A powerful meditation to attract wealth into your life. Money Meditation

With the help of meditation, you will open the money channels responsible for attracting financial flow. This is directly related to monetary luck, thanks to which you will finally forget about material difficulties.

Nowadays there is no person who would be satisfied with it financial position. People always want to get more money and not deny themselves anything. Some want a new car, others want to open their own business, others dream of traveling. But money has one terrible feature: it runs out. No matter what we predict, there are always not enough of them. The cause of financial difficulties is closed money channels, which can be opened through meditative practices.

Meditation is great and effective method increase in material resources. There is no harm in this practice. It helps to increase money luck, prosperity and abundance.

How to meditate correctly

Money Rain

This meditation is suitable for those who have a developed imagination. In a state of rest, closing your eyes, you need to imagine a rain of money or a hurricane. These thoughts should completely absorb you, penetrate deep into your body, mind and soul. You can imagine that the wind is carrying large bills of money straight towards you. It is necessary that, imagining this, you receive pleasure and joy, and experience a feeling of satiety. The practice lasts about 10 minutes.

The door to the world of wealth

Meditation, which is called the door to the world of wealth and abundance, is very effective, especially for those who want their financial situation to stabilize. It consists of imagining a door. But this door is not simple: behind it lies the world of your dreams, a world full of luxury and wealth.

First, you should imagine what the door looks like: its color, shape and, of course, its location. Then you need to imagine what lies behind this door - it should be what you want and dream about most. There might be behind her sunny summer which lasts all year round, luxury cars, beautiful streets and expensive shops, you yourself are rich and representative. Visualize everything down to the smallest detail - this is a very important procedure. This should be a place that has everything you want.

Next, you need to imagine that with each step you are getting closer to this door. Walk slowly, easily and naturally. When you approach it, the door should open wide in front of you. Enter there, to the place where there is an abundance of money and expensive things. Look around carefully, swim in the money and take with you everything you can carry. Take everything you like, fulfill your desire, which you have dreamed of all your life.

Take your time: you are not stealing anything from anyone. All the blessings of the world belong to you, enjoy it. When leaving, do not close the door. This meditation is practiced for 20 minutes.

Money magnet

The practice of "magnet" is very common among meditations for attracting monetary luck. All you need to do is imagine that you are a magnet, a “bait” for money. You attract money to you: large bills, coins and even gold. This technique can be combined with the Golden Stream ritual. Everything you desire should be attracted to you with incredible force. And you should feel unlimited power, strength and power.

Practice times

Meditation - effective method increase in income. You can do this practice several times a day, regardless of time. But it is important to know that there is a certain time that will increase the effectiveness of meditation. Meditation is most effective during the waxing moon, as well as in the morning. As soon as you wake up, take your time to get out of bed. Spend some more time in bed. Don’t think about the bad, about difficulties and upcoming things. You should imagine that you are an independent person, not burdened by vanity, and indulge in meditation.

Imagine only the good things that bring you happiness. Next, choose one of the meditations that you liked the most and act. Spiritual practice after waking up should become a habit and become an integral part of the day. Then the result will not be long in coming, and soon you will notice that your financial situation begins to improve.

Meditation to attract money luck is effective. The most important thing is to believe in its effectiveness and practice regularly. By following these simple rules, you will be able to remove energy blocks and improve your financial situation. We wish you to become happier and find everything you dream of. Good luck, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Try to get in touch with money. Make an agreement with them. Say, “I promise that I will treat you carefully, value you, and save you.” Money will definitely love and understand you. Respond to them with sincere reciprocity.

“My magnet is cash flow”

Imagine that you are a huge magnet that attracts not only metal, but also banknotes. Imagine that a rain of coins and finances has fallen on you. Attract “precipitation” with your whole body. Control everything so that the rain not only falls, but also bends, changing direction.

Meditate “To attract money”

Relax completely. Turn on calm and pleasant music. Feel the unity with the infinity of the Universe. Imagine that a golden ray is falling on you, descending from the distant heavens. Imagine that a turquoise cloud is flying towards you. You bathe in its lightness…. You become saturated with it... Your aura gradually turns into shades of turquoise... Thank the Universe for everything it has given you. Repeat this meditation several times a week (you can repeat it twice).

Money meditation "Uncle Scrooge"

Imagine that you are in Scrooge's vault. Imagine that you are diving into the golden sea with the same pleasure with which he does it. Let go of all your emotions, overcome all barriers. Believe that all the money that is in Uncle Scrooge's vault is legally yours. Imagine what exactly you will spend it on. Your ideas should be as close to reality as possible.

Meditation for money “Beautiful door”

Choose any place where there is extraordinary silence. Bet on it easy chair or a comfortable chair. Close your eyes. Take two pairs of very deep breaths. Release tension in your body. Take a break from all your thoughts. Count to ten (count down). Repeat the count until you feel complete relaxation. Imagine a place where you were able to have a great rest and relaxation. Imagine that you see a beautiful door in front of you. Imagine that behind this door there is a very large sum money. Love this door! Illuminate her with the bright light of your beautiful smile. Imagine that you are heading towards it, that it opens up in front of you. Place your favorite banknote on your lap. Make sure that it lies still (do not drop it on the floor). Visualize large ball light (for forty seconds). Increase its brightness (mentally). Imagine that the ball sinks into your head (slowly) and gradually falls down. Wait until it takes the place of the solar plexus. Imagine that a beam came out from there and illuminated a large banknote. Imagine that it (the bill) begins to glow and become intensely charged with energy. Extinguish the light beam, but continue to hold the glowing ball in your imagination. Raise it up and turn off the lights. Imagine walking out a “dressy” door. Don't close it. Open your eyes. Spend (change) the bill within twenty hours.

"Money channel and luck." Meditate on money.

Take a walk around the city. Stop in some active place (active places: store, hypermarket, metro, factory entrance). Record all your sensations, feel the atmosphere. It was, so to speak, a training session. Go through those places where money can be found (in the same way). Point a bottle filled with cool water at the money channel. Imagine that money passes through water and is charged by it. Drink this liquid in very small sips. It can be added to tea or coffee.

Method for meditation – “The Magic of Breathing”

Believe that you will soon have the amount of money you need. Drive away doubts if they begin to overcome you. Take a picture that shows money. Focus on it properly. Watch your breathing. It should be calm and even. Close your eyes. Think about money. Open your eyes. Take a huge breath and close your eyes again. Now imagine how money fills your life. Take a deep breath into your lungs. Hold your breath. Exhale without thinking about anything at all.

Meditation “Emerald Candle”

Wait until the full moon. Take a long candle (bright green). Place it in a candlestick. Light it up. Look into the very center of the flame. Close your eyes and slowly calm down. Regulate your breathing. Build a luminous atmosphere of energy in your thoughts. Think about finances and how you enjoy seeing and spending them. Place your palms around the candle and say the following: “Big money is meant for me! They won't harm me. With the help of money I can make those who are dear to me happy.” Repeat the words until complete relaxation of the whole body. Take a walk outside.

Meditate "Heaven in a Warm Bath"

Fill your favorite bathtub with water. Add sea ​​salt and aromatic oils. Light small candles and turn on the most pleasant music (that you have available). Get into the bath and lie in it for seventeen minutes. Relax, pushing away all fussy thoughts. Close your eyes and smile widely. Imagine that a cash (gold) flow is pouring directly onto you. Place two fingers (index and thumb) together. In a confident voice, say the following words: “Everything that is happening to me now, I gratefully accept from the Lord. I know that the profit will carry with me throughout my life.” Count to one hundred. Say (in your mind) the word “it turns out” three times. Leave the bathroom and do other planned activities.

There are also many different money meditations. For example, frame 25, activation of the money tree and others. It all depends not only on the rules of meditation, but also on your great desire to have what you want. You can watch and listen to various video materials as much as you like, download and use some money programs, but it may all be in vain - you need to wish sincerely, then the door will open and your wishes will come true!

What can I do to make meditation work for money?

Any meditation will definitely work, the main thing is:

  1. Don't throw money on the floor or drop it.
  2. Throw away old receipts (don't keep them in your wallet).
  3. Sprinkle a little dry cinnamon or dry mint where you put your finances.
  4. Keep three Chinese coins in your wallet pocket.
  5. Remove from your wallet everything that has nothing to do with finances.

Do not miss. . .

How is it carried out -

How to quickly attract -

You can hear a lot of different answers to this question, because everyone pays exactly as much attention to them as depends on them. For some, money can be the meaning of life, while for others it can be simply a means of subsistence. It all depends on their quantity and the ability to properly handle them. After all, money can be compared to fire, the correct handling of which will give warmth, coziness and comfort, and the incorrect handling will burn it to dust. Many people are afraid of big money, as the source of all troubles, and care about their souls, but despite this, it is no less important to them than to others, more mundane. After all, no matter how anyone treats them, they still were and will be the main component of a prosperous life.

But how to attract money to yourself in order to fulfill all your dreams and become the master of life? What to do if you work hard from morning to evening, and you get pennies for your work, and there is no way to change anything? In such a situation, you need to use meditation, the positive effect of which is described in various sources for many centuries now.

Secret under seven seals

With the advent of the new millennium, great knowledge began to be revealed to many people, previously hidden from ordinary eyes and accessible only to a select few and strong of the world this. Meditation on money and cash flow belongs to one of these secrets, which can improve the material capabilities of any inhabitant of the planet. Now, with the help of such a powerful source of inner strength, revealing limitless possibilities for everyone who wants, you can completely change your life, filling it with joy, happiness and prosperity.

It's never too late to change everything for the better, because the world Each person has his own, despite the fact that it is the same for everyone. Because it feels like this inner world everyone is given his thoughts, and those, in turn, were imposed by many generations of relatives. Small child receives a lot of instructions from his family about how to live and relate to anything correctly. By acquiring imposed fears and making them personal, a person forms in himself a corresponding attitude towards the same money and other fundamental things of existence. Thus, by thinking negatively, people attract only negative energy into their lives.

To change the negative attitudes accumulated over your life, you need to radically change your attitude towards everything, think only positively and experience only positive emotions. Meditation on money and cash flow helps attract the desired benefits by changing negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Only through such mental contemplation and visualization can all dreams come true.

Faith is the main key to success

Not everyone who has heard of meditation as a way to achieve all their secret dreams uses it. The fact is that some do not believe in its power and, even having never tried it on themselves, speak of it as a waste of time. But how can you judge something without trying it? But you shouldn’t impose your point of view on such people either, because whether to change something in life or not is a personal matter and does not tolerate pressure from outside. Perhaps for such people the time has not yet come to realize themselves not just as physical body with all its shortcomings, but as the mind of divine design, for which the bodily shell is only a temporary shelter on this planet.

The situation is different with people who, perhaps, would like to try on themselves the positive effect that meditation on money and cash flow gives, but are afraid that this will contradict their faith. In fact, if you analyze the sacred books and sayings in them, you can understand that only boundless faith and bright thoughts will help a person achieve what he wants. It does not matter what book the believer reads (the Bible, the Koran or others scriptures), faith in the fulfillment of desires and the divine principle will certainly be rewarded to everyone who asks. After all, meditation implies only positive thoughts of the person under its influence, otherwise, according to the law of reflection, any evil being will destroy itself.

sacred ritual

Many people who want to try out the benefits of meditation on money and cash flow wonder how quickly it can help attract material wealth. Only this question cannot be answered accurately, because everything depends on the correctness of this sacred action and the power of thought of the meditator. Some make their dreams come true through the power of their relentless faith in a good outcome in short time, while others may spend months achieving this. In fact, almost every person has been in a state of meditation in their life without even realizing it.

We are talking about that time when you start to think about something, seemingly for a minute, but at that moment you disconnect from real world and immersing yourself in your dreams or memories. In a similar way, a meditation session occurs in which all external stimuli disappear, and the meditator plunges into mysterious world dreams, giving a signal to the subconscious to change reality.

Musical vibrations

An integral part of quality meditation, especially for beginners, is musical accompaniment. After all, specially selected music helps the body relax and enter the desired state of harmony with the world. Of course, people who have been practicing such relaxation for years do not particularly need melodies, since they can instantly switch their consciousness to the required frequency. For others, it is better to use audio meditations on money and cash flow. You can listen to such recordings at any time if you choose a suitable place for practical training. In addition to musical accompaniment, they contain the voice of a teacher, who tells you how to behave during the meditation process.

Such outdoor activities go very well, where in the open air it is much easier to feel like an integral part of the infinite Universe. It is useful to listen to the sonorous singing of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers. This is a kind of forest music. Meditation on money and cash flow requires complete relaxation. In this forest kingdom, you need to imagine how the heavens open up and a rain of gold coins pours from them. Rain, which saturates everything with life-giving golden moisture human life. You just need to feel to the depths of your soul that with such rain comes the fulfillment of all material desires.

The right approach

To attract money into your life, you should practice visualization through meditation daily. For example, if you need to receive a certain amount from the Universe, you need to be absolutely sure that it will definitely give what is asked of it. It is worth asking only for such an amount of money that the person asking will believe in receiving it. For the Universe, it does not matter how much is asked of it - one cent or a billion dollars, since it is abundant. But not every person is able to believe that he can receive enormous wealth. For example, when listening to Osho’s meditations on money and cash flow, it is important to imagine receiving money as an accomplished fact, otherwise, dreaming of finding it in the future, you can live your whole life only waiting for something that will never come.

Meditation on money and cash flow, tested many times by many people in the world, has only positive reviews. After all, she helped many of them realize their innermost dreams related to material wealth.

Life in balance

When attracting money into your life, in addition to meditation, you also need to put in a lot of effort in other areas. In other words, you need to change your mood completely, because you cannot think positively only at the moment of meditation. It is necessary, at every minute of your life, to feel like a rich person, worthy of all the blessings of this world. This is the only way the Universe will receive your signal for help and respond to it, fulfilling your innermost dreams.

Many have heard about methods of attracting Money into your life, and there are only a few practitioners. It is hard to believe that a change in consciousness can raise the level of well-being. Even having decided that meditation to attract money and good luck can help, a person puts it off until later. Thus, one’s whole life passes in indecision. Seeing rich people, a person makes excuses by saying that they were lucky or that they worked long and hard. But is this really so?

I noticed a long time ago that despite the fact that I work almost 24 hours a day, there is not enough money for anything. I didn’t have the opportunity to buy normal clothes; I could only dream of a phone and laptop. Then I decided to talk to my work colleague, who worked 2 times less than me, but always looked stylish and rich.

At first I thought that she simply had a rich guy who was providing for her, but Alina told me something completely different. It turns out that she performs meditative practices that help her attract luck and money. Of course, she doesn’t win the lottery, but she periodically works as a model or on film sets (although she doesn’t have the appearance of a beauty).

Alina does a meditation on attracting money and she always has it. She doesn't have to look for a piece of bread at the end of the month. I also decided to try and it worked. Now I bought myself a small laptop, dressed well, and I also got a part-time job - drawing up design projects for Internet sites. I am very glad that I believed Alina and took her advice.

How meditation practice helps you achieve your desired income

It can be assumed, that thinking process does not affect the level of well-being, and money is earned only through hard work. But it’s worth using logic and observation: millions of people work from morning until dawn and earn only a living wage. Of course, some effort is necessary; just visualization will not bring wealth to your head.

All efforts made are multiplied a thousandfold when they are done in the right state of mind. To attract wealth into your life, you need to develop the consciousness of a rich person. This is a state of abundance, prosperity, generosity. As you can see, it is exactly the opposite of the mentality of the poor, who constantly feel scarcity. They do not even allow themselves to think about wealth and well-being. Money meditation can help you develop this state of mind.

Important! The effect of the meditation technique will be enhanced by setting goals and visualizing their achievement. To do this, they create a dream notebook, into which they paste desired things, real estate objects, and write down the expected monthly income (the exact amount). Every day, this notebook is looked through, with the feeling that you are already the owner of these values.

It is very difficult for distrustful and conservative people to decide to change something in their lives. Even feeling, on an intuitive level, that the technique will work, their mind doubts. It will be useful for them to know that famous richest people planets have been engaged in meditative practices for decades. Among them:

  • Steve Jobs.
  • Clint Eastwood.
  • Ramani Iyer.
  • James McCartney.
  • Naomi Watts.
  • David Lynch.
  • Ray Dalio.

Meditation to attract money and good luck led them not only to success, but also to harmony and happiness.

Features and benefits of meditation practice

As you already understand, the desire to increase income is not enough. You need consistent work with your consciousness. Before you start visualizing receiving money instantly, it is important to decide on the desired amount. You will have to answer the questions for yourself:

  1. Why do I need this particular amount?
  2. What can I spend it on?
  3. What prevents me from getting and affording this level of income?
  4. What internal beliefs contradict my desire?

On a piece of paper you need to write down all the limiting attitudes that block the state of abundance. For example, “Wealth spoils people”, “Without hard work You won’t earn a penny.” Before starting meditation techniques, it is useful to work through and mentally challenge such beliefs. Opportunities that meditation on opening a money channel provides:

  • The transition from a scarcity state of mind to a state of abundance and prosperity.
  • Expanding ways to make a profit.
  • Attracting material well-being into your life.
  • Overcoming the crisis and financial instability.
  • Achieving the right mood and peace.
  • Unlocking your inner potential, your capabilities, your talents.
  • Changing stressful, hard work to easy and interesting work.

Everyone has their own needs and their own understanding of the word “wealth”, so the results vary different people will be different. But, in any case, meditation will attract money financial well-being and good luck.

Important ! There are no restrictions on the use of these techniques; they will be useful for everyone. But, if at this moment there are serious problems with health or other areas of life, it is better to switch your attention to priority tasks. And then, when everything gets better, follow the suggested methods.

Meditation techniques for attracting money

For the practice to be successful, you need to set yourself up in the right way in advance. A positive attitude and a peaceful state of mind play a big role. Therefore, before practicing, you need to take care of a comfortable place for performing the technique.

Technique 1. Meditation “I am a money magnet”

The room should be fresh; it is better to turn off too bright lights. It is advisable to isolate yourself from extraneous irritating sounds. After this, you can move on to practice.

  1. Sit down and relax. Let go of disturbing thoughts and upsets. They leave you, leaving emptiness and peace. Take a deep breath. As you inhale, clean air, saturated with creative energy, enters the lungs. As you exhale, grievances, fears, and irritation leave you.
  2. Imagine yourself sitting on a green lawn. Birds chirp sweetly around you and you can hear the sound of waterfalls. You enjoy the touch of a soft green carpet and flowers. A light warm breeze blows across your body, feel the goosebumps running through your skin.

You are in the valley of prosperity. Take a breath and smell the smells here. You feel the sweet aroma of wild honey, hazelnuts, pollen. There is no shortage of anything around, all surrounding living beings have unlimited possibilities. Now you also have access to unlimited resources.

  1. The sun is shining brightly above your head. Its warm yellow rays descend towards you. You attract this light, which, approaching the earth, turns into streams of gold. Everything around is filled with gold coins, they shine dazzlingly, illuminating the space. Use them as you wish.
  2. Think about what you can spend the wealth you receive on. Visualize the details: what you will buy, who you will give gifts to. Maybe allocate some of the funds to charity and helping those in need. Everything is available to you, there is no reason to limit yourself in spending. Thank the Universe for the blessings you have received.

Technique 2. Meditation “Money and Me”

You can enter a state of prosperity by tuning into generosity and abundance. The ability to give, share - important qualities, which tight-fisted people lack. By showing generosity, even mentally, the practitioner resonates with material wealth.

  1. Sit or lie on the floor. Relax your body, let go of worries and worries. Get ready for some pleasant mental work. Take a series of deep breaths. With inhalation, cool, fresh air enters the lungs, healing the entire body. With exhalation, the exhausted warm air leaves the lungs, relieving the body of tension.
  2. Imagine yourself as the ruler of an ancient, prosperous country. The people love you very much and treat you with deep respect. At your disposal are many palaces, huge storerooms filled with gold, silver, and jewelry. There is no richer or more powerful man.
  3. Imagine how hundreds and thousands of people come to your palace. You show generosity and give them gold and everything they ask for. At the same time, wealth does not decrease, but only increases. Feel this state of monetary wealth and prosperity. Remember it.

Technique 3. $3,600,000 Meditation

It is easier to feel prosperous if the visualization is as specific as possible. Abstract images will not help. Therefore, do a meditation on winning the lottery, in which the main prize is $3,600,000.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position. Walk through the body with your inner gaze, stopping for 2-3 seconds on each part of the body and organs. Take 10 deep breaths. Inhaling light coolness and exhaling warmth.
  2. Imagine that you have won the main prize in the lottery. It is $3,600,000. Now you need to think about what you will spend this money on. Determine the business in which area you want to open it. Imagine hiring workers, managers, directors of a company. Draw up a business plan, calculate your budget and future profits. This will ensure further growth and capital replenishment.
  3. Now, start spending money on your desired property. Visit a real estate agency for millionaires. Consider all the options offered. Choose the one you like. What kind of house did you choose: cozy by the sea, luxurious with many rooms, swimming pools, gym? Pay attention to details, visualize details.
  4. It's time to buy a car that suits its status. What brand of car do you prefer? Sit in the cabin, run your hand over the seats and steering wheel. Feel the pedals and grab the handbrake. Go shopping in your new car, think about your future routes.
  5. Finally, think about who you can help. Now this is possible, because there is no shortage of funds. Maybe it's family and friends, best friends. Or maybe it’s a neighbor who needs an expensive operation or urgent care. Be generous in your visualizations, feel the opportunities to give and receive money.

Techniques for attracting prosperity bear fruit after a while, like any other meditation practice. There is no need to be upset if you do not receive instant money on the same day. Everything takes time and patience. By carrying out these techniques daily, positive changes will begin in your life.

Having taken the first steps in achieving success, do not stop, look for new techniques, develop. Every thought and action will definitely bear fruit and lead to results. You can find other meditation techniques on the Internet and on our website.

If you don't have enough finances, money seems to be flowing out of your hands, and debts are growing, you should resort to meditation.

In addition, think - perhaps a negative attitude is preventing money energy from penetrating into your life? Do you think that all rich people are bad, that money is evil? If so, then you are pushing them away with your own hands.

Understand that money is not evil, that with its help you can do a lot of good and bright things, do charity work. Love them. And start meditating.

Nowadays, you can find a lot of audio meditations for money on the Internet. Before listening to them, you need to properly prepare for meditation. Do the following:

  • Find a secluded area where no one will disturb you, turn off your phones and close the doors. You should feel protected in this place.
  • Create an appropriate atmosphere - turn off bright lights, light candles or table lamp, fill the room with pleasant, relaxing aromas using an aroma lamp or Indian incense.
  • Sit or lie down as comfortably as possible, relax your whole body, every muscle. Breathe deeply.
  • Get rid of unnecessary thoughts, imagine how they float by without touching your consciousness.
  • Feel a pleasant emptiness in your head.

Only after such preparation can you turn on the audio meditation and immerse yourself in it. In addition, you can find a lot of suitable music for meditation and relaxation on the Internet. It will help you tune in to the right mood and immerse yourself in the right state at any moment.

It’s good to combine meditation with visualization, imagining or looking at pictures of money or the bills themselves. But remember that, in addition to spiritual practices, you will also need active actions, but with the help of meditation you will direct the energy of money in the right direction.

In order to attract money into your life, you can regularly perform simple meditations combined with visualization. For example, you can imagine that you are sitting at an expensive table made of good wood, which is loaded with money. These include rubles, euros, dollars, and even gold coins.

Enjoy it, feel that this is your money, that now you can afford to live the way you always dreamed of. Feel confident and joyful.

Another way is to imagine that you are a millionaire and go to the bank to add another 100,000 rubles to your account. You enter a luxurious bank building with columns, you exude confidence and wealth, everyone smiles at you.

You deposit the amount into the account and look at the receipt on which it is written large sum, which you want to receive in real life. You feel good and happy that you have it, you feel confidence and peace.

You can also imagine how you receive the desired salary every month and hold it, physically feel it.

Another good way– meditate on a picture that evokes a feeling of abundance. Look at her for a long time, and then close your eyes and try to prolong and preserve the sensations. Feel very rich and confident.

Another option is to regularly imagine a cave in which gold, stones, money, and jewelry are stored. All this is yours, and all of this exudes the energy of money. You can always come and take what you need. The main thing is to experience positive emotions and a sense of stability and abundance.

How to attract money

This meditation will help you attract money and opportunities to receive it. Remember that you can only start it when you are in a good mood, when your mind is calm and you do not feel irritated.

Take the most large bill currency in which you would like to receive money, it is better if it is the most popular currency in your country. If you don't have the highest denomination available, take what you have - it's not critical.

“Now get alone with her, find a place where no one will disturb you.” Relax in a comfortable position, look at the bill and close your eyes.

– Breathe deeply and imagine it in every detail, with watermarks, drawings, numbers and inscriptions. Now imagine that you already have two bills, imagine this as clearly as possible. Then there are more and more of them - three, four, ten, a hundred...

- Your wallet turns out to be full of it, all the hiding places are full of wads of money. Be calm, take it for granted, experience confidence and joy. Imagine what you will spend this money on, starting with little things, enjoy this feeling. Now open your eyes and try to maintain this calm confidence for as long as possible.

This way you will change the vibrations and attract monetary energy into your life. Soon you will find a way to earn this money or it will come in another way. If you have been in need of money for a long time, do this exercise regularly and start with small amounts, gradually increasing the amount of imaginary money.

Cash flow is energy that can be attracted into your life through energy practices. Initially, it was high-frequency, but due to the negativity associated with money in the minds of many, it became low-frequency, but this does not mean that money is something bad.

If you feel a lack of them, perhaps your energy vibrations are not compatible with the vibrations cash flow, and this can be fixed. First, get rid of negative attitudes and understand that money is just energy, and turning it into good or evil is a person’s prerogative.

After that, start tuning into the money wave. There are several ways to do this.

When you receive money - no matter how big or small - always mentally say: “I am raising you to the level of my vibration.” This way you will attract the energy of money into your life. In addition, there is another reliable way tune into this energy and attract abundance and wealth into your space.

Find something that symbolizes prosperity for you - a banknote large denomination, a rich necklace or luxury item, and tune into its energetic waves. Imagine how your biofield opens, stretches and captures this object, enveloping it.

Feel that you have become one with this object, imagine that it is all surrounded by a golden glow. Now close your eyes and take a deep breath, imagining that this radiance enters you along with the air, but not through the nostrils, but through the center on the forehead, between the eyebrows.

Exhale, mentally move the radiance to the heart area, imagine how it becomes brighter, grows, glows golden. Breathe like this for some time until you feel waves of energy - they can manifest themselves as pleasant warmth, tingling, or, conversely, coldness.

Now you can finish your meditation. If you do it often and regularly, the energy of abundance will come into your life.

Meditation for attracting money and success – 1

In order to attract money and success into your life, you can do the following meditation. Take a bill in your hand, close your eyes and relax, sitting in a comfortable position with your back straight. Breathe deeply and imagine that all tension and negativity go away along with your exhalations, and you inhale cool, clean air.

Imagine that the sun is shining directly above you, that it is directing its rays at you and warming you. Imagine a golden ray entering your solar plexus and filling the area with light.

Hold this light within yourself for a while by placing a banknote to your solar plexus. Imagine that she, too, is filled with the energy of the sun, absorbing it from you.

Imagine the moment in which you spend this money, and in return a huge flow of energy of money and success is sent to you. Now come out of meditation and open your eyes. The faster you spend a charged bill, the better.

Meditation to attract money and success – 2 “Warm cash flow”

Fill the bath with warm water, add aromatic oils, salt, foam, place candles around and turn on calm music that is suitable for meditation.

Slowly sink into warm water, relax, breathe in the pleasant aromas. Try to throw all worries and worries out of your head, let the thoughts leave your head, leaving only a ringing emptiness. Close your eyes, breathe deeply.

Imagine how liquid golden energy of money and success is pouring on you from above, how this flow fills you and washes you, how everything inside you is filled with golden light. Feel your feelings at the same time - you should feel calm and good. You will be imbued with a feeling of joy and pleasure, peace and confidence.

Put the big one together index fingers and say: “I thank the Lord and accept from him at this moment the most comfortable and ideal financial condition, staying in which, I will feel bliss and well-being throughout my life!”

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