden or taken from the tree.

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