Potato stew with cabbage. How to cook vegetable stew with different varieties of cabbage

Vegetable stew with potatoes and cabbage will allow you to diversify your usual menu. This dish is perfect for lunch or dinner. Stew will successfully replace the usual side dishes - pasta, mashed potatoes or porridge. All vegetable lovers will love this dish, and meat lovers will appreciate it in tandem with cutlets, baked chicken legs or chops. It’s not difficult to prepare a stew; you just need to chop and stew the vegetables, and the process won’t take much time. But still, there are a few tricks that will make the dish tastier. For example, you need to remember that all vegetables have different cooking times, so you should always follow the order in which you add the ingredients. So carrots and potatoes are added first, and zucchini, eggplant and cabbage are added later. Using a variety of herbs and spices, you will give the finished dish additional juiciness and a magical aroma.

Step-by-step video recipe

Stew is perfect for the summer season and delights with its varied preparation options. After all, it’s enough to take other vegetables and change the type of cutting and the new dish is ready!

In winter, you can use frozen zucchini, bell peppers, and replace eggplants with fresh pumpkin. The dish is suitable for Lent.

Stew can also be prepared using meat. It could be chicken, turkey, pork or beef. The meat should be fried first, along with onions and carrots.

Not only every housewife, but also every kitchen in the world has its own recipe for vegetable stew. So don't be afraid to experiment, explore and try something new.


  • Cabbage – 300 g;
  • Potatoes – 300 g;
  • Carrots – 150 grams;
  • Onion – 150 g;
  • Sweet bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • Zucchini – 300 g;
  • Eggplants – 300 g;
  • Dill and parsley – 1 bunch;
  • Water or broth – 300 ml;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

How to cook vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes without meat

First, you need to remember the first and simplest secret of preparing a delicious stew - cutting the products should be the same. Those. All vegetables can be cut into cubes, cubes, strips and even slices, the main thing is that they are the same size.

So, peel the onions, carrots and potatoes. Remove the core and stem from the sweet pepper. Rinse all the vegetables and cut them the way you like - these can be cubes, sticks or large strips.

It is advisable to peel the eggplants, this way they will be more tender. If the zucchini is young, then there is no need to remove the skin from them. Rinse the eggplants, cut them lengthwise into 4 pieces, and then cut into pieces. Do the same with zucchini.

Cut the cabbage into cubes - it's easy. Take half a head of cabbage and place it cut side down on the board. Slice the cabbage lengthwise and then crosswise.

Now you need to choose convenient dishes. If you have a large frying pan, use it; if not, then a saucepan will do. Pour vegetable oil into the selected container and place on the stove. When hot enough, add the onions, carrots and peppers to the pan. Fry over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.

Add the potatoes to the vegetables and fry everything together for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally so that the vegetables do not burn. Then remove the pan from the heat.

Add zucchini, eggplant and cabbage. These vegetables do not require frying.

Don't stir the stew yet. Now you need to add liquid to the pan, it can be ordinary water, but to make the dish more nutritious and tasty, it is better to replace it with broth or tomato juice.

This recipe for vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes will appeal to those who love simple but satisfying dishes. In my recipe I will share with you step-by-step photos and a detailed description of the cooking process.

The stew is prepared with simple vegetables such as cabbage, potatoes and carrots, but you can also add seasonal vegetables - zucchini, peppers, etc. You can serve it as a separate dish or as a side dish for meat - pork chops, baked chicken legs, etc.

How to cook vegetable stew from cabbage and potatoes in a frying pan

Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes - about 1-2 cm on a side.

We chop the cabbage quite finely - but not as for a salad, but as for borscht, for example.

Cut the pepper and zucchini into cubes. Three carrots on a coarse grater.

Place the potatoes in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil. And fry until golden, 4-5 minutes, turning occasionally.

Add cabbage to the pan and stir. We reduce the fire. Cover the pan with a lid.

Cook the potatoes and kaput for 5-6 minutes.

Add carrots, zucchini and pepper to the pan and stir.

Cover again and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Add tomato paste and stir.

Pass the garlic through a garlic press and also add to the stew. Salt and pepper to taste.

Simmer the stew for a couple more minutes under the lid.

Vegetable stew is always a win-win option. In fact, vegetable stew is such a broad concept in cooking that you are unlikely to find exactly the same recipes for this dish. In one pan you can combine different vegetables, root vegetables, legumes and mushrooms, inventing a new delicious recipe each time.

The main rule of stew is that all components of the dish must retain their shape, be tasty and be combined. It doesn’t matter which vegetables will complete this simple task. In summer, stew can be prepared from zucchini, blueberries, sweet peppers, new potatoes, green peas, carrots, onions and herbs.

In the fall - combine potatoes with white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, beets, turnips, Jerusalem artichokes, celery, pumpkin, spinach, and tomatoes, and even wild mushrooms.

In winter, you can use frozen vegetables, for example, cauliflower, bell peppers, green peas, broccoli, potatoes, and instead of tomatoes, tomato paste is ideal. In spring, a very tasty stew is made with seasonal vegetables and young herbs, for example, nettles, celery stalks, sorrel, wild garlic, dandelion and so on.


To prepare potato and cabbage stew, we will need:

  • 3-4 pcs. medium sized potatoes
  • 200 gr. or a quarter of a small white cabbage
  • 300 gr. or 6-7 pieces of fresh tomatoes or tomato paste to taste
  • 50 gr. or 1 medium carrot
  • 250 gr. zucchini or any vegetables to taste
  • 1 large onion
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic (optional)
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper, spices as desired

How to cook a delicious vegetable stew:

Chop the cabbage into long strips or cubes. Dice the potatoes.

Grate the carrots or cut into small pieces. Cut the onion into cubes or rings.

Finely chop the garlic.

Cut the zucchini into cubes.

Cut the tomatoes into large cubes (you can first remove the skin by pouring boiling water over the tomatoes).

Try to cut all the vegetables so that the cooking time is the same.

Place potatoes on the bottom of the pan, cabbage and carrots on top. Fill with drinking water so that the water lightly covers the potatoes. And simmer over low heat for 4-5 minutes.

Then add zucchini, tomatoes, salt, add water if necessary and simmer for another 3-4 minutes. While the stew is cooking, fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Mix the stewed vegetables with fried onions, add water as needed and simmer until the vegetables are fully cooked.

Turn off the stove, add the garlic, cover the stew with a lid and let it brew for 5-7 minutes so that the vegetables are saturated with the aroma of garlic.

Vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes is ready. Bon appetit!

Vegetable stew is one of the most versatile dishes. It can be eaten as a separate dish or served as a side dish. It goes well with fish, meat, mushrooms, and sausages. Vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes is especially popular, since these products are the most accessible. At the same time, the stew made from them turns out very tasty if you know just a few subtleties.

Cooking features

Vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes is easy to prepare, so even a novice housewife can cope with this task. But a dish prepared according to the same recipe may have a different taste. Why? The thing is that there are several important rules that allow you to prepare not just a vegetable stew, but a very tasty and aromatic one.

  • The most delicious stew is made from young vegetables, but you can cook it from any, as long as they are not spoiled. You can even use sauerkraut, but if it's too acidic, you'll need to rinse it before cooking.
  • Do not chop vegetables for stew too finely. Otherwise, during prolonged simmering, they will soften too much, and the dish will turn into “porridge”, which is not very pleasant to eat.
  • All vegetables have different textures and take different times to cook. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the correct sequence of adding products. Usually this sequence is described in recipes. The general rule is this: young white cabbage is placed after the potatoes, and mature cabbage is placed before it. Sauerkraut is placed after potatoes or along with them. If other varieties of cabbage are used, different rules apply, which, as already mentioned, are reflected in specific recipes.
  • If the recipe includes meat, it is fried until golden brown and only then vegetables begin to be introduced.
  • The taste and aroma of vegetables in the stew will be revealed better if it is simmered for a long time over low heat in a thick-walled container. This could be a thick-walled saucepan, a cauldron, or a duck pot. Vegetable stew turns out delicious even in a slow cooker.
  • If the vegetables included in the stew are first fried separately, and then combined and simmered in the sauce, the stew will turn out especially tasty. However, frying in oil increases the calorie content of the dish, so those watching their figure can do without it or fry only part of the vegetables using a minimal amount of oil.

The technology for preparing vegetable stew with cabbage and potatoes may depend on the specific recipe, so you must follow the recommendations given in it exactly. Then you will have a truly tasty and aromatic vegetable stew.

Vegetable stew with fresh cabbage and potatoes

  • potatoes – 0.7 kg;
  • white cabbage – 0.7 kg;
  • zucchini (optional) – 0.25 kg;
  • carrots – 150 g;
  • onions – 150 g;
  • tomatoes (optional) – 0.3 kg;
  • sweet pepper – 0.25 kg;
  • tomato paste – 20–40 ml;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - as much as needed;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into slices.
  • Wash the cabbage. Remove wilted top leaves. Chop, but not too finely.
  • If you cook in the summer, then prepare the tomatoes. To do this, cross-shaped cuts need to be made on the side opposite the stalk. After this, bring the water to a boil and put the tomatoes in it for a couple of minutes. Then remove the tomatoes with a slotted spoon and cool. They will cool faster if you put them in cold water for a few minutes. After this, the tomatoes just need to be peeled and cut into cubes. If you are cooking in winter, you can do without tomatoes, but in this case you should use 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, while when using fresh tomatoes you can get by with one spoon of tomato paste.
  • In the summer, it is advisable to include zucchini in the stew. It needs to be cut into cubes about 1 cm in size. If the zucchini is not too young, then it will first have to be peeled and seeds removed.
  • Peel the onions and carrots. Finely chop the onion with a knife, chop the carrots on a coarse grater.
  • Wash the pepper. Cut off its stalk and remove the seeds. Cut the pepper lengthwise into 4 parts, chop into quarters of rings.
  • Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry potato wedges in it until golden brown, transfer the potatoes to a cauldron.
  • Place the zucchini and peppers in the frying pan where the potatoes were fried, fry them for 7-8 minutes and also transfer them to the cauldron. If you do not use zucchini, then fry one pepper for 5 minutes.
  • In the same pan, fry the cabbage. If it is young, then it is enough to fry it for 5 minutes, otherwise the frying time should be 10 minutes. Transfer the cabbage to the cauldron with the remaining vegetables.
  • Place onions, carrots, tomatoes in the cauldron. Pour in tomato paste diluted with water. Add salt and spices. Place the cauldron on the stove and simmer the vegetables over low heat under the lid for 30 minutes.

Potato and cabbage stew will be even more fragrant if, 10 minutes before it is ready, you throw garlic and fresh herbs chopped with a knife into the cauldron.

Young white cabbage can be replaced with Chinese cabbage in this recipe. In this case, the taste of the dish will be slightly different, but no less pleasant.

Vegetable stew with sauerkraut, potatoes and rice

  • sauerkraut – 0.25 kg;
  • rice – 0.2 kg;
  • potatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • carrots – 0.2 kg;
  • tomato paste – 20 ml;
  • water – 0.2 l;
  • vegetable oil - as much as needed;
  • salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the sauerkraut under running water and squeeze it to remove excess moisture.
  • Peel the carrots and cut into strips. You can also grate it for Korean salads.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes about 1.5 cm in size.
  • Heat vegetable oil in a cauldron, add carrots and fry them for 5 minutes over medium heat.
  • Add the potatoes and fry them along with the carrots until they are browned.
  • Boil the rice until half cooked in salted water.
  • Add rice and sauerkraut to the vegetables.
  • Dissolve tomato paste in water, add salt, pepper, and chopped herbs to this liquid. Pour the sauce into the cauldron with the remaining ingredients.
  • Place the cauldron on the fire and simmer the vegetables and rice for 30 minutes.

You can use canned beans instead of rice. It should be added after all other ingredients, namely 15 minutes before the dish is ready.

Vegetable stew made from cabbage and potatoes is an inexpensive, but tasty and healthy dish that can be prepared at any time of the year.

Today we will prepare a stew of four vegetables. The dish is healthy and budget-friendly. The absence of meat is not particularly noticeable, as it turns out quite satisfying. The recipe for such a vegetable stew will be useful to housewives during Lent, as well as with a vegetarian diet.


5 pieces. potatoes;

1 medium cabbage;

1 onion;

1 carrot;

1.5 tbsp. spoons of tomato;

Bay leaf;

vegetable oil;

How to cook vegetable stew with potatoes and cabbage

We choose a saucepan; it should hold all the ingredients, although it was originally needed for potatoes. Grind it into medium cubes or into strips.

Add bay leaves to boiled potatoes.

Grind the remaining ingredients in order of priority: first the onion, then the carrots and, finally, the cabbage. You can see how to grind it in the photo below.

In a heated frying pan, begin to fry the vegetables in the same order.

When they are all “assembled,” cover with a lid and simmer.

As soon as the cabbage becomes soft (no longer crunchy), add the tomato (you can use fresh tomatoes).

The potatoes are ready. Drain off excess water (so that it lightly covers the potatoes).

Pour the contents of the pan into the pan.

Mix. Let's put it out. Let's taste for salt.

Fresh bell pepper will add a wonderful aroma. Be sure to add it if you have one in the refrigerator.

A healthy and tasty vegetable dish is ready.

There are stews that contain mushrooms. A wonderful solution for Lent, but only on days when this is allowed, according to the Orthodox calendar.

A multicooker will help you create a more healthy dish. The ingredients are placed in the bowl in the following order: onions, cabbage, carrots and potatoes. Add water and close the bowl. After 20 minutes of simmering, open the multicooker, mix everything and add salt. Add a spoonful of tomato. Here you don’t need to add oil to the stew and the dish will be truly lean.

If you want to make vegetable stew in pots in the oven, then cook in the same sequence as described for the multicooker.

According to all three cooking recipes, the dish turns out equally tasty.

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