What natural sites are included in the World Heritage. Little-known UNESCO monuments in Russia that not everyone knows about

In Russia, many monuments and cultural heritages are recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Now we will introduce you to some of them.

All these monuments and places are under strict protection of the UN, UNESCO and a number of other organizations related to culture, science and education.

Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

Any resident of Russia knows what the Kremlin and Red Square are. Any tourist and resident of our vast homeland, the first thing they do when they come to Moscow is to visit these memorable places. UNESCO took these sites under protection in 1990.

This monument reflects the entire centuries-old history of Moscow and Russia in general. Also on the territory of the Kremlin there are unique objects of Russian foundry art: the Tsar Bell, which weighs more than 200 tons and has a diameter of 6.6 m, and the Tsar Cannon with its mass of 40 tons.

Lake Baikal

A unique natural monument of Eastern Siberia, Baikal was included in the UNESCO heritage list in 1996. The lake is the deepest in the world and contains 19% of the reserves fresh water planets. When viewed from above, the lake resembles a crescent moon, covers an area of ​​over 3 million hectares and is fed by more than 300 rivers and streams.

Lake Baikal is one of the most picturesque

The water in the lake has a high oxygen content, and thanks to its transparency, it is possible to discern a depth of up to 40 m. The age of the ancient lake is especially impressive - more than 25 million years, the complete isolation of which contributed to the development of a unique ecosystem in it.

Natural Park "Lena Pillars"

Included in the UNESCO National Heritage List in 2012, the Lena Pillars Park is the site where priceless finds from the inhabitants of the Cambrian period were discovered. The park is located in the center of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) near the coast of the Lena River, occupying 1.27 million hectares.

"Lena Pillars" - a unique natural monument

The park is home to 12 species of fauna listed in the Red Book. Due to its antiquity, the park is of particular geological interest: the natural monument is distinguished by its relief dotted with caves, stone spiers, towers and niches.

Architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost

The unique architectural complex of wooden architecture of the 18th-19th centuries was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1990 and is an ensemble of two wooden churches and a bell tower in Karelia.

Kizhi Pogost is the embodiment of Russian architecture

The Kizhi State Historical and Architectural Museum is located here with many objects of wooden religious architecture, including an eight-winged windmill 1929 and the Transfiguration Church, built without a single nail.

Novgorod historical monuments

The architectural complexes of Veliky Novgorod and its environs were included in the UNESCO National Heritage List in 1992. The number of cultural sites includes such significant Orthodox buildings of antiquity as the Znamensky, Antoniev, Yuryev, Zverin monasteries, as well as the churches of the Nativity of Christ, the Savior on Nereditsa, and the Novgorod Detinets Kremlin.

Monuments of Veliky Novgorod - a UNESCO heritage site

Nature Reserve Wrangel Island

The reserve was included in the UNESCO list in 2004. The unique protected area is known for its virtually untouched natural ecosystem dominated by the largest population of polar bears, walruses, and more than 50 species of birds.

Wrangel Island is famous for its untouched ecosystem

The territory of the reserve is located beyond the Arctic Circle, including Wrangel and Herald Islands and the waters of the Chukchi and East Siberian seas. Despite the harsh conditions of Arctic waters, more than 400 plant species predominate.

Curonian Spit

The famous sand spit stretches for 98 km with a maximum width of up to 3.8 km, located on the dividing line of the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon. The natural attraction was included in the UNESCO heritage list in 2000 and is interesting for its unique anthropogenic landscape, which is represented by a variety of reliefs - from deserts to swampy tundras.

The Curonian Spit serves as a resting place for migratory birds

The braid has great value during migration from 10 to 20 million birds and serves as a haven for them during rest. Only here you can find dunes up to 68 m in height, the width of which sometimes reaches 1 km.

Novodevichy Convent in Moscow

Since 2004, the monastery has been included in the UNESCO list, which since 1524 has been one of the defensive structures of Moscow. In 1926, a historical museum was founded on the site of the monastery, and in 1980, the residence of the Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomensky was located. In 1994, the convent was officially approved.

Previously, the Novodevichy Convent housed a historical museum.

Komi forest

Recognized as the most pristine forests in Europe with a total area of ​​32,600 square meters. km, which belong to the territory of the Pechero-Ilychsky Nature Reserve and occupy part of the YugydVa National Park.

The Komi forest area is famous for its virgin forests

Protected by UNESCO since 1995. The forests are distinguished by the diversity of flora and fauna, with many plant species on the verge of extinction and listed in the Red Book.

Kamchatka volcanoes

The volcanoes of Kamchatka are considered part of the planet's Pacific volcanic ring of fire and have been protected by UNESCO since 1996. The surrounding landscapes with unique nature and biological diversity are especially impressive.

The number of volcanoes in Kamchatka totals more than a thousand

About UNESCO World Heritage

The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was adopted at the XVII session of the General Conference of UNESCO on November 16, 1972 and entered into force on December 17, 1975. Its main goal is to attract the forces of the world community to preserve unique cultural and natural objects. In 1975, the Convention was ratified by 21 states, over the 42 years of its existence, another 172 states joined them, and by mid-2017, the total number of state parties to the Convention reached 193. In terms of the number of state parties, the World Heritage Convention is the largest among other international UNESCO programs representative. To improve the effectiveness of the Convention, the World Heritage Committee and the World Heritage Fund were established in 1976.

The first cultural and natural objects were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List two years after the establishment of the program. Among natural areas, the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), Yellowstone (USA), Nahanni (Canada) and Simen (Ethiopia) national parks received heritage status. Over the past years, the List has become very representative both in terms of the represented regions of the planet and in the number of objects: by mid-2017, it included 206 natural, 832 cultural and 35 mixed natural-cultural sites in 167 countries. Largest number Italy, Spain, Germany and France and China have cultural sites on the List (more than 30 each), while the USA, Australia, China, Russia and Canada have the largest number of natural World Heritage areas (more than 10 sites each). Under the protection of the Convention are such world-famous natural monuments as the Great Barrier Reef, the Hawaiian and Galapagos Islands, the Grand Canyon, Mount Kilimanjaro, and Lake Baikal.

Of course, being on a par with the generally recognized world pearls of nature and culture is honorable and prestigious for any object, but at the same time, it is also a great responsibility. To achieve World Heritage status, a property must be of Outstanding Human Value, undergo rigorous peer review and meet at least one of 10 selection criteria. In this case, the nominated natural object must comply at least one of the following four criteria:

VII) include unique natural phenomena or an area of ​​exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic value;

VIII) present outstanding examples of major stages of Earth's history, including traces ancient life, serious geological processes, which continue to occur in the development of the forms of the earth's surface, significant geomorphological or physical-geographical features of the relief;

ix) present outstanding examples of important ongoing ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems and plant and animal communities;

X) include natural habitats of great importance for the conservation of biological diversity, including habitats of endangered species that represent an outstanding global asset from a scientific or conservation perspective.

The security, management, authenticity and integrity of a property are also important factors that are taken into account when assessing it before inclusion on the List.

The status of a World Natural Heritage site provides additional guarantees of the safety and integrity of unique natural complexes, increases the prestige of the territories, promotes the popularization of objects and the development of alternative types of environmental management, and ensures priority in attracting financial resources.

World Heritage Project

In 1994, Greenpeace Russia began work on the World Heritage project, aimed at identifying and protecting unique natural complexes that are threatened by the serious negative impact of human activity. Giving natural areas the highest international conservation status to further guarantee their preservation is the main goal of the work carried out by Greenpeace.

First attempts to include Russian protected natural areas inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List was undertaken in the early 1990s. In 1994, an all-Russian meeting was held “ Contemporary issues creating a system of world and Russian natural heritage sites,” at which a list of promising territories was presented. At the same time, in 1994, Greenpeace Russia experts prepared Required documents for inclusion in the UNESCO List of a natural complex called “Virgin Komi Forests”. In December 1995, it was the first in Russia to receive the status of a World Natural Heritage Site.

At the end of 1996, “Lake Baikal” and “Volcanoes of Kamchatka” were included in the List. In 1998, another Russian natural complex, the “Golden Mountains of Altai,” was included in the List; in 1999, a decision was made to include a fifth Russian natural site, the “Western Caucasus.” At the end of 2000, the Curonian Spit became the first international site in Russia (together with Lithuania) to receive the status of a World Heritage Site according to the “cultural landscape” criterion. Later, the UNESCO List included “Central Sikhote-Alin” (2001), “Ubsunur Basin” (2003, together with Mongolia), “ Natural complex reserve “Wrangel Island” (2004), “Putorana Plateau” (2010), “ Natural Park“Lena Pillars” (2012) and “Landscapes of Dauria” (2017, together with Mongolia).

Nominations for consideration by the World Heritage Committee must first be included on the national Tentative List. Currently, it contains such natural complexes as the “Commander Islands”, “Magadan Reserve”, “Krasnoyarsk Pillars”, “Big Vasyugan Swamp”, “Ilmen Mountains”, “Bashkir Ural”, “Protected Kenozerie”, “Oglakhty Ridge” " and "Bikin River Valley". Work is underway to expand the territory of the Golden Mountains of Altai object (by including the adjacent territories of China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan). Negotiations are underway with Finland and Norway about the joint nomination “Green Belt of Fennoscandia”.

Russia is certainly rich in unique, untouched economic activity natural complexes. According to rough estimates, there are more than 20 territories in our country that are worthy of the status of a World Natural Heritage Site. Among the promising territories, the following natural complexes can be noted: “ Kurile Islands", "Lena Delta", "Volga Delta".

Russian cultural sites, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, include such recognized historical and architectural monuments as the historical center of St. Petersburg, the Kremlin and Red Square, Kizhi Pogost, Solovetsky, Ferapontov and Novodevichy monasteries, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye, monuments of the Great Novgorod, Vladimir, Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Kazan, Derbent, Bolgar and Sviyazhsk, Struve geodetic arc (together with Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova).

In Russia, many priceless natural and cultural monuments are recognized as World Heritage Sites.

They are under the close attention of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). We present to your attention the most protected UNESCO sites in Russia.

Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

Real symbols of Russia, which are known throughout the world and are considered the main cultural attractions of the planet. The Moscow Kremlin and Red Square were included in the UNESCO heritage list in 1990.

Almost the oldest monument in Russia with numerous buildings reflects the centuries-old history of the Russian people. Unique examples of Russian foundry art are exhibited on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin - the “Tsar Cannon” weighing 40 tons and the “Tsar Bell” weighing over 200 tons and with a diameter of 6.6 m.

Lake Baikal

A unique natural monument of Eastern Siberia, Baikal was included in the UNESCO heritage list in 1996. The lake is the deepest in the world and contains 19% of the planet's fresh water. When viewed from above, the lake resembles a crescent moon, covers an area of ​​over 3 million hectares and is fed by more than 300 rivers and streams.

The water in the lake has a high oxygen content, and thanks to its transparency, it is possible to discern a depth of up to 40 m. The age of the ancient lake is especially impressive - more than 25 million years, the complete isolation of which contributed to the development of a unique ecosystem in it.

Natural Park "Lena Pillars"

Included in the UNESCO National Heritage List in 2012, the Lena Pillars Park is the site where priceless finds from the inhabitants of the Cambrian period were discovered. The park is located in the center of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) near the coast of the Lena River, occupying 1.27 million hectares.

The park is home to 12 species of fauna listed in the Red Book. Due to its antiquity, the park is of particular geological interest: the natural monument is distinguished by its relief dotted with caves, stone spiers, towers and niches.

Architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost

The unique architectural complex of wooden architecture of the 18th-19th centuries was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1990 and is an ensemble of two wooden churches and a bell tower in Karelia.

The Kizhi State Historical and Architectural Museum is located here, with many objects of wooden religious architecture, including an eight-wing windmill from 1929 and the Church of the Transfiguration, built without a single nail.

Novgorod historical monuments

The architectural complexes of Veliky Novgorod and its environs were included in the UNESCO National Heritage List in 1992. The number of cultural sites includes such significant Orthodox buildings of antiquity as the Znamensky, Antoniev, Yuryev, Zverin monasteries, as well as the churches of the Nativity of Christ, the Savior on Nereditsa, and the Novgorod Detinets Kremlin.

Nature Reserve Wrangel Island

The reserve was included in the UNESCO list in 2004. The unique protected area is known for its virtually untouched natural ecosystem dominated by the largest population of polar bears, walruses, and more than 50 species of birds.

The territory of the reserve is located beyond the Arctic Circle, including Wrangel and Herald Islands and the waters of the Chukchi and East Siberian seas. Despite the harsh conditions of the Arctic waters, more than 400 species of plants can be seen here.

Curonian Spit

The famous sand spit stretches for 98 km with a maximum width of up to 3.8 km, located on the dividing line of the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon. The natural attraction was included in the UNESCO heritage list in 2000 and is interesting for its unique anthropogenic landscape, which is represented by a variety of reliefs - from deserts to swampy tundras.

The spit is of great importance during the migration of 10 to 20 million birds and serves as a haven for them during rest. Only here you can find dunes up to 68 m in height, the width of which sometimes reaches 1 km.

Novodevichy Convent in Moscow

Since 2004, the monastery has been included in the UNESCO list, which since 1524 was one of the defensive structures of Moscow. In 1926, a historical museum was founded in the building of the monastery, and in 1980, the residence of the Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomna was located. In 1994, the convent was officially approved. There are more than eight hundred monasteries in Russia. You can read about the most beautiful temples in our article.

Komi forest

The Komi forest area is recognized as the most pristine forests in Europe with a total area of ​​32,600 square meters. km, which belong to the territory of the Pechero-Ilychsky Nature Reserve and occupy part of the YugydVa National Park. The number of volcanoes in Kamchatka totals more than a thousand

The exact number of volcanoes on the peninsula is still unknown. The most high volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka is considered to be 4835 m high. The editors of the site also invite you to learn more about the most beautiful places in Russia.
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Cultural heritage is an important part of the life of every nation. For this reason, you should know what cultural heritage is and why its preservation is so important. It helps to better learn and understand the history of the formation modern society.

What is cultural heritage

Nature and culture together form the human environment. The skills and knowledge acquired by humanity since the beginning of time accumulate and multiply over the centuries, forming a cultural heritage. There is no single definition of what cultural heritage is, since this term viewed from different points vision.

From the point of view of cultural studies, this is the main way of existence of culture. Heritage objects preserve and transmit to subsequent generations values ​​that carry an emotional aspect. History considers cultural heritage primarily as a source of information about the development and formation of modern society. The legal point of view does not take into account emotional value, but determines the degree of information content and demand for a particular object, as well as its ability to influence society.

If we combine these concepts, then cultural heritage can be defined as a set of tangible and intangible values ​​created by nature and man during previous historical eras.

Social memory

Social memory should be understood as the basis of social cognition. The experience and knowledge accumulated by humanity are passed on from generation to generation. Development modern man is possible only based on the knowledge of ancestors.

Cultural heritage and social memory are concepts that always accompany each other. Heritage sites are the primary means of transmitting knowledge, thoughts and worldviews to future generations. This is irrefutable evidence of the existence of certain people, events and ideas. In addition, they guarantee the reliability of social memory, preventing it from being distorted.

Social memory is a kind of library where all useful knowledge is stored that can be used and improved by society in the future. Unlike the memory of one person, social memory has no end and belongs to every member of society. Ultimately, heritage determines the basic elements of social memory. Those values ​​that are not part of the cultural heritage sooner or later lose their meaning, are forgotten and excluded from social memory.

UNESCO Organization

UNESCO is a UN agency dedicated to education, science and culture (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). One of the goals of UNESCO is to unite countries and peoples to preserve world cultural values.

The organization was formed in November 1945 and is based in Paris. Today, more than two hundred states are members of UNESCO.

In the field of culture, the organization is engaged in the preservation and protection of the cultural and natural heritage of humanity. The basis for this area of ​​activity was the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted in 1972. During the first session, the main provisions and tasks of the World Heritage Committee were adopted.

The Committee also determined natural and cultural criteria for assessing objects, according to which they were included or not included in the list of protected areas. Preservation of cultural heritage is an obligation assumed by the state that owns this or that object, with the support of UNESCO. Today the register includes more than a thousand protected objects.

World Heritage

The 1972 Convention gave a clear definition of what cultural heritage is and divided it into categories. Cultural heritage should be understood as:

  • monuments;
  • ensembles;
  • places of interest.

Monuments include all works of art (painting, sculpture, etc.), as well as objects of archaeological significance (rock inscriptions, burials) created by man and valuable for science, history and art. Ensembles are architectural groups that are harmoniously integrated into the surrounding landscape. Places of interest are understood as human creations separately from nature or together with it.

The Convention also outlined criteria for natural heritage. It includes natural monuments, places of interest, geological and physiographic formations.

Cultural heritage of Russia

To date, twenty-seven objects located on Russian territory are included in the World Heritage Register. Sixteen of them were selected according to cultural criteria and eleven were natural objects. The first sites were designated a World Heritage Site in 1990. Twenty-three more sites are on the candidate list. Of these, eleven are cultural, three are natural-cultural, nine are natural objects.

Among UNESCO member states, the Russian Federation is in ninth place in terms of the number of World Heritage sites.

Days of cultural heritage in Moscow - International Day for the Preservation of Monuments and Sites (celebrated on April 18) and International Museum Day (May 18). Every year on these days in Moscow free access to heritage sites is opened, excursions, quests, and lectures are organized. All these events are aimed at popularizing cultural values ​​and familiarizing them with them.

Legal aspect

The Federal Law (FL) on cultural heritage objects was adopted State Duma Russian Federation in 2002. This law defines the preservation of cultural heritage as a priority task of the authorities. The law also establishes the procedure for identifying heritage sites and including them in the register.

This register includes tangible and intangible cultural assets that have undergone expert verification. Each object included in the register is assigned registration number and passport. The passport contains detailed characteristics of the object: name, date of origin, photographic materials, description, location information. The passport also contains information about expert assessment object and conditions for protecting the object.

According to the Federal Law on Cultural Heritage Objects, cultural values ​​are recognized as the property of the state. In this regard, the need to preserve them, as well as popularize and provide accessibility to heritage sites, has been declared. The law prohibits alteration and demolition of objects. Cultural heritage management is a set of measures aimed at controlling, preserving and developing cultural objects.

Natural objects of Russia

In the territory Russian Federation There are ten sites included in the World Heritage Sites. Six of them, according to the UNESCO classification, should be considered a phenomenon of exceptional beauty. One of these objects is Lake Baikal. This is one of the oldest freshwater formations on the planet. Thanks to this, a unique ecosystem has formed in the lake.

The volcanoes of Kamchatka are also natural phenomena. This formation is the largest cluster of active volcanoes. The area is constantly developing and has unique landscapes. The Golden Altai Mountains are unique in their geographical features. The total area of ​​this heritage site occupies one million six hundred and forty thousand hectares. This is a habitat for rare animals, some of which are on the verge of extinction.

Cultural sites of Russia

Among the objects that represent the cultural heritage of Russia, it is difficult to single out more significant exhibits. The culture of Russia is ancient and very diverse. These are monuments to Russian architecture, and a colossal project of interweaving streets and canals of St. Petersburg, and numerous monasteries, cathedrals and kremlins.

The Moscow Kremlin occupies a special place among heritage sites. The walls of the Moscow Kremlin bear witness to many historical events influencing the life of Russia. St. Basil's Cathedral, located on Red Square, is a unique masterpiece of architecture. The main part of the World Heritage in Russia are churches and monasteries. Among them is the Solovetsky Islands ensemble, the first settlement of which dates back to the fifth century BC.

The importance of cultural heritage

The importance of cultural heritage is very great both for society as a whole and for each person individually. Personality formation is impossible without knowledge of the traditions and experience of ancestors. Preserving heritage sites and enhancing them is an important task for each generation. This ensures the spiritual growth and development of humanity. Cultural heritage is an important component of culture, which helps to assimilate the experience of world history.

Currently, there are 26 World Heritage Sites located on the territory of the Russian Federation:
16 cultural sites (are on the World Heritage List letter designation C - cultural) and 10 natural heritage sites (denoted by the letter N - natural).

Three of them are transboundary, i.e. located on the territory of several states: Curonian Spit (Lithuania, Russian Federation), Ubsunur Basin (Mongolia, Russian Federation), Struve Geodetic Arc (Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, Estonia)

The first objects - “Historical Center St. Petersburg and associated groups of monuments”, “Kizhi Pogost”, “Moscow Kremlin and Red Square” - were included in the World Heritage List at the 14th session of the World Heritage Committee, held in 1990 in the Canadian city of Banff.

14th Session of the World Heritage Committee - 1990 (Banff, Canada)

№С540 - Historical center St. Petersburg and related groups of monuments

Criteria (i) (ii) (iv) (vi)
The "Venice of the North", with its many canals and more than 400 bridges, is the result of a great urban planning project, begun in 1703 under Peter the Great. The city turned out to be closely connected with the October Revolution of 1917, and in 1924-1991. it bore the name Leningrad. Its architectural heritage combines such various styles like Baroque and Classicism, which can be seen in the example of the Admiralty, the Winter Palace, the Marble Palace and the Hermitage.
Information about the object:

No. S544 - Kizhi Pogost

Criteria: (i)(iv)(v)
Kizhi Pogost is located on one of the many islands of Lake Onega, in Karelia. Here you can see two wooden churches from the 18th century, as well as an octagonal bell tower, built of wood in 1862. These unusual structures, the pinnacle of carpentry, represent an example of an ancient church parish and blend harmoniously with the surrounding natural landscape.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

No. C545 - Moscow Kremlin and Red Square

Criteria: (i)(ii)(iv)(vi)
This place is inextricably linked with the most important historical and political events in the life of Russia. Since the 13th century. The Moscow Kremlin, created in the period from the 14th century. to the 17th century by outstanding Russian and foreign architects, it was a grand ducal and then a royal residence, as well as a religious center. On Red Square, located near the walls of the Kremlin, stands St. Basil's Cathedral - a true masterpiece of Russian Orthodox architecture.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Moscow Kremlin Museums
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

16th session of the World Heritage Committee - 1992 (Santa Fe, USA)

No. C604 - Historical monuments of Veliky Novgorod and its environs

Criteria: (ii)(iv)(vi)
Novgorod, advantageously located on the ancient trade route between Central Asia and Northern Europe, was in the 9th century. the first capital of Russia, the center of Orthodox spirituality and Russian architecture. Its medieval monuments, churches and monasteries, as well as the frescoes of Theophanes the Greek (Andrei Rublev's teacher), dating back to the 14th century, clearly illustrate the outstanding level of architectural and artistic creativity.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Novgorod Region
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

No. C632 - Historical and cultural complex of the Solovetsky Islands

Criterion: (iv)
The Solovetsky archipelago, located in the western part of the White Sea, consists of 6 islands with a total area of ​​more than 300 square meters. km. They were inhabited in the 5th century. BC, however, the very first evidence of human presence here dates back to the 3rd-2nd millennia BC. The islands, starting from the 15th century, became the site of the creation and active development of the largest monastery in the Russian North. There are also several churches from the 16th to 19th centuries.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Solovetsky State Historical, Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve"
on the website "Museums of Russia"

No. C633 - White stone monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal

Criteria: (i)(ii)(iv)
These two ancient cultural centers Central Russia occupy an important place in the history of the development of the country's architecture. There are a number of majestic religious and public buildings of the 12th-13th centuries, among which the Assumption and Demetrius Cathedrals (Vladimir) stand out.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

17th session of the World Heritage Committee -1993 (Cartagena, Colombia)

No. C657 - Architectural ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the city of Sergiev Posad

Criteria: (ii)(iv)
This is a striking example of the current Orthodox monastery, possessing the features of a fortress, which was quite consistent with the spirit of the time of its formation - the XV-XVIII centuries. In the main temple of the Lavra - the Assumption Cathedral, created in the image and likeness of the cathedral of the same name in the Moscow Kremlin - there is the tomb of Boris Godunov. Among the treasures of the Lavra is the famous Trinity icon by Andrei Rublev.
Information about the object:
on website of the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

18th session of the World Heritage Committee - 1994 (Phuket, Thailand)

№С634rev- Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye (Moscow)

Criterion: (ii)
This church was built in 1532 on the royal estate of Kolomenskoye near Moscow to commemorate the birth of the heir - the future Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. The Church of the Ascension, which is one of the earliest examples of the traditional hipped roof construction in stone, had a great influence on the further development of Russian church architecture.
Information about the object:

on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

19th session of the World Heritage Committee - 1995 (Berlin, Germany)

N719 - Virgin forests of Komi

Criteria: (vii) (ix)
Covering an area of ​​3.28 million hectares, the heritage site includes lowland tundra, mountain tundra of the Urals, and one of the largest tracts of primary boreal forest remaining in Europe. A vast area of ​​swamps, rivers and lakes, home to conifers, birch and aspen, has been studied and protected for more than 50 years. Here you can trace the progress of natural natural processes that determine the biodiversity of the taiga ecosystem.
Information about the object:

on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

20th session of the World Heritage Committee - 1996 (Merida, Mexico)

N754 - Lake Baikal

Criteria: (vii) (viii) (ix) (x)
Located in the southeast of Siberia and covering an area of ​​3.15 million hectares, Baikal is recognized as the oldest (25 million years old) and deepest (about 1700 m) lake on the planet. The reservoir stores approximately 20% of the world's fresh water reserves. In the lake, which is known as the “Galapagos of Russia,” due to its ancient age and isolation, a freshwater ecosystem, unique even by world standards, has formed, the study of which is of enduring importance for understanding the evolution of life on Earth.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Natural Heritage Conservation Foundation
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

22nd Session of the World Heritage Committee - 1998 (Kyoto, Japan)

N768rev - “Golden Mountains of Altai”

Criteria: (x)
The Altai Mountains, which are the main mountainous region in the south of Western Siberia, form the sources largest rivers this region - the Ob and Irtysh. The heritage site includes three separate areas: the Altai Reserve with the water protection zone of Lake Teletskoye, the Katunsky Reserve plus the Belukha Nature Park, and the Ukok Plateau. The total area is 1.64 million hectares. The region demonstrates the widest range of altitudinal zones within Central Siberia: from steppes, forest-steppes and mixed forests to subalpine and alpine meadows and glaciers. The area is home to endangered animals such as the snow leopard.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Natural Heritage Conservation Foundation
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

23rd session of the World Heritage Committee - 1999 (Marrakech, Morocco)

N900 - Western Caucasus

Criteria: (ix) (x)
This is one of the few large high mountain ranges in Europe where nature has not yet been subject to significant anthropogenic influence. The area of ​​the object is approximately 300 thousand hectares, it is located in the west of the Greater Caucasus, 50 km northeast of the Black Sea coast. Only wild animals graze in the local alpine and subalpine meadows, and the vast untouched mountain forests, extending from the low-mountain zone to the subalpine, are also unique to Europe. The area is characterized great variety ecosystems, highly endemic flora and fauna, and is an area where a mountain subspecies of the European bison once lived, and was later re-acclimatized.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Natural Heritage Conservation Foundation
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

24th Session of the World Heritage Committee - 2000 (Cairns, Australia)

No. C980 - Historical and architectural complex of the Kazan Kremlin

Criteria: (ii) (iii) (iv)
Emerging from a territory inhabited since ancient times, the Kazan Kremlin traces its history back to the Muslim period in the history of the Golden Horde and the Kazan Khanate. It was conquered in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible and became a stronghold of Orthodoxy in the Volga region. The Kremlin, which largely preserved the layout of the ancient Tatar fortress and became an important center of pilgrimage, includes outstanding historical buildings of the 16th-19th centuries, built on the ruins of earlier structures of the 10th-16th centuries.
Information about the object:
on the website of the State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve "Kazan Kremlin"
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

No. C982 - Ensemble of the Ferapontov Monastery

Criteria: (i) (iv)
Ferapontov Monastery is located in the Vologda region, in the north of the European part of Russia. This is an exceptionally well-preserved Orthodox monastery complex of the 15th-17th centuries, i.e. a period that was of great importance for the formation of a centralized Russian state and the development of its culture. The architecture of the monastery is unique and holistic. The interior of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary preserves magnificent wall frescoes by Dionysius, the greatest Russian artist of the late 15th century.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Kirillo-Belozersky Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve”
on the website of the Museum of Frescoes of Dionysius
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

№С994 - Curonian Spit
Transboundary object: Lithuania, Russian Federation

Criterion: (v)
Human development of this narrow sandy peninsula, which has a length of 98 km and a width of 400 m to 4 km, began in prehistoric times. The spit was also exposed to natural forces - wind and sea ​​waves. The preservation of this unique cultural landscape to this day has become possible only thanks to man's ongoing struggle against erosion processes (fixation of dunes, forest planting).
Information about the object:
on the website of the Curonian Spit National Park (Russia)
on the website of the Curonian Spit National Park (Lithuania)
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

25th session of the World Heritage Committee - 2001 (Helsinki, Finland)

N766rev - Central Sikhote-Alin

Criterion: (x)
In the Sikhote-Alin mountains grow Far Eastern coniferous-deciduous forests, which are recognized as one of the richest and most original in species composition among all forests temperate zone Earth. In this transition zone, located at the junction of the taiga and subtropics, there is an unusual mixture of southern (tiger, Himalayan bear) and northern animal species ( Brown bear, lynx). The area stretches from the highest peaks of the Sikhote Alin to the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, and serves as a refuge for many endangered species, including the Amur tiger.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve
on the website of the Natural Heritage Conservation Foundation
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

27th session of the World Heritage Committee - 2003 (Paris, France)

N769 rev- Ubsunur Basin
Transboundary site: Mongolia, Russian Federation

Criteria: (ix) (x)
The heritage site (with an area of ​​1,069 thousand hectares) is located within the boundaries of the northernmost of all drainage basins Central Asia. Its name comes from the name of the vast shallow and very salty lake Ubsunur, in the area of ​​which a mass of migratory, waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds accumulate. The object consists of 12 isolated areas (including seven areas in Russia, with an area of ​​258.6 thousand hectares), which represent all the main types of landscapes characteristic of Eastern Eurasia. The steppes are home to a wide variety of birds, and desert areas are home to rare species of small mammals. In the high mountainous part, such animals are noted that are rare in on a global scale, like the snow leopard and argali mountain sheep, as well as the Siberian ibex.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Tuvan Republican Branch of the Russian Geographical Society
on the website of the Natural Heritage Conservation Foundation
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

No. C1070 - Citadel, Old Town and fortifications of Derbent

Criteria: (iii) (iv)
Ancient Derbent was located on the northern borders of Sasanian Persia, which at that time extended east and west from the Caspian Sea. The ancient fortifications, built of stone, include two fortress walls that run parallel to each other from the seashore to the mountains. The city of Derbent developed between these two walls and has retained its medieval character to this day. It continued to be a strategically important place until the 19th century.
Information about the object:
on the website of the State Budgetary Institution "Derbent State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve"
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

28th session of the World Heritage Committee - 2004 (Suzhou, China)

No. S1097 - Ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent (Moscow)

Criteria: (i) (iv) (vi)
The Novodevichy Convent, located in the southwest of Moscow, was created during the 16th-17th centuries and was one of the links in the chain of monastic ensembles united in the city’s defense system. The monastery was closely connected with the political, cultural and religious life of Russia, as well as with the Moscow Kremlin. Representatives of the royal family, noble boyar and noble families were tonsured and buried here. The ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent is one of the masterpieces of Russian architecture (Moscow Baroque style), and its interiors, where valuable collections of paintings and works of decorative and applied art are stored, are distinguished by their rich interior decoration.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Mother of God of Smolensk Novodevichy Convent
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

N1023rev - Natural complex of the Wrangel Island reserve

Criteria: (ix) (x)
The heritage site, located above the Arctic Circle, includes the mountainous Wrangel Island (7.6 thousand sq. km) and Herald Island (11 sq. km) along with the adjacent waters of the Chukchi and East Siberian seas. Since this area was not covered by the powerful Quaternary glaciation, there is very high biodiversity here. Wrangel Island is famous for its huge walrus rookeries (one of the largest in the Arctic), as well as the highest density of ancestral dens in the world polar bear. The area is important as a feeding ground for gray whales migrating here from California and as a nesting site for more than 50 species of birds, many of which are classified as rare and endangered. More than 400 species and varieties of vascular plants have been recorded on the island, that is, more than on any other Arctic island. Some of the living organisms found here are special island forms of those plants and animals that are widespread on the continent. About 40 species and subspecies of plants, insects, birds and animals are identified as endemic.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Federal State Budgetary Institution State Nature Reserve "Wrangel Island"
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

29th session of the World Heritage Committee - 2005 (Durban, South Africa)

No. S1187 - Struve geodetic arc
Transboundary object: Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, Estonia

Criteria: (ii) (iii) (vi)
The “Struve Arc” is a chain of triangulation points stretching for 2820 km across the territory of ten European countries from Hammerfest in Norway to the Black Sea. These observation reference points were established in the period 1816-1855. astronomer Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve (aka Vasily Yakovlevich Struve), who thus made the first reliable measurement of a large segment of the earth's meridian arc. This made it possible to accurately determine the size and shape of our planet, which was an important step in the development of earth sciences and topographic mapping. This was an exceptional example of scientific collaboration between scientists different countries and between reigning monarchs. Initially, the “arc” consisted of 258 geodetic “triangles” (polygons) with 265 main triangulation points. The World Heritage Site includes 34 such points (the best preserved to date), which are marked on the ground in a variety of ways, such as hollows carved into the rocks, iron crosses, cairns or specially installed obelisks.
Information about the object:
Online St. Petersburg Society of Geodesy and Cartography
on the website of the Land Department of the Ministry of the Environment of Estonia
on the website of the Finnish Department of Cartography
on the Norwegian World Heritage website
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

№С1170 - Historical center of Yaroslavl

Criteria: (ii) (iv)
The historical city of Yaroslavl, located approximately 250 km northeast of Moscow at the confluence of the Kotorosl River and the Volga, was founded in the 11th century. and subsequently developed into a large shopping mall. It is known for its numerous churches from the 17th century, and as an outstanding example of the implementation of the urban planning reform carried out by decree of Empress Catherine the Great in 1763 throughout Russia. Although the city retained a number of remarkable historical buildings, it was later reconstructed in the classicist style based on a radial master plan. It also preserves items dating back to the 16th century. constructions of the Spassky Monastery - one of the oldest in the Upper Volga region, which arose at the end of the 12th century. on the site of a pagan temple, but rebuilt over time.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Official portal of the city of Yaroslavl
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

34th Session of the World Heritage Committee - 2010 (Brasilia, Brazil)

N1234rev - Putorana Plateau

Criteria: (vii) (ix)
This object coincides with its borders with the Putorana State Nature Reserve, located in the northern part of Central Siberia, 100 km beyond the Arctic Circle. The World Heritage portion of this plateau contains a full range of subarctic and arctic ecosystems preserved in an isolated mountain range, including pristine taiga, forest-tundra, tundra and arctic desert systems, as well as a pristine lake with cold water and river systems. The main migration route of deer runs through the site, which is an exceptional, majestic and increasingly rare natural phenomenon.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "United Directorate of Taimyr Nature Reserves"
on the website of the Natural Heritage Conservation Foundation
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

36th session of the World Heritage Committee - 2012 (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

N1299 - Lena Pillars Nature Park

Criteria: (viii)
The Lena Pillars Natural Park is formed by rock formations of rare beauty that reach a height of about 100 meters and are located along the banks of the Lena River in the central part of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). They arose in a sharply continental climate with differences in annual temperatures of up to 100 degrees Celsius (from -60°C in winter to +40°C in summer). The pillars are separated from each other by deep and steep ravines, partially filled with frost-covered rock fragments. The penetration of water from the surface accelerated the freezing process and contributed to frost weathering. This led to the deepening of the ravines between the pillars and their dispersal. The proximity of the river and its flow are for the pillars dangerous factors. The site contains remains of a wide variety of Cambrian species.
Information about the object:
on the website of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Natural Park “Lena Pillars”
on the website of the Natural Heritage Conservation Foundation
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

38th session of the World Heritage Committee - 2014 (Doha, Qatar)

No. S981rev- Bulgarian Historical and Archaeological Complex

Criteria:(ii) (vi)
The facility is located on the banks of the Volga River south of the confluence of the Kama River and south of the capital of Tatarstan, the city of Kazan. It contains evidence of the existence medieval city Bolgar, an ancient settlement of the Volga Bulgar people, which existed from the 7th to the 15th centuries. and was in the 13th century. the first capital of the Golden Horde. Bolgar demonstrates the historical and cultural relationships and transformations in Eurasia over several centuries, which played a decisive role in the formation of civilizations, customs and cultural traditions. The site represents important evidence of historical continuity and cultural diversity. It is a symbolic reminder of the adoption of Islam by the Volga Bulgars in 922 and remains a sacred place of pilgrimage for the Muslim Tatars.
Information about the object:
on the website of the Bulgarian State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve “Great Bolgar”
on the website of the Russian Commission for UNESCO
on the World Heritage Center website

37th sessionWorld Heritage Committee - 2013 (Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Cambodia)

№C1411 - Ancient city of Tauride Chersonesos and its choir

Criteria: (ii) (v)

The object is a ruin ancient city, founded by the Dorian Greeks in the 5th century BC. e. on the northern coast of the Black Sea. The site includes six elements, including the ruins of a city and agricultural land, divided into several hundred rectangular plots of the same size, used for growing grapes; the products of the vineyards were intended for export and ensured the prosperity of Chersonesos until the 15th century. There are several complexes of public buildings on the site, residential areas and monuments of early Christianity. There are also ruins of Stone and Bronze Age settlements, Roman and medieval tower fortifications and water systems, as well as exceptionally well-preserved vineyards and dividing walls. In the 3rd century AD e. Chersonesus was known as the most successful wine-making center on the Black Sea and served as a link between Greece, the Roman Empire, Byzantium and the peoples of the northern Black Sea coast. Chersonesos is an outstanding example of the democratic organization of agriculture in the vicinity of an ancient city, reflecting the urban social structure.

Information about the object:

41st session of the World Heritage Committee - 2017 (Krakow, Poland)

№N1448rev - Landscapes of Dauria

Criteria: (ix) (x)

Situated between Mongolia and the Russian Federation, the site is a unique example of the Daurian steppe ecosystem, which begins in eastern Mongolia and extends through Russian Siberia to the northeastern border of China. The cyclical climate, with characteristic wet and dry periods, has contributed to the emergence of a wide variety of species and ecosystems that are important throughout the world. Featured here Various types Steppes such as wet grasslands, forests and lake areas are home to rare species such as white-naped cranes and bustards, as well as millions of rare and vulnerable migratory birds that are at risk of extinction. The park is also an important site on the migratory route of the Mongolian Dresden.

Information about the object:

No. C1525 - Assumption Cathedral and monastery of the island-city of Sviyazhsk

Criteria: (ii) (iv)

The Assumption Cathedral is located on the island-city of Sviyazhsk and is part of the monastery of the same name. Situated at the confluence of the Volga, Sviyaga and Shchuka rivers, at the crossroads of the Silk Road and the Volga River, Sviyazhsk was founded by Ivan the Terrible in 1551. It was from this outpost that Ivan the Terrible began the conquest of the city of Kazan. The location and architecture of the Monastery of the Assumption testify to the existence of a political and missionary program developed by Tsar Ivan IV with the aim of expanding the territory of the Moscow state. The cathedral's frescoes are among the rarest examples of Eastern Orthodox wall painting.

Information about the object:

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