Comparative characteristics of different types of societies. The concept of “society” and its system

Before going into detail and understanding what types of society there are, we should define the concept itself. So, a set of people that was formed under the influence of a purposeful and rational organized activities, and is called society. At the same time, individuals unite not because of deep principles, but thanks to a convention, the same areas of interest and an agreement. Often, society refers to the relationships established between individuals and in the state as a whole. Of course, thanks to sciences such as philosophy and sociology, the interpretation of the desired concept can occur from different sides and points of view, therefore the more often used general definition, which reads as follows. Society is an independent group of people that has a special way of life and structure, characterized by specific political relations and the choice of the form of state power.

The centuries-old history of human development has provided a fairly broad classification that affects not only all aspects of life, but also characterizes them from various points of view. Currently, scientists distinguish between the following main types: industrial and post-industrial. Let's look at each of these types in more detail to identify their differences and features.

1. Traditional

So, the first type of relationship between individuals unites all the “early civilizations” that did not have a sufficient industrial complex. At the same time, the determining factor that makes it difficult to confuse such types of society with any other is the development and widespread distribution of agriculture. Nevertheless, such a definition is quite general, which allows us to include here also significantly different forms of human relationships, such as feudal, agrarian or tribal. In this regard, many modern scientists do not use the concept of “traditional society”, but replace it with more specialized definitions.

2. Industrial

Like other types of society, this type has a number of characteristic features. This includes, for example, a complex and fairly developed separation system labor activity, a high degree of specialization and automation of production, mass production of goods, as well as a high level of introduction of innovations and technologies into the production process and people’s livelihoods. This implies the creation of an integral state with a specific language and culture. The main direction of development is industry.

3. Post-industrial

It is emerging at the present time and characterizes types of society that differ significantly from the first two types. Improving technology and accumulating knowledge and information are important. is the development of the service sector.

As mentioned earlier, the 3 types of society considered have characteristics and distinctive features, which make it possible to fairly accurately attribute certain human relationships to one of them.

Society has existed since ancient times. In a broad sense, this concept includes the interaction of people with nature and among themselves, as well as ways of uniting them. In a narrower definition, society is a collection of people who are endowed with their own consciousness and will and who manifest themselves in the light of certain interests, moods and motives. Each society can be characterized by the following features: name, stable and holistic forms of interaction between people, the presence of a history of creation and development, the presence of its own culture, self-sufficiency and self-regulation.

Historically, the entire diversity of societies can be divided into three types: traditional, or agrarian, industrial, post-industrial. Each of them has certain features and characteristics that clearly separate one form from another. Nevertheless, although the types of society differ from each other, they perform the same functions, such as the production of goods, the distribution of results, the formation of a specific ideology, the socialization of a person, and much more.

This type includes a set of social ideas and structures that may be at different stages of development, but do not have sufficient level industrial complex. The main interaction is between nature and man, with an important role being played by the survival of each individual. This category includes agrarian, feudal, tribal society and others. Each of them is characterized by low rates of production and development. Nevertheless, such types of society have characteristic feature: the presence of established social solidarity.

Characteristics of industrial society

It has a complex and sufficiently developed structure, has high degree specialization and division labor activity, and is also distinguished by the widespread introduction of innovations. Industrial types of society are formed in the presence of active processes of urbanization, increased automation of production, mass production of all kinds of goods, widespread use scientific discoveries and achievements. The main interaction occurs between man and nature, in which there is the enslavement of the surrounding world by people.

Characteristics of post-industrial society

This type of human relationships has the following features: the creation of highly intelligent technologies, the transition to a service economy, control over various mechanisms, the rise of highly educated specialists and the dominance of theoretical knowledge. The main interaction is between person and person. Nature acts as a victim of anthropogenic influence, therefore, programs are being developed to minimize production waste and pollution environment, as well as the creation of highly efficient technologies that can ensure waste-free production.

In the process of development of sociology, many approaches to the classification of societies have emerged. The very first typology of societies was proposed by the ancient Greek thinkers Plato and Aristotle. According to their views, all societies can be divided into forms government structure on monarchy, tyranny, aristocracy, oligarchy, democracy.

Today, the classification of societies based on the political relations prevailing in them has not lost its relevance.

    In modern sociology, within the framework of this approach, they distinguish totalitarian

    (the state determines all the main directions of social life), democratic

(the population can influence government structures)

    In the mid-19th century, K. Marx proposed a typology of societies, the basis of which is the method of production of material goods. On this basis, five types of societies are distinguished:

    primitive society, which is characterized by a primitive-appropriating method of production;

    slave society, a specific feature of which is the ownership of people - slaves and the products of their labor;

    feudal society based on the exploitation of peasants attached to the land; bourgeois society in which the transition to economic dependence formally

    free workers, which arises as a result of establishing an equal attitude for everyone towards ownership of the means of production through the elimination of private property relations.

According to another typology, which today occupies a leading place in sociology, we can distinguish traditional, industrial and post-industrial societies.

Traditional society is a society with an agrarian structure based on traditions. The behavior of individuals in it is based solely on customs, norms of traditional behavior, and established social institutions (family, community). Any transformations in such a society are impossible. A feature of this type of society is the low level of production rates.

Industrial society- as a result of the industrial revolution, traditional society is transformed into an industrial one.

An industrial society is characterized by the following features:

1) a developed and complex system of division of labor and professional specialization;

2) mechanization and automation of production and management;

3) mass production of goods for a wide market;

4) highly developed means of communication and transport;

5) increased urbanization and social mobility;

6) an increase in per capita income and qualitative changes in the structure of consumption;

7) formation of civil society. In the 60s XX century theory is formed in sociology

post-industrial or information society . The development of computer and information technology is considered to be the basis for the transformation of industrial society into post-industrial society. The main features of the information society are: Another typology divides all societies

into simple and complex. The criterion is the degree of social stratification.

Simple society- this is a society in which the constituent parts are homogeneous, there are no rich and poor, no leaders and subordinates. These are the primitive tribes that have survived in some places to this day.

Complex society

- a society with highly differentiated structures and functions, interconnected and interdependent on each other, which necessitates their coordination. There are many approaches to classifying types of society. However, among them there is no single generally accepted one.
Parameter name Meaning
Article topic: Types of societies

Rubric (thematic category) Policy.

Society. Main areas

In a broad sense - part of the material world, inextricably linked with nature and including ways of interaction between people and forms of their unification

In a narrow sense, it is a set of people endowed with will and consciousness, carrying out actions and actions under the influence of certain interests, motives, and moods. (e.g., society of book lovers, etc.)

The concept of “society” is ambiguous. In historical science there are concepts - “primitive society”, “medieval society”, “ Russian societyʼʼ, meaning a certain stage in the historical development of mankind or a specific country.

Society is usually understood as:

A certain stage of human history (primitive society, medieval, etc.);

People united by common goals and interests (society of Decembrists, society of book lovers);

Population of a country, state, region (European society, Russian society);

All of humanity (human society).

Functions of the society:

‣‣‣production of vital goods;

‣‣‣human reproduction and socialization;

‣‣‣ensuring the rule of law management activities states;

‣‣‣historical transmission of culture and spiritual values

Human society includes a number of areas – spheres of social life:

Economic - relations between people in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material and intangible goods, services and information;

Social - interaction of large social groups, classes, strata, demographic groups;

Political activity government organizations, parties and movements, associated with the conquest, retention and exercise of power;

Spiritual - morality, religion, science, education, art, their influence on people's lives.

Under public relations It is customary to understand the diverse connections that arise between people in the process of economic, social, political, cultural life and activity.

1) Pre-industrial society (traditional) - competition between man and nature.

It is worth saying that it is characterized by the predominant importance of agriculture, fishing, cattle breeding, mining and wood processing industries. In these areas economic activity About 2/3 of the working population is employed. Manual labor dominates. The use of primitive technologies based on everyday experience passed down from generation to generation.

2) Industrial - competition between man and transformed nature

It is worth saying that it is characterized by the development of the production of consumer goods, which is carried out through the widespread use of various types of technology. Economic activity is dominated by centralism, gigantism, uniformity in work and life, mass culture, low level of spiritual values, oppression of people, and destruction of nature. The time of brilliant craftsmen who could invent a loom without fundamental special knowledge, steam engine, telephone, airplane, etc. Monotonous assembly line work.

3) Post-industrial - competition between people

It is worth saying that it is characterized not only by the widespread use of the achievements of science and technology in all areas of human activity, but also by the targeted improvement of technology itself based on the development basic sciences. Without the application of the achievements of fundamental sciences, it would be impossible to create either an atomic reactor, a laser, or a computer.
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Humans are being replaced by automated systems. One man using a computer modern technology can produce the final product, not in a standard (mass) version, but in an individual version in accordance with the consumer’s order.

4) New information Technology, according to modern scientists, can lead to fundamental changes in our entire way of life, and their widespread use will mark the creation of a new type of society - an information society.

Types of societies - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Types of societies" 2017, 2018.

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    Subsistence farming Based on industry, agriculture— increasing labor productivity. Destruction of natural dependence. The basis of production is information. The service sector comes to the fore.
    Primitive crafts Machinery Computer techologies
    The predominance of collective forms of ownership. Protection of property of only the upper class of society. Traditional economics. The basis of the economy is state and private property, a market economy. Availability different forms property. Mixed economy.
    The production of goods is limited to a certain type, the list is limited. Standardization is uniformity in the production and consumption of goods and services. Individualization of production, up to exclusiveness.
    Extensive economy Intensive economy Increase specific gravity small-scale production.
    Hand tools Machine technology, conveyor production, automation, mass production The economic sector associated with the production of knowledge, processing and dissemination of information has been developed.
    Dependence on natural and climatic conditions Independence from natural and climatic conditions Cooperation with nature, resource-saving, environmentally friendly technologies.
    Slow introduction of innovations into the economy. Scientific and technical progress. Modernization of the economy.
    The standard of living of the majority of the population is low. Growing income of the population. Mercantilism consciousness. High level and quality of life of people.
    Dependence of position on social status. The main units of society are family, community The emergence of new classes - the bourgeoisie and the industrial proletariat. Urbanization. Erasing class differences. Increasing share of the middle class. The share of the population engaged in processing and disseminating information is increasing significantly over labor force in agriculture and industry
    Stability of social structure, boundaries between social communities sustainable, adherence to a strict social hierarchy. Estate. The mobility of the social structure is great, the possibilities of social movement are not limited. The emergence of classes. Eliminating social polarization. Blurring class differences.
    3. POLITICS.
    Dominance of the Church and the Army The role of the state is increasing. Political pluralism
    Power is hereditary, the source of power is the will of God. The dominance of law and law (though, more often on paper) Equality before the law. Individual rights and freedoms are legally enshrined. The main regulator of relations is the rule of law. Civil society. Relations between the individual and society are built on the principle of mutual responsibility.
    Monarchical forms of government, no political freedoms, power above the law, absorption of the individual by the collective, despotic state The state subjugates society, society is outside the state and its control does not exist. Granting political freedoms, the republican form of government prevails. A person is an active subject of politics. Democratic transformations Law, right - not on paper, but in practice. Democracy. Consensus democracy. Political pluralism.
    Norms, customs, beliefs. Continuing education.
    Providentialism consciousness, fanatical attitude towards religion. Secularization consciousness. The emergence of atheists. Freedom of conscience and religion.
    Individualism and individual identity were not encouraged; collective consciousness prevailed over the individual. Individualism, rationalism, utilitarianism of consciousness. The desire to prove oneself, to achieve success in life.
    There are few educated people, the role of science is not great. The education is elite. The role of knowledge and education is great. Mainly secondary education. The role of science, education, and the information age is great. Higher education. Formed global network telecommunications - Internet.
    The predominance of oral information over written information. The dominance of mass culture. Availability different types culture
    Adaptation to nature. Liberation of man from direct dependence on nature, partial subordination of it to himself. The emergence of environmental problems. Anthropogenic civilization, i.e. in the center is a person, his individuality, interests. solving environmental problems.


    Traditional society – type of society based on natural economy, monarchical system of government and the predominance of religious values ​​and worldview

    (existed before capitalism).

    Industrial society - type of society based on market economy, high industrial development, the introduction of scientific achievements in the economy, the emergence of a democratic form of government, high level development of knowledge, scientific and technological progress, secularization of consciousness (the period of capitalism)

    Post-industrial society – a modern type of society based on the dominance of information (computer technology) in production, development of the service sector, lifelong education, freedom of conscience, consensus democracy, and the formation of civil society.


    1.By degree of openness:

    closed society – characterized by a static social structure, limited mobility, traditionalism, very slow introduction of innovations or their absence, and authoritarian ideology.

    open society – characterized by dynamic social structure, high social mobility, ability to innovate, pluralism, lack of state ideology.

    1. By availability of writing:


    written (knowing the alphabet or symbolic writing)

    3.According to the degree of social differentiation (or stratification):

    simple — pre-state formations, there are no managers and subordinates)

    complex – several levels of management, layers of the population.

    Explanation of terms

    Terms, concepts Definitions
    individualism of consciousness a person’s desire for self-realization, manifestation of his personality, self-development.
    mercantilism goal - accumulation of wealth, achievement material well-being, money issues come first.
    providentialism a fanatical attitude towards religion, complete subordination to it of the life of both an individual and the entire society, a religious worldview.
    rationalism the predominance of reason in human actions and actions, rather than emotions, an approach to resolving issues from the point of view of reasonableness - unreasonableness.
    secularization the process of liberating all spheres of public life, as well as the consciousness of people, from the control and influence of religion
    urbanization growth of cities and urban populations

    Material prepared by: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna

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