Symbol of world wildlife. World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) was founded in 1961. It became famous and financially independent 10 years after its inception.

   Basic data:
Future plans

   In 1991 World Fund wildlife(WWF) has developed a long-term program to preserve the full life of humanity - called “Caring for the Earth”. This program asks the question: How the best way behave according to natural resources? Answer: By recycling waste! It is necessary to consistently restore everything that was used for human needs. In those places where trees were cut down, new ones need to be planted. It is also necessary to limit the pace of development of natural resources.
   The most important part of the program is actions aimed at reducing pollution environment. It is effective to prevent losses or correct the situation at the initial stage. The key to the campaign's success is education. WWF disseminates information about what needs to be done to save the Earth. Now WWF unites 27 national branches and 5 associate members, as well as more than 5,000,000 individual members.
   Every second, the tropical jungle disappears in an area equal to 15 tennis courts. "Caring for the Earth" has the goal of stopping this process.

   In 1998, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF, World Wide Fund for Nature) opened a project office in Odessa - the first in Ukraine. It was created mainly for work in the Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta. The project office was founded by DCPO (WWF Danube-Carpathian Program Office) to implement the "Partners for Wetlands" project in the Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta in April 1998.
   Currently, the Ukrainian office of the World Wildlife Fund is implementing three projects: "Carpathian Ecoregion Initiative", "Partners for Wetlands", as well as one small project in Moldova. The official budget of this office is about a million dollars, in addition, it received additional funds through cooperation with the Ukrainian branch of the TACIS (Technical Assistance for Community of Independent States) program. The WWF Ukrainian office is not subordinate to other offices; it works independently. At first it was planned to support the Ukrainian office for three years, but in April 2001 its work was considered successful, so funding was continued.
   Bluebills, such as the silver bluebill (Polyommatus coridon), live primarily on dry, grassy slopes. In Europe it protects biotopes that are disappearing, as well as rare inhabitants of these places.
   National organizations are involved in nature conservation in specific regions. A roe deer conservation program is being introduced in the UK.

   The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is an international public organization that subsidizes efforts to protect and study endangered or rare animal species, plants and their habitats. Its goal is to make people come to their senses and take a rational approach to the use of natural resources.


   In 1988, the name of the fund was changed from World Wildlife Fund to World Wide Fund for Nature. The name was supposed to emphasize the new direction of the world organization's activities. Actions to protect certain species or territories were continued, but most of campaigns were aimed at protecting the natural resources of our planet. They are related to the protection of the atmosphere and water resources, as well as with the economical use of renewable and non-renewable sources of raw materials and energy. He began to influence pharmaceutical concerns so that they use not only environmentally friendly raw materials, but also clean technologies. The Foundation also influences the decisions of various governments not to pollute the environment.
   At first glance, deserted, but unique in its composition, the landscape of Antarctica is the last innocent natural region on our planet.


   In 1961, the abbreviation WWW stood for World Wildlife Fund, that is, the World Wildlife Fund. The change in the name of the World Wide Fund for Nature was intended to highlight the organization's reorientation. Thus, at the beginning of its activities, the World Fund was limited only to the protection of endangered species of animals. Now the Foundation is implementing programs to preserve animals and their natural habitats.
   In Mexico, WWF is trying to save great monarchs who are threatened by collectors and forest destruction.


   The basis for WWF's success is financial support and wise use Money. Money comes to the WWF account from three sources: membership fees, government subsidies and donations from individuals and organizations. More than half of the money comes to the Foundation as charitable donations from organizations and individuals. The World Fund is supported by intermediaries, sponsors and public organizations. WWF reaches out to society through its own publications in newspapers and magazines, books, posters, through libraries, intermediaries, funds mass media and advertising. The selection of programs that the World Fund undertakes to finance is carried out by a group of specialist consultants. WWF supports programs for the protection of wildlife and untouched areas. WWF initiatives include, for example, the conservation of the Amazon rainforest and African elephants. The fund's capabilities are closely related to financing issues. Part of WWF funds is invested to increase its capital.
   One of WWF's first actions was to restore the number of rhinoceroses.


   Today, WWF is an influential organization operating on 5 continents. The Foundation's headquarters are located in Geneva. And back in 1961, when several people announced the creation of the World Wildlife Fund, no one paid any attention to it. The Foundation now unites 27 national branches and representative offices in 12 countries, as well as more than 5,000,000 individual members. Over more than 40 years of existence, WWF has implemented 11,000 projects in 130 countries, and in the 80s it financed environmental projects worth a total of $325 million. One of the first major projects was Project Tiger (1973). The Foundation has collaborated with the Indian government and participated in programs to protect the natural environment of Indian tigers. Experts managed to double the population size, but tigers still need protection. An example of a successful campaign would be a program to preserve Antarctica and stop mining there.
   In the jungles of Koruna (Cameroon), local plants and animals are constantly being monitored.

The largest leopard protection and tiger conservation organization, the Wildlife Foundation (WWF), held its annual Earth Hour event. This year, 172 countries and over 7,000 cities of the planet took part in the flash mob. The protesters turned off the lights and household electrical appliances for 1 hour.

In Moscow, during Earth Hour, the lighting of 820 objects was turned off, including the Moscow Kremlin, Stalinist high-rises, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Luzhniki, the Bolshoi Theater, the State Duma and Federation Council buildings, most buildings on the Garden Ring, Novy Arbat, Tverskaya Street, buildings stations, Ostankino TV tower, pavilions of the central alley of VDNKh, etc.

It is strange that the state flags have not yet been lowered for the duration of the “action”. The surrender rehearsal is reminiscent of this flash mob. It’s just a brilliant thing - an annual voluntary “measurement” of loyalty to the Church of Global Warming, the religion of eco-fascism, according to the main tenets of which man is, in general, a bastard and a dirty man, a tyrant of wildlife and an oppressor of the tiger. Accordingly, he must, at a minimum, moderate his ardor in conquering nature, and, at maximum, leave the first roles of the king, the conqueror of nature, to secondary ones. Nature, not “disfigured” by human intervention, comes to the forefront.

The conductor of this essentially anti-human “religion” is both WWF and the same GREENPEACE. The main task of these “ecologists” is to propagate the cessation of human development. Yes, energy saving, yes, emission-reducing technologies harmful substances. Everything is great. Just the main thing world production concentrated, for example, in China. If China, as a global factory, complies with all the standards for energy saving, cleaning and other extremely expensive and extremely difficult to implement in today’s realities, then industrial production For the most part, China will have to scale back. Because it does not satisfy any conditional Kyoto Protocol. With all the consequences for the population of the Middle Kingdom.

So it turns out that all these “high standards” are applicable only in the super-developed countries of Europe and the USA, which, in many ways, have long since stepped over the industrial stage of development, and are in the post-industrial phase, producing, in fact, only two things. 1).Money, 2). Weapon. Money whose solvency is ensured by weapons.

Since humanity will soon cross the threshold when a huge number of people will not be needed to produce material goods and protect national interests (roboticization, globalization) - these large masses of people in industrial powers are becoming superfluous. But destroying them without first dehumanizing them is still weak for a global state. Its own population will not understand. So they are preparing him for the fact that if you pollute the air with smoke from a factory, or the sea with an oil platform, then you are, as it were, already an enemy.

And the tiger is environmentally friendly, he is a friend. Let a billion Chinese or Indians who do not meet the Euro-5 environmental standard die, if only the cute tiger lives and eats to its full.

Hence a bunch of videos demonstrating the rapid ossification and brutalization of our media community:

They, the poor ones, don’t understand that by filming such videos, WWF uses them for very specific purposes. They, the actors and troubadours, think that they protect tigers and bring benefits. And they are used only as recognizable bodily shells to push into the consciousness of our citizens thinking models according to which man is the enemy of the living. The enemy of life on Earth. And the media beau monde grimaces and tries:

Let's return to the so-called. "Earth Hour". When I hear the words “Earth Hour,” somehow a picture from the video for the late M. Jackson’s wonderful song “Earth Song” immediately appears before my eyes. The song is about the fact that man, in fact, is worse than animals.

In my opinion, there is a direct connection between today’s WWF eco-fascism, which asserts the superiority of nature over “dirty” man, and the videos of first-rate pop stars, for example, Jackson or Madonna.

The Earth Hour action is a politically complex nesting doll structure.

The first layer, the outer shell, is for good purposes, we will protect nature and save energy. Drozdov, Daineko, officials.

1. The start of the action in Moscow was given on Tverskaya Square near the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky. Director of WWF Russia Igor Chestin and head of the Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow Anton Kulbachevsky, using a symbolic switch, “turned off” the lighting throughout the city.

Igor Chestin, Anton Kulbachevsky, Doctor of Biological Sciences, host of the TV show “In the World of Animals” Nikolai Drozdov, Director of the Department of Transport and Development of Road Transport Infrastructure of the Moscow Government Maxim Liksutov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Maxim Shingarkin and singer Victoria Daineko also spoke to the participants of the action on Tverskaya area.

2. The director of WWF Russia drew attention to the fact that the Earth Hour campaign has, first of all, symbolic meaning, and every year the World Wildlife Fund tries to raise awareness among participants about its conservation initiatives. Igor Chestin called on everyone present to go to the website and leave signatures in defense of the Arctic.

We go to the website - and we see a request to sign an appeal to V. Putin about curtailing for 10 years projects for the development of oil fields by Russia in the Russian segment of the Arctic.

We press the button and read:

That is, by going to the WWF page? dedicated to “Earth Hour”, first you are automatically asked to sign a certain petition to the President of the Russian Federation.

What kind of petition is this? And this is practically a requirement.

Let's comment on some points.

As a result of falling oil prices, Russia and other countries around the world are facing 2015 with new economic realities. Under these conditions, the development of Arctic oil fields has become absolutely unprofitable.

It is absolutely unprofitable to extract oil. Do you hear? Absolutely. We know this for sure. And it will remain unprofitable. We have accurate information. Where? And from there. A weak, cheap trick from the assortment of NLP specialists.

It is also very important for us, as an environmental organization, that these types of projects carry unacceptably high environmental risks. Russian Arctic is in danger due to the lack of effective technologies, means and forces for mining companies to quickly respond and eliminate the consequences of oil spills in ice conditions. The situation is further complicated by sanctions that prevent purchases abroad. modern equipment to ensure the safety of offshore production.

"Russian! Give up! In captivity, rest and hot goulash await you!” The lines of the address to the President simply ooze poison and bile.

In the current situation, we call for a 10-year delay in the development of offshore oil fields in the Arctic within the framework of licensing agreements already issued to Gazprom and Rosneft, as well as for the exclusion of Arctic projects from the investment programs of these companies.

But, in fact, this is what everything was started for.

As always, for sweet speeches about helping children and protecting nature, we are asked to sell the industrial future. In the 90s, the USSR was thrown out of the threshold of the post-industrial world, which it was already ready to enter, into the pre-industrial one. And now the West, with the help of its “soft power” in the form of WWF and other Greenpeace, wants to leave Russia in the pre-industrial phase.

Hence the frantic concern for our little animals. About our water and air. About our land. They always care about what they want to eat. In this situation, only the so-called remains unnecessary. “order population” of our territories.

Hence, actually, two questions.

1. How far does the cooperation of the manager go? Department of Moscow A. Kulbachevsky with specific funds and organizations like WWF? From what point in the official’s biography does this joint work last?

2. Why do you need to humiliate yourself by cutting off power to the Kremlin, Stalin’s high-rise buildings (and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior? State Duma and Federation Council? The symbolism in turning a joint switch is not a joke at all. Who needs it? And for what purposes?

Note the cynical, mockingly perverted Earth Hour symbol. Why is GUM burning like a temple of trade, and the stars in the Kremlin are extinguished? Why is this so? Why not the other way around?

30-03-2015, 22:03

😆Tired of serious articles? Cheer yourself up

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is one of the world's largest public charitable organizations, working for more than 40 years to protect nature around the planet. Every year WWF carries out over 1200 environmental projects, attracting the attention of millions of people to environmental problems and their solutions.

WWF's mission is to prevent the increasing degradation of the planet's natural environment and achieve harmony between man and nature. the main objective- preservation of the Earth's biological diversity. The symbol of the World Wildlife Fund is the giant panda.

History of creation
The World Wildlife Fund was founded in 1961, the founders of the fund are the Englishmen Peter Scott, Luke Hoffman and Guy Montfort. WWF gained fame and financial independence 10 years after its inception. In 1971, the president of the foundation, Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, personally addressed one thousand of the most influential and famous people world with a request to support WWF and donate 10 thousand dollars to the management of the fund. The capital thus collected ($10 million) became the basis of a trust fund, which, based on the number of its participants - a thousand invitees plus Prince Bernard - was called "Trust 1001 for Nature Conservation." You can be among the chosen ones only after a personal invitation from the prince and payment of the entrance fee. The "1001" club consists of members of the Rothschild and Rockefeller clans, the highest persons of the royal houses of Europe, richest people from the countries of the Near and Middle East.
The current President of the Foundation is His Royal Highness Prince Philip (UK).

Over the more than forty years of its existence, the World Wildlife Fund has grown into an influential organization and operates in more than 130 countries around the world. WWF unites 28 national branches, they are headed by famous and respected people in their countries, including royalty, as, for example, in Sweden and Spain, where the monarchs themselves took up the cause of wildlife conservation. The World Wildlife Fund is also supported by more than 5 million individual members.

More than half of the money comes to the Foundation as charitable donations from organizations and individuals. Since its inception, WWF has provided funds for about 11,000 projects in 130 countries.

The WWF International Secretariat is located in Switzerland.

WWF Russia
In Russia, the first projects of the World Wildlife Fund began in 1988, and in 1994 the Russian representative office of WWF was opened. In 2004, the World Wildlife Fund became a Russian national organization. During its existence in Russia, WWF has successfully implemented more than 150 field projects in 40 regions of Russia.

Main programs of WWF Russia:
Forest program
- preservation of the biological diversity of Russian forests based on the transition to sustainable forest management and their protection.
Maritime program- sustainable use of marine resources and protection of marine fauna and flora.
Climate program- prevention of climate change and adaptation to its consequences.

WWF carries out projects to preserve rare species of animals that are on the verge of extinction: the Far Eastern leopard, Amur tiger, bison, snow leopard, Siberian white crane and Siberian crane. The Foundation is working to create protected systems in priority ecoregions natural areas(reserves, national parks, sanctuaries, etc.). Also, one of the activities of WWF in Russia is greening oil and gas sector Russia - prevention and reduction negative impact oil and gas sector of the economy on the nature of Russia through increasing the environmental responsibility of companies.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) works in the areas most important for preserving the diversity of wildlife - in the so-called ecoregions. Worldwide, WWF has identified more than 200 ecoregions (Global 200). In Russia, WWF operates in fourteen ecoregions, the most important being the Far East, Altai and the Caucasus.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is one of the world's largest public charities, working for more than 40 years to protect nature around the planet. Every year, WWF carries out over 1,200 environmental projects, attracting the attention of millions of people to environmental problems and their solutions.

WWF's mission is to prevent the increasing degradation of the planet's natural environment and achieve harmony between man and nature. The main goal is to preserve the Earth's biological diversity. The symbol of the World Wildlife Fund is the giant panda.

History of creation
The World Wildlife Fund was founded in 1961, the founders of the fund are the Englishmen Peter Scott, Luke Hoffman and Guy Montfort. WWF gained fame and financial independence 10 years after its inception. In 1971, the president of the fund, Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, personally appealed to a thousand of the most influential and famous people in the world with a request to support WWF and donate 10 thousand dollars to the management of the fund. The capital thus collected ($10 million) became the basis of a trust fund, which, based on the number of its participants - a thousand invitees plus Prince Bernard - was called "Trust 1001 for Nature Conservation." You can be among the chosen ones only after a personal invitation from the prince and payment of the entrance fee. The "1001" club consists of members of the Rothschild and Rockefeller clans, the highest persons of the royal houses of Europe, and the richest people from the countries of the Near and Middle East.
The current President of the Foundation is His Royal Highness Prince Philip (UK).

Over the more than forty years of its existence, the World Wildlife Fund has grown into an influential organization and operates in more than 130 countries around the world. WWF unites 28 national branches, they are headed by famous and respected people in their countries, including royalty, as, for example, in Sweden and Spain, where the monarchs themselves took up the cause of wildlife conservation. The World Wildlife Fund is also supported by more than 5 million individual members.

More than half of the money comes to the Foundation as charitable donations from organizations and individuals. Since its inception, WWF has provided funds for about 11,000 projects in 130 countries.

The WWF International Secretariat is located in Switzerland.

WWF Russia
In Russia, the first projects of the World Wildlife Fund began in 1988, and in 1994 the Russian representative office of WWF was opened. In 2004, the World Wildlife Fund became a Russian national organization. During its existence in Russia, WWF has successfully implemented more than 150 field projects in 40 regions of Russia.

Main programs of WWF Russia:
Forest program
- preservation of the biological diversity of Russian forests based on the transition to sustainable forest management and their protection.
Maritime program- sustainable use of marine resources and protection of marine fauna and flora.
Climate program- prevention of climate change and adaptation to its consequences.

WWF carries out projects to preserve rare species of animals that are on the verge of extinction: the Far Eastern leopard, Amur tiger, bison, snow leopard, Siberian white crane and Siberian crane. The Foundation is working to create systems of protected natural areas (reserves, national parks, sanctuaries, etc.) in priority ecoregions. Also, one of the activities of WWF in Russia is the greening of the oil and gas sector of Russia - preventing and reducing the negative impact of the oil and gas sector of the economy on the nature of Russia through increasing the environmental responsibility of companies.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) works in the areas most important for preserving the diversity of wildlife - in the so-called ecoregions. Worldwide, WWF has identified more than 200 ecoregions (Global 200). In Russia, WWF operates in fourteen ecoregions, the most important being the Far East, Altai and the Caucasus.

The World Wildlife Fund was created in 1961 and united several people. Today, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is the world's largest non-governmental international environmental organization, operating in 130 countries and uniting 28 national branches around the world, as well as about 5 million individual members. WWF receives funds to implement its programs in the form of charitable donations from individuals, governments, international agencies and companies.

WWF's mission is to preserve the planet's biodiversity, and therefore priority areas of activity are the preservation of the main life-supporting natural ecosystems: forests, oceans, wetlands, coastal land areas. The Foundation's priority is the conservation of vital forest, freshwater, ocean and coastal ecosystems. For the forest biome, WWF's mission is to prevent forest loss and degradation.

WWF Russia is today one of the most powerful and influential non-governmental environmental organizations in Russia. In 1999, the WWF RP implemented over 50 projects with an annual budget of over 5 million US dollars in more than 35 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

WWF defines itself as an environmental organization engaged in the practical implementation of environmental programs and, on this basis, influencing environmental policy. WWF builds its work on the basis of selecting priority regions and concentrating efforts and resources on solving key environmental problems.

In Russia, WWF carries out the Forestry Program, the Marine Program, the Global Climate Change Program, and the Program for the Protection of Rare Species of Animals.

In accordance with the Strategy for the work of the Russian Representative Office, the World Wildlife Fund has, first of all, begun projects related to the protection of species for the conservation of which Russia is responsible on a global scale - the Amur tiger, the Far Eastern leopard, the Siberian crane, the snow leopard, the Russian muskrat, the European bison and others. National conservation strategies have been developed for these species and appropriate action plans have been prepared and implemented.

The main goal of the ongoing work is to create systems of protected natural areas in priority ecoregions that guarantee the long-term conservation of biological diversity and the sustainability of environmental conditions.

Thus, WWF Russia carries out the following activities:

    consulting employees of national parks and reserves, educators, representatives, public organizations and the media on topics related to environmental education and education for sustainable development;

    methodological support for organizations working in the field environmental education on topics related to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development;

in the regions where WWF projects are carried out (and on the topics of these projects):

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