Service pizap in Russian online. Online Photoshop pizap is an excellent photo editor in Russian

Often users need to edit a photo or create a collage of several pictures. At the same time, there is no desire to download free or professional programs for working with images. In this case, you can use online services that will help you deal with the problem. For example, pizap, which can be found at It is worth noting that there is a Russian analogue that practically duplicates all the instruments. You can find it at This article will describe all the functions of this service.

Main editor functionality

If the user needs to change something in the image, then you should select paragraphEdit in the main menu. After that, a window will open in front of the user in which he can select where exactly the photo is being downloaded from; it looks approximately the same as in the image.

As you can see, an image can be added from a computer, from cloud storage or from various social networks. The following example will be based on a photo added from the device. There will not be any significant differences in this, only in the process of selecting the image itself.

Photo editing

After loading the image into Photoshop using the bottom panel, you can do several things with it:

  • Crop Allows you to crop the photo
  • Can be rotated clockwise or counterclockwise
  • Image can be reflected vertical or horizontal

For trimming you need to switch to the appropriate mode and select the piece you want to keep. You can use one of the standard sizes.

Hard to miss in the main window many effects for photo. They are very similar to those provided on Instagram; you just need to select the ones you want to add them to your photos.

There are some more interesting features in this section:

  • Face insertion in the image. You need to upload another photo, draw a brush over the place that you want to insert into the first photo, after which it will be transferred to the image you are editing. Then you can move it to where you need it.
  • Inserting text or other small images.
  • Drawing. You can draw something on top of the picture yourself.
  • Meme making. You can only write in Latin.

This is where the most interesting features of this section end.

Making a collage

Next function − Collage, which allows you to create collages in Photoshop. After selecting this mode, the user will be taken to a screen on which many templates will be presented for creating a collage.

You can easily choose an option that involves using the number of photos the user needs. Next the user will need add photos to collage. At the same time, you can edit their background, apply various effects to them, and also use all the tools that are available in the photo editing section.

Design and covers

After the user selects this item, he will be prompted choose size the future painting and its proportions. Next, you will have to upload the image again, after which you can choose background for it, rotate or reflect, as in the first paragraph.

Then you can use the numerous tools presented. There is a wide variety of stickers, which can be added to the image, there are bubbles for text, which will allow you to make something like comics. You can add text or draw over the image. The same is available in cover mode, but you don’t need to select the size of the picture.

Covers for social networks

Also in the pizap photo editor you can select three items: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube Cover. Available in them photo editing for relevant social networks. Here you can select a background, add a sticker, and then save the photo or post it to the appropriate social network.

Working with a web camera

It is possible not only to upload static photos, but also to redirect the data flow directly from the web camera. In this case the user will be able see yourself on the screen and simultaneously apply various effects to the image, of which there are quite a few.

You can display flying snow, film yourself just like in an old movie, and many different options. Here you can take a photo to continue working in the photo editor. After clicking on the camera icon, the user will go with the photograph taken to the very first photo editing mode.


Photoshop pizap has such an interesting tool as creating emoji. To begin, the user will need choose a base for future emoji. These can be various balls, emoticons, human faces or animals. After that, all that remains is to add detail by detail to them. First the eyes, nose, ears, mouth and so on.


Some of the service functions are provided completely free. However, there is also an extended version with full functionality. It will cost about three dollars a month, subject to full payment for the year; if less, it will be more expensive. For a hundred dollars you can buy a lifetime right to use the service. There is also one-week trial version, which gives access for a week. To get it you need to find on the first page “ Start Free Trial" and click on it.

The full version has no advertising, there is a larger number of stickers, there is the ability to save pictures in better quality, good search tools, technical support and advice on the operation of the service are also available. The purchase will be justified for those who often use such things, but for an ordinary user who uses the service from time to time, this is of no use.

Pizap Photoshop is an excellent photo editor for working online.

Working with images is a process that probably every Internet user has carried out at least once in their life.

This could be editing and adjusting an image or creating a collage, as well as other types of activities.

For any of these actions, a convenient and easy-to-use program is required.

This is especially true for those who do not carry out global photo editing, but only prepare an image, for example, for posting on social networks.

It is in this case that it is easier to use than to download and install multifunctional and more complex programs on your computer, such as Adobe Photoshop.

Features and functionality

This photo editor, at its core, is not an analogue of Photoshop. Unlike, it does not allow for fine and detailed image adjustments.

However, with its help you can stabilize the image, normalize the levels of colors and shades, make auto-correction, and also add aesthetic decorative details.

You can work with the original program on its official website. It is located at

After clicking on the address, the user is taken to the main page of the site.

To access the editing tools, you must click the green Start button located at the top of the page.

After this, the user is redirected to the main page of the program. Directly from it, access to three main functional groups is provided.

There are several buttons on the main page:

This online software is implemented in full functionality only online. All software is written in English.

The closest analogue to it in Russian is considered to be the online program located at

This software implements only three main functions - Editing, Collage, Background.

When clicking on most buttons, this online application still redirects the user to the official English-language website of the program.

The software is able to work successfully on both desktop computers and tablets on the Android and iOS platforms.

Read also:

Pizap Photoshop is an excellent online photo editor in your browser


After pressing the button "Editing", a window will open asking you to choose which version of the program to work with. All functionality is implemented based on Flash or HTML5.

The latest version is still at the Beta testing stage. The user should choose which format is more convenient for him to work with.

This choice must be made in any section of the site - be it Editing, Design, Cover, etc.

After this, a page will open, in the center of which there is a window asking (specify the location on the Internet, social networks or download from a computer).

After downloading, you can edit the picture in the following ways:

  • On the left side of the screen there are buttons that open groups of functions. When you click on “Basic”, a list of sliders for editing temperature, brightness, contrast, etc. will open. In the same group, photos can be cropped and rotated;
  • The Effects button allows you to add color effects to your photo;
  • By clicking on the Stickers button, the user gets access to a wide selection of stickers for the image. They are divided into groups. Not all of them are available in the free version;
  • The Text button allows you to add a “speech bubble” and enter text into it;
  • Cutting allows you to change the background, for example, behind the person in the photo, etc.;
  • The Frames button allows you to select one of the many available frames. They are also divided into several categories, but not all are available in the free version;
  • Button Add a picture allows you to upload another image. Two or more pictures can be superimposed on each other;
  • The Meme button allows you to directly create a meme from an image by entering text in the top and bottom fields of the image;
  • Paint allows you to select the size and sharpness of the brush and add something to the image.

After making all changes, you need to save the image. After that, you can download it to your computer.

<Рис. 1. Вырезание>


You can then use the command bar at the top of the page to add stickers, speech bubbles, text, etc.

You can also add inscriptions and additional pictures, and make drawings. The changed picture is saved by clicking the blue button in the upper right part of the window.

Similar work can be done with a photograph and when selecting the “Cover” function. Only in this case the user needs to choose the photo size independently.

These data are provided initially. You just need to upload a picture and arrange it aesthetically in the field. You can then make changes and additions and save.

<Рис. 3. Коллаж>


Emoji creation function available. After clicking on it, a page opens on which you can select a base - a human face in a particular rendering or an animal.

After this you can add facial details. They are divided into groups for ease of use. Then the text bubble and the actual text are added.

If necessary, you can cut out elements from the finished photo by loading it into the program.

All of these changes are made by toggling the buttons in the top control bar of the window. After finishing the work, you need to save the result.

It will be saved as a picture without a background, so emoji can be immediately sent or added to images.

Online photoshops are becoming more popular every day. Why download some programs and spend a long time understanding a huge variety of settings in order to perform some simple actions, when you can use online resources with an extremely clear interface for this? This is exactly what many users argue, giving their preference to online services like Pizap.

Pizap is an online photoshop that captivates with its versatility. A large number of simple functions, the ability to use them in combination, and at the same time an extremely simple and understandable interface that even those people who are far from using a computer and photo editing in general can easily understand. This resource stands out among its many analogues precisely due to the fact that it allows you to perform both standard functions and more or less high-quality image editing.

Key features of PiZap-Photoshop

After you go to the main page of this service, you click “ Open Pizap” and you are taken to a window for choosing one of three action options: editing a photo, adding a background, or creating a collage. It’s worth noting right away that all the options are interconnected and can be used in combination, so even if you initially chose the wrong item that you needed, you can later easily move to another section.

The main feature of this program is that it offers the widest variety of frames and stickers, so there is no problem in editing any image in an interesting way. In addition to being compatible with social networks like Instagram and Facebook, you can add all sorts of stickers, automatic cropping, text styles, borders, and much more to your photos. In other words, here you will see any features of other online editors, complemented by several unique features of Pizap.

Chapter " Collage" offers you the categories of collages to create in the left menu, while the right side of the screen includes your selections from the category. At the same time, the program offers a fairly wide variety of available options, focusing mainly on all kinds of holidays and significant dates, so you can easily make some interesting collage for a postcard in honor of a certain holiday or even an important date at your work. After you select an option that interests you, the system automatically moves you to the editor, where you can begin processing the photo or collage, depending on what exactly you are editing.

The main difference " Photo editor" Pizap from the same sections in other services is that here the main emphasis is not on various drawing tools, but on the use of the widest collection of all kinds of letters, stickers and frames, which allows you to edit the image with greater creativity. At the top you can find the main menu items, which includes all the main collections of frames and stickers. If we talk specifically about the collection of drawing tools, then there are two versions of the standard Paint editor, made in a classic style and using various brushes that create the effects of a spiral, a web and many others.

Chapter " Background" it is organized quite simply, and you just need to select the most attractive, in your opinion, background from a certain category, after which you will automatically be transferred to the Photo Editor, where you can process it. Just like with stickers and collages, you are offered a fairly wide variety of available options, again focused mainly on holiday dates.

Thus, Pizap is a fairly functional and interesting image editor, which, first of all, provides an extremely simple and intuitive interface, but also includes a wide variety of functions.

Most users recognize Photoshop as the most powerful and versatile image editor. Having sufficient skills, with its help a person can draw real works of art. But in some cases, for example, if you just need to slightly adjust the brightness or contrast in a photo, or remove a few uneven spots on the skin, it is better to use something simpler. Among the most interesting of these tools, mini-Photoshop - Pizap - stands out.

Unlike its older brother, Pizar does not require installation. All the features of a simple photo editor are available to any user who has Internet access. Just go to and you can start working almost immediately.

Practically - because it is a toolkit written in Flash. In the vast majority of modern browsers, support for these Adobe plugins is disabled by default. Therefore, before using it, you must first allow Flash to run. Here Several problems may arise:

  • If the browser is slightly outdated and does not update automatically, it will indicate that the plugin version is out of date. Updating it in the case of Firefox or Opera is very simple - just go to the official website, download the distribution kit for your browser and install all the updates. If the user uses Chrome, things are somewhat more complicated. You will have to update the browser itself. That is, for example, on Windows XP there may be a situation where the Pizap photo editor cannot be used if it does not work out of the box.
  • In the browser settings, plugin launch parameters should be set that allow it to either issue startup warnings or simply start automatically. As a rule, this can be done in the settings section, which is responsible for page content.

After successful launch, Pizap online prompts you to select a location from which you can download the image. It supports receiving a file not only from the computer’s hard drive, but also from most social networks and cloud storages.

Having opened the desired picture or photograph, the user is taken to the main window. All available functionality is presented here. It includes:

  • Editing image parameters.
  • Applying effects and filters.
  • Working with text fields.
  • Tools for editing facial parameters.
  • Stickers that can be “pasted” to a collage in an online photo editor.
  • Smart cutting function.
  • Cloning.
  • Framework.
  • Meme creation tool.
  • Simple drawing functions.

What these things can do and how to use them is a topic for a more detailed conversation. Therefore, all their features need to be considered in more detail.

Very simple and clear features. Due to the fact that the interface is greatly simplified compared to full-fledged Photoshop in Russian, Pizap offers everything in a compact form, without overloading the already impressive interface. The list of features in this tab is as follows:

Filters are divided into six subtypes. Classic is a set of familiar filters for different camera lenses and preset color parameters. Colorz adds various effects of fading, film aging and development defects. There are also simple, beautiful inner frames made in different artistic styles. Advanced opens the familiar brightness and contrast settings. Light FX applies various lighting special effects. Textures adds translucent textures on top of the image. The last item, Fun, allows you to make a poster, distort the picture or invert the colors.

Working with text labels is unexpectedly simple. First, its type is selected - just symbols or a “dialogue cloud”, then the text parameters. You can not only manipulate font sizes, types or colors. There are options to add an outer glow and a gradient fill. The clouds only rotate; there are no functions for automatically adding inscriptions inside them in the application.

Face, stickers and smart crop

A toolbar called Touch up provides tools for applying virtual makeup to your face. More than half of the features presented here, however, can only be obtained with a Pro subscription, which costs $6 per month or $36 per year. The free ones available are:

  • Blemish Fix - removing acne. It’s somewhat similar to using the Stamp tool for these purposes, but without the cumbersome interface with a bunch of parameters.
  • Blush - virtual powdering of the face.
  • Teeth whitening in the photo.
  • Change of eye color.
  • “Weight loss” is a simple vertical compression of a picture, it does not use any more advanced techniques.

With the help of professional tools, you can add artificial tan, apply eyeliner and makeup to the eyes and lips, change hair color and remove wrinkles.

Stickers are divided into categories. Some of them are already quite outdated, for example, sets dedicated to the 2017 New Year or the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Despite this, there are many interesting ones - for example, mustaches, cartoon eyes or various objects. After choosing the sticker you like, the user is allowed to change its size and rotate it to an arbitrary angle. There are a lot of such stickers in each category, some have more than ten pages.

Smart crop is a very interesting feature that would do well to be adopted by other photo collage programs. Instead of having to define boundaries that need to be cut out with lots of short straight lines, Pitsap takes a completely different approach. Instead, it gives you the ability to paint green over the area you want to cut out. Due to the fact that the size of the brush and the softness of its edges are adjustable, it turns out much better than that of competitors - other collage makers. In addition, there are dozens of predefined cutting shapes available.

Cloning, frames, memes and drawing

Clone tool or in its analogue Pizap - Photoshop in Russian, “Stamp” completely repeats the capabilities of its older brother. Naturally, interaction with the tool is greatly simplified. There is no need to hold down the Ctrl key; everything happens in semi-dialog mode. First, select the cloning area, then you can draw in free mode. There are settings for the width of the brush, its clarity and fading as you draw.

In the frames section, you can either create your own or choose from many pre-available ones. As with stickers, many of those presented in different categories are no longer relevant. You can add one or several frames to the same picture. It is possible to assign the choice to the program itself by pressing the Random button.

Memes button controls one of the most popular functions on the modern Internet. With its help you can create a simple comic or macro. It is possible to add so-called Reaction faces to your photo without resorting to complex cutting or searching for png images with the desired option. The options themselves are not enough; almost all memes in Russian are missing.

Paint button, drawing, provides access to the most basic functions. You can choose brushes, color, shape and thickness of lines. Additionally, there are sliders to enhance the blur or control the transparency of the alpha channel. By clicking on the Graffiti tab, the user is taken to the style selection menu and takes control of a virtual can of spray paint.

When choosing an editor, it is not at all necessary to limit yourself only to those that are familiar and easy to use. You always need to try some new tools, compare them with each other and evaluate the capabilities of different programs. The most popular analogues of Pitsap are:

As you can see, if you need to quickly, efficiently and freely edit your photo, crop it or apply several interesting filters, there is a large selection of tools. Each person must decide for himself which utility to use. The choice should be primarily influenced by the range of tasks required for implementation.

It is worth noting that standard applications on mobile phones can also apply different color filters and frames to user photos. Thus, Lumia smartphones have a built-in toolkit, which differs from the same Pizap in the absence of stickers and a meme generator. Android devices also boast a good built-in editor.

The iPhone has recently stood apart. With the release of new phone models with dual cameras, the company began to offer very large capabilities in the editor. Thus, in the Plus versions of the seventh and eighth generations, you can crop the background of a portrait photo with one swipe of your finger. Likewise, you can optionally blur the background when shooting with a telephoto lens.

The older model, iPhone X, received, in addition to the ability to create animated emoticons, advanced photo and video editing functions. Here you can not only add static objects perfectly adjusted to the general lighting on the fly, but also dynamic characters in the video. The processor processes everything in such a way that the difference with reality is almost imperceptible.

Unfortunately, such devices are too expensive to think about purchasing them purely for entertainment purposes.

Photo editor Pizap positions itself as an online photoshop. Easy to use, Pizap covers a wide range of modifications that can be made to your own photographs in Russian. But first things first.

How to use Pizap

So, after you have entered the online Photoshop Pizap. We don’t waste time and press the Start button. Next, a window appears that allows the user to choose what exactly he wants to do with his photos. The menu consists of seven items:

Let's start with point one - Collages. By selecting the Collages tab, you are given the opportunity to create a photo collage similar to the one in Photoshop Avatan. To begin, select a form. There are a lot of them there. Once you have decided on the shape, you can rivet the collage itself. We upload pictures to the Pizap photo editor from a computer, Facebook, Instagram, or take pictures with a web camera. After all the photos are uploaded, we begin editing. There is a special menu at the top of the window. We apply online filters, insert stickers, create memes, draw graffiti, in general, do whatever your heart desires with the collage. Once finished, click Save and get ready to post the masterpiece of your own creativity on all existing social networks.

Let's move on to the next menu item Pizap - Edit photos. We upload a photo from a computer, services like Instagram, or take a photo with a web camera and begin to enhance the photo. The top menu bar is essentially no different from the one in the Collages item. The same filters, stickers and the like. A new line appears at the bottom - editing functions. Here you can flip the photo, delete and zoom in, add (or reduce) brightness and contrast, similar functions to online Avazun. After processing, also click Save.

The third menu item in online Photoshop Pizap is Backgrounds, as you might guess, they allow you to choose a beautiful picture for the background of your photo. Click on the star - select the picture you like and click on it with the mouse. We edit at our own request and save. In order to gain access to the maximum number of background images, you need to log into the site via Facebook, Twitter or e-mail.

Menu Selfie allows you to take photos via webcam with various effects. That's basically all you need to know about this tab.

Paragraph Drawing not much different from the well-known Paint. Here you can draw graffiti using ordinary tools, process it and save it. Everything is very simple in the Pizap photo editor.

Last menu items - Covers for Twitter and Facebook allows you to create a photo specifically for the main pages of these social networks.

The Pixlr online service is an analogue of Pizap, but much simplified

Unlike the Pizap Photoshop described above, Pixlr allows you to upload photos online only from a computer or directly from a webcam. The main menu prompts the user to choose whether he will use the webcam or select a ready-made photo. Next, Pixlr offers to apply various effects to the photo, frame it and apply the filters you like. In principle, the service is not bad, but in terms of functionality it is significantly inferior to Pizap. You can try applying the Pixlr filters below to the image.

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