How to clean your house of negativity. Getting rid of negative energy in the house, installing protection in it

How to cleanse your house with a church candle

Have you become irritable, quarrel with loved ones for no reason, and get tired quickly? Most likely, your home is filled with negative energy. Necessary clean your home several times a year using church candles.

To begin, sprinkle the corners in all rooms with holy water, and then wet your face and hands with it. Take a few candles and put paper “skirts” on them so that the melted wax, which has absorbed negative energy, does not get on your hands.

Cleansing you need to start from the outside of the front door. Run a lit candle several times at a certain distance from the door clockwise along the door frame. Swipe the candle crosswise over the eyelet three times. Do the same above the doorknob and bell. Then do the same thing, but with inside doors. The home is processed from left to right. Walls - with wave-like movements of candles, sockets and door handles– cruciform. You need to clean not only corners and walls, but also furniture. Just be careful: the candle flame should not touch the surfaces you are cleaning, much less the curtains, which can easily catch fire.

If in some area a candle suddenly begins to smoke, crackle, or even go out completely, it means that this is the most contaminated place. Its processing must be repeated until the flame becomes even.

Most carefully cleanse bathroom and toilet. In the bathroom, pay special attention to the mirror - its surface accumulates the main negative. Shortly before working with a candle, thoroughly wash the mirror and sprinkle it with holy water.

How do you know that a room has been cleared of negativity? Firstly, according to the candle flame - it should be even in all places in the apartment, and secondly, you should have a feeling of peace.

Now go back to front door and process it again. Burnt candles should be thrown away from the saucer, the soot should be scraped off and sent after the candles.

When you have done all this, wash your hands with soap, then moisten them again with holy water and let them dry. Now the apartment is clean, and it is in your power not to dirty it for as long as possible: drive bad thoughts out of your head and anger out of your heart, be tolerant of others and, if possible, kind even to those who have done you harm. And also try not to invite into your house those who are unpleasant to you.

How to protect yourself and your children from the evil eye and damage with the help of simple amulets - read in this article.

On the topic, you can read How to properly arrange icons in the house.

tagPlaceholder Tags: Home Economics

  • #1

    Galina (Wednesday, 03 February 2016 13:48)

    Thanks for the advice! Please send these tips to my email, if possible.

  • #2

    Sergey (Monday, 31 October 2016 15:27)

    Very often a person feels uncomfortable in some rooms. This is explained by the fact that there remains or was negative and possibly even negative energy in the room. Such rooms need to be cleaned. Cleaning rooms, objects, space from negative information and negative energy makes the place comfortable for life. Always contact specialists and they will help you.

  • #3
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This article is for those who intend to cleanse the house of evil and negativity on their own. Not only me, the magician Sergei Artgrom, but all my colleagues are familiar with the problem of magical negativity in the house. To get rid of dirt of energetic and magical origin, it is necessary to perform cleansing rituals. Everything is simple here: clean with salt, water and herbs.

After cleaning, the house is protected. The algorithm of work seems to be clear, everything is the same as in the case of cleansing and human protection. Here you will find home cleaning rituals, as well as advice on how to effectively protect your home from the evil eye and damage.

Cleanse the house of negativity with salt and expel entities - cleaning Pillar of Salt

If entities, dead creatures, strangers, demons unleashed by sorcerers, and other nameless evil spirits appear in the house, you can always feel it or hear it at night. And you can see it. So we need to get rid of such a settler. There is a good, independent home cleaning ritual called the Pillar of Salt. You can use salt clean a room in the house from other people's negativity, you can, of course, the whole house.
A witchcraft ritual can be performed in any phase of the moon, because the ritual does not depend on it. However, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise you to still do it in the decreasing phase. Moon, when, such rituals are easier to do. Although if you urgently need to clean the house, from negative energy and there is no time to wait for the right moment, then do it, it won’t get worse. But, although the moon can be in any phase, the day of the week is not suitable for everyone. On Friday and Monday you can do the ritual yourself. And this is what it takes to clean the house from the evil eye with salt, and get rid of more serious negativity.

Before you do the cleansing ritual yourself, you must observe a strict fast. One day post. Do not eat meat, otherwise your witchcraft will be useless. Then get started. Magic ritual start doing it yourself in the morning. Immerse both hands in salt and read the words of the spell 7 times to cleanse the house of the evil eye with salt and protect it from dangerous inhabited entities of the astral plane or the dead world:

“Those deeds are sinful, but they are gone from their bodies, and with various blasphemy to all the distant mountains, pacify them with an untouchable, bypassing the side, and dashingly manage that dark time. People were tormented by grief, and the faithful evil of the mansion came to populate the bishops, then the demonic faces had fear, and the blasphemous mazova, the ghoul-like ghouls, then the children in those houses roared with violence, so evil is hidden in this house. All around are marvelous deeds of mystery, the mirror-glasses of every publican, the pacifiers. Yes, their power is ancient, not ancient, but distant, distant, unknown at first. Yes, that Silina is hidden in the tears of another kind, but those tears are found, known as salt among people. This salt is like a tear, it was created by it. Blasphemous souls on the way back to the hellish sleeping bags. If it’s a ghoul, it’s a dead thing, now I’ll conjure this salt into the grave. Save me from the evil spirits that have lifted up the filth, take away the words of the traveler, the malicious eye, those who curse me when I am killed. Take the witch’s words into yourself, but your strength cannot be measured, I will allow you to visit this land, live, ascend, protect you from undestined fate with a fence. You are so strong, now you are cursed. We conjure the bloody river that the north has a cut. This was agreed upon by the eastern side, this was spoken by the secret word of the hostess. You are holy salt, use force, drive some away, others into hellish bedrooms with a wire. Such is this saying, then the blasphemous settlements are all commensurate, the power is eternal. Amen".

After saying the text of the plot 7 times, in order to independently cleanse the house of other people’s negativity, take this salt and pour it onto the floor in a heap in the center of the house. As you poured it out, say on this pillar of salt:

“The mountain under heaven, the salty mountain, everyone who is blasphemous, the ghoul, the undead, the feral spirit, the sower of evil, every such sower of evil, disproportionate blasphemies, drive away such salty, settle life. A creak on the door, a scrape on the window, the rest into the inferno through the tear. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the salt from the evil eye of the house (and not only it, but what’s worse) has been poured out in a heap, take a pinch from that heap and place it in each corner. Like pouring salt into a corner, you have to say this:

“From dark to light, from sweet to salty. Amen".

The salt should lie in the corners for as long as you consider necessary, until the feeling comes that the job is done, the black negative has been pulled out by the salt. After this time, you need to carefully collect all the salt - both in the corners and the hill in the center of the house, take it out and bury it in the ground away from the house.
In general, the frequently used rituals of cleaning the house from negative energy are quite simple. Both experienced magicians and beginners in witchcraft can use them. Not only do they do cleansing with salt, they also use amulets, for example, a well-known ritual protecting your home from black negativity Thursday salt , where salt is sprinkled on the threshold, between the windows, or the charmed salt is poured into bags made of natural material to hang on the house against the evil eye. They do this not only with salt, but also hang it in rooms to get rid of the harmful energy of evil eyes, damage, curses, and to expel entities.

Strong protection of the house with water from the evil eye and witchcraft negativity

For this ritual, in order to independently clean the house from powerful negativity, you need water. You can add salt or wormwood. Magic herbs will enhance your home ritual. Pour into a glass clean water, and read the words of the conspiracy, holding the glass so that you can breathe on the water:

“As you are mother water, you wash away everything, you sweep away everything in your path, so wash away the dashing words, spells and curses, aired and door, loud and whispered, with blood and without blood, relatives and strangers, old and small, secret and obvious , hidden and open. Everything that a sorcerer and a witch boast about, and about which they are silent, speak in a whisper and about which they shout. Yesterday and long ago. In the eyes and behind the eyes. I wash everything away, I remove with water, every spell, every curse from my house. I wash my house with water and leave it clean. My word cannot be interrupted. As it was said, so be it.”

Walk around the apartment in a circle, sprinkle with water and thus remove negative energy from the house. Start from the front door and finish there.

Cleanse the house from the evil eye and damage - cleaning the home with St. John's wort herb

Cleaning your home with herbs is simple and always works well. It is best to do them at the final stage, at the end of the main ritual. Witchcraft on cleansing the house from the evil eye and energy negativity you need to slightly change it to suit you, do it the way that is convenient for you. The advantage of magical herbs is that they help find linings in the house.
St. John's wort removes well energy negativity, which can accumulate over time after illness, quarrels, or life’s troubles. Cleansing with St. John's wort, which I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, now want to offer you, is very good ritual, which makes it possible to get rid of strong negativity in the room and clean the house to a sterile state.

  • Instead of St. John's wort, you can use aspen branches in witchcraft. Quite effective too.
  • You can use wormwood and nettle instead of St. John's wort, herbs.
  • Some sorcerers use thistle. The properties of this plant are similar to St. John's wort. However, it produces very acrid smoke.

The ritual of cleaning the house from black negative energy is done as follows.

They take dry branches of St. John's wort (for some it is more convenient to carry out the ritual using crushed herbs; see what is more convenient for you), set it on fire, and when it starts to smoke, walk around the apartment from left to right. You can do this with just the intention remove negative energy from home. You can, if it’s more customary, read the words of the conspiracy. For example, this, if the need is not just to remove the evil eye from the house, but there is a specific goal - to find a witchcraft lining through which evil enters the house:

“The grass is gone! Not from the thin earth, but from a green bush. I collected you, I dried you, I embroidered you evilly. Where there is a line of horns, there is smoke and ash. Spin around, smoke, show where the ghost is, and where the devil is. As soon as you sit on the devil, you go away in smoke. Hang, smoke, show the devil a corner. Leave him alone."

So they walk around the house and fumigate all the rooms with smoke. Watch carefully when you cleanse the house of black negativity on your own. The smoke will settle in clouds in an energy-poor zone. Look, you might actually find a lining there. But, even if you don’t find the lining, the area in which the smoke will settle is still unfavorable. You need to repeat the cleaning until all the negativity is removed. The ashes that remain from burning St. John's wort can be taken to an intersection, scattered there in the wind and thrown in a few coins. Or let it float on water.

In general, this independent ritual good feedback not only for cleaning the room, in a certain sense, St. John's wort is also amulet for the home against the evil eye and envy. And it’s not only good for finding linings. Not only does the herb St. John's wort itself have very, very good cleansing properties, but there is also an appeal to Chur, the ancient Slavic god guardian

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will also remind you that the smoke of St. John's wort calms the violent, possessed. When fumigating, you can read both the conspiracy that I cited here and other witchcraft conspiracies or an additional set of prayers if the work is carried out by rituals of white magic. That is, the spell part is chosen according to need, depending on what problem is being solved by the magician.

How to protect a house from negative energy - a birch amulet against witchcraft and the evil eye for the home

A strong amulet allows a person to protect a house from the evil eye, as well as from attempts to cause damage through linings and other means. Conjure in nature, away from prying eyes. Of course, you can do what you have planned on your own summer cottage, if it doesn’t bother you to realize that your fire is visible from afar. So to do amulet against witchcraft and the evil eye for the home, make a fire from birch branches and light it. It should be done at night, on the waxing moon.

All the time while the fire is burning, stay close and read the words of the conspiracy to yourself to protect the house from the evil eye and black negative energy:

“You burn, mother birch. As you burn, you will protect it; you will not grow again, but you will protect my house. You can’t pass through your gates, you can’t fly past your words, you can’t do harm, you can’t burn.”

1 coal is taken from the burnt-out fire. It is needed to protect the house from black negativity. Draw a circle on your front door with coal, after which the coal needs to be crushed in the center of the circle. Magic protection will stand strong.

Negative energy in the room may manifest itself in different ways.

Firstly, it inevitably affects mental and physical health residents. Chronic fatigue; sleep problems; dysfunction internal organs; constant malaise; depression, phobias, and other nervous disorders - all these are examples of how the negative energy background of an apartment can affect human health. Traces of past residents, unwanted guests from the subtle worlds or ancestral programs can become real factors that haunt the current owners, creating a oppressive atmosphere, depriving people of the opportunity to feel like masters of their home at the level subtle world. Of course, in such conditions it is difficult to “build a cozy nest” or simply relax.

Of course, when we talk about health problems, this does not mean that a psychic or magician should replace a doctor in such situations. In case of any ailment, you should first go to medical checkup and see what can be done on physical level. But today medicine is not able to give a comprehensive answer to the question of the causes of many diseases. And, unfortunately, not all diseases can yet be effectively cured. Therefore, it makes sense to act not only on the physical level, but also on the spiritual level.

Secondly, your home may determine pace and quality of your life.

In some rooms, time subjectively passes very quickly, there is not enough time for anything. In such a house, everything quickly breaks down and goes out of order, relationships there develop rapidly, and deep intimacy becomes impossible.

In other houses, on the contrary, on a subtle level the atmosphere of a “swamp” can be felt, which sucks in the residents, depriving them of their will and active creative thought. The danger with such programs is that they can expand and transform general background your life: not to let you move towards financial success, not to let you into serious love relationship, push to self-destructive actions.

We are offering to you step by step instructions How to cleanse your home of negative energy!

PREPARATION: Cleaning the room

No matter how trivial it may sound, but first of all, your home should be clean on a physical level. Every corner of the home should be treated with care. Hard to reach places, which the mop reaches only during general cleaning; storage rooms or mezzanines littered with unnecessary rubbish; “black holes” in the cracks behind cabinets and under sofas, periodically sucking some objects into themselves - all this is potentially hazardous areas, in which negative energy accumulates.

From old legends we know that brownies punished sloppy housewives in every possible way. In addition to the fact that it will be more pleasant for you to be in a cleanly tidied room, your loved ones and the spirits who protect the hearth will feel comfortable there.

STEP 1: Cleaning up negative traces

Energy field of the home carries a certain charge, which is made up of energy “casts” of the events that took place in the house. Thus, the suffering of its inhabitants, violence, quarrels and grievances remain in space and form a general negative background.

Clear your home of negative energy possible in several ways. The most common and accessible methods for every person: candle and salt.

Cleansing ritual with a candle

For this ritual, it is better to purchase a church candle. Light it and slowly walk around each room clockwise, reciting the prayer. "Our Father". Watch the flame carefully. If it burns evenly, it means that there is no imbalance in the energy balance in this place. Where the candle begins to crackle, and the flame dances or fades, it is worth staying longer - this is a hotbed for the spread of negative energy.

Cleansing negative energy with salt

Salt can absorb negative energy. Therefore, it is used in various rituals to cleanse space from the evil eye, damage, and curses.

The easiest way is to add a pinch of salt to a container of water that you are going to use for washing floors and wiping other surfaces. It is especially important to wipe mirrors with salt water. You can also place cups of coarse salt throughout the house. Let them stand for three days - during this time the negative energy will be absorbed into the crystals. After this, flush the salt down the toilet, saying “Where there is salt, there is pain.”

If after the rituals you feel that the energy balance in your home is still disturbed, you can seek help from a specialist.

In the old days, before moving in, a Christian’s house was always visited by a priest, a Muslim’s house by a mullah, and a pagan’s house by a sorcerer or shaman. Today, you can cleanse space of harmful forces remotely. If the perception of the world that I talk about in my articles is close to you, then you can contact other experts to conduct a ritual of energy cleansing of your home.

STEP 2: Expelling unwanted guests from other worlds

Each house is inhabited by different entities - brownies, guardians, spirits of the dead. But not all neighbors from other worlds are welcome guests. Sometimes you can negotiate with harmful creatures, and sometimes you have to make a lot of effort to drive them out of your space.

Domestic cat

It has long been known that animals, especially cats, have the ability to see what is inaccessible to the human eye. Cats not only see the other world, but also know how to contact extraterrestrial entities, playing the role of an intermediary. A domestic cat will help you negotiate peacefully with the ghosts that have settled in your apartment and accompany wandering souls to another world.

Fumigating a house with wormwood

Wormwood, like incense, has been used for a long time to protect the home and cleanse it of bad energy. Pick a few sprigs of wormwood and dry the grass in the sun. To carry out the ceremony, light a twig and walk around all rooms of the apartment clockwise. This way you can smoke evil spirits out of your home. In addition, wormwood can be used to protect your home by hanging a small dried bouquet above the front door or placing it in a vase.

STEP 3: Harmonization of the psychological background

It is not surprising that frequent quarrels, omissions and other unpleasant family episodes that occur in an apartment affect its energy. However, in addition to the events of the present, the psychological atmosphere of the home is also influenced by those relationships that developed in this space earlier. For example, a former lover who has already physically moved out of the apartment can still energetically remain in it. This will prevent the owner from moving to the next stage of life, in which a new relationship could arise.

A more serious problem is unlucky energy of the family. If several previous generations of a family lived in an apartment, an impression is formed in it, which contains hereditary behavioral patterns, diseases, and unresolved conflicts. Thus, ancestral memory puts you in conditions where you are forced to solve the problems of former residents, instead of building your own life.

It is rare that a person can figure out such hidden programs on his own. However, you can help improve your overall emotional background.

Relieving Emotional Tension

When you do household chores, let pleasant music or sounds of nature play in the background instead of the TV. Add elements of the elements to the interior - indoor plants, miniature waterfalls, objects from untreated wood. When you relax near a pond, pick up a few stones that you like. Such stones carry positive energy and harmonize space. At least sometimes use candles instead of lamps. Instead of air fresheners, fill your apartment with scents essential oils, lighting the aroma lamp. Creating an atmosphere of trust and openness Try to be attentive to your household. Avoid unnecessary quarrels and omissions. Eat at the same table at least once a day. This everyday action carries sacred meaning, brings people together and gives them a sense of belonging. Distribute housework so that each family member can contribute to creating a cozy space.

For a deeper study of negatively charged programs that have settled in space, you should contact specialists. After all, the key to the success of any ritual is not so much in the form, but in the energy and concentrated will of the magician directed in the right direction. Few people, unfortunately or fortunately, know how to work with their energy so competently as to effectively achieve their goals. Therefore, a practicing magician or psychic can better help you resolve conflicts and restore the flow of love and harmony in your home.

For a comfortable life, the space in which we find ourselves must be filled with positive energy. Place of residence is not just a “roof over our heads,” but also a shelter from the outside world, in which we should feel comfort and harmony.

But it also happens that a person own home begins to feel anxious, comfort disappears and problems and illnesses arise in a strange way. This means that it’s time to think about how to cleanse your home of negative energy yourself.

My home is my castle

All objects, plants or people that surround us have their own energy field and emit certain characteristic vibrations. The entire space is filled with energy invisible to the human eye.

Home is a place where you can completely relax and gain strength after a hard time working day. Ideally, at home a person should feel as comfortable as possible and be recharged with energy to accomplish new things. However, the space around us by its nature tends to become polluted, especially energetically.

And, as a result, the house begins to draw energy from its inhabitants, instead of giving it away. This process negatively affects mental balance and even well-being.

Diseases that were not previously observed may suddenly appear. Depression, endless fatigue and headaches are far from full list ailments that plague households when the energy balance is disturbed. And then the question arises of how to clean the apartment from negative energy.

Identifying negative energy

Not everyone can feel the presence of negative energy in the house. This ability is endowed exclusively by sensual and receptive natures. In order to determine how much your home needs a cleansing ritual, you should monitor your internal state when you are alone in the apartment.

The most common and easiest way to check whether there is negative energy in your home is to light a church candle and go around all the rooms without exception. If it smokes and crackles, and the flame is uneven, it means that something otherworldly and destructive has invaded the room.

The next method by which you can check a house is to pay attention to the behavior of animals. It has been known since ancient times that they have special connection with a subtle other world. Therefore, they immediately feel the presence evil spirits near. The pet may exhibit restless behavior, get sick, refuse to eat, and in particularly severe cases, even try to escape from the apartment.

Another sign of negativity- illness and death indoor plants. If the flowers wither, and changing the soil, replanting, fertilizers and care do not produce results, it means that something is wrong in your home.

Reasons for appearance

Housing in which a person spends quite a long period of time absorbs the energy emanating from it. And often we return to our homes filled with negative thoughts and emotions. Day after day, negativity accumulates, damaging the healthy aura of the home. People who come to visit can also cause harm. There is a possibility that they may envy the well-being of your home, thereby bringing the evil eye and even damage. However, there are other sources of negative energy. These include:

  • location of housing in a geopathogenic zone;
  • essences and spirits from the subtle worlds;
  • purposeful magical influence;
  • old things belonging to other owners and antiques;
  • electrical appliances;
  • previous tenants.

Signs of Energy Pollution

How to determine what is causing failure, illness or anxiety in own apartment has the negative energy accumulated in her become? There are a number of signs indicating the presence of unfavorable energy:

  • The rooms are uncomfortable and hard to be in. An inexplicable feeling of fear and anxiety arose that was not there before.
  • With normal care, plants dry out and die.
  • Pets behave restlessly.
  • Sleep becomes restless, insomnia appears, and nightmares occur. When you wake up, you feel tired and exhausted.
  • The feeling of a foreign presence does not leave you, even though you are alone in the apartment.
  • Mysterious sounds at night, for example, creaking furniture, footsteps, clinking of dishes in the kitchen.
  • Scandals and conflicts at home have become more frequent.
  • Frequent illnesses of household members who previously had no health problems.
  • Deterioration of material well-being.
  • Things go missing and are not found for a long time.
  • Rodents or insects (cockroaches, midges, ants) appear.
  • Light bulbs constantly burn out, wiring and sockets fail. Electrical appliances break down.
  • Severe headaches, constant feeling of depression, powerful negative emotions while at home.

Esotericists recommend cleaning the apartment from negativity every month. If you notice such changes, you should urgently carry out certain rituals in order to return the previous comfort and harmony to your home. You can do this yourself using available tools.

Cleaning your home with salt

The method of cleansing a room from negative energy and entities using salt has been known for a very long time. Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, were convinced that ordinary salt has the property of neutralizing magical effects. Therefore, cleaning your home with its use is one of the most effective ways. There are several popular rituals:

Purification by fire

Cleaning the house using fire helps not only to destroy negativity, but also to harmonize the energy flows around us. As a rule, after such rituals, the atmosphere in the apartment becomes more comfortable and favorable.

Wax or church candles are best suited for the cleansing ritual, but if you don’t have those on hand, you can use regular paraffin candles. You need to walk around the entire house with a burning candle in your hand. You should start from the front door. Slowly move from one room to another clockwise, raising the candle as close to the ceiling as possible. As you walk around, read the Lord's Prayer silently or out loud.

Pay special attention to places where the fire begins to smoke and crackle. This indicates an accumulation of negativity; stay in that place a little longer than in others. Don't forget the corners and doorways. They need to be sealed by crossing them with a candle three times. Do the same with mirrors and reflective surfaces. Then walk around the apartment with holy water.

Cleaning can be considered complete if the candle burns with an even flame. After completing the round, the ritual should end where you started it - at the front door. The right thing to do would be to take the remains of the candle out of the house and take a bath with salt.

Sound treatments

Sound accompanies a person throughout his life. You can feel comfortable in both quiet and noisy environments. However, few people know that loud sound has the ability to cleanse space and get rid of accumulated negative energy. In houses that are located near churches, harmony and peace always reign, and people rarely get sick. It's connected with healing properties bell ringing, which regulates the energy balance and destroys accumulations of energy from the lower worlds.

You can do this cleaning yourself. The most common method of cleansing using vibrations is to walk around your home with a small bell, ringing rooms and hard-to-reach places.

You can make a round by loudly clapping your hands or banging a spoon on a pan. To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to read special spells or prayers during the ceremony.

Mantras and mandalas

Tibetan mantras and mandalas are able to cleanse the home of manifestations of negative energy and entities, and drive out any evil. Mandalas are usually placed on the walls of the apartment. They protect and harmonize the space around them.

Mantras are a more powerful method to combat negativity. These ancient texts are several thousand years old. Reading the Tibetan mantra Gayatri is ideal. It is very melodic and is designed to completely restore energy balance and fill the space with positive vibrations. It also has a positive effect on the person himself, cleanses his soul and mind.

Creating protection

To prevent the accumulation of negative energy in the house, you should follow a few simple recommendations. Make it a rule to clean your apartment every month with a burning candle and carefully monitor the overall cleanliness. To prevent evil spirits from entering your home, place a wreath made of birch twigs on the front door. And also immediately get rid of broken or cracked dishes, old unnecessary things and chipped mirrors. Compliance with these simple rules will maintain comfort and a favorable aura in your home, and protect you and your loved ones from negativity.


Quarrels in the family, the arrival of guests, noisy parties, blues and loss of energy, family troubles - this is not a complete list of indications for energy cleaning of the house. Apart from emergencies, cleaning should be done regularly to prevent negativity from stagnating in your home.
Go to the church store and buy several church candles - according to the number of rooms in your house. It should be remembered that the bath, toilet, pantry, hallway, kitchen and other utility rooms are considered separate rooms.
If something in you protests against the use of church candles or there is simply no church shop nearby - wax candles can be replaced with paraffin ones from the nearest hardware store. Only the candles must be white.

Memorize any prayer. Your affiliation with any concession is not important, since in prayer it is not the meaning and order of words that plays a role, but the energy vibrations that it generates. Even “Our Father” or just a sincere request to To higher powers about cleansing your home from all evil.

Light a candle, stand in the center of the room you are going to cleanse and make a request (prayer) to the Higher Powers. While reading, move the candle around you, first counterclockwise and then clockwise.

After the fire has removed all the negativity from yourself, start cleaning the room. Go around it counterclockwise, pausing in places where the candle flame begins to worry and smoke. With this action you remove, burn away all the evil, all the dark that has accumulated in the corners of the room and could harm you and your family.

Then walk around the perimeter of the room with the candle again, but clockwise. This way you saturate the room with the light of fire and positive energy.

Place the candle in the middle of the room and let it burn out. When leaving the room, try to leave so that you are always facing the candle. By the way, leaving in the room open fire, take care that cleaning does not result in a fire.

Clean each next room in the same way as the previous one. The main condition: the candle for each of the subsequent rooms is lit from the fire of the previous one.

Helpful advice

As with any cleansing ritual, women are advised to remove makeup and pick up their hair before cleaning the premises.

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Let’s imagine a situation: a joyful event happened in a family that they had been waiting for for many years. Finally purchased big flat! But not in a new building, but already in use. As soon as the happy new residents entered the purchased apartment, they felt something alienating... This was the remaining sewage from the old owners. Moreover, both in the material and in the ephemeral sense. Therefore, in order to live well and calmly in a new place, you need to clean the apartment. And now we’ll tell you how to do this.


I think a lot of people like cleanliness. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is check the cleanliness of the documents for this. In the future, this will save you from unnecessary problems and legal red tape. Make sure that the owner really has one, do not skimp on a lawyer who can guarantee “purity” from a legal point of view.

When you enter new apartment, first of all, it is recommended to remove all furniture and carpets from the previous owners. After all, it is not known for certain whether these people were physically healthy and whether traces of their vital activity remained on things. Even if buying new furniture costs a pretty penny, it will be a more reliable guarantee of saving the family.

When all the previous owners have been thrown out, it is necessary to wet clean the room. It is advisable to use strong chemical disinfectants. If possible, remove all dust. After all, as you know, dust consists of the smallest particles of skin. And the more thoroughly the apartment is cleaned, the more comfortable you will feel.

But this applies to the material world. It is not unimportant to clean the ephemeral space. The easiest option is to invite a priest to bless the apartment. It is preferable to invite church ministers from rural areas, having previously held a conversation. Unfortunately, in Lately scammers and “priests” who do their work carelessly have become common. Naturally, such people are no more useful than sugar in a donut hole. Therefore, preference is given to rural servants, because, as a rule, they really believe in their work and perform it with exceptional quality.

If there is no opportunity, desire or trust to invite anyone, then you can clean the apartment yourself. To do this, you should stock up on church candles. Light a candle and walk slowly throughout, carefully observing the candles. If it goes, it means that there is an accumulation of negative energy in this place, and you need to burn it out using the same candle.

Similar rituals are performed after someone has died. This is considered an all-purpose cleaning. However, if you wish, you can call on psychics for help. However, given the fact that among such a fraternity there are many times more scammers, you can’t help but wonder - is it worth it?

In any case, everything is available and to the maximum simple options cleaning apartments are presented. The choice, as always, is yours.

Video on the topic

Everyone has it Houses or apartment has its own aura. It depends on the people who live there, as well as on all the events that “saw” the walls of the room. There are such Houses, where the negative and tension in literally hanging in the air. You definitely need to cleanse the house from evil forces, and possibly from damage caused.

You will need

  • - Holy water;
  • - salt;
  • - frying pan;
  • - pins;
  • - needles;
  • - icons;
  • - prayers.


Take a sufficient amount of coarse salt and pour it on, add used needles, hairpins and pins. Their number should be equal to the number of family members. Place it on a lit fire, list out loud everything that haunts your family, and stir the contents clockwise. Finish when the salt particles begin to crack or become dark shade.

Place the pan back on and light the fire. Now you need to stir the contents not clockwise, but crosswise. At the same time, it is worth saying the following words: “Where it came from, that’s where it went. Everything that they wished us that was bad, they took everything back for themselves.” Turn off the fire on the stove and go to toilet room, turn on the water, pour salt into it and make sure it is washed off with water. Wash the pan with special care. There should be no traces of the ritual performed on it.

Install as many icons as possible in your home and pray. In any case, the light force will be more powerful than the dark one, and the negativity itself will leave your home. But if you really decide to use this method, then do it regularly so that the forces of light do not turn away from you.


Do everything yourself, do not involve healers, mediums and other potential charlatans in this matter. Cleaning the house must be done independently, otherwise strangers may bring even more negativity into your home.

Helpful advice

Evil spirits are very afraid of sprinkling with holy water, so you can take it yourself in the church and carry out all the necessary actions or invite it to the priest’s house.


  • how to cleanse your home of negativity in 2019

Houses and apartments in which other people lived are usually energetically cleansed in order to remove all the negativity they have accumulated. During and after a person’s illness, it is also necessary to cleanse the home of negative energy. Folk wisdom will help you with this and ancient teaching Feng Shui.


Get rid of all old and unnecessary books. These contain a lot of information, so unused books can hinder your development. Give them to those who really need them. Also, under the influence and advice of other people, try not to buy books that you do not need or are not interested in. Keep only the copies you need in your home.

Donate or sell items you haven't used for over a year. They carry negative energy that spoils the atmosphere of your home. Cracked or splintered dishes, as well as the last remaining item from a broken set, can cause even greater harm. They should not be given as a gift, just throw them away.

Get rid of old and damaged furniture every five years. Do not buy too much of it, so as not to clutter up the space of your home; positive energy should freely penetrate your home. There are things that carry energy, these are artificial flowers and a headdress that belonged to a deceased person, do not store them.

To rid your home of negative energy, place a little salt in each corner for three days. After this time, the salt must be flushed down the toilet, saying: “Where there is salt, there is pain.” Soak a rag in salt water and wipe it down, furniture, books, etc. This neutralizes the negative energy of objects.

You can make repairs, this also helps cleanse the energy of the house. Instead of repairs, you can simply arrange general cleaning. Wash floors, windows and ceilings with saline solution. Clean the threshold and all corners thoroughly. Change the water and rinse the rag more often; it is with the dirt that negative energy will leave.

Place one scented candle in each room. Their smell should be the same and appeal to all household members. Give preference to sandalwood and incense, you can use church ones. Light a candle at the threshold and move it clockwise across the room, over furniture and in front of corners.

Repeat simple home cleaning options after the departure of unwanted guests who could bring negative energy with them. The same goes for gifts from people you don’t like. Wash such items with salt water. Try to wash with saline solution any gift that was purchased and not made with your own hands.


  • How to cleanse your home of bad energy?

If you clean the old ignitions after they have been removed and replaced with new ones, they will be useful to you in the future. You can remove carbon deposits from the candles caused by the combustible mixture yourself.

You will need

  • Cleaning agent, gasoline, brush, container, sandblaster, acetone, cloth, cola.


Check for mechanical damage on the spark plug housing. Inspect the heat cone and electrodes.

Take the remedy household chemicals in the form of a gel for cleaning rust, limescale and old stains. Pour it into a small container in a layer about the thickness of one finger. Place the candles in the bowl for 30 minutes.

Clean carbon deposits from spark plugs using an old toothbrush under warm running water. You will see that dirt will be easily removed.

Try removing soot from a candle using gasoline. Dip the part into the liquid and scrub gently with a wire brush.

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