What does the feeling of revenge lead to? Revenge is a manifestation of negative feelings

Revenge- a very strong feeling that does not bring joy to people. The motivation for revenge is the fight for justice, to give the offender what he deserves, to repay the deed in the same coin. On the one hand, it seems that this is the right feeling and there is nothing bad here, but on the other, when a person begins to realize “his noble impulse,” the following transformation begins to occur in his body.

It all begins with a strong attack of indignation, which is like an internal explosion caused by unexpected and unfair events. The desire for revenge is accompanied by a surge of strength and energy; a devilish fire is ignited inside a person. His pride is hurt. Someone accidentally stepped on a sore spot, not knowing that this person has many complexes and problems and is very vulnerable. He decides to take revenge. He no longer controls himself, because he is completely and completely in the power of this feeling.

Revenge can be considered as a painful condition that fevers the entire body from the brain to the tips of the fingers. It can capture a person like love and force him to do strange things that he will later bitterly regret. Mechanisms for releasing huge amounts of negativity are automatically activated in a person.

Maybe if he had stopped for a minute, cooled down, he would have realized that there was no need to take revenge, since the offender’s act was not worth such a reaction on his part. But this is very difficult to do.

Reasons for revenge

Sometimes the most insignificant reason is enough for revenge. It all depends on the character of the person whose pride is hurt. Each of us has encountered resentment, jealousy, and betrayal in life. These are already more compelling reasons to start taking revenge. It should be noted that if a person lives in harmony with himself and with the surrounding reality, then he will not be offended by all sorts of little things that happen to everyone.

Revenge often goes hand in hand with envy. As you know, people sometimes do very base things out of envy. They may have a desire to take revenge because a colleague is doing much better than they are, for example. This is how insecure people behave, subject to the influence of others.

In our society it is not customary to talk about revenge. As a rule, people decide for themselves what to do in unpleasant situations: take revenge or forgive.

Get over yourself

If someone offended you and this caused a desire for revenge, then you should not be ashamed of this feeling. Your natural self-defense mechanism has activated. But if such a desire arises without apparent reason- this is already a big red flag! In this case, you will have to endure a struggle with yourself so as not to mess things up.

In order not to become an angry and vindictive person, you need to learn to forgive and calculate the consequences of retaliatory revenge. Revenge is a source of great emotional distress for both parties and does not make anyone happy.

Often when conflict arises, revenge may seem the only solution Problems. But once you think about what can be changed through revenge, what will be the benefit for you, other than the fact that you will get some satisfaction? It may turn out that after your vengeful attack the situation will get even worse. Maybe it would be easier to resolve the conflict peacefully? Or just ignore your offender?

If you nevertheless decide to take revenge on the offender, then first think about how you will do it and how your counterpart will react to revenge.

The second tip is very important. If you don't want to spend the rest of your days in a prison cell, show respect to the Russian criminal code!

Tip three. Don't choose your loved ones as victims. They don't deserve it.

Tip four. If you have been offended, you do not need to start taking revenge right away. Your “evil genius” is ready for defense. Wait a few days for him to calm down and then take action. Maybe during this timeout you will find more effective way to sweep.

What should you think about?

If vengeance is accomplished, then the soul becomes lighter, since the whole burden has fallen from it in one moment. After this, the person becomes softer and kinder. Later he will want to forgive the offender. If a revenged person has gray matter, then he will understand why he received the “brains” and will draw the appropriate conclusions.

Before we start taking revenge (or not taking revenge), let's stop for a moment and ask ourselves: “Should I take revenge on him? For what? To make him feel bad? To make him feel pain? To show him by example of revenge how he hurt my pride?

Are you sure you need to start this “game”? Think about what your attempt to “establish the status quo” will look like from the outside. Will you feel a sense of bitter regret if something terrible happens after your revenge?

And also, remember the most important thing: only strong people They can be lenient and forgive their opponent, or ignore him as a person. They never allow themselves to stoop to the level of their offenders and do not use dubious methods of revenge.

Revenge- this is the primary source of evil acts, pushing one to commit such terrible acts as murder. This feeling often visits lovers between whom there is a conflict, or people with different religious preferences.

Feeling of revenge is a feeling that fills a person due to the appearance of resentment or hatred.

Revenge arises in a person’s mind after someone has offended or humiliated him. This is a unique phenomenon that can pass from one person to another. This process is especially common between people living in the same family.

The sensations caused by revenge rob a person of good and bright feelings - happiness, joy - and have an effect that can deprive him of reason and consciousness. The feeling of revenge should not be justified, because it is the direct cause of the emergence of evil and violence.

What is revenge (example)

An elementary example of manifestation this phenomenon there will be a fight, the reason for which could be revenge. In a fit of fear, the opponents used cold weapons for defense and attack - knives, after the use of which one of them died, and the other, after realizing what had happened, threw himself on the ground to ask for forgiveness from a person who was no longer there.

At this moment, the killer justified himself by saying that he could not calculate his strength. In turn, the wife of the deceased could not forgive the culprit of the incident, and she developed a feeling of revenge.

She had a certain influence on her son by instilling disgust towards all the relatives of the offender. Without wanting it, the mother raised a child who grew up and began to kill everyone who crossed his path in any way. The woman couldn’t figure out why this happened, because she wanted only one thing, for her son to avenge his father.

This situation is a clear confirmation that the desire for revenge arises spontaneously in a person’s mind.

A feeling of revenge within people begins to arise from their indecent behavior in the outside world. Everyone has a fear in their subconscious that manifests itself when this sensation appears. That is, if you replace it with love, then revenge and all the consequences arising from it can be avoided.

It is best to strive to create an energy field within yourself, the source of which will be life. In this case, the mind will act as a protector from fear and anxiety. It should be remembered that if adults treat children unfairly, the latter, growing up, risk suffering from revenge.

A clear example of such a situation can be a child’s resentment against his mother for not protecting him from his stepfather’s bullying. The feeling of revenge does not leave him for the rest of his life.

IN modern world there is a wide variety of books on sale containing techniques for forming various life situations. But how can we understand on what basis the need for a particular desire arises? How important is it to understand this issue?

  • It is common for every person to have desires and dreams. If they cannot be implemented, a feeling of internal discomfort arises. All this is explained by the fact that these desires arose as a result of the manifestation of negative energy, which brings with it resentment, jealousy, and hatred.

Serious illnesses that cannot be cured force a person to seek help from To higher powers. People often convince themselves that it does not exist, but when serious problems affect them, they begin to seek salvation from God.

This is a kind of answer to those who, having committed a crime before other people, justified themselves with faith, while they did not have it in their souls.

As you can see, the characteristics and manifestations of Revenge require a painstaking description, even in a concise formulation of this concept.

Manifestations and properties of Revenge

Vengefulness is the reverse reaction of a painful and overly inflated person with Selfishness and Pride, to satisfy the feeling of Retribution. Revenge does not know how to forgive and is intolerant of other people's behavior; it sometimes reacts to the most far-fetched irritants. As a clear form of manifestation of Pride, vindictiveness does not recognize the right of others to be different. Vengeance is smart and unusually inventive for unexpected cunning tricks and dirty tricks.

Vengefulness, very often, accompanies a person’s character trait as Obsession. One the main idea, The Goal and Object of their passion drill into the brain of a vengeful person with complete Obsession. Look how many strong words there are in this sentence. So terrible is revenge, which takes extreme forms.

Having endowed another person with the property of Evil, Vengefulness is offended when he does not behave as she would like. The exit of another from the zone of her control becomes a reason first for resentment, and then for hatred, anger and revenge.

Manifestation formula: Retribution > Resentment > Hatred > Malice > Revenge > Unforgiveness > Grudge > Intransigence

Vengeance is a constant, no time limit, desire not only to return to the offender the pain and suffering experienced, but also to cause even greater destruction. As the Vengeful Man says, debt is worth paying. in conjunction with unforgiveness, resentment, intransigence is based on a feeling of Retribution.

The feeling of Retribution requires satisfaction and blood!

Who are the Vengeful People?

Vindictiveness is inherent in insecure and dissatisfied people, with low self-esteem and a weak Inner Self. Through vindictiveness, they try to prove themselves and the world self-importance and significance. Very often, the cause of vindictiveness is banal envy or jealousy. This is a particularly difficult case, because the objects of envy and jealousy are constantly changing, and the Vengeful person remains in a static position and does not develop as a person. Vindictiveness is quick to draw conclusions from situations, and does not bother itself with a deep analysis of the situation or events.

It is not always the right conclusion about whether the insult, resentment or trouble caused is really so large-scale that the thought of revenge must be made the main one. Vindictiveness is short-sighted and does not even look into the future, what the result of revenge will be.

End of Revenge

The person who was harmed severe harm, able to return to normal state spirit either from unconditional forgiveness or from merciless retribution and satisfaction.

Vengeance loses its power where a person is able to understand and forgive, think about the future, begin to care, respect and love others, but that’s a different story. This is the story of a man with a question about the Self. As a person who lacks a Strong Core and a lack of upbringing, vindictiveness without hesitation chooses a short-lasting emotion of satisfaction.

This is the essence of her nature, instinct and emotion. Revenge is often accompanied by character traits such as Sullenness, Anger and Suspiciousness.
A person with such a combination of character qualities will cross any forbidden standards; he is ready to take revenge for any insult, real or imaginary. Vindictiveness justifies itself: “When you are deprived of everything you love, there is only one thing left to do - revenge.”

Very often, Vengefulness has no statute of limitations and turns into a lifelong disease. A person who has fallen under her influence, like one possessed, thinks only of revenge.

If you want to rejoice for a moment, take revenge; if you want to rejoice all your life, forgive

Consequences of Vengeance

First, a feeling of Indignation starts, similar to an internal explosion caused by resentment, envy or jealousy. Pride, which includes selfishness and vindictiveness, is affected.
When a person shows vindictiveness, changes occur in his body in the form of a hormonal surge of Adrenaline.

Selfishness completely blocks sending painful signals from the Mind and consciousness. The devilish fire of Vengeance flares up inside a person. Plans for revenge are brewing. Man is no longer his own master, being completely dependent on his manifested vengefulness of the Evil and the Beast within.

A vengeful person devours himself, stops seeing the sun in the sky, becomes an embittered negativist, loses the opportunity personal growth, loses the meaning of life and health.

At the same time, Vengeance is weak in effectiveness, constantly being in a mode of exhaustion and consumption of human strength. A stronger step as a similar response or stronger is Forgiveness. To forgive means to be stronger. To forgive means to submit the action to the Higher Powers for judgment.

Indifference is not an option

Only the feeling and power of Indifference can completely cope with the feeling of Revenge, or prevent it from manifesting itself; it will either forgive or simply ignore the offender, however, if these are not extreme forms of Indifference.

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This is a feeling of injustice that gnaws at a person from the inside. Revenge is what pushes people to do terrible things in order to punish for injustice.

Revenge: concept

Revenge is a feeling or act that harms a person's inner state, it motivates a person to take terrible actions, the purpose of which is to cause harm in return.

The main reason that pushes an individual to take revenge is injustice due to the fault of another person. The thirst for revenge is quite dangerous psychological condition, it can live in a person’s mind for a very long period of time, until he takes revenge.

Is revenge a destructive feeling or a necessary solution?

Everyone feels differently about revenge. Some consider it a manifestation of selfishness and intolerance towards the behavior of others. And some are sure that revenge is necessary for the psychological peace that comes when the offender got what he deserved. What is revenge for you? Evil or necessity? You decide for yourself.

Revenge is a necessity that can lead to calm, peace, psychological balance, which was violated by injustice, resentment, evil and others negative emotions, actions. For some, revenge is a triumph over injustice, because each of us faces it. There are those who believe that everything bad will come back to us like a boomerang. They believe that it is revenge that will help this, that it is with its help that evil will be punished with retaliatory evil.

We are all different, some easily forgive insults, others cannot forget about it and start living as if nothing had happened. Such people usually delve into themselves, every time they remember a situation when a person was somehow hurt. It is precisely such individuals who resort to revenge; there is nothing to judge them for. We are all different. Of course, you shouldn’t make revenge the meaning of life, but is the desire to respond to the offender considered a terrible necessity?

On the other hand, some people may become offended out of the blue, and then begin to figure out how to annoy the offender. They cannot forgive, forget and calm down until their desire for revenge is satisfied. That is why there is an opinion that it is impossible to take revenge. These are the people who need to ask themselves questions: “Won’t I lose loved ones because of revenge?”; “Is the offender worthy of the effort and time spent?”

Revenge is a dish that should be served cold, but it requires a lot of effort and time. Does this make sense? Life is already short. Or is it better to forget everything, leave everything in the past? Learn the lesson learned from this situation, not to communicate with the person who humiliated you, offended you, or worse?

To take revenge or forgive is a purely personal matter, but is it worth what you might lose in the course of revenge?

Revenge is a must

Some peoples have such a concept as blood feud. Or, as you can also call it, vendetta. Blood feud is a necessity embedded in the consciousness of people in ancient times. According to this principle, if one of your relatives was killed, then the killer must take revenge by taking his life. At this time, blood feud is still common in the countries of the Middle East.

Is it possible to cope with the desire for revenge?

The psychology of the feeling of revenge as a concept is very complex; it can be hidden under the desire for retribution, an answer for what has been done, and generally under noble concepts.

If you yourself do not want to dull the desire for revenge, then it will not disappear, as if with the wave of a magic wand. In order to somehow help yourself overcome this obsession, you need to honestly answer a few simple, but at the same time difficult questions. But be as honest with yourself as possible:

  1. What is revenge? Just for you. It's a terrible feeling to deal with. Or is it a noble desire aimed at punishing the offender and establishing retribution.
  2. The reason you want revenge. Do you want to prove your superiority or do you want the one who hurt you to be in your shoes and feel how hurt you were?
  3. How will you feel when you take revenge? Joy, satisfaction or nothing?
  4. What will you get when you carry out your plan of retribution? Will there be a benefit or could you lose something valuable? And is it worth it?

How vindictive are you?

There are a huge number of tests to determine how vindictive a person you are. Below is a list of zodiac signs detailing each one's level of vindictiveness.

Aries. Loves to argue and win every bet. Therefore, with regard to retribution, he will try to compete, and moreover, to win against a person, and it is desirable that this be seen a large number of of people.

Taurus. “Revenge is a dish best served cold” - this is about Taurus. He will hatch a plan for revenge for a long time, thinking over every detail. And when the plan is put into action, everyone inside him will rejoice, although no one will see a drop of emotion on his face.

Twins. Spreading secrets, secrets, gossip - this is what Gemini uses when taking revenge on their enemy. They try to destroy people as much as possible.

Cancer. Very peaceful by nature a kind person, so he decides to forgive rather than take revenge. There will be a huge number of plans in his head to punish the offender, but he understands that he will harm himself much more than him.

a lion. The best remedy in case of revenge - ignoring. This is what Leo is motivated by. He immediately stops all contact with the person and demands the same from those around him.

Virgo. Doesn't come at people face to face. He does everything on the sly, using various kinds of dirty tricks so as not to be exposed.

Scales. Humiliation is the tool Libra mainly uses. They try to humiliate a person, hurt his dignity. Seeing that the enemy is struck to the core, everything inside them begins to rejoice.

Scorpion. The most vindictive of all zodiac signs. For him, the most important thing is to clearly think through a plan of retribution, no matter how long it takes. Scorpios take revenge slowly, gradually, which makes them more dangerous and unpredictable. Even if revenge took place, they will not be satisfied.

Sagittarius. A non-vindictive person tries to forget his offender and avoid communicating with him so that he does not cause even more harm.

Capricorn. This is the second most vindictive of all zodiac signs after Scorpio. He tries not to attack the enemy directly, but resorts to dirty tricks in order to set him up.

Aquarius. He does not know how to take revenge, like other zodiac signs, he prefers to forget everything, but communication with the offender will be quite strained.

Fish. Creative individuals like Pisces are able to express their anger or resentment in a more peaceful way. They will not directly humiliate the one who offended them, but will decide to bypass him.

What is vindictiveness?

Vengeance is a negative concept, it is expressed in the desire to harm a person for the evil he has done, offense, and so on. It is expressed in rancor, unforgiveness, a sense of retribution and retribution.

Vengefulness is divided into two types: healthy and unhealthy. The first is expressed in the fact that the individual wants to stand up for himself with the goal that all attacks on him will stop. The second is expressed in revenge until the offender is completely destroyed and in the inability to control oneself.

Quotes about revenge

"Revenge is a dish that should be served cold."

"Taking revenge is almost the same as biting a dog that bit you."

"The best revenge is oblivion; it will bury the enemy in the ashes of his insignificance."

"Cold revenge tastes best."


What is revenge? Everyone decides for himself - the necessary retribution or the quality of the weak. Revenge is present in every nation, in every person. But some people know how to suppress it and move on, enjoying every day. And someone will not be able to sleep peacefully until the offender is punished.

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