The best martial artist in the world. Interesting things on the web! Fedor Emelianenko

Exciting martial arts talents that have revolutionized the way we think about the world of cinematic fighting. Who are they and why are they so famous?

  1. Master of Kung Fu comedy.

There is not a person who does not recognize Jackie Chan as an outstanding, living legend. I can’t even believe that young Jackie Chan began his first steps in cinema as a stuntman in the films of the great Bruce Lee. It is not at all strange that the first impression of critics about the young Chinese actor-martial artist was biased - they saw him only as a follower, a possible copy of Bruce Lee, whose level no one can reach. And Jackie Chan understood this and, moreover, accepted it - who better than him understood that there would never be a next Bruce Lee. Therefore, Jackie chose his own path, his own path and decided to give the world his original, real self! The natural charm and childish humor of the Kung Fu master played a significant role - just remember the masterpiece “Drunken Master”, released in 1978. Jackie Chan did not play an invincible handsome man, he broadcast his real, cheerful and cocky self onto the screen - the average viewer sincerely wanted to worry and root for such a hero. It was Jackie who established the rule and showed a different hero - not stately, not cool and not invincible in Hollywood. Jackie Chan still demonstrates that great martial arts masters do not have to be stereotyped, uniform, and look like they came off the covers of a magazine.

  1. The legendary wushu master for losers.

He is absolutely not handsome according to the classic models of world actors: he does not have outstanding height, his skin, even saturated with makeup, does not look perfect, and his signature facial expression resembles the grimace of a mischievous child. The aura of celebrity, a certain feeling with which he fills his viewer, gives him, of course, his outstanding skills! It’s hard to imagine, but still in childhood, little Jet Li demonstrated his remarkable talent, confirmed by an impressive number of gold medals - and this in a country where almost every child is familiar with Wushu! The secret of success is speed - Jet Li is incredibly fast, and evidence of this is captured in every film he participates in. Sometimes it’s even hard to believe that the speed is conveyed in real time and conditions, and not the result of editing.

In addition to his talent in the field of wushu, the talent of Jet, the Actor, is also recognized. Jet Li is one of the favorites of Hollywood directors, which is why the Chinese actor’s filmography includes so many American-made films.

You readily believe Jet Li when he, in fact, small man, fights and defeats those who significantly surpass him in strength and capabilities.

6 and 5. Michelle Yeoh and Zhang Ziyi. Masters of Cat Fighting - Kung Fu

Female characters were not allowed to enter the cinematic world of martial arts until 2000. Only Michelle Yeoh and Zhang Ziyi were able to fundamentally change the opinion about female kung fu masters and gain the respect of their male colleagues - all thanks are addressed to them!

Women willingly mixed high quality martial arts with dance art, and it looked truly magnificent and deadly on camera. There was no doubt that any of these women would outshine any famous wrestler, and would do it so beautifully and gracefully that men could only envy. These actresses created beautiful, bright and courageous, killer images.

  1. Gordon Liu. Master of Remade Shaolin

Gordon Liu, one of the whales that rules the world of martial arts films. The films with the participation of Master Gordon were not as popular and high-quality as the films of his heirs, but it was he who laid the foundation and created the road for films and heroes that glorified the skills of kung fu and wushu.

His calling card is the role of San Te in “The 36 Steps of Shaolin” and a series of sequels to the film.

Interestingly, it was these poorly recorded and terribly edited films that inspired the notorious Quentin Tarantino to “Kill Bill.” It’s even more curious that Gordon Liu also found roles in these films, and not the last ones.

Liu's fame reached India; the actor took part in Bollywood films. So, he is justifiably a world-class star.

  1. Kung Fu Master – mix

Stephen Chow is close to everyone who has at least once heard or seen Shaolin football or an incomprehensible violent action involving kung fu techniques! Zhou is an explosive mixture of a top comedian, a martial artist and a cartoon character. All of his films have a clear focus on Chinese culture, are filled with Chinese humor, but are funny and understandable to any viewer, regardless of nationality. Chow pioneered the use of massive amounts of digital animation to make his films look truly stunning, inspiring and absolutely breathtaking.

His motto: “Special effects should not look real, they should look funny and surreal, like comic books.”: Chow does not step on his foot to a good person, and the poor guy’s finger turns into a pancake! He throws a whole swarm of enemies into the air, and they explode into the sky like festive confetti. A killer mixture and a really popular idea!

  1. . Master of Cool Kung Fu

Donnie Yen is an actor you definitely saw, but definitely didn’t remember. And it’s not about the talent of the game and skill, but about the company - he always played supporting roles with famous actors in the foreground. Yen has starred in films such as “Hero” with Jet Li, “Once Upon a Time in China II”, and “Shanghai Knights” with Jackie Chan - it is difficult to remain in the mind and sight next to Jet and Jackie. This is probably why Donnie Yen is still little known in Hollywood and has not taken part in such a decent number American projects like his compatriots.

Ian has his original style combat: calmly fights in a room with enemies, frankly bored and willingly exposing himself to a possible retaliatory strike. Having given himself a chance to be caught, Ian unleashes his killing blows. Unlike other actors in this genre, Ian takes the lead because there is a huge chance that this actor's prospects are very bright and successful, and will definitely take him across the Pacific Ocean.

  1. Number One Master of Kung Fu Movies

Bruce Lee is a personality, a truly legendary and unforgettable character. If martial artists had their own personal god, Bruce Lee would be the one to play this role.

It was he who paved the way for Asia to America, it was he who radically changed the attitude of Americans towards Asians in general!

He became the first non-white key action star. African American, Latin American and Asian actors owe their appearance in films to Bruce Lee.

Bruce also became the first action actor to abandon special effects and stuntmen - he was for naturalness and truthfulness in the frame, so every day he worked on his body and skills in order to be able to impress his audience again and again.

Bruce Lee was a genius not only in existing battles, but also became the founder of his own movement - Jeet Kune. All Bruce Lee's films are recognized and belong to the classics of the genre and do not lose their popularity to this day.

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One legendary martial artist said that a man has a weapon - which cannot be seen until he has used it, and cannot be taken away while he is alive. It's about the art of combat. Master-legends include karatekas, boxers and MMA fighters. But they are united by one thing - they improved, developed martial arts and became famous thanks to their impeccable mastery of martial arts.

Ip Man is a master of Chinese martial arts. He taught the Wing Chun style to Bruce Lee. Ip Man's contribution to the development of martial art is that he managed to popularize the closed style of Wing Chun; it became the property of people, but had previously been carefully hidden. Ip Man worked for the Chinese police and practiced Wing Chun skills.

At this time the master was a little over twenty years old. In a decade, he will leave the police, open a martial arts school and train dozens of students - highly qualified masters. He also owns the basic methods of teaching Wing Chun. In the mid-twentieth century, Ip Man created the “Athletic Association of Wing Chun”, which united all the masters of this style.

Probably the most famous Kung Fu and Wing Chun fighter. He studied with Ip Man, mastered Chinese martial arts, and subsequently became a famous film artist and idol of the generations of the eighties and nineties. Bruce Lee starred in more than forty films. He dedicated one of them, “Ip Man,” to his mentor. One of his achievements is the development of staged Kung Fu acrobatics, which made the style more spectacular and vibrant. Thanks to him, martial arts became popular in the USA, Europe and Russia.

The legendary “grandfather” of the Russian Style of Hand-to-Hand Combat. Alexey Kadochnikov is a hereditary officer who devoted his entire life to the creation and development of the Russian Style of hand-to-hand combat. He put together everything that was known about the martial art of our ancestors and, based on this research, created a universal system of hand-to-hand combat, which is now taught to soldiers in the special forces. For many years Kadochnikov studied characterization, Cossack fighting, and Russian fighting. In the years Soviet power the military heritage of the Russians was lost, and Kadochnikov’s merit is the revival of the traditions of our, domestic martial art.

And this is the founder of the Small Circle of Jiu-Jitsu. It was he who came up with the famous circular movement of the hand in a circle, which allows you to effectively grab the enemy. He has a tenth dan in Jiu-Jitsu and is included in the top hundred influential people in the world of martial arts. The direction of the Small Circle has become a sports branch in this art, and tournaments and competitions are regularly held in it. Wally Jay was a close friend of Bruce Lee, and even starred with him in one of his films.

Masutatsu Oyama, creator of the Kyokushinkai style of karate, holder of the tenth dan. It was he who made the greatest contribution to the development of Japanese karate - this was the creation of the Association of Japanese Martial Arts, and the writing of books about karate and the establishment of national karate competitions in Japan. Although he was a Korean by birth, Masutatsu Oyama grew up in Japan and became interested in the samurai and karate traditions as a child. A year-long hermitage in the mountains played a big role in his development as a master.

If you ask people which boxer they know, ninety out of a hundred will name Mohamed Ali. His real name is Clay Cassius. Throughout his life, he became the light heavyweight champion many times, and in 1999 he was recognized as the “athlete of the century.” He became the prototype for the film "Rocky". In the ring, Ali behaved impudently, sometimes insulting his opponents and carrying out lightning-fast attacks. The athlete's main calling card was the speed of the strike and the inertial uppercut - one of the most difficult elements in boxing.

Fighter, artist and director. Thanks to his films, the Kung Fu style became known to millions of people. The boys in the courtyards played “Jackie Chan,” jumping from various supports on each other and creating dumps. He made the Kung Fu style spectacular, added a lot of kicks, jumps and spins, and many elements of lower acrobatics to the traditional martial arts. Another achievement of Chan is the creation of a film concern that specializes in filming films about martial arts.

888 fights and only one defeat in the entire sports career. The Federation of Classical Wrestling recognized our compatriot Alexander Karelin as the most effective athlete. He has as many awards as the entire team sometimes does not have. Karelin three-time winner Olympic Games, and from 1992 to 1998 the permanent holder of the world title in classical wrestling. In Russia, Karelin created the Freestyle Wrestling Association and his own sports school.

And this is the first Thai boxing master in the world to win the K-1 championship. This athlete competes not only in Muay Thai, but also in kickboxing. Known for his mixed media and by exact calculation action in the ring. His fighting style can be called “mathematical”; it seems that the athlete sees and predicts his opponent three blows ahead. He was named the most successful kickboxer for the period from 2006 to 2010. Today Buako Por Paramuk is the most famous Thai boxer in the world.

Anatoly Kharlampiev is the creator of sambo wrestling. From the age of six he performed in the circus as a gymnast, then his father began teaching the boy French wrestling and boxing, preparing him for performances. Leaving his career as a circus performer, Kharlampiev began studying the fighting styles of Judo, English boxing and French wrestling. Based on these directions, he created Combat Sambo- which became the most popular wrestling in the Soviet Union. Sambo was studied in sports schools, in the army and in military schools.

Video: 10 Legendary Martial Artists

Only a self-sufficient person stands alone; the majority follows the crowd and imitates it.

Don't try to be a mountain of muscles. Brute physical strength will not defeat speed and endurance.

It doesn't matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop.

Today, martial arts are developing, and there are more and more specialists in this field. Martial arts divided into different branches and styles, a certain split occurred. Who practices Karate, who goes to Thai Boxing, MMA, Wing Chun, Krav Maga, Boxing, Wushu, Jiu-Jitsu, hand-to-hand combat, Sambo. Moreover, these directions have additional branches under them, for example, only one “Karate” has about 10 varieties. The very concept of “Kung Fu” is so voluminous that it cannot be contained in a single style or system. Many instructors “masters” of these directions often raise the question that only their direction is invincible, while discarding everything that already exists. They long years continue to do the same thing and think that it is best solution in its development.

Bruce Lee encountered this fact when he believed that his direction of “Gian Fan Kung Fu” was very effective, at that time he had several schools in Auckland in which he taught and only in 1964 he changed his mind after the fight with a Chinese master, for the right to teach non-Chinese. Bruce Lee won the fight, but was very disappointed, after which his own direction, Jeet Kune Do, was born.

Human potential is limitless. There is no absolute world champion in contact martial arts. There will always be a person who can defeat another and take over the baton. For example, the absolute world champion in boxing will compete with the MMA champion, in any case, only one will win under full contact conditions, it turns out that then all the belts must belong to the winner. The winner may lose, for example, to a Shaolin monk, who will pierce him with his fingers, so the belts must belong to the monk, etc. by cycle. Fights are turning into show business; a person can enter the ring for rewards, and not for self-development and real combat. In early times, strong fighters began to use edged weapons in martial arts, so swords, knives, sabers, etc. appeared, even an experienced fighter without weapons will be defeated by a samurai.

However, what is a martial artist? One such example: Masutatsu Oyama, Bruce Lee also possessed these skills, in particular, this Okinawa direction. In essence, there is no battle as such, as most are accustomed to seeing. The battle begins and ends almost immediately, regardless of the opponent’s power, perhaps the opponent will try to land several blows and even hit the master, but the outcome of the battle will be very quick. There is no wrestling, no grappling, no special rules, only the sound of one or two striking blows from the master is heard. Masters of this level do not live in big cities; they devote their entire lives to continuous training, strength, spirit and mind. The essence of a master is not to be a first-class fighter, but to develop your inner potential.

People who contributed to the development and spread various types martial arts - a great variety. This article has attempted to introduce readers to the outstanding masters of the twentieth century, i.e. by our contemporaries.
1. Jet Li. Wushu

Real name: Li Liangjie. Born in 1963 in China, and already at the age of 11 became the champion of the People's Republic of China in all-around. By 1979 Lee becomes a four-time Wushu champion. At the age of 17 he began acting in films, where he received the nickname “Jet”, which means “jet”. Today, Jet Li is one of the most famous Chinese actors, fluent in martial arts.

2 Fedor Emelianenko. Mixed martial arts(MMA)

Russian athlete, born in 1976. in Lugansk region. He performs in mixed martial arts (MMA - Mixed Martial Arts). He is a four-time MMA heavyweight champion; repeatedly recognized as the best wrestler in his category. Fedor remained invincible for almost 10 years, which has never happened in the history of MMA.

3 Bruce Lee. Kung Fu

A world-famous actor who made a huge contribution to the popularization of martial arts. He began practicing kung fu in his youth, where he showed incredible abilities. Wing Chun became the main style for Bruce Lee; later he developed his own style of Jeet Kune Do - “the way of the leading fist.”

4 Muhammad Ali. Boxing

Boxing legend, multiple world light heavyweight champion. Real name: Cassius Clay. Made his debut in 1960. He took the name Muhammad Ali when he joined the Nation of Islam. In 1999 was named "athlete of the century". Famous for his use psychological pressure at opponents, rudely treating and humiliating them before the fight. The fight with Chuck Wepner became the prototype for the creation of the film "Rocky".

5 Alexander Karelin. Classic wrestling

Three-time Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling in the up to 130 kg category. His favorite technique, the “reverse belt,” brought Alexander many victories.

6 Masutatsu Oyama. Karate

One of the most significant karate masters, having 10 dan. Masutatsu is the founder of Kyokushinkai karate, the creator of the Kyokushinkai organization (IKO), which he headed until his death in 1994. He is famous for being able to cut off a bull's horns with a blow from his palm.

7 Buako Por Pramuk. Muay Thai

Two-time K-1 MAX champion, the first fighter to achieve this twice. Born in Thailand, and at the age of 15 he began performing for the Por club. Pramuk." The nickname "Buako" means " White Lotus" Before K-1, Buako received several Muay Thai championship titles. In 2011 he fought 8 fights, all of them ended in his victory.

8 Benny Urquidez. Kickboxing

American kickboxing champion. Benny was born in 1952. In Los Angeles. At the age of 3 he began boxing, and at 5 he was already performing in the ring. At the age of 14 he received a black belt. During his sports career, which lasted 27 years (according to other sources, 24 years), he did not lose a single one of his 66 fights.

9 Wally Jay. Jujutsu

Founder of Small Circle Jiu-Jitsu. This direction is based on the movement of the hand in a small circle, which allows for painful holds and grips to be carried out most effectively. Wally is a 10th Dan in Jiu-Jitsu and is listed as one of the Top 100 Martial Arts Influencers. Author of “10 principles of the Small Circle”, compatible with almost any style. He was a close friend and sparring partner of Bruce Lee.

10 Kharlampiev Anatoly. Sambo

One of the founders of sambo wrestling. From the age of 6 he performed as a gymnast in the circus, and at the age of 16 he was already known as a good fighter, trained by his father, a boxer, and his grandfather, a specialist in fist fighting. He was fluent in French wrestling, English and French boxing, and studied judo under the guidance of Vasily Oshchepkov. In 1938 headed the Sambo Federation and worked on its dissemination and development.

There are a great many people who contributed to the development and spread of various types of martial arts. This article has attempted to introduce readers to the outstanding masters of the twentieth century, i.e. by our contemporaries.
1. Jet Li. Wushu

Real name: Li Liangjie. Born in 1963 in China, and already at the age of 11 became the champion of the People's Republic of China in all-around. By 1979 Lee becomes a four-time Wushu champion. At the age of 17 he began acting in films, where he received the nickname “Jet”, which means “jet”. Today, Jet Li is one of the most famous Chinese actors, fluent in martial arts.

2. Fedor Emelianenko. Mixed martial arts (MMA)

Russian athlete, born in 1976. in Lugansk region. He performs in mixed martial arts (MMA - Mixed Martial Arts). He is a four-time MMA heavyweight champion; repeatedly recognized as the best wrestler in his category. Fedor remained invincible for almost 10 years, which has never happened in the history of MMA.

3. Bruce Lee. Kung Fu

A world-famous actor who made a huge contribution to the popularization of martial arts. He began practicing kung fu in his youth, where he showed incredible abilities. Wing Chun became the main style for Bruce Lee; later he developed his own style of Jeet Kune Do - “the way of the leading fist.”

4. Muhammad Ali. Boxing

Boxing legend, multiple world light heavyweight champion. Real name: Cassius Clay. Made his debut in 1960. He took the name Muhammad Ali when he joined the Nation of Islam. In 1999 was named "athlete of the century". He is famous for using psychological pressure on opponents, rudely treating and humiliating them before the fight. The fight with Chuck Wepner became the prototype for the creation of the film "Rocky".

5. Alexander Karelin. Classic wrestling

Three-time Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling in the up to 130 kg category. His favorite technique, the “reverse belt,” brought Alexander many victories.

6. Masutatsu Oyama. Karate

One of the most significant karate masters, having 10 dan. Masutatsu is the founder of Kyokushinkai karate, the creator of the Kyokushinkai organization (IKO), which he headed until his death in 1994. He is famous for being able to cut off a bull's horns with a blow from his palm.

7. Buako Por Pramuk. Muay Thai

Two-time K-1 MAX champion, the first fighter to achieve this twice. Born in Thailand, and at the age of 15 he began performing for the Por club. Pramuk." The nickname "Buako" means "White Lotus". Before K-1, Buako received several Muay Thai championship titles. In 2011 he fought 8 fights, all of them ended in his victory.

8. Benny Urquidez. Kickboxing

American kickboxing champion. Benny was born in 1952. In Los Angeles. At the age of 3 he began boxing, and at 5 he was already performing in the ring. At the age of 14 he received a black belt. During his sports career, which lasted 27 years (according to other sources, 24 years), he did not lose a single one of his 66 fights.

9. Wally Jay. Jujutsu

Founder of Small Circle Jiu-Jitsu. This direction is based on the movement of the hand in a small circle, which allows for painful holds and grips to be carried out most effectively. Wally is a 10th Dan in Jiu-Jitsu and is listed as one of the Top 100 Martial Arts Influencers. Author of “10 principles of the Small Circle”, compatible with almost any style. He was a close friend and sparring partner of Bruce Lee.

10. Kharlampiev Anatoly. Sambo

One of the founders of sambo wrestling. From the age of 6 he performed as a gymnast in the circus, and at the age of 16 he was already known as a good fighter, trained by his father, a boxer, and his grandfather, a specialist in fist fighting. He was fluent in French wrestling, English and French boxing, and studied judo under the guidance of Vasily Oshchepkov. In 1938 headed the Sambo Federation and worked on its dissemination and development.


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