Who appointed Markin? Vladimir Markin leaves the Investigative Committee

The resignation of the official representative of the Investigative Committee was reported by Life, citing its source. According to the publication’s source, there was a conversation that the head of the Department for Interaction with the Media of the Russian Investigative Committee was going to leave the department a year ago.

Officially, the department does not comment on this information.

“The press service does not comment,” the Investigative Committee told Gazeta.Ru.

“He is 59 years old, the age limit for his title is 60 years, so technically there was still time to make a decision,” says Gazeta.Ru’s interlocutor.

“However, the Kremlin has already run out of patience with the endless conflicts surrounding Markin’s activities.”

For now, most likely, Markin’s duties will be performed by his first deputy. It is not yet known who will succeed Markin later.

As for the fate of the major general, Gazeta.Ru sources name two possible scenarios.

“Vladimir Markin will not be left without work. He can leave his position for television or business. For example, head the public relations department in one of the state corporations or take the position of personnel officer.

By the way, this year he tried to go to work at RusHydro, but something didn’t work out there,” says Gazeta.Ru’s source in the law enforcement department.

The press service of RusHydro neither confirmed nor denied the information about Markin’s transfer to the company. “We do not comment on this issue,” the representative said in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru.

It is worth noting that Markin could soon celebrate the 10th anniversary of his work in the department. During this time, the major general has come a long way from a virtually ordinary speaker of the security department to one of the most mentioned and influential PR people among the security forces.

Markin’s list of achievements includes organizing the work of all divisions of the Media Relations Department.

The department pursued a fairly aggressive information policy, trying not to miss a single opportunity to highlight the participation of its department in the investigation of high-profile crimes.

According to the Medialogia media monitoring system provided by Gazeta.Ru, 10.1 thousand news items from January to March 2016 were written thanks to Vladimir Markin, and the figures for his boss are approximately the same - 10.2 thousand.

Last year, Markin’s citation rate was even higher - 13 thousand messages.

In this sense, the activities of the press service of the Investigative Committee reflected the real situation in the sphere of competition between law enforcement agencies, when investigators of the Investigative Committee dealt with high-profile criminal stories, sometimes even in cases where this was not entirely within their competence.

Vladimir Markin himself simultaneously increased his influence and expanded his competencies, becoming an increasingly prominent figure.

He is one of the rare press secretaries who began to engage in columnism, publishing his point of view on current socio-political events in the media.

Vladimir Markin also participated in television shows, came to the radio, gave interviews, played himself in the movie “April Fool’s Day,” and today, September 14, was supposed to present his book “The Most Loud Crimes of the 21st Century in Russia.” However, the presentation was cancelled.

However, the success of the UK’s information policy also had a downside.

The activities of the management and of Vladimir Markin himself were constantly accompanied by media scandals, which can partly be explained by Markin’s peremptory manner of making public statements.

The latest conflict arose precisely around Vladimir Markin’s book, when the journalist “ Novaya Gazeta» Nadezhda Prusenkova reported plagiarism in Markin’s book. She claims the press secretary inappropriately plagiarized portions of her article about the murder trial.

In response, Markin called Prusenkova “a journalist unknown and unnecessary to anyone except her swamp.”

A little later, the Eksmo publishing house apologized for the lack of references to primary sources in Vladimir Markin’s book, and the general himself apologized to Prusenkova.

“Yesterday was a very emotional day, I consider it my duty to apologize to the journalist,” Markin wrote on his Twitter. “I publicly apologize to , whom I offended as a woman and a journalist with a rude statement that was unusual for me.”

This case is far from the first - before this, Markin was criticized for many speeches both on social networks and in the press. For example, in June of this year, Markin commented on his Twitter about the opinion of the Marseille prosecutor, who called Russian fans “very well-trained fighters.”

“A normal guy, as he should be, surprises them,” Markin wrote. In his opinion, people are used to seeing “men” only at gay pride parades.

In response, Markin was besieged by the president's press secretary. He stated that Markin's words could in no way reflect the official point of view.

However, there were also scandals that were not caused by Markin’s words. In 2011, against the backdrop of a confrontation between the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Investigative Committee (at that time it was investigating the case of casino protection rackets by prosecutors), a scandal broke out over Vladimir Markin’s legal education, which he received in absentia at the Institute of Economics and Culture.

The Prosecutor General's Office revealed numerous violations in this institute, and Rosobrnadzor deprived educational institution license, and at the same time canceled Markin’s diploma.

Representatives then stated that applicants to the university were immediately enrolled in the 3rd year, and deliberately false information was entered into the student records, students did not appear at the institute, state examination and certification commissions were not carried out, and the agreement presented by the rector’s office on students’ internship at the research institute was completely turned out to be fake.

However, three months after this statement, the position of Rosobrnadzor changed radically. The department again renewed the license of the Institute of Economics and Culture, and Markin’s diploma was recognized as valid.

“Yes, I am leaving for RusHydro for the position of first deputy general director,” RIA Novosti quotes a former representative of the Investigative Committee. At the same time, Markin did not disclose the details of his work in the new post.


Meanwhile, on Twitter, the major general originally commented on his dismissal from the Investigative Committee. “Enemies sigh with relief, and friends say: “I’m tired.” Both of them are mistaken, this is a halt...” Markin quoted lines from Igor Talkov’s song “I’ll be back.”

Earlier it became known that Russian President Vladimir Putin Vladimir Markin from the post of official representative of the Investigative Committee. "To relieve from his post Major General of Justice Vladimir Ivanovich Markin, head of the department for interaction with funds mass media Investigative Committee Russian Federation", the document says.

Let us recall that on September 21, Markin announced that. “Now I can officially say that I decided to finish my work in the Investigative Committee and submitted my resignation of my own free will,” he explained. However, rumors that Markin intended to leave his post appeared in the media much earlier. The official emphasized that he does not understand where the information leaked from.

The reasons for the dismissal stated in the press do not correspond to reality, he noted. “For some reason, it is generally accepted among us that a person can leave a responsible position only if he is miserably kicked out, sent to prison or carried out feet first. None of these cases apply to me,” Markin assured.

The representative of the Investigative Committee then stated that he wanted to try his hand at a new field. However, he did not name the exact place of work.

At the beginning of October 2016, it was reported in the media that Vladimir Ivanovich Markin, Major General of Justice, was leaving the Investigative Committee of Russia, where he had headed the Media Relations Department for nine years.
His name appeared in the presidential decree on newly appointed and dismissed civil servants.

Where does Markin go to work?

About half a month before the publication of the decree, some printed publications, for example, RBC, published materials about planned changes in the RF IC.
General Vladimir Markin initially denied this information, but then personally told an Interfax correspondent that he had submitted a resignation letter. Reason - own wish. Together with him, the head of the committee, Alexander Bastrykin, also leaves his post.

Major General Vladimir Markin did not give any comments regarding his decision. He told a TASS correspondent that he plans to work as the first holding company of RusHydro.

According to RBC, the country's leadership was forced to make changes in the RF Investigative Committee due to a number of scandalous events. In particular, General Markin was allegedly convicted of plagiarism during the publication of one of his books. He responded with insulting statements addressed to the journalist, who believed that the author of the book had used his text. Later they were told that he had nothing to do with the writing of this book.

Information has appeared in the media about the possibility of upcoming reorganizations in the security sectors. Kommersant, for example, suggested that by the end of 2017 the Investigative Committee will return to the Prosecutor General’s Office.

About the scandals surrounding the Investigative Committee

The Russian news agency URA.Ru also associates the fact that the main media personality, General Markin, resigned with the scandalous events taking place in this department.

On July 19 of this year, the deputy head of the Moscow Investigative Committee, D. Nikandrov, and the head of the committee’s own security structure, M. Maksimenko, were taken under arrest. They have been charged with exceeding their official authority.

Conflict with Novaya Gazeta

On September 7, 2016, correspondent N. Prusenkova (Novaya Gazeta) announced a violation of copyright by Markin by quoting her article in his newly published book. General Markin, in his Internet blog, first called Prusenkova a “journalist” who intends to get a piece of fame at his expense, and then asked for forgiveness for this.

The reaction of political scientists to the events around Markin

The first vice-president of the Center for Political Technologies, Alexei Makarkin, expressed the opinion that the inadequate reaction of the official representative of the Investigative Committee to Prusenkova’s statement served as a “trigger” for his resignation.

Makarkin called Markin’s behavior towards the journalist strange and unusual for him. According to Makarkin, they do not practice apologies to media representatives.

The director of the Center for Political Research at the University of Finance, Pavel Salin, expressed the opinion that the reason for this form of reaction of the head of the press center of the Investigative Committee to the accusation brought by Novaya Gazeta was the fragility of his position. P. Salin recalled the case of Markin being accused of illegally obtaining a diploma. At that time, Markin reacted somewhat softer and much more confidently. There were no apologies on his part; he took the rigid position that “you yourself are worse.”

From the lips of an associate professor at RANEPA, teaching at the Institute of Social Sciences, there was an assumption that the resignation of the official representative of the RF IC is the result of internal processes in this department. However, she cautions against drawing hasty conclusions based on this circumstance.

Back in mid-September 2016, URA.Ru predicted the possibility of reshuffles in government circles at the deputy prime minister level and in security forces ah, as well as the reorganization of the Investigative Committee in November of this year.

General Markin: short biography

  • Markin is a native of Chelyabinsk (1956), a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University (1985).
  • In 1985-1986 he worked as a correspondent for Vecherniy Chelyabinsk.
  • Since 1986 he has lived in the capital. At first he was a radio host of the programs “Time, Events, People”, as well as “Man and Law”.
  • Since 1991, he hosted television programs on Central Television for six years.
  • In 1997-2000, he worked as acting head of public relations at the international fund "Reform", then as first deputy minister of information and press in the Moscow region.

  • Since 2001, he returned to TV as a producer of information programs, first on NTV, then on the Rossiya channel.
  • From 2004 to 2007, he was director of public relations at the Intelligent Technologies Foundation.
  • On September 13, 2007, he was appointed to the position of head of the Department for Interaction with the Media of the Investigative Committee at the Russian Prosecutor's Office.
State Counselor of Justice 3rd class. Major General of Justice.

Vladimir Markin was born on November 23, 1956 in the city of Chelyabinsk. The boy grew up in the family of an ordinary factory worker. Was the third youngest child in family. Vladimir spent his childhood and school years in his hometown. He successfully graduated from school, after which he wanted to become an actor. But fate decreed otherwise: first he was drafted into the army, after which he decided to enter the Moscow State University and become a journalist. After graduating, he later received a law degree from the capital’s Institute of Economics and Culture.

After graduating from Moscow State University, Markin returned to his native Chelyabinsk and began working as a correspondent for a local newspaper. But a few years later he finally moved to the capital and became a radio presenter. Hosted the programs “Man and Law” and “Time, Events, People.”

In 1991, he was invited to work at Central Television, which after the collapse of the Union became known as the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, where he worked for the next six years and gained extensive experience as a TV presenter.

At the same time, Vladimir Markin appeared on television screens as the author and host of the talk show “Career”, in whose studio he hosted famous political, public, cultural and scientific figures of the country, including the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak and the famous film director Eldar Ryazanov.

In 1997, Vladimir Ivanovich temporarily left television and went to work at the international Reform Foundation, where he received the position of director of public relations. In his post, Markin also oversaw issues related to socio-economic reforms and privatization in Russia. Having demonstrated his professionalism at work at the Reform Foundation, he was appointed Deputy Minister for Information and Press Affairs of the Moscow Region, after which in 2001 he returned to television and became a producer for the NTV and Rossiya television channels.

Six years later, the journalist’s career radically changed its direction. Vladimir Ivanovich became the main “supplier” of news from the Investigative Committee under the Russian Prosecutor’s Office, making the department an “open structure” that closely cooperates with the media. In September 2010, by order of the then current Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation was liquidated and on its basis the Investigative Committee for Criminal Cases was created, in which Markin also became the head of the public relations department.

Vladimir Markin’s comments about the investigation of various types of high-profile criminal cases are actively discussed not only among the population, but also in the “corridors” of power. The manager copes with his duties flawlessly and is distinguished by special professionalism in his position, showing remarkable calm and resistance to various provocations and criticism regarding the work of investigative authorities.

Markin's achievements in his position include: great value for the country. Thanks to him, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation became the leader of Russian law enforcement agencies mentioned in the media according to the positive index. The activities of the government department began to be widely and objectively covered in the press, which made it possible to create a stable opinion in society about the principle of the inevitability of punishment and become a powerful means of crime prevention.

In the period from June 20, 2011 to October 6, 2016, he was the head of the Department of Interaction with the Media of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. A year earlier, he worked as the host of the program “The Investigation Will Show” on Channel One.

In mid-October 2016, Vladimir Ivanovich Markin took the position of First Deputy General Director of PJSC RusHydro. Supervises issues of interaction with the media, authorities and management of the administrative and economic complex. From February 15, 2017, he becomes a Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director of PJSC RusHydro.

Also, Vladimir Markin is the Chairman of the Russian Football Union Committee on Safety and Work with Fans and a member of the Public Council under the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Markin Awards

Order of Friendship

Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation

Medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation at the Prosecutor's Office "For Distinction"

Badge "Honorary Worker of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation"

Insignia of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation under the Prosecutor's Office "For participation in countering aggression in South Ossetia"

Medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "For Distinction"

Badge "Honorary Officer of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation"

Medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "For Merit"

Insignia of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation “Excellence in Investigative Bodies”

Medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "For Fidelity to Duty"

Medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "Valor and Courage"

Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For the return of Crimea"

Medal of the Federal Migration Service "For Merit"

Medal of the Federal Tax Service "For Assistance to the Federal Tax Service of Russia"

Medal of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia "For assistance to drug control authorities"

In 2016, he was awarded the highest legal prize “Themis”

Interfax reported that Markin’s new place of work will be the RusHydro company, where he will oversee public relations and government agencies. An employee of the prosecutor's office confirmed this version to Vedomosti. A representative of RusHydro did not respond to Vedomosti’s request.

The official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR), Major General of Justice Vladimir Markin, will soon leave the post of head of the department for interaction with the media of the investigative agency. Vedomosti was informed about this by an employee of the prosecutor's office and an employee of another law enforcement agency, according to whom new job Markin will not be involved in relations between law enforcement agencies and the public. A representative of the Investigative Committee declined to comment.

Markin worked as the head of the press service of the investigative agency since its separation from the Prosecutor General's Office in 2007. Before that, Markin, who graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University in 1985, worked as a producer in a number of media outlets, including NTV and the Rossiya TV channel. , and also served as Deputy Minister of Press and Information of the Moscow Region.

During his time as an official representative of the Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin became known to the public not only as a commentator on all high-profile cases of the Investigative Committee, but also as the author of columns in the Izvestia newspaper, where he expressed his opinion on a variety of current socio-political issues, and as the host of the program “The investigation will show” on Channel One. Markin also played several roles in TV series and films (including himself in the TV series “Investigative Committee”). In August 2016, the book “The Most Loud Crimes in Russia of the 21st Century” was published. Novaya Gazeta journalist Nadezhda Prusenkova accused him of borrowing the text of her investigation into the murder of Anna Politkovskaya without reference. In response, Markin first spoke harshly to the journalist, but then apologized. Ultimately, the Eksmo publishing house took the blame for the fact that this part of the text was published without reference to Prusenkova.

Previously, Markin more than once entered into public polemics with high-ranking officials. At the end of 2012, he openly called disrespectful the statement of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev regarding the ICR investigators who came to search the director of the documentary film “Term” Pavel Kostomarov.

And in 2013, he criticized Deputy Prime Minister Vladislav Surkov (who resigned soon after), who criticized the Investigative Committee after investigative actions against employees of the Skolkovo Foundation. According to former employee law enforcement agencies, friction with Surkov arose between Markin earlier, when in 2011 Surkov, being deputy head of the presidential administration, did not allow Markin to be nominated to the State Duma from “ United Russia" At the same time, the Prosecutor General's Office, which at that moment had strained relations with the Investigative Committee because of the case of patronage of the gambling business by prosecutors near Moscow, conducted an inspection of the Institute of Economics and Culture, where Markin received a legal education. Rosobrnadzor revoked the university's license and Markin's diploma, but in December 2011 both the license and diploma were restored.

According to an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, during his work, Markin undoubtedly became the most famous official representative of law enforcement agencies in Russia, which was facilitated by both his abilities and the fact that the Investigative Committee, by virtue of its powers, has the right to cover the most high-profile criminal cases.

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