Current composition of the customs union. Eurasian Economic Union


The Eurasian Economic Community (2001-2014) is an international economic organization of a number of former republics of the USSR. Was created for its promotion by participants in the process of forming the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space, as well as to deepen integration in the economic and humanitarian fields. Abolished in connection with the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The organization was created in full accordance with UN principles and norms international law and has international legal personality.


· 2000 in Astana by heads of state ( Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan ) the Treaty establishing the Eurasian Economic Community was signed. The Treaty lays down the concept of trade and economic cooperation to achieve the goals defined by the Treaty on the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space.

· In 2003, the EurAsEC was granted the status Observer to the UN General Assembly.

· In 2008, a meeting of the interstate council of the EurAsEC countries was held in Moscow. At the meeting it was decided on the suspension of Uzbekistan’s membership in the EurAsEC at the request of the President of this country Islam Karimov.

· In 2009 supranational body began work Customs Union - Customs Union Commission, a package of documents forming the legal basis of the Customs Union was signed, the Action Plan for the formation of the Common Economic Space was approved, the concepts of food security of the EurAsEC and the creation of the Eurasian innovation system were approved.

· After the formation of the Customs Union in 2010 At the EurAsEC summit, agreements were reached on the creation Eurasian Economic Union EAEU on the basis of the Common Economic Space of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia.

· In 2011, an agreement was signed on the creation free trade zones within the CIS.

· in 2013, Nazarbayev proposed dissolving the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), since with the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, the EurAsEC as an organization that largely duplicates its functions will not be needed.

· 2014 heads of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan signed documents in Minsk on the liquidation of the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) in connection with the start of the functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union on January 1, 2015

Customs Union The EAEU was formed in 2010 g, although the Agreement on its formation was concluded back in 2007. United customs territory created 2011 d. From that moment on, the Customs Union began to function fully.

Customs Union of the EAEU- a form of trade and economic integration Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan , providing single customs territory, within which customs duties and restrictions of an economic nature are not applied in mutual trade in goods, with the exception of special protective, anti-dumping and countervailing measures. At the same time, member countries of the Customs Union apply uniform customs tariffs and other regulatory measures when trading with third countries.

Eurasian Economic Commission- a permanent supranational regulatory body of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) (before its creation - the Customs Union (CU) and the Common Economic Space (SES)).

In 1995 The leaders of Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, and a little later of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, signed the first agreement on the creation of the Customs Union, which later transformed into the EurAsEC.

  • 2007 in Dushanbe signed by Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia Agreement on the creation of a unified customs territory and the formation of the Customs Union.
  • In 2009, a meeting between Medvedev, Lukashenko and Nazarbayev was held in Minsk on the creation of single customs space.
  • In 2010, the Common Customs Tariff of the three countries came into force.
  • The unified Customs Code came into force.
  • On April 1, 2011, transport control was abolished on the border between Russia and Belarus. It was moved to the outer contour of the borders of the Customs Union.
  • On July 1, 2011, all customs control was also moved to the outer contour of the borders of the Customs Union. Border and migration controls were maintained at internal borders.

When the Customs Union was created, concerns were expressed that the Customs Union rules might conflict with WTO rules.

In October 2011, all norms of the Customs Union were brought in full compliance with WTO standards . In addition, it was decided that if any CU member state joins the WTO, the rules of this organization will take precedence over the rules of the CU. On August 22, 2012, Russia became a full member of the WTO. In this regard, the Common Customs Tariff (CCT) of the countries of the Customs Union was updated taking into account the obligations of the Russian Federation to the WTO.

EAEU- international organization for regional economic integration with international legal personality and established by the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union. The EAEU provides freedom of movement of goods, as well as services, capital and work force , and the implementation of coordinated, coordinated or unified policies in sectors of the economy.

The member states of the Eurasian Economic Union are Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russian Federation. The EAEU was created for the purpose of comprehensive modernization, cooperation and increasing the competitiveness of national economies and creating conditions for stable development in the interests of improving the living standards of the population of the member states.

· After the agreements on the creation of the Customs Union within the EurAsEC came into force in 2010, an agreement was reached on the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union on the basis of the Common Economic Space of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia.

· 2011 The heads of the Eurasian Economic Community countries made a decision on the accession of Kyrgyzstan to the Customs Union Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

· Since 2012, on the territory of three member countries of the EurAsEC Customs Union, Single Economic Space ( EEA), formed to create conditions for the stable development of the economies of the participating states and improve the living standards of the population. The SES integration agreements began to operate in full in 2012.

· 2013 Armenia joins the Customs Union

In order to create a single economic space within the EAEU, it is proposed to create supranational structures:

  • Economic Commission;
  • Commission on Raw Materials (sets prices and quotas for raw materials and energy resources, coordinates policies in the field of production and sale of gold and other precious metals, etc.);
  • Fund for Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation, formed through contributions from the EAEU countries (finances promising knowledge-intensive economic and scientific-technical programs, provides assistance in solving a range of problems, including legal, tax, financial, environmental, etc.) ;
  • Commission on Interstate Financial-Industrial Groups and Joint Ventures;
  • International investment bank EAEU;
  • International Arbitration of the EAEU;
  • Commission for entering a monetary unit of account;
  • Ecology Commission.

Accession Agreement Vietnam in the EAEU – at the end of May this year

The Customs Union is an organization designed to facilitate externally economic activity between the countries of Eurasia. Currently in list of customs union countries includes the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. In this article we will take a closer look at the history of the union, as well as the rights and responsibilities that its members have.

Customs Union: stages of formation

The Customs Union was first created in 1995, when six member countries signed the first agreement establishing the organization. Initially, the list of countries of the customs union included Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, but later they (for a number of reasons) left this union. The customs union was finally consolidated by a document from 2007, and in 2011 all customs control was moved outside the states that are members of the union. Thus, trade and transportation of goods within the countries that are part of this organization is significantly simplified.

At different times, other countries from the continent wanted to join the Customs Union. For example, in 2013, Syria and Tajikistan expressed such an intention. And in 2016, such a possibility was even talked about in Tunisia. Trade with Serbia, which has signed agreements on simplification, is also carried out under special conditions. customs regime with all countries of the Customs Union. Many people mistakenly believe that the list of countries of the customs union also included Ukraine. However, in reality, such an agreement was never signed, since it was not compatible with Ukraine's intentions to join the EU.

Advantages of the customs union

The Customs Union is an agreement adopted by the participants of the Eurasian Economic Union, the purpose of which is abolition of customs duties in trade relations. Based on these agreements, common ways of carrying out economic activities and a platform for quality assessments and certification are created.

Thanks to this it is achieved abolition of customs controls on the borders within the Union, are concluded general provisions regulation of economic activity for the external borders of the Customs Union. In view of this, a common customs space is being created, using a generally accepted approach to border control. One more distinctive feature is the equality of citizens of the customs area during employment.

In 2017, the Customs Union consists of next members of the EAEU:

  • Republic of Armenia (since 2015);
  • Republic of Belarus (since 2010);
  • Republic of Kazakhstan (since 2010);
  • Kyrgyz Republic (since 2015);
  • Russian Federation (since 2010).

The desire to become a party to this agreement was voiced by Syria and Tunisia. In addition, we know about the proposal to include Turkey in the CU agreement. However, to date, no specific procedures have been adopted for these states to join the Union.

It is clearly visible that the functioning of the Customs Union serves as a good help for strengthening economic relations between countries located on the territory of the former Soviet countries. We can also say that the approach established in the agreement by the participating countries speaks of restoring lost connections in modern conditions.

Customs duties are distributed through a single sharing mechanism.

Given this information, it can be stated that the Customs Union, as we know it today, serves serious tool for the economic unification of countries that are members of the EAEU.

Stages of formation

To understand what the activities of the Customs Union are, it will not be amiss to gain an understanding of how it was formed to its current state.

The emergence of the Customs Union was initially presented as one of the steps in the integration of the CIS countries. This was evidenced in the agreement on the creation of an economic union, signed on September 24, 1993.

Step by step moving towards this goal, in 1995, two states (Russia and Belarus) entered into an agreement between themselves on the approval of the Customs Union. Later, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan also joined this group.

More than 10 years later, in 2007, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia signed a pact to unite their territories into a single customs region and approve the Customs Union.

In order to specify the previously concluded agreements, from 2009 to 2010, more than 40 additional agreements were concluded. Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan have decided that, starting in 2012, a Common Market thanks to the unification of countries into a single economic space.

On July 1, 2010, another important agreement was concluded, which set into motion the work of the Unified Customs Tariff and the Customs Code.

On July 1, 2011, the current customs control at the borders between countries was canceled and general rules on borders with states not in the agreement. Until 2013, uniform legislative norms for the parties to the agreement will be formed.

2014 – The Republic of Armenia joins the Customs Union. 2015 – The Republic of Kyrgyzstan joins the Customs Union.

Territory and management

The unification of the borders of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan became the basis for the emergence of the Common Customs Space. This is how the territory of the Customs Union was formed. In addition, it includes certain territories or objects under the jurisdiction of the parties to the agreement.

The management and coordination of the Eurasian Economic Union is carried out by two organs:

  1. Interstate Councilsupreme body supranational in nature, consists of heads of state and head of government of the Customs Union.
  2. Customs Union Commission- the department that deals with issues related to the formation customs rules and regulates foreign trade policy.

Directions and conditions

By creating the Customs Union, the countries proclaimed main goal socio-economic progress. In the future, this implies an increase in trade turnover and services produced by business entities.

The increase in sales was initially expected directly in the space of the vehicle itself due to following conditions:

  1. The abolition of customs procedures within the Union, which was supposed to make those produced within the framework single space products are more attractive due to the abolition of duties.
  2. Increasing trade turnover by eliminating customs controls at internal borders.
  3. Adoption of uniform requirements and integration of safety standards.

Achieving goals and perspectives

Having collected available information about the emergence and activities of the Customs Union, we can come to the conclusion that the results of increasing the turnover of goods and services are published much less frequently than news about the signing of new agreements, i.e. its declarative part.

But, nevertheless, analyzing the stated goals when creating the Customs Union, as well as observing their implementation, one cannot remain silent that simplification of trade turnover has been achieved and competitive conditions have been improved for economic entities of the Customs Union states.

It follows from this that the Customs Union is on the way to achieving its goals, however, in addition to time, this requires the mutual interest of both the states themselves and the economic elements within the Union.

Activity analysis

The customs union consists of countries that have the same economic background, but today these states are very different from each other. Of course, in Soviet time The republics differed in their specialization, but after gaining independence many more changes occurred that affected the world market and the division of labor.

However, there are also common interests. For example, many participating countries remain dependent on Russian market sales This trend is economic and geopolitical in nature.

Throughout the whole time leading positions in the process of integration and stabilization of the EAEU and the Customs Union played Russian Federation. This was possible due to its stable economic growth until 2014, when prices for raw materials remained high, which helped finance the processes launched by the agreements.

Although such a policy did not predict rapid growth economy, it still assumed the strengthening of Russia’s position on the world stage.

To achieve these goals, the Republic increased tariffs on imported cars in the absence of its own production. Because of such measures it was necessary to install rules for certification of goods light industry , which hurt retail trade.

In addition, the standards adopted at the CU level were unified with the WTO model, despite the fact that Belarus is not a member of this organization, unlike Russia. Enterprises of the Republic have not received access to Russian import substitution programs.

All this served as obstacles for Belarus on the path to achieving its goals in full.

It should not be overlooked that the signed CU agreements contain various exceptions, clarifications, anti-dumping and countervailing measures, which have become an obstacle to the achievement of common benefits and equal conditions for all countries. At various times, virtually every participant in the agreement expressed disagreement with the terms contained in the agreements.

Although customs posts on the borders between the parties to the agreement were eliminated, border zones between countries have been preserved. Sanitary control at internal borders also continued. A lack of trust in interaction practice has been revealed. An example of this is the disagreements that flare up from time to time between Russia and Belarus.

Today it is impossible to say that the goals that were declared in the agreement on the creation of the Customs Union have been achieved. This is evident from the decrease in the turnover of goods within the customs area. There are also no benefits for economic development, when compared with the time before the agreements were signed.

But there are still signs that in the absence of an agreement the situation would deteriorate more rapidly. The manifestation of the crisis would be broader and deeper. A significant number of enterprises gain relative benefits by participating in trade relations within the Customs Union.

The agreements signed by the parties benefited the production of automobiles. Duty-free sales of cars assembled by manufacturers in participating countries have become available. Thus, conditions have been created for the implementation of projects that previously could not succeed.

What is the Customs Union? Details are in the video.

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The Customs Union is an agreement adopted by the participants of the Eurasian Economic Union, the purpose of which is abolition of customs duties in trade relations. Based on these agreements, common ways of carrying out economic activities and a platform for quality assessments and certification are created.

Thanks to this it is achieved abolition of customs controls at the borders within the Union, general provisions for regulating economic activity for the external borders of the CU are concluded. In view of this, a common customs space is being created, using a generally accepted approach to border control. Another distinctive feature is the equality of rights of citizens of the customs area during employment.

In 2018, the Customs Union consists of next members of the EAEU:

  • Republic of Armenia (since 2015);
  • Republic of Belarus (since 2010);
  • Republic of Kazakhstan (since 2010);
  • Kyrgyz Republic (since 2015);
  • Russian Federation (since 2010).

The desire to become a party to this agreement was voiced by Syria and Tunisia. In addition, we know about the proposal to include Turkey in the CU agreement. However, to date, no specific procedures have been adopted for these states to join the Union.

It is clearly visible that the functioning of the Customs Union serves as a good help for strengthening economic relations between countries located on the territory of the former Soviet countries. We can also say that the approach established in the agreement by the participating countries speaks of restoring lost connections in modern conditions.

Customs duties are distributed through a single sharing mechanism.

Given this information, it can be stated that the Customs Union, as we know it today, serves serious tool for the economic unification of countries that are members of the EAEU.

To understand what the activities of the Customs Union are, it will not be amiss to gain an understanding of how it was formed to its current state.

The emergence of the Customs Union was initially presented as one of the steps in the integration of the CIS countries. This was evidenced in the agreement on the creation of an economic union, signed on September 24, 1993.

Step by step moving towards this goal, in 1995, two states (Russia and Belarus) entered into an agreement between themselves on the approval of the Customs Union. Later, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan also entered this group.

More than 10 years later, in 2007, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia signed a pact to unite their territories into a single customs region and approve the Customs Union.

In order to specify the previously concluded agreements, from 2009 to 2010, more than 40 additional agreements were concluded. Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan have decided that, starting in 2012, a Common Market thanks to the unification of countries into a single economic space.

On July 1, 2010, another important agreement was concluded, which put into motion the work of the Customs Code.

On July 1, 2011, the current customs controls at the borders between countries were canceled and general rules were established at the borders with states that are not in the agreement. Until 2013, uniform legislative norms for the parties to the agreement will be formed.

2014 – The Republic of Armenia joins the Customs Union. 2015 – The Republic of Kyrgyzstan joins the Customs Union.

On January 1, 2018, a new unified Customs Code of the EAEU. It was created to automate and simplify a number of customs processes.

Territory and management

The unification of the borders of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan became the basis for the emergence of the Common Customs Space. This is how the territory of the Customs Union was formed. In addition, it includes certain territories or objects under the jurisdiction of the parties to the agreement.

The limit of the territory is the border of the Customs Union with third-party states. Moreover, the existence of borders for individual territories located under the jurisdiction of the Union member states is normatively established.

The management and coordination of the Eurasian Economic Union is carried out by two organs:

  1. Interstate Council- the highest body of a supranational nature, consists of heads of state and head of government of the Customs Union.
  2. Customs Union Commission– an agency that deals with issues related to the formation of customs rules and regulates foreign trade policy.

Directions and conditions

When creating the Customs Union, countries declared the main goal socio-economic progress. In the future, this implies an increase in trade turnover and services produced by business entities.

The increase in sales was initially expected directly in the space of the vehicle itself due to following conditions:

  1. The abolition of customs procedures within the Union, which was supposed to make products produced within a single space more attractive, due to.
  2. Increasing trade turnover by eliminating customs controls at internal borders.
  3. Adoption of uniform requirements and integration of safety standards.

Achieving goals and perspectives

Having collected available information about the emergence and activities of the Customs Union, we can come to the conclusion that the results of increasing the turnover of goods and services are published much less frequently than news about the signing of new agreements, i.e. its declarative part.

But, nevertheless, analyzing the stated goals when creating the Customs Union, as well as observing their implementation, one cannot remain silent that simplification of trade turnover has been achieved and competitive conditions have been improved for economic entities of the Customs Union states.

It follows from this that the Customs Union is on the way to achieving its goals, however, in addition to time, this requires the mutual interest of both the states themselves and the economic elements within the Union.

The customs union consists of countries that have the same economic background, but today these states are very different from each other. Of course, even in Soviet times, the republics differed in their specialization, but after gaining independence, many more changes occurred that affected the world market and the division of labor.

However, there are also common interests. For example, many participating countries remain dependent on the Russian sales market. This trend is economic and geopolitical in nature.

Throughout the whole time leading positions in the process of integration and stabilization of the EAEU and the Customs Union played Russian Federation. This was possible due to its stable economic growth until 2014, when prices for raw materials remained high, which helped finance the processes launched by the agreements.

Although such a policy did not predict rapid economic growth, it still assumed the strengthening of Russia's position on the world stage.

The history of relations between the parties to the agreements is similar to a series of compromises that were built on the basis of the role of Russia and the positions of partner countries. For example, there were repeated statements from Belarus about its priorities: a single economic space with equal prices for oil and gas, access to Russian government procurement.

To achieve these goals, the Republic increased tariffs on imported cars in the absence of its own production. Because of such measures it was necessary to install rules for certification of light industry goods, which hurt retail trade.

In addition, the standards adopted at the CU level were unified with the WTO model, despite the fact that Belarus is not a member of this organization, unlike Russia. Enterprises of the Republic have not received access to Russian import substitution programs.

All this served as obstacles for Belarus on the path to achieving its goals in full.

It should not be overlooked that the signed CU agreements contain various exceptions, clarifications, anti-dumping and countervailing measures, which have become an obstacle to the achievement of common benefits and equal conditions for all countries. At various times, virtually every participant in the agreement expressed disagreement with the terms contained in the agreements.

Although customs posts on the borders between the parties to the agreement were eliminated, border zones between countries have been preserved. Sanitary control at internal borders also continued. A lack of trust in interaction practice has been revealed. An example of this is the disagreements that flare up from time to time between Russia and Belarus.

Today it is impossible to say that the goals that were declared in the agreement on the creation of the Customs Union have been achieved. This is evident from the decrease in the turnover of goods within the customs area. There are also no economic development benefits when compared with the time before the agreements were signed.

But there are still signs that in the absence of an agreement the situation would deteriorate more rapidly. The manifestation of the crisis would be broader and deeper. A significant number of enterprises gain relative benefits by participating in trade relations within the Customs Union.

Methods for distributing customs duties among countries also indicate favorable trends for the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Initially, a large share was planned for the budget of the Russian Federation.

The agreements signed by the parties benefited the production of automobiles. Duty-free sales of cars assembled by manufacturers in participating countries have become available. Thus, conditions have been created for the implementation of projects that previously could not succeed.

What is the Customs Union? Details are in the video.

The Customs Union is an interstate association between countries within the EAEU. The main purpose of the creation is to simplify trade operations between the states that are members of the association. Also, the CU participants adopted uniform customs tariffs and other regulatory measures.

The task of creating such an economic association is:

  • Formation of a single customs territory within the countries that are part of the association.
  • On the territory of the EAEU Customs Union there are regimes of tariff and non-tariff restrictions on trade between member states.
  • Cancellation of controls at internal posts on the border of countries that are part of the Customs Union.
  • Application of the same type of mechanisms for regulating trade and economics. For this purpose, measures are being introduced to harmonize the legislation of the CU members.
  • Introduction and operation of a unified management body.

As for trade relations with countries that are not members of the Customs Eurasian Economic Union, the following interaction is expected with them:

  1. Application of a common tariff for certain goods that fall into the territory of the association.
  2. Use of uniform non-tariff regulation measures.
  3. Carrying out the same customs policy.
  4. Use of uniform tariffs.

On this moment The most famous and long-functioning is the European Customs Economic Union. Its formation began in 1958.

Participants, territory and management

Currently the following countries are members of the association:

  • Russia since July 2010
  • Kazakhstan since July 2010
  • Belarus since July 2010
  • Armenia since October 2015
  • Kyrgyzstan since May 2015

Syria and Tunisia have voiced their desire to join, Turkey has been proposed to become a member, but so far no decision has been made on joining. It is clearly noticeable that participation in the bloc gives the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union strengthening economic relations.

The unification of the borders of the states indicated above became the basis for the formation of the customs association in question. The borders of the CU are the borders of the countries that are members of the union.

The controls are uniform, there are 2 main ones:

  1. Interstate Council. This is the highest body, whose members are the heads of state and heads of government of the CU countries. It is supranational.
  2. TS commission. This department resolves all issues regarding the formation of customs rules and is responsible for regulating the trade policies of states.

History of creation

The formation of the Customs Union has become a lengthy process and in many aspects complex. The participating countries of the Customs Union 2019 are those states that managed to go through all stages of approvals and adjustments.

The process began in January 1997, when the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Kyrgyzstan signed an agreement “On measures to implement agreements on the Customs Union.” The need for such consolidation arose when it became clear that the USSR as a structure had faded into oblivion. Then the countries of the Customs Union (the 2019 list is proposed above) agreed to cooperate with the aim of forming and developing a united economic space within the CIS.

Interesting! The idea of ​​creating a union was formed at the beginning of 1994 by Nursultan Nazarbayev. In his vision, the basis of the CU was to be the community of interests of the states that were previously part of the USSR.

The idea of ​​forming a union assumed the unhindered movement of goods and the provision of services to all participating countries. At the same time, the proposed format of economic contacts fully protected the interests of the countries of the Customs Union.

As a result, a single customs space was created without internal customs duties. The borders as such were transferred to the external borders of the union. Ideally, trading was greatly simplified, but in reality everything was not so easy. At the first stage, the agreements included, among other things, the determination of the main activities of each country to strengthen the union. More specifically:

  1. Guarantees of equal rights to vehicle property.
  2. Members of the Eurasian Economic Union could freely dispose of the property of the vehicle within the limits of the legislation of the participating countries.
  3. Creation of a unified regulatory framework for state regulation of the economy.

In the same 1997, the following integration departments were formed: Interstate Council, Integration Committee.

In 1998, Tajikistan became a member of the union and an agreement “On the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space” was signed between 5 countries. A few months later, members of the Customs Union signed the following important documents:

  • “On the formation of the TS.”
  • "On international road transport."
  • “On uniform conditions for transit through the territories of the countries participating in the Customs Union.”
  • "On the interaction of energy systems."

In February 1999, the agreement “On the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space” was signed. Through the adoption of these acts, it was possible to significantly simplify border control procedures between member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Next important steps:

  1. 2007 An agreement on a single customs territory is concluded between Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan.
  2. year 2009. Agreements that were previously signed receive a “physical form”, that is, they are implemented in practice.
  3. 2010 The previously adopted Customs Code comes into force, is formed and adopted.
  4. Throughout 2011-2013, important documents are being developed that regulate the activities of the union. Among the most important there appears a single technical regulations about product safety.

The years 2014-2015 were marked by the addition of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan to the list of countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (it is also relevant for 2017). In the future, the union will expand; at the moment, Tunisia and Syria have expressed a desire to join, but so far things have not gone beyond conversations and the composition remains the same.

In 2019, the previously adopted Customs Code of the EAEU came into force.

You will learn about the new Customs Code of the Customs Union of 2019 from our article. Go to .

Distribution of customs duties

The Unified Customs Union naturally receives duties for crossing the borders of the union and the import/export of goods. The association has adopted a scheme for distributing these incomes between participating countries. The structure is like this:

  • Russia receives 85.33% of total revenues.
  • Kazakhstan – 7.11%.
  • Belarus – 4.55%.
  • Kyrgyzstan – 1.9%.
  • Armenia – 1.11%.

As you can see, taxes are distributed according to seniority, that is, the earlier a country became a member of the association, the more larger size she can count on income from duties.

At the moment, the formation of the Customs Union is taking place, since the EU customs union has gone through a long period of 30 years until its absolute formation.

Goals, directions

In creating a detailed economic space, the main goal was socio-economic progress. As a result, one of the main long-term goals was to increase the trade turnover of services of the participating countries. To begin with, this moment was realized between the participants through the following actions:

  1. Implementation general requirements and adoption of safety standards for domestic economies and associations in general.
  2. Abolition of procedures at internal customs of the countries of the union. Due to this, goods from Customs countries Eurasian Economic Community Union have become more accessible and attractive.
  3. Increasing trade turnover through the above measures.

At the moment, that very desired increase in trade turnover is not happening, although new agreements are regularly adopted. True, the simplification of trade turnover has not been so significant; competitive conditions have improved.

Technical regulation

Technical regulation in the Customs Union is aimed at achieving the following goals and objectives:

  • Reducing pressure on the manufacturer - economic and administrative.
  • Formation of two-level regulatory documentation, which helps make relationships in the market clearer and clearer.
  • Increasing the level of protection of markets from dangerous products.
  • Expanding the ability of companies to choose a commercial solution. This eliminates double certification and duplication of other procedures.
  • Elimination of technical barriers for participants of the Eurasian Customs Union.
  • Stimulating economic development in various ways.

Regarding the principles technical regulation in a customs association, there are the following basic principles:

  1. Establishment of uniform technical regulations for participating countries regarding products and goods.
  2. Carrying out a policy that is agreed upon with each country regarding technical regulation.
  3. Until the entry into force of the TR of the Eurasian Economic Union of the EAEU, national legislation in this area is in effect.

Benefits of participating in the TS

At the moment, not all countries of the EAEU have joined the CU; each has its own reasons. But the main advantages of participating in such an association should be highlighted:

  • Significant reduction in costs for: processing, transportation of goods within the Union.
  • Reducing bureaucratic procedures, and as a result, time costs when transporting goods across the territory of the Customs Union.
  • Reducing the number of steps that must be taken to travel with cargo to third countries.
  • The Customs Union in 2019 provides new markets.
  • Simplification of legislation through its unification.

Contradictions, problems, or why the vehicle does not work as planned

Since every country strives to preserve and support its economy, it is not surprising that tensions and difficulties often arise. It is “convenient” to apply certain sanctions through non-tariff regulation methods, which is what is happening. Although the countries of the customs union with Russia have already become “friends” in the period 2018-2019, there were many problems before.

One of the most difficult conflicts between the Russian Federation and Belarus was when in 2014 Russia banned almost completely the export of meat. At that time it was 400 thousand tons. At the same time, there was a tightening of control over goods that cross the border of Belarus, although in fact, according to the norms of the Labor Code of the Customs Union, strengthening control measures is impossible.

The reaction of the president of the CU member country was not long in coming - Belarus returned border control on the border with the Russian Federation. The conflict has become real problem, because Belarus has announced its intention to abandon the ruble in payments and return to dollars. As a result, the idea of ​​a customs union was greatly shaken - the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union felt insecure in this format of relations.


In the future, the economic unification of the CU has a chance for active development and implementation of all the declared advantages. While the process of formation is taking place, general view the most interested participants are the neighbors of the Russian Federation, who with accession will receive more profitable terms for the purchase of gas and oil. The declared simplification of trade turnover has not yet been observed.

Video: Customs Union 2019

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Like most of his colleagues, Soviet children's writers and poets, Samuil Marshak did not immediately begin writing for children. He was born in 1887...

Breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method help cope with attacks of high blood pressure. Correct execution of exercises -...
About the university Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky is the largest university in the region, with more than 14...
Representatives of the arachnid class are creatures that have lived next to humans for many centuries. But this time it turned out...
Girls and women almost always associate white shoes with a wedding dress, although the white color of shoes has long been no longer required. A...