Small business: small business lending. How to open your own ice cream shop

The format for an ice cream cafe must be chosen depending on the location; one of the democratic options is to open your own cafe on the territory shopping center, where there are many visitors.

An ice cream parlor can be bought, created from scratch, or opened as a franchise. The first option is inaccessible: such establishments rarely go on sale. The second option is most often chosen by professional restaurateurs. And the third - purchasing a franchise of a well-known company - is preferred by investors who do not have much experience in public catering.

Russians buy less ice cream than citizens of other countries. According to estimates by the Union of Ice Cream Makers of Russia, a resident of a large Russian city eats an average of 4.5 kg of ice cream per year, while 20 kg per American, and 8-10 kg per European. However, as incomes grow, Russians will spend everything more money for a cold treat.

Among the new cafes opening in Lately, a combined format has become popular: “ice cream and confectionery” or “ice cream and coffee shop”. Such cafes, for example, successfully supplement their assortment with confectionery products of their own production. This expands the cafe's capabilities. Nevertheless, the basis of turnover - 80% - is still made up of ice cream sales.

The experience of successful cafes shows that the sale of drinks accounts for 10-15% of their turnover. And the presence of baked goods, salads and other dishes on the menu increases revenue by 35-40%.

To organize a trading and manufacturing company like an “ice cream parlor” you need:

1. Find suitable premises. An ice cream cafe can be stationary or free-standing, and can also be located in the food court of a shopping and entertainment complex. The area required for an ice cream cafe is at least 50 square meters. m., and it should be clearly divided into commercial, industrial, household and storage areas. For trading in a shopping complex, an area of ​​5 square meters will be sufficient. m.

2. Obtain permission from the SES and order a technological project.

3. Obtain permission from the fire department.

3. Conclude a lease agreement for the found premises. The most the best option will be the conclusion of a long-term contract providing for a low rental rate.

4. Carry out the necessary repairs to the premises.

5. Find suitable suppliers of raw materials and enter into a supply agreement with them.

6. Recruit suitable personnel. An ice cream cafe should have between 10 and 20 employees. Among them: bartenders, cashiers, salespeople, confectioners, managers of confectionery teams, equipment engineer, executive director and accountant.

There are two types of ice cream parlors: stationary and located in shopping and entertainment centers. The second format has more prospects.

Firstly, active construction of new shopping centers is underway.

Secondly, as a result, renting a retail space in a shopping center is cheaper than the same area in ordinary buildings in busy equivalent parts of a certain city - about $60-120 per sq. m. m, in an ordinary room the rental cost is $40-100 per sq. m. m total area. But at the same time, the tenant pays for a toilet, a corridor, etc., that is, for an area that does not generate profit.

Thirdly, there are fewer costs associated with repairs, because there is no need to do it.

Fourthly, cafes in shopping centers - minimizing costs for advertising campaigns. If the shopping center is popular, then customers go to the cafe all the time.

The perfect ice cream parlor
The area of ​​the stationary premises is from 50 sq. m. m, places in shopping centers - from 5 sq. m Location: a crowded street with convenient access roads, preferably in the city center, or a food court in a large shopping complex.

Moscow cafes: statistics and trends

Market volume in 2003 - $120-135 million.
. 2004 - $135-150 million.
. Forecast for 2010 - $400-450 million.
. Growth rate On average - more than 20% per year.
. Market saturation There are more than 100 cafes in Moscow.

Average monthly profit

Cafes in shopping centers - $12-15 thousand.
. Stationary cafes - $21-24 thousand.

Let me make a reservation right away: there will be no numbers, since it is not clear in the center of which city we are going to open an ice cream parlor. Rental rates, the demand and prices for ice cream vary greatly in different cities.

1. For any project designed to profit from the flow of visitors, the main thing is location. Therefore, the most important thing is to choose right place. In fact, there are a lot of tips and rules for choosing a “good point”, but by and large Whether she shoots or not is pure magic. There are a lot of test places with good traffic, a good assortment, which closed after 2 months. And there are cheburek shops with the entrance around the corner, where there are queues. However, certain requirements for the location must be met. It would be desirable for this place to have good traffic. For example, near the metro. The entrance (if it is not a stall) should be from the street, not from the yard. And the main thing is that the audience that walks past your point should be “yours.” That is, the one who will have the time and desire to go in and buy ice cream.

2. Decide on the format. This point is highly dependent on the first point. And the first from the second. Perhaps you were planning to open a glamorous cafe in the city center with Movenpick ice cream in Villeroy&Boch ice cream bowls, but you found an excellent point at an adequate price near the metro with a good flow of students walking from the metro to the university. Of course, the concept should be immediately changed to delicious ice cream in cardboard cups with affordable prices.

3. Check how things are going in general with catering around the place where you are going to open. Who goes to these establishments? What do they eat there? What kind of audience is this, how solvent is it and what is it interested in? This will help you avoid making mistakes with the format. Perhaps these are the few residents of the center who will come to you on foot with strollers. But most likely, these are those who work or study in the center. Next, detail the portrait of your buyer: where he works, how and when he will pass by you. Talk to the owners of public catering establishments around you: how long have they been operating, how is demand going, are there any points that have closed.

4. We found a room and decided on a format suitable for it. Next, read the lease agreement VERY carefully. Provide yourself with “rental holidays” so that the time while you are making repairs and importing equipment is free for you. It’s better to show the contract to a lawyer, he will check it for risks, and you will be calm that your landlord will not throw you out after you make good repairs to his premises.

5. Study the SANPIN standards and fire regulations for public catering establishments. You don't need a kitchen, so you don't have to bother with a hood. But you will definitely need water in your premises. Without this, the point cannot be opened. Typically, permits from both of these authorities are obtained within one day.

6. Refrigerators, display cases, tables and all the furniture you need can be bought on AVITO. Save at least 40% of the cost. Refrigeration units In general, the pleasure is expensive, so I would definitely buy it on AVITO.

7. Product. I don’t know much about ice cream, but the advice is universal: look for a supplier carefully. Be sure to try everything yourself that you are going to feed your clients. It is clear that it is difficult to calculate the turnover to begin with, so take a small “test” batch for the first time. You won’t be able to get a volume discount on purchases, but there is less risk of getting unsold balances.

8. I would choose the legal form for registering such a business as an individual entrepreneur. Although many even small cafes choose LLC. In short, the difference is this: as an individual entrepreneur in case of financial difficulties, debts, etc. you are risking your personal property. If you have an LLC, then they can only take from you what belongs to the LLC: equipment, goods, furniture. But not your personal car or apartment.

9. Signboard. The sign needs to be approved by the city for quite some time. But there is a good move: windows are considered your property while you rent the premises. Therefore, feel free to hang banners, posters, prices and delicious pictures on your windows so that people know about you.

10. After the first month of work, which will be experimental, most likely, everything will go completely differently than planned. And this is not a reason to despair at all, but a reason to start working with the assortment. It's possible that you had an ice cream parlor in mind, but because there were two large offices nearby, you noticed that you were often asked for coffee to go. Then reduce your ice cream to one item, add croissants, feel free to buy a coffee machine (or rent one) - and move on to a new format, which will be more profitable in this place.

MS Word Volume: 40 pages

Business plan

Reviews (36)

Introducing the business plan children's cafe, which will allow you to gain self-confidence and prioritize your endeavors. In many populated areas There is a shortage of children's catering establishments, but this business is profitable, moreover, the occupancy of the establishment will be constant. Much depends on the room, which should be cozy, clean, with interesting compositional design solutions. Tables and chairs should be comfortable for children and adults, and the choice of products should be varied.

Having received a sample business plan for organizing a children's cafe, you will understand, for example, how many varieties of ice cream should always be available, where to look for suppliers of this nutritious and tasty product, and there should also be no shortage of soft drinks, a variety of desserts: from fruit salads to cream and jelly. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just a sweet assortment; babies grow quickly, and a growing body constantly wants to grab a piece of something tasty. Therefore, the menu of a children's institution may contain full meals, sandwiches, hot dogs, etc.

After studying the business plan for a children's entertainment cafe with a playroom, you can get theoretical basis highly profitable business and assess the prospects of the undertaking. Manufacturers are constantly expanding their line of products for children, striving to satisfy all the needs of children in a variety of toys, games, and products. Therefore, it is important to respond to fashion trends, purchasing popular models of dolls for the playroom, which will definitely attract little visitors to your cafe.

It’s so easy to please a child: just say a few words – “Let’s go to the cafe!” Many parents love to pamper their kids, which means that a business like an ice cream parlor for children has very good prospects. Establishments that you can visit with your children, where they can enjoy their favorite desserts and have fun, are becoming increasingly popular. But so far the number of children's cafes in many cities is not able to satisfy the growing demand.

Opening your own ice cream parlor for children makes many entrepreneurs think about whether this project will bring the expected profit. In fact, profit will not be long in coming if you manage to attract customers to your establishment. All children love the festive atmosphere and sweets. If you can provide these basic components, then you can assume that success is just around the corner.

When looking for premises for a cafe, give preference to spacious areas; for example, organizing a children's cafe with 100 seats requires a room of at least 150 square meters. meters. After all, in addition to tables, a cafe needs to have play area, as well as a place for entertainment events.

For most kids, visiting a cafe is a real holiday. And you have the power to extend it, fill it with vivid emotions, so that the time spent within the walls of your establishment will be remembered for a long time. Therefore, do not forget about entertainment - these could be performances with clowns, various game events.

When opening an ice cream parlor, you should carefully consider correct design menu, because you won’t feed your visitors only an ice-cold dessert. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that baby food Serious requirements are imposed, and there are many dishes that are contraindicated for children.

The menu can include light snacks, pastries, juices, milkshakes, and various desserts, except ice cream. The latter, by the way, should have at least 10-15 varieties on the menu, so that each visitor can choose a cold delicacy to suit his taste. Please note that portions of dishes should be small, otherwise the child simply will not be able to finish everything.

Only a few businessmen risk opening a children's cafe from scratch; to do this, you need to have serious experience in this field. For those new to business, the best option is to open a children's cafe as a franchise. At the same time, it’s up to you to decide whether you will purchase ice cream from suppliers or provide full cycle producing delicacies in your cafe. To do this you will need quality equipment for ice cream parlors, as well as fresh raw materials for its production. It is possible to purchase base mixtures that are produced abroad.

Opening a children's ice cream parlor can become a source of not only endless pleasure for you, but also a very impressive profit. The key to success is the competent organization of the process, which can be simplified by an example of a business plan for opening a children's cafe with ready-made calculations, which describes in detail the process of creating and opening a children's cafe from A to Z.

Good establishments specializing in public catering usually do not need clients, so this type of business is actively developing and has excellent prospects. But the competition is also extreme: what to sell and what food to choose so that it is in demand? A budding entrepreneur can choose a delicacy that is beloved by both children and adults - ice cream. According to statistics, in Russia each person eats about seven kilograms of this cold dessert per year. Although in the United States, for example, this figure is much higher, here too this business will be profitable if you approach its organization wisely. In this article we will tell you how to open an ice cream parlor from scratch and what a businessman needs to do to do this.

The target audience

A common misconception is that only children eat ice cream and that it is a purely children's dessert. Statistics show that the main buyers of this product are adult men, who make up 40% of the number of buyers of this delicacy. Therefore, when creating a menu, you need to focus on different categories of people. Although, of course, women with children will be a priority, they will be able to drop by for a quick visit during your walk.

The more varieties of ice cream on the menu, the better for the cafe, because guests will be able to choose what they like and want to come again. It is best to make this establishment a family one, where parents with their children, as well as couples in love, can come. Kids will love the beauty and color of the dishes, while adults will appreciate the range and environmentally friendly ingredients. Therefore, it makes sense to make the room colorful and bright, and the menu varied.

Speaking about people’s preferences, we can say that chocolate ice cream remains the most popular today, so be sure to put it on the menu, preferably in several variations (dark chocolate, milk chocolate, with or without nuts). It was also noted that women prefer low-fat varieties with big amount fruits and syrups.

How to open an ice cream parlor in a small town

Any business idea begins with building its own concept, original and different from others. The question of where to start can be answered this way: first, select a suitable room in which the cafe will be located. Attendance largely depends on this.

You can rent a room or build it yourself, but the second option is expensive and beyond the capabilities of novice entrepreneurs. There are two possibilities: a separate building or a location inside a large shopping center. The second option is preferable, because in large shopping and entertainment establishments there are always a lot of visitors who will come to the ice cream parlor; there is unlikely to be a shortage of guests. Renting space in a shopping center is, of course, not cheap, but it is still cheaper than renting for a separate building. But there is also a difficulty: competition for the right to work in a shopping center is extremely high, and owners more often give preference to well-known franchises than start-ups.

As for the area of ​​the room, 50 square meters is enough. m. Zoning is required:

  • Production workshop – 20 sq. m.
  • Hall for visitors – 15 sq. m.
  • Warehouse – 8 sq.m. m.
  • Change house – 4 sq. m.

If you make a choice in favor of your own building, it is important that the premises comply with sanitary and fire standards, otherwise the regulatory authorities will create serious obstacles for you when opening.

The easiest way is to use a franchise, which gives the right to use a ready-made network business. But remember that this will impose certain restrictions and obligations on the businessman, and in this case there will be less income, because the proceeds will have to be shared.

Selection of format and design

The next important step is choosing the operating format for the ice cream parlor. Some prefer to sell their own products, others buy ice cream from their suppliers. To decide which of these paths to take, calculations must be made. The cost of production is calculated and compared with the prices offered by suppliers. You need to settle on what is more profitable.

Next comes the paperwork. Documents are needed for official opening; without them it is illegal to operate. Individual entrepreneur is registered or legal entity. The choice depends on future prospects. If you are planning to study small cafe and you don’t plan to scale it in the foreseeable future, an individual entrepreneur will do. If you intend to launch a chain of several ice cream parlors, then it is wiser to choose an LLC.

At the time of registration, indicate the OKVED code number 56.1 (or subsections). To be able to legally operate your premises, you must obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service. In addition, you will need to obtain copies of certificates for purchased raw materials and equipment from suppliers. If you produce ice cream according to your own recipe, rather than purchasing it, you will need technology approval from the sanitary and epidemiological station.

The next step is to purchase inventory. If you plan to produce your own, you will have to spend a lot of money on purchasing equipment. You buy a machine called a “freezer”, which makes ice cream: whips it, pasteurizes it and cools it to a certain temperature. Its price depends on the level of performance. Thus, a device with a productivity of 4 kg/hour will cost about 100 thousand rubles. More productive machines will cost significantly more. To further cool the product, another installation is needed, the price of which is around 30 thousand rubles. And you can’t do without things like:

  • Refrigerator for blast freezing food.
  • Showcase with cooling.
  • Ice cream storage vat.
  • Optional equipment.

You also need furniture on which visitors will sit. High tables for eating while standing and comfortable small plastic tables with chairs are suitable. Beautiful wooden furniture expensive, so choose it if you expect a large influx of visitors or want to create the image of a luxury establishment.

The cost of the equipment depends entirely on the specific manufacturer. It is believed that Korean and Chinese equipment is the cheapest, but its quality is considered low. The best manufacturers are located in Italy.

Raw materials

When thinking about opening a cafe that sells ice cream, pay special attention to the raw materials. You cannot make a good product from low-quality sources. Modern ice cream is made from special mixtures that are mixed with water and as a result technological process a sweet treat is created.

The prepared mass is placed in cups from which visitors to the establishment eat. The glasses can be cardboard or edible waffle (this option is cheaper, customers like it better, and leaves less waste). We recommend that you focus on it. The average price of a plastic package is 60 kopecks, and a wafer cone is 20 kopecks.

To get a worthy supplier, you need to choose reputable manufacturers who have been engaged in this business for many years. It wouldn’t hurt to go to the enterprise to see the storage conditions and the production process. You first need to spend about 250 thousand rubles on raw materials.


This small business relies on employees working in the ice cream parlor, so you need to look for friendly people who will approach their responsibilities responsibly. Approximately ten people will be required:

  • 2 pastry chefs.
  • 2 technologists.
  • 2 bar workers.
  • 2 cash register workers.
  • 1 accountant (outsourcing possible).
  • 1 equipment repairman (possibly by agreement with the equipment supplier).

The entrepreneur himself can be a director or manager. This way you can save on wages. Young people without work experience, even students, will be able to work in an ice cream parlor. Then you need to organize training so that employees learn how to operate special equipment.

On wages You will need to allocate about 250 thousand rubles monthly.

Advantages and disadvantages

The business idea of ​​creating your own ice cream parlor has pros and cons. Perhaps the most important disadvantage is the seasonality of such a business. Ice cream is in demand during the summer periods of the year, and why hotter weather, the better it sells. In winter, demand is noticeably lower, so it is worth having a selection of non-cold desserts with hot drinks. However, lovers of this sweet eat it with pleasure even in winter, although more often they do not order individual portions, but buy large packages to take home. Therefore, we can offer the “ice cream to go” packaging option. IN winter time The sale of cakes, desserts and pastries can also keep the establishment afloat throughout the year.

Another difficulty is collecting permits, for which you will have to go through many government agencies.

The advantages of this line of business are the ability to rent a small space compared to other types of cafes, inexpensive equipment and the absence of the need for expensive, qualified employees.

In conclusion

This step-by-step instruction will help you understand what needs to be done to open an ice cream parlor in a small town and determine for yourself whether it is profitable. You can make money from this idea if you create detailed business plan and implement it. Business profitability can be high if the right approach to the point and availability financial resources to keep it afloat long time. You should prepare for seasonal declines in sales and take this into account when drawing up your business plan. With good discord, such an establishment will pay for itself in about one year.

16 Sep 2008

Who among us did not dream of being an ice cream maker as a child! There is an opportunity to fulfill a childhood dream: there are still few ice cream parlors in Moscow, and this potentially profitable segment of the market is practically free

Catch up with America!

According to experts, there are about 115 ice cream parlors in Moscow. For a multimillion-dollar metropolis, this is very little. Investors underestimate the potential of this market segment. In addition, its development is hampered by the low standard of living of the majority of city residents. A scoop of ice cream in a cafe costs 3-5 times more than a standard ice cream in a street kiosk. Therefore, poor citizens prefer to eat ice cream on the run or at home. Russians buy less ice cream than citizens of other countries. According to estimates by the Union of Ice Cream Makers of Russia, a resident of a large Russian city eats an average of 4.5 kg of ice cream per year, while 20 kg per American, and 8-10 kg per European. However, as incomes grow, Russians will spend more and more money on cold treats.

Many potential investors do not consider this business profitable. This belief is based on the fact that most of the cafes remaining from Soviet times have been closed or converted into restaurants or general cafes. And those domestic companies that tried to create chains of ice cream parlors curtailed this activity. For example, Ramsay repurposed them into family restaurants, and the Penguin chain completely disappeared from the market.

However, recently the situation has begun to change. The number of metropolitan cafes specializing in ice cream increased by almost 10% in 2004. The number of cafes is also growing in other large cities.

Private investors are willing to invest in this industry, since organizing an ice cream parlor does not require significant investments: $70-130 thousand is enough, and in some cases $20-25 thousand may be enough. At the same time, the trade margin for ice cream in a cafe can reach up to 500 -600%. The payback period for investments usually does not exceed two years. This is very good indicator for public catering. An entrepreneur who decides to start an ice cream business does not need any special knowledge. The concept of even a successful cafe can be very simple.

Popular courtyards

Today there are two types of cafes on the market: stationary and located in dining areas(food courts) shopping and entertainment centers.

So far, only two specialized chains are actively opening cafes in shopping centers of the capital - Baskin Robbins and Mia Dolce Giulia. But the prospects for this format are the brightest. Firstly, Moscow is actively being built up with more and more shopping centers. Secondly, renting space there is somewhat cheaper than similar space in ordinary buildings in busy, equivalent parts of the city.

In large shopping centers, several different catering establishments are collected under one roof. Many visitors travel to all points, looking for something new and tasty. For ice cream, as a rule, they go to a specialized cafe, where there is more choice.

– Our two cafes, located in large shopping centers – “Atrium” and “Okhotny Ryad”, receive 500-600 visitors every day. And on weekends their number increases to one and a half thousand,” says CEO network "Mia Dolce Julia" Alexey Orlov.

Ice cream is popular in shopping centers all year round.

“In winter and during the summer holidays, sales of ice cream decrease by only 10%,” says Alexey Orlov. “This is nothing compared to the losses that street kiosks suffer.

Another advantage of cafes in shopping centers is minimal costs for promotions. If the shopping center is popular, then the customers in the cafe follow their own course.

- True, there is back side medals,” notes Zhanna Vartanova, manager of the franchising department of the Russian representative office of Baskin Robbins. – If the shopping center is poorly located, no amount of advertising will help the cafe increase the number of visitors.

To keep customers happy, orders in a cafe must be fulfilled very quickly. Therefore, maintenance techniques must be honed to the limit. To do this, managers literally describe point by point how the staff should greet guests, find out preferences, issue orders and accept payment.

Ice cream alone won't fill you up

Stationary ice cream parlors can also attract a lot of customers, but only if they are located in a crowded place - near metro stations, in the central part of the city or in business districts where there are many offices, or even better - educational institutions. Ideally, a stationary ice cream parlor should be visited by at least 300 customers per day.

To attract more visitors, many stationary cafes sell not only ice cream.

“Now on the Moscow market there are a lot of establishments that position themselves as ice cream parlors, but upon closer inspection you can find everything there: a bar with alcoholic drinks, snacks, hot dishes, and at the end they will serve ice cream,” says the manager of the department of the Russian representative office of the company “ Baskin Robbins" Zhanna Loyanich.

But this is not done out of a good life. To recoup the expensive rent, cafe owners have to raise prices for ice cream, actively fight for customers, and improve the range and quality of service. If this is successful, then you can make more profit than in a shopping center.

“During the day, parents with children and students come to us - active consumers of ice cream,” says Dmitry Danilin, manager of the Polyus cafe. “And in the evenings there is a regular crowd who like to sit, have a drink with friends and have a good meal. At the same time, I believe that we still belong to the category of ice cream parlors, because sales of cold desserts account for half of our turnover.

The format of "Polyus" is confirmed by its interior. An Arctic landscape in the form of a full-wall mosaic, chandeliers in the shape of the northern lights... Over the 30 years of the cafe’s existence, many visitors have become accustomed to seeing it this way.

“Adults who remember this cafe from childhood often come to us,” continues Dmitry Danilin. – Even though we expanded the range – introduced drinks and hot dishes – nothing changed for them. Here, as before, you can try the same ice cream, because we have been getting it from the same cold storage facility for many years.

The experience of successful cafes shows that the sale of drinks accounts for 10-15% of their turnover. And the presence of baked goods, salads and other dishes on the menu increases revenue by 35-40%.
Among the new cafes opening recently, a combined format has become popular: “ice cream and confectionery” or “ice cream and coffee shop”. For example, the Dolce Momento company successfully combines an ice cream parlor with a coffee shop in its network, and Mia Dolce Giulia supplements its assortment with confectionery products of its own production.

“The Mia Dolce Giulia cafe offers, in addition to ice cream, confectionery and baked goods, tea, coffee, and juices,” says Alexey Orlov. – This expands the capabilities of the cafe. Nevertheless, the basis of turnover - 80% - is still made up of ice cream sales.

The magic of the name

It is generally accepted that only children and women with a sweet tooth love ice cream. But, according to statistics, more than 40% of cold dessert buyers are men. Therefore, when selecting an assortment, you need to take into account the tastes of all customers. It is necessary that both children and respectable gentlemen “go wild” at the sight of the abundance of varieties. In this case, the client must be willing to try different varieties. Then there is a chance that he will come to the cafe again and again.

The minimum assortment is at least 10-15 varieties. But in good cafes there are many more of them. For example, the Mia Dolce Giulia chain offers visitors 24 varieties, while Baskin Robbins offers 31 varieties.

To prevent the same ice cream from becoming boring, the product line needs to be regularly updated. To do this, you can conduct customer surveys and, based on them, make adjustments to existing recipes and create new ones. “Mia Dolce Giulia” introduced 8 new varieties to the menu last year.

“For each new variety, we organize a promotion event in our cafes,” says Alexey Orlov. – Usually a week and a half is enough for new ice cream to firmly take its position in the assortment. In this case, the imagery and mystery of the variety’s name plays a big role. “Sicilian Evening” or “Italian Kiss” attracts the customer’s attention and encourages him to try this ice cream. Collective psychology also works well: as soon as one buyer finds out in detail from the seller the features of a certain variety, others begin to buy it.

Muscovites especially like chocolate ice cream. Vanilla and pistachio have many fans. And during religious fasts, the consumption of fruit-based ice cream increases. Unlike Americans and Europeans, in Russia they prefer ice cream with a high fat content.

“Some varieties that are popular among Americans have not taken root in Russia at all,” says Zhanna Loyanich. – True, recently Russian buyers have gradually begun to accept low-fat and diabetic types of ice cream.

Where to begin?

An ice cream parlor can be bought, created from scratch, or opened as a franchise. The first option is inaccessible: such establishments rarely go on sale. The second option is most often chosen by professional restaurateurs. And the third, purchasing a franchise of a well-known company, is preferred by investors who do not have much experience in public catering.

Today there are two ice cream parlor franchise systems on the market: Baskin Robbins and Mia Dolce Giulia.

In Russia and the CIS, the Baskin Robbins chain already has 120 cafes. To become its partner, you need to pay a fee of $10-50 thousand for a five-year contract. There are no royalties, but the franchisee is required to spend a certain amount each month on local advertising for their cafe. Opening of a stationary cafe with an area of ​​120-150 sq. meters will cost the investor $30-35 thousand. And organizing a cafe with an area of ​​30-50 square meters. m in a shopping center - $20-25 thousand. Projects pay off in 1.5-2 years.

Mia Dolce Giulia offers investors several options for opening points - from a simple installation of an ice cream display to a complex option that includes the production and sale of dessert. The franchise fee ranges from $5 thousand to $30 thousand, and royalties are fixed ($300-500 per month). In this case, the return on investment can exceed 150% per annum.

Buy or make it yourself?

Regardless of whether a business is opened by franchising or independently, an entrepreneur must decide for himself a fundamental question: create a full cycle of ice cream production in a cafe or purchase it from suppliers. First of all, you need to compare the cost own products with the level of wholesale prices for ice cream taking into account transport costs. But the final choice depends on what the concept of the establishment will be.

“If a cafe sells exclusive ice cream made from patented base mixtures supplied from abroad, then it is better to organize your own mini-production,” says Alexey Orlov. – This is especially important if the entrepreneur intends to build his own network in the future. If a cafe operates in the region, then its own production may be more profitable, since many ingredients there - milk, cream and fruit - are cheaper than in the capital.

Mia Dolce Giulia, as part of its franchising program, gives partners the right to choose. They can get ice cream from the Moscow workshop of this chain, and then setting up a cafe will cost $17 thousand. But for remote regional partners, it is more rational to create their own production, although this will cost more - from $135 thousand.

And the Baskin Robbins cafe sells only products manufactured at the company’s Moscow factory. Ice cream is supplied even to the most distant cities: Norilsk, Khabarovsk and Vladivostok.

To create an ice cream parlor with production workshop A room of at least 50 square meters is required. m. According to sanitary standards, it should consist of a production area (from 25 sq. m), trading floor(from 10 sq. m), warehouse (up to 10 sq. m) and household area (up to 5 sq. m).


Moscow cafes: statistics and trends
Market size
2003 – $120-135 million.
2004 – $135-150 million.
Forecast for 2010 – $400-450 million.
Rates of growth
On average - more than 20% per year.
Market saturation

There are more than 100 cafes in Moscow.
Average monthly profit
Cafes in shopping centers – $12-15 thousand.
Stationary cafes – $21-24 thousand.

The perfect ice cream parlor

  • The area of ​​the stationary premises is from 50 sq. m, places in shopping centers - from 5 sq. m.
  • Location: a crowded street with convenient access roads, preferably in the city center, or a food court in a large shopping complex.
  • Availability of a long-term lease agreement for premises at a low rate.
  • High-quality imported equipment for the production of your products or long-term contracts with ice cream suppliers.
  • Refrigerators, display cases, equipped hall for visitors.
  • Qualified personnel.
  • Availability of permits.

* At the request of potential investors.

Return on investment

According to the consulting group “Ready Business Store”.

How much can you earn?

An ice cream parlor located on the territory of a shopping center and serving at least 12 thousand visitors per month can expect this result. The average check amount is $5.

The calculation was made based on a survey of entrepreneurs.

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