Press about Chukotka. Milotici: return of the Russian village Moravov Alexander Viktorovich

Moscow is the financial capital of Russia. While no one seriously argues with this, money from the provinces is beginning to play an increasingly important role in the financial capital. And this probably makes sense: it was not without reason that two centuries ago it was said: “The power of Russia will grow through Siberia.” And, as it now becomes clear, the Far East too. So far, however, the powerful forces of the Far East are represented in Moscow not even by the head of the State Fisheries Committee, the “strong business executive” Nazdratenko, but by his no less economic brother, the former governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Alexander Nazarov.

And what did the former governor, and now member of the Federation Council and aspiring oligarch Alexander Nazarov shine in? Alexander Viktorovich is now fighting for OJSC "Moscow Bearing", in common parlance the Moscow Bearing Plant. In general, a controlling stake in this enterprise was recently bought by the European Bearing Corporation (EPC), but the rights to it are disputed by a small shareholder in the person of Rosavtobank, which has a significantly smaller stake. Alexander Nazarov is an almost planetary concept on a Russian scale: he knows everyone and everyone knows him. He is also familiar with the management of the owners of the controlling stake. And I tried to come to an agreement with them. Just about what? Rosavtobank did not accumulate many shares, and EPK was not going to give up its rights for nothing. Then other methods came into play.

Alexander Nazarov has been managing in Chukotka for more than 10 years. The results of management are directly stated in the certificate of the Main Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation (GCU). The debt on the so-called “gold loans” amounted to 11,043 kg of gold, which dissolved in the sky-high distances of some Moscow problem banks. In addition, $175 million was lost from the budgets of Chukotka and Russia. Gold production fell by half.

These documents are now being studied by the Federal Tax Police Service (FSNP) with a view to opening a criminal case. It must be said that the tax police had previously paid serious attention to these stories, and Alexander Nazarov himself had already given explanations to the tax police on these issues. At that time, however, he was still the current governor. Then Nazarov tried to be re-elected as governor, but in order to win the election, you need to use 35 million dollars. What a well-known Moscow journalist transparently hinted at in one of his investigations not long ago. In general, for 35 million you can elect the head of a small Eastern European country like the Czech Republic or Hungary, and if you divide this amount by the number of residents of Chukotka, you get exactly 500 dollars per brother. It didn’t work out for Alexander Viktorovich, he couldn’t get 35 million, then the former governor found a place for himself in the Federation Council and left for Moscow with a pure heart.

Meanwhile, Rosavtobank, a small and little-known bank in wide circles, continued to try to gain control of the Moscow Bearing Plant (another name is GPZ-1). Part of the shares of this plant at one time fell into the hands of the bank as a result of a very opaque story, when the former management of GPZ-1, headed by former general director V. Komarov, whose daughter held a very respectable position in Rosavtobank, entered into agreements for the supply of metal with two companies - intermediaries with accounts in Rosavtobank. According to the EPK management, the plant never received most of the metal. But the money is gone. And then the bank bought shares of the plant, by a not very strange coincidence, for an amount of almost up to a ruble coinciding with the amount of the contract for the supply of metal. However, apparently, no other money could be found for this, and then a lucky chance appeared in the person of Alexander Nazarov.

Someone curious may ask: where did the former governor, a government official, get such money to conduct such expensive events? The same certificate from the State Property Committee directly states that money for “gold loans” was placed under the general leadership of the district administration in problem banks, such as CB “NIB” and CB “Russia-MALS”, which went bankrupt back in 1997, before any defaults. Other banks that the former governor had a penchant for were also notorious. So, for example, the accounts of ZAO Ruda, which was later declared bankrupt, were located in CB Presnya-Bank, which, according to the GKU commission, was the owner of Ruda. As some online media write, in the early 90s this bank was “patronized” by the famous crime boss Sylvester. The figures of money lost by Chukotka due to the bankruptcies of such legal entities were expressed in tens of millions of dollars. Rosavtobank seems to be a link in the same chain with these already bankrupt banks, because, according to the same media reports, the head of the bank, Vadim Peshkov, has the nickname Infantry in certain narrow circles, and the bank itself, rather, does not carry out lending operations and financial support for enterprises, but performs one a banal financial transaction, according to the same sources, colloquially referred to as cashing out. This, in particular, is confirmed by some strange financial indicators of the bank: for example, the amount of bills issued by the bank exceeds the authorized capital, and an amount equal to $1,000 was allocated to secure the loans provided.

So, on the one hand there is the European Bearing Corporation, whose program for the rehabilitation of Moscow Bearing OJSC is approved and supported by the Moscow government. And on the other hand, there is a strange conglomerate of the former Chukotka governor and member of the Federation Council, with such capabilities that even the all-powerful governor of Chukotka Roman Abramovich was forced to come to terms with such an appointment, although, as they say, he has far from tender feelings for him. And also the “purely specific” Rosavtobank. It is no wonder that shareholders with one or two shares immediately appeared from somewhere and began to sue the EPK on various formal grounds; investigators ran in all directions, trying to find certain sins of the new management of Moscow Bearing. Courts follow courts, and Alexander Nazarov, using his authority and parliamentary immunity, authoritatively leads the entire process. The question arises: does Moscow need such strong business executives from Chukotka and banking professionals of a very specific kind? The management experience of such business entities no longer requires comment.

Nazarov, Alexander Viktorovich

auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation since September 2003; former governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (1991-2000); born February 24, 1951 in Pavlodar region; graduated from the Makeevka Institute of Civil Engineering (Makeevka, Donetsk region of Ukraine), Khabarovsk Higher Party School, Candidate of Economic Sciences; began his career in 1969 as an electrician at a machine-building plant; completed military service in the Navy, served on a submarine; after being transferred to the reserve on a permit from the Arkhangelsk Regional Committee of the Komsomol, he was sent to a Komsomol construction project - the Bilibino Hydroelectric Power Station in Chukotka, worked as a concrete carpenter, chief of staff of the Komsomol Central Committee of construction, foreman, foreman; participated in the construction of the Magadan, Arkagalinsk and Luchegorsk thermal power plants; since 1981 he worked in the industrial and transport department of the Bilibino district committee of the CPSU; in 1983 he was elected deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Bilibinsky District Council of People's Deputies; since 1987 - Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Chukotka District Council; in 1990 he was elected to the Council of People's Deputies of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and to the Magadan Regional Council; On April 25, 1990, he was elected chairman of the Chukotka District Executive Committee; On November 11, 1991, he was appointed head of the administration of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug; On December 22, 1996, he was elected head of administration (governor) of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug; ex officio member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (1996-2000), chairman of the Committee on Northern Affairs and Small Peoples; in 2000, he again ran for the post of head of the district administration, but a week before the elections scheduled for December 24, he withdrew his candidacy without announcing any reasons; January 2001 - September 2003 - representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the administration of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, was the chairman of the Committee for the Affairs of the North and Small Peoples, a member of the Commission for Monitoring the Activities of the Federation Council; awarded the Order of Honor and "For Services to the Fatherland" IV degree (2001); married, has three daughters; in his youth he played football at Shakhtar Donetsk; in 1967 he won the All-Union Song Contest.

Large biographical encyclopedia. 2009 .

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    Alexander Viktorovich Nazarov Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Date of birth: February 24, 1951 Place of birth: Ermakovsky district of Pavlodar region, Kazakh SSR Alexander Viktorovich Nazarov (b. February 24, 1951) Russian... ... Wikipedia

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... Milotici was first mentioned in the discharge book in 1594. It was at this time that Zasetsky, who owned the village, was elected governor in the city of Meshchovsk.

In the village there is a church - Paraskevi Pyatnitsa. The manor's house is made of wood, there is a regular, fertile garden attached to the house, timber for construction and firewood, peasants on quitrent. The landowner Argamakova began building a new stone St. Nicholas Church, which was consecrated in 1832, and the landowner herself donated 50 rubles for the construction.

For a short time, Milotichi was owned by Lieutenant Platon Ivanovich Panshin. He mortgaged the estate to the Moscow Guardianship Council to cover his debts. And during the next auction in Moscow, this estate was acquired by collegiate adviser Andrei Dmitrievich Zasetsky on June 16, 1848. From that moment on, a new stage began in the life of the Milotics. The Zasetsky dynasty owned the lands and peasants of the Kaluga and Kursk provinces.

(photo 1 “One of the Zasetsky officers was killed at Borodino as part of the Grenadier Count Arakcheev Regiment”)

Yards for keeping livestock, a carriage house, a large orchard and an English-style park were built here, and three large artificial reservoirs, the so-called Upper, Middle and Lower lakes, were dug. On the Lower Lake there was a small island with a gazebo, which has survived to this day and is popularly called the island of love.

A canal was dug between the lakes and locks were built on it. Water flowed through them from one lake to another. There are paths throughout the park. The Milotic men were good carpenters, masons, and plasterers. They worked in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other parts of Russia. They performed their work efficiently, quickly and beautifully.

A.I. wrote about them. Kuprin in his story “Moloch”: “These Mosal guys, what the hell, they’re all heroes.” The population of Milotic is growing rapidly. Every Sunday there are bazaars, and twice a year a fair is held here, where peasants and landowners from surrounding villages and villages, merchants from the cities of Roslavl, Meshchovsk, Serpeisk gathered. They traded in sleighs, carts, plows, rakes, scythes, shovels, and tubs. You could buy fabrics, confectionery, cheese, butter, cottage cheese, and apples. Livestock was also sold here.

On the eve of 1917, the Milotic parish was one of the largest in the county, and the population of Milotic itself exceeded 420 people. There was a large inn at the disposal of guests and visitors. The population increased noticeably after 1910, when lands were bought from Zasetsky’s descendants and 22 families from the Kyiv and Volyn provinces came here. They lived on their own plots. They were engaged in agriculture, many kept bees. The year 1917 was coming...

Count Zasetsky, fortunately, did not live to see the Bolshevik “experiments” on the Russian village, which led to the devastation of the land and widespread drunkenness of the rural population. The estate created by his labors slowly but surely turned into ruins. He died on May 23, 1882 and was buried in the Nikolo-Peshnoshsky Monastery. But even after his death, the notorious class struggle “caught up” with the count.

The fact is that in the Nikolo-Peshnoshsky monastery the same thing happened as in every monastery of our Motherland. Destruction of the shrine, expulsion of the monks. The monks, having moved to the horse yard, organized an agricultural field artel under the leadership of Abbot Barnabas. In the 1920s, approximately 116 monasteries remained in the form of artels - this was the only possibility of the legal existence of the monastic brotherhood at that time. For solutions to issues and spiritual guidance, the Peshnosh monks came to the city of Melenki, where at that time the persecuted Bishop of Dmitrov Seraphim (Zvezdinsky) was located. But this did not last long.

Hegumen Varnava was slandered and put on trial in 1924. On the museum copy of the book “The History of the Cenobitic Monastery of the Wonderworker Nicholas, on the Peshnosha River,” there is the following entry: “Nikolo-Peshnosha Monastery in 1928, April 12: all churches are sealed. Between May 2-7, everything valuable was removed and sold. Only Dmitrievskaya Church remains as a monument of art. The last abbot Varnava (Zhukov)."

(photo 2, “Nikolo-Peshnoshsky Monastery today”)

The monastic artel, despite the fact that it, like all monastic artels, was, in modern terms, profitable, was dispersed in 1929. Hegumen Varnava was re-arrested in 1931. Before his arrest, Abbot Barnabas, according to PSTGU, accepted the schema from the hands of Bishop Seraphim (Zvezdinsky), who was at large from time to time. After his arrest in the case of “anti-Soviet agitation,” Abbot Varnava was exiled to Kazakhstan. The year the monastery was closed varies, but in the monastery synodics the last entry is: “Schimonk Xenophon +1927, August 17”...

... The villages of the Kaluga region slowly faded away and quickly became drunk in different ways. Milotici approached the third millennium in a ruined state; practically nothing here reminded of its former greatness. Only the neglected manor park with 300-year-old linden trees and long-abandoned ponds reminded of the past.

And it was at this time that the owner appeared here. He became Alexander Viktorovich Nazarov, who was the governor of Chukotka until 2000. The tasks facing Nazarov in Chukotka and in central Russia were remarkably similar, requiring an extra-class crisis manager. In both cases, it was necessary, first of all, to abandon violence against common sense in economics, and therefore to return life to its natural course.

(photo 3, “Alexander Nazarov - governor of Chukotka until 2000)

In the Far North, Alexander Nazarov encountered the vicious Soviet practice of violence against small indigenous peoples, when they were forced to send their children to boarding schools and were excommunicated from their natural nomadic way of life... There was a resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and the Politburo on the transfer of indigenous people from a nomadic lifestyle to a sedentary one. That is, it was forbidden to go hunting for deer. The hunting industry was reoriented to raising arctic fox and wild animals.

People, torn out of their natural environment, became drunkards. Nazarov needed all his leadership talent to return the natural way of life to people. He managed to distinguish between national settlements and those regional centers that were founded by settlers who were exploring the North. In Chukotka, it was possible to achieve a fairly high standard of living, and also to pass laws protecting indigenous residents.

Nazarov understood perfectly well that the revival of the people is impossible without spiritual support. He turned to Patriarch Alexy II with a request to “help in the formation of Orthodoxy on the far borders of Russia.” As a result, a diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church was created in Chukotka.

(photo 4 - “Trinity Cathedral in Anadyr, the capital of Chukotka”)

Nazarov had a completely non-politically correct conversation with the preachers sent from neighboring America - their visas were revoked.

In the Kaluga region, in villages degraded during Soviet times, there were similar problems: drunkenness, complete apathy of residents, forgetting the traditions of the past. It is not surprising that local residents greeted the energetic entrepreneur with unfriendly and even, alas, hostility. Actually, Alexander Viktorovich did not expect any other attitude. The first years turned out to be very difficult. Nazarov made a bet on attracting Russian people from Central Asia, in particular from Uzbekistan.

It’s easy to imagine the joy of specialists who find themselves in demand again, even if not in their previous capacity. The main thing is that they again, after humiliation in their former homeland, became respected citizens. They became owners. Moreover, the entrepreneur helped them with the privatization of housing, not sparing his own funds. These people became Nazarov’s solid support during the creation in Milotichi the only farm in all of Europe for breeding... deer.

Months were spent on numerous organizational issues and various approvals. But the true successor of Count Zasetsky overcame all bureaucratic obstacles.

(photo 5 - “Milotichi - a small candle of hope...”)

Alexander Nazarov is convinced that it is better to light one small candle of hope for the people around him than to long and furiously condemn the surrounding darkness and curse reforms and reformers. According to him, the main thing is to determine growth points, which will help put the whole country on the high road of development..

He is a completely easy-to-communicate person, very easy-going, drives a car himself, solves all problems that arise almost instantly, without delay, swearing or unnecessary emotions, without looking for someone to blame on the side. At least, after spending more than one hour with him and traveling up to 700 kilometers in two days, I never felt uncomfortable.

... So, almost 300 kilometers along an excellent road from the capital are behind. Milotici. Deer nursery. Reality amazes the imagination and leaves one speechless.

(photo 6 - “Deer, a fairy tale that amazes the imagination”)

On a vast territory, in the middle of virgin nature, there is a nursery for deer, where they live almost in natural conditions. The outer perimeter of the complex labyrinth of paddocks and reserves is 30 kilometers!

(photo 7 - “In the middle of virgin nature”)

A wide causeway separates the male and female pens. The males sound an inviting trumpet throughout the entire area, but not all of them get the coveted females. Everything here is according to science, so that, God forbid, it does not lead to incest. Each deer has its own number, and only the most worthy of the males receive prey first - the best get entire harems of 30 females for a whole week. Now imagine the power of the roar of the deer, deprived at the first stage! They will receive their prey when the females are already fertilized by the leaders. In the evening at sunset the spectacle is truly impressive.

(photo 8 - “Only the best will get the booty”)

The park was created with the participation of scientists from the Barnaul Research Institute of Antler Reindeer Husbandry, since only in Altai and Milotichi are they engaged in deer farming. The population of deer is more than 1000 animals.

Deer are bred for their miraculous horns. An extract from antlers - young, unossified deer horns - is used to prepare medicines that have a truly miraculous effect on the human body. It has been proven that antlers contain 18 amino acids out of 22 known in nature. Antler baths are made from deer horns. This is an aqueous solution containing biologically active substances: lipids, peptides, trace elements, amino acids obtained during the heat treatment of non-ossified deer horns (antlers). The extract obtained from deer antlers during the cutting period contains 18 amino acids out of 22 known in nature.

(photo 9 - “Deer bath in anticipation of the season”

Antler baths have virtually no contraindications. This is an environmentally friendly way to maintain health, youth and strength. The healing power of deer antlers was known more than 4000 years ago. Mention of deer is found in many ancient literary works, including Shih-Ching (Book of Odds 900-500 BC), Erkh-Ia (Literary Interpreter 700-200 BC), Hou -Li (“Rituals of the Hou Dynasty” 700-200 BC) and Shan Hai Ching (“Classics of Mountains and Seas”, 500-200 BC).

(photo 10 - “Miraculous horns”)

The great Chinese physician Li Shi-Zhen of the 16th century provides a list of indications for the use of antlers. Antlers increase vitality, strengthen the will, muscles and bones, cure general exhaustion, weakened vision and hearing, and are used in the treatment of rheumatism, osteomitis, uterine bleeding and many other diseases.

In addition, in deer antlers, scientists discovered an excess amount of the C13 isotope, which, when taking antler baths, penetrates through the skin into the subcutaneous tissue and cells of the body and effectively affects not only the cell, but also its general condition, stimulating metabolic processes, having a huge effect on the overall energy of the body and its healing.

(photo 11 - “Agritourism is already a reality”)

But Milotici is not only, and not even so much, about deer breeding. First of all, this is a harmonious structure of the surrounding world, what has recently been called “agritourism” around the world. People, for the most part, are tired of urbanization, standardization and impersonality. The way out is to plunge into the natural world, away from the bustle of the city, into a world without GMOs, artificial additives, dust and fumes.

(photo 12 - “Milotichi - a true paradise”)

For those who want to plunge into the unpolluted world of nature, Milotici is a true paradise. Organic food, an abundance of luxurious animals around, including horses. The best breeds from all over the world are collected here. Not to mention the turkeys, geese, swans, flowers, in which everything and everyone is buried.

... The three-hundred-year-old linden alley also came to life.

(photo 13 - “Live Alley”)

But, to be completely honest, what shocked me most about Milotichi was not the deer, the Arabian horses, of which there are dozens, or even the unique health baths.

(photo 14 - “Every guest of Milotichi can feed the horse they like”)

It’s amazing to see how the people themselves have changed for many kilometers around - kind, good, simple Russian faces, there are practically no drinkers! Farm workers are proud of their newly found small homeland, they are improving their houses, roads, and everyday life.

(photo 15 - “Ordinary rural house”)

They also remember the fellow countrymen who fell on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

(photo 16 - “The memory of the fallen is sacred”)

Children's laughter - and the birth rate in the village is breaking all records - best convinces that Alexander Nazarov's “growth point” is becoming more and more noticeable on the map of Russia.

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