How to open a beer store from scratch: a step-by-step plan. Ready-made business plan for a wedding salon

In conditions of crisis and growing competition in the market, many people strive to develop in one way or another own business. At the same time, some are trying to develop completely new ideas and promote products that are not yet on the market. On the one hand, such business tactics can be quite profitable, but on the other hand, it is too risky for novice businessmen.

Therefore, at first it is advisable to engage in a time-tested and stable business. One of these is a beer store.

Main provisions of the project

When opening such a store, you need to understand that the focus should be on draft beer, since the various types of this drink in bottles sell absolutely everything retail chains, with which a small company cannot be compared even from the point of view price competition due to incomparably small sales volumes.

In general, beer trading can be classified as a business with a pronounced seasonality: for example, from late spring to early autumn, sales profits grow by an average of 25-35%. As for the winter period, often a retail outlet operates at almost zero profitability and only covers the costs of rent and wages.

It is important to understand that the store design should include at least 7-8 different types of beer– there should be both light and dark options. At the same time, several varieties must be imported. Another important way to increase the popularity and competitiveness of the store is to use unusual and increasingly popular types of beer - namely, cherry ale (which will expand the target audience to include girls and women), cider, etc.

If you plan to open a large store (which is not always advisable), the number of varieties should be at least two dozen.

Finally, the assortment should also include related products - snacks, snacks, etc., which will stimulate sales and bring additional profit. As an option, it is possible to sell cigarettes - this will increase the share of “random” purchases.

Market analysis and location selection

In order for it to function successfully, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of identifying potential competitors, and take into account the results of the study when choosing the location where the retail outlet will be located:

  • So, the main competitors are supermarkets, because they save time and money: buyers immediately take all the products they need. In addition, some of them sell draft beer. In this case, the only option to attract customers is to increase the level of service and expand the range.
  • In addition, competitors may become the same beer stores and outlets selling alcoholic beverages generally. In the first case, you need to carefully choose a location away from competitors, and in the second, it is important to focus on high quality products, since most stores selling any alcoholic products do not pay much attention to the quality of their goods.
  • Finally, another competitor is the various bars, cafes and restaurants. However, first of all, they will interfere with the store, which is developing not just in the format of buying beer to go, but in a scheme that provides an opportunity for visitors to sit and drink. Most often (especially in the case of lack of experience), it is most advisable to open a spot beer store, which can be located anywhere: from a subway exit or supermarket to a shopping center or residential building (on the ground floor, not in the basement, since it does not meet the requirements fire safety).

In addition to focusing on where potential customers are located, it is important to understand that, according to the law, there are some zones in which stores selling beer cannot be located - this applies to areas located within 100 meters of educational, medical and sports institutions.

An important criterion is the location area, since it will affect both traffic flow and rent. So, priority should often be given to residential areas, since they are characterized by lower rental rates, a large number of residents (as a result, potential customers) and fewer competitors.

Fixed and variable costs

When operating a store, many costs will be constant, which is an advantage since they will not increase depending on the volume of products sold.

So, among fixed costs stand out:

  • Rent price(the cost of which varies from region to region and from the selected type of premises, but its average minimum rate is about 1000 rubles per sq. m);
  • Premises security(from 4000-5000 rubles per month);
  • Staff salaries not directly related to sales (this could be an accountant and a lawyer working part-time or a quarter of the time - from 6,000 rubles);
  • Current expenses(this includes cleaning, purchasing household goods, etc.);
  • Maintenance costs equipment.

A separate point should be made salespersons' wages, since depending on the accrual system it can be either constant or variable. In this case, it is advisable to organize activities in such a way that their wages depend on the volume of products sold - this will stimulate them to increase productivity.

Among variable costs First of all, the costs of purchasing various types of beer, packaging (bottles of different sizes), and related products will be allocated.

When opening, you will also need to invest money in or (it is advisable to contact law firm, which will help avoid problems, the costs will range from 2,000 to 15,000 rubles depending on the chosen form), obtain a trade permit (2,000-3,000 rubles), conclude an agreement with the sanitary and epidemiological station (will also cost 2,000-3,000 rubles). Finally, you will initially have to spend about 50,000-100,000 rubles on the first batch of goods.

Equipment and personnel required for operation

In most stores, work is carried out in shifts according to the following schedule: 2 days working, then 2 days rest. Therefore, for a small point, two sellers will be enough. In addition, it is necessary to hire an accountant, a lawyer and a cleaner at half the rate. Finally, a security guard may be required (depending on location). Thus:

  • The salary of one salesperson is 20,000-30,000 rubles, depending on the chosen scheme and region;
  • An accountant's salary is on average about 8,000-12,000 rubles for a part-time job;
  • Salary for a lawyer – from 10,000 rubles (in some cases it is more advisable to contact specialized companies if necessary);
  • The cleaning lady's salary is about 5,000 rubles, depending on the schedule.

In terms of equipment, the following items are required:

  • Refrigerator in the form of a display case for snacks (35,000-45,000 rubles);
  • A stand with a so-called stock item (10,000 rubles);
  • Floor scales for receiving kegs (15,000 rubles);
  • Trade scales (5000 rubles);
  • Beer equipment (taps and coolers) – often provided by the supplier free of charge;
  • Defoamers (cost of one - 3500 rubles);
  • Small racks and drives (1000-3000 rubles, can be provided by the supplier free of charge).

It is important to understand that the premises will be divided into 2 parts - a storage area and a sales area, so you will need 2 air conditioners, the purchase and installation of which will cost somewhere around 25,000-30,000 rubles.

You can watch the installation process of the beer outlet in the following video:

How to advertise a store and attract customers

The main feature of such stores is that their promotion does not require a high level of additional costs. Yes, for effective advertising It is enough to have a quality product and place an advertising banner in a crowded place telling about the existence of the outlet.

In addition, you should spend money on developing a logo and creating a bright and noticeable sign. After attracting the first customers, the rest of the promotion will be carried out by existing customers who are satisfied with the quality of the drinks.

A useful innovation after a certain time will be the holding of promotions that allow you to receive a third liter of beer as a gift or a gift in the form of souvenir mugs.

Due to the fairly high level of competition, in order to attract and retain customers, care should be taken to ensure that the beer is chilled even during peak periods. To do this, you need to spend money and buy a refrigerator. At the same time, it is advisable to diversify the supplier base to 3 or 4, so as not to find yourself in a situation of dependence on them, subject to a limited assortment, which will inevitably lead to a loss of customer loyalty.

Possible timing of opening a beer outlet

Due to the fact that the peak of sales occurs in the summer, it is advisable to open a point in late spring to reduce the payback period. At first, you can try to focus on expanding the range and selling not only draft beer, but also in bottles.

The sequence of procedures is as follows:

  1. Choice .
  2. Legal registration of future business.
  3. Resolving issues related to taxation.
  4. Determining the location of the store and subsequent rental/purchase of premises.
  5. Determination of assortment policy.
  6. Purchase and installation of necessary equipment.
  7. Searching for suppliers and concluding contracts.

In total, the entire process takes from 3 to 6 weeks. The most time-consuming ones are legal issues, searching for a place to rent and concluding agreements with contractors.

Potential payback period and profit level

In order for the store to be profitable and competitive in terms of price, it is advisable to install a markup of approximately 50% on imported beer, from 85% on domestic beer and from 40% on various snacks.

In this case, the payback period when opening in the summer will be about 2 months, because the maximum level Revenue from a small retail outlet per month is about 500 thousand rubles. At the same time, from the point of view of net profit, beer will bring in 70-75% of the profit, the rest will be distributed between snacks and cigarettes. On average, to achieve a return on investment, it is enough to have 30 customers daily based on the fact that their average bill will be about 300 rubles.

Thus, the beer business is promising direction for development and getting enough high level arrived. The main problems may be related to legal issues. An important advantage of opening a store is the fact that the businessman himself will not have to spend most of his time maintaining its functioning - accordingly, he will have time to implement new projects.

Today in Russia, people have tasted the taste of real live beer and most connoisseurs of this drink are willing to overpay a little for its quality and taste. This circumstance makes a point selling beer on tap quite profitable.

The obvious advantage of the case under consideration is its high profitability, and the small amount starting capital opens the entrance to almost everyone. At the same time, there are many nuances that need to be taken into account when drawing up a business plan for a store. draft beer.

Selecting a location

Since each area has its own “bottlings,” it is necessary to focus primarily on residents of nearby houses. From this point of view, a residential neighborhood that competitors have not yet reached would be ideal. Also very profitable will be points near markets, cultural and entertainment centers, near outdoor recreation areas for citizens.

But to open a draft beer store near medical, sports and educational institutions inappropriate: the sale of foam there is not permitted by law. But even if there are no similar establishments near the place you are looking for for a beer store, additional monitoring is simply necessary.

Make sure there is no supermarket or business center nearby. Customers and employees of both will simply not buy beer from you. Opening a beer store on the ground floor of a high-rise building will provide you with customers, but it may cause problems with dissatisfied residents and regulatory services.

Preparing for the opening

In parallel with the search for a place, it is worth taking care of registering the future company and obtaining permits. Buy early and cash machine, and after drawing up a lease agreement, get ready to undergo an inspection by the SES and the fire brigade.

Then you need to decide on the organizational and legal form. Lawyers advise establishing an LLC, as entrepreneurs face constant tightening of rules.

The opening of a society with limited liability allows you to use the simplified tax system, which will simplify work with accounting. In addition, you need to acquire certificates from Consumer Supervision, Sanpin, fire inspection, etc. Note that the business plan allocates an amount of 50,000 rubles for collecting all permits.

Starting investments

The cost of purchasing a starting batch of goods will be approximately 60 thousand rubles if the partners offer free containers (kegs) and defoamers. Thus, the total starting costs will be approximately 380 thousand rubles.

Equipment: buy or rent?

If the entrepreneur is confident that the store will survive long time, it makes sense to purchase equipment that is standard for beer bottling points. Otherwise, experts advise renting it for 3-4 months. Statistics show that entrepreneurs prefer to rent equipment. What do we need to open a beer bottling point?

As you can see from the table, if you are planning a business at least a year and a half in advance, it is more profitable to purchase equipment than to rent it. Remember that it is quite capricious and often breaks down, so it is necessary to teach store employees to treat it with care.


As with most businesses, your salespeople will be the face of the store, so they not only need to be pleasant to look at, but also be able to get along with the customer. Preference should be given to candidates who have previously worked as bartenders or counter staff.

It is enough to hire two people working in shifts week after week, the average size salaries will be 10,000 rubles, plus 1% of profit. In the simplest way of running a business, you don't need to hire anyone else.

If you are not sure of the honesty of the sellers, install a special counter between the filling tap and the filling containers. Of course, the seller must be able to explain the difference between one or another type of beer offered.

Nuances of room design and working with suppliers

The first and main rule: the client, entering the store, should not experience discomfort. Accordingly, its area should not be less than 20-25 square meters. m. In this case, it is better to position the racks and counter so that the buyer can calmly evaluate and choose the drink or snack he is interested in. Of course, the visitor must have access to information about the specifics of a particular type of beer and its properties.

The interior of the store, ideally, should be decorated in a bright corporate style, for example, “like a wooden barrel.” This involuntarily makes the client come back to you again and again.

As for relationships with suppliers, it is most profitable for a businessman to buy beer from a distributor. They work with small volumes and are able to organize trade in related products: nuts, crackers, fish, soft drinks.


The business plan presents one of optimal options beer store assortment:

The main assortment should be local beer, but as the business expands, it would be wise to add several imported varieties, as well as mead and beer-based drinks. Such “exotic” will allow you to attract representatives of the fairer sex to your clients.

Pricing Features

The classic markup option is an 80-90% increase from the supplier’s cost for inexpensive local beer and within 25-30% for more expensive imported beer. Thus, one keg allows an entrepreneur to earn about 2,500 rubles. Considering that the cost of beer at bottling points is always slightly higher than its bottled store counterpart, a businessman must “keep up the brand” and prove to the buyer that his product is indeed better.

The seasonality of the business in question is generally recognized. In summer, 35-38% more drinks are sold than in the cold season. Therefore, when calculating prices, an entrepreneur needs to take into account that in winter he will essentially work only to maintain the operation of the store. Therefore, in order to somehow increase turnover at this time, the owner of a beer outlet should actively use a system of discounts for customers, giving up part of the profit.

This same phenomenon also explains why it is best to open a draft beer store in the spring, so that you can immediately recoup your investment and make a small profit. As practice shows, this business flourishes by the middle of the second beer season.

Such a season in the business in question can be considered the period from the second half of April to October. The calculation of the potential profit brought by a point located in a “pass-through” location is given in the following table:

As can be seen from the information above, even in the month preceding the “hot season”, the beer store brought the owner net profit in the amount of 15,342 rubles. In the summer months and September, the estimated monthly profit exceeds 60,000 rubles of net income. In the winter months, with the same expenses (except for the cost of purchasing new batches of beer - they will be less), it will be approximately 5-7 thousand per month. That is, an investment of 380 thousand rubles pays off in about one and a half summer seasons.

To summarize, we note that selling beer by the glass is a business for those who are not chasing quick and easy profits. During the summer months he will need maximum attention. Including in terms of quality control, but in winter this type of business can easily be combined with another, more profitable source of income.

In Russia, more than 11% of beer is sold on tap through stores, small outlets. The origin and large-scale development of this business occurred in 2008-2009, when, in the cycle of the economic crisis, shops with a relatively small assortment began to appear like mushrooms after rain. Beer on tap does not undergo pasteurization and is characterized by a brighter and richer taste than bottled beer. Therefore, every year it finds more and more admirers, and also makes many entrepreneurs who build businesses in this field successful.

The beer industry is one of the fastest-growing industries, even during a crisis—over the past 20 years, this segment has grown approximately 6 times. This development was partially facilitated by the state, motivating it to reduce the consumption of strong drinks. alcoholic drinks– cognac, vodka, etc. As a result, today ¾ of alcohol comes from beer. There is also an emerging trend for the growth of draft beer outlets - these are separate buildings and departments in shopping and entertainment centers.

What do you need to open a beer store?

Before opening any line of business (for example), you need to calculate all the basic and additional costs, analyze the consumer market, assess the level of competition, how much it costs to open a draft beer store, as well as the risks and disadvantages of the business.

Algorithm for opening a draft beer store:

  • financial calculations, drawing up a business plan;
  • discovery and construction of a development strategy;
  • choosing a store format to open;
  • registration of permit package of documents;
  • searching for a place, concluding a lease agreement;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • selecting a supplier and concluding an agreement for periodic supplies;
  • personnel search, conclusion of employment contracts;
  • advertising;
  • opening of a draft beer store.

Advice: selling draft beer is a seasonal business. Income in summer exceeds this figure in winter by 4-5 times.

Since the shelf life of a live foam drink does not exceed 7 days, it is necessary to ensure sales within this period so that the product does not have to be thrown away and suffer losses.

It is recommended to start with small volumes - 18-25 varieties are enough. The entire assortment should be divided into 4 sectors, each of which should contain 3-5 proposed options for an intoxicating drink. For some buyers, it is important how much beer costs, while others are willing to pay a lot, but only for their favorite variety. Carefully analyze consumer demand; after 4-6 months, the product range can be adjusted. A year later, the owner has a clear picture of which varieties sell better.

It is also advisable to offer snacks for foamy drinks - dried fish and squid, suluguni cheese, smoked pork ears, chips, crackers, nuts, etc. This makes it possible to double the check. There is a great alternative for beginners - . In this case, some of the organizational issues will fall on the shoulders of the partner, and you will have the opportunity to work with a well-known brand and get an established business process scheme.

Open a draft beer store: where to start?

The main thing is to open a place with high rate cross-country ability. Draft beer stores are local - they are located at the intersection of busy roads, near the entrances to supermarkets, department stores, metro stations, that is, places with large crowds of people. Due to small area, since the foamy drink is sold to-go, you can quickly recoup even the most expensive rent and achieve a stable income already in 2016.

There are also outlets with a small number of seats, similar to a pub. They are located over a larger area and require the installation of a bar counter and chairs.

According to experts beer business, the coverage radius of one point is approximately 350-400 meters. It is important that in this exact place there is high degree cross-country ability. For the calculation, you should take into account both the residents of the area and the people who pass by.

After choosing a location, you need to take care of the visibility of the store - order a bright sign, place signs. You should not place a store near your competitors - these are the same points of draft beer, universal kiosks, bars.

Since in every city the center is overcrowded with such establishments, residential areas remain vacant - great option to accommodate. This is the minimum number of competitors, relatively low rent and a stable flow throughout the day. According to experts, a student residence located nearby can increase sales by 30%.

But do not forget about the restricted areas, which include educational, medical and sports institutions.

It is unprofitable to open a store from scratch near business centers and business districts. It is unlikely that anyone will want to buy an intoxicating drink during the working day; the bulk of visitors will appear only after the end of the working day. IN this place more relevant.

The supermarket will also become a big competitor, since many people find it easier to buy bottled beer while shopping than to go elsewhere for draft beer. In addition, spill points are often already located at the outlet. If the sale in them is not carried out by you, then only a variety of varieties will help increase the number of visitors.

Equipment for a draft beer store

Equipment can be purchased independently or rented - it depends on the availability of start-up capital and the foresight of the strategy.

You can enter into a long-term contract with a specific supplier. As a rule, most distributors supply their own equipment, sometimes even taking care of advertising and staff training.

In order to open a draft beer store from scratch, you need to purchase equipment:

  • cooler – a device for maintaining a stable level of liquid temperature (approximately +5º);
  • stand for placing filling taps;
  • bar counter or counter;
  • containers for transportation and storage - kegs;
  • column – a mechanism for dispensing a drink;
  • drip tray;
  • defoamers;
  • hoses;
  • gas cylinders for displacing liquid from the keg;
  • reducer for pressure support;
  • refrigeration chambers;
  • showcases for selling related products - snacks, dried fish, etc.

Beer store decoration

The list of permits depends on the place where trade will be conducted. Without completing a full package of documents, you should not open a point, since inspection authorities can quickly close it until the circumstances are clarified, which will arouse suspicion among residents of the area. Therefore, on the opening day, all documentation must be ready - from health book seller until .

Basic list for store design:

  • permission to trade from the local administration (if you want to open a point on the street);
  • sales permit (if you plan to open an outlet in a shopping or entertainment center);
  • conclusion of the SES authorities;
  • fire inspection report;
  • lease contract;
  • employment contract with staff;
  • workers' health records.

The owners of most points of this format are registered as individual entrepreneurs– the registration procedure will not take more than 5 working days, but a minimum.

In order to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological authorities, you need to use non-toxic paint or tiles to decorate the walls. Lighting should be both natural and artificial, floors should be waterproof. The draft beer store must have good ventilation. Wet cleaning must be carried out daily, cleanliness is main criterion when analyzing SES organs, as in .

To obtain a permit from the fire inspectorate, the following requirements must be met:

  1. the presence of an emergency exit, the doors of which must be opened from the outside;
  2. availability of instructions on fire safety measures;
  3. conducting one-time training on fire safety measures for all workers;
  4. availability of an evacuation plan and signs with the fire department number;
  5. presence of fire sensors.

How to keep records in a draft beer store?

“It’s not beer that ruins’s its accounting and sales that ruin people,” joke experienced beer market players.

A draft beer store from scratch is a fairly new discovery in the field of sales. For ease of accounting, it is recommended to choose automated computer systems. Most outlets install automated trading equipment from the moment they open; some buy it after the start-up costs have been recouped.

The store owner needs to choose a program that will record transactions performed, take into account income and expenses, and also create a customer loyalty program.

Seller's technology:

  • accepting an order from the buyer;
  • beer bottling;
  • search for the ordered variety from the proposed list in a special program;
  • sending labels for printing;
  • gluing a label to a bottle;
  • barcode scanning;
  • settlement with the buyer;
  • printing a check.

Companies that optimize these processes and can be used when opening and operating a draft beer store from scratch:

  • "MiniSoft";
  • "TapVisor";
  • Microinvest, etc.

Beer store design

Design of a draft beer store – important point. Simply making repairs and arranging furniture is not an option. It is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere that will correspond to the intended theme and give visitors comfort.

Among the large number of beer outlets, when developing a design, the task is to stand out among competitors. This can be done by an original and unique interior, room design, general style, finishing material and paraphernalia.

To match the specifics of the store, you can decorate the premises in dark pastel colors, use rough wooden furniture, artistic plaster on the walls. An important design element is attributes. These can be wooden barrels, dark-colored wood, thematic paintings, hop ornaments, etc. The lighting in such places is muted. As a rule, the rays are directed towards the product, while other corners and the interior remain dark.

Also today, many draft beer stores, when developing their design, have deviated from the main theme and opened bright, spacious rooms with the addition of red, orange or blue flowers. As a result, the room appears visually larger and has a feeling of cleanliness and comfort. Big windows, standardized interior and great amount lamps makes the draft beer store bright, light and unforgettable.

A big role in design development belongs not only to the interior, but also to the sign. It should be concise, bright and memorable. You can place original or standard signs around the store that will guide people and encourage them to make a purchase.

How to promote a draft beer store?

When choosing advertising and marketing moves, it is worth starting from the specifics of the business. What is relevant for most areas may not produce results in the beer business. For example, advertising on television, radio, and placing ads in print media will be expensive, but will not give the expected effect.

In addition to signage, interior design and theming, good marketing ploy may become outdoor advertising - banners in the area of ​​placement.

Advice: It’s hard to believe – but even the name of a draft beer store affects sales volume. It is important to come up with a short, concise and original name that is quickly remembered.

Experienced players in the beer business effective method called audio advertising. Any promotion or lucrative offer is announced to passersby through a megaphone. The main thing is to do such events periodically, otherwise the residents of neighboring houses will hate you.

Everyone approaches the issue of discounts differently. Some experts do not advise giving away discount cards"to the right and to the left", since in winter time the store can expect losses. Other popular outlets boldly introduce discount and savings cards to attract customers.

Also, the marketing issue can be resolved with the beer supplier. Many of them provide advertising paraphernalia with their logo for free - these can be ashtrays, coasters for glasses, etc.

How much does it cost to open a draft beer store?

The threshold for entering a beer outlet starts from 300 thousand rubles. Start-up investments depend on the region of location, store format, and types of beer supplied.

Let's consider sample business plan for opening a draft beer store from scratch:

  • registration of individual entrepreneurs, registration of permits – 10 thousand rubles;
  • rental payments – 40 thousand rubles. per month;
  • carrying out repairs and finishing works– 80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of beer equipment – ​​180 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of goods (beer plus snacks) – 100 thousand rubles;
  • advertising – 10 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary (2 salespeople) – 40 thousand rubles.

Based on calculations, in order to open a draft beer store from scratch, you need to spend 460 thousand rubles. Every month the expenses will be about 250 thousand rubles.

This means that daily revenue should not be less than 9 thousand rubles. If the average check is 300 rubles, it is enough to serve 30 customers. It's not that much.

Is it profitable to open a draft beer store?

Draft beer is a popular product. Opening a store selling it from scratch is great in a metropolis. The markup level varies between 50-100%.

Since this business is seasonal, recoup starting investments only possible in warm weather. Experts advise opening a point from scratch in early spring so that by the beginning of summer the store will be well known. The initial costs can be recouped in the first summer month. In winter, many points simply close because the business becomes unprofitable. In this case, it is important to retain the right to rent the premises. Sometimes it is more profitable to pay rent in non-working months than to then start all over again and spend money on advertising in a new location.

Calculation of project payback:

  • the average cost of a liter of draft beer is 60 rubles;
  • average turnover per day (in summer) – 250-300 liters;
  • The average monthly turnover will be 450-540 thousand rubles.

As can be seen from the calculations, the payback period for the project will be 1-1.5 summer months.

Draft beer store as a business: reviews

Beginning and experienced entrepreneurs who have managed to open a draft beer store from scratch generally give positive feedback. Most of them literally “live” their business, highlighting a whole culture of drinking live draft beer.

It is recommended not to be afraid of competition, which is now abundant in every city. If such a large number of points are functioning, it means that there is a demand for the product, and they can be squeezed out by finding new places (it only seems at first glance that there are no such places left) or by offering a wider range. “If there is beer, there will be buyers,” says Sergei Rozhkov, owner of a draft beer store from Yekaterinburg.

It is also noteworthy that many managed to open a business without their own investments. If you build a competent business plan and are confident in the profitability of the project, you can get credit funds and quickly repay the loan.

Negative reviews about this business can only be received in winter. If from November to February (most time of crisis) the point “goes to zero” - the profit received pays off monthly expenses, it is better not to close the place. If the store is operating at a loss, operations can be stopped for a period of crisis.

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Opening a draft beer store is a profitable business if you approach everyone responsibly organizational issues. The profitability of the project largely depends on the choice of location. Despite the fact that the business is in the seasonal category, high demand in warm weather can quickly recoup the initial investment and ensure work during the winter months. Also important when organizing is the design of the premises, general style, preparation and collection of permits and the search for a reliable supplier.

In contact with

Beer is a fairly common drink in Russia, and accordingly there is a great demand for it. Many buyers have already given their preference to draft beer, leaving bottled beer aside or on the shelves of hypermarkets, because they differ from each other not only in taste, but also in quality. Opening a draft beer store is a good idea for a business, since the demand for it is increasing every year, despite the fact that such a business is in the seasonal category.


Store location– one of the main parameters of whether you will make a profit from your business or not. As you may have already noticed, most often draft beer stores are point. They are located in shopping centers, and at the exit from the supermarket, and near the metro, that is, in places with high traffic volumes. In such stores, beer is bought to take away, and a low rental rate allows you to quickly pay for yourself and start making money. There is also a point of sale in the form "shop-bar". They are located over a larger area and require a good bar counter and chairs. There are also beer boutiques, which are small pubs.

When choosing a location for a store, it is important to take into account the existing “restricted areas”, which include medical, educational and sports institutions. Before renting space, it is important to study the area in which your future store will be located. Advantage is, of course, given to residential areas, since they have more residents and fewer competitors (restaurants, cafes, bars).

The supermarket will also become a competitor, since it is sometimes easier to buy beer there along with groceries than to stop somewhere else on the way home. And, as already mentioned, they also often already sell draft beer, so if the sale in them is not carried out by you, then, alas, only a variety of varieties at your point can increase the number of customers. It is not advisable to open a point near business centers. It is unlikely that anyone will come to you for a whole liter of drink during work, so you will only have to hope for visitors to come after work.

It is also undesirable to open a store in the basement of a residential building, and this time the influencing factor is not traffic, but the possibility of fire safety problems, following which retail outlets must have two exits. Accordingly, you may stay there for some time, but the store will close quickly enough.

Student dormitories or recreation parks can increase the number of customers, and it is also advantageous to locate such stores at the exits from the city. Many people on the way to their dacha want to buy a bottle of fresh draft beer with them.

One of the important permits will be a liquor license. and who can receive it?

What do you need to open a tire shop? What documents to prepare and equipment to purchase?

What is needed to open a store?

We have already talked about where it is better to locate the future store. Now let's dive into the list of documents (usually: a specific package) needed to open.

Documents for a draft beer store

  1. If you are going to carry out street trading, you need appropriate approval from local authorities.
  2. If the store is located in mall, you must obtain permission to sell beer
  3. Registered individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  4. A conclusion from the SES (sanitary and epidemiological service) is required.
  5. Conclusion of the State Fire Supervision Authority. (The premises for a draft beer store must comply with fire safety standards).
  6. Conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.
  7. A concluded agreement with the lessor (owner or lessee) of the area.
  8. Employment contracts with employees who have health certificates.
  9. Registered cash register.

What requirements can the SES put forward for a draft beer store?

It is better to use tiles or non-toxic paint as finishing. Lighting should be both natural and artificial. It is also necessary to install and emergency lighting. Required central heating. It is also important to maintain hygiene conditions for employees. It is better to discuss the details of these requirements with SES employees.

Attention is also paid to the safe conduction of electricity. Cables must be laid at a certain height and they must be protected from possible damage. A switch is required. Don't forget to buy fire extinguishers and make an evacuation plan.

The fire inspectorate will require you to comply with these rules:

  1. The room must have an emergency exit, the doors of which must open from the outside.
  2. Instructions on safety measures must be developed. All store employees must undergo training.
  3. Signs with the fire department number, as well as emergency exit plans, must be posted in the premises.
  4. Fire detectors must be installed.

This is, of course, an incomplete list of necessary requirements. In order to comply with all the rules, it is better to consult a specialist.

Equipment for a draft beer store

Equipment can either be purchased or rented. It depends on your funds, as well as on your intentions for the duration of the business. If you are going to open a place that will exist for a long time, it is worth buying equipment - the less hassle.

Now let's move on to exactly what you need.

  1. Cooler. This device will be able to maintain a beer temperature of about +5 degrees. It is necessary to satisfy the client’s needs, because no one will come to you again after buying warm beer from you. This pleasure is not cheap - about 20,000 rubles. But it is necessary, nothing can be done about it.
  2. Stand for installation of filling taps.
  3. Counter.
  4. Kegs. This is a container made of of stainless steel, which is used to transport beer.
  5. Beer column. This is not only a device for dispensing beer, but also important element design.
  6. Drip catcher.
  7. Beer tap (if beer is to be poured into glasses).
  8. Beer hose.
  9. Gas cylinders. They are needed to force beer out of the keg.
  10. Reducer to maintain pressure in the cylinder.
  11. Fridge.

Design and interior

The interior of your store can be very different, but it is better to adhere to established standards. It’s better to start from the interiors of an Irish or Czech pub. The combination of brick and wood structures will make your store truly stylish. If you place several bar stools around the counter, dim lighting will be to your advantage.


Choose pleasant employees, because not only you, but also the buyer will need to deal with them. They will become the face of your establishment. Look for future bartenders with experience so that they can handle utensils without anything falling out of their hands. They should also be helpful and have the courage to politely refuse a client.

Don’t forget about those cases when you can’t pour a person any more, so it’s better to give up 100-200 rubles of profit and tell the person “no” in time.

Typically, work in beer stores is shift work, so two employees with a 2-to-2 schedule will be enough. It’s better to pay for the work with a percentage of sales. This will add motivation to them. To prevent employees from stealing, you can install “controllers” between the keg and the tap. This way you can monitor whether sales records are being kept correctly.

You will also need an accountant and a cleaner.

Beer suppliers and beer store assortment

For successful trading you need at least 7 types of beer offered. It is recommended to sell light and dark beer, as well as 1-2 imported varieties. You can diversify your assortment with unfiltered products. Cider, mead and cherry beer are becoming increasingly popular. Try adding them to your assortment. With their sale, you will also have a female buyer.

Add snacks to your beer sales. A rare buyer who wants to spend the evening after a hard day at work will deny himself the pleasure of buying dried fish for beer or other snacks. You will get additional profit from this.

Beer storage

Kegs are considered the best way to store beer, especially in a draft beer store environment. The drink in them is hermetically sealed and especially tasty. The shelf life of draft beer in such a keg ranges from 30 to 90 days. This depends directly on the variety.

It is not recommended to store the kegs themselves on the floor. It is better to use wood flooring for them and not keep them near the radiator. The ideal storage temperature is +10 degrees. To maintain quality and shelf life, it is best to move the keg to the room where it will be opened 24 hours before use.

The beer cooler must be placed in a ventilated room. If the beer in the keg suddenly freezes, turn off the cooler. The gas cylinder must be in a vertical position.

Sample business plan for a draft beer store

Now let's summarize by drawing up a rough business plan with calculation of equipment costs:

  • Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, legal advice – 25,000 rubles.
  • Rent for a draft beer store, 40 sq. m. m – 30-50,000 rubles per month. (Depends on the area).
  • Realtor services – 20,000 rubles.
  • Renovation of premises and interior design of a draft beer store – from 40,000 rubles.
  • Equipment – ​​180,000 rubles.
  • Beer – 100,000 rubles
  • Accountant salary (outsourcing) – 5,000 rubles per month.
  • Sellers (service of two people) – 35,000 rubles per month.

Total: approximately 460,000 rubles.

The monthly expense will be about 250,000 rubles. It turns out that you should earn more than 9,000 rubles per day. If the minimum order value is 300 rubles, then 30 customers will be enough for you to break even. Agree, not so much.

In conclusion, we would like to wish you success in your business. Remember that compliance public services, a sober approach to business, as well as dedication to your idea, will help you achieve incredible results and profit.

Today, people have invented a huge number of ideas that allow them to create their own business. This is a kind of philosophy that helps to achieve financial independence from routine work or from government service.

A business is created for the sake of individual enrichment, therefore each of its branches has a huge number of entrepreneurs competing with each other. To overcome the competition, a new player should come up with something of his own, something unique, or add his own flavor to what already exists.

Any business plan begins with an idea, for example, creating a store that will sell beer on tap. IN Lately such small businesses projects began to bring big profits, especially on hot days. Such a business has its pros, cons and risks. A business plan for a draft beer store in 2016 will help you take all these aspects into account, in which you can consider the main stages and characteristics that require attention.

So, we can highlight the main steps towards creating your own draft beer store:

  1. The administrative and legal form in which a new enterprise should be registered is an individual enterprise.
  2. Choosing a store location and renting premises.
  3. Registration of cash registers.
  4. Obtaining the necessary permits from regulatory authorities.


A draft beer store will require an impressive amount of necessary equipment, ranging from refrigerators to special taps that will remove beer from cylinders under pressure. It is also necessary to install a special climate control system. In total, all of the above devices and systems will be very expensive. Therefore, it is not worth purchasing your own equipment. This will bring nothing but costs.

The easiest way to get everything necessary equipment is concluding a contract with a specific beer supplier or brewery. Provided that the store will sell only beer of this brand, the supplying company will provide the store with its equipment, because this or that company is interested in increasing sales.

You should use the equipment very carefully, since any breakdowns will have to be repaired out of your own pocket. Once a month you should invite a specialist who will set up the equipment for its correct operation.

Store location

An important point in the business plan for a draft beer store is the choice of location. Sales and demand for the store’s products will directly depend on this factor. Many entrepreneurs who wanted to conquer the top of the beer business were “lost” due to the wrong choice of store location. Therefore to this issue needs to be taken especially seriously.

The success of a business depends on people's commitment to the store. It is worth remembering one simple rule: people drink beer to relax and have fun. From this we can conclude that a draft beer store should not be opened somewhere in a work or business center. In such places, people will be busy working and not thinking about beer. Best of all, such a store will take root in a residential area. People do not work in it, but live. Therefore, in the evening you can see a large crowd of people.

There is no need to use the basement space to place a store there. A basement is a basement. Such a store will never receive permission from fire and sanitary services. Plus, the residents of the house will be extremely unhappy with such a neighborhood, which is located right in the basement of their house.

Territory of the trading platform

The organization of a trading platform should be as competent as possible. The store must present itself, then people will want to buy something from it. The store area should be 50 square meters minimum. In such territory there is room to expand. Such a store will be able to accommodate more than 40 different types of beer. In addition to beer, the store can sell beer products.

A store that will best satisfy the needs of customers who want to drink beer and eat salted fish, will be very popular among residents of a certain area.

Don't forget about the decent design of the store. A person who comes to such a store should not forget why he came, but he should get lost in the amount of goods that are presented on the windows. This effect will be achieved when the interior of the store matches. Special lighting, places for comfortable rest, attractive shop windows - all this will contribute to the process of business development.

Required Personnel

Staff for a draft beer store should be recruited through recruitment. Salaried workers must work shifts. The process of organizing the shifts themselves should be decided by the entrepreneur himself.

In the most standard version, the staff should include the following employees:

  1. There must be at least one salesperson on each shift. Therefore, it is better to hire four. Two will work one shift, the other the next. The main task of the seller is to sell beer and monitor the serviceability of the equipment. Thus, the salesperson is the director's eyes and ears.
  2. Security guard. Two people will be enough. Security guards will work primarily at night when the store is closed. However, if the store is open around the clock, the guards will change every other day. Therefore, it is better to hire immediately three people for this position.
  3. Cleaner, accountant.

Beer markup

Draft beer will always be much more expensive than its bottled counterpart. This is because draft beer is different in its quality and taste, unlike bottled beer. Therefore, the quality of beer must be constantly monitored. The quality of beer is the key to profit.

As for markup, it is 100% for products of domestic manufacturers and 30% for all other products. But quality is the main thing. If it is missing, then no amount of markup on beer will save the business from decline.

Income and expenses

Statistics show that such a business can be developed if you invest about 1 million rubles in it. Most of the amount will be used to pay rent, and the rest will be used to purchase equipment, furniture and other necessary things. Don't forget that selling beer is a seasonal business. Therefore, in winter it may not bring any profit at all. But let's not talk about sad things.

If we take into account the fact that the equipment will be imported by the beer supply company, the initial costs can be reduced several times.

As practice shows, such an enterprise pays off after a month of work.


Small beer shops can only be found here. IN European countries people are accustomed to consuming beer products exclusively in pubs. You can open a draft beer store business in any city and spend a fairly reasonable amount, which will go towards its promotion. All these features make the beer business industry one of the most popular today. All invested money will already multiply within the first month and will bring excellent profits.

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