Who is Alexei Navalny: biography, fight against corruption, political activity. How do the kings of state corporations live?

The Russian opposition as a kind of generalized social movement suffers from a number of systemic defects. Disunity, ambiguity in assessments of emerging situations and their changes, differences political platforms and goals - this is an incomplete list of factors that shape the weakness of influence of the forces opposing the existing government, which, nevertheless, all their leaders characterize as “criminal” and “bloody.” At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, a new figure appeared on the Russian political scene - Navalny. Who is this, what are the ambitions of this figure and why did he decide to lead the opposition movement? What are his goals, what is he calling for? Surveys conducted in Russia showed that half of the country's population did not even know who he was. It's time to fill this gap.

Opposition is constructive and destructive

IN modern Russia protest sentiments have a certain social base, as in any other country. Not a single state has yet managed to create an ideal society; there are dissatisfied people everywhere, and it is the opposition that always seeks to take advantage of unfavorable factors. In essence, this is her political role, criticism of shortcomings, even very angry ones, helps to improve the work of government agencies. Several other goals were pursued by the opposition, which set itself destructive goals. For example, during the First World War, the Bolshevik Party tried in every possible way to weaken the state and destroy its foundations. All means were suitable for this, including undermining defenses, using money received from the enemy and direct sabotage. Every state, even one that positions itself as the most democratic, has the right to fight the forces seeking to destroy it. Moreover, it is his duty to society. So what goals does Alexey Navalny set for the political movement he leads in modern Russia? Who supports and funds this movement?

Early Russian opposition

The history of the emergence of the modern Russian opposition begins at the very end of the 80s. Most of its representatives sincerely fought the communist regime, were in prison, served exile and proudly called themselves dissidents. Even then, it was divided into “wings” - left and right, but, regardless of orientation, it joyfully welcomed the coming to power of democratic forces led by B. N. Yeltsin. Not all oppositionists fully corresponded to the image of a zealot for the people's aspirations, which is why the first problems arose. In the vastness former USSR Meanwhile, a struggle for souls and power unfolded. Presidents and prime ministers in post-Soviet countries were people who were trained in the United States (this biographical fact was perceived quite positively by the population at that time). Personnel known to be friendly to the West were also trained for Russia. Judging by the support provided, the best representatives M. Kasyanov, B. Nemtsov or G. Yavlinsky were considered to be the most promising democratic-liberal leaders in the United States.


Opposition figures like G. Novodvorskaya, and even the famous chess player G. Kasparov were not considered promising political figures; their images did not correspond to the depth of the task. But the respectable and experienced leaders of the Yeltsin era, proven and loyal to the West, were also not suitable. The fact that they were already in power, and quite recently, spoke eloquently against them. The politicians and economists of Yeltsin’s set did not bring anything good to the people, and this has not yet been forgotten. A reboot was required. A new leader was needed who would be able to unite the disunited opposition forces, would have a certain charisma, high intelligence, a sarcastic and ironic mindset and could speak beautifully, in other words, would control the audience. Moreover, such a person, ideally, should actually be deprived of a past. And such a candidate was found, his name was Alexey Navalny. No one knew who he was. Just an author-blogger. But

Family of the oppositionist

Alexey Anatolyevich's parents are ordinary people. Father is a communications officer, a graduate of the Kyiv Military School. Mother studied at the Ordzhonikidze Administration). Born in 1976, the son of a military man and future oppositionist often changed cities and schools. Currently, my parents own a small business producing wicker products. Alexey also has younger brother, Oleg, born in 1984, but more about him later. Wife - Yulia Borisovna. There are two children, Daria (born in 2001) and Zakhar (born in 2008). In general, family is like family. Alexey Navalny lives in Maryino (a Moscow district that is not particularly prestigious). Modesty adorns a politician, especially a young one.


After graduating from the Alabino school at the military town, the young man entered the law school, from which he graduated in 1998. Alexei Navalny managed to work in a bank, and a year before graduating from university he showed a passion for commerce, becoming the founder of the Nesna society (hairdressing salon). Things didn't work out, the company was sold, but the search better life continued. The young man got the second higher education at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation at the Faculty of Finance and Credit, becoming a specialist in stock exchange business and securities. The thirst for learning manifested itself once again in 2010, when he managed to complete a course of study in six months (the Yale World Fellows grant program) in the USA at Yale University. Recommendations for the novice politician were given by venerable Russian oppositionists E. Albats, O. Tsyvinsky, S. Guriev and G. Kasparov. They were known in America, their words were listened to.

Labor path

Allekt LLC was registered in 1997 as an agent of the opposition SPS. It was engaged in advertising, its activities were not very successful, despite the fact that the “Right Forces” paid for its services in the amount of almost one hundred million rubles, of which deputy director Navalny received five percent as a remuneration. Who will consider this a violation of the law or financial discipline? Currently, Allect LLC has been liquidated. The same fate befell the law firm “N. N. Securities”, co-founded by Alexey Anatolyevich and his friends from law school. Since 2001 LLC "Euro-Asian transport systems", in the creation of which Navalny took part, provides logistics and transport services. The company also liquidated itself. In 2009, he became a lawyer, passing the exam in the city of Kirov, and even conducted two trials. During the same period, the Navalny and Partners company did not exist for long. In 2012, he was promoted to a responsible post at Aeroflot by A. Lebedev, who owns the NRB bank. When elected, the protégé promised to wage an uncompromising fight against corruption. In a year Navalny Alexey Anatolyevich left this post, apparently, not of his own free will.

The beginning of big politics

Showing great energy in the business sphere, Alexey Anatolyevich was involved in active political activities. The fight against corruption is a win-win business; it can be done endlessly, but it is very difficult to evaluate the effectiveness. Since 2004, the “Committee for the Protection of Muscovites” has been carrying out this difficult socially useful work. Since 2005, it has been supplemented by concerns about youth (the “Yes!” movement) and leadership of the “Police with the People” movement. His political career began in collaboration with the Governor of the Kirov Region N. Belykh (freelance adviser) and the Foundation for Support of His Initiatives.

Then there was Yabloko (member of the political council) and the post of head of the Moscow party organization. In 2007, Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny was scandalously expelled from the party for extreme nationalism. He himself explained this incident by his confrontation with Yavlinsky.


The national idea is almost as winning, especially when combined with democratic slogans. In Moscow, from time to time, one or another carefully choreographed “Russian” march took place. Navalny could be seen in almost every one of them. However, by 2013, excessive scandal (zagging, raging young people and other hooligans created an unfavorable background) prompted the politician to temporarily refuse to participate in mass nationalist events. Criticism of the “Putin regime” became the main focus of the “People” movement, which, however, turned out to be not as numerous as its creators wanted. Navalny, whose photo had already been published by almost all media, tried to unite his organization with the “Other Russia”, but was rejected. Nevertheless, the image of an uncompromising fighter against corruption has already been established; in the election of the capital's mayor, the opposition candidate came out on top. But then the Yves Rocher case suddenly arose, significantly spoiling the heroic image.

Brotherly help

Oleg Navalny, the brother of the oppositionist, worked as an automation specialist and head of the domestic mail department at Russian Post, and then decided to start his own business and quit in 2013. It was he who was able to convince representatives of the Yves Rocher company not to use the services anymore civil service(and she obviously didn’t really work in the best possible way), and entrust his sendings and receipts to the private company GPA, which actually belongs to his brother. The price, of course, turned out to be higher, but then the reliability... So, at least, Oleg Navalny said. And he won the favor of foreigners. In fact, no one was going to carry letters, parcels and parcels. When receiving cargo for shipment, the Navalny brothers entrusted the troublesome task to other transport companies, which charged much less for services. For some time this simple scheme functioned successfully, but sooner or later everything secret becomes clear. Either the deadlines were not met, or something was missing, but the French suspected something was wrong. Then they made their claims and off they went. In total, the Navalny brothers defrauded their clients by 24 million. The case went to court and received international publicity. Protests immediately began in connection with the oppression of the opposition in Russia.


The court's sentence cannot be called too severe. IN Soviet times They could easily have been shot for this, and the faithful “ten” shone even during Gorbachev’s rule, when almost anything was possible. Oleg Navalny received a real sentence of 3.5 years, and his brother, an anti-corruption oppositionist and champion of honesty, got off with a suspended sentence. The court apparently took into account his merits in the fight against theft. The accomplices will also have to pay a fine of 4,800,000 rubles. You have to understand that such a small thing won’t matter.

Reaction to the case

Of course, the liberal public is still trying to convince the Russian population that it was for the fight against the regime that Navalny suffered. The rally followed the rally during the consideration of the court case, then the activity decreased, but has not reached zero even today. The image of a victim has always evoked massive sympathy in our country, and many of the statements of the disgraced politician evoke a lively response in the hearts of people. Indeed, not everything is in order in Russia with migration legislation, and there are plenty of other problems.

Who is guilty?

The Navalny case is being exaggerated by the pro-Western and liberal media, it is called fabricated, but the participation of a deceived foreign defendant in it significantly undermines the position of defenders of civil liberties.

There is nothing sweeter for the leader of the Russian opposition than the feeling of sacrifice combined with defiance. It was in this direction that Alexey Navalny showed emotions. A photo of his defiantly cut electronic bracelet spread across the Internet in early 2014 after the suspended sentence came into force and the need for house arrest disappeared. For some reason they really didn’t manage to remove this device in time - and here it is, a reason for protest. However, there was no reaction from the “satraps”.

Another reason to appear on television was the murder of Boris Nemtsov. Many leaders of the “dissent movement,” including K. Sobchak and A. Navalny, reacted to this tragic event. The rally planned for the next day actually turned out to be a failure. The oppositionist usually places the blame for Nemtsov’s death on Putin.

He himself believes that he will be able to govern the country much more successfully after winning the next presidential elections.

In the village of Butyn, Odintsovo district, Moscow region.

In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of Law Russian University Friendship between nations. In 2001 he graduated from the Faculty of Finance and Credit of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in " Securities and stock exchange business."

Studied at Yale University (USA) under the Yale World Fellows program.

The court sentenced Navalny to five years in prisonAlexei Navalny and Pyotr Ofitserov were sentenced to five and four years in prison general regime respectively. The defendants were taken into custody in the courtroom. The defense has already announced that it will appeal the verdict. According to the preliminary decision of Navalny’s election headquarters, his candidacy will be withdrawn from the elections for mayor of Moscow.

July 31, 2012 investigative committee KOGUP "Kirovles" presented Alexei Navalny with special attention to Russia large size. , Alexey Navalny, being an adviser to the governor of the Kirov region on a voluntary basis, organized the theft of Kirovles property, conspiring with the director of Vyatka Timber Company LLC (VLK) Petr Ofitserov and general director KOGUP "Kirovles" Vyacheslav Opalev. From May to September 2009, more than 10 thousand cubic meters of forest products belonging to Kirovles were stolen.

On July 18, 2013, the Leninsky Court of Kirov established Navalny’s guilt in the case of theft of property from KOGUP “Kirovles” and general regime.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The punishment for civil passivity is the power of villains.(Plato)

Alexey Anatolyevich Navalny- who is he? A truth-teller who longs for justice for his people, or another character who believes that it’s his turn to buy yachts and planes for himself at the expense of state budget? A fighter for the well-being and sovereignty of his country or a crazy nationalist? Is he really ready to prove his statements with action, or is this another Friend who came for the sake of hype, only from the political side?

So let's start with Who is Navalny? Opposition politician, founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation and extremely active in opposing the current government. Besides, is a candidate for the post of President Russian Federation in 2018.

Very little is known about Alexey’s childhood. Navalny was born and raised in the village Butyn, Odintsovo district, Moscow region. His father is from Ukraine, from the village of Zalesye, which was located in the Chernobyl zone, where little Alyosha spent every summer with his grandmother, herding cows and digging in the beds, but after the nuclear power plant accident, the village was erased from all maps. The mother also comes from a village located near Zelenograd in the Moscow region.

As Navalny himself once stated: "I consider myself to be to a greater extent Ukrainian, by his roots and genetics".

As for the rest of the family, today Navalny has wife and two children.

After school, Alexey enters the Law Faculty of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, and a year after graduation, he enters the Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, majoring in “Securities and Exchange Business.”

Studying at higher educational institutions, Navalny At the same time, he tries to do business, but does not find much success in this area. He was the founder of several companies, but all of them did not generate income and went bankrupt.

Alexey felt his first taste of success when he got involved in politics. Since the early 2000s, he worked as deputy director of the company "Allect" and things were going mediocre, but in 2007 there were elections to the Duma, and the company cut down on advertising the right-wing party 99,000,000 rubles, from which Navalny received a commission of almost 5,000,000 rubles.

Advertising right-wing parties was not Alexei’s only connection with politics. In 2000 he joined the party "Apple" and rose to the position of head of the Moscow branch of the party, at the same time broadcasting on the radio "Echo of Moscow", but was soon expelled from the ranks of the party with the wording: "For nationalistic activities". Navalny said that he was removed for criticizing the leadership, and he considers himself one of the normal nationalists.

This is a rather contradictory statement, because for many of us, nationalists are bald thugs in combat boots under the banners of a black-yellow-white tricolor. It’s unlikely that Alexey resembles any of them.

If we consider Navalny’s nationalist ideas and proposals, they do not seem so absurd. And later Navalny creates moderate nationalist party "People". One of the most interesting ideas which is introduction of a visa regime with the countries of the Caucasus.

Despite the scandal, Navalny does not lose touch with the party "Apple" and on their recommendation goes to study at Yale University.

Upon return passes exams and receives a lawyer's certificate, creates his own law office, which haven't won a single case, and less than a year later, was liquidated.

But the most important thing that Alexey began to do after returning from Yale University was to conduct corruption investigations, intensely criticize the current government in the country and create anti-corruption projects like RosPila And RosYama.

He starts his own blog, where he publishes an article like During the construction of an oil pipeline in China, 4 billion US dollars were stolen. The blog soars to the first lines of the top Yandex blogs and brings Navalny his first unimaginable popularity on the Internet. In 2011 the blog ranks first place among blogs of politicians and public figures.

After his participation in protest movements begins, trials for “ Kirovles" and "Yves Rocher", as a result of which he almost went to prison, but the cases were obviously fabricated against him.

Participation in elections for the post of mayor of Moscow, where Navalny takes second place, losing to Sobyanin. By the way, even then Alexey received the approval of many media personalities and at a concert in support of his election campaign performed absolutely free several show business stars. Such as Diana Arbenina(gr. Night Snipers) and Vladi(gr. Caste). By the way Caste Not long ago she released her new album, where she raises acute social topics in her tracks.

And the most important thing - Navalny epically breaks into Russian YouTube with the film “He’s not your Dimon”. He finds a platform that is not limited by censorship and allows him to convey the truth to the maximum number of viewers. Alexei becomes one of the top bloggers in the country, without doing challenges with condoms on your head and without looking at expensive cars.

Although… He became an excellent observer of expensive yachts, cottages and estates of Usmanov and Medvedev. However, he became an observer of the entire life of the Russian people, who, outside the Moscow Ring Road, plunged into poverty and continuous problems. He exposed the true face of people's poverty in the vast richest country. He found the root of the problems and was never unfounded, confirming every word with weighty facts and documents identified during his own investigations, on which years were spent.

Each of us is free to judge for ourselves how honest this character is with the audience when he promises: "Give me power and it will work for you". Our resource is in no way a supporter of imposing our conclusions on the reader, but looking at the reaction of the authorities, which makes custom videos in which they highlight unsubstantiated facts about Navalny or buy "Variety prostitutes" And "crazy" rappers like Ptakhi who yesterday were drug addicts, and today are on the side of the government.

They invite narrow-minded bloggers to the Duma so that they can dissuade young people from going to rallies.

It's not hard to accept right side, even if we are extremely critical of the statements of both opponents (Navalny vs. the current government), but we live in an era when YouTube viewers need “proofs.”

And Navalny provides them to us, unlike the newly minted richest billionaire blogger Alisher Usmanova, which is not only cannot provide evidence for his statements and hardly fits even in wide-format monitors of spectators, and also behaves familiarly and in some places a bit redneck in relation to both Navalny and the viewer.

We do not in any way call on our readers to radical actions and do not say that we are full supporters of the opposition ideas of Alexei Navalny. All we want to convey is that corruption in Russia has become an obvious fact. And it flourishes to the very top.

Servants of the people simply have their own people, and we have resigned ourselves to the fate of the slaves of our servants.

And if we summarize the full analysis of Navalny’s activities, then for now he is a clear people’s leader, but as practice shows, the winner is not the one who collects views and subscribers, receiving popular recognition, standing with the people in the squares, but the one who has power over the ballot boxes at polling stations.

In general, referring to the words of the greats:

The objects of investigations of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) created by Alexei Navalny are Russian deputies, members of the government and confidants of Russian President Vladimir Putin. FBK's resonant exposé films about stolen billions, illegal transactions, luxury villas and expensive yachts of high-ranking Russian officials and their families attract the attention of millions of Russians.

"The Seagull" is the first FBK investigation in the form of a documentary film

Investigation "Chaika" about financial fraud and criminal connections of sons Attorney General Yuri Chaika, published by the Anti-Corruption Foundation on December 1, 2015, became the first high-profile work of the FBK in the form of a documentary film. Within 24 hours, it was watched by more than half a million viewers on YouTube. The film was recognized as one of the winners of the international film festival "Artdocfest".

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

"He's not Dimon"

The film “He’s Not Dimon,” which appeared on March 2, is the largest FBK investigation in 2017. Russian Prime Minister Medvedev is one of the creators of large-scale corruption schemes, the film states. “We found all the residences in the Russian Federation and abroad, found all the vineyards and elusive yachts and established where and who sailed on them,” say the authors. After the film, massive anti-corruption protests took place throughout the Russian Federation.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

"Putin's chef" cartel

The investigation into Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is called “Putin’s chef,” appeared on May 19, 2017. It alleges that Prigozhin, having initiated a cartel conspiracy and agreed with officials of the Ministry of Defense, received 23 billion rubles from the defense order, at least a third of which were stolen. Since 2016, Prigozhin has been under US sanctions - as a "sponsor and agent of the highest officials RF".

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

Peskov's son: the golden child of a diamond daddy

The hero of the investigation, published on August 17, 2017, is the son of Putin’s press secretary. According to FBK, Nikolai Choles-Peskov, who served time in a British prison for robbery, lives the life of a millionaire in Moscow: Ferrari, private jets, equestrian sports. Moreover, he has neither a job nor even a secondary education. “This is a story about success. In the format that is possible now in the Russian Federation,” the publication says.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

"Fishgate": yachts, oligarchs, escort girls

The new FBK film, released on February 8, 2018, is dedicated to one of Medvedev’s deputies, Sergei Prikhodko. The source of the data was the Instagram account of escort girl Nastya Rybka, who traveled around Norway with Prikhodko and oligarch Oleg Deripaska on the billionaire’s yacht. Roskomnadzor added the film’s page on YouTube to the list of prohibited sites, demanding that the media remove photos and videos from it.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

Harassing MP. Psychopath. Corrupt

Gift for March 8: after the scandal surrounding State Duma deputy Leonid Slutsky, accused of sexual harassment, FBK published information about his property and accused him of corruption. A deputy with a salary of 450 thousand rubles a month found three luxury cars and a house with a living space of 800 square meters on Rublyovka. According to FBK, Slutsky should spend about 40% of his income per year on traffic police fines alone.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

Official's mother's apartment

The mother of State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin owns luxury real estate in Moscow and 10 companies with “billion-dollar turnover,” according to an FBK investigation dated August 16, 2018. The authors suggest that 82-year-old Lydia Barabanova is a fictitious owner, but in fact “everything belongs to Volodin himself, and he is a corrupt official.” “We will send all relevant applications,” the FBK statement says.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

Who is eating up the Russian Guard: the duel between Navalny and Zolotov

The new and only food supplier for the Russian Guard inflates prices by 2-3 times, according to an investigation by Navalny’s foundation, published on August 23, 2018. According to FBK, the beneficiary of this scheme could be Medvedev or people from his circle. The head of the Russian Guard, Viktor Zolotov, accused Navalny of slander and challenged him to a duel.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

Head of the Pension Fund. Billionaire

The head of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Anton Drozdov, is a billionaire, the authors of the FBK investigation dated August 30, 2018 are sure. According to the fund, in total, Drozdov and his family own real estate worth almost a billion rubles. FBK found out that Drozdov’s mother-in-law’s dacha on Rublyovka alone is valued at 400 million rubles, and neighboring plot is the mansion of businessman Boris Rotenberg.

Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation: “Chaika”, “Rybkagate” and other investigations

How do the kings of state corporations live?

The heads of Rosneft, Gazprom, Transneft and Rostec were included in the joint investigation between FBK and Insider. They, according to the FBK material dated October 12, 2018, own real estate worth hundreds of millions of rubles, while all the property “was purchased with money from the state budget, and they owe their positions to their long-standing acquaintance with Vladimir Putin.”

Alexey Navalny is one of the most notorious Russian politicians, businessman, lawyer, born in the Moscow region (Odintsovo district, Butyn), 06/04/1976.


Alexey’s father is Ukrainian by origin, graduated from a military school and after several years of service received a transfer to Moscow. There he met his fate - a simple Russian girl originally from Zelenograd near Moscow, who after school also moved to the capital. But the career she had hoped to build failed, and Lyudmila went to work at a woodworking plant.

Alexey in childhood

In the early 90s, when a severe crisis began in the country, Alexei’s parents managed to get their bearings and, on the basis of a bankrupt workshop, they created their own small enterprise that produced exclusive products from wicker. This allowed the family not only to stay afloat, but also to make their first capital.

Meanwhile, Alexey successfully completed school and also moved to Moscow. Before most for a while he lived with his grandmother, since his parents were practically not at home - they put all their strength into providing financial well-being families.

Having graduated with an excellent certificate, Alexey submitted exams to the law department of Moscow State University, but he only needed one point to receive the coveted student card.

The next year he continued to actively prepare for exams, while helping his parents in business. This year played a decisive role in his future career in many ways. He did not give up his dream of becoming a lawyer, but at the same time became interested in economic disciplines.

A year later, the exams were passed successfully, and he began studying at the Institute of Friendship of Peoples. In his senior years, he simultaneously studies at the Government Finance Academy, choosing finance and lending as a specialization. Navalny was also one of the first in Russia to receive a diploma in stock exchange business and is a professional broker.


Navalny began his career with a modest position as an ordinary lawyer at Aeroflot, where he was invited as a student after a successful internship. In 1998, he officially registered his first private company, Allekt LLC, but worked mainly for another company.

But a year later, immediately after defending his diploma, he begins to actively study own business, while continuing to build a career at Aeroflot. The young lawyer established himself as an excellent specialist there, and his deep knowledge economic disciplines helped him decide the most complex tasks on the highest level, and just a few years later he was included in the directors of Aeroflot.

My political career Navalny started in 2000 by joining the Yabloko party. Quite quickly he showed his leadership qualities and already in 2004 he began to manage its Moscow regional branch. However, already in 2007, after a loud scandal with the leaders of the party, Navalny was expelled from its membership.

Then he creates another political movement, “The People,” and positions himself as a fighter for the rights of the people and against the abuse of power by officials. Several more public organizations are being created in this vein, and around the same period it begins to actively appear on television screens.

Having first appeared on the “Political Debates” program, Navalny interested the audience so much that he later became a regular participant.

Since 2008, Navalny has been actively involved in anti-corruption activities and even created a special committee. His attention in those years was directed to fraud with oil, which, contrary to all antimonopoly laws, was sold abroad only through one joint-stock company.

In order to have funds for independent investigations, a fund is established in which independent entrepreneurs invest.

In 2011, the object of research by Navalny’s company was Russian roads, which are still in a catastrophic state, despite constant funding for their repair. A year later, he would organize an independent election monitoring system.

At the same time, he is investigating and publicizing facts about the illegality of the acquisition of expensive real estate, airplanes and other luxury items by people whose official income does not allow them to do so.


His investigations affect the interests of the highest echelons of power and, naturally, begin to irritate them greatly. But at first, “precautionary measures” were taken against him. Several times he was arrested for 15 days for illegally holding rallies.

But already in 2011, the first criminal case was opened against him, which, however, was dropped less than a year later due to the lack of corpus delicti.

In July 2013, by a court decision, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison and a half-million fine for the activities of the Kirovles company, of which he was one of the leaders. But this verdict had political motives. At that time, elections for the post of mayor were underway, and Navalny could well have won them. Later, his lawyers proved the sanctions were illegal, and Navalny was released.

The situation was repeated with precision in 2016, and again he receives a similar sentence, and again his lawyers prove the connection of this case with the political situation in the country. Nevertheless, Navalny is again seeking to have the sentence overturned, since he has openly declared his intention to take part in the 2018 presidential race.

According to unverified data, he can count on the support of 70% of voters.

Personal life

Navalny is married and values ​​his family very much. He met his future wife Julia while on vacation in Turkey in 2000. And very soon the young people got married. And a year later a girl was born into the family. In 2008, Navalny’s long-awaited son was born.

With his wife Yulia and children

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