Strength exercises for teenagers 13 years old. Gym for teenagers: features of classes

Bodybuilding training in adolescence and, in general, activities aimed at developing physical fitness– a complex question with a lot of nuances and complexities. Therefore, we recommend that you figure it out gradually, without rushing right into the quarry.

To begin with, let us note that a teenager’s body for the most part grows on its own, regardless of the efforts made. But you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand that by missing this period and not paying attention physical development due attention, then it will be much more difficult to build for real beautiful body equipped with good health.

Proper training for a teenager, carried out between the ages of 14 and 18, can become a reliable aid that helps accelerate growth, strengthen the body and lay the foundation for further development in the desired direction. The main thing here is seriousness of intentions and attentiveness. Approach your exercises carefully, do not overdo it with the loads and intensity of training, because in the future your “sports greed” may have unpleasant consequences and lead to injuries.

Effective workout for teenagers

An important point in building a training program designed for young boys and girls aged about 16 is individuality. In other words, ideally, training for teenagers in bodybuilding should take place according to an individually selected program, since, albeit minor, there are still differences in the body structure of young people, and their initial level physical training play an important role in determining the optimal load and intensity of exercise.

Obviously, you can’t find a personal trainer for all young people, so we compiled general schemes classes for teenagers, suitable for almost everyone, which, although inferior in results to personal work, are still quite effective.

Workout for teenagers, basic moments:

  • First, you must follow main goal training, namely strengthening the body and growth. Setting yourself goals of a narrower range is not recommended, since dividing attention between several small goals usually does not lead to anything good. Besides, hormonal background young ladies contribute to the development of everything at once, and not taking advantage of this is a big mistake (if you don’t do it now, you will regret it later).
  • Secondly, it is worth understanding that training for teenagers 14, 16 and even 18 years old, aimed at strengthening the body and developing physical fitness, should be based mainly on complex exercises. Insulation here will not give the desired results, so it can and should be used only as a supplement to the main loads;
  • Thirdly, at a young age, the most natural movements are movements performed with your own weight. They harmoniously load the muscles without highlighting any specific muscle groups, which is a problem for teenagers. great importance;
  • Fourthly, exclusively strength training for teenagers is controversial. They will become truly effective when the skeleton is strengthened and the body stops growing on its own. So in this moment It is best to avoid them.
  • Fifthly, when adolescents are trained in bodybuilding, forceful vertical loads on a still fragile spine can lead to its curvature and the occurrence of joint diseases. However, this does not mean that exercises such as deadlifts should be abandoned. No. They just need to be diversified and/or shortened somewhat.

Also important point: training for teenagers 14 years old and older can be carried out not only for the purpose of developing the body, but also for losing weight. It will hardly come as a revelation to anyone if we say that young boys and girls suffer from excess weight as often as adults. This happens mainly due to proper nutrition consuming unhealthy and fatty foods, and disrupting the daily routine.

Solving this problem is actually not that difficult. Training teenagers to lose weight can be effective here, which will strengthen the body in the meantime. In essence, this is a program designed for an average of 3-4 classes per week. The exercises take no more than 20-30 minutes, and the whole complex is divided into 3 main parts - warm-up, cardio and strength part.

The warm-up when training teenagers to burn fat is usually short - about 4 minutes. During this time, you can have time to warm up and prepare your muscles for further stress. The most suitable exercises for this part are bending forward, running in place, swinging legs and some others.

In turn, cardio usually lasts about 6-8 minutes (no longer) and most often takes place in the form of jumping rope. Although there are alternatives - training on simulators ( treadmill, exercise bike, elliptical trainer etc.), intense running and others

In the third part of the workout for teenagers aimed at resetting excess weight, are carried out strength exercises, allowing you to give shape to all the muscles of the body. These primarily include: squats (15 repetitions), plank (1 minute), push-ups (15 times), plus forward lunges (20 times for each leg). You can also perform pull-ups of the knees to the chest from a lying position (10-12 repetitions), bicycle (20 movements), etc.

In general, such a workout for teenagers can help you lose significant weight within the first month. But do not forget that weight loss is based not only on physical activity, but also on proper nutrition. All food during classes, and not only that, should be balanced, and the meals themselves should be rationed, without excess.

Program, training system for teenagers

Returning to the topic of training aimed mainly at developing physical strength and muscles. The first thing worth noting is that many teenagers, and not only others, believe that the more and longer they train, the more noticeable the results in the end. This is partly true - short and infrequent training will not allow you to achieve noticeable progress, on the other hand, too long and frequent training will also not lead to anything good.

For ages 14 and older, it should be structured in such a way that classes last no more than an hour, but not less than half an hour. The best option, as many experts believe, is a workout that lasts about 45 minutes. It is known that after 60 minutes of intense exercise with loads, the level of testosterone in the body begins to fall, and cortisol, on the contrary, increases. This is an unacceptable scenario for those who strive to improve physical fitness, increase strength and, of course, lose excess weight.

In other words, a bodybuilding training program for a teenager should be based on rationality. Excessive exhaustion of the body, as well as a lack of exercise, is unlikely to have a positive effect on the results; moreover, this way you risk stumbling upon regression and increase the chances of injury. And do not forget that in the allotted time it is necessary to effectively pump each muscle, with the correct intensity and ideal technique.

Now to the point: the scheme, or more precisely, the training course for teenagers presented below, is designed primarily for those young guys (not only) who have already passed the “for beginners” stage and have some kind of base. You should also be aware of some basic rules regarding the frequency, speed and technique of performing exercises.

Recommended training frequency: The program should be performed 3 days in a row, with one day of rest. For example: on Monday - workout A, on Tuesday - workout B, on Wednesday - workout C, on Thursday we rest, and starting on Friday we repeat. If you need more time to rest, then you can train for 2 days in a row and rest for 1 day, and after getting used to it, increase the number of workouts to three in a row.

Training scheme for teenagers at the age of 14 years and older, recommended technique and pace. Speaking of technique, to prevent injury and maximize stimulation, you need to make sure that you perform all the exercises correctly. Never sacrifice technique to increase weights. If we are talking about speed, then the pace should be high - rest no more than 1 minute between approaches.

Workout 1 (triceps, shoulders, chest):

  • Exercises for the chest - dumbbell bench press (do 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions), incline barbell press (perform 4 sets of 12, 10, 8 and 8 repetitions, respectively), dumbbell flyes on a bench with an incline (do 3 sets 12-15 repetitions);
  • Shoulder exercises – lifting dumbbells from the sides in an inclined position (perform 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions) and simply lifting dumbbells from the sides (do 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions);
  • Exercises for triceps - arm extensions on a block (4 sets - an average of 10 repetitions), dips (we do 4 sets - 12, 10, 8 and 8 repetitions, respectively).

Training course for teenagers, 2nd lesson:

  • For the press – hanging leg raises (we do 4 sets with an average of 10-15 repetitions), as well as lifting the torso on an inclined bench (here we do 4 sets, again 10-15 repetitions each);
  • For the quadriceps - primarily leg press (3 sets - 10-12 repetitions), barbell squats (4 sets - 12, 10, 8 and 8 repetitions) and leg extensions (3 sets of 12-15 repetitions);
  • For the hamstrings – lunges and lying leg curls – 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Training scheme for teenagers, 3rd lesson:

  • Biceps exercises – dumbbell curls (3 sets – 10-12 reps), dumbbell curls with a hammer grip (3 sets – 12-15 reps), concentrated curls (4 sets – 8-12 reps) ;
  • On the back - pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip (3 sets of 10-12 repetitions are done), pull-ups with a wide straight grip (4 sets - 8-12 repetitions), pull-downs of the lower block (3 sets of 12-15 repetitions are done);
  • Exercises for the lower leg - calf raises (sitting and standing) - respectively, perform 4 sets of 15-20 repetitions and 4 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

In general, the above scheme or, if you prefer, training course for teenagers can help achieve significant improvements in the development of physical fitness and lay the basis for further improvement by the age of 18. Afterwards, when the body is formed, new opportunities will open up for you in the form of concentrated strength loads and more, with the help of which, with due dedication, you will reach even greater heights.

As a kind of afterword, we will present information that will be useful to adult athletes: in the AthleticPharma store you can quickly, easily and at the same time reliably order various pharmacological agents that are effective in sports practice. Thus, you can buy anabolic steroids, peptide drugs, as well as growth hormone, anti-estrogenic and other drugs from us, and do this at a competitive price.


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This is a guide for teenagers and parents. How to quickly pump up at home, in the yard and in the fitness club

  • How to practice at home?
  • What exercises should I do?
  • How should you eat to grow muscles?
  • What is protein?
  • How to lose weight if I'm fat?
  • How to learn to fight?

If you are a dead “nerd”, a fat “fat trust”, or just a “mama’s boy”. Read carefully, this article is for you. You sit at the computer all day long, or surf the Internet on your tablet or phone. Look at yourself in the mirror and see what you have become. Of course, your parents are to blame for everything; they should have fed you properly and forced you to train. Spend money and your time on your health. Give back in early childhood sports section. Hit your back (hard) if you slouch. Don’t let you sit around the clock online or in a game (according to medical standards, a child should sit at a computer for no more than one hour)…

But now you yourself are responsible for your body! If you don’t start studying urgently, right now, you will be finished to the letter “P”. I'll tell you what happens next.

Remember a few truths:

  • You will always be bullied
  • drive
  • let down
  • force oneself to work
  • take money
  • kick out of work

You won't have girls, you'll just surf porn sites and train your hands. And the girls will hang out (and not just hang out) with normal pumped up guys (or those who have money). When you get tired of masturbating, you'll go to pick-up artists and give a shitload of money to learn how to pick up girls. And you will walk for a very long time, as long as you have money, of course.

And even when you get married, your wife will cuckold you and will fuck with the same pumped up boys and men. These are the laws of our society, the laws of nature and life.

Kindergarten, school, college, work and even family, everyone lives by the same laws.

  • Who is stronger is right
  • Whoever can punch you in the face is right
  • Whom they fear and respect
  • Whoever is male is given

And you, my friend, have no chance, you can hang yourself or continue jerking off into the computer.

But if you decide to change, I wrote these instructions for you personally.

Where to begin? First three times a week, for example on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and then every day, you should exercise your body.

Remember, three basic exercises pumps up absolutely all the muscles of your body.

  • Push ups
  • Squats
  • Press

How many times?

  • All exercises are done 100 times!

Don’t be afraid, push-ups are not 100 times in a row, but 4 sets with different hand positions, 25 times. If you can’t complete 25 in a row, do as much as you can, at least once, but get 100. I understand that at first it’s very hard, long and tedious. But understand, you are training not only your body, but also your willpower. That’s it, at the initial stage you don’t need anything. Remember, dumbbells, barbells, that's all later. Gyms, for the most part, are a way of pumping money out of suckers. If you can’t do push-ups, squats and press exercises 100 times (4 to 25). You should absolutely not be allowed near the gym.

And I’ll say more, if you can’t do pull-ups on the horizontal bar, do push-ups and pump up your abs while hanging on the horizontal bar, it’s too early for you to touch the iron. This is a truth that has been tested over the years, decades. Unfortunately, now the main thing is not your result, not your health, but pumping money out of your pocket (or rather, your parents’ pocket).

And so if you do it every day. For quick results every day, if you do these simple exercises correctly, I guarantee results.

Exercise technique.


  • We start from top to bottom.
  • Head tilts, forward, backward, right to left, rotations and turns.
  • Do everything without jerking and gradually increase the amplitude.
  • Shoulder rotations, back and forth, like in school during physical education, if you were...
  • Rotations of the arms with a gradual increase in amplitude and speed, as always, forward and backward.
  • Rotations of the body with raised arms, right to left.
  • Rotation of the pelvis (butt), clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Knee rotations, an exercise for alpine skiers.
  • Warm up the ankle joints.
  • Bend forward towards the right and left legs.

All warm-up exercises are performed as many times as you are old. The younger you are, the shorter the warm-up. You can put your parents next to you and work out together, especially the warm-up, how long should they dress up to warm up?

Have you warmed up?

Now the main part, let's start with the hardest part of the workout, I think for you, with push-ups.

  • The first version of push-ups, place your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart, fingers forward.
  • The second version of push-ups is almost the same, but the fingers point to the sides.
  • The third option is to place your hands as wide as possible for push-ups, with your fingers pointing to the sides.
  • The fourth option is to place your hands as close to each other as possible.

Let me remind you that when doing push-ups, you rely only on your toes and hands, your abs are tightened. The back and legs are on the same line. Bend your arms and lightly touch your chest to the floor. We straighten our arms and rise to the starting position. Watch your breathing, go down - inhale, go up - exhale. If you can't do a normal push-up, lean on your knees.

Trust my coaching experience, if you can do 100 push-ups in four sets, you will be very strong and resilient. It’s not for nothing that push-ups are included in the physical training program of all armies of the world and any martial art.

  • Squats, everything is simple here, feet shoulder-width apart and off we go, four sets of 25 reps. Hold your hands as you wish, as you feel comfortable.
  • Press, lie on your back, legs bent, hands behind your head. From a lying position, without jerking we rise to a sitting position.

As always, if you can’t get up, fix your legs, it’s easier, or ask someone to hold you. Here are all the exercises for the initial stage.

Now a little about food.

If you eat hamburgers and chips, you will never gain muscle. This is another cruel truth of life. To have meat, you have to eat meat. Our muscles are made of protein, which means we need to eat protein foods - meat, fish, eggs, milk, kefir, cottage cheese.

To live, grow and exercise you need energy, you need the right carbohydrates. This is porridge, buckwheat and oatmeal; buns and potatoes only cause fat to grow on your belly and butt. Vegetables are needed for the intestines to function normally, and you can get some vitamins. But the main vitamins are greens, dill, parsley and so on. You should eat these foods at least three times a day, preferably four.

Carbohydrates (porridge) + protein (meat-fish-eggs-milk-kefir-cottage cheese) + vegetables (tomatoes-cucumbers) + herbs (dill, parsley).

Unfortunately, almost all fruits are now imported, processed with such chemicals that there is no benefit from them, only harm. And remember about breakfast, not the tea and sandwich your parents give you. Porridge with meat and salad. Do you understand?

Depending on who you are, a skinny goner or a fat fatty, adjust your diet. Read my articles on how to lose weight or how to eat healthy. In general, look around my site, the information is there. The Internet is not only for surfing Instagram and VK.

  • If you read this text, fall down and do 25 push-ups!

IN modern world many teenagers are ruining their health bad habits even before adulthood, and this problem is Lately is getting worse and worse. What happiness does their son or daughter bring to parents, who do not follow the bad example of their peers, but lead a healthy, sporty lifestyle! Unfortunately not the right approach Playing sports as a teenager can lead to serious injuries. From this article you will learn everything you need to do right for a teenager!

Training Basics for Teens

When doing fitness, teenagers' muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones are strengthened, which significantly reduces the risk of injury. Although a 16-year-old will not experience the same benefits from exercise as an adult, exercise will bring many benefits to their health and prepare their body for serious training.

For children under 12-15 years of age, exercises in which the spine works to “compress” and “twist” should not be performed. Young people from 16-17 years old can gradually introduce exercises such as: leg press, military press into the training program. If you start using them earlier, there is a risk of inhibiting the natural growth of the body and causing serious injuries to the spine.

An approximate algorithm for bodybuilding classes for teenagers:

12-16 years: It’s too early for you to start working with serious weights and exercises with weights, so your priority should be exercises with your own weight - pull-ups, crunches and hyperextensions, squats without weights, swimming, running, rope climbs, etc. You may think that you are already mature enough to move on to barbell training, but believe me:

  1. By doing exclusively the exercises listed above, it is quite possible to build beautiful figure for a teenager!
  2. Health is more valuable! Don’t get me wrong - working out in the gym is not dangerous if you have experience, have developed the correct technique for doing the exercises and have a formed skeleton. Otherwise, you can easily get injured, which, at best, will delay your desired figure for many months, and at worst, ruin your health forever.

17-19 years old: You can gradually introduce heavy exercises with a barbell, and begin classes according to a simplified “adult” training program. If you are more early age were engaged in fitness, then the transition will go smoothly and without troubles, and your body will transform before your eyes from a child’s to a man’s!

Example of a training program for teenagers 15-17 years old

The training program for teenagers, which is proposed below, has one feature: in it we work the whole body in one day. This is called circuit training. Exercise 3 times a week. Such training usually gives teenagers good results.

  • Bench press – 3x12
  • Dips 3x14
  • Pull-ups - maximum number of times 3xmax
  • Barbell squats (start with small weights and under the supervision of a trainer) 3x12
  • Hyperextension 3x20
  • Hanging leg raise 3z12

Example of a training program for guys 17-19 years old

Split training (2 muscle groups per day) 3 times a week.

Day 1 (chest, biceps)

  • Bench press 3x8 (+ 2 warm-up sets required)
  • Incline Dumbbell Press 3x8
  • Push-ups on wide bars 3xmax
  • Hanging leg raise 3xmax
  • Standing biceps curl 3x8
  • Scott bench 3x8

Day 2 (back, triceps)

  • Deadlift 3x10 (with 2 warm-up approaches)
  • Pull-ups 4xmax
  • Shrugs 3x10
  • Dips 3xmax
  • French press 3x8

Day 3 (legs, shoulders)

  • Squats 3x10 (with warm-up)
  • Leg press 3x8
  • “Donkey” 3x15
  • Seated dumbbell press 3x10
  • Standing barbell press 3x10
  • Crunches 3xmax

The life of a teenager is full of temptations, starting from the early years of training, many teenagers want a beautiful figure with muscles, for this many teenagers start working out or in the gym, everyone has their own choice, but many teenagers, starting their classes, prefer to work out at home so that no one can see them ! During adolescence, many teenagers have many complexes, one of the complexes is being embarrassed about their figure!

Exercises for a teenager aged 13,14,15,16,17 to lose weight at home

Figure in adolescence at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old photo

This First stage formation of the muscles of the human skeleton and if you do not engage in physical exercise from an early age, you can neglect yourself from early childhood and gain excess weight.

The main problem that causes weight gain in adolescence

The answer is simple, it’s the wrong teenager who doesn’t like home-cooked food, but likes to eat all sorts of goodies, preferring McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King, such food and lifestyle if you eat like this every day or every other day, you can quickly gain excess weight and get fat, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, potatoes fries, sugary drinks, fried wings, and other fast food foods contain a lot of calories, so if there is only fast food, the child quickly gains fat and gets fat, the growth of a teenager’s own weight depends not only on the food that the child consumes, his genetics also influences who he is. a thin body type who is not inclined to gain weight quickly compared to an endomorph who is prone to gain excess weight quickly! By ignoring the basic nutritional rules of how a teenager should eat, your child may become fat and fat during adolescence!

How to lose weight for a teenager aged 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old at home

The nutrition of a teenager in adolescence should be correct from an early age, so from childhood it is best to accustom yourself to homemade food, which is much healthier compared to fast food, where except large quantity calories contained in various food additives that are harmful to the body!

Breakfast of a teenager at 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old

What are slow carbohydrates?

Organic compounds that are classified as polysaccharides in their chemical structure are called complex and slow carbohydrates. Their molecule contains a variety of monosaccharides, a lot of glucose and fructose.

Many vital important processes in the body occur with the participation of monosaccharides. They promote the processing of fats and proteins and have a positive effect on the liver. Food containing a high concentration of slow carbohydrates is best consumed before lunch, when carbohydrate metabolism has not yet slowed down.

Lunch dinner for a teenager at 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old

A teenager’s lunch and dinner should also be complete and consist of: the right products nutrition, and if we talk about the menu, these are soups, chicken, borscht, cabbage soup, these are the main first courses for second courses, you can also eat porridge so that you have more strength and energy during the day; carbohydrates are the energy that a person needs during the day to feel Fine!

Fruits and vegetables for breakfast for lunch - dinner

Healthy nutrition for a teenager means not only eating soups and cereals, but also eating every day during the day so that the body feels adequate in vitamins; you must eat fruits and vegetables, for example, fruits are best in the morning, you can eat an apple, pear, banana, kiwi, grapefruit, and other fruits, vegetables in the morning you don’t always want to eat, so the recommendation for vegetables is to eat them for lunch and dinner in the form of a salad, the best option for soup is as a second course instead of porridge. Vegetable salad cucumber, tomato, pepper, herbs, dressed olive oil this is the best option.

How to lose weight quickly for a teenager in 1 week, 2 - 3 weeks, a month.

Diet for boys and girls to lose weight

You can lose weight at home if you follow the basic rules of nutrition and 10 rules for doing it at home, without performing any fitness exercises on machines.

  • Limit consumption of flour products
  • Limit fried foods
  • Limit sugary foods
  • Eat no more than 3 times a day
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables for breakfast lunch dinner
  • Limit fast food
  • Drink more water
  • Eat meat or fish once a day
  • Eat only protein foods with minimal carbohydrates
  • Limit fatty foods

How to lose weight for a teenager without a diet by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10,15, 20 kg

Miracles in this world happen very often, but you will not be able to believe that you can quickly lose weight while eating everything, drinking, without proper nutrition, the physiological characteristics of the body are designed in such a way that if you have gained extra pounds of weight by overeating, then you need to now undereat so that the weight begins to decrease down to your normal weight, when you start to eat less, the body itself will slowly begin to use its fat reserves as the main source of energy and you will lose weight. It is important to adhere to the restrictions that we wrote about above in order to start losing weight.

How to gain muscle mass for a teenager at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old

Weak muscles of the back, arms, legs in adolescence, many are pushed to do fitness classes at home or in the gym to strengthen the muscle corset of all muscle groups so that they become strong and resilient! In addition to muscle strength, it is important and recommended to train and play sports so that in adolescence there is correct posture and there was a straight, straight back.

Fitness at home for beginners at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old

To build muscle mass for a teenager at home, you need to fulfill a number of requirements: train every week 2-3 times a week and perform strength exercises! Strength exercises can be performed both with your own weight, and also performing this type of training by combining exercises with your own weight and additional equipment is considered the best option for a teenager!

Bodyweight exercises for teenagers

The abdominal muscles of adolescents are always weak, so it is important that the core muscles are strong in adolescence. The core muscles include the obliques, rectus abdominis, lumbar region muscles. Basic effective exercises for teenagers, back, leg muscles, exercise.

Exercises for weak back muscles for a teenager at home

  • Torso bending while lying on your back
  • Bike
  • Riveting
  • Lying torso twist
  • Boat lying on stomach
  • Plank
  • T bar

Exercises for weak muscles of the legs, chest, shoulders at home

  • Classic squats
  • Sumo squats
  • Lunges in place
  • Deep squats
  • Pushups
  • Narrow push-ups

Exercises for a teenager aged 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old with dumbbells and a barbell

Exercises for a teenager at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old for biceps

  • Standing barbell curl
  • Standing dumbbell curl
  • Hammer grip curl with dumbbells
  • Reverse grip curl with barbell

Triceps exercises for teenagers aged 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

  • French bench press
  • Bent over arm extension
  • Sitting overhead arm extension with a dumbbell
  • Close-grip bench press

Exercises for a teenager aged 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years on the back

  • Bent-over rows with a classic waist grip
  • Close-grip bent-over row
  • Classic pull-ups
  • Reverse grip pull-ups

Exercises for a teenager aged 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old on the chest

  • Bench press on a horizontal bench with a barbell
  • Bench press with dumbbells on a bench
  • Lying arm raises with dumbbells

Exercises for a teenager aged 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years on legs with a barbell

  • Classic squats with a barbell
  • Front Squats
  • Lunges with a barbell

Shoulder exercises for teenagers aged 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

  • Standing press with dumbbells
  • Barbell standing press
  • Raising arms to the side

A set of exercises for teenagers13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old

By using physical exercise about which we wrote, you can build up muscle mass or lose weight and change your figure completely so that muscles appear, but before you start exercising, you need to understand how many repetitions and approaches you need to do in one workout, as well as how many exercises to do in one workout, and understand many training rules , which cannot be described in a nutshell!

That's why best program training for a teenager (a set of exercises) is best done with a coach who knows the approach to how a teenager should train in adolescence and knows his strengths and weaknesses!

Before the trainer draws up an individual set of exercises, consisting of all muscle groups, the trainer finds out the health status of the teenager and finds out the purpose of the training, and in the future he will write and draw up a training program (set of exercises) so that the teenager’s training is effective! From an early age of training, it is recommended that a teenager train with a professional trainer, since doing physical exercises or in the gym without insurance can harm himself. The trainer is an assistant in everything and knows how to pump up a teenager or lose weight for a girl and a man at a young age.

According to statistics, 7.7% (data for Russia) of girls aged 12 to 17 years suffer from excess weight, 1.6% from obesity. For boys, the situation is even more dire: 11.2% and 2.5%, respectively. The peak occurs at 12 and 13 years of age - the period of puberty. By age 18, the percentages in all groups decrease significantly, but still indicate the presence of a serious problem. It is not surprising that recently it has received special attention in pediatrics. Extra pounds that appear literally out of nowhere during this age period subsequently significantly worsen the quality of life of already matured people.

In most cases, parents try to solve the problem on their own, which only makes it worse. Losing weight for teenagers should be completely different from losing weight for adults. There should be no mono or strict diets with exhausting workouts. Otherwise, children will have to pay with their own health.

Causes of excess weight

Many people mistakenly believe that if a teenager begins to actively gain weight, then it’s all about hormones. Indeed, puberty comes to the fore, but not always. It is at this age that many other diseases begin to manifest themselves. We should not forget about the maturation of the individual who is trying to establish own rules lives that are not always the norm for a child. The result is early smoking, drinking harmful drinks, lack of sleep, and passion for gadgets. All this leads to problems with body weight.

The first priority for parents of a teenager who is gaining weight is to find out why this is happening. Experts name the following provoking factors:

  • gene mutations and chromosomal syndromes: Prader-Willi, Cohen, Ahlström, fragile X chromosome, pseudohypoparathyroidism, Down;
  • physical inactivity;
  • hormonal imbalance during puberty, early sexual activity;
  • long-term or uncontrolled use of certain medications (glucocorticoids, antibiotics, antidepressants, and in girls - hormonal contraceptives);
  • heredity;
  • lack of sleep;
  • neuroendocrine diseases: Itsenko-Cushing, Chiari-Frommel, diabetes insipidus, empty sella syndrome, hypothyroidism;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine;
  • binge eating, poor nutrition, passion for snacks, fast food and carbonated drinks, and in especially advanced cases, beer or stronger alcohol;
  • skull injuries, brain tumors, hemoblastosis.

Before organizing weight loss for teenagers, it is necessary to carefully analyze the state of their health from birth and the lifestyle they currently lead. This will allow you to focus on the key point and eliminate the provoking factor. Agree, it is stupid to starve a child with diets if he has a chromosomal syndrome, and vice versa - to drag him to doctors and stuff him with medicines if he overeats on chips and fast food every day.

Age characteristics

WHO defines adolescence as the period from 12 to 17 years (+/- 1 year). In this case, a junior level (up to 14 inclusive) and a senior, youth level are distinguished. Typically, excess weight gain is diagnosed at 13-14 years of age, when most people experience puberty. Hormonal surges coupled with the formation of personality lead to nervous experiences. Some react to them by almost completely refusing to eat, paying with dystrophy, vitamin deficiencies, excessive thinness, etc. Others begin to eat problems and go beyond the normal weight line.

At 15-16 years of age, puberty gradually ends, as does the formation of personality. By this age, a teenager has established a circle of friends, hobbies, and relationships with adults. If the teenage crisis has already been overcome, appropriate measures have been taken and excess weight was not dictated by illness, the extra pounds will go away safely. If the child and parents were unable to recognize and solve the problem in a timely manner, leaving the diet and daily routine unchanged, unfortunately, there is every chance of reaching adulthood with a diagnosis of obesity (read more about this disease).

When organizing weight loss, you need to take into account age characteristics. Adolescents experience not only puberty, but also the formation of many other body systems. First of all, endocrine, and it is she who is responsible for the norm or pathology of weight. An incorrectly selected diet or too intense training can result in serious hormonal disruption.

Therefore, it is so important that a teenager lose weight under the constant supervision of specialists - endocrinologists, gynecologists, psychiatrists, nutritionists, fitness trainers. The reason for contacting may be deviations from the weight standards established by WHO.

If you are tall, the table data can be increased accordingly.

Associated manifestations

Trouble does not come alone - this expression exactly reflects the essence of excess weight in adolescents. In addition to extra pounds on the scale, attentive parents will notice other unhealthy manifestations:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • hypertension;
  • headache;
  • deformation of the figure (appearance of fat folds);
  • profuse sweating;
  • swelling;
  • depressed state, irritability;
  • development of internal complexes, isolation from peers;
  • in girls - menstrual irregularities.

There is no need to attribute frequent headaches and pressure surges at this age solely to puberty. It is characterized by a different clinical picture. And if 3-4 symptoms from this list are superimposed on excess weight, it’s time to take measures for urgent weight loss.


It’s worth starting with a complete review of what and how the child eats. The first unshakable rule for parents and teenagers themselves (especially girls) is that diets at this age are prohibited. No matter how many resources convince you that you need a low-carb or low-fat diet, do not believe it. The only way out is to organize proper nutrition. Its principles have long been known:

  • fractionalfood();
  • plenty of drinking regime;
  • balanced and varied diet;
  • menu basis - fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish and milk;
  • no overeating;
  • hourly meals;
  • don't overeat before bed.

The daily caloric intake for teenage girls should not be lower than 2,500 kcal, for boys - 2,800 kcal. Parents should not be surprised by such inflated figures, since at this age:

  • metabolic rate is increased;
  • teenagers engage in intense mental activity (study);
  • There is an intensive development of organs and systems of the body.

The ideal ratio of BJU (what it is and why you need to adhere to the calculated proportions, read) for losing weight at this age is 1/1/4, in order to provide the growing body with the necessary energy.

Authorized products:

  • jam, jam, jelly, marshmallow, honey, dark chocolate;
  • beef, veal, lamb, rabbit, venison, chicken, turkey;
  • homemade crackers, rye and whole grain bread, toast;
  • ginger;
  • porridge;
  • mineral water, coffee, black and green tea, compote, freshly squeezed homemade juices;
  • milk, kefir, cream, sour cream, fermented baked milk, kumiss, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese;
  • vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, mushrooms, nuts;
  • olive, linseed oil;
  • fish, seafood;
  • candied fruits, dried fruits;
  • eggs.

Prohibited products:

  • alcoholic, carbonated, energy drinks, store-bought juices;
  • baguette, lavash, wheat bread, baked goods;
  • candies, cakes, halva, ice cream, cakes, sugar, chocolate (except dark);
  • mayonnaise, soy sauce, ketchup;
  • pasta;
  • pork, lard, bacon, ham, semi-finished meat products;
  • fast food, chips, store-bought crackers and other snacks.

Sample menu for the week

Physical activity

Modern children sit on phones and computers all day long, which only contributes to the accumulation of excess body weight. Therefore, it is so important to offer them a program for weight loss through sports:

  • daily: morning 20-minute exercises, half-hour jogging, walks in the fresh air (from 1 hour);
  • training (cardio + strength exercises): 2-3 times a week;
  • compulsory attendance at all physical education lessons and passing all standards;
  • girls: , shaping, dancing;
  • guys: wrestling, working with simulators;
  • universal sports: swimming, tennis, cycling;
  • team games, competitions;
  • hiking, trips, recreational activities.

Let the teenager choose the exercises himself, in accordance with his physical fitness (this will help). It will solve several problems at once: it will promote weight loss, recharge you with energy for the whole day, and for parents it will solve the problem of waking up for school.

But training is much more serious than ordinary exercise. Ideally, the training program should be compiled by an experienced trainer who has a certificate in working with children. Approximate complexes exercises may not be suitable for the child due to physical fitness and health status - these are too individual indicators that cannot be ignored.

We can only give examples of such programs, but they require appropriate adjustments for each specific teenager.

Home workouts for girls

other methods

The main weight loss program for teenagers includes examination by specialists, proper nutrition and feasible training. This is enough for safe weight loss. There should not be any extreme or express methods in it.

Weight loss drugs that are approved for use from an early age are constantly causing controversy. Their list is small:

  • - prescribed for the treatment of obesity from 12 years of age;
  • - only for weight loss caused by diabetes mellitus Type II, from 10 years;
  • - Chinese dietary supplement for weight loss: according to the instructions, it is allowed from the age of 16, although its use at such an early age raises many doubts among experts.

Before giving your child one of these drugs, you need to understand that losing weight in adolescence with one wrong step can affect your entire future life. They have a lot side effects, which, superimposed on the formation of a growing organism, can take dangerous forms. Therefore, these drugs can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. All other tablets are contraindicated.

Weight loss drugs approved for use by teenagers

Those weight loss methods that adults use are mostly prohibited for teenagers: body wraps, salon treatments, and shapewear will only harm the growing body.

In a number of countries, the problem of excess weight in adolescents is solved surgically. However, in practice it does not confirm its effectiveness at such an early age. Children have to deal with post-operative complications, and over time there are frequent relapses in weight gain. High risk deaths forcing doctors and parents to abandon such radical methods of losing weight.


If the problem of excess weight is not addressed during adolescence, it can lead to serious complications in the future. Here are just a few of them:

  • androgen deficiency;
  • apnea;
  • infertility;
  • gynecomastia;
  • hyperandrogenism;
  • hypertension;
  • dyslipidemia;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal and digestive systems;
  • gallstones;
  • carbohydrate metabolism disorders;
  • pathologies of sexual development;
  • psychosocial disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus type II.

Parents who care about the health of their child must constantly monitor his BMI (the norms and formulas for calculating it are in ours). If the scale shows extra pounds, you need to organize weight loss by changing the diet and introducing the teenager to sports. In the absence of diseases, this will be enough.

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