Variable morphological features of ordinal numbers. Numeral

1.What are constant signs numeral name?

The numeral one is stored in modern language old declension modeled on full adjectives (one, one, one, etc.); It has genus(one option, one line, one hole) and a formal indicator of multiple numbers(one sleigh, one skate);

The numerals two, three, four have the same declension, while maintaining gender differences (two toys, two bananas, two windows). In oblique cases, two, three, four agree with nouns (two, three, four portfolios);

The numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten retained their declension according to the type of nouns of the 3rd declension (bone, night, daughter, steppe);

Numerals from eleven to nineteen, twenty and thirty change according to the 3rd type of declension of nouns;

The numerals forty, ninety and one hundred have only one form in all cases: forty, ninety and hundred;

Ordinal numbers are declined like adjectives;

Fractional numerals are combinations, the first part of which is a cardinal numeral, and the second is an ordinal number, taking the form of either the nominative singular feminine case or the genitive plural case: one seventh, two second four hundredths;

Collective numerals are declined as pronouns or full adjectives: two - two, five - five.

2.What non-constant features of a numeral depend on its rank?

The presence and determination of gender, number, and case depends on the category of numerals. There are the following categories: quantitative, ordinal, fractional, collective.

3.Which numerals are declined as adjectives?
Ordinal numbers are declined like adjectives: tenth, tenth, tenth, etc.
4.What is the difference between simple and complex numbers?
Simple, or non-derivative (names of units of the first ten, as well as forty, one hundred, thousand). They have the same root. Compounds have two roots: thirteen, thirty, fifty, five hundred.
5.What are called compound numerals?
Compound numerals are combinations of two or more numerals (thirty-five, forty-four, two thousand one hundred forty-seven, forty-two, fifty-three, one hundred eighty-four.
6. What is the peculiarity of the declension of complex cardinal numerals?
Their declination is varied:

Numerals from eleven to nineteen, as well as twenty and thirty, change according to the 3rd type of declension of nouns;

In the numerals from fifty to eighty, as well as from five hundred to eight hundred, both parts change;

The numeral ninety has only one form in all cases: ninety.
7.Which compound numerals change each word during declension, and which ones change only the last one?
For quantitative compound numerals, all words change, but for ordinal compound numerals, only the last word: forty-five - forty-five, forty-fifth - forty-fifth.
Compound numerals must be distinguished from complex adjectives formed on the basis of a noun and a numeral. Such adjectives are written together. Wed: twenty-five years - twenty-five years, thirty-three days - thirty-three days.
8. In what cases is it written in numerals soft sign?
For the cardinal numerals five - nineteen, twenty and thirty, the soft sign is written at the end, and for the numerals fifty - eighty, five hundred - nine hundred - in the middle of the word. In practice, it can be determined this way: if there is a soft sign at the end of the numeral, then it is not in the middle.
9. Which names of numbers are written separately, and which ones together?
1. The cardinal numbers are written together, the last part of which is -ten, -one hundred, -hundred, and the ordinal numbers formed from them: seventy - seventieth, six hundred - six hundredth.
2. Ordinal numbers in -hundredth, -thousandth, -millionth, -billionth are written together: eight-millionth, twenty-thousandth (or 8-millionth, 20-thousandth).
3. Compound cardinal numerals and formed ordinal numbers are written separately: forty-five - forty-fifth.
4. Compound adjectives, the first part of which is the numeral, are written together: forty-degree, nine-story.
5. Fractional numbers are written separately: four ninths, one second.

Numeral- this is a category of words that serve as names of abstract numbers (three plus four will be seven), or a certain number of homogeneous objects that are expressed in whole or fractional numbers (five dollars, two-fifths of a gram), or the order of objects by counting (the fifth cabinet).

It is also an independent part of speech, which denotes the number, number of objects, the order of objects when counting and answers the questions how many? which? (Which?).

Let's list main features of a numeral name:
1) General grammatical meaning
This is the number, the number of objects, the order of objects when counting.

Numerals can be divided into two main categories:
1) quantitative
2) ordinal

Cardinal numbers denote the number of homogeneous objects in whole units (thirty, forty, one hundred, thousand).
According to their structure, cardinal numbers are divided into simple (two, three), complex (six hundred, sixty) and composite (thirty-three, forty-five).

Collective numerals are similar to cardinal numerals in meaning and morphological properties.
(Five, seven).

Fractional numbers do not represent whole numbers.
(One and a half, three fifths, seven tenths.)

Ordinals change by case, gender, number, like adjectives.
(Sixth, ninth; sixth, sixth; sixth, sixth; sixth, sixth.)

The initial form of ordinal numbers is singular, masculine, nominative case. (Sixth.)

Morphological characteristics
Cardinal numbers change according to cases. By gender and number - do not change. (Three, Three, thirty, thirty.)

Ordinal numbers change by gender, case and number like adjectives. (Fifth, fifth; fifth, fifth; fifth, fifth; fifth, fifth.)

Syntactic features

Cardinal and collective numerals can be any part of a sentence. The combination of a cardinal and collective numeral (in the nominative and accusative case) with a noun is one member of a sentence. (Three girls were spinning under the window late in the evening. I saw three kittens.)
An ordinal number in a sentence is usually a modifier, less often a predicate, like an adjective. (I did not receive a second letter; This is the second letter.)

By structure, numerals can be simple, complex and compound:

Simple numbers consist of one word (two, two, second).

Compound numerals consist of two or more words (fifty-five, five tenths, five thousand fifty-five).

Complex numbers consist of one word, but have two or more roots (five-hundred, five-and-hundred-thousandth).

Date of publication: 01/26/2012 20:29 UTC

  • We write without errors, all the rules of the Russian language, 100% literacy in 20 minutes a day, Sycheva N., 2012

The following textbooks and books:

Numeral- is an independent part of speech that denotes the number, number of objects, their order when counting and answers questions How many? which? (Which?).
Syntactic function: a cardinal number can be any member of a sentence, an ordinal number is usually a definition.

Morphological features of a numeral name
simple or compound;
category (for quantitative): integer, fractional, collective.
number (for ordinal);
genus (for ordinal).
Initial form- nominative case form (masculine singular - for ordinal).
Places of numerals
1. By value:
ordinal which? (Which?) - seventh, seventh, seventh, seventh;
quantitative How many? - seven, thirty-two, nine hundred;
collective (denote several objects as one whole) - five, seven, two;
denoting an integer - ten, thousand;
denoting a fractional number (the first part is declined as a cardinal number, the second - as an ordinal number) - five eighths, five eighths.
2. By composition:
simple (consist of one word with one root) - five, eighth;
complex (consist of one word with several roots) - twelve, fifteen;
compound (consist of several words) - one hundred thirty-one, five hundred and forty-three.
Declension of numerals
Numerals are declined:
1, 2, 3, 4 - as adjectives;
from 5 to 30 - as nouns of the 3rd declension;
in 40, 90, 100 I. p. and V. p. coincide, and in R., D., T. and P. p. they have the ending - A;
for numerals from 50 to 80 and from 200 to 900, both parts are declined;
for compound integers and fractional cardinal numerals, all the words of which they are composed are declined;
Ordinal numbers are declined like adjectives.
Morphological analysis of the numeral name
1. Part of speech. General meaning.
Initial form (I.p., singular, male)
2. Constant morphological characteristics:
quantitative or ordinal;
category (for quantitative).
Variable morphological characteristics:
number (for ordinal ones);
genus (for ordinal ones in units and for quantitative ones 1.2).
3. Syntactic role.
The first to emerge from the forest were two girls and the counselor Dima... (Yu. Sotnik.)
First- numbers.
1. They came out (which?) first (denoting the order when counting). N. f. - first.
2. Post. - simple, orderly; non-post - T.p., pl. h.
3. .
Two(girls) - numbers.
1. (How many?) two (denoting quantity). N. f. - two.
2. Post. - simple, quantitative, designation integer; non-post - I. p., g. R.
3. . 


  • didactic material (Step No. 1,2,3,4,5,7)
  • graphic projector
  • Forms of cooperation: group, collective

    During the classes

    First step. I'll check your homework

    1. Read the text. How do you think, what does it teach this text?

    2. Write down the numerals in two columns. By what principle did you distribute these numerals into two columns?

    The famous inventor Thomas Edison lived and worked in America. In 1897, the first electric light bulb of his design was lit. Do you know how much paper he spent writing down experiments until he came up with his discovery? Forty thousand pages!

    Edison said that in order to discover or invent something, you need to put one percent of innate genius and ninety-nine percent of persistent, hard work.

    Second step. I'll find mistakes have to put one percent of innate genius and ninety-nine percent of persistent, hard work

    One (percent)

    1. (How many?) one. N.f. one. The name is numeral, denotes quantity.

    2. Morph. signs.

    1. Post:
    a) simple;
    b) quantitative;
    c) whole.
    2. Non-post.: I.p.

    3. Synth. role – subject.

    Third step. Formulating the lesson topic

    1. Think about why I suggested you complete this task? / Write down the topic of the lesson in a notebook.
    2. Using supporting words, formulate the purpose of the lesson

    identify …………………………………………………………………………………
    formation of skills…………………and…determine…………………………………………………………

    Fourth step. I will determine the morphological features of ordinal numbers by completing the following tasks:

    1) Fill in table " Morphological features of cardinal numbers, adjectives and ordinal numbers »

    Signs Quantitative numerals Ordinal numerals from exercise 403. Ordinal numerals Adjective




    Twenty fifth

    one thousand nine hundred


    in the twelfth



    category: qualitative-relative-possessive




    A) fill in table columns 1, 4 / if you have any difficulties, you can refer to the textbook p. 108, 162-163;

    b) exercise 403. Read text. Find ordinals. Write it out to a table column 2 ;

    V) look pay attention to ordinal numbers and think about it, do the constant features of ordinal numbers coincide with the constant features of cardinal numbers? Fill in the table column 3: indicate these signs

    G) highlight for ordinal numbers ending, what non-constant signs are indicated by the endings of ordinal numbers?

    With inconsistent signs of what parts of speech do they match? Fill in the column 3 .

    Fifth step. I will draw a conclusion: what are the constant and non-constant morphological features of ordinal numbers?

    Read the rule p. 173 . Let's compare the result obtained with the content of the scientific and educational text.

    Sixth step. Have you learned I gained knowledge

    Assignment: complete exercise 404. / one student completes the task on tape for control /

    Seventh step. I'll analyze the recording

    eight hundred


    eight hundred



    eight hundred


    (two numerals taken from home exercise)

    A) I'll highlight finish e for ordinal numbers
    b) I'll determine, what is the ordinal number? composition: simple, complex, compound ?
    V) I'll determine case
    G) I'll think about it what we must remember when declination (changes by cases) data on the composition of ordinal numbers?
    G) I'm reading rule p.174.
    d) which one new information I received)?

    Eighth step. Did I assimilate the acquired knowledge? ?

    Exercise: do it exercise 405. Write it down offers. Numbers write it down words. Explain spelling unstressed vowel at the end of ordinal numbers.

    Ninth step. I write down my homework: pp. 173-174 (rule); Exercise 408.

    Tenth step. Summing up.

    Name it key topic words.

    /constant morphological characteristics:
    simple, complex, compound;
    inconsistent morphological characteristics:
    case, number, gender/

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