How to use peat tablets correctly. Peat tablets - the possibility of obtaining healthy and strong seedlings How to use peat tablets correctly

23.09.2017 3 758

Peat tablets for seedlings - how to use at home

Peat tablets for seedlings are now common on the market - not everyone knows how to use them, and therefore they begin to turn green and mold appears. It is worth knowing how to plant seeds, water, and care for seedlings growing in such conditions.

What are peat tablets for seedlings?

To help gardeners, scientists have developed many useful tools that make the hard work of homestead owners easier. One of these developments was peat tablets for seedlings.

Their use makes it possible to germinate seeds faster cultivated plants, feeds them with strength, resulting in strong, viable juveniles. The tablets are simply simple to use, but the benefits from their use are incomparably great.

The material for production is, as a rule, a mixture or high-moor type of peat, containing enough substances and compounds that are so necessary only for those gaining vitality shoots. The washers, whose sizes vary from 2.4 cm to 9 centimeters in diameter, are covered with a special mesh. The height of the tablet in its original form is no more than 3 cm.

The recess or special hole where the seed is placed is located on the side of the disk or its upper part. When warm water hits the puck, it expands and grows several times in size. Many novice gardeners wonder whether it is necessary to remove the mesh when planting seeds? No, because it holds the shape of the resulting cup, preventing it from moving apart. This nutrient cup is the first habitat for the future adult.

Peat tablets for seedlings - pictured

Those housewives who have already tried this invention instantly appreciated its advantages. First of all, there is no need to tinker with the soil, especially if you live in an apartment, as well as significant space savings. The use of tablets has other advantages:

  • Due to its loose structure, peat does not damage the thin and weak root system of young shoots
  • An indispensable method for germinating small or expensive seeds that have a low germination rate in the soil
  • When germinating seeds in this way, it is easy to control the watering process - the tablets do not absorb unnecessary water
  • The use of this product allows you not to use additional nutrition - substances that stimulate plant growth
  • The root system located in such an environment is provided with good access to oxygen, since peat has excellent air permeability
  • Thanks to the protective mesh, the plant can be planted in open ground without damaging the roots

As you can see, there are quite a few advantages of using this method, their benefits are obvious. How to choose peat washers for seedlings and use them - read on.

How to use peat washers

Before placing the seed, the peat disk must be prepared for use. This is done according to the following scheme:

  1. We select a tray of suitable size and place the tablets on it so that the recess is on top
  2. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of warm water into the recess (you can pour it into a tray) and wait until the peat swells. This will take no more than a quarter of an hour
  3. Remove excess liquid from the pan
  4. Place a seed of the future seedling in the recess on each tablet.
  5. Sprinkle a little soil or humus on top of the seed. The only exceptions are those seeds that require light to germinate.
  6. Covering the pallet plastic film or glass (plastic) to create a greenhouse effect
  7. Periodically let the plantings “breathe”

On initial stage When germinating seeds, you do not need to use any fertilizers, since all the necessary substances are already included in the peat tablets. The first fertilizers should be applied 14 days after the plant produces its first leaves. Nutrient components should be added to irrigation water.

The emerging young shoots should be grown as required by the given culture. When the seedlings are ready to be planted in the garden, they are simply transferred directly into the tablet, where the roots are firmly established, into a hole in the ground. The mesh with which the tablet is covered will dissolve in the soil, and the same will happen with peat in the future.

How to choose the right pills

You can purchase the material at almost any gardening store. Experienced housewives do not recommend touching the product before purchasing, examining it carefully, because your harvest will depend on this in the future.

Particular attention should be paid to the structure of the pressed peat, which should not be too rough and hard. You should also take into account the acidity indicator of the material, which should be indicated on the packaging. The bulk of cultivated plants prefer a neutral level of acidity.

As for the diameter, it all depends on the type of plant. For example, nightshades (tomatoes, peppers) require the largest tablet - 90 mm in diameter.

And finally, a little advice, if you are a novice gardener and plan to use peat discs for the first time, do it in parallel with the usual method of germinating plantings. This will give you the opportunity to compare methods and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each. You will see in practice that seedling washers are convenient and easy to use, and make it possible to grow a strong and healthy plant without damaging the root system when transplanting into the ground.

What are the main advantages of the tablets?

Peat tablets for seedlings are a modern development for both amateur and professional gardening. With their help, you can germinate seeds, obtain seedlings, root leaves or make cuttings.

The tablet is a compressed puck of top peat, to which various growth stimulants and useful microelements have been added. On the outside of the cylinder there is a thin mesh shell. In a dry state, the height of the tablet is about 3 cm, and its diameter ranges from 2.5 to 7 cm. In the upper part there is a small depression for the seed. As soon as you pour warm water over the tablet, it grows five to seven times in height, but thanks to the mesh, it retains its diameter, turning into a convenient glass with a nutrient mixture.

To produce pressed blanks, peat or coconut fiber is used. Both of these materials are identical in their qualities, and therefore there is no difference whether you use coconut tablets for seedlings or peat ones. All of them retain moisture perfectly and will never allow your seeds to get sick, for example, with fungus or “black leg”, which often happens if you use low-quality soil. The fact is that during the drying of the peat substrate, its sterilization also occurs.

Particularly high-quality tablets are produced from valuable sphagnum peat and with different levels of acidity, since each specific culture she needs her own.

In addition, the tablets contain all the necessary minerals that a young sprout needs during its formation. The special shell is treated with a fungicidal composition and protects the sprout from damage by the fungus, but at the same time, after planting the plant in the soil, it quickly decomposes without interfering with the growth of the root system.

Obvious advantages of such tablets:

  • the most important thing is that they eliminate the need to tinker with soil, fertilizers and cups in an apartment. And not everyone can carry heavy bags of soil. For comparison: a thousand tablets weigh 7.5 kg, while 200 kg of land would be needed for the same number of pots. The sowing process turns from dirty work into pleasure;
  • peat tablets significantly save space compared to conventional methods of planting seeds;
  • they are ideally suited for planting small or expensive seeds, since germination in this case is much higher;
  • since peat is crumbly, it does not injure the delicate root system of some plants;
  • tablets do not absorb excess moisture, which means it is easier to care for seedlings: soil moisture is easy to control;
  • when using peat washers, there is no need for additional fertilizing;
  • the plant is immersed in the soil along with the tablet and mesh, which guarantees the safety of the roots;
  • The supply of nutrients in peat is abundant. Plants in tablets develop much faster, grow strong, with elastic stems, and there are practically no diseased sprouts among them;
  • they are ideal for flowers with very small and delicate shoots, for example, petunias, lobelias. They are also indispensable if plants do not tolerate pickling (poppies, gypsophila, eschscholzia).

How to use seedling tablets?

The tablets are first prepared, and then the seeds are planted:

  1. Select a tray of the size you need, or a capillary mat, and place the workpieces in it, with the recess facing up.
  2. Pour 2-2.5 tablespoons of warm boiled water into each tablet. They will begin to increase in size right before your eyes.
  3. Wait about 15 minutes until the compressed peat completely swells, and then drain all excess liquid from the pan.
  4. Place one or two seeds of the crop you need in each hole.
  5. Gently cover the seeds with a thin layer (1-2 mm) of coconut or peat mixture taken from the same tablet, with the exception of those that germinate open.
  6. Cover the tray with transparent film to create a greenhouse effect and place it in a warm, bright place. You can use a transparent cake box as a lid, but it is most convenient to use special plastic micro-greenhouses with recesses for tablets.
  7. Do not forget to periodically, at least once a day, ventilate the plants, and after germination, remove the lid completely.

Features of growing seedlings in peat tablets

As a rule, expensive seeds are dropped one into each hole, and simpler ones - two or three. Subsequently, the sprouts are thinned out, leaving one, the strongest seedling in each “glass”.

The depth to which the seeds fall should be equal to the length of the seed multiplied by two. If cuttings are rooted, they are immersed 1-3 cm, having previously been treated with a root formation stimulator.

To make it easier to grow seedlings, many devices have been invented today. One of these is the electric mini-greenhouse propagator. This is a special heated seedling box. Turn on constant heat and cover the box with a lid. In such conditions, the seeds will germinate much faster. The lid can then be removed to allow air to reach the sprouts. It is useful to use additional lighting if you have one.

Do not place the cylinders too closely together. When the seedling grows, its roots can break through the walls of the cup and get tangled with its neighbors, and this is best avoided.

How to water to grow seedlings in tablets? The planted seeds should be moistened using a spray bottle, as is the case with ordinary seedlings, being careful not to erode the top layer of peat. After the first seedlings have appeared, watering is done at the bottom of the container, since moisture on the leaves and stems can lead to plant diseases. The necessary moisture is perfectly absorbed by the capillaries of peat tablets and supplied to the root system. It is important to always monitor the condition of the soil: it should not become waterlogged or dry out, but at the same time, you need to let it “breathe” a little air between waterings. Oxygen has a beneficial effect on the development of plant roots. You can add various fertilizers to the water for irrigation starting only from the second week after the first leaves appear. Before this, the plant had enough of the minerals that were in the tablet.

Although the moisture reserve in peat cylinders is small, the water from them does not evaporate so quickly. Sometimes you may mistakenly think that you should add a little water. However, remember, you need to moisturize the seedlings with special prudence: if the tablet is too wet, the seedling will not have enough air, and it will sprout too slowly, and a very small plant may even weaken.

It is best to place the seedlings near a western or eastern window: the northern one may have too little light, and the rays of the southern one will be too strong for a fledgling sprout.

Picking seedlings into pots bigger size not required: peat in its organic shell decomposes perfectly, so when replanting, simply immerse your glass in a large container, add soil and gently compact it. This is another important advantage of peat tablets, since seedlings that have not been damaged root system, have a high chance of survival.

How to choose the right peat tablets for seedlings. Instructions

For most vegetable crops The volume of one tablet may be sufficient until planting in open ground. For particularly large plants, sometimes a combination of a tablet placed in a larger plastic pot is used, certain moment seedling growth.

What should you pay attention to when choosing peat tablets?

  1. The texture of coconut or peat. The larger the fraction, the lower the air capacity it has, the slower the root development proceeds and the more the plant is susceptible to waterlogging, which leads to the “blackleg” disease. Therefore, choose the smallest tablet substance possible.
  2. Acidity. As already mentioned, pressed peat is produced with different levels of soil acidity, both acidic and neutral. To grow most flowers and vegetables, you need an acidity close to 5.5. And for hydrangea or coniferous plants need acidic soil. An incorrectly selected acid balance can cause the death of seeds, so always carefully read on the packaging what the acidity of a given peat is, and certainly do not purchase unpackaged tablets.
  3. Diameter according to the crop being grown. That is, for more small plants smaller tablets are needed, and vice versa. A correctly selected tablet diameter for large seedlings will save you from the need to transplant into a container as they grow. The most popular diameter is 4 cm, which is suitable for both growing seedlings and cuttings. For very small seeds, it is better to use 2-3 cm tablets, and for crops such as eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, choose a diameter of 7 cm.
  4. The presence of a paper or mesh shell. In addition to additional antifungal protection, it holds the shape of the peat container. There are tablets that do not have a shell, and they are cheaper, but when wet they turn into a pile of wet peat.

Carefully calculate the timing of sowing so that the seedlings are ripe by the time they are planted. This is very difficult task with an individual solution that can only be found with experience.

The tablets do not have an expiration date if they are stored correctly, that is, in a dry place.

Perhaps the only drawback of peat tablets is their price. One piece costs about 5 rubles, and if you grow seedlings on a large scale, then, of course, this method will not be economically viable. But at small volumes under conditions ordinary apartment, peat tablets are a solution to many problems.

Many appreciated their contribution both to the preservation of seedlings and their better development, as well as to simplifying the process of breeding seedlings, making it more efficient. The idea is incredibly simple, like everything ingenious, but it did not mature immediately, but through the stage of producing peat cups from cardboard, which turned out to be not so effective. A completely different matter, a new proposal and cuttings of any crops with a delicate root system of seedlings, peat tablets for seedlings, we are going to talk about how to use them in this material.

What is new?

Thanks to modern technologies Many dreams of gardeners and vegetable gardeners come true, and this is how this miracle appeared - a peat tablet. Hard pressing of high-moor peat in certain sizes made it possible to create containers for seedlings that are as convenient as possible for transportation. In addition, the process of sowing seeds and monitoring their development has become much simpler, cleaner and more compact.

Round peat containers in their non-activated form actually have the shape of tablets of various sizes, covered with non-woven material - a mesh, which decomposes over time, after planting. Each manufacturer produces such peat containers for planting seeds in a certain range of sizes; to summarize, it turns out that the diameter of peat tablets ranges from 24 mm to 90 mm, and the height from 8 mm to 30 mm.

In this new product, the manufacturers, together with the scientists-developers, have provided for almost all aspects of the process down to the smallest detail, for example, in the upper part of the peat tablets there is a recess for seeds. Agree that such an apparent trifle incredibly simplifies the process of planting seeds, making it so clean and neat that you can carry it out practically without gloves, without touching the peat at all.

Manufacturers initially add some microelements, growth stimulants, as well as substances that prevent the proliferation of bacteria to the porous dried peat substrate. All information can be read on the packaging of peat tablets for seedlings, as well as how to use them and what their price is.

When purchasing, you should not save and buy the cheapest ones possible, otherwise you may well end up with a fake that is of poor quality and destructive to the seedlings. The price of such peat tablets for seedlings cannot cost less than 5 rubles. per piece, but there are also more expensive ones; when choosing, you should focus on a well-known and positively proven manufacturer.

Foreign manufacturers of such tablets also produce similar analogues made from coconut fiber, which in all respects are completely identical to peat ones. Based on the tests carried out, as well as analyzing the reviews of gardeners and gardeners who used peat tablets on their plots, we can safely suggest purchasing such new products from domestic manufacturers Ecotorf and Ecosad, as they are of the highest quality and reliable. Ecosad also produces peat tablets with the addition of vermicompost, a substrate obtained as a result of the activity of earthworms, which significantly increases the nutritional value of the environment.

Of the foreign manufacturers, the most popular are Norwegian “Giffy-7”, with a diameter of 24 – 50 mm, and Danish, with the addition of lime for disinfection and improvement of soil PH.

How to use peat tablets

Having purchased peat tablets, do not rush to activate them; first prepare everything you need to make the process as convenient and comfortable as possible, since even the manufacturers have taken care of this.

You will need one or more transparent containers, preferably with lids; these can be either special containers with heated bottoms, propagators, or simply improvised means found on your farm, for example, disposable plastic containers various sizes.

Small holes should be made in the bottoms and lids of such containers for a very specific purpose; at the bottom they are designed to drain excess moisture, and at the top for better air exchange inside the container, in which a warm and humid microclimate should be maintained. We activate peat tablets for seedlings directly in the containers, as shown in the video how to use them.

In turn, all prepared containers should be placed on a tray and placed in a warm and bright place, but direct contact with young and tender seedlings should be avoided. sun rays. Why should the tray be placed on the windows on the east side, or on the west side, but not on the north, where they may well be uncomfortable and cold, and not on the south.

In addition to containers, you should prepare the seeds that you plan to plant in peat tablets, tweezers or a sharpened match, i.e. any improvised means with which you will plant small seeds.

Now that everything is prepared, we place the peat tablets in containers at some distance from each other, this is necessary so that when they grow through the mesh, which is quite normal, they cannot intertwine. Otherwise, when planting in the ground, you will have to separate them, tearing off the tender roots, nullifying all efforts and the very effect of using peat tablets.

Having arranged the peat tablets correctly, pour warm water onto each one in turn, at the rate of approximately 150 ml per tablet. After we have done all this, we just have to wait for the peat tablets to increase in volume, this happens right before our eyes. Specify exact time The process required to complete it is quite difficult, due to a number of factors involved. However, the approximate time period ranges from 10 minutes to 30 minutes, and the increase in volume occurs five to seven times.

How to plant seeds

Before planting seeds in peat tablets, they should not be soaked; wet peat, with its high water-retaining properties, is an ideal environment for seed germination.
Initially, you had to decide on the diameter of the peat tablet; for very small seeds you should not choose a size that is too large, the root system may not fill the entire container and fungi and others may form in the voids.

So, if the seeds are not too small, for example cucumbers or tomatoes, then we lay them out manually, lowering them into the preserved holes, when the peat tablet for seedlings swells, how to use it is shown in the photo.

When planting very small seeds, for example some flowers, you should use prepared improvised devices, with the help of which the planted seeds are lightly covered with a small amount of peat collected on the sides of the hole. The thickness of the peat layer covering the seeds should not exceed 1–2 cm.

When planting seeds - pills, the shell can be lightly washed off with a drop of water and a match or toothpick.

Thanks to the use of peat tablets, the most possible favorable conditions for germination are created for seeds, which is what happens in reality, the indicators reach 100%, and with conventional agricultural technology, such results can only be achieved theoretically.

Seedling care

What is attractive about the method of planting seeds in peat tablets is that every stage of the entire process is simplified as much as possible, from planting itself, care to replanting in the ground.

All care, with proper provision of heat and light, comes down to regular watering; peat does not tolerate a lack of moisture, which can negatively affect the root system, as well as regular ventilation.

When watering, you should simply pour warm water into the pan, and spray the hatched sprouts from a humidifier.

For regular ventilation, which should be carried out at least once a day, you should simply remove the lid from the common container for an hour to an hour and a half.

Care measures include the possibility of regularly moving seedlings in a common container provided by peat tablets, as well as grouping them by degree of development. Such movements are necessary to provide all seedlings with the same conditions for development.

Another advantage of using peat tablets is that it simplifies the process of growing seedlings by an entire complex, labor-intensive and important stage, namely picking. Due to this, the root system is not injured and tender seedlings do not experience stress that inhibits their development.

Also, with the use of peat tablets for seedlings, how to use which we have already described, such an acute problem as “black leg” in seedlings goes into oblivion, and rotting of roots is also impossible, since the porous structure of peat allows the root system to “breathe” freely .

Landing in the ground

This most important stage is also greatly simplified thanks to the use of peat tablets.

Having prepared the soil in advance, removing weeds and loosening it, we make holes according to the seedling planting pattern, which is typical for each individual crop.
Planting of seedlings should be done after seventeen hours, watering the prepared holes warm water.

We plant actively developing peat tablets, one in each hole, without removing the mesh, which allows the substrate to retain its shape and not damage the thin and delicate roots.

We sprinkle the peat tablet with soil, lightly compact it and water it. Another advantage when using peat tablets is that there is no need to feed young seedlings; the nutrients in the peat substrate will last them for a long time. As a result of the “loss” of another important stage in the process, the risk that tender roots may be burned during feeding also disappears, common reason their death.

Thus, the advantages of using peat tablets are reduced to an impressive list:
- ease of transportation when a large number of peat tablets are purchased;
- simplicity of the process of planting seeds;
- simplification of seedling care;
- eliminating the possibility of root rotting due to their good aeration;
- preservation of the root system when transplanting into the ground, which increases the chances of survival and obtaining a good harvest;
- no need for picking;
- exclusion of feeding on early stages plant development.

Peat tablets have long been no longer a novelty among gardeners. Many people are familiar with this device; some summer residents have even tried it out several times. And yet, even with a lot of detailed information, few people still know how to use peat tablets for seedlings correctly. That's what we'll talk about today.

Which peat tablets to choose

The first thing a gardener has to deal with is purchasing the tablets themselves. You don’t have to read the ingredients, because all manufacturers have practically the same ingredients and rarely differ. These are peat, fungicides and fertilizers.

It is important for you to choose the correct tablet diameter. They range from 2 to 7 cm in size. And the main thing here is not to make a mistake. It all depends on what exactly is intended to be grown. For example, a seven is too big for a petunia, but a two will be too small for a tomato.

Some summer residents, looking at the tablets, think: “Bah, they’re moldy!” This is mistake. A whitish coating on the outside, similar to a mycelium or cobweb, is nothing more than a forming mesh. Without it, the tablet will simply fall apart when wet. By the way, some manufacturers are guilty of not having such a mesh. In principle, its presence is not at all necessary if you have a container exactly the size of an individual tablet. The peat isn't going anywhere. But then, when replanting, in any case, the seedlings’ root system will have to be disturbed. It is logical to assume that why spend money on buying a tablet if you can simply pour peat into a container and plant the seeds.

Therefore, in the store, be sure to choose those manufacturers who do not skimp on the forming mesh. By the way, it does not decompose in the ground. But at the same time, it does not harm or interfere with the roots. Therefore, before transplantation, the mesh can not be removed from the tablet, but only cut on one side. In the fall, when harvesting plant debris, pull the stem out of the soil and throw it away along with the net. It's simple.

What else do you need to buy?

Manufacturers offer special cassettes for peat tablets. No doubt, they are very comfortable, ideal in diameter and height. But they take up plenty of space. By the way, when placed in a cake lid, the tablets take much less area, than would be in cassettes. But here main role The thickness of your wallet plays a role. It is she who decides whether you need such an additional device, or whether you have other containers in stock.

Therefore, you will have to buy seeds and a spray bottle. It is the most convenient for watering. The fact is that one of the disadvantages of peat tablets is that the upper part dries out too quickly. At the same time, the lower part is still wet. Therefore, watering into a pan will only aggravate the problem, but will not solve it. A spray bottle will allow you to moisten the peat tablets from above, without fear of knocking down young seedlings with a strong stream of water.

Perhaps that's all you need to buy. Some sources also recommend purchasing a propagator. This is such an abstruse container with a lid and heating to create a certain microclimate. We consider this purchase an unnecessary luxury and not an essential necessity. The propagator can be perfectly replaced with a foam pad under the container and cling film or glass on top of the container.

How to prepare tablets for planting

You will need:

  • clean warm water
  • tablespoon
  • container
  • peat tablets
  • 30 minutes of free time
  • enthusiasm

Place the peat tablets in the container so that they do not touch the walls very tightly. No need to squeeze them in. Let them insert freely. Now take clean warm water and pour 2 tbsp into each tablet. l.

By the way, do not confuse the top and bottom of the tablet! The recess for the seeds is located on top and is always clearly visible. After watering, wait 15 minutes. Do not be alarmed that the “test subjects” will begin to grow sharply in height, almost without increasing in diameter. That's how it should be.

Then add another 1 tbsp. l. and wait another 12-15 minutes. Now drain the excess liquid that has appeared at the bottom of the container. That's it, the tablets are ready for planting.

How to plant seeds correctly

Remember: 1 peat tablet - 1 seed. You should not try to cram 2, 3 or more in order to save expensive material. Yes, yes, peat tablets are not cheap. The sprouts simply do not have enough space and nutrition for normal development. And then you come across reviews like this: “I tried these pills of yours, it’s complete nonsense. And I only planted 3 peppers in each. The plants were weak, sick and did not take root well.” We don't need such savings.

Now, as for the seeds. Sowing in tablets is not much different from sowing in the ground:

  1. Large ones - by hand. We deepen it by 1-1.2 cm.
  2. Small ones - with a match or toothpick. We pick it up with a wet tip and lay it on the surface.

After planting manipulations, cover the container with tablets with glass or cling film. Then put it in a warm place dark place before the first shoots appear.

How to care for seedlings in peat tablets

Yes, exactly the same as for a regular one. If you see that the sprouts are starting to hatch, then immediately move the container to a bright place. Otherwise they will begin to stretch. Ventilate the container periodically to prevent condensation from creating excessive humidity. As soon as the plant gets stronger, it will be possible to remove the cover completely.

The most convenient way to water peat tablets is from a spray bottle. This will allow you to dose water without fear of flooding the sprouts.

And further. Don't forget to put insulation under the container. For this you can use:

  • foam plate
  • thin board
  • piece of cork sheet
  • underlay for laminate
  • thick woolen fabric
  • several layers of newspaper

Why are such tricks needed? The fact is that the root system of the sprouts is still too weak. It gets supercooled very quickly, and then a black leg cannot be avoided. And additional insulation from below will allow you to forget about this problem.

How to properly plant seedlings with tablets

Well, the long days of waiting are over. The sprouts rose and became stronger. The time has come to plant them in a greenhouse or open ground. How to determine this moment? Very easy. Lift one of the peat tablets. Do the roots break through the mesh, but the sprout itself has 3-4 true leaves? This means that the next stage has arrived.

You will need:

  • seedling
  • spatula
  • utility knife (optional)
  • 2 hands
Procedure. Use a spatula to dig a hole large enough to freely install the peat tablet. Pour a little water. Then take the seedlings in one hand and with the other stationery knife carefully cut the mesh. Be careful not to spill the tablet. Next, place all this stuff in the hole and cover it with soil. Try not to bury plants other than tomatoes. They can be planted under the very cotyledon leaves.

Now you need to slightly press the soil around. All that remains is to lightly water the new home and mulch the ground with humus or whatever you are used to. As you can see, everything is doable even for a beginner in farming.

By the way, about cutting the mesh. This is not at all necessary, because it does not interfere with the growth of the root system at all. Moisture and fertilizers also flow to the plant completely unhindered. But some summer residents strongly recommend tearing the mesh. It is not clear what they are guided by. Therefore, the choice is yours.


  • less dirt
  • more convenient to transport
  • no need to fertilize
  • take up little space
  • treated for diseases
  • easy to transplant seedlings
  • can be used for rooting leaves and cuttings
  • the root system is not damaged
  • take up little space when stored


  • are expensive
  • dry out quickly
  • occupy a large area in cassettes
  • not sold everywhere
  • may become covered with moss
  • unjustified expenses for large quantity seedlings

Here are the main things you need to know when you buy peat tablets for seedlings rather than ready-made soil. Which also needs to be additionally treated against larvae. harmful insects and pathogenic bacteria. Otherwise, you will need to water it with regular water, spread out the seeds and wait. A little care, and you have healthy, strong seedlings. Use it and enjoy the ease of care.

Now you know how to use peat tablets for seedlings. All that's left is to buy them required quantity and follow our recommendations. We assure you that a rich harvest is guaranteed!

Video: growing seedlings in peat tablets

Growing seedlings has always been a labor-intensive and troublesome process. Peat tablets for seedlings, reviews of which are mostly positive, are a good help for gardeners and flower growers.

Peat for seedlings is an ideal substrate

Peat has always been used as a fertile substrate for growing seedlings of various crops. It is moisture- and breathable, and also rich in essential nutrients. IN Lately Special peat tablets are very popular, in which seeds are sown and strong and well-developed seedlings are obtained.

What are peat tablets?
In fact, it is peat compressed into a puck shape. It is wrapped in the finest mesh of natural fibers, which simply disintegrate over time. The basis of the tablet is light and fertile peat, and its auxiliary part is mineral fertilizers and growth stimulants that provide fast development plants.

At the top of the tablet there is a special recess into which the seed is placed. On sale you can find “washers” of various sizes. Their diameter ranges from 24-90 mm. For growing seedlings, tablets with a height of 8-70 mm are most often used. Moreover, the choice of their size directly depends on the size of the future plant. Peat tablets can be stored for a long time in a dry and cool place without losing their properties.

Pros and cons of peat tablets

Peat tablets have many advantages compared to the usual method growing seedlings. These include:

  • simplicity and speed of planting seeds;
  • reducing the likelihood of seed infection by various fungi;
  • no need for picking, guaranteeing a high percentage of seedling survival and their continuous growth;
  • the presence in the tablet of growth stimulants and essential microelements that accelerate plant development;
  • no damage to the root system young plant when planting in the ground in a permanent place;
  • the ability for even the most delicate root system to freely penetrate through the holes of the mesh;
  • no need to work with soil;
  • saving space, which is especially important in a city apartment;
  • the ability to grow even very small seeds;
  • no need for additional fertilizing with growth stimulants and fertilizers;
  • the ability to regulate substrate humidity;
  • excellent breathability of peat, making plants more resilient;
  • less labor costs compared to in the usual way growing seedlings.

Despite all their advantages, peat tablets also have some disadvantages. These include:

  • the need to constantly monitor their moisture, since peat dries out very quickly;
  • the need to use pallets, pots or cups;
  • The price of the tablets is quite high, which adds up to a significant amount when purchasing a large number of them.

Using peat tablets

Many novice gardeners and flower growers are wondering how to use peat tablets?
Before sowing the seeds, you must select a suitable tall container in which these “washers” will be placed. You can also place them in pots or plastic cups filled with soil. In this way, it is possible to prevent the peat tablet swollen from moisture from falling and becoming deformed. When laying them, the holes for the seeds should be located on top.

Before planting the seeds, the “washers” are watered with warm water. They swell in a matter of minutes. Their height increases several times. Thanks to the natural mesh, these “washers” practically do not increase in diameter. Excess moisture is drained from the pan 15-20 minutes after watering.

Wet peat is an ideal environment for seed germination. They are placed in special recesses and carefully covered with a layer of 1-2 mm.

To speed up the process of seed germination, the container with peat tablets is covered with polyethylene or glass. Crops must be ventilated periodically.

Water the peat tablets using a spray bottle. After germination, the polyethylene or glass is removed. Seedlings grown in this way do not need picking.

Peat tablets for seedlings are often used for cuttings of plants. Due to the presence of growth stimulants and a large number of micronutrients in their composition, the rooting of cuttings occurs much faster.

Growing seedlings on peat tablets allows you to quickly obtain strong young plants that begin to bloom and bear fruit much earlier than those grown in the usual way. This is why reviews of peat tablets are almost always positive.

Video: how to properly use peat tablets for growing seedlings

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