Septic tank at the dacha groundwater. Septic tank for a dacha with a high groundwater level

The topic of today's publication is the use of a septic tank for a dacha with high level groundwater. The successful implementation of such a project will help solve the problem of waste disposal at minimal cost.

Read in the article:

Creation of an autonomous sewer system for a dacha with a high groundwater level

Even if you decide to entrust all the work to professionals, your own knowledge on this topic will come in handy. They will help you buy a septic tank for high groundwater without overpayments, and monitor the actions of performers during installation operations. It is necessary to clarify the operating rules in advance so as not to create unnecessary difficulties in the future. Extending service life is very important because it is expected large volume earthworks, surface leveling, application landscape design. Repeatedly performing such actions is associated with significant costs.

You have to choose a reliable design that can ensure tightness over a long service life. During operation, the liquid washes away the soil and pushes the container upward. Such influences can damage the connection with transport system. In winter, it is necessary to prevent freezing of the installation and consider protection against heaving forces. Here are the main tasks that will have to be solved in practice. Taking this information into account, we will evaluate specialized equipment as a whole and its individual components, cleaning technologies, factory products and homemade products.

Determination of groundwater level

Similar research is done during the creation autonomous water supply

Geological research precede the construction of a house to clarify the depth of installation of the foundation, calculation drainage system. If there is no such information, the check can be done using a regular garden auger. They also dig pits, but this method is accompanied by significant physical activity.

The surveys are planned for the period of spring floods, when the groundwater level (GWL) is expected to be at its highest. The drilling pattern is determined in advance, taking into account the intended installation location of the main structural elements of the septic tank itself and the sewerage routes.

The purpose and principle of operation of septic tanks for summer cottages with a high groundwater level

Such structures are installed if connecting to the main municipal sewer is impossible or too expensive. Cesspools are characterized by low productivity. These outdated cleaning products are still used in dachas. But for year-round use, septic tanks are much more convenient.

The principle of operation of septic tanks for summer cottages

The figure shows the main components of a modern equipment set. Domestic wastewater flows by gravity through a free-flow pipeline into the first part of the tank. Here solid particles sink to the bottom. The processes of biological decomposition begin immediately. Partially treated wastewater enters the second department, where a “biofilter” with aerobic bacteria is installed to speed up work processes. To increase efficiency, such installations are supplemented with forced air supply devices. From here the liquid enters the infiltrator. This unit distributes wastewater over a large area.

For your information! Using this scheme, you can achieve a purification level of up to 97-98%. It is completely safe for the environment. To obtain this result, you need to make the correct calculation and not violate the rules for operating a septic tank for a dacha with a high groundwater level.

Special ones are also used anaerobic bacteria. They are cultivated using special techniques in an oxygen-free environment. Beneficial decomposition processes using such agents occur inside the wastewater. Obvious advantage The design is simplified by eliminating the aerator, and energy costs are reduced. But to maintain the activity of such fillers, it is recommended to add a new portion of activators at least twice a month.

Expert opinion

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“In any of the options, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the life of beneficial microorganisms. It is necessary to prevent the entry of chlorine and other harmful compounds and antibiotics into sewage drains. Don't forget about ventilation holes and pipes. They are needed to remove gases that are released during the fermentation process.”

Basic rules for installing a septic tank on the site

Please note that the figure shows the permitted distances to any part of the treatment facility. To clarify the data, you need to study the current legislation:

StandardsDocumentScope of application, features
Construction norms and rules (SNiP)2.04.03-85 Construction of local treatment systems, transport routes for moving wastewater.
SNiP2.04.01-85 (2.04.4-85) Location of water supply sources and components in relation to treatment plants.
Sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN) Restrictions on environmental protection zones near open water bodies.
SanPiN2.2.1/ The boundaries of free space near septic tanks and other objects that can harm the environment.

The list of restrictions is too long for detailed consideration in one publication. But it should be noted that the approved rules provide for many important factors:

  • filtration and throughput different types of soils;
  • the impact of runoff on different types of plants;
  • direction of groundwater flow.

The minimum distance from the septic tank to various types of buildings is established as follows:

  • residential building – 3 m;
  • workshops, garages, other outbuildings – 1m;
  • buildings intended for keeping poultry and small livestock - 4 m.

The distance to the border of the neighboring property must be at least 2 m. It is imperative to take into account the distance of the marked objects in the adjacent territories.

Calculation of volume and formulation of technical requirements

If you are guided by the provisions of SNiP 2.04.03-85, single-chamber septic tanks for summer cottages with a high water level are suitable for a wastewater volume of no more than 1 m³ per day. In such a structure, new ones are constantly added to the accumulated pollution. Poorly soluble fatty wastes block cleansing functions. Quite often you have to use the services of vacuum cleaners.

A two-chamber structure is used with a wastewater volume of 1−10 m³/day

In some systems, the bottom of the second container is removed. Pebbles and other granular materials are poured there to create an additional filtration layer. But such a solution is not suitable for a dacha with a high groundwater level. In the project under consideration, all septic tank containers are made airtight.

At more wastewater (>10 m³/day) a three-chamber treatment system is used. The capacity of the containers can be distributed in the proportion of 50%−30%−20%. But these numbers are not mandatory. The use of certain technologies is essential.

You also need to correctly calculate the required total volume. For accurate calculations, you can find a thematic calculator. The engineering formula takes into account several parameters:

  • wastewater storage/processing time;
  • standard standard for one person;
  • content of suspended impurities in the outlet pipe;
  • temperature of the incoming liquid.

Related article:

After reviewing the information provided, you can get a more complete understanding of the structure of your home sewage system and wastewater treatment system and consciously begin choosing the design of a treatment facility.

The correct solution of everyday problems is quite acceptable using simplified calculations. A suitable septic tank for a country house with a high groundwater level should contain enough waste to provide enough time for its effective treatment. Difficulties arise here, which are explained by the different positions of regulatory authorities. By building regulations the capacity of such a structure must be at least 3-day volume of sewage. Sanitary standards indicate the minimum level of contaminants that is allowed to be sent naturally into the ground for final cleaning.

With average pollution levels, you can use a proportion of 1.7−2.2 m³ per user. Thus, for a family from three people 5.5 m³ is enough. It is better to make a reserve of 10-15% to avoid insufficient treatment when the volume of wastewater increases.

For your information! For an accurate assessment, it is necessary to take into account the salvo discharge. This indicator indicates the ability to maintain functions while quickly passing through the maximum amount of wastewater.

If we are talking about storage capacity, then you will have to increase the size. The average amount of waste per person is 200 liters. The tank capacity of standard sewage disposal equipment is from 4 to 5.5 m³. If you save too much on the initial investment, you will have to use the corresponding services more often.

When installing a compact septic tank for a dacha with a high groundwater level with a volume of 2 m³, it will be necessary to call specialists for removal every three days

Types of septic tanks with high groundwater level

Storage septic tanks with high groundwater levels - an analogue of a cesspool

A large tank is installed underground to save space on the site

The location of the structure is chosen in accordance with the rules discussed. The depth is determined by the level of soil freezing. It should be higher than the main tank. A suitable neck is selected accordingly.

In this option, one camera is enough. To simplify control, a float sensor is installed, which signals when the container is full. Since quite frequent emptying is expected, the installation site is chosen closer to the border of the land plot, and a wide and durable passage for freight transport is built.

Expert opinion

VK design engineer (water supply and sewerage) LLC "ASP North-West"

Ask a specialist

“Remember the standard distance to public roads - at least 5 m.”

Budget septic tanks for a summer residence without pumping

Wiring diagram installation of a septic tank for a summer residence

Such sets are produced in different options execution. The main container is divided by partitions into 2-3 functional parts. The standard package includes a cover, inspection ladder, ventilation system pipe, and other components. As a rule, the model range is compiled taking into account typical needs. It is easy to find an option suitable for a particular property.

For your information! At making the right choice equipment parameters, solid waste removal will be required no more than once a year.

Biological treatment stations

What does the station consist of? biological treatment

After multi-stage wastewater treatment, a good level of purification is ensured. Modern stations are capable of removing up to 97-98% of all impurities, which corresponds to the best multi-chamber septic tanks for a summer residence. Such structures are ideal for areas with high groundwater levels. They are sealed and perform their functions without an additional drainage field. In this case, regular removal of solid sediments will not be necessary. Routine flushing can be performed independently or with the help of a service department.

Comparative analysis of different septic tanks for a summer residence with a high groundwater level

Septic tank typeAdvantagesFlaws
CumulativeLight weight, reasonable cost, tight design.

Lack of filtration fields, complex mechanisms and technologies.

Easy to care for.

The need for regular use of sewage disposal services.

Significant loads on the road surface.

Multi-chamberLong-term preservation of performance without calling sewage disposal equipment.

High level of cleaning.

Possibility of environmental contamination if the filtration field is installed incorrectly.

Reduced efficiency in the presence of substances and dangerous microorganisms in wastewater.

Biological treatment stationCompactness.

Easy to install.

No additional cleaning area.

High price.

Such equipment must be connected to the electrical network.

Its complexity means an increased likelihood of breakdowns.

Features of materials for making cameras

Concrete septic tank with high groundwater levels

A septic tank consists of many components - basic and additional.

A standard solution is not suitable for our project. Septic tanks for dachas with high groundwater levels are well insulated to prevent environmental pollution. To do this, close the bottom of the third container and drain the drainage from it to the drainage field.

High-quality factory-made reinforced concrete products retain their integrity for decades. They are designed for significant mechanical loads. They are not damaged by aggressive chemical compounds. However, it is necessary to take into account the difficulties during transportation, during unloading and installation operations. To install large products, it is necessary to dig a large pit. Careful sealing of the joints, additional equipment with a hatch and connecting pipes will be required.

Using standard reinforced concrete products it will not be possible to optimize the volume. When the soil heaves in winter, displacement of the rings is possible. In such a situation, soil contamination occurs. To restore the integrity of the structure and joints, a complex set of works is performed.

Plastic, combined materials

In such products, protection from loads is provided by metal carcass. Will come in handy:

  • tightness;
  • chemical neutrality;
  • light weight.

But, as in the previous example, you will have to handle standard containers of a certain volume. Additional equipment will be required: a neck, a large hatch, and connecting pipes. The total financial and labor costs will be quite large.

It is more profitable to purchase a ready-made kit

The photo shows typical features:

  • flat support (1) providing good stability;
  • stiffening ribs (2) to strengthen the structure while maintaining low weight;
  • separate functional chambers (3) designed for sequential wastewater treatment;
  • built-in pipes (4);
  • shafts (6) and hatches (5).

With a low weight, such a structure is pushed upward when the groundwater level rises. It needs to be fixed in its normal position. Disadvantages include limited strength.


Related article:

The structure, principle of operation, requirements for location, independent equipment of treatment facilities for a private home - read in the publication.

You can make such a product yourself if you have the appropriate skills or by ordering it from a specialized workshop. In any of the selected options, it is permissible to use required sizes, shapes, placement internal partitions, other unique solutions. By using a sufficiently thick sheet, it is not difficult to provide the necessary strength.

However, it should be noted the significant cost of a high-quality steel septic tank. The work of a qualified welder is highly valued.

A layer that protects against corrosion is required. It can be damaged during installation. Therefore, special care and thorough preparation of the base will be required.

Fixing the septic tank from floating and protecting against soil heaving

Algorithm of installation operations:

  1. The pit is dug in accordance with the diagram provided by the manufacturer's instructions. Observe the established slope of the walls.
  2. At the bottom, a sand bedding of 250-350 mm is made, followed by compaction.
  3. A reinforced concrete slab is installed. They do it from above additional layer made of sand (without stones and other large fractions) 150−200 mm thick.
  4. The septic tank is being lowered. Install supports if there are no flat supports.
  5. Fill the container to ½ of the nominal volume with water.
  6. Anchors are screwed into the reinforced concrete slab. Cables (tapes) are connected to them. Fix the septic tank in the desired position.
  7. Fill the free space in the pit layer by layer (200-300 mm) with a tamper. At the same time add water.
  8. To prevent damage from heavy transport, a reinforced concrete slab with a hole for the hatch neck is installed on top.

When installed in clay soil The septic tank is pushed out by heaving forces. They form in places where water transforms into ice and then expands. To prevent damage, the container is installed at a depth below the freezing level. It is also useful to replace the original soil with sand, which allows moisture to pass through and performs damping functions.

Installation of an above-ground filtration field

If there are no natural elevations, an artificial embankment is created. To supply wastewater there, a pump is installed in the distribution well. Pumping equipment is selected taking into account the contamination of the liquid.

For your information! The location of the final part of the cleaning at ground level and above increases the cost of the project.

Rating of septic tank manufacturers for high groundwater levels

PlaceBrandFeatures of the model rangeNotes, positive features
1. TopasThe range includes models with cleaning performance from 0.8 to 3 m³ or more per day.

To increase efficiency, the manufacturer offers multi-stage treatment in multi-chamber septic tanks (up to 5 working volumes).

The narrow specialization of the manufacturer helped to occupy a leading position in the market.

Experts and users note the high quality of cleaning, reliability, and timely implementation of the latest specialized technologies.

2. TankSeptic tanks under this brand are represented by the domestic enterprise Triton Plastic.

Productivity of popular models: 0.6−1.8 m³/day.

Reasonable pricing policy is complemented by careful development of the smallest details.

These treatment plants are well prepared for operation in difficult conditions.

3. TritonSpecial Edition manufacturing enterprise"Triton Plastic".

The current model range includes storage tanks and multi-chamber septic tanks.

Affordable cost, wide range, ease of installation on your own.
4. TermiteProductivity of popular septic tanks (m³/day): 0.4; 0.6; 1.

The range includes models specially adapted for installation in areas with high groundwater levels.

Seamless casting technologies allow you to create strong, durable structures without defects.

Each product is checked by a special set of tests before shipment to the retail chain.

5. PoplarThe manufacturer offers specialized equipment for household and commercial use. With the appropriate equipment, a large septic tank of this brand is capable of treating more than 20 m³ of wastewater per day.The equipment of this brand is distinguished by high quality compressors and other additional components.

The limitations of technological solutions do not allow us to take a higher position.

Estimated prices for septic tanks for summer cottages

Brand/Modelprice, rub.Specifications, notes

79800−82300 Productivity: 0.8 m³/day.

Salvo discharge - up to 175 l.

Designed for a family of four.

35 800−37200 Storage device.

Volume − 3 m³.

Weight −135 kg.

48 500−49800 Multi-chamber septic tank for a summer residence with a high groundwater level.

Volume − 2.4 m³.

Productivity – up to 0.9 m³/day.

92 400−96500 The volume of processing per day is up to 1.9 m³.

Salvo discharge - 470 l.

Electricity consumption – 50 W/hour.

71 500−73600 Cleaning capacity: 0.5 m³/day.

For a family of 2-3 people.

A 40 W compressor is included.

To get a detailed look at the parameters of the models you like, you can find relevant reviews on the Internet.

qwelle13, Moscow: Advantages: comfort! Quick installation, no dirt on the site! The installation of a septic tank takes place in one day. Work began in the morning at 10:00 and ended at 16:00. The work is turnkey, meaning you can immediately use the toilet. The final cost includes the price of the septic tank, delivery, installation, and setup.

Disadvantages: maintenance is required once a year, but apparently this cannot be avoided.

More details on Otzovik:

What is the best septic tank for high groundwater levels?

Correct conclusions can be drawn only after a careful preliminary study of the actual conditions in the plot of land. In addition to the groundwater level, the possibility of placing equipment in accordance with current standards and regulations is checked. The usual and maximum needs and mode of use are clarified. Based on the collected data, a suitable model is searched for.

Please use the publication's attachment for answers to additional questions. Here you can also post your own comments on cleaning methods and operating features of specific septic tanks for dachas with a high groundwater level.

Video (installation of wastewater treatment equipment):

Septic tank with high water level

Construction country house does not end with the construction of the box. The most difficult and important stage lies ahead - the construction of utilities. They determine the comfort of living outside the city.

Perhaps one of the most important systems is drainage. Most country villages do not have a central sewer system, which means its construction is the responsibility of the home owner. It is especially difficult to organize a sewer network if the house is located on a site composed of quicksand or has a high groundwater level.

Are you ready to give up your usual city comfort and want to live in a country house with “conveniences in the yard”? Most likely no. So it's time to choose equipment for the drainage system.

There are two possible options: a flow-through septic tank or autonomous local treatment facilities. At first glance, it may seem that both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and this would be true if we were talking about areas with normal groundwater level. With quicksands everything is much more complicated. Let's look at all this in more detail.

The nuances of installing a septic tank in quicksand

Installing a septic tank for a private house with a high groundwater level in quicksand is incredibly difficult. Quicksand is a mixture of sand and water. It quickly erodes the walls of the pit, filling it. In clays and loams, installing a septic tank in quicksand is easier, but not much. In any case, such work is very labor-intensive.

It is easier to dig a pit for a septic tank in quicksand in winter, since the soil freezes and does not float, and the level of groundwater and flood waters decreases. Despite this, there remains a risk that groundwater will not fall below the required depth.

In the summer, when groundwater reaches its maximum level, the installation of a septic tank at the dacha must be carried out with the installation of formwork. This complex, time-consuming work is carried out in several stages:

  1. The pit for installing a septic tank is dug until water appears. The depth depends on the characteristics of the site.
  2. After the water appears, the assembly of the formwork begins. When groundwater is high, formwork with a frame is required. The frame is assembled from durable timber onto which guide boards are attached. Their choice is also not simple task, because if the calculation is incorrect, the soil pressure will simply crush the entire formwork.
  3. If a lot of water comes in, then it is necessary to additionally dig a drainage pit into which the water will drain from the pit. A drainage pump is installed in the pit to dirty water and constant pumping of groundwater is carried out.
  4. Installation of formwork. After assembly, the frame is lowered to the current bottom of the pit and excavation work continues. As the frame deepens, it is lowered and new boards are piled on top. Constant pumping and installation of boards occurs until the required depth is reached.
  5. The septic tank is lowered into the resulting pit. Regardless of the septic tank model, all installation work is carried out manually, without the use of special equipment. Immediately after installing the station in the pit and leveling it, it is necessary to fill all chambers with water as quickly as possible.
  6. At the last stage, the sewer trench is developed, this stage also complicates the fluidity of the soil, a pipeline is laid and sewage pipe connects to the station.

In practice, the installation of a septic tank at a high groundwater level can be complicated by other factors, for example, the complex terrain of the site or the special location of the station, the inability to quickly collect water or the inability to quickly discharge it, for example into a storm drain, etc.

Having understood the nuances of installation with high groundwater, let’s return to the question of choice suitable type septic tank

Flow septic tank

Simple 3-chamber septic tanks without aeration, sometimes with submersible brush bioloading, for example, like Eurolos Eco. They are distinguished by their low price, ease of installation and operation. The model range allows you to choose a device with the desired performance. It would seem that flow-through septic tanks - the best choice by cost. In practice, everything is different.

A flow septic tank cannot provide wastewater treatment to sanitary standards, which means installation of post-treatment systems will be required— one or more drainage elements or an entire filtration field.

High groundwater always means that some of the untreated wastewater will get into the ground and poison everything around. Therefore, in such conditions, it is impossible to install septic tanks with post-treatment of wastewater with soil.

And here a logical question arises: - “Then what is suitable?”

Local treatment facilities

These are biological wastewater treatment plants with gravity or forced discharge of purified water. Their distinctive feature is the treatment of wastewater directly inside the septic tank body, i.e. No further cleaning with soil is required. After passing through all stages of treatment, wastewater meets the requirements of SanPin “Hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters”.

For a single house built on a site with a high groundwater level, this also means savings during operation. Treated wastewater is suitable for use for technical purposes, such as watering the lawn. They can also be safely discharged into the ground, which means there is no need to install post-treatment systems. Having analyzed these advantages, we get an almost ideal septic tank for high groundwater levels - Eurolos Grunt.

What if the installation is complicated?

Let's get back to the installation, if at the time of installation there is groundwater on your site, then additional efforts must be made to install the septic tank.

It involves the production of formwork, various pits, rental of a motor pump for pumping out constantly rising water, additional labor, etc.

In this case, the easiest way is to bury a septic tank of the smallest size in height. Those. minimum depth.

It is for such cases as installation in quicksand, as well as for any other complex soils, such as rocky soil, that there is a specialized Eurolos Ground station.

Price Eurolos Ground

m 3 per day
dimensions and weight Gravity
water discharge
Standard installation
Eurolos GRUNT 3 0.6 , for 2-4 people 149kg 1.5x 1.2x 1.7m 86000 rubles 92000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GRUNT 4 0.8 , for 3-5 people 162kg 2.0x 1.2x 1.7m 91000 rubles 99000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GRUNT 5 1 , for 4-6 people 188kg 2.5x 1.2x 1.7m 102200 rubles 110200 rubles rubles
Eurolos GRUNT 6 1.3 , for 5-7 people 223kg 3.0x 1.2x 1.7m 108000 rubles 116000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GRUNT 8 1.6 , for 7-9 people 267kg 4.0x 1.2x 1.7m 119000 rubles 131000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GRUNT 10 2 , for 9-11 people 325kg 5.0x 1.2x 1.7m 155000 rubles 163000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GRUNT 12 2.4 , for 11-13 people 359kg 6.0x 1.2x 1.7m 167500 rubles 175500 rubles rubles
Eurolos GRUNT 15 3 , for 13-17 people 409kg 7.5x 1.2x 1.7m 195000 rubles 203000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GRUNT 20 4 , for 18-22 people 492kg 9.0x 1.2x 1.7m 245000 rubles 253000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GRUNT 25 5 , for 23-27 people 560kg 11.0x 1.2x 1.7m 295000 rubles 303000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GRUNT 30 6 , for 28-32 people 636kg 13.5x 1.2x 1.7m 370000 rubles 378000 rubles rubles

The Eurolos Grunt aeration unit, with the minimum body height on the market, requires a depth of only 1.5 meters from the ground surface, which greatly facilitates its installation.

A cylindrical body with large lugs, a minimum of external seams and seven internal chambers provide the most durable design in the segment of local treatment facilities, and installation does not require anchors or a concrete slab.

The choice of septic tank is largely determined by the features summer cottage, namely its location - in a lowland or on a hill. Particular difficulties arise if the groundwater level is in close proximity to the surface of the earth.

How to determine the groundwater level

The easiest way to determine the groundwater level (GWL) is by observation. But it is important to choose the right time of year for this. GWL is determined in spring and autumn, when the amount of precipitation is high and snow melts, then the level is at its highest. Most easy option– determine at what distance from the surface the water surface is located in a nearby well. This will be the UGV. If there is no well, you can ask your neighbors. They will tell you the approximate distance to groundwater from the plants growing on the site:

But the most accurate and at the same time labor-intensive method is exploration drilling.

To carry out exploration drilling you will need:

  • garden drill 2 m long,
  • spoon drill 5 m long,
  • rod for checking the level with markings.

After drilling a test well, it is left for a day. After 24 hours, it will fill with water and its level will become stable. Then check the distance from the surface to the water using a rod with marked marks.

Difficulties associated with installing a septic tank at high groundwater levels

If the area is swampy, this significantly complicates the installation of a septic tank and its operation:

  • you have to dig in the water,
  • infiltrators need to be installed on a hill,
  • drainage is carried out forcibly using a pump.

Popular septic tank from concrete rings in such conditions it is not recommended to install it, since a lot of effort will have to be made to seal it, and there is no guarantee of the reliability of the measures taken. If you still choose a septic tank made of concrete rings, then you must:

  • waterproof the outside with bitumen,
  • cover the joints with liquid glass,
  • Treat the places where pipes pass through the septic tank body with sealant,
  • Backfilling should be done with clay.

Sometimes a plastic cup is placed inside for sealing purposes:

It should be borne in mind that with a high groundwater level, water can reach the intra-house sewerage system, so pipes are installed at the outlet of the house check valve. It looks like this:

Plastic septic tanks must be secured to a concrete pedestal, otherwise they will be pushed out of the soil.

Options for installing a septic tank with water supply

If groundwater comes close to the surface, there are three possible options for installing a septic tank:

  • non-buried or partially buried installation of a storage septic tank;
  • in-depth installation of a septic tank with a settling tank and post-treatment through the installation of filtration fields and forced pumping of wastewater;
  • installation of a biological treatment station.

A non-buried or partially buried septic tank is the most cost-effective installation option. The advantages of a non-buried septic tank are that there is no need to dig a pit, but this positive points are ending.

  • need a lot of free space,
  • Frequent cleaning is required, and the services of vacuum cleaners are expensive, so it is installed only in case of irregular residence in the country, and it is suitable for servicing no more than 3 people.

Since it is not recommended to install prefabricated buried septic tanks, for example from concrete rings, then, if you want to save money, you can install a monolithic septic tank made of concrete. It is made directly on site, and water-repellent additives must be added to the concrete.

The option of draining gray water by gravity is not viable at very high groundwater levels, so it is necessary to use a pump that will force drainage. It is installed, for example, in a sealed additional settling tank, from where wastewater is pumped to an embankment site.

Experts strongly recommend choosing plastic septic tanks. You can make your own septic tank from Eurocubes. They are installed side by side at different levels in relation to each other, always attached to concrete base through cables.

The first tank to receive waste is installed higher, the other - slightly lower. They are connected by an overflow pipe. The pipe entry points are sealed using sealant. The wastewater is discharged forcibly.

The best option is biological treatment stations, which are capable of purifying wastewater by 95-100%. Models are produced with pre-installed pumps for pumping out wastewater. In this case, you do not have to worry about environmental pollution from wastewater, since the wastewater is purified almost 100%.

When installing a septic tank, be sure to build a drainage layer around the tank from crushed stone so that the water flows freely into the ground and does not cause waterlogging. Backfilling is carried out not with earth, but with a mixture of dry sand and cement, it is spilled with water and thoroughly compacted. Before this, the structure is connected to the infiltrators with hermetically sealed couplings.

When installing a septic tank when the groundwater level is high, it is recommended to use a drainage pump. It is preferable to install it in summer, when the groundwater level is low.

Popular septic tank models for high water table

For installation in conditions of high groundwater levels, a Tank septic tank equipped with a pump is suitable. This septic tank is a three-chamber plastic container made of polypropylene, with two settling tanks and a biofilter. It is compact and a budget option a septic tank, which, provided that infiltrators are installed, ensures wastewater treatment up to 98-100%.

However, it is with the installation of infiltrators that difficulties arise at high groundwater levels. Several installation methods are possible.

When the groundwater level periodically rises, an additional sealed well for the pump is installed, and a check valve is installed on the pipe entering the well. Treated wastewater is discharged into sandy soil.
At a constantly high groundwater level, the wastewater from the septic tank is poured into a sealed well, then pumped into infiltrators installed on a hill, and then goes into the ground through a drainage pad.
An installation option with discharge of wastewater onto the terrain is possible. In this case, a drainage network is installed, along the bottom layer of which a drainage pipe passes, collecting treated wastewater. Wastewater is poured into a sealed well, from where it is pumped and discharged into a drain or the nearest body of water.

The Tver septic tank is a multi-stage treatment station. Like the Tank septic tank, Tver is made of plastic, but the walls are somewhat thinner. A slight deflection of the walls under soil pressure is possible. Due to the fact that the septic tank is made of lightweight plastic, it must be anchored on a concrete base. The Tver septic tank is more expensive than the Tank septic tank, however, all stages of treatment take place inside the septic tank, so the installation of additional equipment for more effective wastewater treatment is not required.

The installation looks like this:

Many experts recommend purchasing Topas biological treatment stations. For sewage equipment in areas with high groundwater levels, models with compulsory system. The septic tank is compact, since it is extended vertically and there is only a small square hatch on the surface. Water is drained using a drainage pump:

Due to the fact that when installing a septic tank in the event of a high groundwater level, it is necessary to provide for many nuances, it is recommended to order turnkey septic tank installation from specialists, for example, at This is a guarantee of long and trouble-free operation of the septic tank even in such difficult conditions as high groundwater levels.

If the central sewerage system is unavailable, home and country house owners install an autonomous system for wastewater treatment. A septic tank for high groundwater is constructed according to special rules, otherwise the device will quickly become unusable. If the groundwater level (GWL) in the area is less than 1 meter, carefully select the septic tank model and take measures to protect it from the harmful effects of subsoil moisture.

Problems of sewerage arrangement at high groundwater level

Installation and operation of a septic tank with high groundwater is complicated for several reasons:

  1. The complexity of manual excavation work. Digging a pit or backfilling while standing in water is difficult and uncomfortable.
  2. Difficulty in performing soil purification. It is practically impossible, since damp soil is not able to absorb water. For this reason, the construction of a filtration well or filtration fields is ineffective. To overcome this situation, the filter elements are placed above the ground, on a special platform. This technical solution requires additional costs - a drainage pump that pumps the contents of the septic tank into infiltration tunnels (cassettes). To prevent shallow cassettes from being torn apart by frost in winter, they are covered with earth: such a mound can be disguised as a flower bed.
  3. Ineffectiveness of a prefabricated septic tank made of concrete rings. The most popular option for local sewerage almost always loses its tightness due to high humidity. As a result, wastewater seeps into the soil, and external moisture enters the well. What to do if there is groundwater in the septic tank? The answer is obvious: you have to call a vacuum cleaner. Otherwise, liquid from an overfilled container may flow in the opposite direction through the outer pipes.
  4. Possibility of “floating up” of a plastic tank under the pressure of groundwater. The phenomenon, caused by the low weight of the structure, threatens to rupture the sewer pipeline. To “anchor” the container, it is mounted on a concrete base and rigidly fixed to it. If the septic tank floats up, the drains will have to be pumped out of it, dismantled and flushed, and then reinstalled.

Preventive measures at the sewer design stage and selection of the optimal model will help neutralize the disadvantages of high groundwater level treatment plant.

Requirements for the septic tank and its placement

When choosing a septic tank for a dacha or a house in an area with high groundwater, take into account the following design characteristics:

  1. Tightness. Since the body will be in constant contact with wet soil, even the most thorough waterproofing will eventually become unusable. The best option– one-piece plastic container. If you choose a cast concrete tank, you will have to ensure that cranes and trucks can enter and work in the area. In addition, concrete gradually begins to let water through, even if its surface is treated with hydrophobic compounds.
  2. Dimensions. When choosing a model by size, take into account the characteristics of nearby ground moisture. The height of the tank should not be too high: you will have to dig a deep hole under it, and it will be filled with water all the time.
  3. Volume. It is determined by calculating the three-day average amount of wastewater entering the sewer system. Take into account the number of residents and devices connected to the sewer: toilet, washing machine and dishwashers, shower stall, bathtub (its capacity also plays a role). A small reserve is added to the calculated volume of liquid drainage. It is important that the container is not empty, otherwise microorganisms that process waste may die due to lack of nutrition.
  4. Design . So that the septic tank does not float up at high groundwater levels , it is securely secured with clamps or ties. In this plan more convenient design, which already has loops or eyes for fixation.

The cleaning system is located in compliance with generally accepted sanitary standards: at a distance of at least 5 meters from a house or road, no closer than 15 meters from a well or borehole. There must be at least 30 meters to an open reservoir.

Installation features

When deciding how to make a septic tank if groundwater is close, sometimes developers install a regular single-chamber storage tank without burying it in the soil. This scheme allows you to save materials, reduce the complexity of installation and speed it up. But a storage autonomous sewer system is justified only when servicing a small dacha with a small number of residents and sanitary equipment. In other cases, the dimensions of the tank will be too large, but despite this, you will often have to call a sewage disposal truck.

The most rational option for high groundwater levels will be one of three options:

  1. Installation of a three-section anaerobic septic tank. In the first compartment, the wastewater is settled and divided into fractions, and in the second and third it is further purified. Thanks to infiltrators used in factory models instead of filter wells, 95% of the purified liquid is absorbed into the soil. Usually the product is sold disassembled: its components are assembled at the installation site according to the diagram provided by the manufacturer.
  2. Self-build sewer system with an infiltrator made of sealed plastic tanks or Eurocubes of suitable volume. The resulting compartments are connected to each other by pipes.
  3. Installation of an aerobic septic tank. It is a biorefinery station that supplies oxygen necessary for activities aerobic bacteria. To ensure natural air flow, a biofilter is installed - a plastic tank with expanded clay and a special ventilation system. There are energy-dependent filter models into which air is forcedly pumped using an air compressor for aeration.

To independently install an anaerobic wastewater treatment system in the presence of high groundwater, proceed as follows:

  1. Two wells are dug at a distance of 2 meters from each other. The dimensions of the pits are calculated so that there is 15 cm on each side between the walls of the containers and the earthen slopes. The bottom of the pits is leveled (the result is controlled by level), sand is filled with a layer of 30 cm, and compacted. A reinforced concrete slab with special embedded loops is laid on the sand cushion. If the passage of lifting equipment for laying massive reinforced concrete slabs is difficult, the bottom of the wells is filled independently concrete mixture, having previously installed embedded parts for fixing the tanks.
  2. Using a bandage, each container is secured to a concrete base (belts are passed through its top cover). The manufactured sections are connected by a pipe for water flow. A drain from the house is connected to the first tank. Without filling the wells with soil, proceed to the next stage.
  3. Dig a hole no more than 0.5 meters deep, with a perimeter half a meter larger than the cassette. The excavation is filled to the top with sand and compacted, and along its contour they are placed concrete plates height 250 mm. The resulting container is filled with medium-fraction crushed stone (20-40 mm).
  4. Cassettes are placed on a crushed stone bed. They are connected to the second tank, in which a submersible drainage pump is installed (before this, electrical wiring is installed to connect the equipment). Be sure to install a float switch with a moisture-resistant cable to start the pump when the container is filled and turn it off when the minimum level is reached. It’s better to play it safe and install two pumps: the float of the backup unit is set to a higher switching level so that it will work if the main one malfunctions.
  5. When making a sewer system, the factory infiltration cassette can be replaced homemade device. For this purpose, take an oblong plastic container without a bottom (similar to a pipe), and make many small holes in it to allow the settled liquid to escape into the ground. The cassette is used only in conjunction with a septic tank, otherwise the holes will become clogged with untreated wastewater. A ventilation pipe is installed at the exit from the infiltration tunnel.
  6. Backfilling. To protect the plastic from interseasonal soil heaving, wells are filled with a special composition: 5 parts sand to 1 part dry cement. Backfilling is carried out gradually, compacting and spilling water on each layer. To prevent the flexible plastic from bending, the chambers are gradually filled with water so that the liquid level constantly exceeds the level of the soil backfill.

Installation work It is more convenient to carry out in the summer, when the GWL is lowest. If the container is still filled with water, pump it out and then continue installation. It is recommended to install a ring drainage around the treatment plant. Dig a trench buried 20 cm relative to the freezing line of the soil. They make a sand cushion, lay perforated drainage pipes to drain groundwater in a geotextile shell, and fill them with sand and crushed stone.

Industrial production models

If preference is given to purchased installations, the question arises: which septic tank is the best for high groundwater? There is no definite answer here, since equipment is produced with different technical specifications and in a wide price range.

  • "Tank" (manufacturer "Triton Plastic"). Universal three-chamber septic tank made of plastic. In the second section, anaerobic purification occurs, the third can serve as a biofilter.
  • "Mole" (Aquamaster company). It is equipped with anti-float protection and a compact biofilter.
  • "Multplast". Multi-chamber model, complete drain pump. If desired, you can install an aerator and upgrade the installation to the level of a deep cleaning station.
  • "Bioton-B" (PolymerProPlus company). It consists of three sections, also includes a biofilter and a compartment in which a drainage pump can be placed.

The close occurrence of groundwater is a factor that greatly complicates the installation of a septic tank on the territory of private country estates. Therefore, when planning the construction of utility lines for a dacha or house, it is imperative to take into account the “situation” on the ground. Groundwater at a level of up to a meter is definitely a problem. A septic tank for high groundwater must be equipped according to all the rules - otherwise the operation of the structure will be a complete headache.

How to determine the groundwater level?

It is recommended to measure groundwater level in the spring, when the snow melts, or in the fall after prolonged rains. The distance between the surface of the earth and the “water surface” in the well, “fed” by groundwater, is subject to measurement. No well? You can also determine the groundwater level by drilling the soil with a garden drill in several places (for objectivity of observations). Well, the easiest method is to simply talk to your neighbors and find out from them how things are in a given area.

A high groundwater level can become a problem when installing a septic tank - but knowing the rules for carrying out the work of many typical mistakes easy to avoid

The problem of high groundwater level is typical for almost the entire territory middle zone Russia. Ground flows can occur even at a depth of 20-30 cm.

What is the insidiousness of swampy terrain?

During installation and during operation autonomous sewerage in an area with a high groundwater level, every homeowner may encounter the following problems:

  1. Labor intensive installation. What sweet speeches you would not have to hear from sellers different types structures, don’t believe it - installing a septic tank will take a lot of time and effort. However, having worked “at full capacity”, you can have no doubt that the sewerage system with a septic tank will serve you faithfully, perhaps even for decades.
  2. Floating septic tank. If the septic tank is not installed on a concrete pad and secured with belts, nylon ropes or cables, there is a high probability that groundwater flows will cause the septic tank to float. As a result, the structural integrity of not only the septic tank itself, but also the entire sewer pipeline is compromised.
  3. Water will constantly seep into a leaky septic tank made, for example, from concrete rings. This means that you will have to very often resort to the services of a sewer truck. Needless to say, this is quite expensive?
  4. Complete flooding of the septic tank. The systematic flow of liquid into the septic tank will quickly render the structure unusable.
  5. Sewage effluents entering the soil can become a source of groundwater pollution. Where it leads? Very little time will pass and the water from the well will become unfit for consumption. Reservoirs adjacent to the site are at risk of blooming. An environmental disaster of a local nature will occur.

A septic tank installed in an area with a high groundwater level must be completely sealed - otherwise you risk both your health and the contents of your wallet

Basic rules for designing at high groundwater levels

The septic tank, if groundwater is close, must be completely sealed to prevent wastewater from seeping into the soil. Structures, bricks and other prefabricated elements are not capable of ensuring proper tightness - therefore, such options should disappear at the stage of theoretical reflection on the sewerage system. Ideally, it is advisable to resort to installing a septic tank industrial production. There is a wide range of these devices on the market with different volumes. It is worth knowing that the volume of the septic tank should be equal to the three-day volume of water consumption by the people living in the house.

After studying, you will be convinced that today you can easily purchase both a compact design for a small dacha, and a multi-chamber installation designed for a modern cottage.

A three-chamber factory septic tank is a plastic container divided into chambers. The first chamber is a place for settling and separating wastewater into fractions. The second and third are intended for wastewater treatment. Instead of filter wells, infiltrators are used in such structures - they ensure rapid absorption of 94-98% of purified water into the soil. The main disadvantage of infiltrators is the large area they occupy. The industrial septic tank itself is, of course, quite expensive. However, such an investment cannot be called an excess or a whim. A high-quality septic tank with high groundwater is a vital necessity.

If you have limited funds, you can build a septic tank yourself - from suitable plastic containers, for example, and construct it. The containers must be connected to each other with special pipes for the flow of waste.

If industrial solutions for one reason or another do not suit you, you can always build a septic tank with your own hands

When installing a septic tank in an area with high groundwater level, it is necessary to provide a reinforced concrete pad under the structure. By attaching the structure to such a base, you will not have to worry about it being pushed out of the soil.

Also, a good option for installing a septic tank at high groundwater levels is to install. Due to the absence of seams, penetration of runoff into the ground will be impossible. The order of work will be as follows:

  • digging a pit;
  • installation of formwork;
  • installation of fittings;
  • pouring concrete.

It is advisable to pre-season the concrete mixture with a hydrophobic additive - this will improve the waterproofing properties of the future structure. Overflow holes must be provided in the partitions between the chambers. The inside of the finished chambers must be treated with coating waterproofing. If desired, such a septic tank can be built independently, without the involvement of specialists. It is enough to plan your work correctly and take into account all the nuances.

What other solutions to the problem are there?

If you have small dacha which you visit two or three times a month, then the simplest and most cost-effective option for you would be installation storage capacity. It is desirable that it be made of fiberglass by machine winding. What would such a design look like in practice? Sewage from the home will gradually accumulate in a sealed container, and then be “extracted” by a sewage disposal machine. For rare visits, a storage capacity of three cubes is more than enough for a whole season.

One of the most important components of the proper use of a septic tank is its high-quality, timely, professional cleaning - therefore, the services of a sewage disposal machine should never be neglected!

As you can see, there are many ways to install a septic tank with a high groundwater level: in various ways. It is impossible to say in absentia which one will be optimal for you. It all depends on your financial capabilities, type of housing (permanent or temporary), and specific local conditions. After consulting with a competent specialist, we are confident that you will be able to make the right decision.

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