Traditional medicine Amur grapes have medicinal properties. Description and features of the Amur grape variety: healing properties, planting, care, review of reviews

As a child, every year I looked forward to July: my parents would have a vacation, and we would go to my grandmother in Transcarpathia, where a huge dish of amber grapes was waiting, and in the morning it was enough to stretch out my hand through the open window to pick warm, sun-drenched bunches. Only after a couple of days did the realization come that the berries were not yet quite ripe, and you needed to be patient a little, or go to the mountains, where the harvest began in the state farm vineyards early grapes. But every morning my grandmother looked for juicy grapes for the city’s “stunted” child, so that by the end of the vacation I would look like a healthy child of nature.

So I would have grown up with the idea that grapes are just a tasty delicacy, if one day I had not become seriously ill. After swimming in a cold mountain river, my temperature rose and my gums became so swollen that it was impossible to even drink, let alone eat. And my grandmother began to treat me with grape leaves. She made me chew leaves and drink a delicious greenish drink made from grape leaves. And no antibiotics! And after a couple of days I forgot about the cold, but I continued to drink my grandmother’s green drink and still drink it, simply because I like its taste.

When I began to seriously study the medicinal properties of plants, I remembered my grandmother’s treatment and began collecting recipes for using grapes for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. There were a lot of them. In addition, the ancient science of healing with grapes - ampelotherapy - is again on the crest of fashion.

I know that many will sigh heavily, saying that being treated with grapes is a very expensive pleasure. Of course, a course of treatment in the famous Kodaly clinics costs an enormous amount of money, but you yourself can undergo such treatment completely free of charge at your favorite dacha.

For successful cultivation cultivated grapes in conditions middle zone Of course, you need experience and patience. But you can set yourself more simple task- grow Amur grape vines, a more frost-resistant and unpretentious species. Of course, its berries are smaller and taste much more sour, but their composition healing properties practically do not differ from cultivated grape berries. Moreover, juice, wine and grape vinegar produced from Amur grapes are just as valuable and healthy.

But in this article I want to talk not only and not so much about the healing properties of Amur grapes, but about how to grow them in your summer cottage. Even if you have become an opponent of gardening, but have become infected with the landscape design virus, rush to garden centers and nurseries in the spring to buy Amur grape seedlings or get cuttings of this vine from neighbors you know. Unlike cultivated grapes, Amur grapes are not only more frost-resistant, but also unpretentious in care. This vine is considered one of the best in decorative landscaping of buildings and fences.

What are Amur grapes? This is a powerful vine with long, forked tendrils. In nature, it reaches 22 m in height. Annual shoots are reddish in color, tomentose. The energy of growth is such that in a season the shoot can grow up to 3 m. The leaves are alternate, large, either whole or 3-5 lobed, dark green. In the conditions of the Moscow region, the leaves unfold quite late, reaching their size only by July. During returning spring frosts, grape leaves may be damaged, but new ones will quickly grow. When blooming, the leaves are very beautiful, they are whitish-green with a pink tint, often even adults have a reddish-green tint.

In general, the vine is very spectacular, ornamental; in the fall its leaves are painted in bright colors, through which the dark berries in loose clusters sparkle. Landscape architects love her for these qualities.

Most often, dioecious specimens of Amur grapes are cultivated. Their flowers are small, white-green, collected in paniculate inflorescences. Berries spherical, with a diameter of 0.7-1.7 cm depending on the variety. The skin is thick, purple, blue or almost black. The berries have a pleasant, refreshing sweet and sour taste; the rough skin is easily separated from the pulp.

Variety Amur Proryv

The fruits of Amur grapes are just as rich in beneficial organic acids and microelements as cultivated grapes, but contain significantly less sugar - up to 12%, and are therefore more acidic. However, when processing the fruits of Amur grapes, there is no noticeable decrease in the quality of the products, compared to cultivated grapes. The amount of vitamins is not very large and fluctuates quite a lot.

In the Far East, wild plantings occupy vast areas; Amur grapes are actively processed here into homemade wines, wine vinegar, and jams are made. Juices of excellent quality are obtained from a mixture with cultivated grapes. The population also uses young leaves and shoots to make soups and salads, and even surrogate coffee is obtained from ground seeds.

The continuation is being written...

Scientists have found that taking substances called “phytohormones” rejuvenates the body and has no contraindications. In addition, they are useful to all people and are even necessary, since they contain vitamin P, which is not synthesized in human body. Our story is about the anti-aging phytohormone - resveratrol, its medicinal properties and rules of administration.

Every biological organism, including the human one, goes through the stages of birth, development, maturity and aging. During aging, adaptive mechanisms to unfavorable conditions weaken external factors, the risk of developing chronic diseases increases, and the quality of life decreases. In these processes, gerontologists attribute a particularly important role to changes occurring in the endocrine system.

The ratio of hormones in men and women with the end of the reproductive period () changes noticeably. These changes lead to disturbances in homeostasis (self-regulation and balance of the internal environment), all systems of the body deteriorate: nervous, digestive, respiratory, excretory, etc. The musculoskeletal system and immunity weaken, the likelihood of developing heart attacks, osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer increases sharply diseases.

To avoid these misfortunes, in some cases, hormone replacement therapy is recommended for older people - the introduction of synthetic hormones or their analogues into the body. It's right. But correction is associated with undesirable side effects. Phytohormones are another matter; they are biologically active substances that protect plants from frost and pathogens. Phytohormones are similar in structure to human hormones. One of the most useful phytohormones for humans is dihydroquercetin; resveratrol is by far the strongest.

Where is resveratrol found?

Where can you get this most useful and powerful of phytohormones? Resveratrol is found in the skins of berries and the seeds of red grapes. In addition to red grapes, the content of resveratrol is high in pine bark, peanuts, sprouts legumes(soybeans, beans, peas). But most of all resveratrol is found in Amur grapes, which the Far East is rich in. If Amur grapes are compared with cultivated red grapes, then there is 10-15 times more resveratrol in Amur berries, and 50-60 times in young shoots and leaves. This is explained by the fact that Amur grapes, in the harsh Siberian climate, require active substances much more than grapes adapted to the mild climate of Europe.

A bottle of the best dry red wine, which ferments along with the pulp (berry pomace), contains up to 5 mg of resveratrol. If, according to medical recommendations, you drink no more than 300 ml of such wine per day, about 2 mg of resveratrol will enter the body. This dose of resveratrol is enough for prevention, but not enough to achieve a therapeutic effect. If taken in the form of an expensive pure drug sold under the name “Natural Resveratrol” in Russian pharmacies, the effective dose will be about 100 mg per day. This is explained by the fact that resveratrol is very poorly soluble (for this it needs ethyl alcohol contained in wine), and pure resveratrol by itself does not work well in the body - it needs synergistic substances produced by plants. A solution to this problem has been found.

Studying Amur grapes, Russian biologists found that greatest number resveratrol can be obtained from stem (undifferentiated) cells of grapes. These cells are callus, which forms on cuttings during the rooting period and is well known to gardeners. Resveratrol is contained in tsp. callus of Amur grapes, as in 20 bottles of wine! Now many gardeners in the European part of Russia have begun to actively grow Amur grapes.

Obtaining callus from grapes and preparing a tincture with resveratrol

Immediately before kilching (the process of callus formation), it is necessary to cut cuttings from the vine - from the beginning of February until the buds bloom on the vine. Make the lower cut immediately below the bud, 2 cm higher - the upper one. It is better to remove the middle and lower buds. Leave only the top one. Soak the cuttings in boiled or settled water for several days. Wrap in a clean, damp cloth, then plastic bag and place horizontally in a warm place. The most favorable temperature is +25-+27 degrees. Make sure that the fabric does not dry out and remains constantly damp.

In the cut areas, after 3-4 weeks you can see influxes of callus. When root primordia appear, use a sharp knife to cut off the callus along with part of the bark. Then dry in much the same way as herbs are dried - in a warm and dry place, on a cloth or newspaper, avoiding sunlight on the callus. After 4-7 days it is already quite dry. Grind it in a coffee grinder, pour the resulting powder with vodka (1 tsp of powder per 50 ml of vodka). Let it brew for 2 weeks. Take 1 tsp during or immediately after meals. per day as a means of prevention or 2-3 tsp. during illness. You can drink it with the sediment. It is recommended to dilute the tincture with tea, juice, and water.

In 1 tsp. There is as much resveratrol tincture as in a bottle of elite French wine and almost no alcohol - 1000 times less. In addition, there are also synergistic substances that enhance the therapeutic effect of the phytohormone resveratrol.

Those on whose plots cultivated grapes grow can also make a tincture. But keep in mind that there is 5 times less resveratrol in the callus of cultivated red grapes than in Amur grapes, and 10 times less in the callus of white grapes.

Contraindications: Pregnant women and children should not take resveratrol tincture. But salads made from young leaves and Amur grape berries are exclusively beneficial for everyone.

An interesting effect of resveratrol was discovered during research. It reduces. When taking the drug daily, the effect begins within a week, and subsequently addiction You can refuse altogether. For this purpose, callus tincture is added to alcohol as follows: per bottle of vodka - 3 tsp. tinctures.

The Amur grape variety is recognized by breeders as one of the most unpretentious and frost-resistant. This is one of the rare northern varieties that began to be cultivated in the mid-19th century. Amur grapes are unique in their properties and take root in different climatic conditions.

  • Features of the variety and its varieties
  • Variety Amur Proryv
  • Subtleties of planting and care
  • Medicinal properties

This plant in its primitive form is found in the forests of the Far East and in the northern part of the Chinese provinces. Wild "Amurets" often chooses places near rivers and streams. It is distinguished by dark brown bark, wrinkled matte leaves of a dark green color turning red-brown in autumn. The berries are 1-2 centimeters in diameter, black and blue in color with different flavor notes.

The plant is found in wildlife with male or female flower types. Lianas with bisexual inflorescences rarely grow.

Grapes with female flowering type bear fruit small berries seedless. It begins to bloom in the second half of May. The bunches ripen by the end of September.

Grapes are divided into three ecotypes:

In the cultivation of this variety, a special role belongs to the breeder Alexander Ivanovich Potapenko. He was one of the first who took the risk of starting to cultivate noble varieties from wild vines. And his idea, continued by his followers, made it possible to create many frost-resistant and hardy grape varieties based on crossing with “Amurets”.

The most popular hybrids of Amur grapes:

  • Triumph - distinguished by large dark pink berries and large clusters.
  • Golden Potapenko is sugary, with large yellow berries and large clusters.
  • Early - characterized by early ripening in late July - early August.
  • Voldemar - looks like a wild vineyard, with a powerful vine and small berries, resistant to diseases.
  • Amur breakthrough (Odin) - has large dark berries and clusters, sugary.

    All varieties are distinguished by their resistance to severe frosts and fungal diseases, endurance, and unpretentiousness.

    The Amur Breakthrough variety stands out in particular. It is also called Potapenko-7 or Odin. This is the first cultivated variety that was bred from the wild “Amurets”.

    Amur breakthrough, unlike its parent, has an improved berry taste. Their sugar content reaches 23%. This variety makes excellent table wines and juices. The berries are large and round, dark pink to dark purple in color. Clusters from 150 to 600 grams. Ripens at the end of summer.

    The best qualities of the Amur breakthrough:

    • high productivity;
    • large annual growth of shoots (about 2.5 meters);
    • bright deep taste;
    • withstands frosts down to -40 degrees.

    This variety loves moisture. In areas with low humidity, it requires timely watering. Likes doughy acidic soils. It grows best in a coastal climate, where seasonal transitions are smoother.

    This variety tolerates transplantation well and quickly gains strength in a new location. The same reaction applies to pruning. At the same time, it has average resistance to diseases. In the climate of the middle zone it is more susceptible than in its homeland, in the coastal region.

    Hardy and unpretentious Amur grapes require certain rules when planting and caring. Despite its persistent qualities, it will not produce much harvest if not properly cared for.

  • In another way, Amur grapes called Ussuri. This crop is quite easy to care for. Amur grapes are classified as a variety that tolerates cold well. Often found in China and Korea. Sometimes this grape is called a vine, as it is entwined with various supports. Can reach ten meters in height or more. A breakthrough in cultivation occurred in the fifties of the nineteenth century. As mentioned above, it tolerates cold well and does not require careful care.

    Breeders recognized this variety as one of the most frost resistant and one of the most unpretentious. As mentioned earlier, the first cultivation of this northern variety took place in the mid-nineteenth century.

    Often Amur grapes can be seen next to streams or rivers.

    Features of the variety, description

    Amur or Ussuri grapes are mid-season variety . Almost all shoots bear fruit (about eighty percent). Several clusters (usually three) can form on one shoot. If the year is fruitful, then usually up to sixty centners of grapes are harvested from one hectare. Amur grapes finally begin to ripen in the fall.

    If the planting is quite modest, then by taking good care of it, that is, by pruning the bushes in a timely manner, you can get a harvest not in the fall, but a little earlier, in mid-August.

    Usually the plant has only female or only male inflorescences.

    Small seedless berries grow on bushes with female inflorescences. Flowering begins towards the end of May. The berries ripen in autumn, or more precisely, at the end of September.


    A significant breakthrough in cultivation was made by a breeder who put a lot of effort into cultivation - Alexander Ivanovich Potapenko. He was one of the first to decide to cultivate this noble variety. Thanks to Potapenko’s idea, which was continued by his followers, a breakthrough occurred in the creation of new frost-resistant grape hybrids.

    The most popular hybrids of Amur grapes are:


    1. The berries of this variety have bluish tint, their diameter is about a centimeter. Freezing helps improve the taste. At each stage of ripening, the berries have a different taste: first sour, then slightly sweet with sourness, then only sweet.
    2. The clusters look like a cone or cylinder.
    3. The pulp, which is enveloped by a dense skin, is light.
    4. The leaves are quite large, reaching fifteen centimeters, and have a dark green tint. Their shape can be different: lobed or solid, or heart-shaped.
    5. This variety perfectly tolerates various diseases or changes in weather.

    What are the benefits of Amur grapes?

    In addition to the fact that grapes of this variety are used in preparing all kinds of dishes or wines, it is used as decoration in landscape design. With the help of "lianas" you can easily turn your home into a beautiful green garden. They are perfect as decoration for arches or various hedges. They can be used to camouflage some unsightly buildings. Amur vines show all their beauty in autumn period. It is at this time that the leaves acquire interesting shades: starting from red and ending with pink. For those who like to decorate their summer cottages I really should like this grape variety.

    It is very useful to eat ripe grapes fresh, as they have great amount useful properties. For example, doctors recommend consuming these berries for various diseases: nephritis, gastritis (only if with low acidity), anemia, tuberculosis, diseases gallbladder, liver. And for those who want to lose a little weight, it is recommended to consume grapes daily (about two kilograms per day) for one and a half months.

    From this variety you can cook a lot of things. For example, jam, juice, compote, wine, preserves or raisins. Freshly squeezed grape juice can have a laxative and diuretic effect. Thanks to the juice, you can reduce your blood pressure a little.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Based on the reviews, it is easy to notice the following advantages:

    But, unfortunately, it was not without its drawbacks. Main disadvantage The problem is that the bushes themselves grow very much, and because of this, first of all, it is difficult to harvest. To prevent this situation, grape bushes must be periodically pruned. If you take good care of the plant, avoiding thickening and other things, then you can soon get an excellent harvest.

    How to grow and care for grapes?

    Care and planting of Amur grapes depends on the characteristics of the soil. Agronomists know several ways to place plantings.

    So, having planted grapes in sandy soil, it is necessary to deepen the shoots into the trenches, and more precisely, then:

    First, they dig a hole, the depth of which should reach thirty centimeters and the width - fifty. Secondly, the walls of the pit are strengthened boards, cobblestones or slate. And thirdly, the grapes are planted in trenches.

    If you get caught hybrid variety Amur grapes, they may be less resistant to frost. In this case, in winter, the vine must be slightly tilted and sprinkled with sand.

    The best soil for planting Amur grapes is loam or clay. Seedlings must be purchased two years old. They are planted in small holes, the diameter and depth of which can reach sixty centimeters. To drain water, it is necessary to arrange drainage (expanded clay or scrap bricks are often used). Next, you need to sprinkle everything with a mixture of humus, soil, peat and sand (river).

    To reduce acidity, in the pits pour ash (three shovels) and fertilizer (two tablespoons). Having taken the seedlings out of the temporary container, they are watered and then planted in the hole. After planting the bush, you need to water it again and make a small hill next to the root collar. In order to protect the young growth from the wind, which can significantly damage the leaves, you need to install a peg and tie a bush to it.


    To prevent the inflorescences from falling off and the ripening of the bunches to slow down, it is necessary to water the bush correctly, otherwise, due to excess moisture, the problems listed earlier can occur. Watering should be done at the root. The grapes need to stop watering a few days before flowering (preferably a week).

    There is no need to trim grape leaves during the first year after planting. After this time bushes are pruned, removing frail shoots and extra branches along with leaves. You need to start breaking off from the bottom.

    Amur grapes - Far Eastern relic, grows in the Far Eastern taiga, has survived glacial period. Easily tolerates frosts down to -40 degrees. In order to survive and bear fruit in these harsh conditions, Amur grapes, during their evolution, learned to produce various biologically active substances. These include resveratrol and quercetin and vitamins, and many others. This whole complex gives Amur grapes wonderful medicinal properties, and in terms of their healing qualities, Amur grapes are simply unique and unsurpassed.

    The skin of Amur grapes, petioles and leaves contain much more resveratrol, a famous active substance nicknamed by scientists as an “aging inhibitor,” than other grape varieties.

    Resveratrol reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, strengthens blood vessels and bones, and helps lower cholesterol levels. It is much more effective than coenzyme Q10: it maintains the smoothness and elasticity of the skin, preventing its premature aging, has the ability to restore and stimulate the growth of collagen fibers, and revives the youth of withered skin.

    Resveratrol became widely known thanks to research by scientists who became interested in why the population in France suffers least from cardiovascular diseases and cancer in Europe.
    It turned out that the cause of the “French phenomenon” is resveratrol, contained in wines made from dark-colored technical grape varieties. After all, the French tradition is to drink a small amount (about 100 ml) of red grape wine every day at lunch.

    Resveratrol is one of the most powerful plant antioxidants, surpassing beta-carotene in its activity by 5 times, vitamin E by 50 times, and vitamin C by 20 times.

    Experimental studies have revealed cardioprotective, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, blood sugar-lowering, immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective and other positive effects of resveratrol. It increased the life expectancy of experimental animals by 1.5 times.

    Russian scientists from the Pacific Oceanological Institute named after V.I. Ilyichev developed a unique valuable tincture from taiga grape marc. The tincture turned out to be very effective means for those who have problems with the heart, blood pressure, diabetes, hepatitis, etc.

    Amur grape tincture is very successfully used for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and in the treatment of tumors. It lowers blood sugar levels and has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Contains a whole complex of natural biologically active substances, including one of the key and powerful, in its own way therapeutic effects- resveratrol.

    As a result of using the tincture, very impressive results were obtained: after two months of taking the drug, tinnitus disappears and blood pressure normalizes. After three to four months, the pain of angina pectoris goes away and memory improves. The tincture promotes recovery after heart attacks and paralyzed patients after strokes. And women note an improvement in complexion and skin elasticity.

    The most remarkable thing is that you can prepare a tincture from Amur grapes with a similar therapeutic effect at home.

    First recipe - You need to squeeze the grapes, preferably together with the ridges (the stems of the berries), to auger juicer. So that the pulp comes out almost dry. With this pressing, 1 kg of fresh grape berries yields about 900 g of juice and 100 g of pulp.

    Then pour 20 g of pulp with 100 ml of vodka. Insist, and after a week you can start taking a teaspoon once a day, in the morning, during meals - it’s better to add it to tea. The resulting tincture can be diluted in half with water. But then you need to take two teaspoons (one dessert spoon). The taste is specific: sweetish-sourish-tart. No contraindications have been identified! You can take it constantly.

    Second recipe is a technology that helps enhance medicinal properties and tinctures from grapes and any other tinctures from plant materials.

    The fact is that some useful material It is quite difficult to extract from plants. At pharmaceutical enterprises, for this purpose they resort to complex technologies. The substances are extracted in their pure form and tabletted. But herbalists noticed that such tablets have little effect.

    Complex tinctures are often much more effective; they contain the combined effect of different substances. The proposed technology for the recipe for preparing the tincture is feasible at home.

    Have to take required quantity vegetable raw materials, place in an enamel container and fill, but not with vodka, but with water, in the same amount. In the above example with grapes, this will be the same 20 g of pulp and 100 ml of water.
    Place on fire and bring to a boil. Watch: as soon as the water starts to boil, immediately remove the container from the heat and immediately pour in 100 ml of vodka. Close and let cool.

    After cooling, this tea tincture is immediately ready for use. This can be very important, for example, in cases of treating patients after a stroke, when the prognosis is more favorable the sooner treatment begins.

    This technology is called the “Method of boiling ethanol in boiling water” and allows you to extract almost 30% more biologically active substances from plants than the usual method.

    Amur grape tincture can be recommended for: treatment of angina pectoris, hypertension, strokes, heart attacks, atherosclerosis; increasing resistance to stress and eliminating their consequences; prevention and complex treatment oncological diseases; varicose veins veins and thrombophlebitis; improving blood microcirculation in organs and tissues; prevention and treatment of retinopathy, diabetes, hypertension.

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