How to properly hang non-woven wallpaper in the corners. How to glue wallpaper in the corners of the kitchen: correctly glue the corners with wallpaper, decorate the outer corner, non-woven trellises, instructions, video

Wallpapering walls - affordable modern remedy interior decoration. Depending on the material used, you can hide some flaws and defects in the walls. People involved in renovation know that incorrect wallpaper application technology and haste lead to ugly consequences and a waste of time and effort.

Before you get started, read the instructions for applying wallpaper to walls.

What angle should you start from?

Properly hung wallpaper will look perfect in the interior of your home. To work you will need:

  • wallpaper;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • ruler;
  • roulette;
  • dishes for diluting glue;
  • pencil;
  • roller and brush ( different sizes);
  • soft dry cloth or wallpaper brush (to remove air bubbles);
  • sharp stationery knife;
  • stepladder or chair.

Many people recommend starting work from the door, while others recommend starting from the window. In fact, it's the other way around. Previously, canvases were produced with a special edge for overlap. Therefore, we had to start gluing from the far wall with the window. Now in production different kinds wallpaper, preferably glued end-to-end.

Under no circumstances should you start gluing the material from the corner. Be sure to level the walls and prime them. Wallpapering uneven walls is not only difficult, but in some cases impossible.

For those who prefer to overlap, the first roll should be glued from the window. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to start from the doorway.

The main thing is to glue the first roll and then build on it.

Rules for gluing

The industry produces various types and types of wallpaper. There are paintable wallpapers - non-woven wallpaper. The advantage is that they can be painted in any color. An economical way of interior decoration, because the costs are only for paint.

The wallpapering technique requires sequential steps:

  • wall preparation;
  • temporary removal of skirting boards (if possible);
  • diluting the glue according to the instructions on the package;
  • lubrication of the canvas (sometimes lubrication of the wall is required);
  • applying the roll to the wall from top to bottom;
  • removing air bubbles and wrinkles.

Rules for gluing simple wallpaper(53 cm wide) differs from meter ones (1 meter wide). At first glance it seems that meter materials much harder to glue.

It turns out that this is quite simple if you understand how to hang regular wallpaper.

There are a number of advantages that will change your mind:

  • less effort and time;
  • cheaper than standard wallpaper;
  • creating a seamless effect;
  • high quality (made in Belgium, Italy, France);
  • creating an interior for every taste.

Before purchasing wallpaper, be sure to calculate the cost. For this, a formula from geometry is used: (wall + adjacent wall) x 2. And remember that the length of one canvas on the wall is taken with a margin of 5 cm. Always take a spare roll so that there are no shortcomings when you paste door jambs and protrusions. Be sure to check the length of the canvas itself on the roll in the instructions.

A mandatory safety condition is to turn off the power to the apartment or house. After disconnecting, remove the top panels of sockets and switches. When starting gluing, it is necessary to clean the room from dirt and dust.

Remove old wallpaper coverings using ordinary warm water. Wet the coating with water using a spray bottle and wait 20 minutes, after which the wallpaper will easily come off the walls. Remove paper using a knife or spatula. Vinyl sheets are easier to tear off using perforation.

It's much more difficult to get rid of paint. To do this, use a grinding machine or drill with a special attachment, but it is better to use chemical solutions for removing paint and varnish products.

With help wet method When removing old coatings, less dust is generated and the plaster does not peel off. After removing the old coating, it is necessary to eliminate and repair weak points (cracks, potholes, bulges).

Be sure to level the walls and prime them. Wallpapering on uneven surfaces is not only difficult, but in some cases it is impossible to do. A particular difficulty for beginners in this business is the issue of gluing external and internal corners.

Internal corner

Action technology:

  1. Applying glue to the canvas or, if necessary, to the wall. Be sure to lubricate the wall joint thoroughly, as this is the most labor-intensive part in the corner.
  2. The canvas is glued so that it overlaps the adjacent wall by 4-5 cm.
  3. Knowing the width of the material, stick the next wallpaper (2-4 cm) on top of the previous one.
  4. Trim the protruding parts and glue the top material in place.

If there are sockets or switches in the corner, you need to cut a round hole ( smaller sizes switches) made of canvas in this place.

The presence of rounded corners contributes to the formation of air voids. Be sure to make an incision in this area and glue the material tightly. Apply to this area large quantity glue.

External corner

The outer corner is especially noticeable in the apartment, so it requires strict accuracy.

There are 2 types of gluing external corners depending on the unevenness of the corner:

  1. If the angle is even, the canvas is glued so that it protrudes 3-4 cm on the adjacent side. Next is the gluing process using standard technology.
  2. Uneven walls. In this situation, the protrusion of the canvas onto the adjacent wall increases (4-5 cm).

It is necessary to measure the width of the panel and retreat another 5 mm. This way the gluing will overlap.

A cut is made in the middle of the overlap. Pull back the top part of the wallpaper and remove the protruding parts of the canvas. After removal, glue the top sheet in place.

Cuts are made on the convex surfaces of the wall and the material is pressed tightly against the wall. These methods are intended for overlapping gluing (for wide wallpaper). The designs of these wallpapers are designed to hide imperfections and protrusions.

These options are not suitable for standard paper webs. In this case, the first option with butt gluing is used.

If the walls are uneven

Perfectly straight walls are a rarity. Small errors in the unevenness of the walls are acceptable, but with large deviations and noticeable curved surfaces it is impossible to hide this when wallpapering. On the contrary, the appearance of the room’s interior is distorted.

In that case, if there are cracks, they must be repaired cement mortar . For minor cracks use gypsum plaster. Also, it will not be possible to paste wallpaper beautifully and efficiently. The appearance will not match the expected results. In such cases, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Putty will be your assistant in this.

Application rules:

  • clean the surface from dirt and dust;
  • tear off the old coating (if any);
  • apply antibacterial impregnation;
  • prime the wall;
  • apply 1 layer of starting putty;
  • apply a painting mesh over the putty (to prevent cracks from appearing);
  • apply a second layer of putty;
  • apply two layers finishing putty(thickness 2-4 mm);
  • after complete drying, wash with a primer;
  • remove all roughness and uneven surfaces using sandpaper.

How to stick models with a pattern?

Wallpapering corners is a difficult job in itself, especially for a beginner.

Plain colored wallpaper is a great way out. But you can bring liveliness to the interior only with the help of drawing. Also, in some cases, such models can cover up unevenness. Do not forget that the canvas is glued overlapping, otherwise the pattern will add an awkward look to the interior, and all the imperfections will be visible.

You can use the method of selecting a pattern, not forgetting that the canvases are glued overlapping, and they need to be cut off. The drawing should be average size and walk strictly along the plumb line. Large or too small drawings add a distorted effect.

A selection different colors Canvases can be used to divide a room into zones without resorting to additional costs (arches, partitions). It is important that the colors are in harmony with each other.

Uneven walls and corners are found not only in old house buildings, but also in modern new buildings. It is precisely because of this deficiency that problems arise with interior decoration. To avoid sad consequences, you should follow the rules:

  • In order for the wallpaper to stick better on the outer corners, it is necessary to press it as tightly as possible to the wall. Glue the wallpaper from top to bottom, gradually lowering towards the floor, thereby avoiding the appearance of folds.
  • If glue gets on the front part of the material, remove it immediately with a soft cloth. The front sides of some types of canvas become unusable from wallpaper glue.
  • If an air bubble is detected, it must be punctured. Use a syringe to inject glue and smooth it out.
  • The inner corners of the room are the most problematic; it is in these places that peeling, swelling, and tearing occur. For effective and reliable corner gluing, add PVA glue (10%) to the water when preparing the glue. Mix the glue until smooth so that there are no lumps.

  • Make sure there are no drafts. They prevent complete and uniform drying, after which the material peels off. It is allowed to ventilate the room only after the wallpaper has completely dried. This happens within 2-3 days.
  • To better cover areas with windows and wooden openings, the canvas must be taken with a reserve and allowed to dry completely. Only after this, carefully cut off the excess material with a stationery knife.
  • The unevenness of the wall is not always noticeable. Only when pasting the internal and external corners will flaws and incorrect alignment be visible. To avoid these shortcomings, immediately before work, be sure to check the curvature of the walls using a building level and plumb line.
  • If there is thermal heating, use a thin, narrow brush to lubricate the glue.

If you decide to make repairs, get ready for a complex process that will take a lot of time and effort. And turning to professionals will also be costly in terms of finances. Therefore, in order to save your money, we suggest doing at least part of the work yourself. For example, you can easily cope with such a process as wallpapering walls. The only difficulty you will have to face is the design of the corners of the room. As a rule, this work always causes difficulties.

Unfortunately, both apartment owners in old buildings and new buildings encounter uneven corners. Often there are defects on the walls that prevent you from hanging wallpaper beautifully and quickly. What to do in such a difficult situation and how to glue wallpaper in the corners? Below you will learn about all important points, and for clarity you can watch the video.

Pasting corners: features

If you are gluing external corner protrusions, make sure that the wallpaper fits tightly to the wall, so it is not recommended to glue the entire strip to the corner at once.

If the joint of the walls is bad, it will simply gather in ugly folds. Moreover, the wallpaper should never end in a corner. It is necessary to leave an overhang of approximately 3 cm (if necessary, trim it with a knife). This way you can achieve a perfectly even pasting. When using thick wallpaper to decorate walls, use a plumb line.

If there are switches or sockets nearby, remove their covers and turn off the electricity. Next, glue the canvas on top, then cut out circles of smaller diameter than the casing itself. When finished you can put them back.

Preliminary preparation

It’s worth noting right away that all the preparation needs to be done long before gluing the wallpaper in the corners. First you need to remove the old finish and level the surface. To align the joints of the walls, use plastic corners, securing them with putty.

Then the surface is treated with a primer, which can be found in every hardware store. The primer is applied with a roller or brush.

How to glue wallpaper in corners: technology

You cannot cover all corners at once. Choose the one from which the work begins. To do this, prepare a strip of the required length and, depending on the type of wallpaper, coat with adhesive composition both one wall (when gluing with non-woven wallpaper) and the wallpaper (in case vinyl wallpaper). If you use plastic corners, you need to coat them with glue.

When processing the wall surface, it is necessary to cover an area slightly wider than the wallpaper (minimum 5 cm).

Then you can start gluing the first canvas. If you are going to start pasting from left to right, you need to apply the left side of the canvas to the corner. The strip of wallpaper is located exactly along its entire length.

Then the canvas must be carefully leveled and all the air expelled from it. This can be done using a plastic spatula or a special roller. After this, the entire wall is covered up to the next corner.

Internal corners

Internal corners are most common in rooms. To properly paste them, you must adhere to these recommendations.

The strip must be glued so as to cover not just the corner itself, but also several centimeters of the adjacent wall. Next, it is important to press and smooth the wallpaper well using a lint-free cloth or sponge.

Then, using a ruler or tape measure, measure to adjacent wall from the top corner the width of the wallpaper, folding back 3-4 cm. This is necessary so that you can glue the strip overlapping the previous one. Further along these points, using a plumb line or level, you need to draw a line along the wall. The canvas glued to it will be strictly vertical.

Next you need to start gluing the adjacent wall. As noted above, the canvas is glued overlapping the previous one along the drawn line. Further actions are traditional: the strip of wallpaper is smoothed and pressed. Using a level, ruler or paint knife, cut through both layers of wallpaper in the corner, removing all scraps. It is important to do this especially carefully. If it is difficult to pry off the edge of the wallpaper, you can carefully bend the second sheet, removing all excess. After this, coat the folded canvas with glue, pressing it well and smoothing it, getting rid of air.

By resorting to this technology for gluing the inner corners of the room, you can make the joint in these places invisible.

External corners

Almost every room has external corners (slopes). For easy and high-quality gluing, it is necessary to pre-level them using plaster. But this will not always be possible. In this case, without overlapping pasting, you will not be able to achieve the desired result. Let's look at how to wallpaper the outer corners in more detail.

First, you need to glue the wallpaper so as to cover 3-4 centimeters of the adjacent wall. Moreover, it is important that the wallpaper fits evenly and tightly to the wall and corner. For this reason, if necessary, prune them in several places.

After smoothing the canvas, cut off any excess wallpaper (vertically) using a sharp blade or knife, leaving a thin edge.

Then measure the width of the roll with a large ruler or tape measure and, stepping back about 5 mm, draw a vertical line using a plumb line or level. The next strip is glued along it. It will lie flat. As a result, you will end up with a slight overlap. It will hide all defects that arise after cutting the first strip.

Features of gluing wallpaper with a pattern

If your wallpaper has a pattern that has good clarity (for example, some geometric figures and shapes, vertical or horizontal stripes), you need to make sure that wallpapering in the corners does not distort it in any way.

This can be done easily. It is only important not to forget about the need to make a slight overlap on the wall. The canvas must be glued so that the edge lies exactly plumb. Then trim the second edge of the canvas along the edge of the corners.

Most likely, you will not be able to completely eliminate the pattern shift, which will result in a slight distortion remaining. But only you know about this drawback. To identify it, you need to carefully examine the connecting lines of the walls. If you strictly follow the instructions on how to properly glue wallpaper, the canvases will lie exactly vertically, and minor distortions of the pattern will be unnoticeable.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room: some secrets

  • If your wallpaper is heavy and thick, it would be a good idea to arm yourself with strong adhesive. It's good if it's transparent.
  • Sticking to our simple tips You will wallpaper the corners of the room perfectly. Moreover, they will look beautiful, even uneven wall joints. You just need to be patient and do all the work carefully.

The majority of our fellow citizens are confident that even with little experience repair work, you can stick wallpaper well and beautifully.

This may be true when it comes to straight walls and right angles.

But few apartments, especially the well-known Khrushchev buildings, can boast of such indicators.

How to properly apply wallpaper in corners? Where is it better to start, from which side?

Next, select the angle, from which we will begin our work. Preparing a piece of wallpaper the right size, coat it with glue; if necessary, cover the piece of wall for which it is intended. When using plastic corners, they are also coated with the compound. By smearing the wall, you can go a few centimeters beyond the boundaries of the future sheet.

Glue the first strip. If the work is carried out from left to right, then the left side of the strip of wallpaper is applied in the corner. It should be placed perfectly even along its entire length. Using a clean cloth or a special device (plastic spatula or roller), the coating is smoothed over the entire area, moving carefully and gradually, expelling air and removing bubbles. The wall is completely covered up to the nearest corner.

How to glue wallpaper in inner corners

This type of corner is usually found in rooms. For proper and even gluing, you must adhere to the listed recommendations.

The strip is glued so as to cover, along with the corner, several centimeters of the adjacent wall (3-4). It is carefully pressed and smoothed with a clean, lint-free cloth.

Then, on the adjacent wall, using a ruler, the width of the canvas minus the mentioned 3-4 cm is plotted from the upper corner. This is done in order to paste the next strip in relation to the previous one, overlapping.

Using a plumb line or level, a line is drawn down along the entire wall that will serve as a guide. The strip will have to be glued strictly vertically along it.

After this, you can move to the adjacent wall. As already mentioned, the next strip is glued along the line marked on the wall, overlapping the previous one. Just like everyone else, it is carefully smoothed and pressed, especially at the junction of the walls. Then, using a sharp knife, a ruler, and a ruler, both layers of wallpaper are cut in the corner, and unnecessary trimmings are removed.

This must be done carefully so as not to accidentally remove the desired piece of wallpaper. Then we coat the edges of the canvas with glue, smooth it and press it. Make sure no air bubbles form. If you use this technique to finish corners, you can make the corner joint almost invisible visually.

How to glue wallpaper on outside corners

Meanwhile, along with internal corners, in every residential building there are also external corners. These are, for example, familiar slopes to everyone.

To make it easier and more accurate to paste them over, it is advisable to first. Unfortunately, this is not possible in every case. Then you will have to use the overlapping method.

What is the most convenient way to do this?

As when working with internal corners, first a layer of material is glued to the adjacent wall, to the distance of the previously mentioned 3-4 centimeters.

To ensure that the wallpaper adheres evenly to the surfaces, it is possible to carefully trim it in several places. When the canvas is smoothed, use a blade or sharp knife to cut off the excess along the vertical edge, with the exception of the thin edge.

Then, using a large ruler or construction tape measure on the wall, measure a distance equal to the width of the roll plus five millimeters. Using a plumb line from this point, draw a vertical line down.

We will paste the next strip of wallpaper, focusing on it. When gluing two adjacent strips, there will be a slight overlap, which will mask all possible defects formed when cutting the first piece.

How to glue wallpaper with a pattern in the corners

If we have to work with a coating that has a clear and distinct pattern, it is important to make sure that wallpapering in the corners does not distort the existing pattern. This is not as difficult to do as it might seem.

The main thing is not to forget about the need for some overlap. In addition, the canvas must be glued in such a way that the edge exactly matches the plumb line. Then, along the edge of the corner (edge), the second edge is trimmed.

It is quite difficult to prevent the pattern from shifting completely, and slight distortion may occur. But it will be so insignificant that most likely only you will know about it. Only a careful study of the lines of intersection and connection will allow us to notice it. If you follow all the recommendations for gluing internal and external corners, the individual sheets of material will lie exactly vertically, and a slight distortion of the pattern will not be noticeable.


There are little secrets for pasting wallpaper in the corners.

Even if the joints are not very smooth, nevertheless, they will look neat and beautiful.

The main thing is to be patient and careful, to carry out all activities slowly and carefully. Then the result will please you!

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

Mar 2 2016


Often wallpaper materials are the most common wall decoration. They have increased in popularity due to their affordable price and ease of wrapping, but not in all locations. WITH smooth surfaces Anyone can do it, but when it comes to how to properly glue wallpaper in corners, not everyone can prove themselves to be a professional. In order not to slow down the repair process and make it better, you will have to resort to some construction tricks.

Features of wallpapering in the corners of the room

Pasting a straight wall surface is not difficult, but as soon as you reach a bend, the hassle begins. How to properly glue wallpaper in corners? People already experienced in this matter recommend that beginners observe several conditions:

  1. Do not use the whole blade when turning. No matter how smooth it may seem, you still get folds and distortions, because some modern wallpaper materials shrink after drying.
  2. Do not start pasting from the very joint of the walls - it is not as smooth as at first glance. It turns out that two panels are spoiled at once. Instead, you need to take a level and draw a vertical line.

There are 2 ways to glue wallpaper in a corner:

  1. Place the panels overlapping each other and make a cut in the center of the overlap. Remove cut parts.
  2. Glue one panel, bringing the edge 1.5-2 cm beyond the turn, then butt it with the prepared second piece of material.

Preparing the walls

Before gluing begins, you need to do the following preparatory work:

  1. Inspect the wall joints themselves for any irregularities. They need to be leveled using putty, which will dry for a couple of hours. After this, clean the surface sandpaper to achieve perfect smoothness.
  2. Using a chalk level, draw a straight vertical line, moving 4-5 cm away from the joint of the walls. There will be an edge of the canvas.

Step-by-step technique for doing the job

To start pasting, you need to prepare necessary materials– you should have them all at your fingertips. Wallpapering corners requires the following:

  • wallpaper of the required length with a margin of a couple of cm;
  • diluted in warm water glue that matches the characteristics of your material;
  • roller and brush for applying glue;
  • a dry cloth to wipe off excess adhesive;
  • brush for leveling panels;
  • ruler;
  • construction knife;
  • a stool to reach the top of the canvases.

How to glue internal corners

Here are the stages of work on how to glue paper wallpaper in the corners:

  1. Applying glue. Carefully coat the surface of the joint between the walls from top to bottom with the prepared mixture, because there the material comes off easier and more often. Use a roller where needed, and a brush where needed.
  2. First part. On the side where the material is already glued, glue the next part so that it falls about 4-5 cm beyond the turn, as shown in the photo. Press the edge with a sponge. Press harder on the turning point to secure it more thoroughly.
  3. Second part. Proceed to the other wall. Knowing the width of your material, measure it on the wall so that one edge of the panel overlaps the previously glued one by 2-4 cm. Draw a line, checking it for verticality. After applying glue to the wall, glue the second canvas. Press the edges with a sponge.
  4. Trimming excess. Arm yourself with a ruler and construction knife. Using a ruler, make a vertical cut in the center of the overlap. Carefully tear off the top panel from the wall and remove the lower cut part.
  5. Final gluing. Carefully coat the part that was turned away with adhesive and re-glue it to the wall, smoothing the edge and removing excess glue. The perfect seam is ready!

How to cover external corners

Protruding parts are more noticeable indoors, so they must be done especially carefully. There are two options for hanging wallpaper yourself:

  1. The protrusion is perfectly level. Then simply wrap the fabric over the corner joint by 3-4 cm and glue it. Do not cut it, but glue the next one using the usual technology for a straight surface.
  2. The walls are uneven. You'll have to use another method.

The second method will not differ from the technology for internal corner joints. Here's how to properly glue wallpaper in protruding corners:

  1. Glue the first strip with an overlap of about 4-5 cm at the corner joint.
  2. Measure the width of the panel from the protrusion and step back another 5 mm so that when gluing one part overlaps the other a little.
  3. Using a ruler, make a cut in the middle of the overlap.
  4. The top part will fall off on its own, and remove the bottom by moving the top sheet and gluing it in place.

Such methods are suggested for those materials that are glued joint to joint and do not produce shrinkage deformations. This way the seam will not come apart and there will be no gaps in the wall. For paper materials, these methods are not suitable - an overlap of 0.5 cm is required, so the first method is used, when the overlap is not cut off, but simply checked for verticality using a plumb line. If deviations are found, draw a line and trim what is unnecessary. For a more aesthetic design, a wallpaper corner is often used.

As a rule, one of the most complex tasks cosmetic repairs- wallpapering walls hard to reach places(on external and internal corners, places where pipes pass, etc.). However, if you use special techniques and suitable materials, the question is how it will be removed. Let's look at several ways to glue wallpaper in corners. Let's start with a simple task - consider the technique of wallpapering even corners. And then we'll study various options working with uneven joints.

Smooth corners

Happy owners of quality overhaul, as a rule, do not have problems with distortions on the walls. Wallpapering an even joint is much simpler and does not require extra costs.

Internal and external (protruding) wall junctions are covered equally. Let's look at the whole process step by step.

First of all, you need to decide where to start. If thin paper strips are used that will overlap each other (usually up to 0.5 mm), then you should start from the window (so that the seams are not noticeable). If the wallpaper is denser, then it will be glued end to end. In the second case, you should start from the door.

Once you have decided on the direction, you can start taking measurements. It is necessary to note how many strips of wallpaper it will take to reach the nearest corner. The fact is that the final strip should lie evenly on the adjacent wall by about 2-5 cm. It is better to trim off the excess.

Using a plumb line or laser level, you should mark a straight line perpendicular to the ceiling, and start gluing from there. This way, as you move towards the corner, the trellises will not shift (tilt).

Now you need to apply the next sheet, but starting next to the corner (no matter how even it may seem) is undesirable. For the same reason, an overlap of several centimeters is left on the adjacent wall. Otherwise, there is a high probability of holes and an unaesthetic appearance, which will be difficult to correct.

It is necessary to smooth out the glued panel at the junction of the walls very carefully. It’s not so bad if the edge of the strip, which goes around the corner, protrudes somewhere by 3 cm, and somewhere by all 5. It is much more important that at the junction of two walls the wallpaper fits tightly to the surface without creases, swelling and excess tension.

Advice! If you are too lazy to press the wallpaper tightly in the corners during repairs, then later the pleasure of picking holes in the sagging wallpaper will become a very exciting activity for the child.

The next strip of light paper or thin wallpaper on a non-woven base can be glued on top of the previous one, focusing on a straight perpendicular line, passing as close as possible to the junction of the two walls. Before you start pasting new wall, you can trim off the excess if the edge of the spade is uneven, or leave the bottom layer as is.

Wallpaper that is glued end-to-end (that is, dense and does not stretch after being coated with glue) in the corner is processed using the following technology:

As is the case with paper wallpaper, there is already a small strip of width left after gluing the trellis on the adjacent wall. Apply glue to it, press it and carefully smooth out the entire corner.

On top of this strip - the spade - mount, focusing on the perpendicular line, a new wide strip. All that remains is to make an even joint (after all, the material is dense, possibly embossed, you cannot leave an overlap).

Along the perpendicular line, using a building rule or a fairly long ruler, you need to make a deep cut in the wallpaper from the ceiling to the floor. It should go through both layers, making a straight edge on each side. It is most convenient to do this with a very sharp stationery or construction knife (the second is preferable, since its blade does not bend so much).

Now you need to carefully remove all the excess trim, re-glue the edges of the opposing strips and straighten the joint. It should turn out perfectly smooth, at a distance of 1-2 cm from the corner.

Advice! You should not overlap or join the wallpaper directly in the corner. There will always be holes or cracks that will ruin a smooth edge. 1-2 cm from the corner is the optimal distance for both internal and external walls.

Several ways to straighten corners

Most often, both in old houses and in new buildings, there are walls with a slope. The meeting place of two such plates can surprise you with its shape. Unless it's wrapped in a spiral, and everything else is business as usual. In practice, 2 have been developed effective ways working with uneven corners.

The first involves preliminary preparation of the walls by leveling (more expensive, but better quality), the second does not require extra costs, allows you to paste the wallpaper “as is”, while it does not hide the imperfections of the relief. Let's start with the first one.

If the room has rectangular shape, the junction of the two walls should be 90 degrees. If this angle changes somewhere, it means that crooked walls have come into contact. It's easy to check. It is enough to apply a square and draw it from floor to ceiling, assessing the places where the ruler does not touch the surface. If you fill these “voids”, the output will be a perfectly flat shape for pasting.

Let's start with method No. 1

You will need a spatula in the shape of an angle (90 degrees), putty (the more varied the relief of the walls, the more), construction rights And lo, plumb line or level. In the most protruding place of the corner, you need to apply a spatula and mark its location with a line. Fix it to the wall along this line perpendicular to the ceiling. building code(dowels or self-tapping screws). After moistening the surface with water, apply putty and, pressing the rule to the edge, move it several times with a spatula. The smooth joint is ready. All that remains is to remove the excess putty, dry it and sand it with sandpaper.

Advice! If you don’t have a suitable spatula at hand, you can use an even and dense rectangle of wood.

Method No. 2

For it you will need a plaster corner (represents a mesh with an attached iron or plastic strip, bent at an angle of 90 degrees), putty or plaster. All you need is to place a plaster corner perpendicularly and evaluate the gaps. After moistening the surface, apply mortar, attach the profile, level the putty so as to hide the mesh. After drying and sanding, you can now wallpaper the corners. By the way, this method will help protect the joints from destruction.

Method No. 3

Line the walls (and corners accordingly) with sheets of plasterboard. This is the most expensive and effective method. If the walls do not have significant deformations, then the sheets of drywall can simply be glued, leveling them. This is one of the most simple ways, it’s more difficult to install sheets on metal carcass. This method allows not only to level the walls, but also to improve thermal insulation, but it reduces the area of ​​the room.

Techniques for working with uneven corners

Using simple rules, you can tape the joints between walls with trellises without prior leveling.

Let's look at some of them:

  1. Choosing the right wallpaper pattern. If the corners in the room have significant deviations, it is worth purchasing wallpaper with a neutral coloring that does not require joining at the edges of the panel. It will be impossible to achieve a matching pattern, and a skewed pattern will ruin the whole impression.
  2. Selecting material based on texture. One of the few types of trellises that can stretch is non-woven wallpaper. By stretching during operation, elastic fabrics can effectively hide small depressions and bulges. In addition, they do not need to be pre-applied with glue, they do not get wet and do not tear. The strips are applied to the base dry, and the glue is applied to the walls first with a primer and only then with the base layer.
  3. We glue the uneven corner in two layers. A strip of wallpaper 10 cm wide (or more, depending on the nature of the terrain) can be glued to the corner before attaching the main trellises. If you have to make cuts in the outer layer, the bottom strip will fill the gap. In addition, it will strengthen the wallpaper in the corner from tearing in the future.
  4. Instead of a narrow strip of paper, the corner is often pre-glued with a painting mesh - this also hides small depressions and strengthens the strip of wallpaper in the corner.
  5. Notches for better fit. When gluing the spade (that part of the strip that goes from one wall to another, about 5 cm), it is worth making “herringbone” cuts in it. This way the trellises will lie more tightly to the surface. The new strip is aligned and overlapped or both layers are cut to form a joint. This way, gluing wallpaper in corners is much easier, since the cuts made will not be noticeable.

You don't have to be a jack of all trades to get perfect option home interior. It is enough to follow these simple rules, since evenly pasted corners of the room: without displacement of the overall pattern, without swelling and distortions, is an indicator quality repairs.

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