Do-it-yourself ignition switch illumination: detailed analysis. How to install backlighting on the ignition switch and gear knob? Light ring made from a plastic bottle

Illumination of the ignition switch is a fairly recent hobby among car enthusiasts, and it has not yet gained much popularity. Car owners have different opinions about this element: some consider the ignition switch illumination useless and uninteresting, while others believe that it can not only bring benefits, but also refresh the car’s interior.

It is easy to predict the outcome of such disputes - everything is decided by individual preferences. In the end, since such a system already exists, why not try to use it, especially considering the fact that there is nothing complicated in the design of the ignition switch illumination.

Advantages of ignition switch illumination

By by and large, the illumination of the ignition switch serves two purposes - strictly rational (illuminating the lock area at night) and decorative. In the vast majority of cases, the ignition switch is located in a rather inconvenient place, and even experienced drivers are not always able to get the key into the right place by touch. This is the practical benefit of backlighting: even in the absence of external lighting, the lock will be clearly visible, and you won’t have to search for it blindly.

In terms of convenience, everything is clear, but with design everything is a little more complicated: by choosing the wrong color LEDs as a material, you can not only not make it better, but also ruin the interior. However, there shouldn’t be any particular difficulties with this either, since the color scheme of the interior is usually easy to determine and choose good color lighting is not difficult.

In some situations, the matter can be simplified to the limit: often in modern cars there is a standard illumination of the ignition switch, made in the form of a light bulb, the light of which is directed directly into the opening of the lock. As a rule, this design looks mediocre, and it is better to immediately replace it with LED.

Creating and installing ignition switch lighting

The most balanced option for arranging the backlight is a design assembled from LEDs - this is a “cheap and cheerful” option. To collect general scheme LED lighting, you will need a minimum of knowledge and ability to work with a soldering iron.

There are several ways to implement the backlit idea. The simplest of them is to use double-sided tape, with which several diodes are attached to the ignition switch. This design option is unreliable, since after some time the diodes may simply fall off. In addition, from a visual point of view, diodes mounted on adhesive tape do not look very attractive.

The second method looks a little better. To implement it, it is necessary to drill a certain number of holes in the ignition switch housing. Selected diodes are installed in these holes. To provide them with power, the positive terminals are connected to the anodes of the diodes and the power terminal, through which energy is supplied to standard devices.

The negative contacts (cathodes) in this case are connected to the corresponding terminal connected to the car body. The installed LEDs will turn on in parallel with the side lighting, and to adjust their brightness you need to add an additional resistor to the circuit.

There is also a third way to install the backlight, which results in the highest quality and most attractive design - installing an ignition switch ring light. This method differs from the previous ones in complexity and the need to adhere to the following operating algorithm:

  1. The first step is to remove the steering column trim and dismantle the lock. As a result, you can easily reach all the necessary points.
  2. Next, a resistor is soldered to the LEDs. The resistor value is selected depending on the operating voltage of the LEDs (for 10-volt LEDs, a 1 kOhm resistor is suitable).
  3. A ring with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the ignition switch is cut out of a sheet of plexiglass. Using a thin drill, several holes are made in the ring, in which LEDs will be installed in the future. When working with thin plexiglass, LEDs should be reinforced with silicone or glue.
  4. Instead of individual diodes, you can take an LED strip. In this case, there is no need to drill holes in the ring - one small hole in the lock body will be enough, through which the tape will be fixed.
  5. After assembling the structure, it must be checked for functionality. It is not recommended to install the ignition switch right away: first you should make sure the functionality of the backlight and adjust it so that the lighting is uniform.
  6. If everything is assembled correctly and works, then all elements are reassembled. Because the work in progress with electrical equipment, all wires must be properly insulated.

It is worth noting that the material for assembly can be not only plexiglass.

For example, there is alternative scheme creating an ignition switch illumination that requires a cut off wide neck plastic bottle. There will be no difference in the process of installing the lighting, except that during preparation the neck will have to be stretched using heat.

Features of the ignition switch illumination

Simple ignition switch lighting can be assembled with your own hands without any problems, but the car owner may want to add some functionality to it. If such considerations really arise, then it is worth taking a closer look at the following possibilities:

Video: do-it-yourself ignition switch with backlight


The ignition switch illumination, assembled by yourself, has several advantages: it is convenient to use, improves the interior, and has a low price when compared with the schemes offered on the market. At the right approach installing the backlight will take very little time, but the benefits from it will be much greater - and even ardent opponents of such innovations will have to agree with this argument.

I think it’s no secret that manufacturers of modern cars are trying to equip them as much as possible big amount all sorts of gadgets. On the one hand, this increases the driver’s comfort, but on the other hand, it adds unnecessary problems related to the elimination of additional faults. Today we're going to talk about an add-on called "ignition lighting."

Owners of older generation cars most likely have not yet had to deal with such a feature, however, some lucky owners of brand new cars may have already had the chance to experience it first-hand. In fact, it is very convenient. Just imagine: you left the house at night, got into the car, and there it was pitch dark, go and get the key into the ignition, and what if you’re in a hurry?

In a word, many motorists find such an idea (meaning installing backlighting) very useful and necessary, although sometimes opinions differ on this matter. In this article we will tell you how to install such a backlight, what is needed for this, and most importantly, we will analyze several possible options for it. self-creation. Moreover, some car enthusiasts, in addition to illuminating the ignition switch, are also taking up the task of creating illumination for the gearshift knob, so I think it will be interesting to “take a look” at this possibility.

Installation of LED illumination of the ignition switch illumination

And so, we have already found out that installing an ignition switch illumination can be a very useful addition to your vehicle. On most modern passenger cars, this lock is located on the side of the steering column, in the so-called “dead zone”, and in order to get into it with the key, you need to clearly see the part.

The best option for creating the necessary lighting is to install LED illumination Moreover, it is important to maintain the overall color scheme of the interior, otherwise an innovation of this kind will look ridiculous. And, conversely, by choosing the color of the lock illumination, under color design other luminous elements, you can get a simply fabulous overall effect.

Naturally, many vehicles may already be equipped with standard lighting, presented in the form of an ordinary light bulb, however, from an aesthetic point of view, when its light is directed directly into the lock cylinder, it does not always fit well into general interior. Another thing is the LED backlight: Firstly, the quality of such illumination is much better, and Secondly, she looks much more interesting. In addition, to create it you don’t need to “invent a wheel” and it will be enough to install an LED instead of a standard light bulb.

The most basic installation method is to use double-sided tape next to the ignition switch, to which one or more diodes are attached. However, as a rule, this option does not look very neat, and the LEDs themselves, over time, may disappear altogether. A more reliable way to attach them is to use holes pre-drilled in the plastic casing of the lock.

The number and color of the LEDs are selected based on the owner’s tastes and the availability of free space in the intended installation area. Once the holes are ready, you can proceed to soldering the power wires. One end of the positive wire must be connected to the long legs (anodes) of the diodes, and the second end should be extended to the nearest power terminal, which is responsible for illuminating standard devices.

Then, the second leads of the diodes (called cathodes) must be connected to the negative wire, which is securely attached to the car body. Next, the LED housing is inserted into the hole in the casing with inside, and the power wires are secured so that they do not interfere with the operation of the lock. In this case, the illumination of the ignition switch will be caused by the inclusion of the vehicle’s dimensions, and the brightness of the diodes can be adjusted by installing an additional resistor (its value is selected as necessary).

More modern version Illumination of the ignition switch involves the creation of lighting in the form of a ring, the installation of which will be discussed further.

Necessary materials and tools for installing the ignition switch illumination

To implement your plan, you will need the following materials and tools:

- LEDs, the operating voltage of which corresponds to 10...16 V (you can purchase an LED strip);

Epoxy or any other instant adhesive;

Thin cambric for insulating solder joints;

Soldering iron and all parts supplied with it (rosin, solder, tin);

Thin drill;

Plexiglas and resistor (1 kOhm).

If you cannot find plexiglass, contact the employees of a company that deals with advertising materials. As a rule, it is used to create billboards. Now that everything is ready, you can move on to direct work for installing lighting.

The process of creating the ignition switch illumination with your own hands

Installation of the ignition switch illumination begins with complete disassembly of the steering column trim and dismantling of the lock itself. After that, using a soldering iron, you need to attach the resistor to the LEDs and solder the two wires to the desired poles. Now, we take plexiglass in our hands and cut out a round ring from it, the diameter of which will be slightly larger than the diameter of the lock. A small hole should be made in its center. Then, using a thin drill, several holes are made in the end of the ring into which the LEDs will be installed. If you come across thin glass, then it is better to additionally secure the LEDs with silicone or super glue.

In the case of using an LED strip, there is no need to drill holes in the plexiglass; it will be enough to make a hole in the lock body, after which its sides will allow the strip to be fixed well. Having assembled all the backlight parts together, you should check the functionality of the device. You should not immediately return the ignition switch to its place; first check the effect of the backlight in the dark and try to achieve a uniform glow. If necessary, rear section plexiglass can be made matte, which will allow you to obtain the desired level of light scattering.

So that the structure does not have to be disassembled again later, make sure that everything works and the plexiglass is well secured.

After this, all that remains is to connect and insulate all the parts, reassembling them in the reverse order.

If you want the ignition switch light to light up when the car door is opened and go out after it is closed, then you will need to connect it to the interior lamp. Using its power, bring the backlight to the most comfortable spot

, for example, to the left pillar. As a result, when the alarm is removed and the door is opened, the backlight will light up, and when the engine starts, it will go out. Now, let's look at another one possible variant installation, even if it is not quite ordinary. In this case, the main necessary part for creating a trunk lock illumination is wide neck plastic bottle

(you can use juice or dairy containers). On the neck of such a bottle there is a place where the cap is attached. We need a blank made from a ring with two sides of different diameters. The original size of the ring is slightly smaller than the lock cap, but this can be corrected. To do this, find a glass beer bottle and put a protective ring of plastic on its neck. plastic product

. Starting from the placement of its lower side, draw a circle on the bottle that acts as a boundary along which the part will need to be expanded. Now, cut off the neck part of the plastic bottle (don’t throw it away, it will come in handy) and heat the beer bottle evenly using a hairdryer or gas stove. Carrying out specified actions , it is recommended to protect your eyes with glasses. After the bottle has reached the optimal temperature, the ring blank is placed on its neck and advanced to the drawn line. Considering that the glass of the beer bottle has become hot, you can use another plastic bottle to advance the workpiece: just string it on top. Having heated up from the temperature of the bottle, the plastic ring will stretch, reaching the right size . Let it cool and fix the shape, because when exposed to high temperatures

Using a bottle neck is not the only way to get a blank for a light ring. Sometimes it is made from other materials. For example, for these purposes, a fiber optic cable is perfect, which can be easily purchased at a network equipment store. As an analogue of plexiglass, use a regular jar lid, having previously cut out a ring of the required size from it.

Having played a little with creating and installing the ignition switch illumination, you will see for yourself that with it it looks much more attractive, especially since it is also very convenient, and an additional bonus of doing the work yourself will be the money saved.

Gearbox lever illumination, creation process

In addition to installing lighting on the ignition switch, some craftsmen make similar manual transmission handles adapted for lighting. If you have ever had a similar idea, then here is one of the options for bringing it to life.

So, to create such a backlight you will need:

- LED, desired color (preferably ultra bright);

1 kOhm resistor;

Sharp knife;

Soldering iron with everything necessary for soldering;

Glue gun and transparent rod for it;

Laser printer.

If everything is ready, then we move on to immediate action. We remove the switch handle from the car and take it home, where we can carry out the work in more time. comfortable conditions. The top glass should be carefully removed and the layer of paint should be peeled off until it becomes transparent.

Then the surface is polished, for which you can use a felt wheel and GOI paste. Next, you need to apply the drawing itself to the pen. We find a suitable one and print it on a printer in full size at maximum print expansion. If necessary, you can print in several layers on transparent film for a laser device, but you can also use regular paper, the main thing is that there are no gaps in unnecessary places.

At the next stage, all unnecessary parts are taken out of the handle (space is needed for the LED) and a vertical hole is made in it for the power wire. After this, a diode is inserted into this hole, along with pre-soldered wires. The resistor can be immediately soldered to the wire and installed in the hole itself, and then connected in series to the LED. Notice! P When installing, it is better to place the LED in such a way that it shines to the side, otherwise you will not be able to achieve a uniform glow.

Now, the entire structure is filled with glue from a gun, and it is advisable to immediately guess required quantity so that you don’t have to remove the excess later. As the adhesive mass cools, its shape can be adjusted with wet hands.

Next, cut out a white paper circle (acts as an additional diffuser) and assemble everything in the reverse order, placing the film or paper with a pattern on top of the white paper. All that remains is to install the structure on the car and connect it to the general lighting. One way to accomplish this is to connect to the wiring running through the tape recorder.

To do this, unscrew the plastic that holds the lever casing and in the bottom plastic, make a hole on the side, and then pull the wire through it. The handle should be screwed together with the casing so that the wire does not twist. At this point, the creation of manual transmission illumination using this method can be considered complete.

If for drivers of cars with a manual transmission, the problem of the gearshift knob illumination often lies in its initial absence, then the owners Vehicle with an automatic transmission, sometimes you are not satisfied with the color of the existing illumination of the switch selector. Of course, bright colors are much more cheerful than the dull standard backlights, so the desire to replace them can be justified. To complete the task, you should prepare an appropriate set of tools and materials, including: a two-segment piece of LED strip (about 10 cm); a piece of two-core wire (15 cm), a soldering iron and everything necessary for it, stationery knife, electrical tape, several flathead screwdrivers. Note! You can cut the tape only along the marked lines (the required length is selected), otherwise the diodes closest to the cut will not work.

Now about the replacement process itself. First, you need to disassemble the switch selector. Anything that prevents the top decorative trim from moving must be removed. By removing the cover you will see central part selector on which they are located letter designations gear engaged. The cover is attached to the plastic body using two latches and by separating these parts it can be lifted up as much as possible. It will not be possible to completely remove it, since the tip of the lever itself prevents this from happening.

After completing these steps, you will notice a spherical recess with a backlight installed inside.

Carrying out careful turning movements, pull out the socket with the lamp from the housing, after which all that remains is to install the prepared LED strip, with pieces of wire pre-soldered to the pole contacts. WITH, such a tape has double-sided tape, with which it is attached to the niche. You can connect it to the standard wiring in any known way (for example, you can expose part of the standard wiring and solder the tape wiring). When performing this operation, do not forget to observe the polarity (everything is marked on the LED strip).

So, now, the soldered wiring should be insulated and placed in a niche, and the standard lamp should be removed. It is better to check the functionality of the structure before you assemble everything in the reverse order, so as not to waste time on unnecessary disassembly.

If everything works properly, close the top cover and install all previously removed elements in their original places. That's all, all that remains is to enjoy the result of the work done, which will be visible even during the day, not to mention in the dark. This article provides an example of organizing the lighting of the ignition lock cylinder on an OPEL VECTRA B (pre-restayl) car. But this technology can also be applied to other cars. The article in no way pretends to be admired, but presents the reader with an inexpensive and sufficient effective method

improving the comfort of your car.
1. Introduction.

– We have a car OPEL VECTRA B 1996. The car was inherited from a rather neat previous owner and if you don’t pay attention to the little things, you can say it’s in solid four condition. But a new broom sweeps in a new way. Many novice car owners know the feeling when they want to immediately re-equip the car to suit themselves, add a bunch of gadgets and devices. When you drive a 9

you don’t pay any attention to the creaking of the dashboard, bursting plastics and other rubbish. What do you want? This is a 9. But when you switch to a foreign car, you immediately feel how your level of needs and requirements for car comfort rises. So I began to notice that it is quite inconvenient to insert the key into the ignition in the dark. Especially in a hurry. It would be very nice to have an illuminated ignition lock cylinder.
2. Solutions.

But there is a catch here too. Such rings are sold, but they are not suitable for Opel due to the peculiarity of the decorative casing of the ignition switch. Well, the last option remains - to do it yourself. This is where the field for activity opens up :-D. The easiest way is to drill a hole near the lock cylinder and insert an LED of the desired color into it. However, gentlemen, I’ll tell you the effect is far from ice.

This option is only suitable if the backlight stays on for a few seconds and then goes off. And the desired result is a uniformly glowing translucent disk around the larva that turns on along with the dimensions and burns throughout the entire time of their use. This is what we will be doing throughout this article.
3. Implementation.
– This is how simple and relaxed the decoration of the ignition switch on an OPEL VECTRA B car looks.

- After thinking a little, I decided that it was enough suitable material for the glowing disk there will be the disk itself :) CD Disc. I carefully cut it out, installed blue LEDs... The result did not amuse me. It's all somehow banal. The fact is that the dashboard lighting is standard and has an orange-yellow glow.

And suddenly a blue light shines on you from under the steering wheel. It was decided to put the ring in the color of the tidy. And I cut a new one from a round box from the same CDs. I made small slits on the sides of the ring and fused four SMD LEDs from the old keyboard backlight into them. mobile phone.

- This is not a space photo distant planet Jupiter. This is a photo of the side of our ring taken under a mounting binocular microscope. By the way, microscopes are a good thing. The first photo shows an SMD LED with its crystal directed inward, and the second photo shows the same LED, but with an SMD resistor soldered next to it, limiting the current to about 15-20 mA. All four LEDs are connected in series. Thus we got this ring.

– I outlined the outer edge with a marker - an elastic band will be glued there, and pieces of black oracal will be glued at the locations of the LEDs to hide the peaks of the glow and distribute the light flux more evenly across the disk.

– Next, the process is as follows: we cut out the outer circle from thin rubber. We glue it to the main decorative casing with rubber glue. Using a scalpel, cut a hole for the wires on the back of the casing and insert a transparent disk between the rubber bands.

4. Result.
– Solder a thicker wire. We insulate with heat shrink. Fill the joint with hot melt glue and rubber glue. We solder the connector and potentiometer to adjust the brightness on site. We receive the finished product.
- Front side.

– And here’s how it looks on the car and in work. (Here I took a photo on my phone. I apologize for the quality.)

5. For those who want more.
– If you understand electronics, then I think it will be useful for you to “play around” with such a circuit.

– This scheme works as follows: you enter the car interior - the backlight of the ignition lock cylinder lights up and stays on for eight seconds. Then it goes out. During this time, you have time to insert the key without any problems. Whether to assemble such a scheme or not is up to you. This is, as they say, a matter of taste. For example, I didn’t bother. Just entering the salon, you immediately turn on the side lights, and along with them our lighting turns on. Brightness is selected at a comfort level. Combines perfectly with the dashboard lighting and does not dazzle the passenger.

I have long been interested in a strange pattern - good ideas and the right thoughts pass only into the heads of foreign engineers and automakers... You ask why I think so - I’ll answer with a question: why all the know-how and small useful inventions such as ignition switch illumination, rear view camera, illumination of interior handles in the cabin, heated seats, Electric windows have their roots overseas, and not to our would-be engineers who have been working for the good of their homeland for so many years? Maybe it's a matter of climate or brain characteristics? No, it seems to me that the problem is in ourselves. We are initially accustomed to difficulties and inconveniences, we are less demanding of the concept of “comfort”, and therefore we do not feel discomfort from a cold seat, or from a handle that we still need to look for in the dark.

In my article today, I want to talk about the illumination of the ignition switch, about how to make such tuning yourself, using simple materials at hand.

I wanted to correct this shortcoming on the very day when I first saw how convenient and simple the solution to this problem looks in foreign cars. After thinking a little, I chose the option using LEDs and plexiglass. VAZ ignition switch will become a guinea pig in this case, since I conducted my experiments on him. The main task in my case was - illuminate the ignition switch to match the color scheme of the lighting throughout the cabin; in other words, I selected an LED of the same color as the light inside the cabin.

After wandering around the Internet a little, I decided on a specific option. The ignition switch illumination in this interpretation looks great, and, in my opinion, has virtually no differences from the original factory options.

Materials and tools that are necessary to make the illumination of the VAZ ignition switch with your own hands:

  1. LEDs 3 pcs. or more, you can also use LED strip.
  2. Epoxy glue or "Superglue".
  3. A good soldering iron with all accessories: rosin, solder, tin.
  4. 1 kOhm resistor.
  5. Plexiglas.

If you have everything you need, you can start decorating the ignition switch with lighting.

How to make the ignition switch illumination - instructions.

  1. Completely disassemble the steering column trim and remove the ignition switch.
  2. Take a soldering iron and solder the resistor to the LEDs.

2. Solder two wires of different colors to the poles of the LEDs.

3. Next, cut out a round ring of the required diameter from plexiglass.

4. Make a hole in the central part.

5. Using a thin drill, drill the required number of holes into the end of the plexiglass ring, into which you will later install LEDs. If the plexiglass is too thin, you can try fixing the LEDs, for example, with glue or silicone.

6. In the case of LED strip There is no need to drill the ends of the plexiglass; you just need to drill a hole in the lock body so that its sides can securely fix the tape.

7. After everything is assembled, check it. There is no need to rush to put everything in place at once, create darkness and try to achieve a uniform glow, the light should be evenly scattered. If necessary, make the back of the plexiglass matte, then the light will be better scattered across the surface.

8. To avoid having to disassemble everything again later, make sure that ignition switch illumination It works fine, and the plexiglass is installed tightly and does not loosen.

9. That’s all, now all that remains is to connect, insulate and reassemble everything in reverse order.

As you can see from the photo VAZ ignition switch with lighting it looks much more attractive, moreover, now you don’t have to feel for the keyhole to insert the key. The asking price is less than 50 rubles. By the way, buying an original ignition switch illumination in a car shop would cost you more than one thousand rubles, but it’s cheap and cheerful, but it looks like a million, besides, experience is a priceless thing!

Most modern cars have this option. In addition to the glow that is pleasant to the eye, it makes it easy to find the ignition switch in the dark, especially on those cars that have a programmed delay in turning on the interior lights after the alarm is turned off. Most domestic car models do not have such an option, so their owners who know how to handle a soldering iron and understand radio engineering will find information about the manufacture of such a device useful.

Some owners simply purchase a lock with a light already installed, which will incur additional purchase costs. Other drivers are trying to make the device themselves. The ignition switch lighting can have several different designs. The simplest version of the device is to use a low-power car light bulb. As a disadvantage of such a device, they note the not very attractive appearance and one-sided lighting of the switch.

The most widespread variants of devices using color LEDs or LED strips.

When using LEDs, there can be several options for their application. Double-sided tape is used to glue them, separate light sources are installed, or used in the form of a tape. We should immediately warn everyone that using double-sided tape is the least expensive to manufacture, but also the least practical for use. You will often have to glue back fallen radio components. Therefore, other options for making the ignition switch illumination with your own hands will be considered in more detail.

We use LED strip

Its use attracts drivers because there is no need to solder an additional resistor into the LED power circuit.

The most pleasant option for such a device will be when the backlight matches the color of the car’s dashboard lighting. If it is not possible to choose a strip with this color, you will have to use separate LEDs. To determine the required length of the tape, remove the ignition switch and measure its diameter. You may need 5 to 15 cm of tape.

Important! To avoid short circuit During work, the battery should be disconnected.

This tape is cut with scissors according to special marks, so its length may be less or more than the required length. To connect the product you will need a piece of thin flexible wire, preferably with wires of different colors. This will make it easier to connect the “+” power supply to the tape. For soldering, use a 25 W soldering iron so as not to damage the strip with lighting elements.

Now all that remains to be done is to glue the tape in the right place, and the ignition switch illumination is ready for use. When choosing a place to install the tape, take into account the thickness of the plastic casing of the ignition switch. In some cases, you can use an additional ring made of transparent plexiglass. Connect power from the interior lighting lamps when the doors are opened.

Applications of LEDs

The most pleasant appearance of the ignition switch illumination is when using separate lighting devices; this option is the most difficult to manufacture. Again, the color is selected based on the lighting of the instrument panel. Also in the radio store you can buy one resistor with a resistance of 1 kOhm and a piece of heat-shrinkable tubing. You will need a small piece of transparent plexiglass with dimensions somewhat larger than the diameter of the ignition switch. Its thickness should be greater than the diameter of the LED. You will also need a piece of thin stranded copper wire with wires of different colors.

To make the backlight, the lock will have to be dismantled. After this, its outer diameter is measured, which will be the inner diameter of the plastic ring. For the external dimension, add approximately 10mm, this will be enough to install the LEDs. The thickness of the ring depends on the size of the selected parts. If there is no plate with the required thickness, it can be glued together from two sheets.

The dimensions of the ring are transferred to plastic, after which they begin to cut out the ring. There are many ways to make a ring from plastic. It can be cut with a jigsaw or use a heated piece of nichrome wire. This depends on the capabilities of the driver who took on the production of such lighting. The made circle is carefully processed with fine sandpaper. You need to drill several holes in the ring for the LEDs. Their number can be from 3 or more. They are installed either in the plane of the ring or at its end. You can make a hole with a drill with a diameter slightly larger than that of the lighting device.

When the holes are ready, the prepared parts are glued into them. It is advisable to install them in such a way that the “+” leads of the LEDs are directed in one direction. This will make it easier to connect them. The connection is made in parallel, that is, the “+” terminals are connected all together, and the rest are connected to another circuit. A resistor with a resistance of 1 kOhm is soldered to one of the terminals.

A flexible stranded conductor with different colors current-carrying conductors. This will make it easier correct connection power to the backlight. What else remains to be done? The lock needs to be assembled and installed in place.

This is what the finished product looks like after final assembly and installation of the lock in its normal place. Connect the lighting to the interior light bulbs.

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