Instructions for watering plants using a water washer. Watering machine - description and options for use

Irrigation of agricultural crops can be surface, sprinkling and subsurface.

Surface irrigation, depending on the nature of soil moisture and the conditions of mechanization, is carried out by flooding along strips, platforms or checks with flooding of the entire surface of the site (grasses, grains) or with water supplied through furrows (row crops).

Sprinkling with moistening of the soil surface is carried out by sprinkler units (apparatuses, wings with nozzles or trains) with water spraying in motion or positionally, with water supplied through pipes or with its intake from open sprinklers.

With subsoil irrigation, the root layer is moistened (mainly due to the capillary rise of the water) from underground pipes with holes, porous pipes or molehills, as well as by adjusting the standing level groundwater. Subsoil irrigation can also be used with double regulation water regime(irrigation and drainage).

Irrigation technology should ensure maximum crop yield. At the same time, plants must use moisture and nutrients from the entire thickness of the root layer. None of the watering methods is universal.

When choosing an irrigation technique, the required pressures should be taken into account. For sprinkling they are the largest (about 2-10 MPa); significantly less pressure is required for subsurface irrigation (up to 1 m) and insignificant< 0,5-0,6 м - при самотечном.

Irrigation in furrows allows the best way moisten the soil to the entire depth of development of the root system of the main crops cultivated under irrigation in the arid zone. His economic indicators depend on the type of irrigation network, the presence of structures, the length of the irrigation furrow, the equipment used, as well as the topography. Right choice irrigation technology allows for optimal natural conditions achieve high labor productivity, low cost and good quality glaze.

Sprinkling of agricultural crops makes it possible to more accurately regulate the moisture content of the top layer of soil at low irrigation rates. The degree of soil moisture during sprinkling depends largely on the type of machines or installations used and the sprinklers used.

The most productive self-propelled machines are characterized by high rain intensity, which contributes to fairly rapid surface water runoff and causes crust formation, especially on gray soils. High rain intensity limits the depth of soil moisture to 30-40 cm and, accordingly, reduces the irrigation rate. The cost of sprinkling irrigation is significantly higher than furrow irrigation.

Sprinkler irrigation is promising primarily in areas of insufficient moisture for irrigating agricultural crops with low watering and irrigation standards, as well as in areas with pronounced insufficient water supply. In the cotton zone, on systems with normal water supply, sprinkling can be developed where furrow irrigation is associated with excessive water losses or soil erosion.

Sprinkler irrigation has the following advantages over surface irrigation: it allows you to irrigate land with increased water permeability, as well as in foothill areas that are inaccessible to other irrigation methods and where natural water pressure can be used; requires less cost for preparing and leveling the surface; does not cause soil erosion and salinization; provides water savings compared to surface irrigation, as well as savings in labor costs; Pesticides can be sprayed along with water to combat pests and plant diseases; can be used to protect plants from frost.

Sprinkling has a beneficial physiological effect on plants and ensures earlier ripening with less irrigation water consumption. Sprinkling is easily subject to automatic regulation and remote control.

The use of sprinkling primarily depends on the correct relationship between the irrigation rate, rain intensity and duration of irrigation.

The intensity of rain, as the main factor in normal field moisture, must correspond to the water permeability of the soil, the slope of the irrigated area and the crop’s water needs.

The disadvantages of sprinkling include the high cost of equipment, high specific metal consumption (100-300 kg/ha) and significant energy costs for water supply to create high pressures. The wind disrupts the uniformity of watering. Irrigation efficiency in windy and hot weather decreases.

There are stationary, semi-stationary and mobile sprinkler systems.

Advantages of subsoil irrigation: the required moisture content of the root layer is continuously maintained, while a crust does not form and the soil structure is preserved; the absence of an irrigation network on the field creates conditions for the work of the care, processing and harvesting mechanism; are being created Better conditions for water, air, temperature and nutrient conditions of the soil; significant savings in irrigation water and increased productivity are achieved while reducing labor costs; the volume of planning work is reduced.

The DDA-100MA double-cantilever sprinkler unit is a self-propelled short-jet sprinkler that waters while moving. It is recommended to use on large areas (more than 50 hectares) with mineral soils, with calm terrain and the absence of various obstacles (transmission lines, buildings). Cannot be used on thick peat bogs, sands and soils with low water permeability.

To transport water from mobile pumping stations to the irrigation network to sprinklers, the industry produces collapsible pipelines of various diameters. Thus, for transporting and supplying water to the Volzhanka machine, an aluminum quick-dismounting pipeline RTYA-220 is produced. The length of one pipe is 9 m, diameter 220 mm, wall thickness 2.5 mm, operating pressure up to 98-588 kPa. The length of the kit is up to 1000 m. The pipeline is equipped with a pass-through pipe, a pipe with a hydrant, a transition and a plug. To complete quick-dismountable pipelines running from pumping stations to the irrigation network, to sprinklers and installations, water distribution fittings are produced, consisting of hydrant valves, plugs, columns and connecting devices.

To complete sprinkler machines and installations, short-jet deflector nozzles are produced (for DDA-100MA); medium-jet, long-range sprinklers for operation from hydrants of stationary and collapsible pressure pipelines.

Sprinklers in combination with collapsible pipelines and mobile pumping stations are used similarly to the KI-50 for organizing irrigation in areas ranging from 25 to 100-150 hectares, located near a river, canal or storage facility.

Preparing DDN-70 for work. Check the completeness and serviceability of the machine as a whole and additional equipment and tools. Then install the tractor hitch according to the three-point scheme and attach the sprinkler.

Preparing the DT-75M tractor hitch for working with DDN type sprinklers. Remove the clamp and disconnect the chain from the left longitudinal rod. Then the locking bolt is removed, the pin is uncoiled and the pin is knocked out, and the left longitudinal link is disconnected from the central hinge. Aligning the longitudinal link fork with the left hinge shackle, install and secure the bolt and pin. After this, by rotating the adjusting couplings, the length of the braces is increased to the limit and they are set to free movement, for which the pin is removed from the hole in the brace and secured in the lugs with a pin.

The limiting chains are secured to the shackle of the left and right hinges with the finger of vertical braces, and to the longitudinal rods - with clamps. Place the central link along the axis of symmetry, for which you release the bolts of the locking rings, move the left locking ring one hole to the left and secure it with a bolt, moving the hinge of the central link to the left all the way with the left locking ring, and the right locking ring all the way with the hinge and secure it bolt.

Attach the brace earrings to the heads of the lifting arms on the left along the tractor. The conversion is completed by checking the operation of the hydraulic lift.

Preparing the T-4 tractor hitch for working with the DDN-100 sprinkler.

Install the right and left lower links on the right and left side heads, respectively. Then they increase and regulate the length of the guy wires, lengthening their chains through the use of additional links, which, with a two-point mounting scheme, hang freely on the stepladder.

After this, the braces of the lower (left side) rear heads of the lifting arms are installed and secured. Then the braces are installed for free movement, for which the pin is removed from the hole in the brace and secured in the lugs with a pin. Place the central link along the axis of symmetry, for which the bolts of the locking rings are released, the left locking ring is moved one hole to the left and secured with a bolt, moving the hinge of the central link to the left all the way with the left locking ring, and the right locking ring all the way with the hinge, and secure his bolt. After this, the brace earrings are attached to the heads of the lifting arms on the left along the tractor. Check the correct operation of the hydraulic lift.

Preparing the T-150K tractor hitch for working with the DDN-100 sprinkler machine.

If a towbar is installed on the tractor, it is removed. The lower links are installed in the extreme position on the axis and secured with stops. I place the upper (central) rod! along the axis of the tractor, and the braces are on the left side relative to the lifting arms. Then they set the braces to free movement, for which they remove the pin from the hole in the brace and secure it in the lugs with a pin. After this, the central rod is positioned along the axis of symmetry, for which the bolts of the locking rings are released, the left locking ring is moved one hole to the left and secured! its bolt, moving the central link hinge to the left until it stops with the left lock ring, and the right lock ring until it stops with the hinge. Secure it with the right bolt. After this, attach the brace earrings to the heads of the lifting arms on the left along the tractor and check the operation of the hydraulic lift.

Attachment of a mounted sprinkler type DDN. First, install the protective visors of the cardan transmission casing: one on the tractor (to the DT-75M using a flange), the second on the cover of the gear pump. Then the barrel is manually directed forward (towards the gear pump), the suction pipeline is lowered to the ground and directed to the left along the tractor. A propeller shaft joint is installed on the shaft of the pump-gearbox and the fork is secured with a bolt and a castle nut. For a correctly installed propeller shaft, the internal forks of the hinges should be in the same plane.

The lower links of the hitch mechanism are lowered, and the tractor is moved in reverse to the sprinkler so that the distance between the hinges of the lower links and the connecting pins of the sprinkler is no more than 60 mm. By changing the length of the mechanism, the height of the hinges of the lower links and the connecting fingers of the sprinkler frame coincide in height. Place the rods on the connecting pins of the frame and secure them with a pin.

The tractor is moved back until the distance of movement of both lower links is completely “selected” and the sprinkler is raised, the pins of these linkages are installed in the holes. Place the universal joint on the tractor PTO, secure it with a bolt and a castle nut and secure it with a cotter pin.

Using the main cylinder, braces and an adjustable upper link of the hitch mechanism, the tractor power take-off shaft and the gear pump shaft are placed in the same plane. The misalignment should not exceed 35 mm. The lower plane of the sprinkler frame is set in a horizontal position and fixed with unloading chains, the tension of which is adjusted with a special nut.

Attach middle part cardan transmission protective casing. The vacuum device is mounted on the exhaust pipe of the tractor and connected to the fitting of the sprinkler pump with a special vacuum wire.

The DDN-100 machine is connected with sleeves high pressure hydraulic cylinder of the suction line lifting mechanism with the tractor hydraulic distributor. Check the operation of the pumping equipment by turning on the water pump for several short periods, no more than 1-2 minutes.

Preparing DDA-100A for operation. Network preparation. The road for the movement of the unit during irrigation should run parallel to the sprinkler on the left side (downstream) of it. The routes of temporary irrigation systems and adjacent roads must be leveled, planned and rolled before cutting canals at the beginning of each irrigation season. The width of the planning strip is 5 m. The depth of the channel in relation to the road must be at least 0.5 m.

The water level in the channel in the area where the valve of the suction system of the unit is located must be at least 40 cm. The level is maintained by temporary jumpers that divide the channel into separate sections equal to the length of the run.

Preparing the unit for watering. First, check the completeness of the sprinkler machine. Before starting the unit, the tractor is filled with fuel, oil and water, and the hydraulic system oil tank is filled with diesel oil.

After the engine has warmed up and the correct operating mode has been determined by instrument readings, the sides of the hood are closed and the unit is brought to the starting position for starting work at the temporary sprinkler. Using the hydraulic system lever, the suction float valve is lowered into the temporary sprinkler, the gas-jet ejector mounted on the exhaust pipe of the tractor engine is turned on, and the suction line and the working cavity of the centrifugal pump are filled with water. The duration of air suction should be no more than 3 minutes.

After filling the suction line and pump with water, which can be determined by the emission of water dust from the ejector, turn off the ejector and turn on the clutch to transmit rotation to the pump shaft. If filling the pump lasts more than 3 minutes, check the tightness of the suction line connections. To do this, observe the filled suction system and the idle pump for 5-10 minutes. The appearance of water leaks indicates a lack of tightness. When the pump is running, the tightness is controlled by vacuum (vacuum gauge readings 200-300 mm).

To impart buoyancy to the suction valve float and prevent air from being sucked in through the safety net, the counterweight on the suction line is filled with water.

Before the first watering, test the unit with water and wash the central rotary ring and the pipes of the lower belt with the end devices removed. After 2-3 minutes of washing, stop the devices and check the correct placement of the nozzles along the length of the water-carrying pipes-consoles: the diameter of the nozzle nozzles should increase from the middle of the farm to its ends. When the unit is running, monitor the distribution of water through the nozzles. Violations can be detected by carefully observing the operation of the unit;) from a distance of several meters.

To check the operation of the hydraulic system, raise and lower the salt pit and the suction line, first without water, then with water during positional irrigation. They do this carefully and briefly, monitoring the position of the consoles; all operations of raising and lowering the truss consoles must proceed smoothly, without jamming.

Preparing for work KI-50. Installation pumping station. Choose a horizontal site on the bank of a river, pond or canal. Three movable supports are lowered to the ground and secured to partially unload the wheels and prevent a possible rollover. To do this, by rotating the adjusting screw of the front support, set the frame of the pumping station in a horizontal position and the rear adjustable supports in working position. The support shoes are brought into contact with the ground. The adjusting screws of all three supports are turned an additional three to four turns. The station is located perpendicular to the shore or canal at a distance of no closer than 1.5 m.

The intake of the suction pipeline is lowered into the water to a depth of 0.5 m. Using the lifting mechanism, the intake is held at the required depth.

When installing the suction pipeline, pay attention to the tightness of the flange connections. There should be no air leakage, as this leads to disruption of the jet and stopping the pump. The height of the pump above the water level should not exceed 3.5 m.

In case of a heavily clogged reservoir, barrier barriers are installed to protect the intake according to local conditions. After connecting the suction and pressure pipelines, the pump and motor are prepared for start-up.

Preparing the pump for start-up. Check the alignment of the motor and pump shafts, which may have been disturbed during transportation of the station. The displacement of the shaft axes is allowed 0.3 mm, the difference in the end clearances between the motor and pump coupling halves, measured at diametrically opposite points, should not exceed 1 mm, the distance between the coupling halves should be within 2-6 mm. The alignment of the shafts is checked at the pumping station installed in the working position. The amount of displacement of the axes of the motor and pump shafts is determined as follows: an indicator is rigidly attached to one of the coupling halves, the measuring tip of which must touch the surface of the other coupling half. By turning the coupling half with an indicator, the amount of displacement of the shaft axes is determined. The size of the end gaps is determined with a feeler gauge.

Check the lubrication in the bearings and the articulated coupling of the suction pipeline. Lubricate if necessary. Check the packing of the oil seals. Close the valve on the pressure pipeline. Set the spool to the required pump operating mode.

Disable automatic protection. Set the required operating mode of the pump - serial or parallel. The engine is prepared for start-up in accordance with its operating instructions.

Start-up of the pumping station. Engage the engine clutch by moving the clutch mechanism lever all the way towards you. Start and warm up the engine in accordance with its operating instructions. The operating time of the engine with the clutch disengaged should not exceed 10 minutes.

The gas-jet vacuum device is turned on by pulling the ejector rod “towards you” until it stops. Open the plug valve on the pump filling line. Gradually increase the engine speed to the nominal speed using the control lever. Once the suction pipe and pump are filled with water, mist and water will appear above the diffuser.

Close the filling system tap, reduce the engine speed to a minimum, engage the clutch, and turn off the ejector by pressing the rod “towards yourself.” Using the control lever, the engine speed is increased to the nominal speed and the flywheel is used to gradually open the valve on the pressure line of the pumping station. If the pump does not supply water, open the plug on the second stage of the pump, release air from the pump until a stream of water appears and quickly close it. The operation is repeated until the pump begins to supply water.

After establishing the required mode, the readings of the station’s instrumentation are checked and automatic protection is turned on. The oscillation of the vacuum gauge needle is caused by air leaks into the suction pipe or by clogging of the intake mesh. The oscillation of the pressure gauge needle indicates the accumulation of air in it. To avoid heating the water in the pump, operate with the valve closed for no more than 3-4 minutes.

Observe the pump stuffing box. Water should seep through it continuously in rare drops (about 30-50 drops per minute). If there is no leak, unscrew the axle box nuts until water seeps out at the required speed.

Preparing for operation the Volzhanka wheeled sprinkler. Site preparation. The bending of the moving machine will be minimal if its wings are located strictly perpendicular to the line of the water supply pipeline with hydrants. First, along the edges of the field along the pipeline with hydrants, permanent poles are placed at the designated positions, then 3-5 temporary poles are placed along the same line with them perpendicular to the line of the water supply pipeline along the length of the position.

One of the poles must be in the line of passage of the leading trolley. Benchmarks at intermediate positions allow you to correctly orient the machine during pipeline alignment. The height of the poles is 75-85 cm, their upper part is painted in a bright color. Depending on the crops being watered, permanent stakes along the hydrant line are installed at 10 (row-crop) or 30 (perennial grass) positions.

After connecting the sprinkler wing to the hydrant, it is washed and the end pipe is closed with a plug.

At the beginning of the irrigation season, during a test run of the machines, the operation of all mechanisms and their adjustment are checked. The operator sets the brakes to the transport position. After removing the casing, starts and warms up the engine. Checks the complete drainage of water from the pipeline, rolls the wing of the machine to the next position. Stops the engine and closes it with a metal casing. Sets the brakes to the working position. Next he moves on to the hydrant.

When preparing the machine for irrigation, check the extension of the telescopic connection from the pipeline, connection to the hydrant and installation of a support under the telescopic pipe.

Gradually opening the hydrant valves, regulate the water pressure at the entrance to the pipeline to 0.4 MPa. After the irrigation norm is issued, the hydrant valves are gradually closed. Disconnect the machine from the hydrant column and move the column to the next position and install it on the hydrant. When moving the machine, remove the telescopic pipe support, push in the telescopic connection and pipeline.

When moving the sprinkler, the operator monitors the curvature and lateral movement of the pipeline; if necessary, corrects the direction of movement, aligns the pipeline. The greatest lateral movement that can be eliminated using a telescopic connection to a hydrant is 3 m. Rotation of the wheels on the pipeline can be detected by the appearance of light scratches on the pipe, which can be seen in the gap between the two wheel half-hubs.

Pipeline alignment operations are the most labor-intensive. Due to loss of time for leveling, irrigation productivity decreases by 10-12%, increases exercise stress on watering workers. The irrigation pipeline is bent under any agricultural conditions. As the soil of the irrigated area compacts, the curvature decreases.

If there is a large curvature, the pipeline is straightened in several passes. The wheels are rearranged manually or with a special lever, starting from the wheel closest to the drive trolley. During the first pass, a significant part of the internal stresses of the irrigation pipeline is removed. After the first trim, they return to the drive trolley and repeat the cycle. With another alignment option, if in one step it is impossible to move the wheel to the distance required to obtain straightness of the pipeline, after adjusting two or three sections, they return to the wheel and continue alignment. The pipeline is leveled through five to six positions, spending 35-40 minutes on this operation.

To partially change the direction of movement, two or three support wheels located on both sides of the drive trolley are manually moved forward and backward in the desired direction.

When watering, sprinklers should rotate evenly in a vertical position with a frequency of 1 revolution per 2-3 minutes, the drain valves should be closed. The operator should periodically check the water pressure in the pipeline.

If the wind speed is more than 5 m/s, additional brakes are used for the trolley and pipeline.

After watering, the hydrant is smoothly closed, the wing is disconnected from it and all the water is drained from the pipeline through the valves. After this, the sprinkler wing is rolled using a drive trolley to the next position, trimmed if necessary, attached to the hydrant and gradually opened.

Preparing for the work of the "Frigate". At proper preparation Before operation, the Fregat machine produces a given irrigation rate with a uniform distribution of the precipitation layer over the irrigated area along the entire pipeline. To operate the machine effectively, it is necessary to use it in several positions depending on the zonal maximum irrigation rate, water it at night, and also reduce the duration of downtime for technical and organizational reasons.

Setting up sprinklers. At the beginning of each irrigation season, it is necessary to correctly position the sprinklers along the length of the pipeline and adjust them. If the machine is watering unevenly, then at least one of these conditions is likely not met. So, with a fully open tap in front of each device, the amount spilled water in the first third of the radius of the irrigated circle, counting from the fixed support, it turns out to be 20-25% higher, and in the last third - the same amount lower than the given irrigation norm. This means that up to 65% of the area is not watered in the required manner. In such cases, actual irrigation rates vary from cart to cart. As a result, yields are reduced both from abundant watering and from underwatering. Excess moisture causes waterlogging, salinization and soil erosion, and in areas with salt licks - slipping of the wheels of support carts. In addition, the uneven distribution of rain by Fregat machines does not allow determining the best timing of irrigation or the required irrigation rate, which leads to unsystematic irrigation.

When checking the correct placement of sprinklers and their settings, follow the factory instructions. The serial number of the device is calculated starting from the fixed support. After installation, it is important to check the compliance of the device type, nozzle diameter and operating pressure with the installation location. The device type and nozzle diameter are indicated on the parts. The working pressure is regulated by a coupling valve on the riser in front of the sprinkler and checked with a PPD device. The working pressure of the end apparatus is not regulated.

The devices are adjusted on a stationary machine. To do this, completely close the speed sensor valve, placing the handle in the “Closed” position, raise the wheel pushers, open the valves in front of all medium-jet devices and set the operating water pressure according to the machine’s pressure gauge, taking into account its modification.

The recommended sequence of control adjustment is from the fixed support to the console part. When checking, close the tap in front of the device, install and secure the clamp with the pitot tube of the device on a nozzle of a larger diameter, and then smoothly open the tap until the required pressure is established according to the device’s pressure gauge.

When adjusting subsequent devices (along the length of the pipeline), the pressure in the stream of previous devices may change. Therefore, it is necessary to re-adjust all sprinklers.

After adjusting the medium jet devices, check the position of the switching clamps on the end sprinkler device to create an irrigation sector; the angle between them should be approximately 200° and distributed equally relative to the axis of the pipeline.

After checking the settings of the sprinklers, divider screws are inserted into the stream so as not to disturb the compactness of the stream and the rotation pattern of the device. The flight range after this should decrease by no more than 0.6 m.

To reduce the time spent on subsequent hydraulic adjustment of the devices, after completing the adjustment, it is necessary to make notches on each valve that fix the position of the coupling valve rod when it is optimally opened. During the irrigation period, the adjustments of the devices are not violated.

Selection of sprinkler nozzles

A nozzle is a device for producing artificial rain that does not have parts that move relative to each other.

A sprinkler is a device for producing artificial rain and distributing it over an irrigation area, including moving elements.

Sprinklers are divided into short-stream (radius of action 10 m), medium-stream (up to 35 m) and long-stream (over 35 m).

To create artificial rain, deflector (reflective) and jet nozzles are used. In deflector nozzles, a compact stream of water, flowing out of the hole at a certain speed, hitting the deflector or flowing around it, forms a thin film of water, which breaks up into separate drops in the air. In jet nozzles, water from the nozzle opening, flowing at high speed into the atmosphere, encounters air resistance and gradually breaks up into droplets. The higher the speed of the jet, the better it is crushed into small drops.

The water consumption of nozzles and devices depends on the area of ​​the outlet of the nozzle, the water pressure, the shape of the hole and the method of supplying water to the nozzle or nozzle.

For deflector nozzles, the flow coefficient is 0.8--0.94; for slot devices - 0.68--0.75, and for jet devices - 0.94--0.99.

Deflector nozzles are installed on double-cantilever sprinklers of the DDA-YuOM, DTSA-100MA types, on sprinklers when watering flower beds, lawns and plants located in greenhouses.

The best deflector is a cone at an angle of 120°, with its apex facing the center of the outlet.

The distance from the top of the cone to the plane of the hole is taken equal to the diameter, and the base of the cone is equal to two diameters of the outlet hole of the nozzle. The nozzles can have a movable cone-shaped deflector, which allows you to change the area of ​​the outlet and sector action with a spoon-shaped or flat deflector. The angle of inclination of the deflector plane and the horizontal plane is 30--38°. The radius of the circle irrigated by the nozzle depends on the diameter of the passage opening of the nozzle and the pressure in front of the nozzle hole.

The ratio of pressure H to diameter d should be within 200

Crevice nozzles are not widely used in practice. Their distribution of rain over the capture area is much worse than that of deflector nozzles. The slot cut is positioned at an angle of 30° to the horizontal plane. The angle of the slot in relation to the diameter of the pipe is made 60-120°, and the width of the slot is h = 37 mm.

The radius of the irrigated sector depends on the pressure H and the slot height h. The ratio must be within 2000

Centrifugal nozzles find practical application on sprinkler machines and installations for watering selection plots, public gardens, flower beds, etc. The body of the nozzle is shaped like a flat snail-shaped box, which in plan is similar to an Archimedean spiral.

The pipe is round, at the end it has a thread for attaching the nozzle to the riser, through which water is eccentrically supplied; a vortex movement occurs in the spiral housing. Through the hole in the upper part of the body, an annular flow is formed with an unfilled cylindrical space in the center; when released into the atmosphere, the flow forms a conical film of water, which, as it moves away from the nozzle hole, breaks up into droplets. Centrifugal nozzles do not have a deflector and are more reliable in operation. Their disadvantage is that precipitation is distributed not in a circle, but in an ellipse.

The water flow through the nozzle depends on the cross-sectional area of ​​the nozzle, the coefficient, the design characteristics of the nozzle, the radius of action of the outflowing jet of the nozzle, the radius of the inlet pipe of the nozzle, the distance from the axis of the supply pipeline to the center of the nozzle of the nozzle.

The flight range of the jet depends on the ratio of the pressure in front of the nozzle H to the diameter of the jet at exit from the nozzle d. If there are elements in the barrel of the apparatus that disturb the flow, then the range of the jet is reduced.

When watering, sprinklers rotate around a vertical axis. At a rotation speed of 0.11 min-1, the jet flight range decreases by 5-15%, respectively.

The range of the jet and the shape of the irrigation area are affected by the wind. In calm weather, the shape of the irrigated area is a circle with radius R, and in windy weather it takes the shape of an ellipse, the major axis a of which coincides with the wind direction and is equal to approximately 2R, the minor axis b decreases as the wind speed increases.

Intensive narrowing of the ellipse occurs at wind speeds of up to 33.5 m/s; a further increase in wind speed has little effect.

Determination of norms and timing of watering

Irrigation rate is the amount of water that is supplied per irrigation per hectare. The irrigation rate is set taking into account the capabilities and operating parameters of irrigation equipment. The lowest moisture capacity of the soil varies from 4 to 12% of the mass for sands and sandy loams, from 12 to 13% for light and medium-light loams, from 18 to 25% for medium loamy soils and from 25 to 30% of the mass for heavy loamy soils.

The irrigation regime for agricultural crops represents a set of watering and irrigation norms, the number and timing of watering. According to its purpose, the irrigation regime can be moisturizing and moisturizing-flushing.

The irrigation regime is developed for specific climatic, water management, soil-reclamation and organizational and technical conditions, taking into account the irrigation methods and irrigation techniques adopted in the project.

The operational regime of irrigation is drawn up for the planning and implementation of seasonal and operational (for one or two decades) water use plans, taking into account soil-reclamation, irrigation-technical and other changes that occurred during the operation of the irrigation system, as well as taking into account the weather expected in a given year conditions.

The basis for calculating irrigation regime indicators is the water balance equation. Balance calculations consist of comparing the amount of water required by agricultural plants for their normal growth and development with the natural water supply of irrigated areas (atmospheric precipitation and groundwater).

Recently, the bioclimatic method has become widely used to determine the total water requirements of agricultural crops. This method is based on the commonality between total water consumption and evaporation. The intraseasonal discrepancy between evaporation and total water consumption is corrected by biological coefficients.

Irrigation rate for the growing season is the amount of water supplied per hectare of irrigated area during the entire growing season. It is equal to the difference between the total water consumption of the crop and the natural moisture supply.

With heavy precipitation during the non-growing season, the active reserve of moisture in the soil by the beginning of the growing season can be 30-40% of the minimum moisture capacity for heavy and medium soils and 40-50% for light soils in terms of mechanical composition.

The capillary use of fresh groundwater when it is close to each other is determined from experimental data. Atmospheric precipitation of the growing season is taken into account completely; only those precipitations that, in the form of surface or deep runoff, go beyond the zone of active moisture exchange are excluded from the calculation.

The coefficient of use of vegetation precipitation varies from 0.5 to 1 in different natural zones. The irrigation norm can also be determined by summing up monthly or ten-day water consumption deficits.

When carrying out water management calculations, one should also take into account water losses directly on the field during irrigation, since in unfavorable conditions these losses can reach 30-35%.

The irrigation norm is the sum of irrigation norms that replenish the moisture deficit of the irrigated crop during the growing season, and in some cases, moisture-recharging irrigation may also be included. In the practice of irrigation reclamation, a distinction is made between design and operational irrigation regimes. The latter, in turn, is divided into the irrigation regime of the water use plan and the operational regime.

For most field crops (perennial grasses, cereal grains, corn, industrial crops), the depth of the zone of active moisture exchange by the end of the growing season reaches 0.9--1.1 m, while for pasture grass mixtures it is 0.5--0.6 m, and for vegetables - 0.3--0.5 m. At high groundwater levels and on thin soils, the tabulated irrigation rates are adjusted.

When irrigating by sprinkling, the irrigation rate is determined depending on the intensity of the rain, the technological scheme of the machine (apparatus), the absorption capacity of the soil and the slope of the surface being irrigated. In contrast to surface irrigation, with high rain intensity and large slopes, the irrigation rate may be less on heavy soils and more on light-textured soils.

With mechanized irrigation, irrigation schedules are drawn up taking into account the technical and operational parameters of sprinkler and watering machines and installations. The seasonal load on one machine or installation is determined for the critical period of water consumption. Short-, medium- and long-range sprinklers of various designs are used to irrigate agricultural crops.

Irrigation quality indicators

The irrigation process performed by sprinklers, regardless of their design, includes operations for collecting water from a source, transporting it, crushing it into droplets and distributing it in the form of rain over the irrigated area.

The quantity and quality of sprinkling irrigation are determined by the characteristics of the rain generated by the machine, their compliance with agrotechnical requirements: rain intensity, droplet size, uniformity of rain distribution over the irrigated field.

The intensity of rain is average and acceptable. Average intensity is the ratio of the average layer of precipitation that fell over a certain area during simultaneous irrigation to the time of its precipitation.

This parameter does not depend on the speed of the machine or the rotation of the device. It is determined by calculation or experiment. The average intensity is taken into account when selecting sprinkler equipment in accordance with the absorption capacity of the soil of the irrigated area and the permissible rain intensity.

The limit for the duration of sprinkling is considered to be the moment before the start of puddle formation or water runoff from the field surface. Almost up to this point, the rate of water absorption (permeability) into the soil is greater than or equal to the intensity of rain.

Water permeability is the ability of soil to absorb a certain amount of water per unit time. It is expressed in millimeters per 1 minute, per 1 hour, per 1 day.

During each irrigation and each irrigation season, the soil's absorption capacity continually decreases.

The permissible rain intensity is the intensity at which the given irrigation rate is supplied without the formation of puddles and water runoff. Its values ​​for heavy soils are 0.1-0.2 mm/min, medium soils are 0.2-0.3 and light soils are 0.5-0.6 mm/min.

Droplet size. This indicator of artificial rain affects the permissible intensity, water loss due to evaporation, power consumption, soil compaction, permissible irrigation rate before the onset of runoff, etc. So, with a droplet diameter of 1.0-1.5 mm and an intensity of 0, 5 mm/min, the permissible irrigation rate is 130-700 m3/ha, and with a drop diameter of more than 2.0 mm, it is only 50-190 m3/ha. Increasing the intensity to 1.0 mm/min reduces the permissible irrigation rate to 30-120 m3/ha (droplet diameter more than 2.0 mm).

With the free disintegration of the sprinkler jet, droplets of different sizes are formed. The higher the speed of the jet, the better it is crushed into small drops. As the diameter of the nozzle outlet increases, the average droplet diameter increases.

When the jet is forced to break up, droplets are formed that are significantly smaller in size than during free breakup.

According to agrotechnical requirements, the average diameter of raindrops should not exceed 1.5 mm. With such sprinkling, plants are not damaged, excess power is not wasted on water spraying, and water losses due to evaporation are reduced.

Uniformity of watering. The uniformity of precipitation distribution over an area is assessed using graphs of the distribution of the true precipitation layer for irrigation at a certain rain intensity. This indicator is characterized by the coefficients of effective and insufficient irrigation.

The effective irrigation coefficient shows what part of the area is watered with an intensity within the acceptable deviation limits of agricultural technology, i.e. ±25% of the average sprinkling intensity

The coefficient of insufficient watering shows what part of the irrigated area is moistened at a rate less than the lower permissible limit.

According to agrotechnical requirements, the coefficient of effective irrigation of the area, taking into account the overlap, should not be lower than 0.7, and the coefficient of insufficient watering should not exceed 0.15.

irrigation sprinkling agricultural crop

Special watering machines are used to water lawns, trees, shrubs, flower crops, as well as to clean asphalt paths and areas from dust and dirt. The most widely used watering trailers for tractors (USB-25PM, KO-705PM, “Krona-1R”, “Krona-130”, USB-T with the T-25A tractor, PM-130 based on the ZIL-130 car, etc.) .

Watering machines must meet the general safety and technical requirements for general-purpose vehicles, and also comply with the rules that are established specifically for these machines.

Persons who have undergone special training and have driving licenses are allowed to operate watering machines.

Operating personnel must be provided with special clothing (rubber boots and raincoats). Unauthorized persons are prohibited from being in the sprinkling area.

Watering machines with faulty tank fastenings and central valves are not allowed to operate. Responsibility for checking them lies with both the driver and the person signing the waybill (mechanic).

When watering lawns, green spaces, parks and gardens, the driver must be extremely careful: there may be a large number of people in recreation areas, which is not safe when driving a car; the driver must maintain the minimum possible speed (not more than 10 km/h) during avoiding accidental collision or splashing of vacationers.

During work and when moving, it is not allowed to operate the machine with open doors or with unlaid hoses. A warning road sign is installed near the hydrant for refilling watering machines, and a red light is installed at night.

Opening and closing well manhole covers when installing and removing hydrants should only be done with a special tool. To avoid injury to your hands, it is strictly forbidden to open and close the hatch with bare hands. To avoid a collision, it is necessary to drive the watering machine to the hydrant in reverse with great caution, and only after making sure that there are no people near it. Before driving away from the hydrant after refueling, the driver must ensure that the hose is disconnected and put back in place.

Safety rules prohibit filling tanks with water from the water supply and checking the oil level in the gearbox while the engine or gearbox is running. It is also dangerous to lubricate the centrifugal pump seal and tighten it during operation. Do not operate if a malfunction is detected. All rotating parts of the machine must have protective covers.

It is prohibited to use wastewater containing acids, alkalis and waste oils for irrigation.

When watering green spaces, it is not allowed to pour water on people, vehicles, or building facades.

Watering trailers and machines can also be used for root feeding of trees and shrubs. For this purpose, they are equipped with a system of hydraulic drills, thanks to which water, aqueous solutions of mineral fertilizers or growth stimulants are evenly distributed in the area where the bulk of the roots occur.

When irrigating lawns, flower beds, watering in nurseries and greenhouses, stationary sprinkler systems are used.

Sprinkler installations are not mobile, and their transportation and installation in a new location is difficult.

Installation, inspection and operation of sprinkler systems is carried out in accordance with the “Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels” approved by the State Technical Supervision Authority of the Russian Federation.

The connection of pressure pipelines must be either welded or bolted (using flanges). The pressure pipeline is tested under pressure of 5 atm. above the maximum operating pressure for 15 minutes. Safety valves and control pressure gauges installed on the receiver must be sealed.

Repair work on the water supply system and its elements during operation is not permitted.

The pumps must be switched off immediately:

· when the pressure in the system increases above what is allowed according to the passport;

· in case of malfunction of safety valves;

· when leaks are detected in seams and joints, ruptures and bulging gaskets;

· if the pressure gauge malfunctions and it is impossible to determine the pressure using other devices;

· in case of malfunction or incomplete number of fasteners, covers and hatches;

· in case of malfunction of safety interlocking devices.

During repair work, a notice is posted on the drive of the irrigation installation: “Do not turn it on - people are working.” It is not allowed to water in one area simultaneously with other types of work.

It is impossible to install installations and water in the immediate vicinity of a power line.

Operating personnel must know the structure and operating rules of pressure vessels. The technological building, pumping station and greenhouses are protected with a lightning rod and kept clean. The pumping station premises must always be kept in exemplary order and should not be cluttered with materials and objects not related to the operation of the installation.

In a technological building it is necessary to constantly have: fire extinguishers, boxes with sand, shields equipped with fire-fighting equipment, a first aid kit with medications necessary for first aid, a drinking tank.

Water from the entire artificial fog system and temporary supply water supply must be drained for the winter.

Occupational safety when working with pesticides

In urban environments

Green spaces located in the city are processed after the conclusion of specialists on the need for exterminatory control measures, with preference given to mechanical methods of control and the use of drugs or pesticides of low toxicity that do not have an unpleasant odor.

Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination and are equipped with special clothing, safety shoes, hats, gloves, and respirators are allowed to work on spraying plantings with pesticides.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers are not allowed to work with pesticides.

Before processing the area, signs are installed prohibiting unauthorized persons from entering the danger zone.

Before treating green spaces, it is necessary to notify residents of upcoming activities.

The working day when working with low-toxic drugs is 6 hours.

In order to prevent pesticides and bacterial preparations from getting on passers-by, spraying of high-crowned trees is carried out at night (from 0 to 6 a.m.)

The effective effect of poisons on pests will only be if the plants are not treated at high ambient temperatures. Therefore, plants should be sprayed mainly in the morning and evening hours. You should not spray plants when there is heavy dew, as the emulsion (poison solution) will flow to the ground.

All connections of mechanisms for the distribution of pesticides must be sealed with gaskets and cuffs to avoid leakage.

Do not work with faulty pressure gauges.

When moving sprayers or dusters from one area to another, the distribution nozzles must be closed.

When draining solutions and cleaning the spray system, wear rubber gloves, respirators and safety glasses. It is prohibited to pour solutions of pesticides or their residues, even into specially designated areas, without first neutralizing them.

Areas should be treated with poisons in a downwind direction for the operator.

It is not allowed to use machines and devices designed for working with pesticides for other purposes, as well as to modernize and reconstruct them without permission from the sanitary-epidemiological station.

Those working with pesticides should be careful not to get the product into the eyes, lips, or areas of the body wet from sweat. Do not use homemade cotton-gauze bandages.

When transferring pesticides, cover the open container with a damp cloth, preventing the drug from spilling or splashing out.

Sprayers and pollinators are checked with water for leaks and functionality before use. Upon completion of work, all systems are washed with water.

Persons working with pesticides and other toxic chemicals are required to wash their face and hands with soap and water before lunch and after work and rinse their mouth.

A special room must be allocated for smoking, drinking and eating, into which it is prohibited to enter in special clothing.


§ E18-37. Watering flower and tree and shrub plants


Operator of watering machine 4 raz.

Table 1

Name and scope of work Meter Time standards Prices
When watering with sprinklers

1. Removing the hose.

2. Watering plants

3. Cleaning the hose

PM-8 100 trees

or holes

1,5 1-19 1
PM-8 100 m 2 0,13 0-10,3 2
PM-130 Same 1,3 1-03 3
When watering with a sprinkler

1. Pipeline installation.

2. Bringing the pump and motor into working position.

4. Disconnect the motor from the pump.

5. Dismantling of the pipeline SDU, KDU-55M

100 m 2 0,45 0-35,6 4


Scope of work

1. Filling the watering machine tank with water.
2. Connecting the hydraulic drill system to the machine hose.
3. Watering green spaces with hydraulic drills, applying 10-12 injections into the soil around the tree trunk.
4. Moving the machine during work.
5. Disconnecting and cleaning the hydraulic drill system.

Operator of watering machine 3 r.

table 2

Time standards and prices for meters indicated in the table

Green spaces Age of plantings Meter Time standards Prices
Single trees 7-10 1 tree 0,23 0-16,1 1
14-20 Same 0,3 0-21 2
Group planting of trees 7-10 « 0,21 0-14,7 3
14-20 « 0,28 0-19,6 4
Single bushes 100 bushes 3,7 2-59 5
Group plantings of shrubs Same 1,8 1-25 6


Green construction worker 3 grade.

Table 3

Time standards and prices for meters indicated in the table

Title and composition of the work Meter Time standards Prices
When watering from buckets and watering cans

1. Filling water into buckets or watering cans.

2. Carrying water over a distance of up to 50 m.

3. Watering plants

100 watering cans 2,4 1-68 2
Add water every 10 m when delivering more than 50 m 100 buckets or 100 watering cans 0,21 0-14,7 3
When watering with a hose

1. Hose extension for a distance of up to 100 m.

2. Unwinding the hose and connecting it to the water supply.

3. Watering plants from a hose using a nozzle.

4. Cleaning the hose by disconnecting it from the water supply and carrying it at a distance of up to 100 m

Note. Standard line No. 4 requires watering from a hose 40 m long and 35 mm in diameter. For a larger length and diameter of the hose, multiply the Time Standards and Prices by 2 (PR-1).


Green construction worker 2 jobs.

Table 4

Time standards and prices per 100 m²

Watering and washing machines designed for watering and washing road surfaces, watering green spaces, extinguishing fires, delivering water and other special types of work. In winter, watering and washing machines are used as basic machines for mounting plow and brush equipment for snow blowers.

Rice. 1.

According to their purpose, watering and washing machines are divided (Fig. 1) into specialized watering and washing machines and the most common universal watering and washing machines. Watering and washing machines are based on automobile chassis, as well as on cargo semi-trailers and trailers. Based on the type of pumping unit, watering and washing machines can be divided into machines with low (up to 1.0 MPa) and high water pressure (more than 1.0 MPa). Increased water pressure when washing road surfaces makes it possible to reduce water consumption per unit surface area due to the higher kinetic energy of water jets, but requires additional design measures to prevent premature fragmentation of these jets and their aerodynamic braking.

Watering and washing machines are equipped with replaceable working parts in the form of slotted watering and washing nozzles. Watering nozzles are usually installed symmetrically relative to the longitudinal axis of the machine, turned upward at an angle of 15-20° or more to the horizon and turned to the sides at an angle of 10°.

Washing nozzles are usually installed turned down at an angle of 10-12° to the horizon (Fig. 2) and asymmetrically rotated to the right relative to the longitudinal axis of the machine to move washable contaminants from the roadway towards the road tray, from where the contaminants are removed using sweeping machines. Watering and washing machines are equipped with two front or two front and one side washing nozzles; the latter option allows you to significantly increase the width of the road surface wash.

Rice. 2.

In addition, the main types of working parts include a water washing ramp in the form of a horizontal pipe with nozzles, installed at a plan angle of 70-80° to the longitudinal axis of the machine. The installation angle of the water ramp nozzles relative to the horizontal road surface is significantly greater than that of the washing nozzles, and the length of the washing sectors is shorter, which ensures a higher speed of water jets at the line of contact with the road surface and, accordingly, lower water consumption per unit area of ​​the road surface. The main disadvantage of a water ramp is that the width of the wash usually does not exceed the overall width of the machine, whereas when using washing attachments, the width of the wash is 1.5-2.5 times greater than the overall width of the machine and reaches 6-8 m.

Recently, a fundamentally new type of working element has been used on watering and washing machines - a water nozzle for washing road trays. Such a nozzle allows you to create a moving water shaft when the machine moves along the tray. The accumulated excess water and debris periodically flow into storm sewer drains.

Additional equipment for watering and washing machines includes a front-mounted snowblower blade and a cylindrical sweeping brush with steel or synthetic bristles. Some foreign models of watering and washing machines are equipped with a water-draining, obliquely mounted blade, which improves the quality of cleaning of heavily contaminated surfaces and makes it possible to reduce specific water consumption. Additionally, there is also equipment for watering green spaces and extinguishing fires. The working equipment of the watering and washing machine contains a welded tank with an upper neck and a lower central valve with mechanical, hydraulic and electro-hydraulic control from the driver's cabin to shut off the water supply to the pump. The central valve is equipped with a strainer. A centrifugal water pump driven by a power take-off is installed on the vehicle frame. The cross-section of the pipelines must ensure a water speed of at least 0.2 - 0.3 m/s with minimal local resistance. Watering and washing nozzles have a hinged or conical mount for installation at the required angles in mutually perpendicular planes.

Over time, manual watering of a plot turns into a burdensome task that you want to do less and less. Automatic or automated irrigation will help solve the problem. You can handle the design of the system and installation of all its components on your own. How? Read on.

Choosing a water supply source

We provide instructions for installing two irrigation systems: a large-scale automatic one using a programmable controller and a modest non-automated one based on a barrel.

Before proceeding with the arrangement of any of the two systems under consideration, you need to select a water source and pumping equipment suitable for a particular situation. Water can be taken from:

Find out which one to choose, and also consider the types and installation process in our article.

Electric water pump prices

Electric water pumps

Table. Pump Malysh, used for pumping water from open reservoirs, wells and wells. Characteristics

Pump Baby, characteristicsIndicators
Pump typeHousehold vibrating submersible
Current consumption3 A
Power165 W
Water intakeLower
Pressure40 m
Performance432 l/min
Length of cable10-40 m
Continuous operationNo more than 12 hours at a time
The need to turn off the power for 15-20 minutesEvery 2 hours
ConnectionTo flexible hose

We do full automatic watering

Drawing a plan

Let's start by drawing up a site plan. On a scale, we will mark on it the main elements of our estate: house, veranda, entrance, outdoor stove, etc. - this way we can determine the permissible area of ​​action of sprinklers.

On the diagram we mark the water intake point. If there are several water sources and they are located in different places on the site, we select a tap located approximately in the middle. In such a situation, we will be able to provide approximately equal lengths of irrigation lines

Choosing an irrigation method

In the example under consideration, the system is set up to water a large lawn and several beds, as well as an area with bushes and trees. You can adjust the layout taking into account the characteristics of your site.

We will water the part with the lawn and flower beds using retractable sprinklers. When turned on, they rise above the surface, and after watering is completed, they lower and become almost invisible.

For the second part of our plot, this irrigation option is not suitable: the plantings are too tall and the plot width is small.

Important note! It is not recommended to use sprinklers to water areas less than 2 m wide. Such devices have too large a range, which can cause a number of inconveniences.

To water this part of the plantings, we install a drip line. It is a pipe of the required length with holes arranged along its entire length. Such a pipe can be buried or simply laid between the beds.

Prices for guns, nozzles, hose sprinklers

Guns, nozzles, hose sprinklers

We draw up an irrigation scheme

We mark on the plan of our site the installation points of sprinklers and the radii of their coverage. We adhere to this design order:

  • We install sprinklers at the corners of the site for watering at 90 degrees;
  • along the borders of the territory we install devices that irrigate the space 180 degrees around;
  • in the corners of the site near various buildings and structures we install sprinklers at 270 degrees;
  • We install devices that water 360 degrees throughout the area.

We select the number of sprinklers so that the coverage radii of devices installed nearby intersect. With this arrangement of devices, not a single plant will be deprived of moisture. However, this method is only relevant for large areas that have the correct shape.

In our example, the area of ​​the plot is relatively small, but it has a narrow strip along the residential building. Therefore, we draw up the project in the following order:

  • First, we mark the installation locations of sprinklers that have the greatest radius of action. We will use them to water the main part of the garden;
  • on the narrow side of the site we mark places for sprinklers with a more modest irrigation radius;
  • In places where sprinklers cannot reach, we plan to lay a drip line.

Important! Double check the project. Make sure all plantings will receive water.

We check the water intake for throughput

A ready-made plan allows us to install the required number of sprinklers. However, before installing the system, we must find out whether the productivity of the water supply source is sufficient to effectively service the system being installed. We do it this way:

Now we determine whether the water intake can ensure the simultaneous operation of all planned irrigation lines. The need for sprinklers remains the same and is determined in accordance with their coverage area. In our example we set:

  • 180 degree devices with a coverage area of ​​up to 200 m2 - 2 pieces. The water requirement of each device is 12, for a total of 24;
  • 270 degree sprinklers with a coverage area of ​​up to 200 m2 – 2 pieces. Each person's need is 14, for a total of 28;
  • 180 degree device with coverage up to 50 m2 – 1 piece. Need – 7;
  • 270 degree device with coverage up to 50 m 2 – 1. Requirement – ​​9;
  • 90 degree sprinkler with a coverage area of ​​up to 50 m2 – 1. Water requirement – ​​6.

In total, the water requirement of our irrigation devices is 74. The water intake is only capable of delivering 60. It will not be possible to connect all devices to one line for simultaneous use. To solve the problem, we make two lines of sprinklers. One will be used to service large devices, the other for small ones.

For drip irrigation we make a third line. It requires individual management, because The main lines are turned on for about half an hour every day, while the drip lines should work for at least 40-50 minutes, depending on the characteristics of the soil and the needs of the plantings.

The drip line and sprinklers cannot be connected to a common line. With such a system arrangement, either the area served by sprinklers will be watered too abundantly, or the area with drip irrigation will not be able to receive liquid in sufficient volume.

We automate the system

To regulate the operation of the system, we install a programmable controller. Using this device we can set the time to turn on and off the irrigation. To protect the device, it is recommended to install it indoors, for example, in the basement.

Near the water supply tap we install an inlet column for connecting the system, as well as a special installation box for placing shut-off valves according to the number of irrigation lines. We have 3 of them. We connect each valve to the controller using a two-wire cable. We divert one irrigation line from the valves. Such arrangement of the system will allow it to be programmed to turn on each irrigation line separately.

We arranged the lines as follows:

  • one was allocated to power large sprinklers. For the manufacture of the line itself, 19 mm pipes were used, for branches to the sprinklers - pipes of 16 mm diameter;
  • the second was used on small sprinklers serving an area of ​​up to 50 m2. The pipes used were similar;
  • the third line was allocated for drip irrigation. A 19mm pipe was used to make this line. Next, we connected a special drip pipe to it. It is made in the form of two closed loops. We connected the end of the drip pipe to the supply pipe.

To improve irrigation efficiency, we included a rain sensor in the system. It will not allow watering to turn on during rainfall. We connect the sensor to the controller according to the included instructions. In most cases, the controllers themselves are plugged into a regular outlet, which is very convenient.

Connecting and setting up irrigation

First step. We place irrigation elements on the site and connect them to each other using special connectors and splitters. We make sure that no earth gets into the pipes.

The design of the connectors is very simple - even a woman can easily handle the work

Second step.

We connect the assembled system to the water supply and do a test run. We position the sprinklers in the required directions. If everything is in order, we proceed to excavation work.

Third step.

We dig a 200-250 mm ditch along the pipeline.

Fourth step.

We fill the bottom of the trench with a layer of crushed stone. The backfill will take on the functions of a drainage cushion, ensuring the removal of residual water.

Eighth step.

We program the controller to turn irrigation on and off at the required time. We remember: the lines must operate alternately; they can be turned on simultaneously only if there is sufficient water intake capacity.

Irrigation is connected and configured. We can accept it for permanent use. In the future, we regularly check the condition and correct operation of the elements of the irrigation system.

Budget watering option

There is no need to install large-scale automatic irrigation? Then use a simple budget option based on a barrel.

First step

We make a stand for the barrel. We use a profiled pipe or channel. The optimal height of the support is 1.5-2 m. The support posts should be inclined to each other at such an angle that the dimensions of the upper frame allow our barrel to be stably laid. We connect the supports with horizontal jumpers at the bottom, middle and top. We dig 70-80 cm holes for installing supports, set up the structure, fill 10-15 cm of the height of each hole with crushed stone and pour concrete. Important! While the concrete hardens, we fix the supports with spacers.

Drip irrigation - water tank

Second step

Prepare a container for water. Any intact and not rusty barrel will do. At the top of the barrel we cut a pipe for connecting the hose. Through it the barrel will be filled with water. We will connect the second end of this hose to the water intake. We also install a pipe in the lower part. We connect a watering hose to it. Both hoses are equipped with taps for turning the water supply on and off. Place the barrel on the support. For greater reliability, we secure it with clamps, bolts and nuts.

Third step

On the site plan we indicate the places that need watering. We draw a diagram of the irrigation system indicating all the splitters, connectors, plugs, taps, pipes, hoses and other elements.

Fourth step

We assemble an irrigation system. The simplest and most convenient option is to buy a ready-made kit for arranging drip irrigation. You can also make such a system yourself. To do this, it is enough to prepare the required number of pipes or hoses, make holes along their length, connect the elements into a single system using connectors and splitters, and then connect to the hose coming out of the barrel.

Sprayer for watering

Good luck!

Video - DIY watering system
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