DIY garden sculptures made from plaster. DIY plaster crafts: master class and video gallery of finished works

Relatively recently, it has become fashionable to make DIY crafts for the garden using plaster. Today, in almost every family that has a private house or a dacha, there is someone who expresses a desire to decorate the local area in this way. For garden plot you can make various objects not only from gypsum, but also with the addition of polymer clay, seed beads, beads, shells, bottles, etc. By using your imagination, you can create a real work of art for your garden with your own hands using improvised means. Such different figures will enliven your garden and bring new and bright colors to it.

Everyone can get acquainted with several master classes on making interesting items for decorating the local area or cottage from plaster. Working with such material is a real pleasure, and it also has a pleasant price. In addition, handmade plaster crafts can be painted in different colors, which allows you to decorate the entire garden with interesting and bright objects.

If you have no experience working with plaster, then it is recommended to start making simple crafts with your own hands. In this case, we will consider making multi-colored stone leaves, which can later be placed along the path or near shrubs and favorite plants. Such a master class requires the following materials (photo 1):

  • rhubarb or burdock leaf;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • paint as desired.

The sheet must be pre-rinsed to remove unnecessary dirt and dust. After this, you should lay out the sand on paper or oilcloth, place the sheet face down on top, compact it well and pour the already diluted cement on top (photo 2-3).

Cement must be diluted as follows: the dry component is mixed with water until a thick sour cream consistency is obtained. When pouring it onto the sheet, you need to make sure that the solution completely covers the workpiece. All that remains is to let the sculpture dry.

When the craft for the garden or vegetable garden hardens, it must be freed from sand and leaves. Now you can start decorating the craft (photo 4). It can be decorated with multi-colored stones, drawings on top or highlighting the lines with paint. The craft also looks good in its natural form. Colors such as bronze, pink and green are often used for the vegetable garden. Finally, it is recommended to cover the top of the sculpture with a water-repellent mixture or primer so that water does not spoil such beauty over time.

Making garden mushrooms

Gypsum mushrooms will look very beautiful and natural in your garden.

After previous experience, many have probably already become convinced that working with a material such as gypsum is not difficult. Therefore, it is recommended not to stop there and start creating a slightly more complex craft.

Such mushrooms are made using the following materials and tools:

  • building gypsum;
  • plastic bottle (several different sizes are possible);
  • round plate;
  • cling film;
  • wire;
  • acrylic paints;

Let's look at the master class step by step, and on its basis it will be possible to make different sizes mushrooms to place them throughout the local area or at least in several places so that they are not lost in a single form in the garden. To make mushrooms, you first need to create legs for them. To do this, you should cut the prepared plastic bottle, removing its bottom. To make the craft stable, it is recommended to place wire inside the bottle.

After this, we dilute the plaster until we obtain the desired consistency (thickness of sour cream) and pour it into the bottle. The solution must dry completely, only then can the mushroom stem be released from the bottle. To do this, make a diagonal cut and remove the plastic with your hands. Now the workpiece needs to be sanded.

The next step is to make a mushroom cap. You will need a deep round plate and film. The dishes need to be covered with film so as not to spoil them. We dilute the plaster again, pour it inside the bowl and, without waiting for the workpiece to harden, we place the finished leg in the middle. After hardening, the craft can be freed from the bowl and film.

The final stage is decoration. This is where your imagination comes into play, because mushrooms for the garden do not necessarily have to be of a natural color. You can highlight them or decorate them in accordance with the surrounding landscape. When you're done painting and it's dry, don't forget to varnish the mushrooms.

As you can see, this craft is also done quickly and without much effort and expense. In addition, you can involve children in the very process of creating this sculpture - they will also be interested in making real works of art for the garden with their own hands.

Funny flowerbed cat

The next master class is suitable for craftsmen in the matter of creating plaster crafts for the dacha. And if you have practiced with previous master classes, then you can safely proceed to more complex tasks.

We suggest creating a flower bed in the shape of a funny cat. To do this you will need the following materials and tools:

  • latex gloves;
  • cement;
  • gypsum;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • plastic bottle (large);
  • wire;
  • wooden slats;
  • paint and varnish.

First of all, we cut the bottle, which will serve as a flower bed. Afterwards, the form needs to be well wrapped with wire, which will cling to the cement solution, because otherwise it will simply slide along the plastic. Then you need to knock down a frame from the slats and attach it to a plastic blank (photo 5).

Let's start mixing the solution. This must be done at a rate of 1 part sand to 1 part cement. Already in ready mixture gypsum is added, since a solution with this component will harden quickly. Don’t forget to wear gloves and mix the solution itself with a separate stick.

Now you can begin the most difficult part of the process - sculpting the desired shape. You need to take the prepared solution in your hand and add 1 tbsp to it. l. plaster, then knead it in your hand and, rolling it into a sausage, attach it to the frame. So, the solution should be applied step by step, separating the necessary bulges and smoothing the surface of the workpiece.

While the frame dries, you can create a cat's face. This will require experience from childhood, when various figures were sculpted from plasticine. Using the same technology, we create an animal’s face from a small ball. And for better bonding of small elements, it is necessary to first lubricate the body with water, exactly those places where a new layer will be applied.

Finally, with wet hands, polish the surface of the craft. For better drying, the product must be covered with cellophane and set aside for at least 3 days. However, you shouldn’t forget about the cat. On the first day of drying, it must be additionally moistened with water. When the craft is completely dry, it should be sanded using sandpaper (photo 8).

All that remains is to paint the cat. It can be done water-based paint, car paint or enamel. After painting, it is necessary to coat the surface with varnish so that the garden flower bed does not deteriorate under the influence of unfavorable weather conditions.

Using such a quickly hardening material as gypsum, today we will learn how to make our own figurine for the garden fungus. Detailed photographs and step-by-step instructions will help you cope with this task.

Basically, to make plaster figurines, special, ready-made molds are most often used, which are sold in a large assortment in the store. Application ready-made forms greatly simplifies our task; you just need to properly dilute the plaster, pour it into the mold and wait for it to harden! But we don’t always have these same molds on hand, we can’t always afford to purchase them, so we’ll talk about creating a mushroom figurine from scrap materials.

DIY gypsum fungus for the garden

Gypsum is a very popular material for various garden crafts. However. If the craft is supposed to be large, do not forget to insert a metal frame into it. Gypsum is a tiny material. Therefore, it will not withstand a lot of weight without a strong foundation.

You will need:

  • Sculpted gypsum;
  • PVA construction glue;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Ordinary compass;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Paints (preferably acrylic);
  • Various beads, flowers for decoration;
  • The glue is waterproof;
  • Wood cutters (a gypsy needle can successfully replace them);
  • Brush;
  • Food film;
  • Water;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Soap;
  • For molds we use plastic bottles and old dishes– cups, toes, etc.

Gypsum fungus consists of three very important parts - the base. Mushroom stem and mushroom cap.
Before starting work, prepare a special mixture. Prepared mixture of grated soap, sunflower oil and water in a ratio of 2/1/7, respectively, carefully spread on the cling film with which the mold is wrapped. Thanks to this, the plaster will easily come away from the mold and you won’t have to tear it off and spoil the figurine.

Another tip - don’t spread all the plaster at once! Plaster sets very quickly and you may not yet have time to prepare the necessary mold for it. Each package of plaster you purchase must indicate detailed instructions dilution of this material. Follow it and you will ensure high quality of the source material and durability of the resulting figurine.

  • Our initial task will be to create a stem for our fungus;
  • The cut off neck of a plastic bottle is ideal as a mold for the mushroom stem;
  • Grease the mold thoroughly with the soap mixture;
  • Place another small plastic bottle in the center of the stem mold (see picture), with its help you will ensure that the mushroom stem turns out hollow. Thanks to this, you save a little plaster;

  • When the plaster has hardened, remove the finished mushroom stem from the mold using a sharp stationery knife.

The mushroom cap is prepared as follows:

  • The shape for the cap of the future fungus can be an old toe, a bowl or an ordinary deep plate. We wrap the selected vessel with cling film and (or) coat it thoroughly with a soap-oil mixture;
  • Fill the gypsum solution to a certain height;

  • Allow to dry thoroughly and harden;
  • Carefully remove the fungus from the mold and remove the protective film from it.
  • It's time to make a base for our garden fungus:
  • It is best to make a removable base for garden fungus. To do this, you need to select a container (toe) as a form. bigger size than the cap of the fungus, so that the fungus can be inserted comfortably when making the base;
  • Also wrap the mold with cling film and spread with soapy water;
  • Fill in required amount plaster into the prepared form;
  • Wrap the stem of the fungus also in cellophane film so that the fungus can be easily removed from the base and put back;
  • As soon as the mixture in the mold begins to set, place the fungus stem wrapped in film into it and wait until the figure dries completely.

That's it, ours gypsum fungus for the dacha ready, but in order to install it in our garden it needs to be decorated, which is what you and I will now successfully do!

  • We make various flowers, leaves, caterpillars, etc. from gypsum. Let all decorative items dry well in the sun and after a day glue them to the fungus using waterproof glue;
  • While the parts are drying, take a sheet of paper and a pencil, and create a sketch of the design that your fungus will have, completely ready for installation in the garden;
  • Using a pencil, apply the required design to the completely dry figure;
  • Carefully prime the fungus using PVA glue diluted in ½ water, or using a special construction primer (which is basically the same thing);
  • When the soil hardens, and this will happen no earlier than in 1.5 - 2 hours, you can begin painting all the decorative parts of the fungus. We are waiting for it to dry;
  • The finished painted and dried figurine must be carefully coated with several layers of varnish. This must be done. Because paints tend to be washed off by rain and snow. When varnishing, make sure that the fungus is completely varnished and that there are no areas left unpainted on its surface.
  • Using moisture-resistant glue, glue the finished fungus to the base and install it in its rightful place in your fairy garden.

How to make a decorative fairy mushroom with your own hands, video

You can also plant a caterpillar on our fungus. Let's remember everyone's favorite Caterpillar from Lewis Carroll's fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland". Such a “magic” mushroom can be in your garden, and such a wise Caterpillar will proudly sit on it and give its advice to everyone passing by!
This decorative Caterpillar can also be made from plaster.

You can plant this type of caterpillar on a fungus (reduced), or make it a separate element of the decor of your “fairytale” garden. To make it you will need:

  • Gypsum diluted to the consistency of liquid sour cream;
  • Waterproof glue;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Priming;
  • Brush.

Stages of creating a figure - plaster caterpillars:

  • Make some flattened circles various shapes(10 pieces may be enough);
  • Make two small (or large) balls for your caterpillar's eyes;
  • Let everyone dry constituent elements caterpillars;
  • Glue them together in any order, giving the caterpillar body any shape you like. Glue eyes to the large round head;
  • Prime the entire track thoroughly and let dry for two hours;
  • Paint your fairy caterpillar beautifully with acrylic paints. Let them dry thoroughly;
  • Carefully varnish the finished caterpillar. Let it dry thoroughly and you can safely install it in the right place!

Today there are many materials from which you can make crafts. One of them is gypsum. Do-it-yourself plaster products are quite easy to make. Gypsum is non-toxic material, which can be purchased at any hardware store or on the market. It hardens quickly, and products made from it are quite durable. One more positive thing is that gypsum crafts do not require large material costs.

From this material you can make various products and sculpt figures. They will serve original decoration for home and garden, and can also be used as toys for children and souvenirs for loved ones. These can be all kinds of vases, figurines, angels and various figures of animals or fairy-tale characters.

Using paints, you can decorate products, apply various designs and ornaments to them.

How to dilute plaster for crafts

To get started, you need to know how to prepare and dilute gypsum mortar. This is done very simply. It should be remembered that gypsum tends to harden quickly, so it should be diluted immediately before starting creative process. It is better to make a large portion of the solution so that the product is of high quality and non-fragile. In a large container, dilute gypsum powder with water and knead it. It is important to know that water is poured first and then gypsum powder is gradually added.

Gypsum crafts for the garden

The garden is not only a place where various plants are grown, but also a relaxation area. In order to spend time comfortably in the garden, you need to decorate it. Crafts will fit perfectly into the design of any site.

Gallery: plaster crafts (25 photos)

Master class on making gypsum leaves with your own hands

Even a beginner in this matter can handle this craft. Stone leaves can be beautifully laid out along garden path or near plants.

First you need to prepare the following materials:

The plant leaf should be thoroughly washed to remove dust and dirt. After this, it is laid out on oilcloth with the back (more textured) side facing up. You can place crumpled foil under the sheet to create a bulge.

Next, the solution is mixed and poured onto the selected leaf of the plant. When the plaster hardens, turn the sheet over, remove the foil and carefully remove the sheet. Any unevenness along the edges can be corrected using sandpaper.

Then the plaster blank is painted with white acrylic paint and varnished. Afterwards, the plaster product can be tinted with acrylic paint of any color using a regular bandage.

In order to make mushrooms you need the following materials:

The mushroom stem is made from a plastic bottle, the bottom of which is cut off. To make the leg more stable, you can place a wire inside the bottle. Next, pour the gypsum solution into the bottle. After drying, carefully cut the bottle and take out the stem for the mushroom. Next, the leg is sanded.

The mushroom cap is made from round deep plate, which must be covered with film. Pour the solution into the plate, and without waiting for it to dry, insert the leg. After the solution has hardened, remove the resulting fungus from the plate. To decorate the fungus, you should use a variety of colors and imagination.

Master class and video on making a plaster house with your own hands

For this work you will need the following materials:

  • plasticine;
  • gypsum;
  • vegetable oil;
  • stationery knife;
  • dye;
  • sandpaper.

Making a plaster house at home is quite simple.

First you need make a shape for a house from plasticine. What it will be like depends on your skill and imagination. Next, you should mix the gypsum solution and pour it into the plasticine mold.

After drying, you must carefully, slowly, remove the plasticine. The resulting plaster mold should be carefully lubricated vegetable oil. Then plaster is poured into the mold. After drying, the house is removed from the plaster mold. Thanks to vegetable oil it comes out of the mold easily.

Master class on making a decorative mask from clay with your own hands

To make a mask you will need:

  1. Gypsum.
  2. Plasticine.
  3. Brush.
  4. Dye.
  5. Wire.

On a flat surface, you need to make a mold for a mask from plasticine. Next, a gypsum solution is applied to it in layers until the product becomes durable. The first layer should be applied with a brush and make sure that no bubbles form. Between layers it is worth laying copper wire. She will serve reinforcement mesh.

After hardening, the plasticine should be removed. If any irregularities have formed on the workpiece, they can be trim with a blade or utility knife. Then the plaster mold must be coated with colorless varnish.

Now you can proceed directly to making the mask. The mold is filled with gypsum mortar. It is important to ensure that the plaster is applied evenly and covers all voids. A loop is placed in the still uncured solution, on which the mask will subsequently hang on the wall. When the product dries, it carefully removed from the mold. The finished mask is trimmed with sandpaper, painted with various paints and varnished.

Increasingly, modern summer cottages are decorated not only ornamental plants, but also sculpture. This is exactly what garden figurines are called and they are classified as small architectural forms - MAF. Keyword in this phrase – “architectural”, that is, elements that are organically included in the composition of the garden. This means that they are subject to the rules of correlation, proportionality and stylization. In this article we will tell you about the master class of garden figurines made of plaster and give recommendations for making them.

Garden figurines as small architectural forms in landscape design

No matter how beautiful the figure is, it should not look like a foreign body. The image and mood created by her or them is designed to create harmony, not contradictory chaos. It doesn’t matter whether these forms are ready-made or homemade, it is important to arrange them as a stylish accent of the garden. The antique sculpture in the garden looks ridiculous modern architecture, or many figures of different themes.

When deciding which figurines to place in your garden, purchased or homemade, keep in mind that you can successfully combine both.

The location rules are:

  • It is worth considering that any object is not placed on its own, but in relation to the point of view, that is, the eye level of a person who is standing or sitting. In this case, the viewer should not make additional efforts to look at the figure - lower or raise his head.
  • The location is determined by the size of the form. It is installed at a distance of two or three heights of the figure from the point of view. This feature must be taken into account if the sculpture is visible from several points, for example, from a gate, from front door into the house, from the recreation area.

What is better: make a figurine yourself or buy a ready-made one

The garden sculpture market offers a huge range of garden figurines from the most various materials. Their sizes and styling depend on the material from which they are made and on production features manufacturer. A rich variety of sculpture can satisfy every taste and financial opportunity. One of the most common materials is gypsum. Figures from it are often found on sale. The pricing policy is as follows:

  • Minimum – 50 rub. (for “Small Hedgehog”, measuring 20 cm in length).
  • Maximum – 850 rub. (for the “Dog” figurine - 100 cm.) (Using the example of products from the company “World of Piggy Banks” in Gus Khrustalny.)

Even a huge variety of garden forms are mass production. To create beauty and comfort in your garden, emphasize individuality, and save money, you can make exclusive, unique crafts from available materials. One of the simplest materials for this purpose is gypsum.

Types of gypsum and methods of its preparation

Gypsum is one of the most famous and oldest materials used by man. One of distinctive features– rapid hardening. You need to work with it very quickly, the plaster hardens in 8 to 25 minutes and cannot be dissolved again. There are many varieties, consider those that are suitable for garden sculpture:

Name Characteristic
1. Sculptural


The most fine-grained and durable type of gypsum. Used for making three-dimensional figures by pouring into molds or applying to frames.
2. Acrylic Obtained by grinding acrylic resin. Its properties are similar to sculptural ones, but much lighter. When adding marble chips or aluminum powder looks like natural marble.
3. Polymeric It is used to make plaster bandages and bandages. This material is used in self-production plaster molds for interior and garden.

Tip #1. When working with plaster, it is important to remember that it begins to harden at the fourth minute, and completely hardens after half an hour.

The best plaster for garden figurines is sculptural

Original ideas for making plaster figurines with your own hands

If the range of purchased figurines is not satisfactory, it is worth trying your creativity in creating an exclusive plaster mold. Experienced craftsmen offer options available to any novice “sculptor”.

  • "Mushrooms" itself different types and size are done using a plastic bottle and bowl. This type of work is fun to do with children.

You can make a whole mushroom family.
  • It’s easy to make a “ball” in the Art Nouveau style if you have a round shape.
  • A “snail” or caterpillar cannot be called a simple product; you will have to tinker with it.

A “caterpillar” of several flattened circles. The size and shape of the sculpture is made individually.
  • “Ladybugs” can be made using halves of a rubber ball.
  • For more complex shapes, frames are needed. You can use those sold at garden centers for topiary purposes.

Preparing a mold for making a plaster figurine

Now let’s learn more about how to make a craft mold yourself. The easiest way is to use available material.

  1. If you make a small hole in an old rubber ball and pour plaster into it, you get a form that can be used as a separate sculpture or a part for a more complex design.
  2. The ball halves can be used as the basis for the ladybug.

Resourceful craftsmen use improvised materials as forms - bowls, construction helmets and other similar forms.
  • Plastic bottles are very popular as a “matrix”.
  • One of the sculptural bases is a balloon. Its surface is filled with gypsum, and after complete hardening it is removed, after releasing the air. In this case, it is better to use plaster bandages.

In the garden they look like real ones, only big.

How to sculpt and how to paint a finished sculpture

When working with gypsum, you need to take into account some features of the material. For example, you should not mix too much solution, but only the amount that can be used within 5 to 8 minutes. That is, the disadvantage of the material is that you can only work with it in small portions.

Tip #2. Do not make plaster figures that are too large. This is a fragile material; the larger the product, the more likely it is to be damaged.

Gypsum is a self-sufficient material in color scheme. Often finished figures are left in in its original form– white. This is impractical for a garden; after a while, rain and dust will turn a snow-white sculpture into a gray “misunderstanding.” It's better to paint the figurine. This will not only add decorativeness, but also protect it from damage.

It is better to sand and prime the finished form before painting. This will allow the paint to adhere better to the surface. For priming and painting you need coatings that:

  • Works well on plaster
  • Suitable for outdoor use.

The following paints can be used to paint garden figurines:

Name Peculiarities Flaws
TICIANA Acrylic primer is a concentrate that applies evenly to a porous surface. Large volume per package in terms of painting one figure.
Astex AKRY-FLEX Facade acrylic paint made on the basis of aqueous emulsion and natural fillers. Contains an agent against lichens and moss, which is important for garden use.
Landhausfarbe OSMO Opaque universal paint for exterior use. Used for plastered (gypsum) surfaces and wood.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a “Garden Mushroom” figurine

Fungus on the base of a plastic bottle. For the form you will need:

  1. Plastic bottle for mushroom stem.
  2. An old bowl or rubber ball.

Materials for sculpture:

  • Sculptural plaster;
  • PVA glue
  • Construction knife with a retractable blade Ordinary compass; Simple pencil;
  • Facade paints,
  • Decor (optional) Various beads, flowers for decoration;
  • Protective varnish,
  • Food film,
  • Vaseline (or other fatty substance).

Sequence of work:

  • cling film the right size spread with a mixture of sunflower oil, liquid soap and water. (The solution is prepared in a ratio of 2:1:7, you can measure it with tablespoons). Wrap in film inner part mold so that after hardening it is easy to remove the plaster from it.
  • Cut the plastic bottle crosswise (in diameter) so that the part with the neck looks like the stem of a mushroom.
  • Dilute a small part of the gypsum by carefully pouring the powder into the water and stirring gently. Pour the mixture into the mold. To save material, you can put a smaller one inside the main bottle.
  • When the mushroom stem is ready, it is carefully removed from the mold, after cutting it with a construction knife. It's better to make several cuts.
  • Then they start making the hat. To do this, use a rubber ball cut in half or an old bowl. The mold is treated in the same way as a plastic bottle; the inside is lined with a greasy film.
  • Pour the gypsum solution to the desired level. You should not make the hat too voluminous, then it will be easier to hold on the stem.
  • As soon as the solution in the cap begins to harden, the finished leg is inserted into the center.
  • Wait until the “structure” is completely dry, about 30 minutes.
  • They are primed, you can buy a special façade compound or use a 1:2 PVA glue solution.
  • Painting begins after 2 - 3 hours. Facade paints are used.
  • Finally, a protective varnish for exterior use is applied to the dried paint.

Category: “Questions and answers”

Question No. 1. What is better to choose for garden figurines: plaster or concrete?

Question No. 2. What colors to decorate plaster products with?

If the figures are monochromatic, you can plant multi-colored annuals in them:

  • Ageratum,
  • Burkhats,
  • Petunia,
  • Lobelia.

Plants of the same color are placed in brightly colored forms.

Question No. 3. Is it better to make a figurine yourself or buy a ready-made one?

It depends on financial capabilities and availability of free time. If it is not possible to pay attention to the leisurely production of the figurine, it is better to buy a ready-made one. Moreover, the choice is huge. Is it possible to combine " folk art"with a purchased sculpture.

Mistakes gardeners make when creating plaster figures

As a base, you can use a metal construction mesh.

Mistake #1. Pour water into the plaster.

In this case, lumps form and it is impossible to work with such a solution.

Mistake #2. Making large figures without a frame.

The heavier the form, the more likely it is to be damaged. With the slightest crack, a sculpture without a base can fall apart.

Mistake #3. Kneading large quantities gypsum

If the solution is not used for 5 minutes, it becomes hard as a rock. It cannot be dissolved again. This is why gypsum is used in parts.

Recently, decorating summer cottages and garden plots, especially with your own hands, has become a fashionable and popular activity and hobby for many people. This is not strange, since in addition to the main purpose of harvesting, many people go to their dachas to relax and have a good time away from the bustle of the city. Therefore, almost all owners of summer cottages and garden plots are tasked with creating the most cozy, comfortable atmosphere, as well as giving the space an aesthetically unique look.

More recently, decorating a site with original and sometimes funny figures and small sculptures has become fashionable.

The presence of such a decorative element makes the landscape of the site exclusive, unique and unlike others, because the decoration work, in fact, is completely an author’s project - and therefore has its own personality.

Features of garden decoration

Of course, many will prefer to buy ready-made figurines, for example made of stone or plastic, in a store that offers a huge variety of different fairy-tale characters, animals, and so on. However, it is much more interesting to do the work yourself. Thus, you can put a piece of your love and, of course, creativity into each of the sculptures. The materials at hand are quite suitable for creating any figurine you have in mind. The process of “inventing” and “sculpting” your character is always very enjoyable and captivating for children. You can involve them in the creative process.

There are a lot of ideas for creating landscape sculptures. It could be your favorites fairy-tale heroes, for example, colorful gnomes, the fierce Serpent Gorynych, the cunning Puss in Boots, Gold fish or the variegated Firebird. There is no limit to the flow of imagination here!

An important rule is that decorative figures must correspond to the design of the space and appearance Houses. If there is a small pond in the garden, then an army of funny frogs will fit perfectly into its space, and brave golden-maned lions, located on the lawn near the house, will be able to guard and protect the home. Some masters and craftswomen are so keen on the process that country cottage area or the garden turns into a real fairy-tale city.

What can it be made from?

Garden figurines can be made with your own hands from a variety of materials.

From plaster

Gypsum is a popular material for making garden figurines and is also easy to use. One of the main conditions when working with plaster is that the figures must be durable and resistant to moisture. Precision in manufacturing does not play an important role. Small figures are usually made by hand without a base or the use of any equipment.

Scale models, where it is necessary to reproduce massive body parts or work with large parts, require a reinforced frame. It serves as the “skeleton” of the product. The finished work is attached to the foundation using protruding elements of the foot.

In winter and autumn it is better to store plaster figures in a dry place.

The sculpting technology itself is quite simple. A mixture of diluted gypsum with PVA glue is laid out layer by layer, allowing each previous layer to dry. Ready if desired plaster product can be painted and varnished.

From wire

To decorate your garden, you can make a variety of shapes from wire yourself. These can be either self-sufficient products or decorative elements, such as stands for flowers, lamps, as well as elegant vases. Using wire, you can make a decorative grill that resembles the image of an animal or character; it can also be small benches, a table, miniature gazebos and more.

Nowadays, a trend such as topiary, or in other words, garden shrub sculpture, is gaining popularity.

For example, in the future, a durable wire frame can be overgrown with greenery and given a believable shape using a curly haircut.

From plastic bottles

As you know, plastic is easy to cut, paint and retain its shape for a long time. One of the most spectacular products made from plastic bottles, is a palm tree. In addition, a tropical plant in the middle of a garden or cottage looks quite exotic and unique. To do this kind of work you need to stock up big amount plastic containers green and brown shades.

Very often, various flowers, trees and birds are made from this material. The technology is very simple, but the finished work looks really attractive.

Made of wood

Wood is a unique material from which you can build many options for garden crafts. By mastering the basic techniques of carving and wood burning, even an ordinary old tree stump can be turned into a work of art. Wooden decorations look natural and can transform even the darkest corners of a garden or cottage.

Wood is affordable, and the range of its varieties is very wide - it can be twigs, old driftwood, stumps, sheets of plywood or chipboard. The wood is very pleasant to work with and easy to process.

It is important to remember that any wood is susceptible to rotting and therefore requires care and protection.

Products made from birch branches look incredibly beautiful. Even without surface treatment, wood work will look very attractive, and if you coat it with varnish, you can extend its life and make it stronger.

From cement

Cement cannot be called a “capricious” material, but in order to get a high-quality and durable result of working with it, you need to follow a number of rules and a clear sequence, in a word, you will have to try. As a rule, for preparing standard cement mortar you need to mix cement, water, construction sand and tile adhesive (it is used to prevent cracks from appearing in the finished craft).

Cement requires a long drying time. It may take 7 to 10 days for the cement figurine to completely harden. To smooth out roughness use sandpaper or file.

Once the figure has hardened, it must be primed and only then painted or varnished.

Made of metal

Hardware First of all, they are characterized by high strength. Often such products in the garden perform not only a decorative, but also a practical function. These could be forged benches small sizes, lanterns, openwork flower stands and more. As a rule, people prefer to buy forged figures in stores or ask them to make them to order. Such pleasure is quite expensive, although it is distinguished by its uniqueness and is often the work of an author.

But with effort and imagination, rummaging through the rubble from old improvised metal materials, which one way or another are slowly accumulating in every home (and even more so in the country), you can build a real masterpiece.

For example, old nails can turn out to be excellent stems for daisies or dandelions; outdated old coins can serve as the feathers of a miracle bird or the scales of a fabulous fish. You can fasten metal parts together using Moment glue, unless, of course, the product is very large.

It will help to process a massive product welding machine, however, this method of fastening requires certain skills, but is the most reliable option.

To hold miniature metal parts together, you can use a soldering iron or blowtorch. For improvement decorative look the finished product is covered special paint, intended for application to a metal surface.

Made from concrete

Concrete is a material from which you can recreate any shapes and figures. Many ideas using concrete can be implemented by a person who has not previously dealt with this material. It is worth remembering that when working with cement or concrete, gloves must always be worn.

The essence and principle of working with concrete is the same as with cement. To give the figure the required dimensions, concrete is poured into trays or molds, left to dry, and then polished and decorated.

Artificial grass

Perhaps one of the most fashionable solutions for the garden is topiary. As mentioned above, topiary are green sculptures made from artificial grass or from moss. The product can enliven the landscape of the site, as well as fit into the picture of the environment in the most natural way.

Making topiary requires a lot of effort and time. However, with persistence and patience, anyone can do the job. The most the easy way for the manufacture of hollow figures is the application metal frame, which can be easily purchased at any gardening store. The frame is made in the form of a lattice with sufficient gaps to allow access to the inside. A mixture of earth with peat or moss is placed in the “core” of the metal structure.

When filling the inside of the frame with substrate, you need to create small depressions where your chosen garden crops will subsequently be planted.

From stone

The simplest and cheapest material to decorate your garden or cottage are ordinary stones. You can create the most unusual compositions from stones of different sizes and shapes. Many of us, having returned home from summer vacation, cannot take with us even a small armful of sea stones, which lie in a “long” box, only taking up space. Just sea pebbles would be an excellent material for any craft.

Such stones can be used to lay bright path, various mosaics, lay out multi-colored stones with inscriptions of the owners’ names country house, make a homemade small fountain from stones and much more.

From scrap materials

What self-taught designers don’t use to decorate their favorite summer cottage. It can be almost anything that comes to hand: old cups, forks, spoons and plates, watering cans, outdated cars and carts, tires, plastic bags, nails and so on. This list can go on and on.

From car tires

It turns out that you can also create real works of art from old car tires. Rubber is a durable material that is resistant to both temperature changes and high moisture. The most popular landscape decorations using car tires are homemade flower beds, figures of various animals, sandboxes, swings, and so on.

When working with tires, the following set of tools is most often used: jigsaw, knife, electric drill, grinder and metal saw. Rubber is quite pliable and easy to paint.

From foam plastic

Polystyrene foam is easy to process and weighs almost nothing - these are the key points that a novice garden designer should know. That is why each figurine made from this material must be fixed in place using cement mortar. Polystyrene foam, as a rule, can deteriorate from interaction with acetone and dichloroethane. However, working with him is easy and pleasant. The parts of the foam figurine are perfectly attached to each other, and the shape can be either flat or three-dimensional.

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