The best quotes and phrases about love and winter. Winter

Eh, winter, winter... The coldest time of the year. The time when the whole earth is covered with a white sheet of snowflakes. Everything around you becomes beautiful, all the trees, mountains, houses, everything is covered in snow, and when you look around you, everything looks like a fairy tale. Sometimes you really want to fall into this snow wool and start frolicking like Small child. And everything that surrounds me pleases. Turn around! Look how happy everyone is, or vice versa. Look how children make snowmen, how adults have fun, how old grandmothers are capricious because it is slippery... Yes, winter has come. Now look in front of you and stretch out your palm. Do you see how white flakes of snow fall on your hand and then melt, turning into water? These are snowflakes best friends winter. Now go into your house and look out the window. Do you see how beautiful the patterns are on the glass? This was done by an artist, Frost. Beautiful, isn't it? This is what winter is like. Now get dressed and go outside again. Oh, how slippery! Be careful, it's ice, you have to be careful with it. There are also frozen puddles here. And sometimes it’s just fun to run up and ride with the breeze for a couple of seconds across an icy puddle. Now look the other way. Here are the children sledding with small slide. Do you remember yourself as a child? Was everything the same? Well, maybe you are a child, and this is perhaps your favorite winter activity. Is it good to relax outside the city in winter? Apparently yes. But don't be capricious. Winter, although it is cold, is very beautiful. If the city has only asphalt, and big houses, then outside the city you can go into the forest. Well, will you go? Certainly! You need to step carefully; in addition to ice, there are also snowdrifts. The thing is not very pleasant. And here is the forest. Oh, what beauty, there are simply no words! Everything is shrouded in white fluff. How hard the frost bites your cheeks and nose! You have to be patient to see all this. And then you leave the forest, you can play in the snow. And at night, before you go to bed, be sure to go outside and look at the sky. Indeed, there are a lot of stars, not like in the summer. There are fewer of them in summer. And now they are shining. Their more than a million! Marvelous! This is winter. The most beautiful, most interesting and mystical time of the year, and also festive, because the New Year is celebrated in winter. A holiday with a beautiful decorated Christmas tree, gifts and sweets. At this time, an adult becomes a child. And in fact, winter is the most beautiful and interesting time of the year.

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Eh, winter, winter... The coldest time of the year. The time when the whole earth is covered with a white sheet of snowflakes. Everything around you becomes beautiful, all the trees, mountains, houses, everything is covered in snow, and when you look around you, everything looks like a fairy tale. Sometimes you really want to fall into this snow wool and start frolicking like a little child. And everything that surrounds me pleases. Turn around! Look how everyone is happy, or vice versa. Look how children make snowmen, how adults have fun, how old grandmothers are capricious because it is slippery... Yes, winter has come. Now look in front of you and stretch out your palm. Do you see how white flakes of snow fall on your hand and then melt, turning into water? These are snowflakes, winter's best friends. Now go into your house and look out the window. Do you see how beautiful the patterns are on the glass? This was done by an artist, Frost. Beautiful, isn't it? This is what winter is like. Now get dressed and go outside again. Oh, how slippery! Be careful, it's ice, you have to be careful with it. There are also frozen puddles here. And sometimes it’s just fun to run up and ride with the breeze for a couple of seconds across an icy puddle. Now look the other way. Here are children sledding down a small hill. Do you remember yourself as a child? Was everything the same? Well, maybe you are a child, and this is perhaps your favorite winter activity. Is it good to relax outside the city in winter? Apparently yes. But don't be capricious. Winter, although it is cold, is very beautiful. If the city has only asphalt and big houses, then outside the city you can go to the forest. Well, will you go? Certainly! You need to step carefully; in addition to ice, there are also snowdrifts. The thing is not very pleasant. And here is the forest. Oh, what beauty, there are simply no words! Everything is shrouded in white fluff. How hard the frost bites your cheeks and nose! You have to be patient to see all this. And then you leave the forest, you can play in the snow. And at night, before you go to bed, be sure to go outside and look at the sky. Indeed, there are a lot of stars, not like in the summer. There are fewer of them in summer. And now they are shining. There are more than a million of them! Marvelous! This is winter. The most beautiful, most interesting and mystical time of the year, and also festive, because the New Year is celebrated in winter. A holiday with a beautiful decorated Christmas tree, gifts and sweets. At this time, an adult becomes a child. And in fact, winter is the most beautiful and interesting time of the year.

Sayfullina Azalia, Kiryushkina Daria, Kurbanov Timur, Strizhakova Katya

In their creativity, the children depicted what was closest to their spirit. These are paintings native nature And winter activities children. Katya in her poem described all 3 winter months and why they are attractive. At Timur and Azalea winter - favorite season. Only in winter can children go downhill, ski and play in the snow. Arriving home after a walk, they decided to write about it. And Dasha asked the question of “permafrost” so that winter's tale never ended.



I like winter.

auto Saifullina Azalia.

Winter, although cold, is a wonderful time of year.

In winter it's fun to ride down the big ice slide.

In winter I like to go downhill

And have fun laughing loudly!

I love making a snowman

With orange carrots.

It's great to ski in winter, especially in the forest. The forest is quiet, beautiful, windless, surrounded by tall pines, and crunchy snow glistening underfoot. On frosty days, the trees are dressed in silvery frost. They stand beautiful, like in a fairy tale.

I like winter!


Winter's Tale.

auto Kiryushkina Daria.

It was snowing outside. Large and fluffy flakes fell, covering the ground with a warm blanket. My sister Olya and I went outside to sculpt a snow woman. We tried very hard, and we ended up with a kind, very cheerful grandmother. That's what we called it when we finished our work.

Girls, it's time to go home! - Mom called us.

But we didn’t want to part with our snowy grandmother.

“You go, and I’ll stay,” Olya said. - I feel sorry for my grandmother. We'll leave and the boys will break it.

You'll freeze. And my mother already called,” I shivered from the cold.

Let's take her with us! - Olya suggested. - Do you remember in the fairy tale that grandfather and grandmother took Snow Maiden home with them?

But if you and I are not fairy tales, how can we act like in a fairy tale,” I doubted.

So we'll see. “We have to try,” Olya decided and shouted. - Let's sled!

We slowly took her home.

What a miracle! She'll melt! - Mom exclaimed when she saw us with the snow grandmother.

“She will live on the balcony,” Olya was not at a loss.

We...we...will try to invent permafrost, - I instantly realized.

Now our snowy grandmother lives on our balcony. We play with her every day and even read fairy tales to keep her from getting bored. Only permafrost has not yet been invented. Well, it’s okay, there’s still time. It’s not for nothing that we go to school. I think we'll handle it by spring.


Winter day.

auto Timur Kurbanov

It's winter outside our window again,

Everything was covered with white paint all around.

The fields and paths were covered with snow,

Pictures appeared on the glass like in a fairy tale.

As soon as it got cold outside,

Everyone immediately felt happy because of the cold.

The kids went out into the yard for a walk,

Ride a sled, play in the snow.

It became fun and noisy on the street.

The guys played snowballs very friendly.

We built a fortress, rode a hill,

And they even made a snowman on the hill.

Laughter in the yard until late in the evening,

Frost does not stop children from playing.

And only at the call of their dads or moms,

They are reluctant to go home.



auto Strizhakova Ekaterina

There are woven patterns on the windows,

The trees look like silver

Down with bolts and locks!

I love nature in December!

And the forest? - what could be more wonderful!

And silence sounds like a song...

Forest enchanted by winter

Covered with snow fringe.

There are white feather feathers on the Christmas trees,

Birches are like ballerinas

Everyone lined up

Putting on your white outfit.

The New Year is rushing to our house,

And decorates the Christmas tree,

And joyful people all around,

January gives way to December.

Winter is in full swing!

Skis in hand!

We have no time to suffer from boredom!

Let's run forward!

And quickly down!

What surprise awaits us now?!

On a sled in a noisy crowd,

Winter is so good

And we fly with you on skates,

So that the soul sings.

The blizzard howls outside the window,

Here comes February

Winter will soon end,

It will be a great pity!

The most beautiful winter statuses about winter and snow with meaning about life and love for social networks, will become relevant very soon, because in a matter of days, we will be able to enjoy the most magical time of the year! With the onset of winter, an unknown, attractive and alluring snow life begins to awaken around us. Everything around begins to resemble an unreal fairy tale that you want to believe in!

“After a cold winter there always comes a sunny spring; Only this law should be remembered in life, and it is preferable to forget the opposite.” Leonid Soloviev.

❉ The first snow is like first love. Most likely it will melt, but a fairy tale begins with it...

❉ “Winter-ah-ah!!!”: knees and teeth chattered joyfully)

❉ “Even the most powerful snowstorms start with one snowflake.”

❉ “You are my fantasy on a cold winter night, my muse during the day and the only desire of my soul.”

❉ And it’s winter in the city and it’s gotten kind of cold, I’m looking for someone with whom the whole world is not enough. I believe that all the same, that person will appear in my life who will love me simply for what I am. He will rejoice at my smile, and in winter he will make me wear a warm scarf.

❉ The impeccably pure whiteness of the frost spurs the gloomy joy of languid anticipation... With hands reddened in the cold, I dial your number

❉ IN New Year's Eve I will definitely make a wish for you...*

❉ Due to the ice, the dream of having all men at our feet is beginning to come true!! =)

❉ It's the first day of winter! Let the first frost sting your cheeks and let the snow-covered path sparkle with a million gems. Beautiful fresh air fills with health and warm thoughts. I wish you comfort, cheerful friendly gatherings, wonderful evenings and many positive emotions! May this winter renew you and give you magical surprises!

❉ It’s sad when there are such flakes, and you have no one to throw into the snow, throw snowballs at, and then give you hot tea...

❉ December is the time to ski, build snowmen and eat tangerines!

❉ I'm looking forward to winter... Shuba hasn't been out for a walk in a long time, it's time to go for a walk in the frost!

❉ I wish everyone this winter to get into a winter fairy tale and get a piece of their happiness!

❉ The smell of chocolate and tangerines. New Year's advertisements. There's a snowstorm outside. Lights are burning all around. For complete happiness, one thing is missing...

❉ Winter is an icy fragment of the reality of a world split into parts...

❉ Winter is a time to make plans and see perspectives. Time to sleep under the snow and other blankets.

❉ Winter is a time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for conversation next to the fire: it is time for home.

❉ Winter is childhood... Long evenings with parents, the soft smell of tea with lemon, and good New Year's tales! ( beautiful statuses about winter)

❉ Winter is when you come home and go to put the kettle on before you turn on the computer.

❉ Winter is a fairy tale: beautiful, white, very, very clean! May your life be the same!

❉ Winter is an increased feeling of the need for the warmth of a loved one.

❉ Winter in the heart, blizzard in the soul...

❉ Winter was created in white colors for this reason, so that you can start your life with a white slate...

❉ Winter outside, snow underfoot, pain in the soul...

❉ Winter has come! But in my heart it’s not clear whether it’s spring or summer! It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s warm and colorful!

❉ Winter is a lot like unrequited love; cold and merciless.

❉ Winter shapes our character and brings out the best in us.

❉ Winter! January! Blizzard! Frost! Champagne! Candies! Roses! Caviar! Friends! Present! Christmas trees! Wine! Salad! Silk outfit! And toasts again!... You can’t stop us from living beautifully! It’s a pity that by morning there’s only one finale… Brine! Festal and analgin

❉ Winter. Blizzard. Snow. Cold. The weather is perfect for hot tea, a warm blanket and beautiful fairy tales.

Winter... it makes meetings shorter, faces sadder, loneliness more noticeable. But the words become warmer, and the love and kisses become stronger.

❉ Winter... The cold permeates every cell of my body... And at such moments I remember you.

❉ Winter... even though you are often so cold... but still even those to whom you bring cold and sadness are not offended, because you are so beautiful - all white and snowy...

❉ Winter... Nature is beautiful, but only in my thoughts, OH!!!

❉ Winter...for some, a cold and gloomy time of year! And for me it’s just time to snuggle up to you once again

❉ In winter, the line between night and day is blurred.

❉ In winter I need three things - perfume with the smell of snow, coffee with cinnamon and... your warmth.

❉ Take a break from the hustle and bustle in winter Everyday life and plunge into the fantastic world of books.

❉ In winter, the windows on the bus turn into a place of correspondence, as if everyone wants to express what is on their minds so that others can see.

❉ I want winter not only because of the snow and the New Year. It’s just that in winter you believe more in miracles, and in the most beautiful Fairy Tale of Love...

❉ Sometimes it seems to me that winter does not exist, that winter is a lie... because snow is just frozen drops of rain... and there is no hatred, because hatred is just frozen drops of love... (statuses about winter are beautiful and meaningful )

❉ I love ice - 3 splits, 5 swallows and I’m home)

❉ I love winter weather: funny knitted hats... sled tracks in the snow... a funny feeling of helplessness when you step on slippery ice, and the expectation of spring lurks in your heart...

❉ People only notice in winter that the spruce is green.

❉ Mandarin ducks are in use, which means the New Year is coming soon!

❉ The winter peace of our window warms my soul...

❉ I like it when it snows. The city immediately becomes quiet. Everything becomes so calm. No noise. As if something was about to happen.

❉ Frosty air invigorates and notifies that winter has arrived! Which means it’s time for warm blankets, big mugs of tea, magic, joy and festive fun! Let loving hearts warm you in winter!

❉ We are like autumn and winter, close but not together...

❉ The time has come for letters on frozen windows.

❉ Winter has begun... The hand on the mouse is freezing =))

❉ Nope! It's not snow! It's snowing!!!

❉ One day, in the cold winter season, I left the house. And then he came in!

❉ Congratulations on the beginning of winter, truly beautiful and charming, capable of inspiring with its snowy days, frosty and fresh air.

❉ Experience the miracle of winter, such a beautiful and charming guest in a snow-white outfit made of snow.

❉ The New Year holiday is a dinner ending with breakfast.

❉ Hello winter! A sparkling miracle! The flight of weightless snowflakes is like the feathers of an angel’s wing...

❉ Glass decorated with fancy patterns. Snow flakes slowly dance in the light of street lamps. This winter you will fall in love with something that has no longer come true. And silvery frost will nestle on your eyelashes.

❉ Let winter inspire you to new discoveries and allow you to believe that any dreams will certainly find fulfillment in reality!

❉ Let there be cold weather, frosty, fresh air, and snowfalls with blizzards. All this can leave the best, truly amazing feelings, allowing you to understand how beautiful mother winter can be.

❉ With every December coming, I want to hibernate like a bear until spring!

❉ Snow is a magical white blanket that makes everything amazing.

❉ Snow... Adults say that this is frozen water, but children know better: these are little stars with the magical taste of the New Year.

❉ Snowflakes are like kisses from heaven.

❉ Happiness. This winter it will certainly happen!

❉ Your words wanted to make me cry, but Winter and cold froze them, like my heart...

❉ You can immerse yourself in the magic of winter and understand how wonderful nature can be during such a wonderful period of the year.

❉ We have a whole winter ahead of us to learn to appreciate what will happen, and not what has passed.

❉ You have winter in your soul in summer and winter in your soul, and a couple more years and you’ll definitely go crazy...

❉ On the morning of a clear, frosty winter day, I will write down our story with a stick in the snow, and then when the warmth comes in the spring, I will sail away to new life along with the melted snow...

❉ I want New Year, snow, fireplace, coffee with cinnamon and his last name...

❉ What is a wonderful winter day? This is when the sun is shining, light snow is falling outside the window and you don’t have to get out from under the blanket!

❉ What does a woman want in winter? Feel the warmth of a man, press your cheek to his cheek and bask together by the fireplace. What does a woman always want? Desired to be and to be loved, blizzards, heat, thunderstorms - it doesn’t matter, as long as the soul is happy!

❉ I am the kind of person who drinks hot chocolate in the summer and eats ice cream in the winter.

❉ January, stop thinking that you are March...

Beautiful short and not very long winter statuses about winter and snow with meaning about love and life, for social networks are presented in this article.

There is so much magic, so much beauty in winter! Look around!

This is happiness: snow, marmalade and warm mittens...

Winter smells like tangerines, vanilla and hot chocolate.

What does winter smell like? - Miracle! After all, everything about it is fabulous!

Winter encourages us to warm goodness in our hands and share it with one touch.

Lord, I really wanted snow! So that in winter the human soul warms itself with the expectation of happiness and miracles.

The first snow is a wonderful phenomenon!

At first you wait for it for a long, long time, and then you watch with delight as snowflakes wrap the world in a white veil.

And I hid, almost not breathing... Oh, winter's fairy tale, how good you are!

Since childhood, I have experienced a kind of excitement in front of a fresh cover of snow... It’s like you’re entering some kind of new world, and the joy of discovery, the first contact with something pure, untouched, undefiled, permeates you all. John Steinbeck

Hello winter! A sparkling miracle! The flight of weightless snowflakes is like the feathers of an angel’s wing...

And how little children rejoice at snowflakes, run after them, catch them.

You raise your head to the sky, and the clouds sprinkle the world with sweet vanilla sugar.

And the snowflakes come to kiss...

Listen to the music of the snow, throw your soul up and freeze.

And if you look up at the falling snowflakes, it seems as if you are flying somewhere far, far away...

Winter is created in white colors for this reason, to start your life from scratch.

Skis, skates, snowballs,
Here are winter fun.
She's just around the corner
With snow and winds.

Winter! My knees and teeth were chattering joyfully!

There is only snow around.
We are on a snow planet.
It's a normal winter all around,
But we are happy about her like children.

If there were no winter in cities and villages, we would never have known these happy days!

Winter is a fairy tale: beautiful, white, very, very clean! May your life be the same!

Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets,
Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river glitters under the ice. A.S. Pushkin

Snow... Adults say that this is frozen water, but children know better: these are little stars with the magical taste of the New Year.

Think back to your childhood. It’s snowing outside, a blizzard, and they’ll wrap you in a jacket and take you on a sled with full bags of tangerines and sweets on your lap.

Winter has come! But in my heart it’s not clear whether it’s spring or summer! It doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s warm and colorful!

Winter is the time when you wait for summer, but at the same time you are madly happy about the snowfall, and quietly hum the song from the Coca-Cola advertisement.

I want to walk along a dimly lit street in the evening, where the snow crunches under my feet, my favorite music is playing in my headphones, and the path is illuminated by lanterns.

Winter. Blizzard. Snow. Cold. The weather is perfect for hot tea, a warm blanket and beautiful fairy tales.

A purring cat and a burning fireplace make winter pleasant. Scottish proverb

There are winter books. Not the ones about winter, but the ones that make the snowstorm outside the window cozy. Nadeya Yasminska

The beauty of spring is experienced only in winter, and, sitting by the stove, you compose the best May songs. Heinrich Heine

Winter... Snow falls on the ground in huge flakes. He's everywhere. A stunningly quiet, bright night; there is so much peace in her.

I love winter not because of the New Year, but because it brings people together who are in the same room in the evening, when billions of snowflakes fly past the windows and the wind howls in the drainpipes.

Winter is very long, isn't it? - It seems long, but it won’t last forever.

You can love winter and carry the warmth within you, or you can prefer summer while remaining a shard of ice.

"WITH. Lukyanenko"

It's not the weather that takes us by surprise, it's the climate. We are never ready for winter.

In winter, all the birds fly south, and the hares change their fur coats... Dear, am I a bunny or a bird?

I don’t want winter at all, I just want to walk in the snow in my favorite fur coat and celebrate the New Year... That’s it. One day is enough.

I love winter because in winter you can stay at home without feeling guilty.

"Teresa Skelton"

I love winter only in March, when I know for sure that it is over.

"Rina Green"

After a cold winter there always comes a sunny spring; Only this law should be remembered in life, and the opposite one should be forgotten.

"Leonid Soloviev"

What difference does it make, summer or winter? Happiness comes in no season.

Turn into children in winter and live as if you were a child - without hiding your feelings and emotions.

In winter, the line between night and day is blurred.

Winter fitness: by the time I got to the store... 5 longitudinal splits... 10 transverse splits... side bends... squats... obstacle course... Eh, the body is invigorated!

Lord, I really wanted snow! So that in winter the human soul warms itself with the expectation of happiness and miracles.

You have to have no soul not to love winter.

"Peter Kwiatkovsky"

And I love winter, there is a lot of joy in it, in it I met my happiness...

Those who met in winter have the longest relationships. If he likes you despite your thick sweater, clumsy down jacket, stupid hat and red nose - this is definitely love!

Why do I like winter more than summer? Yes, because in the heat of over 40, you don’t want to hug your loved one and watch TV.

Happy is he who does not notice whether it is summer or winter.

We are from the North - we see our dreams, languishing all our lives with a premonition of winter.

"Alexander Gushchin"

When autumn stands opposite summer and grins coldly, winter slowly digs a hole behind her to bury her there.

"Feng Zicai"

Winter would come immediately on the first day of December. I got up in the morning, and the city was covered with snow, and there was no dank, dirty autumn.

Winter is like a ruble - it knows what is inevitable, but still tries something.

Winter is a good thing when it’s real winter - with ice on the rivers, hail, sleet, bitter frosts, blizzards and everything else, but spring is no good - continuous rain, mud, slush, one word - melancholy, and soon it would end.

"Mark Twain"

When winter comes, even the mightiest oak trees lose their leaves.

"Charles de Coster"

Scientists say that people are less tolerant of heat than cold, and every summer I agree. But as soon as winter comes and gets really stiff in the cold, my body challenges the previous agreement.

"Miguel Grace"

Winter is when you walk down the street and snowflakes come kissing you! I come home all kissed...

The first day of winter reminds us that New Year is coming soon.

And winter frightens me, because winter is a time of comfort.

"A. Rimbaud"

Contrary to appearances, winter is the time of hope.

"Gilbert Sesbron"

Winter is magic, it is a fairy tale in which we are the main characters. You never know what will happen, but I am sure that adventures will bring love.

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