Magical influence on a person at a distance. Suggestion

Meet different people, some of them can be difficult to negotiate. How to implement thought suggestion effectively? Discover your ability to telepathic hypnosis!

The Powerful Powers of Hypnosis!

Hypnosis¹ is a special state of consciousness in which a person has very high suggestibility. Everything that is said is embedded in the subconscious and affects a person’s behavior.

This is the basis for some methods of getting rid of bad habits or character correction, when, for example, a subconscious attitude causes aversion to smoking or blocks some kind of panic fears.

However, every person has the ability to hypnosis. This article describes an effective technique for introducing the desired mental attitude into another person using telepathy!

Telepathic hypnosis is the most powerful system of hypnotic influence. You can use it to instill any thoughts in another person.

The transmission of thoughts over a distance is a real thing, and scientists are gradually getting closer to recognizing it. Thought is a wave; directed in a focused manner, it always reaches the final object and influences it.

Using this technique, you will be able to instill thoughts into other people, encourage them to do what you need. This will be very helpful in situations where it is impossible to reach an agreement in a normal way.

With practice of this method, you will develop yours and learn to influence other people almost instantly!

The most important thing is that this method does not violate free will: the person simply suddenly begins to adhere to a point of view that is favorable to you and acts based on it.

Suggestion of thoughts at a distance: technique

This practice is carried out mainly at night, when the consciousness of the object of suggestion is relaxed or asleep. This is the most favorable moment, since during sleep a person’s subconscious is maximally open to influence.

It is under these conditions that it is necessary to carry out telepathic suggestion of thoughts to another person: this way he will accept other people’s thoughts as his own.

This method allows you to instill love, health, any emotion in any person, you can also introduce a mental image with a specific command.

Before starting practice, you need to compose the desired image or text of suggestion, memorize it in order to pronounce it at the right moment.

1. The practitioner takes a sitting or lying position, closes his eyes and relaxes all the muscles of his body and face. Gradually this will bring the person into a relaxed meditative state.

2. He remains aware and dives even deeper. To do this, a person concentrates on his breathing, observes the process and does not interfere.

3. After some time of concentration, the practitioner will realize that his train of thought has stopped and he is in a deep trance.

4. The person remembers the person to whom the thought needs to be inspired. His image needs to be presented as vividly as possible. It is useful to reproduce the feeling that appears when meeting him live. With practice, this will create the effect of presence and increase the effectiveness of the technique!

5. The practitioner begins to mentally repeat the memorized text for suggestion, imagining how an energy channel is built, how it connects to a person’s head, and how a thought, repeated many times, is introduced there.

You must repeat with concentration, without being distracted by any extraneous thought! The number of repetitions of the text of suggestion is strictly individual for each practitioner: at some point he will feel that it is enough. In practice, you need to repeat the command at least 20 times.

6. Afterwards, the person imagines how the object of suggestion fulfills the thought, the order that was implanted in him: for example, how he goes to the phone, dials the desired number and calls.

All these images need to be sent through the energy channel to the object’s head.

7. At the end, the practitioner imagines how in the object’s head the inspired commands are transformed into his personal thoughts and desires.

Practice should be carried out for 15 minutes. daily.

The results will shock you. Soon you will learn how to make powerful hypnotelepathic suggestions to anyone and watch them do what you want!


It is important to remember that all your actions are taken into account. higher powers and are your responsibility!

The law of karma³ (cause and effect) should be taken into account: everything you do towards another person comes back to you threefold. Any negativity will return, you can be sure of it!

Therefore, you need to meaningfully create texts of suggestion, based on the principle “do no harm.”

With regular practice, you can develop powerful thought power and make your ability of telepathic suggestion very strong. A counterweight ordinary hypnosis, almost no one can resist telepathic hypnosis!

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Hypnosis is a temporary state of consciousness caused by self-hypnosis or the influence of a hypnotist, characterized by a sharp focus of attention and high susceptibility to suggestion (Wikipedia).

² Learn the technique of self-hypnosis

Suggestion- this is the process of influence by one person on the subconscious of another, in which the latter’s uncritical perception of the attitudes that are implanted occurs. Suggestion is a specially formed emotional or verbal construction. Psychological suggestion blocks a person's thinking and changes his behavior. Many people firmly believe that only they control their behavior and own thoughts. But many experts claim and prove that such phenomena exist: suggestion, telepathy, hypnosis. It is with the help of these techniques that some people influence others, instilling in them their thoughts and desires. Not a single sphere of human activity can do without suggestion; many social processes occur only thanks to it.

Suggestion on a person occurs during communication, education, work, and relationships. Sometimes this process of influencing a person is used for selfish purposes, benefit; psychological suggestion is used for the sake of auxiliary therapy, for example, with attitudes towards well-being.

Together with the concept of suggestion, the term is used, and the person using suggestion is called a suggestor.

The art of suggestion includes the use of verbal and non-verbal methods of influence. Often a person does not understand that during communication they influence him, imposing their own moods and opinions.

The power of suggestion increases with repeated repetition of the influence. It is necessary to repeat the information suggested to a person several times, since he will not be able to remember it and perceive it as proper information the first time.

The strength of the influence process depends on several factors: the mood of the suggestible, his emotional stability, the nature of the influence, the conditions of implementation, the authority of the suggestible, pliability, natural Disasters and other factors.

Suggestion, the technique of the method, is based on the individual’s readiness to accept the transmitted information on a subconscious level, so it is often more effective method beliefs that are based on logical evidence.

Psychological suggestion instills in a person other people’s ideas and thoughts, feelings and even sensations, without using any evidence or logical explanations. This process Individuals who manifest themselves as spiritually weak, timid, fearful and shy, those who uncritically perceive others, those who are too trusting and simple-minded, prone to dependence on others are very susceptible to influence.

Difficult to suggest strong personalities, owning business activity, proactive, energetic; arrogant and proud; unsociable and gloomy; eccentric; too frank; not dependent on others or having someone in their own dependence.

The following factors will contribute to the implementation of suggestion:

— internal dependence;

— overwork and psychophysical exhaustion of the object;

- psychological tension;

— unexpectedness of the information message;

- repeated message repetition;

- specific emotionality and absolute logic of the suggestor;

Suggestion to a person may not be carried out if internal barriers interfere with its implementation, including:

- critical-logical - a person rejects what he considers logically unfounded;

- intuitive-affective - the individual does not perceive information that does not evoke subconscious trust;

- ethical - a person does not accept material that contradicts his moral and ethical laws.

Overcoming the described barriers does not involve focusing on eliminating them, but making adjustments. For example, in order to influence an individual with a small degree, it is necessary to combine influences with strong negative emotions, if this person is intellectually developed, then use positive emotions.

If the subject is uncertain or depressed, it is best to approach him with a commanding tone, using gestures and facial expressions.

Suggestion of thoughts

Often, those closest to you can, out of the most benevolent motives, use suggestion on a person, and make him believe that this perception is his own.

When influencing, it is absolutely not necessary to use only verbal or tactile contact to impose information on a person; you can do this from a distance.

Suggestion to a person, in contrast to the suppressive phenomena that modern mystics claim to be real, is an objective fact of reality. Scientists call it hypnosis. Hypnosis can change the state of consciousness. An individual who is awake or, conversely, asleep, is difficult to hypnotize. For a hypnotic suggestion to be effective, the individual must be in a state of drowsiness or trance. Consciousness in such an intermediate state acquires specific properties. The individual’s degree of criticality of consciousness sharply drops, the mechanism for forming a critical assessment of material coming from outside and the process of filtering data that do not agree with his experience, beliefs, laws of logic, habits, prejudices weakens, therefore, he will perceive everything that is told to him .

also in this state the impact of imagination and fantasy on conscious processes increases. Things that could previously be regulated by logical mechanisms now begin to obey only emotional perception, so if previously all decisions were made based solely on the criteria of right or wrong, profitable or unprofitable, now they change: like and dislike. That is why main role Here the very personality of the suggestive hypnotist and the level of trust will play out.

At first, the hypnotic process of influence was considered as a tool through which it was permissible to instill in a person anything, any thoughts. Gradually, psychotherapists who practiced came to the conclusion that hypnotic suggestion will be effective if the suggested information corresponds to the needs of the person.

If the inspired thoughts are contrary to the needs and attitudes of the individual, then she may develop internal conflict, depression, nervous breakdown, breakdown will form. Due to the possible consequences, hypnotic suggestion is used only through the use of Ericksonian hypnosis, in which no suggestion is made ready-made solutions and thoughts. The patient gets the opportunity to sneak into his own, there to discover the cause of personal problems and, thanks to an experienced doctor, find their solution.

Suggestion of thoughts will have positive results if certain rules are followed. Thus, the object of influence must remain in this state until critical thinking and sober logical analysis of information are turned off.

The person who carries out the suggestion of thoughts must believe in the information that he inspires in the ward. If he fails to do this, then the suggestible will not be able to trust and the process will fail. Also, the suggestible person should not feel dissatisfied with himself during the influence session, otherwise the result will not be achieved. It is worth keeping all the promises given to the inspired. To improve your art of suggestion, you need to practice often.

Methods of suggestion

To persuade a person to take a desired action, block an undesirable behavior or way of thinking; the rapid spread of rumors and necessary information methods of suggestion are necessary.

Types of suggestion have several classifications, one of which includes the following: verbal, non-verbal, unintentional and intentional.

Verbal influence is realized using verbal formulations.

Nonverbal suggestion is carried out wordlessly, through intonations, postures and glances. Nonverbal influence has three subtypes: catalepsy, pause and levitation.

Unintentional suggestion is when the suggestor, without having specific goals to suggest something to the object of influence, does not make a conscious effort to do so. This type of influence is effective when the object is internally disposed to the evoked information.

Intentional suggestion is when the suggestor has a goal of influence and clearly understands what exactly he is going to and will suggest, and applies all the steps to achieve his goal.

Types of suggestion in content: positive - allows you to achieve positive changes in the state of the object, its character, emotions and behavior.

Negative suggestion is psychological impact of a negative nature, after which negative states, actions, properties and feelings appear.

Some masters distinguish the following types of suggestion:

- exposure when the client is awake, when his consciousness is fully active;

- in a relaxing state of the individual, in which muscular and psychological relaxation appears;

- hypnotic suggestion, in which the object of influence appears in an altered psychophysiological state;

- mental suggestion carried out without direct contact with the person;

- metaphysical suggestion is a combination of conversation about the reality of the “I” of the individual and the indivisibility of the Universe with thought process impact. This method is used to heal the client mentally or physically.

There are also other types of suggestion: pressure, strong persuasion, emotional-volitional influence.

Indirect suggestions are an influence in which the individual has his own choice to reject or still accept the influence. Such influence is necessary to direct a person’s actions, emotions and thoughts in the direction that he is trying to avoid. Indirect suggestions are divided into the following types:

- sequence of acceptance: when the suggestor lists the statements that the individual perceives, and at the end of the list the attitude that needs to be accepted is pronounced;

- implication: the suggestor speaks firmly about possible consequences, and the client sets himself up precisely for the predicted outcome;

— double bind: the client is asked to make one choice between two similar options;

- a suggestion in which the suggestor voices a list possible options situations, while missing the most significant event. Subsequently, the individual's attention is attracted to it most of all, and he fixes his consciousness on a certain aspect.

Hypnotic suggestion is an effect that immerses the client in a state of altered consciousness. With the help of the suggestor’s manipulations, a person deepens into a hypnotic sleep, and while in the state of this sleep, he reacts animatedly to the statements of the hypnotist. There is no critical assessment of the information, so the commands go into the subconscious itself, skipping conscious analysis. Then there is an impact on behavior, health and psycho-emotional state.

According to another classification, there are the following types of suggestion:

— mechanical: the client is influenced through things and phenomena that have a monotonous effect (sound, light);

- mental suggestion, the same as verbal - influence by word;

- magnetic suggestion - based on the use of therapeutic magnetism.

Experts believe that the best effect is achieved by combining magnetic and psychic influences.

Psychological suggestion is distinguished separately from other types; it is often correlated with everyday suggestion. IN psychological suggestion a special psychological influence of a suggestor on a suggestor is used, who uses verbal and non-verbal methods of communication. The quality of the suggestor's arguments is not so high, the criticality of the suggestor's thoughts is low. It turns out that the suggestor delves into the weak arguments of the suggestor, and includes them among his own, without requiring evidence for this. Here the suggestor is not so much influenced by the source, form of suggestion and content, as by the personality of the suggestor, who evokes unconditional trust.

Attitudes that are inspired by the suggestor and laid down in the subconscious of the suggestor become part of his personality. Subsequently, the individual who was influenced changes his usual behavior in accordance with the received attitudes.

Suggestion at a distance is a method in which attitudes are imposed on an individual when he is not in the immediate area of ​​action. This method has the ability to change beliefs and behavior.

Suggestion at a distance is associated with phenomena such as hypnosis and telepathy.

Suggestion at a distance

Skeptics do not recognize the suggestion of thoughts at an indefinite distance. They do not even recognize the possibility of its existence, however, it is real and has already been proven. Many people know about hypnosis and believe in it, but in addition to hypnosis, there is also hypnotic telepathy, thanks to which it becomes possible to exert a powerful influence at a distance, that is, without visual contact.

The technique of instilling thoughts at a distance is based on influence through signals that come from the cerebral cortex. Those who are targeted by this signal are unaware of the influence it has on them, believing that the thoughts in their heads belong only to them.

There is a theory that all thoughts are radio waves. certain frequencies. A person is considered a radio receiver and, under appropriate conditions, he will be able to pick up other people’s thoughts at a distance.

The method of mental influence at a distance is telepathic suggestion, which is called telehypnosis. Telepathy has no quantitative or spatial limitations, unlike force or material influence, does not depend on external conditions and can influence anyone, regardless of the size of the separating distance.

You can even do something that seems completely impossible to others - force an individual to call. Even when the person of interest is at a distance of up to a thousand kilometers, he will be able to catch the transmitted thought that you are asking her to call back. Human thought transmitted by the brain moves much faster than the speed of light and is capable of reaching any point on Earth in an instant. You just need to understand that a thought is a wave that is capable of moving in space without restrictions and being transmitted to others.

An individual who believes that he does not have telepathic abilities should take a good look at his own life and be able to remember when he used telepathic abilities at least once. For example, it is not difficult to remember such a case as you were about to call a person and suddenly, when you picked up the phone, the phone rang from the very person you needed to call.

Second example, you think about a person for a long time, and soon you meet him, as if completely by accident. Also, when in a conversation you suddenly say one phrase at the same time as your interlocutor.

Telepathy often occurs among those closest to you. Hearing the words loved one, you understand that you probably knew what he would say. Everyone has quite a few examples of cases. After all, it happens that you stare for a long time and intently at a person who does not see you, and suddenly he turns around and makes eye contact with you.

Sometimes it happens that suddenly thoughts come to mind that are usually completely unusual for a person, and he feels them as alien. Indeed, it is true that thoughts that are not typical for you may not be yours, they were inspired by another person.

The human brain is a powerful radio station and at the same time a radio receiver. In some states of consciousness, after a change in electro-wave activity, you can hear other people's thoughts and also broadcast them at a distance.

The technique of instilling thoughts at a distance is not as difficult as it seems. Probably many people imagine that for this there must be magic ritual, but everyone can hold it just at home. The technique is best performed at night, just when a person’s consciousness is better subject to suggestion, it relaxes as much as possible, or sleeps. It is sleep that is the most suitable moment for suggestion, since the subconscious is best open to influence. You can transmit thoughts at a distance, and a person will perceive them as their own. Thanks to this method, you can instill love, desire and emotion in a person.

The technique of instilling thoughts at a distance begins with taking the most comfortable position, lying down or standing. Once you are comfortable, you need to relax all the muscles of your body and feel this sensation. Inhale deeply and exhale three times. Next, you need to think about a short, well-perceived text, wording that meets the needs, which will be sent to the person.

You need to focus as much as possible on the feeling of the person to whom the suggestion is planned. To do this, you should close your eyes, imagine it vividly, and as realistically as possible, as clearly as possible and express the already invented text, mentally repeat several times, extremely carefully, there should not be a single extra thought in your head.

Next, you need to visualize the moment how he carries out the order that was given in the text. For example, he confidently picks up the phone, dials the number and calls. Suggested thoughts penetrate through energy channels into the brain and do what is necessary - the suggestion reaches the object. The thoughts of the suggestor become the thoughts of the suggestor; he will pick up the phone, thinking that he himself wants to call you. You can develop your art of suggestion by practicing for 15 minutes every day.

Is it possible to influence another person with the help of thoughts? December 19th, 2016

Dr. Imants Barušs studies concepts that are intangible or often considered spiritual phenomena, such as the energy field of people and the ability of one person's field to influence another.
Barushs is a professor of psychology at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. His latest talk is titled “Changing Consciousness in a Self-Development Seminar: A Study of the Matrix Energetics Seminar.” It was published in the Journal of Consciousness Studies in November 2014.
In this report, he described several of his own experiments related to the power of consciousness.

Influence at a distance

In two experiments, Baruss directed his thoughts at people from far away to see if they would feel something. These experiences were outlined in the third chapter of his book “The Impossible Happens” and a new report. His thoughts were focused on increasing the vitality of the participants to see if they would feel more alert or more tired than usual.

37 people participated in the experiment, with whom he agreed on the time of the experiment. The subjects were not supposed to be driving at the specified time. They observed their feelings.

Baruss also monitored his own level of concentration and "depth of altered state of consciousness." The experiment showed that the deeper he concentrated, the more tired the subjects felt. He found that thinking at a distance actually had an effect on participants. His result was p< .05, это означает, что вероятность случайного изменения уровня бодрости у испытуемых меньше 5%. То есть свыше 95% участников действительно ощутили влияние его мыслей.

The results provide an interesting point of reference for further experiments, but Barušs cautions that they could change significantly if more factors are taken into account.

Matrix Energetics

Matrix Energetics is a practice where one person mentally influences another. Baruss cites some of its effects as described by fellow researcher Jo Marlow of the Institute. interpersonal psychology: “Participants sometimes experience some somatic sensations, such as fainting or the feeling that things around them look unnatural. In some cases, spontaneous recovery from diseases occurs.”

“Such phenomena must be carefully studied. Research is the first step towards this,” he writes. He conducted the experiment during the Matrix Energetics conference in Philadelphia in 2012. This was the main topic of his talk. A variety of people took part in the experiment, from doctors and engineers to gas station workers. For most of them, this was their first experience participating in Matrix Energetics.

Baruss and his staff had participants complete a questionnaire before the workshop, immediately after the experience, and two months after the experience to see short- and long-term changes in their physical and mental health. psychological state. Standard psychology tests were used to determine their emotional and mental state.

The study results showed that overall health improved in the long term. But Barušs says the results should be interpreted with great caution. He says people whose health hasn't improved may be those who didn't respond to the survey two months later because not all people completed the survey. It is also possible that the positive changes in those people whose health has improved are not related to the workshop. In two months they could have taken some other measures to improve it.

“The change in consciousness during the Matrix Energetics seminar requires further study,” he writes. –– The experiment did not take into account accompanying factors, for example, social interaction with like-minded people, the impact of a charismatic speaker, etc. A separate study is needed to understand these factors.”

When one person has a similar influence on another, the question arises, what happens to the subconscious? Is it possible that this process is similar to hypnosis?

People's behavior during the Matrix Energetics seminar is similar to hypnosis, says Barušs. He believes that it is similar to the Pentecostal “healing movement”: “The mechanism of action of these phenomena is unknown.”

The definition of hypnosis used by researchers is very broad. Barušs explains: “Scientists disagree and cannot give a clear definition of what hypnosis is.”

There are several categories of people who are particularly susceptible to hypnosis: “people who are prone to fantasy, have a positive attitude towards such things, or suffer from memory impairment.”

In the case of participants in the Matrix Energetics seminar or Barush's experiments on influence at a distance, a person could actively seek to experience someone else's influence, in which case he belongs to the category of people with a positive attitude.

Baruss explains these phenomena by saying that “hypnosis is not an explanation, but a label.” Further research is needed to provide an explanation.

Before the study, scientists discussed this topic. They found no evidence that hypnosis was used on participants during this workshop, but the study was not designed to determine this.

Barušs says that what happens at Matrix Energetics seminars may be similar to hypnosis, but more detailed experiments are needed to determine this for sure.

How to influence a person from a distance?

    It is possible, but you need to have some energy - spiritual potential, no matter how funny it may sound. This does not mean that I have a thought, and I don’t think... everything is much deeper. That's how? You can't explain it with your fingers.

    It is possible to influence a person at a distance only through a stable connection, because If the connection is lost, then the impact will stop.

    Also, you can influence a person at a distance using magical influence(voodoo dolls, love spell, evil eye, etc.)

    Easier than steamed turnips. You take out a gun. And keep your distance so that the person cannot get to you before you have time to shoot)))

    You can, of course, use magic, but most The best way influencing a person at a distance is the use of mobile communications in conjunction with a set of small dirty tricks. My friend has not had a quiet life for three months after the divorce. Constant SMS from your ex-wife, ranging from angry and threatening to loving and begging for mercy. All this is supported by small dirty tricks that do not cause much damage, but undermine nervous system: match in the lock, stole the rug from under front door, sprinkled flour on things in the pantry (pantry on the street), etc.

    Well, you can influence with the help of letters, radio, TV, the Internet, telephone in general in a convenient way You can send a 2-meter boxer to your home so that you can hand over the parcel))

    1. It depends on the goals. In general, for some reason I hear the word manipulate in the word influence. If a person has good, good intentions, then no influences from a distance are needed, just come to the person, just be close to him, and if you have charisma, then you will do well for yourself and help him.


    Psychedelic receiver-emitters. Used by special services, as well as by agents on their behalf. The devices can be portable (battery-powered, they don’t last long) and stationary (powered from the mains, including from a cigarette lighter, which makes it a very convenient, mobile, 24-hour emitter in a car), respectively portable, low-power - used at a distance of up to 100-200 meters , stationary - higher power, used at a distance of up to 1-1.5 kilometers. These devices can read (receive) signals from the brain (the so-called mind reading), and also affect the cerebral cortex, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The approximate wavelength of microwave radiation is 10 in the ninth GHz.

    To influence a person from a distance, you need to think about him often, and also really feel something for him. You also need to communicate with the person, so you can simply know the details of his life. On the other hand, you should not even think about influencing a person from a distance if the person himself does not want to communicate.

    To do this, you need to learn to think deeply, your gaze must fly around all objects not related to the object! It’s good to be able to imagine this Person, while doing everything easily without any effort on yourself. Many people probably have a fresh memory of how you start thinking about someone, and you definitely met them.

    There are ways of influence, real and at a distance. There are techniques with which you can influence, but the fact is that those people who are trained know that any influence on another person without his request will drag with him Negative consequences for the influencer. Even a sick person cannot be helped without his desire. Therefore, whoever really knows how to do something will not tell you, and whoever is stupid will get some of the problems through you. You can influence in your situation only by wishing another person health or praying for him.

    You can influence people with the help of thoughts; there have been cases when you think about a person and this person calls on the phone within ten minutes. You need to influence people positively, since in a group each member of the group influences the other member, including himself. The training for effective negotiations says that a person cannot be forced or manipulated, you can simply ask for help and offer several scenario options from which the person himself will choose the option that suits him. Many sellers are trained to sell junk or defective goods, but in the end the client returns the goods, although after this incident he will not come to this store, and he will tell all his friends and acquaintances, who in turn will tell theirs and ultimately the store will lose 1000 of its customers . The deception is revealed sooner or later and the one who started the deception suffers.

    First, you need to clearly know the motivation, i.e. the goal you are pursuing...healing at a distance, subordination to your will, installation of certain programs, removal negative programs, removal of obsession, restoration of broken relationships, destruction of relationships, in general there are many techniques and each is different from the others... let’s take a harmless and harmless version of the influence... an unforeseen quarrel between lovers - both suffer, pride does not allow you to take the first step towards... before going to bed We make an installation: Now I will fall asleep and wake up at the moment when (partner’s name) will see the last dream before waking up and will be most receptive to receiving information. I will wake up and remember why I woke will wake up at the right moment...then you draw an image of your partner in your imagination and transmit a flow of information to the Ajna area (third eye) through the silver channel, from your Ajna (2-3 settings)...for example: I love you. I'm sorry. Call me, I'm waiting...imagine how your partner begins to think about you, dials the phone number and you reconcile in a nice conversation...feelings are important...experience joy yourself and feel everything for your partner...remember about responsibility and do not use information for evil... these techniques are used if you do not have a chance to convey information in reality, they do not want to listen to you, due to some circumstances... these could be parents... and children...and partners...and neighbors)))

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How often do situations happen in our lives when the person you need does not appear. He doesn’t call, doesn’t come, doesn’t write! How can you make him show up? And is it possible to do this without imposing yourself?

It often happens that the person you love, for some reason, does not show himself in any way. You quarreled, or some misunderstanding occurred between you. And the person moved away from you. Offended or simply decided not to communicate with you anymore.

There are other situations when you yourself would be happy to call or get in touch, but do it! This action of yours can cause a person to have a negative attitude towards your manifestation. It may seem intrusive, unethical, or even exculpatory.

So what to do in this case? After all, in fact, because of some banal little thing, a misunderstanding occurred between people close to each other. And this very disagreement serves as a break in the relationship, which initially could have led to a closer and more stable relationship!

Dialogue is the very action that resolves all these misunderstandings and understatements. Because everyone begins to speculate in their own head, to complete drawings, and as a rule, these “SKETCHES” acquire truly fantastic and expressive pictures, absolutely not at all inconsistent with the real state of affairs!

Many people, due to their psychological structure, portrait (type of introvert), being offended, carry all their feelings and emotions within themselves. And it is very difficult for them to make contact. It’s hard for them to overcome this psychological barrier, to step over their stereotypes and make at least some kind of contact.

What then to do in such cases? What can you do? How to call a person for a dialogue or even a meeting without entering into the dialogue first? Is it possible to make the person you need express a desire to see you or call you?
Can! And for this case there is energetic practice that helps.

Many people know that there are such phenomena in our lives that are inexplicable, but very interesting. And, as a rule, every person has encountered such phenomena in his life. Let's say you thought about a person, and suddenly, out of the blue, lo and behold, after a while the bell rings and this person calls you either on the phone, or at the door, or you come face to face with this person on the street. Have such cases ever happened in your life?! Remember!

Here the question arises: were you the first to think about the person or the person about you? Both can be true. After all, relationships exist even between people who are not very close to each other, and even just acquaintances. This all says that. And it acts like a telephone call.

You may ask the question: is it possible to manage such a process purposefully? Is it possible to call or even call a person, in this way, yourself? Mentally or in some other way?
CAN! Those who work with subtle energies have such opportunities. This can be done by a person who knows how to control his mental images, and his thought has the power to call, invite, remind of himself - AT ANY DISTANCE! Such methods in magic and parapsychology are called - “ call a person" And if a magician or parapsychologist “calls in this way,” the one he calls will definitely appear. There are special rituals that allow you to call a person. There are also more subtle levels of such work. The parapsychologist does not call a specific person. A parapsychologist influences the desired REALITY! And circumstances begin to develop in such a way that people meet sooner or later!

This is not fantasy - this is reality, with which ordinary people collide in their lives involuntarily. And knowledgeable people control and manage these processes at will!

The question arises. Is it possible to contact this knowledgeable person, magician or parapsychologist for help? You can use parapsychology to make sure that the right person appeared?
Of course you can! Moreover, this will not be a love spell or an influence dark forces. The usual “call”, based on the strengths and capabilities of each person, is to receive and send impulses!

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Relationships between a man and a woman Human physiology presupposes the intimacy of relationships between the sexes, which create their strength, connecting with certain feelings of reciprocity, creating a semantic interpretation of actions, showing feelings, ...

Connection with dolphins. There is a connection between dolphins and human life on Earth

connection with dolphins connection with dolphins. There is a connection between dolphins and human life on Earth David Wilcock Interview with Pete Peterson DW: Welcome...


WE ARE ON A REASONABLY DEVELOPED TIMELINE For those who “know,” over three hours of stunning new information about the Secret Space Program (SSP) and critical issues...

The influence of feelings on the physiology of human health

The influence of feelings on the physiology of human health Each person has the perfection of empathy, which determines the purity of relationships with the life form of the planet, in other words, the manifestation of feelings of empathy occurs...

Editor's Choice
Your Zodiac sign makes up only 50% of your personality. The remaining 50% cannot be known by reading general horoscopes. You need to create an individual...

Description of the white mulberry plant. Composition and calorie content of berries, beneficial properties and expected harm. Delicious recipes and uses...

Like most of his colleagues, Soviet children's writers and poets, Samuil Marshak did not immediately begin writing for children. He was born in 1887...

Breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method help cope with attacks of high blood pressure. Correct execution of exercises -...
About the university Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky is the largest university in the region, with more than 14...