Modern vegetable garden: photos of design ideas and their implementation. Ideas for garden beds in the country Vegetables of the Middle Zone

Stylish modern vegetable garden photo

The vegetable garden as an obligatory component of the site takes on new forms, on modern dacha he must have his own style or design decoration. Endless garden beds with narrow, inconvenient passages are no longer relevant for a long time. Modern summer residents plan their plantings and their zoning no less carefully than they plan the construction of a house.

Let's look at it in detail: how to make beautiful beds in the garden, photos of the most beautiful and unusual ideas, as well as seating arrangement options. All you have to do is choose suitable option for your site, or based on what you see - come up with your own implementation of a modern vegetable garden.

Regular garden design

Choosing a garden in a regular style involves observing the rules of symmetry when organizing beds and flower beds. Their shapes can be different - square, rectangular, even round, the main thing is a clear pattern in their placement with the same passage width.

The beds will look especially neat if their fencing is made of the same material - wood, concrete, slate.

Beautiful vegetable gardens are obtained in the shape of the sun, with rays diverging from the center - ridges.

Decorative vegetable garden - photos and planting layout ideas

A decorative garden is a garden where there is no clear geometric rule for planting placement when planning it. The ridges can be of any shape, even curved, separated by passages or vice versa, smoothly flowing into each other.

The decorative garden is extremely effective; it is characterized by the fact that plants are planted not only on the ridge allocated for them, but also interspersed between other species. This is done to achieve a beautiful composition, or a combination of both. Arborvitae, junipers, and ornamental cabbage are often used for such “accents.”

The beautiful vegetable garden, the photo of which you see, is made in a decorative style, with fences made of metal strips and has a smooth wave shape.

Container mobile garden for a summer residence

A vegetable garden whose beds serve as various containers (boxes, flowerpots, barrels) is called a container garden. A good mobile option for creating a vegetable garden in limited space land plot.

It has its advantages: the layout can be changed annually; in case of insufficient or excessive lighting, it is easy to “relocate” the plantings. You can grow tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini in such conditions using deep boxes or barrels. And in small ones, almost any garden greens will grow well - parsley, lettuce, dill.

The photo of a container-type garden clearly shows three-level structures, but most often simple containers are used for “mobile” beds.

Choosing fences for garden beds

When choosing fencing for garden beds, gardeners most often give preference to slate, stone and wood.

Strips of metal or ceramic slate, secured with pegs around the perimeter of the ridge, look neat and are not expensive. In addition, such a fence does not rot, which distinguishes it favorably from wooden structures.

To make it more decorative, slate can be painted in any color, as the paint adheres well to this material. The big disadvantage is the fragility of ceramic and concrete slate. A careless impact with a tool, wheelbarrow or lawn mower can split the strip and the bed will have to be repaired.

That's why many people choose decorative rock or tiles, laying them out with even sides.

Usage wooden planks for fencing it will cost more, but it will also provide more options. Can be done" raised beds" of any height, without fear that the earth will “squeeze out” the sides. Various impregnations for wood and paint will give the desired color and slow down the destruction of the material. Many gardeners prefer to protect the fences from the inside by covering the sides plastic film using a furniture stapler.

The imitation of wattle fence around the perimeter of the ridges looks very stylish, but requires painstaking and careful execution. In order to ensure the durability of the fence, you can use not natural materials, but synthetic ones - plastic tubes and large-diameter wires.

Many people prefer to use improvised means, such as glass or plastic bottles.

Decorative elements for the vegetable garden

It’s hard to imagine a beautiful garden without decorative elements. These can be small mills, figurines of gnomes and animals that our gardeners love so much. But old household items, as if accidentally left on the beds and between them, look much more appropriate as decoration. An old watering can, a rusty water pump, and a cart wheel will complete the garden composition and add accents to the flower beds.

As supports for climbing plants"huts" made of slats or small pergolas are perfect. Once plants begin to climb over them, they can act as decorative elements.

Bottom line

When planning a vegetable garden, you need to clearly understand how much area is needed for all future plantings; determine how wide the passages between the ridges are needed and where watering will be carried out. All these technical data will help determine the type and size of the future vegetable garden, and its style and execution will prompt our ideas and your taste.

One way or another, almost everyone has a vegetable garden at their summer cottage. First we tell ourselves: “No, no, I don’t need this, I’m as tired as I can be!” And then several beds appear in the garden by themselves. But this spontaneous vegetable garden does not always fit into the landscape design of the site. So isn’t it easier to immediately plan a small modern vegetable garden at one of the design stages, which will correspond to the style of the garden and the overall design concept?

Before you start designing a landscape design for a plot with a vegetable garden, you must evaluate not only the capabilities of your garden plot, but also your own. For example, if you spend most time at work or travel, you need reliable method watering plants. If most of your garden plot is occupied by paving paths, and there is practically no free land, then in this case you can use container plantings. If your summer cottage does not get enough sunlight, you need to purchase shade-tolerant plants for your garden. All these and other factors you need to take into account before you get started.

Modern varieties of vegetable crops are suitable for any garden design. You can get a harvest no matter the size of your garden. We often associate the image of a vegetable garden with village beds that have no end or end. But it's time to discover new ones design ideas XXI century. Many people think that modern methods Designing landscape design and garden space is too expensive. It is not always so. Sometimes all you need to create a garden is using the materials you have at hand, and creativity is key.

Today, most people no longer plant potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets on their plots, that is, those vegetables whose cultivation requires large areas. Herbs, radishes, and pharmaceutical herbs became regulars in vegetable gardens. Cucumber plants are not giving up their positions either. Our climate has changed so much that growing a standard set of vegetables has become a waste of time and effort.

Nowadays, you can often find vegetable crops growing among flowers - peppers next to petunias, lettuce surrounded pansies, eggplants in tandem with peonies.

Raised garden beds come in handy if you are dealing with difficult soil in your garden plot. If you decide to make similar beds in your garden, consider the width between them and the covering. If it's grass, make sure the width matches the width of your lawnmower. Alternatively, the space between the beds can be filled with gravel. This material will help prevent the invasion of weeds and pests and retain the heat that vegetables need. Thanks to gravel, vegetable leaves will be cleaner, since there will be no dirty earthen splashes when it rains.

The next key point to consider when designing is modern vegetable garden– this is light, water and soil. For a rich harvest, vegetables need sunlight, well-drained soil and sufficient water. Make sure there is some source of water near your garden, especially if you water by hand.

Ideas for creating a modern vegetable garden

One of the fun trends is creating a modern vegetable garden on the wall of the house using ordinary wooden pallets, painted in cheerful colors.

Pallets can often be found around grocery stores or near warehouses. For the pallet to be suitable for planting, it must be in good condition and the boards must be intact. Next you will need geotextiles, burlap, staples, a hammer and sandpaper. All that remains is to add good compost and sow the seeds. If you consider yourself a good gardener, you definitely need compost heap on a summer cottage. After all, compost is a treasure trove organic matter, so necessary to increase soil fertility, which affects plant productivity and increases their yield. good soil mixture for vegetables grown in containers, it consists of equal parts of peat, compost and sand. Compost provides vegetables nutrients, peat retains moisture, and sand improves drainage and protects the soil from compaction and the appearance of root rot.

Vegetables that successfully develop and bear fruit in containers: lettuce, cucumber, pepper, cabbage, tomato, zucchini, strawberries, etc. Your pallet is essentially a vertical container.

Another idea for creating a vertical vegetable garden is painted tin cans, which will add a pop of color to a muted modern space. color palette. Banks can be attached directly to the wall, or displayed in special hanging planters. Be sure to drill a hole in the bottom of the jar to ensure proper drainage.

Among garden crops there are also climbing or climbing plants. For example, pumpkins, peas or beans will look great on trellises or pergolas. If you have a gazebo on your site, then such plants may well become its additional decoration. It will look not only modern, but also romantic.

If your garden is designed in rural style, then in homemade wicker baskets, for example, rhubarb or cabbage will look wonderful. Beds framed with wattle fence would also look appropriate. Not only parsley, dill or lettuce will grow beautifully in such beds; you can place an entire apothecary garden here.

  • To add visual impact and variety to vegetable garden design, plant vegetables mixed with flowers and herbs. Properly selected flowers and herbs will not only help create beautiful vegetable garden, but will also bring great benefits. For example, did you know that some of them are able to attract beneficial insects and repel others. Flowers and herbs that have a strong smell, such as marigolds or garlic, can actually save your garden from pests.
  • Strong stems of corn or sunflower can provide support for legume plants.
  • A stepladder can serve as a good support for pumpkin plants. This will save the curly trunk of the pumpkin from excess moisture and protect it from rotting, which is so destructive to its fruits.
  • For a plot for a garden, choose sunny place away from car parking areas, roads and wastewater systems.
  • When choosing plants for a modern garden, decide on their shape, color and texture.
  • use appropriate accessories in your garden design and

How to design beautiful beds for the lazy, tall and smart beds - this is what a gardener needs to know who wants to make his life as independent as possible from gardening worries. If you wish, you just need to master the design method lazy beds which you can see in the following photos. A garden bed of this type will allow you to enjoy a well-deserved rest at the dacha and will not require weeding every time. In addition, it is not only convenient, but also increases crop productivity.

Everyone knows how much time and effort needs to be devoted to each planted crop, which, however, sometimes does not even justify the result: the seedlings may not germinate or do not ultimately produce a normal amount of harvest. In this case, you should pay attention to the technology of lazy beds on your site!

Beautiful and comfortable

A lazy bed is a completely new approach to gardening, which will allow seedlings to grow on their own and produce several times more yield. It is based on a rule that states that digging and weeding the soil is prohibited, except for its preparation and planting itself. Even though constant weeding can remove weeds and fluff up the soil, sooner or later it will dry out and will not be able to provide sufficient moisture for crops.

In this approach, preparation for future planting is very important - it is advisable to do this in the fall, when you can collect material for mulching the soil (you need to cover it with straw, sawdust, cones, etc.), which, in turn, will prevent weeds germinate in an area with such cover.

  1. Install your own irrigation system. It is not necessary to choose the most expensive systems available in stores. In the case of such vegetable gardens, those from which you only need to press a button are quite suitable - and there will be no need to water it yourself. Watering will allow you to make beautiful beds: green and lush. It is also worth noting: watering can be done infrequently, but abundantly, giving the plants the necessary moisture until your next visit.
  2. A tool for working in the garden is the key to saving time. Therefore, it is worth choosing one piece of equipment for many years. It may include not only the usual shovel and buckets, but also various little things that will make your work easier. Also, find a place for your inventory in advance.
  3. At the beginning of the planting season, dig up the ground once and prepare it for future seedlings or seeds. Plant the plants and don’t disturb the earth anymore: mulching will do its job and protect you from weeds. All that remains for you before harvesting is to water the garden beds on time.
  4. It's interesting and effective method, which is suitable for both lazy gardeners and experienced gardeners who know their business. A garden bed of this type will be worth the effort and can bring a lot of convenience.

    High beds as a way to obtain an intensive harvest

    Even though this is a very labor-intensive process at first - building the frame itself and watering the beds, it will allow you to forget about the bad climate and low yields.

    The high bed is always exposed to the rays of the sun, which helps to warm up the soil layer, so it can be planted as early as April without fear of freezing, and the lower mesh will prevent the invasion of moles and mice. A frame that is not too wide (within 150 cm) will allow you to care for the bed on both sides. If you divide it into two strips 80 cm wide, you can even make it yourself greenhouse, passing the film over both landings. It is worth noting that it is the high beds that provide the most early harvest first salads, and then picky vegetables. The only problem is more frequent watering, since water does not stay in such soil for a long time.

    Despite all the difficulties at the beginning, the planting justifies the effort put into it and lasts a long time without bringing much trouble, and the garden bed looks beautiful.

    The smart bed for fragrant herbs only needs to be dug once, before planting the seedlings. Then it requires a minimum of attention and care

In early spring I visited a young holiday village. Comfortable and for the most part beautiful houses, where you can live in winter. The estates are small but well maintained. A lot of ornamental trees and bushes. Even under the snow, spacious lawns, recreation areas and decorative ponds, tiny beds can be “read”. Such holiday villages in last years Quite a few have grown up around major cities. Office plankton and the emerging middle class created holiday cottages for themselves. And not even because it has become fashionable and is not too burdensome for the family budget. It’s just that people became landowners, in whose memory the bent backs of their parents, who worked tirelessly on their dacha acres, remained a negative stain in their memory. They did not want such a share for themselves and their children. It was easier to buy everything at the market or supermarket and turn your dacha into a piece of paradise where you can nap in a hammock among beautiful trees and flowers.

Sobering up comes gradually.

Firstly, it turned out that a dacha for the lazy simply cannot exist in nature: the simplest lawn has to be groomed and cherished no less than tomato bushes. Secondly, transferring a luxurious picture of some European garden to your native acres is not easy and expensive. The owners of such gardens either have qualified assistants or modestly specify that they spend 5-6 hours daily on caring for the garden. Thirdly, berries, fruits and vegetables from supermarkets and markets turned out to be not only not as tasty as my mother’s in childhood, but also not as healthy. A successful career requires remarkable health, which cannot be maintained without high-quality, environmentally friendly food.

So gradually in ornamental garden Miniature beds with greenflies, juicy root vegetables and even your own cucumbers began to appear again on the dacha acres. And now currant and gooseberry bushes are organized into hedges, and ornamental apple trees are crowding out the native Antonovkas. Most likely, the protracted crisis will force many to reconsider their attitude to gardening on dacha acres, because organic products are becoming more and more expensive. By the way, it is crises that intensify gardening in the United States. Ever since the days of Eleanor Roosevelt, even the White House has been organizing a vegetable garden, and now Michelle Obama is inviting housewives to join the “backyard vegetable garden” movement.

In our country, politicians and the media prefer either to lull the population with fairy tales that we are not afraid of the crisis, or to intimidate with rising prices in order to increase the demand for certain products, and still stuff and stuff the inexperienced landowner with pictures of European gardens and fairy tales about gardens for the lazy. But it is in our country that there is a wealth of experience in gardening, unique clubs have been created where summer residents exchange experiences, old unique varieties of vegetables are carefully preserved, distinguished by high taste and nutritional qualities, but which will never be grown even by a farmer, not to mention large agricultural firms. It is the summer resident who can grow varieties that differ in certain qualities, for example, tomatoes with a high content of lycopene.

But the new generation of summer residents was not ready for gardening and gardening. They do not like the experience of their parents due to too much labor investment. The experience of advanced summer residents is published only by special, not at all glossy, newspapers, and the modern young man strives to obtain information from the Internet or reference books. Moreover, it is desirable that these are encyclopedic publications where you can find answers to all questions. And this is where problems arise. There is a lot of information on the Internet, but it is too often, to put it mildly, inaccurate. It's even worse with books. As a rule, they are written by specialists from an agrotechnical school who offer old methods of soil cultivation, application mineral fertilizers and pesticides. Alas, the data presented is that was developed for agricultural land, and not modest dacha acres. As a result, after several years of such “scientific” management, the land becomes tired, yields less and less crops, but requires more and more investments.

Unforgivably little information about organic farming, more precisely about the methods of natural land use as applied to small gardens and vegetable gardens. Alas, classic permaculture on 6 acres causes shock and tears from the small harvest despite the large labor costs of setting up such a vegetable garden. These are either superficial articles or so scientific that they completely scare away a novice gardener. But it is natural methods of managing one’s land that make it possible to obtain environmentally friendly products and simply preserve the environment. And in fact, if you don’t take the situation to the point of absurdity, then natural farming makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of effort and time for growing fruits and vegetables.

In my opinion, in today's situation it is the means mass media can help thousands, what’s more, millions of summer residents master natural technologies for cultivating gardens and vegetable gardens. And these should be technologies that allow minimum costs means and time to grow environmentally friendly products, properly prepare and preserve them. Teach to grow healthy vegetables and herbs on balconies and loggias, on the roofs of city high-rises and in the courtyards of townhouses. A modern vegetable garden is not dull long beds, but a beautifully and technologically organized space in which plants are planted in accordance with the rules of the community, and the natural environment, without the intervention of pesticides, maintains a balance of beneficial and harmful insects. Generalization of such experience accumulated by generations of Russian summer residents will give impetus to changing attitudes towards the environment in general.

In general, the earth has enormous power: it can change the consciousness of even the most notorious urbanist. I recently read on an Internet forum such a remarkable statement by a modern Russian American woman: “Having eaten enough dachas in deep childhood, I thought, well, never mind!!! And how did our own land appear. I want berries too, and my own fruits and vegetables! So little by little - I’m “bogged down”.

Natural farming means reasonable. It is subject to those who feel nature, know how to observe it and live in harmony with it.

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