How and why the full cycle of the Moon affects a person.

The nature of the Moon's influence on human health depends largely on the phases of the lunar cycle, each phase of which lasts about a week. If lunar days V to a greater extent determine our behavior, then the phases of the moon affect the state of our body, the degree of its vitality and activity.

You've probably noticed that on some days of the month you wake up cheerful and full of energy, while on others you wake up lethargic and tired. If you take a closer look at this phenomenon, you will notice that changes in our well-being occur cyclically. Different phases of the moon affect our emotional state, nervous system and energy level. The Moon affects women especially strongly, since the female body is more subject to lunar cycles.

Let's consider how the phases of the moon affect our health and body.

During new moon the person is most weakened and exhausted, the body’s energy resource is at a minimum. As the moon grows, energy will accumulate until the full moon. Men react more strongly to the new moon than women. At this time they can be aggressive and nervous.

During the new moon period, any stress on the body is not advisable; it is not recommended to engage in heavy physical labor. You need to try to minimize nervous tension and aggression, because it is during the new moon that greatest number strokes and heart attacks.

The new moon period is favorable for getting rid of bad habits, for cleansing procedures, as well as for dieting.

Phases waxing moon- This best time for new beginnings. In relation to health, this can be strengthening the immune system, increasing muscle mass, accelerating the metabolic process, increasing the flexibility of the spine, etc. During the period of the waxing Moon, activities aimed at achieving these goals should be started.

On the waxing Moon, a person has a lot of energy. Therefore, all physical exercises started at this time will be easy and performed with enthusiasm. Any load these days is allowed to be higher than, at first glance, a person can withstand.

During the period of the waxing Moon, courses of preventive treatment are recommended: taking vitamins, nutrition enriched with essential elements, etc. It is beneficial to carry out procedures that nourish the skin, nails and hair. At this time, our body especially greedily absorbs everything that enters it. Therefore, you need to monitor your diet: it should be complete and of high quality, but in no case excessive.

IN full moon our feelings and emotions become more intense. During this period, the human psyche becomes very vulnerable. Women react more strongly to the full moon than men. The full moon is characterized by insomnia, excess energy and restlessness. On a full moon, you should not sort out conflicting emotional relationships or take on the strong-willed upbringing of children. These days, as a result of increased emotionality of drivers, accidents on the roads are becoming more frequent. Under the influence of alcohol, people commit unpredictable acts with serious consequences.

During the full moon, painful sensations are at their maximum, symptoms of diseases are pronounced, and surgical operations are dangerous due to bleeding. Studies have shown that during this period the blood is thinner and clots less easily. Therefore, during the full moon, surgery should be avoided if possible.

Violent activity and the pace of physical exercise should be reduced during the full moon. During this period, strong physical activity causes the opposite effect: instead of a surge of energy, you feel tired, your mood deteriorates, pessimism appears, and all efforts seem futile. To prevent this from happening, you should avoid heavy exercise during the full moon. For example, instead of a morning jog, you can simply take a walk during the day, and in the gym strength exercises replace with relaxation exercises.

On full moon days, it is recommended to drink more liquid, but not alcohol. Full moon enhances the effects of alcohol on the body. Juices must be freshly prepared. You should eat more vegetables and fruits. These days you can avoid eating meat altogether. Lactic acid products will have a good effect on the body at this time.

In phase waning moon needs to be analyzed results achieved and correct errors. At this time, you need to begin a decisive fight against chronic diseases and what you don’t like in your body. The period of the waning moon is the best time to finally get rid of everything that irritates you. If you need to limit yourself in food to get rid of excess weight, start following a new regime during the waning moon, after the full moon.

During the waning moon, the disease loses its strength, and the body tries to get rid of it as if it were foreign to itself. If you help him with this through your efforts in the form of normalizing his daily routine, walking in the fresh air, restoring his diet, and correcting some bad habits, he can significantly improve his well-being and achieve excellent results. All physiological procedures aimed at relieving inflammatory processes and removing toxins are more effective than ever at this time. During this period, you can visit the dentist and agree to surgery.

During the waning moon phase, metabolic processes slow down. Food that is poorly digested will accumulate in the body in the form of waste. Therefore, the emphasis in nutrition should be on grains, vegetables and fruits, and meat should be consumed in small quantities. It is recommended to drink more fluids to facilitate the removal of toxins from the body.

Living in accordance with the lunar cycle allows you to maintain stable health and nervous system, and when treating diseases taking into account the phases of the moon, you can achieve a more effective and accelerated recovery.

There is not a person in the world who would not at least once in his life peer into the night sky and admire magical beauty moon. The moon attracts the attention of every representative of the human race. It is interesting even to those people who consider themselves 100% materialists. Even they, when they look at the moon, try to see something incredible and extraordinary.

The influence of the moon on human life is not a myth or fiction, but a scientifically proven fact. How does this happen and what is its impact? Let's look at this question in more detail and try to find the correct answers.

Why and how does the moon affect human life?

It should be noted that the moon affects not only the life of an individual, but also the entire planet as a whole. The Moon is a satellite of the Earth, which means that it constantly revolves around the planet, reflecting sunlight on its surface. The gravitational field, attracting large volumes of water, influences the world's oceans, creating ebbs and flows.

As you know, the human body consists of a large amount of water. Scientists say that the moon influences human body in the same way as on the waters of the world's oceans, causing ebbs and flows in it. Therefore, our mood and well-being depend on what phase the Earth’s main satellite is in.

The lunar cycle can be roughly divided into five phases:

  • new moon;
  • first phase (1-7 days);
  • second phase (8-14 days);
  • full moon;
  • third phase (15-22 days).

How does the moon during the new moon affect a person’s life?

During the new moon, our energetic resources are at zero level. The gravity of the moon increases, the mass of the body becomes less. The fluid that was previously in the head area goes down and is evenly distributed throughout the body. During this period of time, people with mental disorders become more aggressive. A person may feel:

  • weakness;
  • constant need for passive rest;
  • significant loss of strength.

The new moon affects men much more than women. They become nervous, irritable, impatient, aggressive, and may complain of pain in the heart and headaches.

Women become lethargic and exhausted. During this period, you should reduce the amount of physical activity. If you go to the gym, then during the new moon your workout should be easier than usual.

Cleansing the whole body - best activity for both men and women when the moon is in this phase. At this time, the skin absorbs moisture, beneficial microelements, etc. well. Experts advise taking warm baths, cleansing the skin of the body and face with scrubs, and limiting the consumption of foods that are heavy on the body and alcoholic beverages.

First phase: the influence of the moon on human health and life

During this period, which begins the day after the new moon and ends a week later, the Moon grows every day, and the strength grows with it. Energy levels increase and mood noticeably improves. During this period of time, any undertaking, even the most crazy and unrealistic one, will have a much greater chance of successful implementation than during the new moon, second, third phase or full moon.

The moon in the first phase helps to root useful habits in our subconscious. If you want to purchase some new good habit, then you should start now. As for physical activity, it can be made more intense. Now the moon promotes meditation and mastering various breathing practices.

How the moon in the second phase affects a person

This period begins on the eighth day after the new moon and ends a week later with the full moon. The moon has a very positive effect on a person’s health and life, giving him a lot of energy and positive emotions. But do not forget that unused potential in the future can cause depression, nervous breakdowns, excessive emotionality or apathy. Therefore, you need to act now, and not put your plans on hold!

During the second phase, the metabolism in the body noticeably accelerates. Particular attention must be paid abdominal cavity and chest.

Strength, intense training now is exactly what a person needs to feel one hundred percent! If you wanted to increase the load on your body and perform some new and difficult exercise - do it!

What to pay attention to during the full moon

If men are actively influenced by the new moon, then the full moon has enormous power over women. This happens due to the fact that the fair sex is more emotional creatures than the stronger half of humanity. Girls on this day may feel less confident in their abilities. At the same time, they may experience some inexplicable but positive emotions.

And they suffer from increased activity. The day drags on for a very long time, it’s hard to sit in one place and concentrate on important issues. Many suffer from insomnia and nightmares.

Moon phase - full moon

As for internal forces, there are many of them on this day. But the problem is that many people waste their potential on stupid quarrels, showdowns, etc. During the full moon you should not:

  • resolve serious issues;
  • conduct important negotiations;
  • take part in public events.

On this day, a person feels a special craving for representatives of the opposite sex. Don’t give in to temptation, because you might really regret it later. It is better to spend time on meditation, a light movie, pleasant music.

How does the moon affect a person when it is in its third phase?

The moon in the third phase, which lasts from 15 to 22 days, does not have a very positive effect on a person: mood worsens, physical strength declines. During this period, it is not recommended to start new businesses or make plans for the future. All your attention should be concentrated on:

  • finish previously started tasks;
  • summarize;
  • realize mistakes.

If you had some kind of short-term project, then during this period it should bring noticeable results.

Third phase - waning moon

During this period of time, chronic diseases may worsen. If you feel unwell, do not ignore this fact, but take the necessary measures as quickly as possible. Experts advise not to plan any operations during this period. There is an opinion that at this time the blood does not clot well, although this has not yet been scientifically proven.

A few words about the study of the influence of the moon on human life

Although scientists have been trying for several centuries to finally understand exactly how the Moon influences people’s lives and to bring complete clarity to this issue, no one has yet succeeded in doing this.

✔ Women midwives noted back in the 18th century that childbirth and the level of its ease directly depended on what phase the moon was in. Scientists from Italy tried to prove this fact, but they were only able to verify that most children are born on the full moon. Why is this happening? Scientists do not yet have answers to this question.

✔ Indian doctors also did some research. For two years, when registering another heart attack in a patient, they looked at what phase the moon was in. It turned out that on a new moon, 20% more patients are admitted to the hospital with this diagnosis than on a full moon.

✔ Journalists from the popular magazine Current Biology conducted a study several years ago, thanks to which they were able to prove that during a full moon, the duration of an adult’s sleep is reduced on average by 20-25 minutes, and the quality of sleep deteriorates by a third. This is explained by the fact that during the full moon the level of melatonin decreases noticeably.

✔ Many women believe that their menstrual cycle depends on lunar calendar. But anthropologists from the USA managed to refute this belief. For three years they followed the women of an Indian tribe, which is located deep in the forest far from civilization. These girls don't take birth control and don't use electrical appliances, which can affect their biorhythms. No evidence has been found that the moon affects menstruation.

Some scientists not only believe that the moon influences people, but also feel this influence on themselves, while others believe that this is all fiction and the moon cannot influence our lives in any way. Alexander Ivanov, who is the head of the observatory in Kubansky state university, claims that the influence of the full moon on human behavior and health is 85% proven. Believe it or not? Everyone decides for themselves.

The influence of the Moon on humans was noted by philosophers and thinkers of antiquity. They studied the influence of the luminary on living and inanimate nature, thereby providing the basis for the development of astronomy, astrology and the natural sciences.

Moon influence:

The nature of the effects on the body depends on the phase of the lunar cycle. Surely you have noticed that sometimes in the morning you feel cheerful and energetic, but sometimes you wake up tired and exhausted. If you pay more attention to this fact, you will notice that the change in your state and mood occurs cyclically. The Moon influences women to the maximum extent because their bodies feel the influence of lunar cycles more strongly.

Aspects of lunar influence:

Gravitational - the human body is 80% liquid, therefore it feels, like the ebb and flow of the oceans, the action of the Earth's satellite;

Electromagnetic - the influence of the Moon on the Earth’s field affects a person’s well-being, slowing down or accelerating his biochemical reactions;

Climatic - the action of the Moon affects the formation of many weather phenomena and processes;

Psychological - the Moon was once an object of worship and represented a powerful force over all of humanity; it was those times, leaving a mark in the genetic memory, that provoke anxiety and anxiety every moonlit night.

New moon

Women are less susceptible to this negative phenomena new moons as aggression and tension. Men need to be calmer and limit the stress on the body, because it is during this period that the largest number of strokes and heart attacks occur.

Waxing Crescent

During the period of growth, the Moon can have a positive effect on a person’s mental and physical health.

You are full of energy and vigor. It's time to try a new type of exercise. Also during this period, it is recommended to start taking vitamins and switch to a healthy diet.

Full moon

This phase is characterized by heightened feelings and emotions. The full moon has a greater impact on the fair sex. The psyche becomes more vulnerable, insomnia, restlessness and increased emotionality appear.

Medical studies have shown that blood clotting becomes lower during such periods, so important operations should be postponed to another, more favorable period.


Waning moon

This period is the best time to get rid of everything that irritates you. Diets, procedures, directions for removing toxins and waste, and visits to the dentist will be most effective during the waning moon.

How does the Moon affect health?

The Moon and the Sun are two planets that have a decisive influence on the life of everything that exists on our planet. The Sun represents the masculine divine principle, and the Moon represents the feminine. Together they symbolize the great primordial duality: male and female, active and passive, day and night, mind and feelings, will and love. These are the same Yang and Yin, two sides of one life. The Sun rules over time, and the Moon rules over space, the Sun rules over fire, and the Moon rules over water.

The Moon, being 27 million times smaller than the Sun, is 374 times closer to the Earth than the daylight. That is why it has such a significant influence on earthly natural phenomena and people's livelihoods. The lunar month consists of four phases, which are associated with the position of the Moon relative to the Sun. The new moon is the combination of the Moon and the Sun, and the full moon is their opposition. There are two forms of influence of the Moon - when it waxes and wanes. There are four important points lunar month(new moon, full moon, first and third quarter days). Each phase of the cycle lasts about a week. This is the lunar rhythm.

Human daily biorhythms largely depend on the lunar rhythm. The last one is the rotation of the Moon around our planet. One revolution around the Earth takes place in 28-30 days. This is a lunar month that lasts from new moon to new moon. But almost half calendar months in a year has an unfinished cycle. As a result, great psychological tension is created, people face many difficulties and trials, especially in February (and not only leap year). The critical points of the lunar calendar are especially dangerous in any month of the year. They are considered, first of all, the 9th, 15th, 19th and 29th lunar days, and secondly - the 1st, 4th, 11th, 23rd and 26th. Most complications occur in people during this time. In the lunar month there are favorable days, which increase protective functions body, improve health. These are the 6th, 7th, 16th, 24th and 28th lunar days.

Under the gravitational influence of the Moon towards it, the solid surface of the Earth is deformed by 50 cm in the vertical direction and about 5 cm in the horizontal direction. This impact has an even stronger effect on the aquatic environment and is expressed in the fact that in the coastal zones of the oceans, every 12 hours 25 minutes the tidal wave changes to an ebb tide. These gravitational disturbances in the aquatic environment globe, naturally, affect the behavior of living organisms. The gravitational field of the Moon (ebb and flow) has a significant impact on the human body, primarily on the distribution of blood in organs and tissues. Chinese medicine states that 12 major organs, connected by corresponding channels, experience a two-hour tidal wave of activity once a day, and at other times an ebb wave, when the organ is minimally washed by blood. At the same time, the Moon accelerates the flow of biochemical processes in human tissues.

This planet affects the consciousness and psyche of a person, his mood and emotions. The gravitational and energetic effects of each lunar day are not similar to each other. The reason is that they depend on the angular distance between the Moon and the Sun in the sky, which changes by about 12° every day. For example, exposure to a certain lunar day can restore the balance of the entire body, and can also aggravate diseases, especially chronic ones. In both cases, we get the result of using biorhythms. You can simply “communicate” with them intelligently, by following them, or unwisely, by violating them. For example, all zodiac signs represent a celestial circle divided into 12 sectors. They are greatly influenced by the position of the Moon, which, moving around the Earth, passes under these signs on celestial sphere. The speed of the Moon's movement through the zodiac is approximately 0.5 degrees of arc per hour. Being in each zodiac sign for 2.5 days, the Moon makes the organs and systems of the human body associated with this sign vulnerable and weak; they should not be overloaded at this time. It is enough to know this feature to avoid many health problems. You can find out what lunar day it is today and what sign the Moon is in from any lunar calendar.

In addition to the general lunar rhythm, there is also an individual one. In this case, the person’s birthday is taken as the original lunar day, which is the beginning of one’s own lunar month. The rhythm of an individual lunar month is constant from the birth of a person until his death. If you know it, you can avoid many dangers and prevent the occurrence of most diseases. There is also an opinion: the lunar day of not only birth, but also conception determines health, constitution, life expectancy, and indicates possible diseases of certain organs that may be provoked relative position celestial bodies throughout life.

The influence of the Moon on a person largely depends on the phases of the lunar cycle, which last about a week.

In the first phase of the moon, the functions of the cerebral cortex and organs of the upper body are activated. It is during this period, after the new moon, that it is recommended to begin any healing course, because due to the energy of the beginning of the lunar life cycle, a person coordinates and strengthens his own body functions. If he wants to get rid of bad habits that undermine his health, then he must start doing this in accordance with this time.

The second phase is characterized by a gradual increase in external gravity from the Moon and the Sun, the direction of movement of energy and fluid in the body from the inside out, and an increase in body weight. This period is most favorable for cleansing the body and easy waste of energy. In addition, heavy bleeding is possible at this time. Toxins, along with the flow of liquid, tend to come out on their own, especially during a visit to the steam room, so it is better to cleanse the large intestine, liver and kidneys at this time. Three days of the lunar calendar, from the 11th to the 14th, are considered the most successful for cleansing the body. In the second phase of the Moon, the gravitational and energy center of influence is in the thoracic and epigastric region; the lungs, abdominal organs and thoracic spine are activated. If there is a hidden pathology in these parts of the body, it will worsen.

The full moon is characterized by the maximum opposing influence of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth's biosphere. At this time, significant stress is observed in the human body, when energy and fluid flows from the external expanded state of the body rush inward. A person gains strength, he wants to move actively, get more physical activity. During the full moon, the passage of a mature egg through the fallopian tubes and its entry into the uterus, where conception occurs, accelerates. In general, women react especially strongly to the full moon, much more pronounced than men.

In the third phase of the Moon, there is an even greater compression of energy and fluid in the human body. These days it is necessary to avoid heavy physical activity and dietary errors, which are stress factors for the body.

The fourth phase is the time when the upper and lower regions body. An excessive surge of energy and fluid tends to the head and feet, causing stagnation and blood deficiency in them, leading to fainting and exacerbation of thrombophlebitis of the extremities. Body weight begins to decrease due to the flow of fluid and waste from the body, the menstrual cycle in women ends, passivity increases, and all processes of the lunar cycle end. During this phase of the Moon it is also good to carry out cleansing procedures in the form of enemas and steam rooms.

On a new moon, with increased gravity of the Moon and Sun, a person’s mass becomes smaller, fluid from the head area rushes down and is evenly distributed throughout the body, the activity of metabolic processes increases, but the number of mental disorders also increases. This is the time when liquid is actively absorbed through the skin and enters deep into the body. Note that men react more strongly to the new moon. At this time they are aggressive, nervous, and more often suffer from a heart attack.

Regarding human health, the Moon is responsible for the quality of blood, chest, stomach, lymph, lungs, left eye in men and right eye in women, intestines, menstrual cycle, uterus, nervous system, esophagus, tonsils, saliva. In general terms, the Moon is responsible for the conception and birth of children; it guides a person in childhood, controls the lives of women, especially mothers (it is believed that it affects women more than men), the emotional sphere. Diseases of the Moon: diseases of the uterus, problems with menstruation, fever, general weakness, jaundice, asthma, colic, pulmonary diseases, predisposition to coughs and colds, tuberculosis, pleurisy (especially in childhood). These diseases are caused by a weak or damaged Moon. The main symptoms of the latter are emotional instability, scarcity of emotions, fear of close relationships, lack of friendliness, increased sense of danger, anxiety, depression, and poor memory. Such a person often feels dissatisfied and has difficulty withstanding stress and tension associated with communication. He is prone to despondency, pessimism, neuroses and mental disorders. His thoughts are confused, he is gloomy and anxious. Physical signs of a weak Moon: anemia, lack of fluid in the tissues or, conversely, its stagnation, dry skin, constipation, weakened lungs. It is difficult for such a person to tolerate dry and hot weather. Women, in addition to menstrual cycle disorders, may suffer from infertility.

Moon phases and health

Each phase of the moon has a specific effect on our well-being. Lunar phases provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases or, conversely, contribute to a successful recovery, lead to the emergence of new diseases or increase the body’s defenses, indicate the most effective procedures for health, etc. We will tell you about characteristic features each phase and indicate the main features of the lunar days that make it up.

We will discuss the influence of lunar days on health in more detail in the chapter “Characteristics of lunar days.”

First lunar phase

The first phase begins with the new moon. During the first two days, the Moon is not visible in the sky. At this time, a person is most weakened, exhausted, and the body’s energy resources are at a minimum. Immunity suffers, mistakes and behavioral disruptions are possible. We are visited by fears, depression, depression. But this state also has its advantages: the body throws off the burden accumulated over the entire previous lunar month.

Then a narrow crescent of the Moon appears in the sky - and you can breathe more freely. We feel the forces hidden within us growing. At this time, the body seems to be living its youth, it grows and develops again, it is tuned to consume energy, receive it from the outside, it saves energy and spends almost no energy.

In the first phase, from the new moon to the first quarter, a person is especially active. However, this period cannot be considered the most favorable for health: the first phase is the time of exacerbation of chronic diseases. As the Moon grows, we become stronger, as if preparing for upcoming victories and achievements. Closer to the change of lunar phases, you should be more careful, more attentive to yourself and others. On such days, people become less balanced and more conflicted. The acuity of emotional perception of the world increases.

First phase - good period for health-promoting treatments. This is the time when the effect of medications is enhanced and vitamins and minerals, especially magnesium, calcium and iron, are absorbed more effectively. On these days, any procedures have a more effective effect than in other phases. However, along with such beneficial properties The negative ones also make themselves felt fully. In the first phase, poisoning and allergies are more severe. At the same time, very active accumulation of fat occurs. Therefore, if you are watching your weight, keep in mind: at this time, every candy you eat will be deposited in extra grams.

In the first days of the first phase, general strengthening procedures can be performed. It's good to prevent diseases. If you want to significantly increase physical activity, wait until the 5th lunar day. Water procedures are also useful at this time. In particular, bathhouse and sauna until the 7th lunar day, contrast shower. The latter should be taken as follows: warm - cool - warm - cold water for 2-5 seconds. Douses have a beneficial effect if you are mentally and physically prepared for them: a minute under warm shower, then dousing cold water for 10 seconds (maximum). The dousing should be done from top to bottom: first the shoulders, then the feet.

If you were planning to get rid of bad habits and start playing sports, then the first phase is the right time to realize these good intentions. Let us note that if you are planning, for example, to quit smoking, then it is better to do it now, but you need to prepare yourself psychologically in the previous, fourth phase.

New moon And 1st lunar day- a time when the body is still too weak. Immunity is weak, energy is low, irritability and fatigue are increased. Physical and mental fatigue further weakens health. At this time, it is easy to catch some kind of disease, especially a viral one (closer to the new moon). Illnesses that begin on this day can last a long time, but will end happily and will not lead to complications.

At this time, under no circumstances should you drink alcoholic beverages, eat spicy or hot food. Starting from the 5th lunar day, it is good to give preference to fresh food, unprocessed, raw, cool.

In 2nd lunar day You can already start physical exercise, but you should still take care of yourself. Simple food works well today plant origin. Illnesses of this day are short-lived and harmless.

IN 3rd lunar day Monitor your health closely. Diseases that arise on this day can last a long time.

IN 4th lunar day a person is still susceptible to diseases, however, if he immediately begins to treat them, they will not last long. Today it is necessary to save energy, not to waste energy on useless activities and empty conversations.

IN 5th lunar day You can’t starve, your body can easily digest any food (if possible, you should avoid meat). You shouldn’t eat a lot, but the food should be the most best quality. This is explained by the fact that food is endowed with specific energy, and what you eat today nourishes your astral body. Take care of yourself from illnesses: illnesses that begin on this day can be serious and lead to complications.

IN 6th lunar day you need to get some fresh air - take a walk in the countryside, or at least walk along a clean street or park. When eating, give preference to fruits and vegetables; it’s good if you prepare them in a special way or make a new dish. If you get sick on this day, do not worry, the ailments of this day pass quickly and easily. But you need to avoid hypothermia.

IN 7th lunar day health status is unpredictable. Chronic diseases today can either sharply worsen or disappear just as suddenly. Anyone who is ill on this day will be easily cured and will quickly recover. As on the previous day, today you should not get too cold.

Second lunar phase

The second phase begins on the day when the illuminated part occupies exactly half of the lunar disk. The body’s energy continues to grow: we become stronger, more active, more emotional. Life forces are gradually approaching their peak. There are already enough of them, they have not been wasted, fatigue has not yet set in, and a person is capable of much. But this is precisely why the second phase of the Moon, from the first quarter to the full moon inclusive, is dangerous due to the occurrence of acute diseases. During this period it is very stressful nervous system. The psyche has a hard time coping with stress. Therefore, limit the emotional stress as much as possible, avoid worries and tension. Reduce stress-causing factors - alcohol, smoking, nervous situations in your personal life and at work. Take less medications, it is better to completely avoid alcohol. Do not strive for physical activity, let the load gradually decrease towards the full moon. If it's cool outside, avoid hypothermia, first of all, keep your head and feet out of the cold.

In the second phase, cleansing measures are especially effective. From the 8th to the 10th lunar day, if possible, you should carry out procedures that cleanse the body of toxins. From the 10th to the 12th lunar day, cleansing of the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, and a visit to the bathhouse are indicated. The 11th lunar day is especially strong in this regard. In general, these three days are the best time for fasting in the entire lunar month, but on the 11th day you can also give up water. Of course, this should only be done if your body is prepared for such stress. Otherwise, you risk causing yourself serious harm, both physically and psychologically. Starting from the 13th lunar day until the end of the third phase, fasting is also useful. It is very good to give enemas.

If you are thin, during this period take hot baths and go to the sauna - it is especially favorable to do this on the 9th and 10th lunar days. If you have a heavy body type, you will benefit from warm baths. During the second phase of the Moon, pouring cool and cold water has a beneficial effect: in the first days of the phase - warmer, in the last days - cold. Pouring is carried out from the bottom up, starting from the feet and ending with the head.

In the first two days of the second phase, give preference to Yin food, and starting from the tenth lunar day, to Yang food. Stewed vegetables and various cereal porridges will be especially useful. Try to eat less butter. If you are thin, this menu will be especially suitable for you. Add bread made from sprouted grains to it - and improved well-being is guaranteed. If, on the other hand, you are overweight, pay attention to dry foods with less moisture. For example, when porridge is healthy, it can be buckwheat without milk, vegetables without gravy.

IN 8th lunar day the person is susceptible to nervous disorders. Stress on this day is especially dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. Also today, against a generally unfavorable background for health, injuries are possible. On this day you can’t eat a lot and overwork at work, you need to allow yourself rest and unloading. You should protect yourself from illnesses: illnesses that begin on this day can lead to complications.

IN 9th lunar day The illnesses turn out to be serious, but the prognosis is still favorable. This is a difficult day for the body. Today, various cleansing procedures will be especially good, first of all, a bath. At this time, the load on the heart and blood vessels is very dangerous; do everything to avoid it.

IN 10th lunar day you can't get sick. The onset of illnesses can be serious, but if you start treatment on time, then everything will go well. It is very important not to overload on this day. If you were unable to rest on the 8th lunar day, do it today.

IN 11th lunar day the body feels cheerful, shows us high tone, readiness for physical activity. But if sports and sex are beneficial today, then stress on the spine can become dangerous. It is dangerous to get sick on this day.

IN 12th lunar day the heart is susceptible negative influences. The nervous system is very susceptible. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to be nervous and do things that put stress on the heart. In particular, you should not run, play sports, or smoke. You need to protect yourself from possible diseases: on this day they can become extremely unpleasant.

IN 13th lunar day We are surrounded by energy that can negatively affect our well-being. At this time, you should not get sick; you should avoid illnesses at all costs: they can become very long-lasting. But the body absorbs various things well medications.

IN 14th lunar day the body is quite strong. But the health hazard continues. Today you may unexpectedly get rid of old illness or, conversely, become seriously ill. Although illnesses that began on this day are not dangerous, they will pass quickly and without complications. It is good to fast on this day, but you should drink less liquid. You can’t be in a passive state, you need to either engage exercise(at least a little), or just move more.

IN 15th lunar day the background for health is unfavorable. Today you need to be careful and take care of your nerves. Rest is very useful. You cannot waste energy on disputes and conflicts. Sex today also drains the body. The illness that began on this day will easily pass. No operations can be performed today.

The full moon is coming - it’s time to move from accumulating strength to actively spending it. On this day, unspent energy may become unmanageable. Excess energy prevents you from falling asleep - it is during the full moon and the next few days that many people complain of insomnia. In the old days they believed that these days blood flows more abundantly from wounds, and sleepwalkers walk in their sleep. Nervous disorders are worsening and the number of road accidents is increasing. People become more irritated and often start a quarrel for no reason. The number of suicides is increasing.

On a full moon, the body is exposed to more dangers than on any other day of the lunar month. Closer to it, the risk of infectious diseases is maximally increased. Today you can get injured, so be especially careful when doing physical activity, and if it’s icy outside, pay close attention to the road. During the full moon it is easiest to get poisoned, so do not eat unfamiliar food, do not visit unknown cafes, and when buying food, be sure to look at their expiration date. During the full moon, the body completely absorbs all medications and drugs: from medicinal to narcotic. Possible side effects. One drink or one cigarette today will do more harm than in two weeks.

Today the body is in dire need of energy, so it cannot be spent on anything that requires energy output: conflicts, parties, sex, sports. Experienced herbalists know that medicinal plants, collected on the full moon, work better than those prepared earlier or later on this day. The full moon day is also good for therapeutic fasting. But it is unfavorable for people who have just undergone surgery.

Third lunar phase

The moon is already beginning to wane, but in the first days of the phase you need to behave taking into account the fact that the full moon is still in effect. In the future, the body is tuned to activity, energy consumption, splashing it out from within. In the third phase of the Moon, from the full moon to the fourth quarter, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs are likely. You have to be especially careful about your diet. It is very important not to get sick during this critical time. In addition, the third phase is a period of sexual activity, which these days has a beneficial effect on health. During the period of the waning moon, massages are more effective than at other times: relaxing and to relieve spasms, as well as removal from the body harmful substances. The effect of medicinal herbs is also effective. On days when the Moon is waning, the chances of success with surgical interventions are higher, and recovery is faster.

In the third phase, treatment of lower back diseases and their prevention are especially good. You should warm it up and apply compresses. A contrast shower is useful for water procedures. It should be taken alternating warm - cool - warm - cold water for 2-5 seconds. These days the body copes well with increased physical activity. For the highest activity and sporting achievements, lunar days from the 19th to the 21st are most favorable.

The third phase is the best time for surgical operations: they go better, recovery is faster, the sutures bleed little and form almost no scars. By the way, all skin formations - warts, moles, papillomas, etc. - should be removed precisely during the waning moon. It doesn't matter what you use to remove them - red silk thread or liquid nitrogen, boiled potatoes or laser. But if you have not yet recovered by the new moon, pause these procedures and continue them after the full moon. And the third phase is the best time for deep cleansing of the skin, including resurfacing and chemical peeling. The skin is cleansed deeper and regenerates faster. This is the best time for hair removal - it goes easier, and the hairs will then grow more slowly.

It is not recommended to fast during the third phase of the moon; on the contrary, this is a suitable recovery period after fasting. These days you should give up spicy and fried foods, reduce or completely eliminate meat from your diet. In the first half of the phase, i.e. from the 16th to the 18th lunar day, give preference to yang food. From the 19th to the 22nd - Yin, watery, cooling. The food may be rough, but in any case you should not eat too much. Interesting fact: when the Moon is waning, food is not deposited in the body in the form of excess body weight, so if these days we eat more than usual, we will not gain weight. Keep this in mind if you are going on a diet. fast action. Even if you torture yourself with a dry fast, you will not achieve anything. And if you want to gain weight, no matter how much you eat, you still won’t gain even half a kilogram.

IN 16th lunar day general background good for health. Gymnastics and physical exercises are recommended. It's good to get out into nature. You can't be nervous or worry. The body is in good shape, but if you need the tone to be even higher, you will have to give up meat.

IN 17th lunar day The body's resources are not as rich as in the previous one. It is dangerous to get sick on this day: the illness will be severe and long-lasting. Today you should not take medications unless absolutely necessary. Alcohol is very harmful.

IN 18th lunar day you can rest and relax if you didn’t do it yesterday. But relaxation in this case does not imply a holiday of gluttony: eating a lot is contraindicated. Among all the days of the lunar month, this day is the best for fasting. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol today. Water treatments are recommended, especially the sauna. A massage will be helpful. It is necessary to protect your health in every way, since an illness that begins on this day can last a very long time and may not even go away, turning into a chronic form.

IN 19th lunar day the body is quite strong. If you get sick on this day, the illness will go away quickly and easily. But in order to save and increase strength, you should remain calm in all situations and keep your emotions under control. Today you cannot take medications unless absolutely necessary and recommended by a doctor, as well as self-medicate and select your own medications.

IN 20th lunar day, as in the previous one, it is important to control your emotions. This is where the similarities between days 19 and 20 end. Today the body is not strong, and if you get sick, you can spend it on treatment long time. Among the healing procedures, the bathhouse and sauna are especially useful. You should give up alcohol.

IN 21st lunar day there is a critical background for health, old diseases may worsen. But the nature of this day is dual, and instead of exacerbation, unexpected relief may come and the process of recovery may begin. In order to protect yourself from problems, you need to spend time as much as possible calm atmosphere. Moreover, the diseases of this day can be dangerous.

IN 22nd lunar day the general background is unfavorable for health. Today there is a peculiar turn of energy. If a person gets sick on this day, the illness can cause significant harm to his health and lead to serious consequences.

Fourth lunar phase

In the fourth phase, from the last quarter to the new moon (inclusive), the body is susceptible to various diseases. The narrower the crescent moon becomes, the more vulnerable the energy of our bodies is. A person loses activity, begins to get tired, everything falls out of hand. The body's defenses are weakened, and a lack of energy is felt. Sometimes biorhythms get confused, insomnia or drowsiness occurs, in the middle of the night you may suddenly want to eat, but during the day, on the contrary, the feeling of hunger does not arise. During this short period, a person is susceptible to mood swings, depression may occur, and it is difficult to cope with stress. Fluid circulation in the body is disrupted. In the fourth phase of the Moon, it is necessary to reduce physical and psychological stress as much as possible. Giving yourself one day of rest in the middle of the fourth phase is not a solution to the problem; you need to take care of yourself until the onset of the new moon. But you shouldn’t lie on the couch for days: try to spend more time in the fresh air, take time for walking.

Taking care of your health, take cool foot baths in the fourth phase. If you are not afraid of being doused with water, keep in mind that this procedure is especially useful during this period. But you don’t need to start dousing from top to bottom, throwing a tub of ice water over your head. The latter should be cool, and the dousing should be done from the bottom up, starting from the feet and ending with the head.

In the fourth phase, the body is cleansed especially effectively. For this purpose, visit the sauna, bathhouse - it is also useful for internal organs, and for the skin. You can do enemas, and it is best to start in the late evening, around 10 p.m. Compresses, lotions, and poultices also work well, especially those made from herbs (knotweed is best). Herbs these days will help clear problem areas. A very good period for fasting. Herbal decoctions and infusions (water-based), juices, and alkaline mineral waters work well.

The last four critical days of the phase are called Hecate days. At this time, the influence of the Moon on our body reaches its climax. Specified days enhance our ability to self-purify. We can get rid of almost anything, from substances that poison the body to bad habits.

Throughout the fourth phase, try to drink and eat less, do not overeat under any circumstances, and avoid gastronomic temptations. This primarily applies to meat and fried foods. From the 23rd to the 25th lunar day, give preference to Yin food, from the 26th to the new moon - to Yang food. Spices and seasonings have a beneficial effect if you do not have individual contraindications to them. Don’t allow yourself to experiment with new foods, don’t eat what you don’t know, avoid heavy foods and anything that you don’t digest well.

IN 23rd lunar day give up sex, but don't neglect exercise. Carefully monitor your health: if you get sick on this day, it will take a long time to recover.

IN 24th lunar day diseases, on the contrary, are harmless. As a rule, they do not drag on and do not bring unpleasant consequences. Unlike the previous day, today the body is more stable and copes with the load more easily.

IN 25th lunar day health is at risk. If the disease begins today, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. A good day for rest and relaxation.

IN 26th lunar day The body's protective functions are low. If you feel bad, tired and chronically overworked, on this day you will feel better if you do not engage in physical labor, sports or sex. Today you can’t talk a lot, as this leads to even more energy consumption. Try to protect yourself from illnesses: the onset of ailments can be serious.

IN 27th lunar day The picture is no longer so depressing: today the body has more strength. Illnesses that begin on this day will not be serious.

IN 28th lunar day the body's defenses are not as high as in the previous one, but not as low as in the 25th. To protect yourself from the emergence of new diseases and exacerbation of old ones, limit physical, mental and emotional stress if possible. Do not give in to anger and irritation, do not enter into conflicts: this will take away a huge share of your already insufficient energy. However, if you get sick on this day, the illness will not be serious. A good day for relaxing in nature, visiting the bathhouse. From this day until the new moon, the energy goes into a noticeable decline. First of all, men are weakened: they need to take special care of their health. No “belly holidays” or other bodily joys until the first lunar day!

IN 28th lunar day Don't waste your energy in vain. Save your energy, you will need it. Don't eat or drink too much, limit communication, reduce stress.

IN 29th lunar day The recommendations of the 28th apply. But today is a much more difficult day, the most dangerous of the entire lunar month. It is extremely unfavorable for health. Complete abstinence will help protect the body - from smoking, alcohol, meat and dairy foods, sex, and violent emotions. Diseases of this day are very dangerous.

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