What does the life line look like in the palm of your hand? Life line in palmistry: mystical meaning and secret signs

Important rule for all palmists is that when reading palms, it is important to take into account the lines on both the right and left hands. If a specialist looks at only one of your hands, then he is nothing more than a charlatan who knows nothing about palmistry. Many people interested in palmistry often ask questions: which hand should be used to tell fortunes and what does the left and right palm reflect?

In palmistry, a distinction is made between a passive and an active hand. For right-handed people, the active hand will be the right, and the passive hand will be the left. For left-handed people the opposite is true.

Passive palm in palmistry

The passive palm shows what a person was born with. From it you can learn about the character that was formed in childhood, about what parents invested in a person, what was given to him by fate. The passive hand is also used to determine the origins and causes of events in life. The passive palm also tells about the life span, or more precisely about how many years a person had at his birth. This hand also reflects a person's past.

Active palm in palmistry

The lines on the active palm show what a person has done himself, how he has changed his life and what was given to him from birth. In other words, active hand reflects a person’s activities throughout his life and how exactly he disposed of what was given to him by fate.

By the active palm you can recognize the present and future of a person, since it shows everything that a person does, what he strives for, what he thinks and dreams about.

How to tell fortunes by hand

In order to get a complete picture of a person’s fate, you need to guess using both the right and left hands. This allows the palmist to see impending events or problems and warn a person about changes in his destiny. For example, if on the passive hand the life line is long, deep and clear, but on the active hand it is weakly expressed or has breaks and islands, then this is a direct sign that the person is managing his life incorrectly. And here the main task of the palmist is to tell the person that he urgently needs to change something in his life.

Which hand should you use to guess? The answer is obvious - both on the left and on the right. The main thing is to remember the meaning of the left and right palms and, in accordance with this, correctly interpret the information. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.08.2014 09:07

By looking at the marriage line on your hand you can learn about a person’s love affairs. This line is located on the Mount of Mercury, at the base of the little finger. Many...

Palmistry studies not only the lines on the hand, but also other components of the palms: hills, fingers, fingerprints. There is one interesting thing...

The line pattern on each person's hands is unique. We are talking not only about fingerprints, which have long been a recognized method of personal identification, but also about stripes and marks on the palms. Even ancient peoples experienced big interest to these symbols, giving them a special meaning. These patterns are both familiar to everyone and also mysterious and mysterious. They also have a number of amazing properties:

  • it is impossible to find people with two identical hands;
  • the presence in the hands of most people of the main lines: life, fate, mind, destiny (their absence is very rare);
  • The pattern of the palms can change throughout life, so predicting the fate of children in this way is undesirable.

Ideally, the line of life on the hand should not be very wide and not very deep, the same color, long and completely and evenly without any sharp turns

Line meaning

Since childhood, many people believe that the life line shows life expectancy. At the same time, people with a short line will have a short life, and those with a long line will have a long and happy life. This is just children's fortune-telling and a common misconception. As a rule, it talks more about the state of health and well-being, foreshadows changes and unexpected events.

The life line is one of the most important signs on the hand, but it must be interpreted based on a combination of many factors. A very long, smooth and deep stripe speaks of a person’s phenomenal physical and mental health and ability to withstand adversity. However, even such people can be overtaken by illness or bad events, and a short and thin line does not necessarily predict a short life.

The life line in palmistry predetermines the events of the life path and speaks of what is destined for the Universe


The life line is located around thumb, wrapping it around him like a ring. You can see the exact location in the photo:

It surrounds the Mount of Venus, which is responsible for life potential and innate abilities. From her position and appearance envy is the degree to which this potential is revealed, as well as the character of the person. So, if the line is located too close to the thumb, this indicates a weak will, lack of self-confidence and a tendency to depression.

But the further it is located from the Mount of Venus, the stronger, more confident and energetic its owner is. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Baba Nina: “To break out of lack of money once and for all, make it a rule to wear simple..”

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People often wonder where to look at the life line, because it is present on both hands. Of course, professionals in the field of palmistry make a detailed forecast for two palms, but the greatest attention is paid to the signs on the leading hand. Therefore, if you are right-handed, pay more attention to the right, and if you are left-handed, pay more attention to the left. Any branches, dashes, dots, and other changes in the life line can, to one degree or another, affect life path


Perfect line A good sign is the presence of a clear, even, moderate in width and depth life line. Perfect option

– a long and uniform line, as well as the absence of various defects (dots, breaks, skeletons, etc.). A good drawing can be compared to the flow of a river; the fewer winding sections and obstacles along its path, the greater its strength.

If it is thin and not clear, this indicates character traits such as anxiety and excessive impressionability, an unstable state of physical and mental health.

You should be wary of people who take away your energy, try not to get upset over little things and not perceive every problem as unsolvable.

Double line On the palms of some lucky people you can see a double line running parallel along inside

(closer to the thumb). The presence of such a “understudy” is a wonderful sign that speaks of innate luck and outstanding personality abilities. Such a sign can even weaken the meaning of negative signs on a person’s hands.

A straight life line means powerful emotional energy

The owner of such a symbol is a unique person; he has a high supply of energy and a strong will. Such a person can quickly recover from the most serious illness and emerge victorious from the most difficult situations. A wonderful career awaits such people; they are often very popular with the opposite sex. However, owners of such a line should be wary of envy and intrigues on the part of others.

  • break: if the line of fate is interrupted on both palms in the same area, this is a warning about the possibility of an accident or a dangerous illness. The worst outcome is predicted when the highest part of the line before the break has a branch towards the thumb. If after an interruption it is gradually restored, after a while everything will work out and life will gradually improve;
  • a chain-like life line is a bad omen. Poor health and illness can haunt a person long years(until the chain section ends);
  • dots and crosses on the life line mean a threat to health or a dangerous situation;
  • the cross at the end of the strip is a sign of a significant deterioration in financial situation in old age;
  • a triangle located between the life line and the fate line: symbolizes future financial income and wealth. It is even possible to win big in the lottery.
  • if it intersects with many small stripes of “stress” directed in its direction: excessive worry and anxiety over trifles should be avoided. Your life is already full of stress and emotional negativity.
  • if the lines of life, mind and heart are connected to each other: a person is prone to excessively risky behavior. You should be careful, otherwise fate may lead to fatal events.
  • connection only with the line of the mind: on the contrary, a sign of a person who is too calm and unsure of his abilities.
  • insula: negative sign. He warns about possible problems with health. Circle-shaped islands indicate vision problems. If the island is adjacent to the square, the disease will pass and leave no trace.
  • the life line bifurcates: a stripe bifurcated into two parts means traveling or moving to a permanent place of residence in another country.

Of course, everyone wants to have in their palms exclusively positive signs and minimize the impact of negative ones. The pattern of your palms can change over the course of your life, so your destiny is entirely in your hands, in every sense. Only persistent and systematic work on yourself will help you find the true meaning of current events and get to know yourself better.

Each of us, any person, has a desire to look into our future, to find out what will happen in a year, two or 10 years, and fortune telling by hand can help with this - the life line will give answers to many questions. higher powers. In your search for an answer, palmistry can help you with explanations - which lines, tubercles and symbols on the palm will indicate to you your future. What symbols can indicate life expectancy, what signs can warn of impending trouble or indicate good health, and therefore we’ll talk about this and much more further.

On which hand is the life line located?

The science of palmistry can lift the veil of the future

The life line is an external symbol that reflects a very powerful energy flow; it is present on a person’s every hand, and taking this into account, its meaning is interpreted. It begins in the very middle of space, starting from the thumb and index finger, forming an arc, bends around the base of the towering Mount of Venus and descends directly to the wrist. It is by its position and length that you can find out how many years a person will live, and also how exactly. It displays such components as internal energy and inner strength, nutrition and security, creativity in humans.

What is the meaning of the life line?

Palmists consider the line on the hand to be happy, the line that is clearly visible and runs without interruptions or convolutions. Although if there are certain signs or birthmarks on it, it is interrupted - this indicates certain events or obstacles that arise in a person’s life.

It can tell about a person’s health, for example, short or long will indicate life expectancy, but the size of the Mount of Venus will indicate his vitality and energy strength. Located on the left hand, it carries information about fate, what was given to him from life. But if it is located on the right, this will indicate how a person can realize his potential and plans in real life.

Symbolic designations of fate on the hand

The features of its interpretation are defined in their length and character - all of this is presented in the following table. The length will directly indicate such events and features:

  1. The absence of one indicates constant worries and stressful situations.
  2. If it is unclear, this will indicate the minimum of a person’s life potential, the energy necessary to realize all his plans.
  3. But a broken one - the life of this or that person will pass in constant struggle and at the same time he will be accompanied by unreasonable losses.
  4. If the latter is forked, then this indicates that the person is not collected and is wasting his vital energy on things that are unnecessary for him. Therefore, it is worth reconsidering your own priorities.
  5. A line that is short in length will indicate a person’s weak will, since he is easily susceptible to the influence of others and is marked by weak immunity.
  6. The double indicates the highest protection, the fact that a person will have his invisible protector with him, a kind of guardian angel.
  7. A clearly visible line on the palm indicates a happy and long life.
  8. A long line on the palm directly indicates a person’s strong immunity, and the full cup of his internal strength and vital energy.

What does it mean if a person has two life lines on his hand?

Two lines on the hand are rare in the science of palmistry

Even medical statistics have at their disposal cases where even hopelessly ill patients, who had such a double symbol on their palms, recovered and got out of wheelchairs.

But its reddish tint indicates that the person has considerable love of love and enjoys well-deserved success with the opposite sex. The main thing is to always be on the alert, because envious people are not asleep and can strike you from behind.

Detailed decoding of the life line

In order to fully analyze your future, when deciphering this symbol, you should take into account the following main points and factors.

  1. First of all, its location. If it begins near the base of the index finger on the hand, then this indicates considerable energy and ambition of the person. Closer to the thumb, a person will live in constant fear due to his weakness and lack of independence. It lies smoothly between the fingers - any problem or task will be within a person’s reach.
  2. Presence of branches. Short and small branches going down from the life line indicate constant life losses and losses. If the latter go directly upward, every business will be successful and promises joyful events in life. If there are branches and a fork at the base, this will indicate impermanence and a love of constant change.
  3. Parallel. If next to the life line there is another line of similar thickness, such a person will build a successful career and family life. Thin lines indicate support from relatives or a very influential and powerful person.
  4. It is important to take the length into account. Many people believe that the longer it is, the longer its owner will live, although this is not entirely true. A person with a short fate line has weak immunity, is subject to outside influence, and all owners of long hair have good health and great endurance. But, having received the support of his relatives, he will not listen to the influence of strangers - his life will be extended and he will live longer than the time allotted to him.
  5. Pay attention to breaks along the entire length of the line - they indicate future troubles and difficult life circumstances. But this only applies right hand, and breaks in the fate line running along the left palm are troubles and losses that occurred in the past, leaving an imprint on the human psyche.

Knowing how to decipher the lines on your hand, you can learn a lot about your future

Be sure to take into account the drawings that come after the break.

  1. If it has become weaker, this promises a future deterioration in overall health and loss of internal vital energy.
  2. If it becomes clearer, the changes, good or bad, have benefited you.
  3. The line has approached the center of the palm - this directly indicates a fast career And new area to realize your ideas and field of activity.
  4. If it approaches the base of the thumb, this directly indicates that a person has found peace and tranquility.

What do the signs on the hand say?

In addition to the lines on the hand, there are other symbols and signs

Depending on the sign itself and its location, the fate line can tell a lot about a person’s future.

  • The line indicates a strong shock.
  • A gap indicates susceptibility to frequent illnesses, and if the lines on the hand overlap one another, this promises drastic changes in life.
  • The cross indicates financial difficulties and disagreements in a person’s life in all areas of life.
  • The chain indicates a changeable person who will do something only according to the mood or at will.
  • The square will indicate a successful and successful completion of the work begun, patronage and help from above.
  • A lattice indicates apathy and lack of purpose.
  • If there is a sister line nearby, it promises improved health and the implementation of all plans.
  • The star predicts an unfortunate event for a person that will plunge him into a state of shock.
  • The presence of specks indicates a weak immune system and constant susceptibility to disease.
  • The island indicates weak energy and a lack of vital energy in a person.
  • The grooves indicate constant stress and anxiety.
  • The triangle symbolizes high mental capacity, giftedness, but if they are located on the left hand, and if they are located on the right, this promises a great inheritance and winnings.

How to calculate life expectancy by hand

You can also determine your life expectancy by looking at your hand.

To calculate life expectancy, take the line that intersects right palm hands. Each person has a variety of marking parameters - the length of the line itself and the size of the palm are taken into account, but on average, 1 year of life corresponds to 1-1.5 mm.

When carrying out the calculation, the starting point is the intersection of the axial straight line running on the hand with the index finger on the line symbolizing life, and corresponding in their calculation to 10 years of life. Next comes a step-by-step breakdown of the line into 10-year periods.

You can resort to another, more accurate, but very complex method of calculating life expectancy. At the very beginning, draw a vertical line from the base of the index finger on your hand and draw it to the base of the thumb. Then draw a horizontal line from the outer edge of the palm, where the Head line finishes, and to the outer side of the thumb. This is how the lilies intersect at the base of the thumb.

Next, from the intersection point, draw a straight line to outside little finger - so the resulting intersections with the life line itself are equal to 35 years, and with the heart line 30. Then draw the line to the very point of connection of the hill - to the area of ​​​​the base of the little finger, to the blossom itself. So the intersection with the life line itself is equal to 65 years of life, if the intersection is with the line symbolizing fate, this is equal to 20 years.

Video: The life line will tell you a lot about you

Video: Don’t panic if you see an unfavorable sign on your hands

Video: 10 facts that you can learn about a person from the palm of your hand

The palmist considers what the life line on the hand means first of all, because this is a fundamental detail that carries information about a specific person. Everything incomprehensible and mysterious attracts people, and people are constantly interested in the interpretation of drawings on the palm.

Place on the hand of the life line

From ancient times to the present day, palmists have read the fate of a person, written on his palm at birth. The pattern of lines is unique for each person, and this knowledge is used in practice not only by magicians, but also by fingerprinters - specialists who are able to determine a person’s identity by fingerprints.

Before you start reading the book of your life, written by fate itself, you need to find the main line - the life line. If you look closely, you will notice a line starting between two fingers, index and thumb, encircling the Mount of Venus, which is located at the base of the thumb. The Mount of Venus is responsible for a person’s potential, given at birth, and the life line shows how much it will be revealed.

Fact. If the life line is located too close to the thumb, this indicates such qualities as increased depression, lack of confidence in one’s strengths and capabilities, and the individual’s weak will. The farther the line lies from the Mount of Venus, the more energetic, confident, and stronger in spirit the person is.

Properties of lines on the palm:

  1. The palm pattern is unique to each individual.
  2. Throughout life, lines can change their pattern, depending on events occurring in life and the environment.
  3. Main lines are required.

What does the life line mean: choosing a hand for prediction

It is clear that a person has 2 hands, and if you compare them, you will notice that the lines on them are slightly different. And from this observation the question arises: By which hand do they judge fate?

Undoubtedly, it is possible and even necessary to look at the location of the drawing on both hands, but the main data is obtained from the hand that is the dominant one. That is, for a left-handed person they look at the left hand, and for a right-handed person on the right. It shows the fate of a person, not the one given at birth, but the one that a person changes in the process of life.

It is on this hand that the current processes are fully reflected, because a person himself is capable of influencing fate, committing actions and making decisions every second that in the future can become fateful.

The second hand shows the destiny that was given to the person at his birth. Women often try to predict their fate by their hand, especially at a young age, and for some this becomes in a good way forecasting important events in life.

Features of an ideal life line

When trying to predict your destiny, you need to carefully consider your life line. A clear, moderately deep, even line would be ideal. Experts often compare it to a water stream; the fewer obstacles it has in its path, the calmer its flow will be.

Therefore, the presence of various defects on the life line indicates problems that may arise at different periods of life. It can be a star, dots, triangle, fork, etc.

Advice. It is worth paying attention to physical damage to the life line. These are injuries, cuts, warts, moles and much more, which are signal flares for a person to pay attention to what is happening in his life.


Some people may have a double life line - this is considered happy sign, and says that the person has extraordinary talent and great luck. The presence of a double can even remove Negative influence signs located on the hand and warning of problems that may arise.

Such a person is lucky in everything, he makes a dizzying career, has powerful energy and is especially attractive to people of the opposite sex.

Interesting. Women who have this mark have high popularity in society, beauty and attractiveness. And men are extravagant, strong, successful, attractive, and also financially secure.

Signs on the life line

You need to pay attention to any signs located on the life line, because these are warnings that you need to be aware of. Let's look at these symbols in more detail.

If a section of the life line resembles a weave or a chain, then this is a warning about a period when a person will be plagued by illnesses that can last quite a long time, depending on the length of this section. If it then takes on a normal appearance, it means that the problems are over and your health is in order.

Fact. The star shows an unforgettable event in the future.

If a line break appears on both hands at the same time, this is a signal of a possible accident or serious illness.

A cross or a dot that appears on the life line warns of a possible dangerous incident or illness.

A good omen will be a triangle on the life line, formed between the life line and the fate line. This speaks of financial well-being, and gives you a chance to win big.

If the life line is crossed by many lines, then it is clear that this is stress, because lines crossing the life line do not bring anything good. This means your life is filled with irritating factors. It is worth trying not to react to minor troubles. Otherwise life threatens to turn into a nightmare.

If the life line is interrupted, which means a serious illness, and after it there is a square, then this good sign, because a square cancels the effect of a sign predicting trouble.

If the cross is located at the end of the line, then this means that in old age you will face a lack of finances and a difficult financial situation.

Interesting. If during fortune telling you see that all three, mind and life, converge at one point, you need to understand that this person is an adventurer by nature and constantly takes risks. This threatens to lead to a fatal result.

If only the line of fate and mind are connected, it means that the person is too passive and unsure of himself.

The islets also warn of health problems. If the island has the shape of a circle, then you may need to pay attention to your vision; if there is a square next to the island, this is a sign that the problem will disappear over time.

If you are planning a trip or a change of place of residence, then changes will also occur on your hand. The life line bifurcates.

If at the end of the life line there is a wide fork, or a bifurcation, this indicates that the person is sociable, he loves travel, his life without a constant change of scenery becomes too boring and insipid for him.

Many lines running parallel to the line of life say that a person is too emotional, he has constant stormy showdowns, constantly emerging love affairs. In addition, he is vindictive and unable to forgive the offense caused.

If there is a fork at the base small size, then this means that the person fantasizes a lot and makes grandiose plans, but he lacks confidence and willpower, so dreams remain just dreams.

At the base of the life line there are several horizontal lines, which means that the hand belongs to an absolute pessimist who does not trust anyone. A person should try to change his attitude towards life, otherwise health problems may arise.

Branching at the end of the life line signals that a person is too distracted and cannot concentrate on achieving one goal, scattering his attention in different directions. Such a person should develop patience and perseverance.

Beginning palmists are of the opinion that a short life line means that a person has a short life span. But a real specialist knows how to determine how many years a person will actually live. Undoubtedly, these indicators may change under the influence environment or a person’s actions, but still an approximate picture can be seen.

If you look closely at the life line, you can say with certainty that a long and clearly displayed line speaks of a long life.

You need to place a ruler vertically in the center of your index finger and put a dot at its intersection with the life line. This point is located on the section of the life line symbolizing the child’s 10th birthday.

Let's draw a parallel line crossing the gap located between the middle and index fingers and the life line. This mark means 20 years. Now let's do the following:

  1. Let's measure the length of the resulting segment.
  2. Now let’s count how many such segments there are on the life line. If each segment is 10 years long, you can find out the life expectancy with an accuracy of one year.

It becomes clear that if the life line is long, this does not mean that the period allotted to you will be long and cloudless.

Sometimes it is so interesting and useful to find out what the life line means and what events can await you along the way. Studying own hand to penetrate into the secrets of the future fascinates and awes. After all, many generations are trying to find tools that can allow a person to look beyond the edge and see the future. And it allows you to do this without much effort, because where on the hand the life line can be found out very easily.

Everyone wants the signs on the hand to promise only pleasant events, but as they say, “Forewarned is forearmed,” so any sign on the palm can only be a warning about the future, and it is within the power of a person to change the event in better side or try to avoid impending problems.

Many have heard and know about what a life line is. But not everyone understands its meaning and can interpret its messages. Palmistry will help you understand the signs from above.

Palmistry is a beautiful and reliable way know yourself and anticipate difficulties in time. Knowledge of palmistry allows you to tell fortunes by hand. But no less important is a timely understanding of the pattern on the hand. Especially when it comes to the life line.

What is the life line and where is it located?

The life line is an arc that is in the palm of every person. It starts between big and index fingers and directed downwards to the beginning of the thumb and hand. It is named so because it shows the vitality of a person and even the development of such a character trait as love of life, depending on what this line is. It can be used to determine a person’s endurance and energy.

The more clearly defined the life line and the deeper it is, the better. It encircles the Mount of Venus, thus directly communicating with vital energy and strength. The closer the life line is to the thumb, the more likely a person is to develop qualities such as passivity, slowness and increased fatigue.

Dating along the life line

Often people, seeing short line life, they are afraid that the person will not live long. Actually this is not true. To determine the death of a person by hand, many other factors must be taken into account. Moreover, throughout life, the pattern on the hands can change. It means that negative events, read on your hand and associated with some dangerous incident, may soften or be eliminated after some time.

There are several ways to tell about a person’s age at the time of certain events, based on the life line. This is not so easy to do, however.

The first and easiest way is to draw a vertical line from the middle finger down and see where it intersects with the life line. This would be an age indicator of 35 years.

There is another way to approximately determine the time period in which this or that event will occur. Find the point closer to the base of your thumb where the life line begins to curve around it. This is approximately the 70 year mark. You can measure the length of your life line (using, for example, a thread) and determine the time frame relatively accurately. Or you can divide it into three equal segments, each of which will be equal to a period of 20 to 25 years.

Life line signs

Gap in the life line: this is a sign of change, which is often associated with serious psychological stress. This could be a break in a love relationship, an illness, or any other dramatic event. But due to mitigating circumstances, they can be less painful.

Square on the life line: this sign may turn out to be both favorable and, conversely, undesirable. It’s good if it seems to contain a break in the life line within itself. In this case, the square shows that the person will have enough strength to cope with difficult situation. If it is simply located on the life line, then it indicates the isolation of a person. It could be a monastery, or it could be a prison.

Ovals (islands) on the life line: this sign most often speaks of emotional problems, illnesses and hospitalizations.

Drawings often found near the life line

Sister line: goes next to the line of life, located a little closer to the thumb. It often begins from the very beginning, but can occur at any point in your life line. It indicates that during these periods you will be protected from bad influences.

Concern lines: Most people have many fine lines that move from the thumb towards the life line. Sometimes there are a lot of them, but they can also be located in a specific area. These are lines of concern. They indicate periods and events that will cause you a lot of trouble and worry.

It is believed that with the help of palmistry you can even find out. But still this is not always necessary. Remember that you yourself can change your life. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.08.2016 05:07

The lines on the hand can tell a lot about a person, including his future. Should...

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