Network learning. Modern problems of science and education

Informatization of the education system provides for the active use of communications, technologies and networked forms of education to improve the effectiveness of interaction between the teacher and the student. According to the federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation", " educational programs implemented by the organization carrying out educational activities, both independently and through network forms of their implementation.

Let us consider in more detail the approaches of modern scientists and educators to the interpretation of what is new for Russian education term "network learning". Consider some approaches to the definition of this term.

A.N. Bogomolov considers network learning in the context of distance learning and believes that information and communication technologies reveal their potential in distance learning (DL). Distance learning in this concept is understood as "a purposeful synchronous or asynchronous process of interaction between the subjects of the educational process among themselves and with distance learning tools using a specialized educational environment based on the use of information and telecommunication technologies" .

A.N. Bogomolov identifies the following components of distance learning.

1. Technological component. Based on the material and technical base: hardware, software, technical support, software maintenance, system and content updates.

3. Organizational component. Responsible for organizing and conducting the educational process using various models of distance learning.

These components make it possible to create a single information and educational space, which includes the educational process, its information content, management of this process and modern pedagogical technologies.

A.N. Bogomolov gives the following classification of distance learning models, in which each model has its own structural organization and specific ways of interaction of participants educational process between themselves and the learning environment.

Model 1 "Network learning" is presented in the form of a stand-alone course or distance learning courses, the software of which is hosted on the Internet, and in the form of a virtual center. For its functioning, it is necessary to create a structured information and educational environment, which will contain all the distance learning courses provided for by the curriculum and store all the work of students. Also, this environment should have information and didactic support and provide the opportunity for a dialogue exchange of information between all subjects of the educational process. Separate Scientific research in the field of pedagogy, they identify this model of distance learning with full-time education and believe that it is enough to receive a quality education.

Model 2 "Integrated / combined training" is a combination of distance and full-time education, i.e. in a face-to-face lesson with teachers, the teacher uses educational materials created on the basis of Internet technologies and / or case technologies. In the first case, educational materials posted on the network are used. In the second case, already published textbooks or textbooks are used in the educational process. study guides posted on the web. This is the most common model, and, according to some educators, the most promising.

Model 3 "Distributed class" is based on the organization of the educational process in real time or delayed access based on videoconferencing, interactive television or a specially created program in the forum. The main advantage of this model is that the teacher can engage with students in the classroom at the same time as "remote" students using interactive technologies. All this makes this model accessible to most universities.

Network learning, according to A.N. Bogomolov, "flows in the form of independent individual work of students and in the form of a dialogue exchange of information with all subjects of the educational process."

The structure of the information and educational environment of the course, built on the network learning model, is represented by the following invariant components.

  • Database educational information, which should contain the course's online tutorial, course user registration form, learner guidelines, forum, course helpdesk, links to recommended printed textbooks, and educational portals, questionnaires and recommendations for teachers on working with course materials.
  • An administrative block with which you can view and modify the databases of students and teachers: distribute students into groups, assign teachers, monitor the learning process, view completed work and maintain documentation of the educational process.
  • Database of teachers, with the help of which tutors can view information about their students, exchange information with them, keep a journal.
  • The database of developers allows you to manage the educational process.

A.N. Bogomolov singled out three forms of network learning organization.

  1. Independent individual work without a tutor. With this form of organization of network learning, the student interacts only with the learning environment, which allows the student to independently organize educational activities without the help of a teacher. The system monitors the correctness of the tasks, shows contextual hints and recommendations of the virtual teacher.
  2. Independent individual work with a tutor. With this form of organization of network learning, the student interacts with the learning environment and with the teacher. The courses of this environment present interactive types of tasks and the possibility of feedback between students and the teacher, so the educational process can be organized not only from the independent work of students, but also from the dialogue exchange of information with the teacher, who uses various roles: consultant, coordinator of educational activities.
  3. Independent work in a mini-group with a tutor. With this form of organization of network learning, the student interacts with the learning environment, with the teacher and other students of this course. The educational process takes place in a virtual classroom, where students interact with each other, and the teacher becomes the coordinator.

A slightly different point of view is reflected in the works I.A. Nagaeva, which believes that "the basis of the network is the community, resources are of secondary importance." Learning is the process of transforming knowledge into meaning and the interaction of its participants with each other.

According to I.A. Nagaeva, network learning implements two approaches to learning: individual and personal.

Individual learning is a model of organizing the educational process, in which the teacher interacts with only one student, taking into account his personal characteristics, creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for his development. With such training, the teacher acts as a mentor who guides the student, helps him process a large amount of information that is on the network. The advantage of such training is that it allows you to adapt the content, methods of the educational process to the individual characteristics of the student, who, in turn, can control the effort and time spent.

Personal learning is a model of organizing the educational process, in which the student is aware of the need to master any discipline in order to obtain important information for himself.

Benefits of this model for the student:

  • management of the learning process occurs independently;
  • setting the necessary goals in the educational process;
  • choosing your own pace of work;
  • the choice of students only the necessary disciplines (drawing up their own curriculum);
  • individual communication with the teacher;
  • verification of acquired knowledge, skills and self-control.

I.A. Nagaeva formulates the basic principles of network learning through distance learning.

1. "Collective context in motion" - this principle reveals ways to replenish and change content by students, contributing to their self-education.

2. "Meta-learning as a source of knowledge" - with this principle, the information received is used to predict the progress of students and their achievements.

3. "Everyone is equal, but at the same time everyone is different" - with this principle, the comprehension of opposing points of view is included in the educational experience, i.e. bringing together the opinions of students and teachers.

4. "Learning activity is distributed and not linear" - with this principle, one's own learning trajectory in the educational environment is determined.

5. "The implementation of motivation and the transition to the next goal" - this principle considers the measurement of information after joint activities.

Based on the principles discussed above, an online community was created to study small university-level courses. Students, working in groups, together search for and study information, perform tasks. To assess the results of students' activities, an expert is invited to offer final tasks and evaluate their performance. In this online community, there are three types of courses: the course itself, the study group, and the test. In a test-type course, the student is asked to create an individual project. After discussing common tasks for all students and sharing the results, a joint product is developed.

These innovative educational technologies are used in individual learning. In personal learning, rhizomatic learning is used, in which the student / listener studies only what is interesting or important for him at a given time.

Thus, distance learning educational technologies takes place in the public domain, which creates additional opportunities for analyzing the results of educational activities.

A.S. Sokolova in his works considers network or so-called mutual learning, which is based "on the idea of ​​mass cooperation, the ideology of open educational resources, combined with the network organization of interaction between participants."

In this context, online learning is presented as an individual learning process, which is based on the self-discipline of students. When building online learning, the idea of ​​decentralized educational activities is fundamental. Thus, network mutual learning, according to the author, is a peer-to-peer model.

A distinctive feature of mutual learning is that the functions of an educator are performed by the learning community. At the same time, participants in mutual learning carry out “continuous joint production of a common learning environment” and “creation of a learning context necessary and sufficient for their self-education” .

A.S. Sokolova believes that the model of network (mutual) learning is gradually being introduced into the practice of the educational process, since obtaining new knowledge on the job is relevant. This approach is especially in demand in continuing education.

Then the approaches and principles of network learning can be implemented in a non-formal educational environment in which educators supplement its contingent for research purposes.

According to A.S. Sokolova, in network learning, the interaction process occurs according to the following patterns:

  1. "student - student"
  2. "student-teacher"
  3. "learning community - learning resources".

A.S. Sokolova defines collaborative network learning. "Cooperative network learning is a joint learning activity of autonomous participants through electronic dialogue".

Network learning consists of several stages: updating information to the current state at the present time; direct use of this information; sharing information with other students.

Network learning helps to process the ever-growing volumes of information, bring information flows into an orderly form, and accumulate knowledge.

M.V. Ozerova in his works he considers e-learning as one of the forms of realization of specialized education. The network form of specialized education (SFPO) is an educational environment created by combining the resources of several educational institutions. In the course of the study, the author concludes that "the network form of specialized education creates conditions for the formation of the educational needs of high school students and allows them to be satisfied within the framework of the school" .

M.V. Ozerova highlights a number of advantages of the network form of specialized training:

  • development of inclinations and abilities of students;
  • cooperation of several schools and universities within the framework of one educational program;
  • facilitating the transition of students to the next levels of education.

Based on the considered approaches, we will build a network learning model (Fig. 1). With this model, the student himself chooses the time and place of his training. It is an independent work of students on the study of theoretical material and the implementation of practical tasks aimed at the formation of competencies. A mandatory element of this model is a test system that allows you to control the learning process (current and intermediate control) and evaluate the level of knowledge, estates and skills of students. The main condition for this training is network interactions: forums, chats, communication e-mail and etc.

Rice. 1 Network learning model

Consider the basic requirements for a network learning model.

1. Didactic:

  • an educational object is defined as an information resource intended for multiple use as a whole or by individual components;
  • compactness and clarity of presentation of the material;
  • optimal, with points of view teacher, splitting educational material into modules / blocks;
  • the ability to create and edit content while maintaining previous presentation options;
  • the central component of the educational process is the instrumental environment;
  • the optimal combination of multimedia tools for presenting information;
  • the possibility of combining online and offline learning;
  • the possibility of conducting intermediate and final control using the educational environment;
  • storage of data on learning outcomes and the ability to generate analytical reports in the context of several parameters.

2. Communication:

  • the interaction of participants in the learning process is carried out through the instrumental environment;
  • the main channel for data transmission of content is a global or local network;
  • an increase in the speed of interaction is carried out due to technical capabilities (for example, archiving data, setting certain parameters for transferred files, using cloud storage);
  • use of various forms of communication (for example, forums, chats, conversations, video conferences, webinars, e-mail);
  • ensuring a certain level of security when working with content and personal data base.

AT modern education there are processes that blur clear boundaries between traditional and innovative forms and technologies of education. At the same time, only a competent and optimal combination of different approaches and concepts, traditions and innovations, models and forms of education will make it possible to make the transition from the principle of "learning for life" to the principle of "learning throughout life".

Bibliographic list
  1. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: – Screen title. – (date of access: 11/18/2016).
  2. Bogomolov A.N. Network learning and forms of its implementation in the educational process // Russian language abroad. - 2006. - No. 1. - P. 36–44.
  3. Nagaeva I.A. Network learning: formation and development prospects // Scientific support for the system of advanced training of personnel. -2013. - No. 3. - S. 31–37.
  4. Sokolova A.S. Network (mutual) learning: features, principles // - 2014. - No. 7 (07). – P. 7.
  5. Ozerova M.V. Network profile training: a sociological analysis of the results of implementation // Bulletin of the Vyatka State University for the Humanities. - 2010. - V. 1, No. 4. - S. 82–86.

This article addresses issues related to various forms interaction between organizations that pool their resources to implement network educational programs. The following classification of network educational programs is proposed in accordance with their focus: competence-oriented, aimed at the formation of unique competencies for the training of qualified personnel for the priorities of the economy; scientific and innovative, focused on the development of applied research for the needs of enterprises; sectoral, designed to train high-quality graduates in priority areas of sectoral, intersectoral and regional development. In accordance with the Law on Education, three models are proposed: educational organization - educational organization; educational organization - an organization that conducts educational activities, including foreign ones; an educational organization is a resource organization. The types of educational activities jointly implemented within the framework of network educational programs are singled out, their minimum volume in credit units and a set of documents confirming the training are determined.

double diplomas

interdisciplinary programs

network form of educational programs implementation

1. Matushkin N.N., Kuznetsova T.A., Pakhomov S.I. On interdisciplinary educational programs for the training of highly qualified personnel// University management: practice and analysis. – 2010.- № 4. – S. 55-59

2. Official site of the Bologna process [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 11/12/2013).

3. Decree of the Government of Russia dated March 16, 2013 No. 211 "On measures of state support for leading universities of the Russian Federation in order to increase their competitiveness among the world's leading scientific and educational centers" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://government. ru/docs/818 (date of access: 11/12/2013).

4. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated July 1, 2013 N 499 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs" // Russian newspaper. - August 28, 2013 - federal issue No. 6166.

5. Competitiveness Program of the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 11/12/2013).

6. Decree of the President of Russia dated May 7, 2012 No. 599 “On measures to implement public policy in the field of education and science” // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - May 9, 2012 - capital issue No. 5775.

7. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - December 31, 2012 - Federal Issue No. 5976.


The new stage of the country's socio-economic development poses new strategic challenges for the higher education system. Decree of the President of Russia No. 599 and Decree of the Government of Russia No. 211 are aimed at entering by 2020 at least five Russian universities into the top hundred of the world's leading universities, according to the world university rankings. On September 1 of this year, a new edition of the Law on Education came into force.

The key activities aimed at promoting universities in international rankings include the implementation of joint educational programs with other foreign universities, the involvement of foreign professors to train our students, the development of international academic mobility for students and university teachers, etc.

The network form of educational programs makes it possible to implement programs of international and domestic academic mobility of scientific and pedagogical workers in the form of internships, advanced training, professional retraining and other forms; introduction of new educational programs in higher education institutions together with leading foreign and Russian universities and scientific organizations; attracting students from leading foreign universities to study at Russian universities, including through the implementation of partnership educational programs with foreign universities and university associations.

The National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (NRNU MEPhI) is the winner of an open competition announced on May 8, 2013 as part of the implementation of the provisions of the Decree of the President of Russia dated May 7, 2012 No. 599. In addition, NRNU MEPhI is a strategic partner and base university of Rosatom State Corporation in the field of personnel and scientific and innovative support for the nuclear industry, designed to have a multiplier effect on the Russian economy and strengthen its position in world markets. Strengthening the competitiveness of NRNU MEPhI is a scientific and educational part of the development strategy of the State Corporation "Rosatom". One of the key aspects of the development of the university is the active diversification and strengthening of positions not only in the field of nuclear, but also in other technologies, such as nuclear medicine, radiation-resistant electronics, composites, superconducting devices, cybernetic technologies, as well as in the field of management and economics. Diversification will further strengthen the position of NRNU MEPhI as the world's leading multidisciplinary educational and research center.

In this regard, the analysis of various models of interaction between organizations aimed at implementing network educational programs of higher education, including on an international basis, and the formation of a regulatory and methodological basis for interaction is particularly relevant from the point of view of increasing the competitiveness of not only NRNU MEPhI, but also the entire domestic higher education.

Tasks of network training and network educational programs

According to the new version federal law on education, the network form for the implementation of educational programs (hereinafter referred to as the network form) provides the opportunity for students to master it using the resources of several organizations engaged in educational activities, including foreign ones, and also, if necessary, using the resources of other organizations.

The main characteristics of the network form of education are the following:

  • organized mainly according to promising (unique) educational programs, as a rule, of an interdisciplinary nature in order to train personnel for large industry, scientific and other projects;
  • allows you to form unique competencies that are in demand, first of all, in rapidly developing sectors of the economy;
  • provides the possibility of using in educational activities, along with the resources of educational organizations, material and human resources of other organizations: scientific, industrial, medical, cultural organizations, etc.

The objectives of network learning are:

  • training personnel with unique competencies that are in demand in the labor market of priority sectors of the industrial and regional economy and the labor market;
  • improving the quality of education by integrating the resources of partner organizations in priority areas of sectoral, intersectoral and regional development in accordance with international standards;
  • introduction of the best examples of domestic and foreign practices in the educational process for the development of applied research for the needs of enterprises in the industry and the region.

The use of the network form for the implementation of educational programs is carried out on the basis of an agreement between organizations. To organize the implementation of educational programs using the network form by several organizations engaged in educational activities, such organizations also jointly develop and approve educational programs.

The agreement on the network form for the implementation of educational programs specifies:

1) type, level and (or) focus of the educational program (part of the educational program of a certain level, type and focus), implemented using the network form;

2) the status of students in organizations, the rules for admission to study under a network educational program, the procedure for organizing academic mobility of students mastering a network educational program;

3) the conditions and procedure for the implementation of educational activities under the educational program implemented through the network form, including the distribution of responsibilities between organizations, the procedure for implementing the educational program, the nature and amount of resources used by each organization implementing educational programs through the network form;

4) issued document or documents on education and (or) qualification, document or documents on education, as well as organizations engaged in educational activities, which issue these documents;

5) the term of the contract, the procedure for its amendment and termination.

In the network form of the implementation of educational programs, according to the law on education, the following can participate:

  • educational organizations, i.e. organizations that carry out educational activities on the basis of a license as the main type of activity in accordance with the goals for the achievement of which such an organization was created;
  • organizations engaged in educational activities, including foreign ones, i.e. educational organizations and organizations providing training (organizations carrying out, on the basis of a license, along with the main activity, educational activities as additional view activities);
  • other (resource) organizations, such as: scientific organizations, medical organizations, cultural organizations, physical culture and sports, etc., i.e. having the necessary resources for the implementation of training, practice, etc.

Based on the foregoing, the following main models of the network form for the implementation of educational programs are proposed for consideration:

  • educational organization - an educational organization, when both have licenses for the implementation of higher education programs;
  • educational organization - an organization that provides training. In this case, for the second organization, training is not the main activity and it may have a license to implement only additional professional programs. This category also includes foreign organizations engaged in educational activities.
  • educational organization - a resource organization that does not have a license to implement educational programs.

The network form of implementation of educational programs is acceptable for all levels of education. In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia N 499, advanced training can be carried out not only for people with qualifications, but for senior students. The most flexible opportunities are provided for the network form at the master's and postgraduate level (residency, adjuncture), since in this case it is possible to issue documents on the assimilation of additional professional programs (retraining).

Network educational program - an educational program jointly implemented by educational, scientific, industrial and other organizations on the basis of an agreement on a unified curriculum. The organization of training in a network educational program can be characterized as follows.

  • The goals, objectives, content of the network educational program, the procedure for its implementation are regulated by an agreement (agreement), which is signed by all partner organizations.
  • The curriculum of the network educational program indicates the organizers of the partner organizations responsible for specific modules (disciplines, cycles of disciplines).
  • Recruitment for the network program is carried out by the base university, which coordinates the activities for the implementation of the program, controls the implementation of the curriculum, and organizes the final certification.
  • Based on the results of training, the student is issued a diploma of a basic university. The Diploma Supplement lists the modules, disciplines, practices that the student has completed in other universities or organizations (indicating the number of academic credits).
  • The total duration of study at a basic university should be at least 40% of the standard period (labor intensity) for mastering the entire educational program.
  • The term of study under the network educational program cannot exceed the terms of mastering the educational program of the corresponding direction of training (specialty).
  • In the case of studying under the program of joint or double diplomas, two curricula are drawn up for two different universities, where a number of academic disciplines are mutually counted, and a number of disciplines can be implemented jointly (graduate qualification work, etc.). Based on the results of training, the student is issued two diplomas. In this case, the duration of study at each university should be at least 40% of the standard period (labor intensity) of mastering the educational program, and the overall increase in labor intensity for the student does not exceed 25% per year.

Focus of network educational programs

For the implementation of network educational programs at the university itself, which concludes partnership agreements, the functionality of innovation and educational centers and departments, including further vocational education, is expanding; educational and methodological councils; centers for advanced training of teachers; regional and industry competence centers; services of marketing and employment of graduates. In their focus, network educational programs can be:

  • competence-oriented, aimed at the formation of unique competencies for the training of qualified personnel for priority sectors of the industry and regional economy and the labor market;
  • scientific and innovative, focused on the development of applied research for the needs of enterprises in the industry and the region;
  • sectoral, designed to train high-quality graduates in priority areas of sectoral, intersectoral and regional development based on international educational and professional standards.

In the case of the creation of competency-oriented network educational programs, partner structures are expanded by centers and divisions of pre-university training, career guidance centers, specialized classrooms and classrooms in order to start the formation of unique competencies as early as possible.

In the case of scientific and innovative network educational programs, the innovative infrastructure being created is very important, when the resources of the university are combined with the resources of educational and research centers, centers for the collective use of scientific equipment, technology parks and business incubators. In this case, an information scientific and educational environment is created, in which the university becomes an integral participant (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Interacting organizations within the framework of network scientific and innovative educational programs

To implement branch network educational programs, training and production centers and divisions are created in the structure of the university, including branch (basic) departments; experimental design production and innovation and technology centers of industry orientation. Thus, a laboratory and production base for collaborative learning is being created (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Interacting organizations within the framework of network industry educational programs

Joint and double diplomas in the network form of education

From the point of view of international practice, there are several definitions of the concept of "joint diploma". On the official website of the Bologna process, a joint diploma is a certificate of higher education (qualification, degree) issued jointly by two or more universities on the basis of a joint study program. A joint diploma can be issued in the form of:

  • a separate document issued in addition to one or more national university diplomas;
  • a common unified document issued by universities that provided training in this educational program, not accompanied by the issuance of national diplomas;
  • one or more national diplomas issued in parallel and at the same time in confirmation of the obtained qualification.

As a rule, such educational programs can be interdisciplinary, based on the principles of integrating the content of education in various subject areas, profiles, areas of training that are at the intersection of branches of knowledge. Such programs are called single-level double (or more) educational programs.

Single-level dual programs are implemented as two educational programs in different areas at the same level of training, while two degrees are awarded in different areas of training. In this case, an integrated curriculum is formed, where the basic disciplines satisfy both areas of training and are interchangeable (mutually creditable). Variable disciplines allow you to develop flexible training programs in two areas at the same time.

The attractiveness of single-level dual programs, compared with sequential training in two different programs, consists in saving training time, deepening universal competencies (general scientific, instrumental) by increasing the volume of fundamental training, expanding professional competencies due to simultaneous specialization in two selected areas of activity, as well as reducing financial costs for training.

Types of educational activities of network educational programs implemented jointly by organizations

In accordance with Article No. 15 of the Federal Law on Education, for the implementation of the educational program, organizations enter into a cooperation agreement that has the resources necessary to carry out training, conduct educational and work practice and carry out other types of educational activities provided for by the relevant educational program.

For each educational program, academic (theoretical training) and research components are distinguished. The research component includes the research work of students, various types of internships, preparation of final qualification work, etc. Thus, with a network form of education, taking into account the types of interacting organizations and the availability of educational licenses, we can distinguish the following types of educational activities that can be implemented jointly: theoretical training; research work; training in the form of an internship; practice in the form of an internship; .

The need to introduce internships in this case is due to the fact that organizations that implement additional professional programs can act as a partner of the university: advanced training and retraining programs.

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia N 499, an additional professional program can be implemented in whole or in part in the form of an internship. The internship is carried out in order to study best practices, including foreign ones, as well as to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained during the development of professional retraining or advanced training programs, and to acquire practical skills and abilities for their effective use in the performance of their duties.

An internship in this case is a legitimate type of educational activity, is of an individual or group nature and may include:

  • independent work with educational publications;
  • acquisition of professional and organizational skills;
  • study of the organization and technology of production, work;
  • direct participation in planning the work of the organization;
  • work with technical, regulatory and other documentation;
  • performance functional duties officials(as an interim or understudy), etc.

The content of the internship is determined by the organization, taking into account the proposals of organizations that send specialists for internships, the content of additional professional programs. The terms of the internship are determined by the organization independently, based on the objectives of the training. The duration of the internship is agreed with the head of the organization where it is held. Based on the results of the internship, the trainee is issued a qualification document depending on the additional professional program being implemented.

When implementing additional professional programs, an organization can apply a form of organizing educational activities based on the modular principle of presenting the content of an educational program and building curricula, using various educational technologies, including distance learning technologies and e-learning. The minimum allowable period for mastering advanced training programs cannot be less than 16 hours, and the period for mastering professional retraining programs - less than 250 hours.

The conditions and procedure for the implementation of educational activities within the framework of the network form of interaction are prescribed in the contract being concluded. Namely: the conditions and procedure for the implementation of educational activities under the educational program implemented through the network form are established, including the distribution of responsibilities between organizations, the procedure for implementing the educational program, the nature and amount of resources used by each organization implementing educational programs through the network form; the issued document or documents on education and (or) qualifications, the document or documents on training, as well as organizations engaged in educational activities that issue these documents are indicated.

Model of interaction "educational organization - educational organization"

In this case, both organizations have licenses to implement both higher education programs and additional professional programs. Types of educational activities for which cooperation between the two universities is possible: theoretical training; research work; training in the form of an internship; practice in the form of an internship; research work in the form of an internship, the performance of a final qualifying work.

Using the scenario approach, we determine the minimum values ​​for the duration of various types of educational activities implemented by university partners.

Scenario No. 1 (antisymmetric interaction). This scenario is focused on increasing the mobility of students. We are considering two partners: one is the main university where students are enrolled. The partner is the second university, which provides its resource base for short-term training (Table 1).

Tab. 1. Joint implementation of types of educational activities by two universities with antisymmetric interaction

Types of learning activities

Duration (minimum)

theoretical training

20 credits (term)

research work

20 credits (term)

diploma of retraining certificate of advanced training

internship training

internship practice

certificate of professional development in the form of an internship

research work in the form of an internship

15 credits (8 weeks and certification)

certificate of professional development in the form of an internship

Scenario No. 2 (symmetrical interaction within two areas of training). This scenario is focused on the development of interdisciplinary and applied research for the needs of enterprises in the industry and the region. We are looking for two partners. One is the main university where students are enrolled. The second university also enrolls students in a joint interdisciplinary educational program.

In this scenario, training is carried out in two different areas of training, that is, two different curricula are compiled for two different areas of training. Part of the academic disciplines studied in one program at one university is re-read in the framework of another program at another university. Research work and can take place jointly, under the guidance of two teachers. Based on the results of mastering the educational program, two single-level diplomas of higher education are issued in different areas of training.

In this scenario, it is necessary to determine the extent to which responsibilities are distributed among organizations for each curriculum and how much the volume of the educational program increases for each student.

The increase in the volume of loans to be mastered for each student should not exceed 25% (the norms for intensifying the development of educational programs within the framework of external studies are taken as the basis for calculations). The distribution of the volume of loans sold within each educational program should range from 40% to 60%, taking into account the fact that the research work of students and the preparation of final qualification work can be implemented jointly (Table 2).

Tab. 2. Joint implementation of types of educational activities by two universities with symmetrical interaction in two different areas of training

Types of learning activities

Document confirming training

40% -minimum

60% - maximum

60% -max

40% - minimum

theoretical training

University Diploma No. 2



research work



preparation of the final qualification work

Scenario No. 3 (symmetrical interaction within one area of ​​training). This scenario is focused on the formation of unique competencies within one area of ​​training. We are considering two partners: one is the main university where students are enrolled, the second university also enrolls students in a joint educational program in a single area of ​​study. In this scenario, one, unified curriculum is compiled, accredited and validated in both universities. The distribution of responsibilities between universities is carried out on a parity basis in the ratio of limits from 40% to 60%.

Based on the results of mastering the educational program, two single-level diplomas of higher education are issued in one direction of training (Table 3).

Tab. 3. Joint implementation of types of educational activities by two universities with symmetrical interaction in one direction of training

Types of learning activities

Document confirming training

40% -minimum

60% - maximum

60% -max

40% - minimum

theoretical training

research work

preparation of the final qualification work

University Diploma No. 1

University Diploma No. 2

Model "educational organization - organization providing training"

In this case of partnership agreements, one organization has licenses to implement both higher education programs and additional professional programs. The second organization has a license to implement only additional professional programs or is it a foreign organization that carries out educational activities and issues its national documents. Types of educational activities for which cooperation between the two universities is possible: theoretical training; research work; training in the form of an internship; practice in the form of an internship; research work in the form of an internship.

Using the scenario approach, we determine the minimum duration of various types of learning activities.

Scenario No. 4 (antisymmetric interaction between Russian organizations). This scenario is focused on increasing the mobility of students. We consider two partners: one is the main university where students are enrolled, the second organization provides its resource base for short-term education (Table 4).

Tab. 4. Joint implementation of types of educational activities by the university and the resource organization

Types of learning activities

Duration (minimum)

Document confirming training

theoretical training

20 credits (term)

diploma of retraining certificate of advanced training

research work

20 credits (term)

diploma of retraining certificate of advanced training

internship training

7 credits (4 weeks and certification)

certificate of professional development in the form of an internship

internship practice

15 credits (8 weeks and certification)

certificate of professional development in the form of an internship

research work in the form of an internship

15 credits (8 weeks and certification)

certificate of professional development in the form of an internship

Scenario No. 5 (antisymmetric interaction with an international organization). This scenario is focused on improving the quality of educational programs in priority areas of sectoral, intersectoral and regional development, in accordance with international standards. We are looking for two partners. One is the main university where students are enrolled. The second international organization is implementing a joint educational program.

Currently, the most common forms of implementation of joint educational programs are:

  • accredited and validated programs, when one university recognizes the equivalence of the program of another university to its own educational program with the possible issuance of its own diploma to graduates of the partner university;
  • franchise programs, when one university transfers to another the rights to implement its educational program while retaining the right to control the quality of training;
  • double and joint degree programs, when there is an agreement on curricula and programs, teaching methods and assessment of students' knowledge, mutual recognition of learning outcomes in partner universities, the existence of common program management structures, the issuance of a joint diploma.

In this case, for the network form of implementation of educational programs, the third type of interaction with an international organization is the most acceptable (Table 5).

Tab. 5. Joint implementation of types of educational activities by the university and the international organization

Types of learning activities

Duration (minimum) in an international organization

Document confirming training

Any kind of educational activity

20 credits (term)

1. Two national diplomas

2. Russian diploma + additional document on foreign education and (or) foreign qualification

Model "educational organization - resource organization"

In this case, only one organization has licenses to implement both higher education programs and additional professional programs. The second organization provides its resource base for training. Scientific organizations, medical organizations, cultural organizations, physical culture and sports organizations, etc. can act as resource organizations. This model is designed to train qualified personnel for priority sectors of the industrial and regional economy and the labor market.

Types of educational activities for which cooperation between the two universities is possible: theoretical training; research work; practice, performance of final qualifying work. The resource organization in this case does not have licenses for educational activities. Therefore, as a result of training, the student receives one diploma of higher education, which indicates which disciplines he studied on the basis of a partner organization (Table 6).

Tab. 6. Joint implementation of types of educational activities by the university and the resource organization

Types of learning activities

Duration (minimum)

Duration of the type of educational activity (maximum)

Document confirming training

theoretical training

3 credits

A free-form document confirming training

research work

3 credits


7 credits (4 weeks and certification)

Final qualifying work

8 credits

without final state certification


Thus, summing up the above, according to the results of training within the framework of the proposed models of interaction between organizations for the implementation of network educational programs, either two diplomas of higher education from different universities in two or one areas of training can be issued as issued documents on education and (or) qualifications, either a diploma of higher education from one university and a diploma of retraining from another university in two different areas of training, or a diploma of higher education and a certificate of advanced training; or a national (Russian) diploma of higher education and documents on foreign education or foreign qualifications in the form of a national foreign separate document in addition to the national diploma.

For the model "educational organization - resource organization", based on the results of training, a student can be issued a diploma of higher education indicating which disciplines were studied on the basis of which resource organizations.

All the considered types of interaction between organizations are aimed at improving the quality of education, the competitiveness of domestic universities, and the mobility of students. The network form of implementation of educational programs is a generally accepted world practice of education and has broad prospects in the system of domestic higher education.

The work was supported by the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015


Dukhanina LN, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Science Education, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow.

Putilov A.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Economics of High Technologies, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow.

Bibliographic link

URL: (date of access: 03/31/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Network (mutual) learning(English) networked learning, peer-to-peer learning) is a relatively new paradigm of educational activity based on the idea of ​​mass cooperation, the ideology of open educational resources, combined with a network organization of interaction between participants.

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    An ultra-low-cost college degree | Shai Reshef


Translator: Polina Gortman Editor: Olga Dmitrochenkova I would like to tell you about a new model of higher education, a model that, by expanding the application of which, we can open the doors to millions of creative and persistent people who would otherwise be left out of work. Take a look at the world. Pick a point on the map and focus on it. There you will find people who want to receive higher education . Let's get to know some of them. Here is Patrick. Patrick was born in Liberia. He has 20 siblings. During the civil war, Patrick's family had to flee to Nigeria. There, despite difficult circumstances, Patrick graduated from high school with honors. Patrick wanted to go to university, but due to the fact that his family lived below the poverty line, he went to work in South Africa to send part of the money to his family for food. Patrick didn't give up. Late in the evening after work, he searched the Internet for ways to get a higher education. Here's Debbie. Debbie is from Florida, USA. Her parents didn't go to college. Her brothers and sisters did not study there either. Debbie worked all her life, paid taxes, provided for herself, proud of the American dream, which one way or another will remain incomplete without higher education. But Debbie doesn't have the savings to pay for her college education. She can't pay tuition. She can't leave her job. Here is Wael. Wael from Syria. He knows firsthand the suffering, fear and decline in his country. Vael is convinced that knowledge is power. He knows that if he finds an opportunity to get a higher education, an opportunity to get ahead of the rest, then he will probably increase his chances of surviving in a world where everything is turned upside down. The higher education system is out of reach for Patrick, Debbie, and Wael, as well as millions of other potential students; millions of high school graduates; millions who have all the data to go to university; millions who are hungry for knowledge but can't access it for a variety of reasons. First of all, for financial reasons. Higher education is expensive. This is a well known fact. In many regions of the world, higher education is not available to ordinary citizens. Perhaps this is the most important problem of modern society. Higher education has ceased to be the right of everyone and has become the privilege of a narrow circle. Second, for cultural reasons. Students who have data, money and a desire to learn cannot get an education because it is indecent, because the university is not a place for a woman. This is what is happening to a lot of women in Africa. Cultural barriers prevent them from getting higher education. And here is the third reason. According to UNESCO forecasts, by 2025, 100 million students will not be able to complete higher education because there are not enough places for them. Demand will outstrip supply. That is, they will take part in the entrance examinations, successfully pass them, but still will not get into the university, because they simply do not have enough places. It is for these reasons that I founded the People's University. A non-profit, free, degree-granting university that provides an alternative for those who have no choice. An affordable and flexible alternative. An alternative that will shake the foundations of the modern education system will open the way to higher education for every student, regardless of his salary, place of residence or social prejudices. Patrick, Debbie and Wael are just three of the 1,700 accepted students from 143 countries. We... - (Applause) - Thank you! We didn't have to reinvent the wheel. We just figured out what wasn't working and used the amazing power of the internet to fix those problems. We decided to create a model that would reduce almost all the costs of higher education. Here's how we did it. First, material support costs money. Traditional universities have costs that are foreign to virtual universities. There is no need for us to pass these costs on to students. Because there are no such costs. Also, we don't have to worry about the maximum number of students. The number of places in the virtual university is unlimited. No one will have to stand in the gallery of the lecture hall. Our students do not have to pay for textbooks. Thanks to open educational resources and the generosity of professors who provide free access to their materials, we do not have to force students to buy textbooks. All study materials are provided free of charge. Even professors - the most expensive item in the budget of any university - are free for our students. Our university has more than 3,000 faculty including rectors, vice-chancellors, professors and academic advisors from leading universities such as New York University, Yale University, UC Berkeley, Oxford University. They all agreed to help our students. Most importantly, we believe in peer-to-peer learning. We apply this robust pedagogical model to inspire students from all over the world to interact with fellow students, learn together, and reduce the time our professors devote to reviewing coursework. The Internet has turned our society into a global village, and this learning model will nurture future leaders around the world. Here's how we do it. We have only two programs: business administration and computer technology. These are the two most in-demand majors in the world that are most likely to be useful to our students when looking for a job. We place new students in small classes of 20-30 so that those who need more attention are not left out. Every nine weeks, starting a new course within the program, students meet new fellow students from all over the world. Each week in class, students receive lecture notes, self-reading assignments, homework, and discussion questions, which are the core of our learning model. Each week, students are required to contribute to the discussion, as well as leave comments on the contributions of other participants. In this way, we expand the views of students, contribute to a positive shift in attitudes towards other cultures. At the end of each week, students take a test, turn in their homework, which is checked by their fellow students under the supervision of instructors, receive an assessment and move on to the next week's material. Upon completion of the course, students take an exam and move on to the next course. We open the way to higher education for all students with the right background. A high school diploma, English proficiency and an Internet connection are all you need to study with us. We do not use audio and video materials. Broadband connection is not required. Anyone from anywhere in the world with access to the Internet can study with us. We do not charge tuition fees. All we ask students is to pay for their exams, $100 per exam. Thus, a full-time bachelor student who has completed 40 courses will pay 1,000 for a year or 4,000 for full tuition. For those who cannot afford such amounts, we offer grants. Our mission is not to let financial difficulties become an obstacle to learning. With five thousand students by 2016, our model will be financially sustainable. Five years ago it was just a dream. Today it is a reality. Last month we received the best academic recommendation for our model - The People's University received full accreditation. (Applause) Thank you! With this accreditation, it's time for us to expand. We were able to prove that our model works. I invite universities and, more importantly, the governments of developing countries to adopt such a model in order to open the way to higher education for everyone. A new era is coming. An era when the current model of education will change - higher education will no longer be the privilege of the elite and will become a basic right available to everyone. Thank you for attention. (Applause)

general characteristics

Networked learning is based on the ideas of "horizontal" (or "decentralized") learning activities and peer learning (i.e. peer-to-peer teaching and learning). Unlike traditional didactics and andragogy, one of the fundamental principles in which is the presence of a teacher or facilitator, whose entire functional repertoire is focused on creating a learning context, as well as optimal conditions for learning and self-learning, peer learning emphasizes the transfer of these functions to the learning community. So, for example, the task of facilitation is distributed among the participants in the educational process or is “embedded” in educational and methodological materials created by joint efforts. In other words, participants in mutual learning mediated by information and communication technologies carry out “continuous co-production of a common learning environment” and “creation of a learning context necessary and sufficient for their self-education” .

In the West, this approach is seen as promising area theoretical and practical developments that can change approaches to learning, especially in higher professional education and in the corporate sector. In this case, we are talking about "managed" communication through the use of methods (including those based on network technologies) that require active independent work and interaction of students. An example of such an approach is the “Peer Instruction” methodology used by Eric Mazur and his colleagues in the study of physics. The methodology involves the involvement of students in the active study of concepts and theories, followed by their explanation to their peers.

Network learning approaches and principles can also be implemented in non-formal educational environments where people create and maintain a learning network for their own interests, for situational learning "on the job", or for research purposes [ ] .

Conceptual Framework for Network Learning

Definition of the term

To date, there is no well-established definition of network learning.

Specialists of the Information and Innovation Center of the Open University Business School (UK) believe that “learning is built around learning communities and interactions, expanding access beyond time and space, and contributing to increased efficiency” .

There is also a term, collaborative networked learning, which implies joint learning activities of autonomous participants (self-directed) through electronic dialogue.

Thus, network learning is based on the recognition of the potential and possibilities of computer technology and collaborative (collective, group) learning. A number of researchers believe that the defining factor in online learning is that information and communication technologies mediate not just the interaction of students, but their work in the mode of the learning community to jointly create learning resources, sharing areas of responsibility among themselves.

Networked and collaborative learning

In this regard, the question arises of how network and joint (collaborative) learning correlate. There is no clear distinction between these types of education.

Often, cooperative learning(collaborative learning) is used as a general term for various approaches in education that involve the joint intellectual efforts of students and teachers, when groups of students work together to find understanding, meanings, problem solving, creating artifacts or products of their learning. Such a process assumes that people work in groups on a common task or problem, to the solution of which they make a common (equal) contribution. Thus, it is assumed that the participants have a common level of training, skills and competencies, clear shared goals and coordinate their joint work. For collaborative learning, the determining factor is the joint formulation (definition) of learning objectives, joint planning of learning (agreement on content and timing), the exchange of information, its discussion and joint decision-making. In collaborative learning environments, students can criticize each other's views and opinions, as well as outsiders' points of view. They can turn to each other for clarifications, for criticism, and thus stimulate themselves and others to make intellectual efforts. In addition, they can motivate and help each other in bringing work to completion.

Collaborative learning is based on a number of important principles and ideas about learners and the learning process:

The concept of peer-to-peer learning is by no means new. Despite the fact that such principles have not yet become decisive in the modern culture of education, these ideas are quite deeply comprehended in pedagogical thought, and some of them are implemented in practice.

Correspondence Network and Learning Objects in Pedagogy Celestine Frenet

The educational practice of the French teacher Celestin Fresnet was based on the idea of ​​expanding the horizons of student interaction. His theory of labor education implied the replacement of "individual work" under supervision with cooperation, involving "unification of efforts, distribution of tasks, favorable conditions for cooperation, high quality tools, ... the interest of the whole group in the final result" .

Cooperation was based on a number of principles for organizing the educational process:

  • No training, problem solving, analysis, expertise
  • No study assignments, there are constantly asked questions
  • No ratings, but personal offers differ
  • There are no mistakes - there are misunderstandings
  • There are no curricula, there is individual and group planning
  • There is no teacher, but there is a teacher of organizing a common cause
  • The teacher does not educate, but solves common problems
  • There is no class, there is a community.
  • The community is ruled by the norms of the hostel adopted by the students themselves

In order for the realization of the idea of ​​cooperation to become possible, students must be able to interact, and for this, the social circle of students must be as wide as possible. To solve this problem, a school correspondent network was created. Students kept personal correspondence with students from other schools, exchanged information, pictures, toys, photographs. In addition, correspondent schools exchanged school newspapers and student-created teaching aids (“study cards” containing educational material or learning assignments, “free texts”, essays on a topic of concern to the student), as well as questions on certain topics, on which they could answer correspondents. All of this work was seen as a way to create a "live communication" context in which the student could, through trial and error, develop their own language to communicate with other people.

Instrumental Pedagogy by John Dewey

Thus, not only joint activities are decisive, but also interaction (communication, communication, dialogue) about this common cause. However, each community has certain culture and has its own mechanisms of socialization, ensuring the sustainability of the existence of the community. Thanks to these two elements, there are communities whose members have almost no direct contact with each other: artists, the literary and scientific world. These people are scattered all over the world, but each of them belongs to a certain community, since it has common goals and in its activities is guided by what its other members have created.

This "educational environment" of communities has a certain value. Dewey himself correlates it with value for society as a whole, but at the same time he also speaks of value for community members, since this environment "produces mental and emotional attitudes of behavior in individuals by involving them in activities that generate and strengthen certain motivations." “One or another participation in the life of those with whom a person is connected is inevitable, therefore the social environment will certainly exercise its educational or cumulative influence, it does this unconsciously and regardless of any particularly set goals.” Concerning special meaning acquires how the environment can affect a person, which means that the value is determined by two factors: “how numerous and diverse are the interests consciously shared by the members of this group, and how complete is the freedom of interaction of the group with other types of public associations”. They are interrelated: the degree of diversity of interests directly proportionally affects the intensity of interaction with other communities, and hence the orientation of the community towards "reorganization and development through broader relations" .

These thoughts are closely related to Dewey's other main idea, that knowledge is created in the process of acquiring and comprehending experience. Consequently, the main goal of educational and educational activities in general is "constant reorganization and restructuring of experience, which leads to" an increase in the ability to choose a direction for finding new experience and the ability to manage it ".

The ideas of instrumentalism influenced constructivism, the theory of learning activity, proceeding from the fact that learning is an active process in which people actively construct knowledge based on their own experience. When a person encounters something new, he must correlate the new with his previous experience and existing knowledge, which in the end can be changed, or the new information will be discarded as irrelevant. Constructivism focuses on the leading role of the teacher not as a source of knowledge that must be remembered and reproduced by students. Its main function is to help students build knowledge on their own by providing them with all the necessary tools: problem situations based on research, learning activities during which students formulate and test their ideas, draw conclusions and conclusions, summarize and transfer their knowledge in the process. teamwork .

Connection with the ideas of constructionism

The provisions of constructivism about learning as an active process of restructuring experience were supplemented and developed in Seymour Papert's approach, which was called constructionism. Seymour Papert talked about the importance of creating a learning environment in communities where newcomers become meaningful collaborators or have the opportunity to create something meaningful for themselves or those around them. Under these conditions, students create new knowledge especially effectively.

This environment is important because in it a person learns the language in which community members discuss not only and not so much the results of activities, but about the process of creating these results. In the process of discussing mistakes and difficulties, students "develop the ability to highlight and focus on the language they use in order to more accurately express what type of help they need." This ability is an important part of community learning because "when a request for help can be made explicitly, the helper does not need professional training to provide it." As a result, proficiency in such a language creates a special culture within the group of learners, which “not only enriches and facilitates the interaction between all participants in the training, but also opens up opportunities for more expressive, effective and honest relationships between learners and teachers. This culture puts us in a situation where the line between students and teachers is blurred.”

Thus, in Papert's methodological development, the emphasis shifts to the search for objects (product-models), working on which allows students to test their personal "hypotheses" in practice, carrying out constructive actions and comprehending them.

The idea of ​​communities in which participants share and discuss the results of their activities is key to constructionism.

"Learning Web" by Ivan Illich

By "web of opportunity" Illich meant "a network of mutual access" to each of the four "different channels of learning or fields of knowledge sharing." These channels are:

1. Learning Object Recommendation Service, which facilitates access to objects or processes used for formal learning. These educational objects can be data and information carriers, equipment and technology through which learning can take place. Illich believes that an important task in creating a learning network is to expand access to this kind of educational resources, which should become "genuine public property" precisely in order to expand learning opportunities.

2. A skills exchange service that allows people to list the skills they have, the terms under which they agree to serve as a model for those who want to learn those skills, and the address where they can be found. For its functioning, institutions are needed that provide free and inexpensive use of information and referral services, carry out testing and certification, help create legislation and protect against monopolistic practices.

A "skill exemplar" is a person who has a skill and is willing to demonstrate it in practice. At the same time, certification does not appear to be a mandatory requirement at all, since highly motivated students often do not need any help, "except for showing what they want to learn." Diagnosing learning difficulties should also be the responsibility of the students themselves. The barrier to the development of a "market" of skills is precisely the requirement for the certification of skill holders. This kind of deficit is also created by a multitude of vested interests, including those of the skill holders themselves. Therefore, incentives must be created for them. Illich sees the following way to overcome these difficulties: - Creation of free and open centers of skills, in which the acquisition of "fundamental" skills, that is, those that form the basis for mastering the craft ("reading, typing, accounting, foreign languages, computer programming) will be available and numerical calculations, special skills such as the language of electrical circuits, working on certain machines, etc.”). - Introduction of an educational currency suitable for visiting skills acquisition centers. The minimum base credit for "fundamental" skills can be supplemented by those who earn by spreading skills. (“Only those who passed on the skill to others will be eligible to be more advanced teachers. This will create a new elite, an elite of those who earn their education by sharing it with others.”)

Networking in education is a complex mechanism through which several organizations are involved at once in the educational or extracurricular process.


These are the efforts of various educational institutions to centralize resources. This algorithm has already demonstrated its relevance and viability. Network interaction of educational institutions implies a special social partnership, which implies "two-way usefulness". There are informal and formal contacts between all participants of such interaction. Network interaction in the education system is especially developed in middle and high school.

What is a network?

In pedagogical practice, such concepts as partnership, network, are encountered quite often. The network is a collection of institutions. Note the inter-network nature of the system being formed.


Networking in education is a mechanism that has certain parameters, such as:

  • unity of purpose;
  • certain resources to achieve them;
  • summary control center.

Creation features

Models of networking in education depend on what resources will be exchanged. The main task of a full-fledged system is to achieve the originally set goal. Depending on which problems of network interaction in education are chosen as the main ones, certain types of educational institutions are connected to the system being created. The main governing body is mainly the administration of the district or city.

Interaction options

The main problems of network interaction in education are related to the significant territorial remoteness of different educational organizations. Computer technology is used to overcome such problems.

Inclusive education

Particular attention is paid to working with children with serious health problems. Such schoolchildren, for medical reasons, cannot attend school, therefore, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has created for them special project. It implies networking in Teachers communicate with their wards through the latest computer technologies and programs. Before a teacher is allowed to work with a sick child, he undergoes special course training. Such courses are aimed at overcoming psychological problems related to establishing contact with a sick schoolchild.

Coordination of relationships between students, parents, teachers, educational institutions is carried out by a special department for inclusive (distance) education. What is the algorithm for such interaction? First, schools provide department specialists with information on the number of children in need of distance education, indicate the recommendations of pediatricians on the organization of the educational process. The received information is studied in the coordination center, the information received is entered into a special database. At the next stage, a mentor is selected for each specific child.

There are special requirements for a teacher who will work with a sick child. In addition, he must be a good psychologist in order to help the child in the process of communicating with his ward, to save him from self-doubt, various complexes that arise due to limited communication with peers.

At the third stage, the educational program is selected and approved by the coordinating center.

Such networking in education is a set of measures aimed at conducting remote lessons with students with disabilities. The coordinating center creates a network schedule, in which for each child the time of the lesson, the working teacher is indicated. The teacher is employed in the educational institution to which the child is attached.

The algorithm for hiring a remote teacher is similar to the usual hiring of an employee in an educational institution. The principal of the school is provided with a scanned original of the application, copies of award documents, a certificate of no criminal record, confirmation of passing special coursework, and a tariff sheet. The head of the school prepares an order for hiring a part-time worker, introduces him to a distance teacher. After all the formalities are settled, the direct educational process begins.

Such work also involves serious periodic reporting. At the end of each month, the teacher sends the coordinator a report on the lessons. A special form has been developed for marking for a quarter, half a year, which is filled in by the teacher. All reporting materials are sent to the coordinating center, then duplicated to the educational institution where the child is enrolled. The Law on Education in Networking regulates the relationship between a distance tutor, the student's parents, and representatives of the Ministry of Education.

Additional education

Network interaction in additional education has certain parameters:

  • it is based on joint activities of adults and children;
  • there is an indirect or direct impact of the subjects of this process on each other, which allows you to establish a full-fledged relationship between them;
  • there is a possibility of real transformations in the emotional, volitional, cognitive, personal sphere;
  • personal characteristics of all participants, their development of social skills are taken into account;
  • the principles of creativity and trust, cooperation and parity are used;
  • interaction is carried out on the basis of trust, support, mutual partnership.

Network interaction of institutions of additional education allows you to combine the efforts of various clubs, schools, sections aimed at educating harmoniously developed personality child. How is such a system created? What are its main goals and objectives? Considering that network interaction in additional education is aimed at creating a base for the full formation of the child's personality, in district centers and major cities additional education centers were opened. In such organizations, children are offered a variety of sports sections, music clubs, dance studios. When a kid and his parents get to such a center, the employees of the "children's city" conduct an excursion, talk about each direction, and allow them to attend classes. After the child has made a conscious choice of 2-3 sections or circles, his schedule is arranged so that he has time to attend general education school, engage in selected sections. Network interaction of institutions of additional education implies the adjustment of the schedule of extracurricular activities, taking into account the schedule of lessons in a regular (comprehensive school).

Interaction strategies

Modern science offers two main systems of interaction: competition and cooperation. Consider their features, application possibilities.

Cooperative interaction implies a certain contribution of all participants to the solution of a common problem. As a means of unification in such a situation, relations that have appeared in the direct process of mutual communication are considered. The main indicator of the density of cooperative interaction is the level of involvement in the common cause of all participants in the educational system.

Competition implies a struggle for priority, a vivid form of which is a conflict situation. It is not at all necessary that the conflict has only negative parameters, often through such situations a way out of a difficult situation is found, full-fledged and benevolent relationships are built between different participants in the educational and upbringing process. Networking in general education is closely related to such strategies. They determine its modeling and subsequent development.

At this point in time, various options for municipal educational networks have been created. Among them, there are two most common options, we will analyze them in more detail.

Municipal networks

What is networking in education? This is an opportunity to unite several separate educational organizations around a strong school that has sufficient material and such an educational institution performs the function of a "resource center". In such a situation, each general education institution of this group retains the right to ensure the teaching of basic academic disciplines in full. In addition, the school gets the opportunity to create profile classes, offer children various elective and optional courses in individual subjects, taking into account the available resource opportunities. Training in all other profile areas is provided by the "resource center".

There is another network interaction (additional education). School, palaces of creativity, sports schools, studios, sections, act in this case as a single educational and educational system. In such a situation, the child has the right to choose to receive additional skills not only on the basis of his school, but also in other educational institutions. For example, a student can undergo distance learning, study in correspondence schools for gifted children, and in vocational education institutions.

educational potential

Network interaction in vocational education carries an educational resource. First of all, such systems are created to improve the quality of upbringing and education, to increase the cognitive interest of schoolchildren. There are certain characteristics of the educational aspect of any educational network:

  • the presence of common interests and the desire of network participants for common social goals, the use of common techniques and methods;
  • material and technical, personnel, financial opportunities for mutual education and training, exchange of opinions;
  • development of communications between individual network members;
  • mutual interest and responsibility, guaranteeing the positive dynamics of such interaction.

The main reason for the development of network diverse communities was associated with the inability of many small educational institutions to provide all participants in the educational process with full-fledged conditions for development and education. First of all, it was about the insufficient material and technical equipment of many rural schools, which had a negative impact on the scientific nature of teaching. After the introduction of the network model, it was possible to cope with those problems that state institutions were not able to solve individually. In addition, between individual organizations included in single system, healthy competition has intensified, normal business relations have been established. The understanding of the problem posed to schools by the Ministry of Education has deepened, the boundaries of mutual action have expanded, since the capabilities of educational institutions have significantly increased. Currently, schools united in a single network are trying to work in a team, helping each other with advice, personnel, and technical teaching aids. The emergence of numerous networks in education contributed to the elimination of unnecessary duplication, waste of material resources. In the process of work, teachers exchange opinions, ideas, innovations and technologies among themselves. Under certain circumstances, there is a pooling of financial, administrative, and human resources. Thanks to the analysis of the practice of network interaction, the basic principles of its creation with social strategic partners were fixed:

  • each participant receives an equal opportunity to provide their opinion;
  • responsibility is not shifted to other educational institutions;
  • in cooperation, all powers are distributed evenly, aimed at the full functioning of all institutions and state organizations;
  • there are conditions for full and constructive interaction, monitoring and control;
  • cooperation is based on the ability to "receive" and "give".

In order for the created network to function successfully, it is important to constantly support all communication flows, conduct seminars, joint meetings, and conferences.


Thanks to the network interaction of various educational institutions and systems of additional education, optimal methodological techniques are developed that allow influencing the educational and educational process, increasing their efficiency and effectiveness. Thanks to such activities, it became possible to fully design the content of education and upbringing, which contributes to the enrichment of the life of the children, their obtaining a variety of social experience.

The practice of such interaction between different participants in the educational process confirms the emergence of many innovative moments. First of all, we note the need to transfer the competitive type of activity of schools to new conditions of activity.

Such a transition requires a significant time period, a rethinking of their activities by teachers. results statistical studies confirm the high effectiveness of network interaction. Only joint efforts aimed at improving the conditions of education, improving the quality of the material and technical base, and improving extracurricular activities can give the desired result. Such a system should become an excellent stimulus for the self-development of the rising generation of Russians.

Academic plan

Educational material

Lecture 1. Network profile training

Lecture 2 The phenomenon of "network" in modern scientific and pedagogical knowledge

Lecture 3. Strategies for the implementation of specialized training

Lecture 4
Control work number 1.

Lecture 5. Network curriculum

Lecture 6. Regulatory framework for online learning. Profile training network management
Test No. 2.

Lecture 7. Monitoring in the system of network profile training. Social Effects

Lecture 8. Monitoring in the system of network profile training. Educational Effects

Final work

Course concept

This course is aimed at developing the competence of administrators in the field of education in applying the methods of organizing a network model of specialized education.

What are the main approaches to organizing online learning, how to determine the goals and strategies of an educational institution in the context of online learning, how to evaluate the effectiveness of network profile training, how to develop a project for a network organization of profile training, taking into account local conditions - these and other questions will be answered in this series of lectures.

The course has been tested in the Omsk region since 2004. Practice shows that the greatest efficiency in the use of course materials is achieved if the information is systematically mastered by employees of educational authorities, administrators of schools and educational institutions of additional and vocational education - future participants in the profile training network.

GAM Vladimir Ivanovich- Vice-Rector of the Omsk State Pedagogical University, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, OmSPU. Author of more than 45 articles, monographs, teaching aids on strategic management in education.

FILIMONOV Aleksey Alexandrovich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. Deputy Director of the Center for Educational Initiatives of the OmSPU. Co-author and developer of strategic leadership technology, models for organizing network profile training.

BUGROVA Natalia Sergeevna- Postgraduate student of the Department of Pedagogy, OmSPU. Deputy Director of the Center for Educational Initiatives of the OmSPU. Co-executor of projects on the network organization of specialized training.

BUZINA Elena Vladimirovna- Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Deputy Director of the Center for Educational Initiatives of the OmSPU. Author-developer of technology for organizing educational activities of high school students in conditions of additional education.

Lecture 1

Network profile training

To be successful in the conditions modern world people should be able to perform independent actions, provide for themselves and their loved ones, be responsible for the things they do, make important decisions on different stages career and life. However, continuing to widely use teaching aids focused on training a certain type of personality - a performer, Russian school does not fully meet the requirements of the time in terms of preparing a graduate who is able to act actively and competently. This leads to a widening gap between what the school can present to society and what it expects from it. It is this contradiction that gives rise to a number of serious problems, the main of which is the quality of education.

In our opinion, the main reason here is the use of pedagogical means that do not correspond to the main goal - the preparation of an active personality. This problem cannot be solved without the development of strategies necessary for organizing the learning process and changing the style of managerial activity, taking into account the changes that have taken place in the field of education in recent years.

The protracted reform process and constant transformations have actually led to the creation of an alternative education system (external studies, preparatory courses, summer and winter schools, tutoring, etc.). In the current situation, the state does not see school education source for its economic and cultural development and considers it as one of the social programs.

One solution is to move to resource provision educational projects. From this point of view, introduction of specialized education in high school becomes an extremely important area of ​​modernization. After all, it presupposes “significant differentiation of education, with broad and flexible opportunities for students to build individual educational programs” (the concept of specialized education).

The purpose of specialized education is to significantly improve results only at the expense of the school itself and, accordingly, increase the investment attractiveness of the general education system. In fact, this project means a transition to the resource provision of individual educational programs for high school students.

Wherein The key problem is that the limited capabilities of individual educational institutions do not allow them to provide training in the mode of individual programs and, accordingly, provide maximum freedom for students to choose individual educational routes.

The solution to this problem can be found in creating on the basis of some educational institutions with limited resources, infrastructure by type network organization, which provides the full range of educational services for specialized training and provides maximum freedom of choice.

Note that the need for network structures arises at a time when additional capabilities are required for the implementation of tasks that are difficult to solve in the usual ways.

In the pedagogical and popular science literature of recent years, the concepts of "network interaction", "network education", "network university", "network pedagogy", "network educational program", "network learning" are quite common.

What is behind these terms? What is the characteristic of the concepts "network" and "network"?

In practical pedagogy, the beginning of use the term "network" refers to the 70-80s of the last century, when the method network planning was borrowed from economic science and transferred to pedagogical practice. In the late 90s, it was described by Yu.A. Konarzhevsky (see list of references).

Around the same time, there was talk of networking educational institutions, which was reflected, in particular, in the created by A.I. Adamsky educational network "Evrika". In his opinion, such a model bears a fundamental difference from the hierarchical interaction functioning in modern system education. The norms of activity are not set from above, but are naturally "grown" within the community of educational institutions, based on the realities of each participant's activity.

Educational network A.I. Adamsky defines it as a set of subjects of educational activity that provide each other with their own educational resources in order to mutually improve the effectiveness and quality of education.

In addition, various models of educational networks are currently being developed and implemented in real practice. This is primarily due to the transition to specialized education in high school. The experience of implementing such programs has shown that the most successful is precisely network option.

The positive experience gained during the implementation of the project is natural, since network profile training is based on the principle free (open) choice (open learning) time, place, duration, price, type, forms, goals, methods, sources, means, sequence, content, evaluation and training programs; consultants, mentors, teachers, educational institutions, etc.

Network profile training has the following features:

– wide use of modern technologies and teaching aids;

- flexibility - the ability to study at a convenient time for a high school student, in a suitable place and at a pace chosen by him;

- modularity - the ability to form an individual curriculum that meets personal needs from a set of independent training courses;

- parallelism - the possibility of training in the following main areas: academic, additional, professional;

- the new role of the teacher - the assignment of the functions of coordinating the cognitive process, adjusting the content of the discipline, advising in the preparation of an individual curriculum;

- a new role of the student - increasing the requirements for self-organization, motivation, self-esteem, independent work skills;

test control quality of knowledge;

– possibility of export and import of educational services;

- economic efficiency - improving the ratio of the final result to the cost of time, money and other resources to achieve it in comparison with traditional forms learning.

Exist two types of similar models: concentrated network and distributed network. The first assumes the presence of a powerful resource center, where the number of incoming connections will far exceed the number of outgoing ones. There is no resource center as such in the second, and each participant has the opportunity to create his own trajectory of life and development in the network.

The network profile training system can become such a social institution that is able to provide a high school student with a variety of educational services that allow him to study continuously and provide the opportunity to obtain modern knowledge. This gives each student the opportunity to build the educational trajectory that best suits his educational and professional abilities, no matter where he is geographically.

When organizing a network version of profile education, an association of educational institutions connected with each other is formed, which ensures the creation of a space of educational services, the interconnection and continuity of programs that can satisfy the needs and needs of students.

In this way, the goal of the project is to organize a network version of profile training is the creation of a community of educational institutions that provides maximum freedom for choosing an educational trajectory, preparation for continuing education and future professional activities. In our opinion, it is network education that is able today to most effectively contribute to the preparation of schoolchildren for full participation in the leading areas of activity of modern society.

The problem of overcoming the limited amount of educational resources of each individual school with the introduction of specialized education in different parts of Russia is solved in different ways. The proposed lecture course presents the experience of the Omsk region.

Project activities to organize a network version of specialized training in rural areas of the Omsk region have been carried out since 2003, and since 2007 they have been tested in the city of Omsk itself.

Main advantage of the system of network variant of profile training lies in the fact that it is focused on mass character and general accessibility (regardless of social status participants, the territorial location of the school, any restrictions, etc.), creates conditions for ensuring wide access to educational resources and the possibility of obtaining the basics of vocational education.

The network organization of specialized education is based on the following principles:

– meet the needs and needs of students;

- voluntariness;

– openness and openness (formation of a club type of relationship);

– cooperative and communication interaction horizontally;

– pooling and availability of resources;

– practical orientation and expediency;

- increasing the resource for the formation and implementation of specialized education in high school;

– expanding the scope of access to education (when maximum degree the educational needs of students are satisfied);

– growth in the level of educational results of graduates of educational institutions;

- strengthening the social role of schools that are able to provide graduates with training for continuing education and future professional activities;

– formation of key competencies of high school students, development of processes of self-determination and self-realization of high school students;

- the growth of professional competence and skill of teaching staff, taking into account the realities that the modern school faces;

- increasing the effectiveness of scientific and methodological assistance to teachers and teaching staff of educational institutions, professional associations;

- shifting the management framework from administrative to socially adapted, open to the community;

– strengthening the role of schools in the process of modernization and renewal of education within the framework of the targeted strategic guidelines of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education.

The structure of the profile training network can be built as centralized or distributed.

AT centralized network one basic general educational institution is singled out, which is maximally provided and can attract the resources of other educational institutions. Variative education is carried out in the basic school, which plays the role of a multidisciplinary lyceum (MPL). Other educational institutions that have made a decision to work in the "network" "transfer" to the MPL students and the resource of hours necessary for network profile training.

AT distributed network all educational institutions are equal, the distribution of hours of the variable component between schools is carried out on the basis of a detailed analysis of the educational resources of each. For example, students can study a profile course in mathematics in one educational institution of the network or in several.

On the rice. one a network of specialized training with two resource centers is schematically presented.

Rice. 1. Scheme of a distributed network of specialized training

As a rule, on initial stage project implementation network usually includes about ten institutions of various types. This is due to the fact that in order to ensure the individualization of education within the framework of the norms of the basic curriculum, it is necessary that there be at least 150 students in the network, otherwise the volume of educational resources for the formation of an individual educational route will be limited.

If a network of specialized education is organized in rural areas, then schools remote from the center can implement option mini networks (see fig.1), where each educational institution offers students its own resources. Of course, this does not provide a full-fledged individualization of the educational trajectory, but still gives the opportunity for a wider choice.

The vocational training network should also have at least three options for educational resources:

1. Academic education - implies the study of subjects at various levels (basic, profile, elective);

2. Additional education- represented by elective courses, the development of which is necessary for continuing education in specialized educational institutions of vocational education (music, sports, art, military affairs, etc.);

3. Primary vocational education - provides professional orientation and self-determination and/or obtaining a profession for those adolescents who do not plan to continue their education in educational institutions of higher professional education.

The key point in the organization of the network version of profile training is curriculum development. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is built on the principle of spatial and temporal separation of the basic and variable (profile and elective) components.

Based network curriculum high school students form individual study plan (see Fig. 2, where the plan is drawn up for the scheme for implementing the network version of profile education "4 + 2": four school days in "their" school, two days - in the "network"), focused on the after-school plans of students and the related choice of subjects for the final certification in the USE format.

Rice. 2. Formation of an individual curriculum

An individual curriculum, compiled in accordance with the above conditions, allows a teenager to form his own educational route (IEM), making the most of the possibilities of the BUP through a network curriculum that combines the resources of all educational institutions included in the network.

The network organization of the educational process in a specialized school is implemented as a way of individualizing education. This becomes possible due to the fact that two or three days a week (depending on the training scheme chosen for the network) high school students study online, where they are given the opportunity to attend exactly those specialized subjects and elective courses that they chose at the stage of IEM formation.

In the context of online learning, high school students, placed in a situation of choosing an IEM, must make a decision that in the future will ensure the successful continuation of education in educational institutions of a professional orientation at all levels.

This choice, in turn, implies a readiness for personal responsibility, initiative, independence, and so on. The movement of the student within the framework of the IEM, in addition, develops the ability to solve problems related to the achievement of goals, the ability to analyze new situations, develop self-control skills, etc.

Priority attention in the period of preparation for the creation of a network of specialized training should be paid to the formation package of software and methodological support for the network version of profile training.

The fact is that the proposed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Exemplary subject programs for basic and profile levels developed on the assumption that the school implements variants of exemplary profile education curricula, and subjects are taught by one teacher at the basic and profile level.

There is a serious difference in the network version of profile training: basic and profile level of one subject is taught by different teachers, and here it is necessary to build a constant interaction of subject teachers to coordinate educational and thematic planning for each of the subjects throughout the entire period of study.

The basis for the development of software and methodological support in the context of the network variant of profile education is the Federal Component of the State Standard of (Complete) General Education (2004) and Sample programs for the basic and profile levels, created on its basis and recommended for organizing profile education (basic and profile level), see fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Scheme of formation of a network educational program in the subject

When developing software and methodological support for each subject, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the training of graduates of a specialized school in the new format of the final certification (USE). To do this, subject teachers should analyze the demo version of the USE test, the codifier of content elements for compiling control measuring materials for the USE, and the specification of the examination work on the subject.

The purpose of these actions is to develop a unified approach to organizing the learning process at the basic and profile levels and to agree on common approaches to the assessment system, which should correspond to that adopted for the USE.

When drawing up educational and thematic planning and distribution of educational material for study / repetition, we recommend using the following sequence of steps:

– analysis of the demo version of the exam in the subject;

- analysis of the specification, USE codifier in the subject;

- comparison of the content of the thematic blocks of the codifier - demo version with sections of exemplary programs on the subject;

- prescribing sections of thematic planning.

- for humanitarian subjects "work with text" - "work with the test";

- for natural science subjects "work with the test" - "problem solving".

Of particular note the role of corporate ethics online. Corporate principles are developed jointly by all participants and stakeholders (leaders, teachers, students, parents, etc.) during the design process network system education, and then "approved" in the current network. At the same time, network connections and a network culture arise, organically combining organizational principles with ethical ones.

Organization of communication and openness, mechanisms for transparency in decision-making, tolerance and attitude towards understanding, cooperation - these are the components organizational management, which also set the norms and rules of corporate ethics. This allows building the basic mechanisms of individual and collective responsibility.

If the student's behavior does not comply with the rules adopted on the network, a certain format of behavior, then he automatically leaves it.

    The network does not exclude hierarchy, but this only helps to preserve the principle of organizing interaction in the learning process.

    The network is classified as a self-organizing system, which means that its orderliness is not imposed on it by external factors. Therefore, it arises in accordance with some internal properties and exhibits a certain degree of autonomy.

    The network, of course, interacts with the external environment, but this does not determine its organization. It is an educational environment that must constantly change, as the world is changing before our eyes. However, we emphasize that this means not so much its continuous adaptation to changing external factors (the requests of students and parents, the opinion of the authorities, etc.), but the movement in the logic of the development of diversity

    The nature of competition in the network is changing - the rivalry of creative abilities is becoming predominant.

E-learning can also be viewed as spectral, decomposing a huge variety of “teachings” into a spectrum of network profile learning, where everyone can choose their own segment of education.

It's obvious that the object of control in the network becomes an individual educational route. It should be noted that from this point of view, online learning is elitist, as it provides its participants (especially schoolchildren and teachers) with a significantly larger space for choice and self-realization.

When developing a strategy for the implementation of the project of network training and network management, we proceeded from the fact that when moving to profile training increased diversity in the education system. A system in which everyone is taught everything in the same way is transformed into a system in which each student can determine his own individual learning path.

All this requires new approaches to the organization of the educational process, to the management of not only the activities of an educational institution, but also the entire education system in the network.

We consider it extremely important that the principle of continuity be preserved, and the accumulated potential be used to the full, since, in our opinion, it is necessary to form an adequate image of the future education system and its capabilities.

Tasks and questions for independent work

1. The network organization of specialized education involves the transition of educational institutions from the mode of operation to the mode of development. How ready are you and your colleagues to work in an innovative mode?

2. The network organization of specialized education involves the formation of an individual educational route student in order to achieve the highest possible optimal results for a particular student. Do you have experience implementing a student-centered approach to learning, differentiated learning taking into account the personal achievements of students?

3. The network organization of specialized education involves a shift in the framework of management from administrative to socially adapted, open to society. To what extent are you and your colleagues ready for a dialogue with students and their parents, providing information on the quality of educational results achieved, even if they are not always positive?

4. The network organization of specialized training exists within the framework of the relevant regulatory framework. Are you and your colleagues ready for changes in the regulatory framework regarding the functional duties of administrators and representatives of teaching staff?

5. To what extent, in your opinion, are other educational institutions in the territory of the municipality interested in creating a network organization for specialized education?


1. The concept of profile education at the senior level of education (Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 2783 dated July 18, 2002, // Profile education: regulatory legal documents. - M., 2006.

2. Open education. Terms and Definitions.

additional literature

1. Boltyshev Yu.P. Network planning at school. – M.: Enlightenment, 1980.

2. Castells M. Information era: economy, society, culture / per. from English; ed. O.I. Shkaratana. – M.: GU HSE, 2000.

3. Konarzhevsky Yu.A. Management and intraschool management. - M .: Center "Pedagogical Search", 2000.

4. Maslennikov V.V. Entrepreneurial networks in business. - M .: Center for Economics and Marketing, 1997.

5. Organization of network interaction of educational institutions implementing innovative educational programs, participating in the competition for state support / ed. A.I. Adamsky. – M.: Evrika, 2006.

6. Chuchkevich M.M. Fundamentals of management of network organizations. – M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Sociology, 1999.

7. Chuchkevich M.M. What is a network organization? – M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Sociology, 1999.

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