White apple wine recipe. Join our VK group, there will be a lot of interesting things

Step-by-step recipes for homemade wine from apple juice with lemon, nutmeg, vodka, raisins

2018-08-02 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


25 gr.

100 kcal.

Option 1: Classic homemade apple juice wine

For homemade apple juice wine, we choose exclusively ripe and fresh fruits. If they are green and sour, you can only dream of a high-quality and tasty drink. It is not advisable to store apples picked from a tree for more than five days; let’s start making wine right away. It is also important not to rinse fruits with water; wipe overly contaminated specimens with a dry cloth. You can also take slightly damaged or rotten apples, but all this needs to be trimmed. Next, squeeze out the juice and pulp in any convenient way.


  • 10 liters of apple juice with pulp;
  • 2 kg sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for classic apple wine from juice

Squeeze the juice from raw and unwashed apples, cut into pieces. Partitions and seeds must be removed immediately so that the wine does not develop bitterness or strange tastes. Next, pour the juice into a wide-necked container.

We fold a large piece of gauze in four layers and tie it around the neck to prevent midges from getting in. Place the apple juice in the sun or simply in a very warm place with a temperature above 25 degrees. Leave for three days. You need to stir it periodically or just shake it.

After a few days, signs of fermentation should appear. The pulp of the juice will turn into pulp and rise to the top with a small cap. You need to carefully remove it, squeeze it out, and strain the juice. Add one kilogram of granulated sugar to it, put it in a bottle and install a water seal.

Watch the fermentation, bubbles carbon dioxide The first days should be quick and fun. On the fifth day, add half of the remaining sugar, but do not pour sand into the total mass. Pour some apple wine, mix, if it’s not very hot at home, you can warm it up. Pour the wine back in and put the water seal back on.

After another five days, add the remaining sand. Now we wait until the wine stops fermenting, goes from active to quiet, and bubbles stop coming out. It's time to look at the bottom of the bottle; sediment should appear. It is formed during the clarification process of wine.

We lower the hose into the wine, but not to the very bottom, about a centimeter above the sediment, suck it up and pour the wine into another container. After removing the sediment, close it with a regular lid and put it in a cool place with a temperature no higher than 16 degrees. It is important to make sure that the wine has stopped fermenting. If not, then install the water seal again for a few days.

We leave the apple wine for 3 months, it should ripen and become clearer. During the process, new sediment will appear, from which the drink must be removed periodically.

This recipe makes dry apple wine. If you want to make a dessert drink, then increase the amount of sugar to 300-400 grams per liter of juice. The sweeter the apples, the less additional sand we add.

Option 2: Quick recipe for homemade wine from old apple juice

This method of making wine is perfect if you have old canned apple juice at home. In no case do we throw it away, but make aromatic homemade alcohol. To start fermentation you will need raisins; it is better to choose black grapes.


  • 6 liters of apple juice;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 700 g sugar.

How to quickly make homemade wine from apple juice

Raisins cannot be washed, otherwise they will not ferment soon. Heat the apple juice. Most likely, it contains sugar, so we don’t add sand yet. Throw in warm drink raisins, stir, cover with a napkin or tie gauze, leave in the sun to start fermentation.

After two or three days, the raisins will begin to work, the juice will smell like mash, and fermentation will begin. It's time to remove and squeeze the raisins, add 300 grams of sugar and pour into a bottle, filling it 2/3 full. You can try the drink. If it seems sour, then immediately add additional sugar.

We put the shutter on and leave it to ferment for a week. Then we pour out a little juice, mix it with the remaining sugar, return it, and leave it to ferment until the end, until carbon dioxide stops coming out of the water seal.

We drain the apple wine from the sediment, put it in jars or bottles, but now it is advisable to fill it to the top. We put it in the refrigerator or basement to ripen.

Instead of a water seal, a rubber glove is often used. It's easy to track fermentation. While the active stage is in progress, the glove will be inflated; as soon as it falls, the process has entered the silent stage.

Option 3: Homemade wine from apple juice with water

This method of making apple wine is suitable if you don’t have a juicer. We always use purified water for the drink; you can take bottled or spring water; there should be no chlorine in it. The number of apples is approximate, you can take a little more or less.


  • 10 kg apples;
  • 7 liters of water;
  • 8 tbsp. Sahara.

How to cook

Do not wash the apples, cut off the rot and wormy spots, then cut them in half. Using a sharp knife, carefully remove the cores with seeds. Or immediately cut each apple into four parts and cut off a corner. We throw everything into a bucket or container with a wide neck.

Heat the water and add two glasses of sugar. Pour over the apples and leave for a day. Then stir, apply pressure, but lightly, just to lower the pieces. Leave for another two or three days. We wait until active fermentation begins; an alcoholic aroma with notes of vinegar should appear.

Squeeze the apple juice from the pieces, strain the wort, and throw away all the pulp. Add three glasses of sugar and place under a water seal. After five days, add the remaining sugar to the apple wine and leave again for about a week.

As soon as the active processes are over, drain the homemade apple wine from the sediment and send it to a cool place for several months.

If suddenly the fermentation is weak, the wort does not want to actively “play”, then you can add a little sour and fermented raspberries to it. This natural yeast will definitely start the process, while having virtually no effect on the taste of the drink.

Option 4: Vodka-fortified homemade apple juice wine

Fortified apple wine is better stored, it does not turn into vinegar, and by adding strong alcohol you can suppress fermentation, which does not want to end. The recipe contains natural raw juice.


  • 10 liters of juice with pulp;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 1.4 kg sugar.

Step by step recipe

Pour 500 g of sugar into the raw juice, stir, and leave to ferment in the sun. If desired, you can sprinkle a handful of raisins or add a little sour raspberries. Sometimes special wine yeast is used.

As soon as the process starts, filter the juice, add another half a kilogram of sugar, and install a water seal. After 3-4 days, add the remaining sugar, wait another 7-10 days, the sand should ferment.

Remove the young apple wine from the sediment using a straw, add vodka, stir and pour into jars and bottles. Leave in the cold to lighten and ripen. We check it every 20 days and, if necessary, remove it from the sediment again.

It is quite difficult to guess in advance the exact strength of the future wine at home. Therefore, vodka is indicated in an approximate amount of 80-100 ml per liter of drink, but you can always increase or decrease the proportions.

Option 5: Homemade apple juice wine with nutmeg and lemon

Another way to make homemade wine from apple juice. The result is an incredibly aromatic drink with notes of nutmeg and citrus.


  • 7 liters of juice;
  • 20 pcs. raisins;
  • 0.5 nutmeg;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.

How to cook

Squeeze lemon into apple juice, throw in the peels, add raisins, add 500 grams of sugar and heat it all up a little. Then cover, put in the sun, stir daily.

As soon as fermentation begins, strain the juice, pour it into a bottle, throw in chopped nutmeg and close with a water seal. After 3 days, add 500 g of sugar. We wait another 5 days and add the remaining sand.

We wait for the end of fermentation, remove the apple wine from the sediment, pour it into other jars, filling it to the top. Keep it in the cold, and after 20-25 days, drain the drink from the formed sediment again.

You can prepare apple wine with cherry leaves, cinnamon, add star anise and cloves, giving the drink a different taste and aroma.

Home wine This craft has long taken a well-deserved place in the preparation of supplies, along with canning, making jam and pickles. Recipes for all kinds of drinks from a variety of, sometimes unexpected, fruits abound in cookbooks and notebooks with notes from zealous owners. For many, making wine from a hobby develops into an activity for the soul and for life. Apples are not an exotic raw material for preparing a drink; however, homemade apple wine requires a lot of attention, patience, and a careful approach to following all the rules of preparation.

But the result is excellent apple wine that will delight the most fastidious connoisseurs of wine drinks.

Paradise Fruit You can grow an apple tree almost anywhere except the Far North. There are a great many varieties of this fruit. For each region, you can choose the optimal variety of apple trees. Apples help effectively reduce blood cholesterol levels, are low in calories, and are rich in pectin. The high content of pectins has made them one of the favorites for dietary and therapeutic nutrition . It is pectins that tend to bind and remove salts from the body heavy metals (strontium, cobalt, cesium), various toxins, poisons, apple juices with pulp are an integral ingredient in the diet of people employed in. Due to the presence of malic and citric acid in their composition, they help improve metabolic processes in people suffering from diabetes mellitus. Including apples in the menu helps combat gastrointestinal problems (constipation, irregular bowel movements). The high potassium content has a beneficial effect on the conductivity of electrical impulses of the heart muscle and prevents the occurrence of arrhythmia. The ability to have a beneficial effect on digestion is also manifested in the normalization of the removal of excess fluid from the body. This property is especially valuable for people suffering from cardiovascular and kidney diseases, and pregnant women. The rich content of fiber and fruit acids have a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums, teeth, and microflora of the oral cavity by stimulating natural cleansing processes. Even apple seeds are valuable in terms of iodine content, vitamin K, which is necessary for participation in the process of normal blood clotting.

Features of making wine from apples

Not all varieties are suitable for making apple wine.

You should only use pressed live yeast; dry yeast is absolutely not suitable for this purpose. Apple wine may turn out acidic.

Finishing touches

It is important to properly prepare the raw materials for making apple wine. To do this, you need to take only high-quality fruits, not broken, without flaws, since the presence of defects in apples can give apple wine an unpleasant taste and smell. Peel the apples as carefully as possible from the core. It is also important to thoroughly grind the taken raw materials. This can be done using a meat grinder, food processor. If the wine is prepared using juice, it can be obtained using a juicer. A small amount of pulp will even have a beneficial effect on the process of making wine. Fermentation reactions will occur faster and better. Apple wine will taste softer.

Recipe 4d6


  • We take apples different varieties: sour 4 parts, sweet 6 parts.
  • Granulated sugar – ratio to apples 1:4, i.e. for 10 kg of fruit 2.5 kg of sugar.
  • Prepared water – amount equal to apple juice.

Preparing wine:

The recipe for such apple wine is simple in composition, but requires scrupulousness and accuracy. The result will be a fairly strong alcoholic drink, slightly opalescent, yellow to light brown in color. The taste and aroma are of ripe, sweet apples.

Recipe with honey


  • Sweet apples, prepared 15 kg.
  • Granulated sugar 4 kg.
  • Prepared water – 7 liters.
  • Honey – 2 kg.

How to make honey-apple wine:

This recipe makes apple wine opaque, with a rich honey taste and aroma. The combination of the taste of apples and honey leaves a unique sensation.

Recipe with yeast

This time we bring to your attention a recipe for apple wine with the addition of yeast.

What to take:

  • Apples 15 kg.
  • Water 8 liters.
  • Granulated sugar 6 kg.
  • Yeast - 150 grams.

Step-by-step instruction:

Wine made with yeast will ferment faster and therefore taste more like fresh apples. The aroma is more intense and more pronounced if the wine is prepared according to this recipe.

Recipe with yeast and citrus

Apple-citrus wine. Here it is necessary to make a reservation that adding citrus fruits to wine drinks is rather an acquired taste. But well-made wines with a variety of fruity flavors are undoubtedly some of the most beloved on our table.

What you need:

  • Apples 10 kg.
  • Water 5 liters.
  • Granulated sugar 5 kg.
  • Lemons or oranges, you can mix - 1 kg.
  • Yeast - 100 grams.

Step-by-step instruction:

It must be said that the combination of apples and sour or sweet and sour citrus fruits is always advantageous.

A wine with such a bouquet of taste, of course, cannot but surprise fans of alcoholic drinks made from apples. Once you try to make apple wine using this recipe, you will keep it in your culinary repertoire forever.


Apples are an inexhaustible storehouse of all kinds delicious recipes not only for culinary masters, but also for lovers of home winemaking. You can diversify homemade apple wine recipes with a huge number of ingredients. It’s rare that apple flavor and aroma don’t go well with anything. When making wine from apples, you can add not only honey and lemons, but also cinnamon, vanilla, raspberries, and pears. The list can be endless. For all their apparent simplicity, apples are a bonanza for those who like to experiment and surprise family and friends with amazing recipes.

Apple wine is one of the cheapest at cost, but a well-chosen composition allows you to get a very good bouquet. You can make any wine from apples at home: from table wine to dessert and liqueur. Light sparkling apple wine called cider is also popular. All alcoholic drinks apple fruits are well lightened, have a golden color, have a pleasant aroma, pronounced, but at the same time unobtrusive. The more successfully the composition is selected and the more accurately the preparation technology is followed, the more pleasant the organoleptic qualities of the drink.

Features of the technology

Producing apple wines at home has its own subtleties. If they are not taken into account, the finished drink is unlikely to meet the expectations of a novice winemaker.

  • The main thing on which the result will depend is the raw material. Apples vary in degree of ripeness, ripening time, as well as the sugar content and acidity of the fruit. It must be borne in mind that carrion, that is, unripe fruits that have fallen to the ground, is suitable for the production of dry wines, but not for dessert ones. Wines made from overripe and summer apples do not last long. Autumn and winter varieties are best suited for winemaking. Sour but unsweetened apples (wild) are suitable for table wines, sweet apples with low acidity but high sugar content are ideal for making dessert ones, the most versatile are sweet and sour apples belonging to the so-called “kitchen” or “household” varieties. The bouquet will be as good as possible if you take 2–3 parts of sweet and tart apples and 1–2 parts of sour apples, respectively. Combinations are also popular: one part each of sweet, tart apples and two parts sour, sweet and tart in a ratio of 1: 3 or 2: 1. All this must be taken into account when selecting fruits for wine, then the result will be as predictable as possible.
  • Unwashed apples are used for wine. You can wipe them with a napkin or brush off the dirt, but you can’t put them in water. This is done in order to preserve the living bacteria present on the surface of the apples: without their participation, it will be impossible to process sugar into alcohols during the fermentation process.
  • You need to choose good apples, without rot, not wormy. All damaged areas during preparation of the fruit for extracting juice from them must be cut off with a knife. The core also needs to be removed.
  • To extract the maximum amount of juice from raw materials, it is best to use a juicer. If you don’t have one at home, you will have to mince the apples or grate them by hand.
  • Before separating the juice from the pulp, it is infused for three days. All this time, every 8–12 hours, the pulp is “drowned” in juice so that the yeast spreads evenly and souring does not occur.
  • To make it easier to press the pulp, place the apple juice in a cold place 6 hours before, although this is not necessary. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth with your hands or using a press. If there is a lot of pulp, you can simply remove the top layer before pressing with a wooden spoon.
  • Sugar and other ingredients other than alcohol are added before the juice is placed in the fermentation vessel. Sugar should ideally be introduced in parts: half at once, a quarter on the fourth day, a quarter a week later. This is especially important in cases where sweet fruits serve as raw materials: excess sugar can stop fermentation, since there is not enough natural yeast for it.
  • Apple wine, like other fruit and berry wines, should be fermented in a container with a lid that does not allow air to enter the wort, but allows the gas formed during fermentation to escape. Usually this is a homemade or purchased water seal, but many people use a rubber glove by piercing the finger with a needle.
  • After fermentation is complete, the wine should be poured into a clean container to settle. At this stage, you can add alcohol and even sugar if you find the wine not sweet enough. A water seal is placed for a week, after which the container with wine is tightly sealed. When it becomes clear, it is time to drain it from the sediment and bottle it for further storage.

If all conditions are met, wine can be produced by novice winemakers. It is especially difficult to spoil, they say experienced craftsmen, dessert and fortified apple wines.

Classic apple wine recipe

  • commercial apples – 10 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sugar – 1.6 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort through the apples, remove rotten areas, grind thoroughly through a meat grinder or grate. If possible, use a juicer.
  • Place the juice or puree in a container in a saucepan or bucket, securing gauze or thin cloth on top, for 3 days. During these days, stir the contents every 8–12 hours.
  • Remove the pulp, leaving a layer of about 0.3–0.5 cm.
  • Add water, add 0.8 kg of sugar, pour into a fermentation container with a water seal.
  • After 4 days, open the water seal and drain 0.2 liters of wort through a straw, dilute 0.4 kg of sugar in it and drain it back, return the water seal to its place.
  • After another 3-4 days, repeat the procedure.
  • The optimal temperature for fermenting apple wort is 20–22 degrees, it may vary slightly, but should not be lower than 18 degrees or higher than 24 degrees. You will know the end of fermentation by the water seal: it will stop making gurgling sounds. If you use a glove instead, it will deflate and fall. There are times when this does not happen for a very long time. If after 50 days you have not yet waited for the end of fermentation, you will have to drain the wort from the sediment and pour it into another container with a water seal - the fermentation process will soon be completed.
  • Pour the wine into a clean container, close it tightly and let it sit. Every two weeks, drain the wine from the sediment. When the wine becomes almost completely transparent, all that remains is to pour it off the sediment for the last time and fill the bottles with it.

This recipe produces table wine. Its strength is 10–12 degrees. The shelf life of wine will depend on the type of apple. Wine made from sweet and sour autumn varieties lasts the longest.

Apple cider

  • apples of sour and sweet and sour varieties – 8 kg;
  • water – 12 l;
  • sugar – 3.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort through the apples and cut into slices, striking the core. It is enough to cut small fruits into 4 parts, larger ones into 6–8 parts. For convenience, you can use an apple slicer.
  • Place the apple slices in a linen bag or simply wrap them in a cloth that is not too thick. Place the bag on the bottom of a large pan, tank, barrel. Place a lid of a slightly smaller diameter on top or, even better, a lattice wooden disk, and any weight on it (for example, a 10-liter flask filled with water).
  • Boil syrup from 1.6 kg of sugar and 6 liters of water and cool it until room temperature, pour into the container with the apples on top of them.
  • The container should be in a cool room, at a temperature of 18–20 degrees.
  • After 5 weeks, pour the liquid from the container through a straw into a clean container. Pour the apples with exactly the same syrup as last time, in the same quantity.
  • After 5 weeks, drain the second portion of cider, mix with the first and leave for six months in the same cool room.
  • Drain off the sediment, pour into bottles, seal them well and keep in the cold for another month. After this, the cider is considered ready.

Apple cider is a very light drink (5–7 degrees) and pleasant in taste, a little like lemonade.

Fortified apple wine

  • sweet and sour apples – 6 kg;
  • raisins – 200 g;
  • vodka – 150 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 2.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort and chop the apples until puree.
  • Steam and cut the raisins.
  • Mix applesauce with 2 kg of sugar and raisins, pour the mixture through a funnel into a bottle with a narrow neck, and attach a rubber glove with a pierced finger or a water seal to it.
  • After three weeks, carefully strain the wort. Add 0.2 kg of granulated sugar, place in another bottle, this time closing it tightly.
  • After 10 days, pour in vodka, shake and bottle.

The resulting wine is a little stronger than table wine – 13–14 degrees.

Spiced apple wine

  • “kitchen” apples – 2 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sugar – 0.5 kg;
  • ground cinnamon – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Sort through and cut the apples into small slices and place in an enamel bowl. Add cinnamon and water and cook over low heat until the fruit is completely soft.
  • Rub the apple mixture through a sieve and place in a fermentation container.
  • After fermentation is complete, strain the liquid again and mix with sugar.
  • Place in a fermentation bottle. In the first week, it is better to close it with a water seal, then replace it with a tight lid. So the wine should stand for two to 2 weeks. From time to time the bottle needs to be tilted and rotated to mix the contents.
  • After the specified period, drain the wine from the sediment, strain and bottle.

The result is a delicate wine with a sweet-sour taste and a pleasant warm aroma with cinnamon notes.

Apple dessert wine

  • sweet apples – 10.8 kg;
  • pears – 1.2 kg;
  • raisins – 0.2 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Extract juice from apples and pears.
  • Steam the raisins, cut each raisin in half, mix with fruit juice.
  • Leave to start fermentation in a container with a wide neck (it needs to be tied with gauze). Stir 3-4 times a day.
  • Strain, add 0.5 kg of sugar, place in a fermentation bottle, install a water seal.
  • After 4 days, add another 0.3 kg of sugar, mixing it with the wort poured through a straw.
  • After another 3 days, add the remaining sugar and wait for the end of fermentation.
  • Drain off the sediment, strain, place in a clean bottle, sealing it well.
  • When the wine has cleared, pour it off the sediment again, filter and bottle.

This dessert wine with a strength of about 15-16 degrees will surely appeal to the ladies. If you store it for more than a year, it will acquire a taste somewhat reminiscent of port wine.

You can make table and dessert wine, as well as cider from apples at home. The strength, taste and aroma of the drink depend on the chosen recipe and raw materials. If you do not violate the preparation technology, even a novice winemaker will produce good wine.

The topic of homemade alcoholic drinks would be incomplete without apple wine recipes. Today we will learn how to make various drinks from apples for a home feast. A simple recipe for apple wine at home should definitely appear in every housewife’s notebook. How to make wine from apples worthy of a royal table?

Apple wine at home: a simple recipe without squeezing the juice

As always, I will start introducing you to home winemaking recipes, starting with the simplest ones.

What we need:

  • Apples of sour and sweet and sour varieties, well ripened;
  • Sugar - at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of apple mass.


Let's prepare a clean, dry glass bottle, an enamel bucket, gauze, and a medical rubber glove.

We won’t wash the apples, we’ll just try to take clean, healthy, well-ripened fruits, the most perfect option- remove the apples from the tree. Since this recipe is yeast-free, fermentation of the wort will occur due to its own fungi that live on the surface of all fruits. Today we will study a simple recipe without squeezing the juice; we will use apple mass.

  1. Remove the core from the apples, grind through a meat grinder, put the apple mass into a clean enamel bucket, add sugar at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of applesauce, mix well.
  2. Transfer the apple mixture with sugar into the prepared bottle, filling it 2/3 full.
  3. We tie the neck of the bottle with a clean gauze napkin. We'll put the bottle in dark place and leave it to ferment for several days.
  4. After 15-20 hours, the fermentation process should begin, i.e. active proliferation of yeast cells. Every day we will stir the contents of the bottle so that the apple particles sink to the bottom and the foam settles.
  5. After 4 days, pour the fermented juice into another clean glass bottle, straining it through several layers of gauze. Squeeze out the rest of the apple mass; it will no longer be useful.
  6. How to ferment wine correctly? Let's find a dark, warm place for active fermentation. We will put a rubber medical glove on the neck of the bottle and puncture a small hole in it to allow excess gas to escape.
  7. The whole process will take about one and a half to two months. Fermenting wine will make characteristic gurgling sounds, and the escaping gas will inflate the glove.
  8. As soon as the glove falls off, the liquid will become light, all small particles will sink to the bottom, and the gurgling will stop - this stage can be considered complete.
  9. Young wine is carefully filtered from sediment and poured into clean glass bottles or jars, seal hermetically, cutting off air access. In this form they are kept for at least 3 months in a cool room.

The finished homemade wine has an amber color, a pleasant balanced taste, and a strength of 12-15°. How to make homemade wine fortified? You need to add alcohol or vodka during the fermentation stage of the wort to increase the strength to 18-20° and kill yeast.

To the piggy bank useful tips: Making wine with a sweet and sour balanced taste involves using apples and sour and sweet varieties in a 2:1 ratio.

A drink made from wild apples or winter apples will be more tart due to natural tannins.

The warmer the room, the faster the fermentation process will take place. Temperature range for fermentation: 18-23°C, changes in the direction of lowering or increasing temperature will slow down the vital activity of the yeast, which will certainly affect the quality of the drink.

Apple juice wine

A large harvest of apples will never be a problem for a smart housewife. Homemade apple wine is a great option correct use resources.

How to cook delicious wine from apple juice? First, we must obtain apple juice using a juicer or in a more labor-intensive way - grate the apples or pass them through a meat grinder, then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. We remember about our little helpers - yeast, and do not wash the apples; we wipe dirty fruits with a napkin.

What we need:

  • Apple juice;
  • Sugar at the rate of 200 g per 1 liter of juice.

Let's prepare a clean glass container with a wide neck, gauze, and a rubber glove.

  1. Pour the apple juice into the prepared container, filling it to 2/3 of the volume, tie the neck with gauze and leave to ferment for 3 days. We will stir the juice periodically to remove the foam.
  2. After 3 days, strain the juice through cheesecloth and place it in a clean glass bottle, add sugar and mix. We put a rubber glove on the neck of the bottle and put it in a warm place for 1-2 months. We will monitor the fermentation process so as not to miss its completion.
  3. Carefully salt the young wine, strain it, pour it into jars or bottles, seal it hermetically and put it in a cool place. Let it sit for 3-6 months, during which time it will lighten and a dense sediment will settle to the bottom. Before use, add salt from the sediment, strain, and pour into beautiful bottles.

Here's a collection of useful tips: It is not advisable to use juice from a juicer to make wine; it turns out almost sterile, fermentation will be very weak, and the drink will be tasteless.

The strength of the drink will depend on the amount of sugar taken for each liter of juice. 100-150 g of sugar will yield dry wine, 400 g of sugar will yield a dessert drink.

A simple recipe for dry apple wine

How to make dry wine from apples? The drink differs from all other wines in its low sugar content.

What we need to make dry wine from apples:

  • Ripe apples;
  • Sugar at the rate of 100g per 1 liter of juice.

Let's prepare a clean glass bottle, a wide-mouth container, gauze, and a rubber glove.

  1. Let's take apples that are ripe, sweet, healthy, without wormholes. As you already understood, we won’t wash them; if the fruits are dirty, we’ll just wipe them with a napkin.
  2. Remove the core of the apples, grind them in a meat grinder or grate them, put the resulting applesauce into a clean glass or enamel container with a wide neck, tie the neck with gauze and place it in a dark place for primary fermentation.
  3. We will stir the apple mass several times a day so that the fermentation process occurs evenly throughout the entire volume; in addition, stirring saturates the liquid with oxygen, which the yeast needs.
  4. On the third day, separate the juice from the sediment by straining it through cheesecloth.
  5. We no longer need the pulp, and we will pour the wort into a clean glass bottle. For each liter of juice we will add 100, maximum 150 g of sugar, mix, and put a rubber glove with a hole on the neck.
  6. We will place the bottle in a warm, but not hot place, and observe the maturation of the wine for 1-2 months. During this time, it will ferment, gas formation will stop, and a sediment of small particles will settle to the bottom.
  7. Carefully drain the wine from the sediment, strain and pour into clean glass jars, seal it hermetically and send it to a cool place to ripen.

During the ripening process, our homemade homemade apple wine will lighten, become transparent, and acquire a bright, classic taste.

Apple wine without yeast

How to make homemade wine without using industrial wine yeast? Elementary!

What we need:

  • Apples are sweet and sour;
  • 250 g of sugar for each liter of juice;
  • 150 ml of water for every liter of juice.

Let's prepare a clean glass bottle, a clean enamel bucket, and gauze.

  1. We will take late apples, select large juicy fruits, we will not wash them, if they are dirty, we will simply wipe them with a napkin. Remove the core from the apples and chop them in any way available to us to get applesauce with juice.
  2. Place the applesauce in a bucket, cover with gauze and let it ferment for 3-4 days, stirring the contents several times a day. During this time, the apple mass will separate into pulp and liquid.
  3. Let's strain the contents of the bucket into the prepared bottle, squeeze out the pulp, it is no longer needed. Let's measure the volume of the resulting juice, calculate the amount of water and sugar for the syrup. IN hot water dissolve the sugar, boil for 2-3 minutes, cool and mix with apple juice, mix well.
  4. We will install a water seal on the neck of the bottle. If there is no water seal, remember a simple recipe with a glove that removes excess gas no worse than a water seal. We will put the bottle in a warm place for 1-2 months.
  5. When fermentation comes to an end and gas formation stops, we carefully pour the young wine into glass containers in which it will ripen - jars or bottles. The main thing is to seal the container hermetically so that there is no access to air.
  6. The drink will ripen in a cool place for at least 2-3 months. The longer the aging, the richer the bouquet and the less astringency.
  7. To clarify the drink, it is advisable to pour it several times into a clean container during ripening, getting rid of fine sediment. As soon as the sediment disappears completely, the wine is ready.

Here's a collection of useful tips: You can improve the taste of wine and diversify its bouquet by using a technique such as blending. You can mix the starting materials at the stage of fermentation of the berry mass, you can mix musts or ready-made wines after they have been clarified.

If you end up with apple wine that is poor in taste: how to make the right blend? When blending ready-made wines, it is advisable to do preliminary mixing: take small portions of each drink, for example, 100 ml, mix them in different combinations, achieving a certain taste and strength. A truly new bouquet of blended wine will be formed only after 1-2 years of aging.

Wine from apples and pears

How to make wine from homemade apples and pears? This drink will take all the sweetness of pears and tartness of apples, their combination will give a light pleasant taste.

What we need:

  • Apples have a sour taste;
  • Pears;
  • 250 g sugar and 150 ml water for every liter of apple juice.

Prepare a clean glass bottle, enamel bucket, water seal or rubber glove.

  1. Do not wash the apples and pears, just remove the core. Grind the fruits individually to a puree and squeeze the juice from the apple mass.
  2. If you have a juicer, it is better to run the apples through it. Pears do not produce much juice, so we will use their pulp. The ratio of apple juice and pear pulp will be 1:2.
  3. Place apple juice and pear pulp in an enamel bucket and stir.
  4. Let's calculate the amount of sugar and water for the syrup, cook the syrup from water and sugar, cool and pour in the fruit mixture, mix again.
  5. Cover the bucket with gauze and leave to ferment for 2-4 days, stirring the contents periodically.
  6. When the pulp rises like a cap, remove it, strain the wort into a clean bottle, and install a water seal. The drink will ferment for 2-3 months.

The pear will make the liquid cloudy, so the clarification process will take 3-4 months. But the result will be worth all our efforts - the wine made from apples and pears is very aromatic and soft.

As they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. We will definitely look at the video on how to make wine from apples at home; a simple recipe from a master of his craft will relieve you of doubts about whether it is worth engaging in home winemaking.

Wine from apple pomace after juicer

What we need:

  • Apple pulp;
  • 200 g of sugar and 1 liter of water for every kilogram of cake.

Let's prepare a clean glass bottle, wide-necked jar, gauze, air seal or rubber glove.

  1. Weigh the apple pulp to calculate the amount of sugar and water. We will fill the jar to 2/3 of its volume.
  2. After squeezing the juice, there is very little moisture left in the cake, so we will fill it with syrup. Place the cake in a wide-necked jar, prepare a syrup from water and half the sugar, cool, pour in the cake, mix well.
  3. Cover the neck with gauze and put the jar in a dark place for fermentation. Active fermentation will continue for 3-4 days, all the pulp will float to the top, we will periodically stir the contents of the jar.
  4. After 4 days, carefully pour the liquid into a clean bottle, straining it through cheesecloth, add the remaining sugar, mix well and leave to ferment for 1-2 months.
  5. We will put a glove on the neck of the bottle or install a water seal. After fermentation, the wine will become clearer, and a residue of small particles will settle to the bottom of the bottle.
  6. Carefully salt it, bottle it, seal it tightly and put it in a cool place to ripen for another 2-4 months.

I gave you a recipe without yeast, based on the active work of natural fermentation. But if fermentation proceeds very sluggishly or stops completely, I advise you to use a simple recipe with wine yeast, which is added to the wort.

It should be taken into account that baker's yeast is not suitable for winemaking; it develops too rapidly in the initial stages of fermentation and dies when the alcohol concentration exceeds 15%.

It is better to take industrial wine yeast; one package weighing 5 g is enough for 10-20 liters of wort to resume fermentation.

The wine made from apple pomace after the juicer is called secondary, it is less saturated, its color is lighter, but, nevertheless, the drink turns out to be pleasant, light and less tart.

To get a drink with a brighter color and taste, you can add crushed chokeberries to the apple pulp at the first stage of preparing wine; the rest of the process will remain unchanged.

Wine made from chokeberries and apples based on pomace is no worse in its characteristics than the drink of the classical method of preparation. Homemade apple wine is very popular at all holiday feasts.

Green apple wine

How to make wine from apples at home if the fruits have not yet ripened? Technologically, the process of preparing alcohol from green apples is no different from making it in the classical way, the only difference is in the source material.

What we need:

  • Green unripe apples of different varieties;
  • 150 g and 250 ml of sugar water for every kilogram of pulp.

Let's prepare a clean glass bottle, an enamel bucket, gauze, and a glove.

  1. We will not wash the apples; we will remove the core and seeds, grind them in a meat grinder and put them in a bucket. Prepare a syrup from water and sugar, pour in the apple mixture and mix well.
  2. Cover the bucket with gauze and place it in a dark place. We will periodically stir the apple mixture, precipitating the pulp.
  3. After 4 days, pour the liquid into a clean bottle, filtering it through cheesecloth, squeeze out the cake, it is no longer needed.
  4. We put a rubber glove with a hole on the neck of the bottle, put the bottle in a warm place, and let the wine ferment for 2-3 months.
  5. We salt the young wine from the sediment, package it in jars or bottles, seal it tightly and leave for another 2-3 months for final maturation. As a result, we will get an amazing dry wine.
  6. According to the recipe of a famous winemaker, you can soften the harsh taste - at the last stage of ripening, add spices to taste: a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of vanilla, a star anise.

And now - the promised video from enthusiastic winemakers.

I hope that every reader will choose the most interesting and simple recipe for apple wine, try it at home and share their impressions!

Greetings to readers from San Palych!

Here we meet again on Pavel Dorofeev’s blog. We continue the cycle of small and, I hope, useful articles by stages winemaking. This article will tell you how to make apple wine at home.

Selection of raw materials

In our (middle) zone, a wide variety of varieties grow - from sour and tart forest varieties, to the best varietals (such as Ranet, Calvil and others). Therefore, we immediately decide which apples we will use to make wine, respectively - table, aromatic, semi-sweet, strong, etc.

  • Early varieties such as Moscow Grushevka, Melba, etc. are suitable for table and semi-dry wines.
  • Autumn varieties– Streifling, Anise, Antonovka and the like are suitable for almost all types of wines.
  • Winter varieties - Calvil, Zvezdochka, etc. are also suitable for almost all varieties of apple wines.
  • Forest apples and game apples are best consumed in a mixture with cultivated varieties. It is also necessary to mix very sour varieties with sweet ones.

Let me remind you about carrion, unripe apples and overripe ones - all these categories are more suitable for apple mash with subsequent distillation into Calvados or apple distillate.

I’ll step aside a little from the topic, explaining that Calvados is a product of the distillation of pure fermented juice (a mixture of apple juices) without added sugar and water (natural dry apple wine), and apple distillate is a distillation of “Brazh vinaigrette” from apple juice, cake , water and sugar in various proportions.

Carrion, unripe apples or overripe fruits are unsuitable for wine due to the small amount of aromas, sugar, acids, astringency, or due to their loss.

I draw your attention to early varieties– low-acid and low-tart (wine made from them will not store well and will become weakly aromatic). Autumn varieties are almost 100% suitable for winemaking, with a slight normalization in acid and sugar. The best winter varieties are good for winemaking without diluting the juice with water and sugar (or with minimal correction).

Store-bought apples can also be used for winemaking. The varieties are mostly known. But there are caveats. Industrial Manufacturers apples are coated with fruit wax and treated special compounds, which can be very tasteless or even poisonous for yeast. Do not blame if the wine does not start well or does not ferment. Good advice - buy apples from trusted gardeners or sellers.

The conclusion from the above is:

In the first half of summer, it is best to make apple mash, or mix summer cultivated varieties of apples with wild (forest) or sour (tart) varieties; autumn apples can be processed into wine with a slight adjustment for sugar and acid, or also normalized by mixing sweet and sour varieties apples Late apples are fully suitable for winemaking, provided that the apples are fully ripened and “aged” before wine production.

Let me remind you that an excess of acid is “treated” by diluting with water, a deficiency – by diluting with sour juices or adding citric acid in the required amount. I think everyone remembers about sugar - a simple addition of sugar according to a recipe or calculation according to tables.

Well, now we've sorted things out a bit with apples. If you have difficulty choosing, then the Internet will help you figure out the taste, sugar content and acidity of the apple variety you are looking for.

We’re done with the explanations, let’s move on to the most delicious part – technology and recipe.

Yeast for apple wine

We start, as always, with yeast (or sourdough). You can get by with wild yeast on apples, but this is unreliable. Therefore, it is better to stock up on cultural yeast in advance. Here are the most suitable for apple wines in descending order:

  • Wine yeast Lalvin 71B-1122
  • Wine yeast Lalvin EC-1118
  • Wine yeast Multiflor
  • Wine yeast Ez-ferm

You must use only one type of yeast and never mix it!

One serving of such yeast is enough to make 10-20 liters of wine (with proper fermentation - described in previous articles).

The last two types of yeast are good for apple and fruit mash for distillation. Such yeast digests both fruit and regular sugars well. I strongly do not recommend “favorite” alcoholic yeast for wine because of the unpleasant aftertaste and “contamination” of fruit sugars.

In the absence of these cultural yeasts, go to the previous article and read there how prepare a starter for wine from wild yeast. It must be prepared in advance (1-2 weeks before receiving the wine material). The amount of starter is 0.5-0.8 l (per 20 l of wine).

Dishes and other necessary things

I strongly remind you about hygiene, sterility of utensils and instruments!

Let's return to our apples.

Juice extraction

For the sake of example and convenience of quantity calculations, let’s assume 20 liters of wine.

Option without pre-fermentation

  1. We prepare raw materials for wine. For 20 liters of juice you need to prepare approximately 45-50 kg of apples - this is approximately 5-6 full buckets (with a reserve). The apples must be ripe; if you have just picked them from the apple tree, then let them sit for 1-2 weeks. We select apples of various varieties, sweet ones like Grushovka and those with sourness, for example Antonovka. If there are no sour apples in the garden, you can replace them with wild forest apples or add the juice of various rowan trees. Keep in mind that red rowan, in addition to acid, also adds bitterness. As I said, apples must be clean and dry.
  2. We process our wealth as described in the previous article on the selection of raw materials(cut out the core, cut into pieces, do not cut off the peel). Don’t forget to remove rotten spots and wormholes.
  3. Next, we squeeze out the juice using a juicer (with moisture control of the pulp) or a press; if there is no juicer or press, then we grind it with an electric meat grinder or other gadgets. In the latter case, squeeze the juice with your hands through gauze. To do this, you need a stainless or enamel pan or basin, gauze folded in 3-4 layers and strong hands that will twist and squeeze the applesauce in the gauze (see photo below). The work is labor-intensive and thankless, plus your hands will be brown for a long time (I went through that too...).

From 6 buckets of apples there will be approximately 4 full buckets of pulp, from which you can squeeze at least 20 liters of juice. The maximum possible yield of juice from apples is 0.6 liters from 1 kg of raw materials.

Second option with fermentation

  1. Chop the apples (methods are described in previous articles).
  2. Pour the pulp into a large container, add a little sugar (0.2-0.3 kg per 10 liters of pulp)
  3. We introduce the starter or fermented cultural yeast, wait 2-3 days (do not forget to regularly stir the pulp 2-3 times a day).
  4. Then we squeeze it out in the most acceptable way (preferably with a press). After squeezing the juice, we obtain FERMENTING wine material, to which we do not need to add either yeast or starter, because they are already there (during spinning, all the introduced yeast ends up in the wort).
  5. We finally normalize this wine material for sugar and water (more on that below).

Be sure to record the amount of sugar added to the pulp!

Calculation and correction of wort for sugar and acid

Let's say that we received 10 liters of Grushovka juice and 10 liters of Antonovka juice (convenient for calculations).

In the table of previous article or on the Internet we find the sugar content and acidity of apples. By apple varieties, we look for information about sugar and acid content ourselves or take data approximating them from the table. The data from the table is quite sufficient.

Moscow pear – sugar – 9-11%, acid – 0.7-0.9%.

Antonovka – sugar – 8-10%, acid – 1.0-1.2%.

The data for apples is approximate, as they may vary due to the degree of ripeness, the number of sunny and warm days, etc.

No fermentation In the pulp, the sugar content of the juice can be immediately measured with a sugar meter (read the instructions for it). But after the start of fermentation and (or) addition of sugar, it is no longer useful.

The sugar meter shows correct data with clean, clear juice at a temperature of 20 °C. It is difficult to achieve ideal purity of juice, which is why it is not easy to use.

Proportions for semi-dry and semi-sweet wines

It's time to remember the theory of winemaking. The wine material should contain sugar from 20 to 30% for semi-dry and semi-sweet wines (including “native” sugar). And the acidity of the wine should be 0.7-0.8%.

To make it easier for us, we round the average sugar content of juices to 10%, and acidity to 1%. Now we need to “normalize” the wine material to the required composition.

Let's remember the physics of solutions: Sugar, when dissolved in 1 kg, increases the volume of liquid by 0.6 liters. That is, by dissolving 1 kg of sugar in 1 liter of water, we get 1.6 liters of syrup. We remember this as “Our Father.”

The next section is mathematics:

According to the recipe for semi-sweet apple wines (25% sugar in the wine material and no more than 0.8-0.9% acid), we bring the wort to the specified level.

That is, for every 10 liters of juice we need to add 1.7-1.8 kg of sugar (1 kg is already in apple juice (10%), add 1.5 kg and 0.2-0.3 kg for “plus” volume from dissolved sugar).

To correct the acidity, you need to dilute the juice with water by about 10% (add 1 liter of water to 10 liters of wine material), we get about 0.9%, taking into account another “new” liter of sugar, the acidity will already be 0.8%.

When diluted with water, the sugar content in the future wine again decreased!

Remember - for every liter of water poured in, always add 0.25 kg of sugar and there will be a norm.

Add another 0.25 kg of sugar. The increased volume can already be neglected.

The result of calculations for semi-sweet apple wine:

For 10 liters of juice add 2 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water.

When fermenting apple pulp we definitely take into account added sugar in calculations.

For those who find it difficult to master the calculation methodology, you can use the final calculation or ready-made recipes. The amount of juice can be any, the main thing is to maintain the proportions.

In our case, for 1 liter of juice you need to add 0.2 kg of sugar and 0.1 liter of water. We multiply this data by any amount of juice and get the required amounts of sugar and water.

The above technique is applicable to any variety of apples. That is, any wine material for semi-dry-semi-sweet wine is reduced to a ratio of 25% (20-30%) sugar in the wine material and no more than 0.8-0.9% acid. Or we change the proportions to obtain other types of wines in terms of sugar content and alcohol content.

Proportions for table, dry, semi-dry, sweet and dessert wines

If you want to get table, dry or semi-dry wine, then reduce the sugar to 0.13-0.14 kg (per 1 liter of juice), the amount of water can be increased to 1.5-2 liters per liter of juice (the wine will be more “empty” "and watery).

If you want to get a sweet or dessert wine, then increase the sugar to 3-4 kg per 10 liters of juice without adding water (add sugar in parts very carefully, monitor the fermentation, with the last part of sugar we will stop the fermentation and make a very sweet wine).

Remarks: In any case, add sugar “fractionally”, that is, in parts. First, 1.2-1.5 kg per 10 liters of juice, then in parts (after 4-5 days, the rest in 2-3 approaches). Otherwise, the wort may become sugary and not ferment. Add sugar to the wort by dissolving it in the previously drained wort. We write down each added portion of sugar in a notebook (quantity, date).

Let's return to our example.

  1. We have 20 liters of juices. This means that to obtain semi-sweet wine we need to add 4 kg of sugar and 2 liters of water.
  2. Pour the wort into a 30l bottle.
  3. Pour some of the wort into a saucepan (leave it in the saucepan), dissolve in it most sugar - 3 kg, pour back. We put 1 kg of sugar aside, add this sugar evenly to the wort on the 4th, 7th and 10th days of fermentation.
  4. We ferment the cultural yeast according to the instructions (dilute 1-2 packets in warm, sugared water, let it ferment for 30-60 minutes). Pour into the bottle, make sure that the wort is not cold - 20-25 ° C, and the yeast starter has already cooled to this temperature. Or add ready-made strained starter in an amount of 0.5-0.6 liters. It is better to mix the wine material.
  5. We write down all our actions, calculations and dates in a notebook. These notes will become very valuable when the wine turns out tasty and aromatic and you want to repeat it.

Well, here it is main job We've done it!

Primary fermentation

You should know that apple wine is quite capricious during fermentation and storage. Some wines ferment very well followed by excellent clarification, and some remain cloudy for a very long time; unfortunately, for such wines the taste can deteriorate.

Therefore, we monitor the fermentation temperature and promptly remove any sediment that appears. We remove the wine from the first sediment when it forms and reaches a height of approximately 2-3 cm (for 20 liters of wine). When overflowing, we avoid excessive aeration (we lower the tube as low as possible into the receiving bottle).

Decanting is the removal of wine material from the sediment.

I want to say right away that when transferring WHITE wine, we avoid aeration (that is, we lower the overflow tube as low as possible into the receiving bottle - overflow without bubbles). Aeration is only needed for red wines or to treat diseased white wines.

When sediment forms (from 2 weeks or more - this depends on the purity of the juice, temperature and nature of fermentation, etc.), we carry out the decanting procedure. Raise the container with the wort to a height of at least half a meter, place a new sterile bottle (pan) down and drain the wine material using the prepared tube.

We immerse the tube in the middle of the container with the wine material and from the other end we suck in the young wine with our mouth; as soon as it “falls over” through the neck, we immediately substitute the container, do not forget to lower the tube lower.

We monitor the level of decreasing wine. The top of the tube should always be in the liquid and not reach the sediment a little. At the end of the overflow, tilt the top bottle until the clean wort is completely released.

We pour the remaining part into an old pillowcase or gauze bag and hang it over a basin or pan. We also pour the strained wort into the main wine material.

We thoroughly rinse the empty bottle and pour the drained wine material back into its original container.

Decanting should not be done very often, as this will stop fermentation, but it should also not be prolonged too much (the wine may become cloudy and turn bitter). Approximately 2-3 decantations are enough to cleanse the future wine of fruit residues and dead yeast.

After pouring, the yeast stops working for a while and can start with a delay of up to 2-3 days. To reduce the shock effect after pouring, add a little sugar to the wort, either from the deferred one or from the new one, but without fanaticism.

When apple wine sits on the lees, it begins to become cloudy, bitter and lose its taste - do not forget about this. A slight bitterness disappears over time, a strong bitterness remains forever.

Secondary fermentation

  1. After the end of the primary fermentation, it will take an average of 1-1.5 months (the glove falls off, the water seal is practically “silent”), we look at the transparency of the wine material, remove the sediment and pour the wine for secondary fermentation into another bottle (volume 20 l) with filling “under the neck”, the wine will not spoil in it, because there will be no contact with air.
  2. For secondary fermentation, it is better to place the bottle of wine material in a basement or pantry. The most suitable temperature for fermentation is 12-15 °C.
  3. The bottle must be closed with a water seal, but it can be closed plastic film and tighten with a regular rubber band. In this case, tightness is necessary.
  4. The wine should be completely cleared at this stage; we get rid of the new sediment using the above method. If the wine remains cloudy for a long time, then we clarify it with cold (up to -3... -4 °C), or use various clarifiers: egg white - 1 beaten white per 20 liters of wine, bentonite (special clay), tannin, etc. More I will talk about this in detail in the next article.

Spilling and storage

All! The wine is ready to mature.

Wine maturation

The minimum ripening period is 2-3 months. Keep in mind that after 2-3 years the wine may age unnecessarily, change color and lose aromas. If you are not familiar with the technologies of aged and vintage wines, then it is better not to risk it and drink the wine within 1-2 years.

You should also know that some apple wines (table wines, dry wines made from unleavened summer apple varieties) are fragile, i.e. prone to rapid spoilage, souring, and over-fermentation.

Therefore, the easiest way is to consume such wine immediately after ripening; other methods are more labor-intensive and expensive: fortifying wine (0.5 l of apple distillate (0.25 l of under-rectified apple alcohol) per 4-5 l of wine (additive before bottling into bottles), this type stops fermentation, leads to clarification, but at first spoils the taste, then the obvious taste of alcohol disappears (I think it is clear that such wines become fortified wines).

This method is considered bad manners and is not encouraged by professional winemakers, but there are exceptions to the rules. Not every amateur can determine the right supplement alcohol into good wine.

If the wine is clean and clear with good taste, you can do without fortification (decide for yourself). Another type is heat treatment (heating in bottles using a special technology) in a water bath up to 65-70 °C.

At the end of the article, I provide the final recipe and method for recording the stages of preparing apple wine.

Semi-sweet apple wine recipe

Moscow pear 25 kg – sugar. 11%, acid – 0.9%. (stayed for 3 weeks)

Antonovka 25 kg – sugar – 9%, acid – 1.1%. (the ripest ones are collected)

Peeled and cut apples - about 45 liters. (average sugar –10%, sour –1%)

Chopped apples (pulp) – approximately 30 liters (electric meat grinder)

Juice – 20 l (press squeeze).

Water – 2 l (0.1 l per 1 l of juice)

Glucose (sugar) – 3 (+ 1) kg (0.2 kg per 1 liter of juice) 1 kg is left for addition.

Sourdough (grape) – 0.6-0.8 l (0.3-0.4 l per 10 l of juice)

Wine material – 25 l (calculated sugar 24%, sour 0.8%) (bottle 30 l)

Put it in the basement for secondary use

(wine almost clear, slight bitterness).

(taste good, but a little yeasty)

February 23rd is RIPE! Delicious!

This is roughly how you need to take notes. If you supplement them with other details, it will be even better.

Dear winemakers (those who have finished reading this material have probably already become one! :)), I don’t think you imagined that winemaking is a very interesting, but as it turns out, quite complex science, requiring various knowledge, biology, mathematics, physics and chemistry.

But it’s not the gods who burn the pots! The main thing is desire. So go for it!

I hope that this technology for making wine is clearly presented and not too complicated for many novice winemakers.

Good luck with your winemaking!

Vinodarov A.P.

Especially for Pavel Dorofeev’s blog.

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