Shelf life of seeds without loss of germination. Shelf life of vegetable seeds

There are several basic rules that should be followed when choosing seed material.

are different for different cultures. If we comply with the requirements for storing seeds, then our green pets will give us everything that this or that variety is capable of.

You should not use hybrid seeds obtained in your own garden. They do not retain the qualities we liked so much in the first generation, and in the future they may not repeat the varietal characteristics. Seeds of cucumbers, squash, zucchini and pumpkins cannot be planted fresh, obtained the previous fall. They must be kept for at least 1-2 years, and then the plants will have a large number of

female flowers, the ovaries will be abundant, their development will be rapid and they will be less sick. But one-year-old cucumbers produce a plant with wildly developing vines and an abundance of barren flowers.

It is better to sow the seeds of carrots, parsley, nigella, and asters only fresh, since the germination rate of their seeds drops sharply after 1-2 years.

You should treat the seeds of peppers, peas, and lettuce with sufficient caution if they have been in your possession for more than 2 years, and you should create ideal conditions for their storage (temperature no higher than +12-15°C, air humidity 50-60%) failed.

If you have had the seeds of cabbage, rutabaga, or beets for more than 3 years, it is better to discard them and buy fresh ones. Your determination will be justified and will be fully repaid by the harvest and less effort required to grow it.

The seeds of beans, tomatoes, eggplants and pumpkin, which were already mentioned above, can be used even if they have been stored for 4-5 years.

  • 1-2 years – chives, scorzonera, celery, parsnips, onions, corn, leeks
  • 2-3 years – carrots, sorrel, dill, coriander; 3-4 years – peas, peppers, fennel, beans, broad beans, eggplants, rutabaga, spinach, cauliflower
  • , broccoli, kohlrabi, parsley, tomatoes;
  • 4-5 years – seeds of Chinese cabbage, endive, radish, turnip, radish, pumpkin, white cabbage, Brussels sprouts and red cabbage, zucchini and zucchini;
  • 4-6 years – seeds of leaf and table beets, melon;

6-8 years – cucumber seeds.


  • 1-2 years – seeds of delphinium, doronicum orientalis, primrose, phlox Drummond, verbena, marigold, nigella, arctotis, gatsania, helichrysum, salpiglossis, nemesia;
  • 2 years – aster seeds, pansies(viola), calendula, dimorphotheca, eschscholzia, Carpathian bellflower and peach leaf;
  • 2-3 years - seeds of rudbeckia, cornflower, pyrethrum, foxglove, morning glory, iberis, bluebell, zinnia, malope, matthiola, lobularia, lobelia, clarkia, cosmos, helipterum, begonia, annual dahlia, fragrant tobacco, fiery red bean, snapdragon, lavatera, digitalis, purslane;
  • 4-5 years – seeds of pinnate cloves, Grenadines, Turkish and Chinese, nasturtium, coreopsis, lupine;

5-6 years – seeds of sweet peas, amaranth and gillyflower. It is better to sow gillyflower seeds in the 4-5th year after collection, as this increases the number of double inflorescences.

The troublesome autumn was followed by a restless winter. Now is the time to think about seeds for next season. They lie in the house, preserved not only from this year, but even from the previous year. What to do with them? Leave? Will they germinate? How many and, most importantly, how to store them? Let's try to figure out these questions.

By the way, there are amazing cases in history when seeds were discovered during excavations of ancient buildings, they were planted and they... germinated, and germinated after thousands of years! This was the case, for example, in the middle of the 19th century, when wheat seeds were found at the bottom of a 3,000-year-old vase: they were sown and they sprouted. True, this miracle can be explained: a constant temperature and humidity were maintained in the vase, and the seeds were apparently well ripened and dried. Namely, such conditions are necessary for better preservation seeds Then the metabolic processes in the seed are greatly inhibited, it enters a dormant stage, and the embryo under such conditions can remain alive for a long time.

However, the ability to maintain germination varies among different crops. And it depends not only on the type of culture, but also on maturation conditions, preparation for storage And storage itself.

The age of seeds is counted from the day of collection, and their longevity is divided into economic And biological.

More important for us economic durability- the time during which a certain (large) percentage of seeds retain the ability to germinate. Here, for example, are indicators of the economic longevity of seeds vegetable crops(in years):

Biological longevity time during which at least a single seed remains capable of germination:

By the way, the seeds lose their viability gradually. At first, only 25% die. This happens slowly, then the process accelerates and almost all the seeds die, although among them there may remain rare specimens that have not lost their germination, unlike all their fellows.

The main reason why seeds lose their viability faster is their high humidity , so freshly collected seeds need to be dried on outdoors, spreading them in a thin layer on paper or fabric so that moisture is easily absorbed. There is no need to dry the seeds in the sun; it is better in the shade with access to air. It is dangerous to dry near a stove or radiator - the seeds can easily dry out there.

Be sure to dry the old seeds, especially if you kept them in an unheated country house. Don’t forget about suitable packaging – bags made of thick paper or linen.

The seed shell is porous, so it easily absorbs moisture from the air, which is why store seeds It is necessary in a dry room and at a constant temperature. You can store them in the cellar or refrigerator, but only in an airtight container, for example, in a jar with a tight-fitting lid. The main thing is that the seeds do not absorb moisture, otherwise they will begin to breathe more intensely, lose nutrients, and the embryo will awaken prematurely from sleep and die.

Two ways to store seeds

First way used in production: the seeds are specially brought to a moisture content of 5–10% and only then put into moisture-proof packaging (for example, polyethylene), and then into fabric bags.

At higher humidity, the seeds will breathe more intensely and release heat and carbon dioxide. Therefore, if at home it is impossible to dry the seeds exactly to this level of humidity (5–10%), then they should not be stored in plastic bags, otherwise they may suffocate.

Most suitable for gardeners second way. When drying at home in a warm room, the seed moisture content is 10–15%. It is better to pour such seeds into a fabric bag and hang them in a room where it is constantly dry and cool.

L. Kalugina, Khimki

Purchasing seeds – an important part preparation for work on the site.

Nowadays the assortment in stores is huge, so the main thing is to do it right make a choice.

And first of all, this concerns shelf life (or germination), only seeds that have good performance according to this parameter, they will give desired harvest.

Although they can be stored for an incredibly long time.

There are known cases when plants, for example, wheat, sprouted from seeds found in pyramids, and those found in the stomach of a mammoth sprouted.

Methods for determining germination

Everything has different terms suitability. You can find out if the seeds stored at home are outdated by checking them germination.

Simplest method: sow several seeds in a bowl a few weeks before the main ones planting work so that there is time for new purchase if they don't come up.

Second way: you need to soak them in warm water and wait for the sprouts. Only those that have a developed embryo and sufficient nutrients germinate.

Before sowing or soaking it is necessary take away the best seeds. For this purpose, they are lowered into solution from a third of a tablespoon of table salt and half a glass of water. Then they mix and reject those that will emerge to the surface. The rest carefully washed under running water, since remaining salt may reduce the similarity. This can be done by wrapping the seeds in wet gauze.

Usually they take 10 pieces and, by counting the number of sprouted or sprouted, determine germination percentage.

Seeds that are less than 50% germinated can not use with full landings.

For guaranteed germination when sowing, they need to be taken three times more than intended. If less than 30% has germinated, then all are discarded.


How long can vegetable seeds be stored? Vegetable seeds traditionally grown in our gardens and popular flowers have different expiration dates. At violation of conditions The storage time is significantly reduced, or they completely lose their ability to germinate.

Should only be stored in dry place, some fans put it in a three-liter jar and close it with a lid. Manufacturers advise storing at a temperature about 5 degrees.

Seeds of some crops can be stored a very long time. This is how tomatoes sprout even after 10 years.

Through 5-6 :

  • at the melon;
  • beans;
  • beans;
  • beets;
  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes

No less 5 years stored:

  • in eggplants;
  • corn;
  • pumpkins;
  • peas

4-5 years:

3-4 years store seeds:

  • leaf and head salads;
  • leeks.

2-3 of the year:

  • parsley;
  • nigella onion, onion;
  • dill.

Scorzonera can only be planted from seeds. previous year collection

Packaging dependency

Why do storage periods fluctuate? Seeds often last longer than stated on the package. The manufacturer indicates the date at which they germinate almost everything.

Yes, myself package affects . Now many companies, in addition to paper packaged in inner bags made of polyethylene and foil, protecting from exposure external environment and increasing shelf life.

There are seeds processed in special ways. This significantly shifts their shelf life downward. Dried have a shorter shelf life than plain ones.

For example, plain cabbage can be stored for up to 5 years, while the panned version of this vegetable can be stored for only 2 years. Plasma It is better to use only one year.

Many gardeners, afraid of making a mistake in timing, take seeds obtained only in the previous year. This makes sense when it comes to vegetables such as parsley, parsnips, peppers, celery, and dill.

But in some cultures germinate better after a few years, usually 3 years after collection, because they take a long time to mature biologically.

These are cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, eggplants.

Experts often advise keeping them at temperature to speed up ripening. 25 degrees.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of economic and biological germination.

Economic– this is the storage time when up to 50% sprout. Biological- at least one seed. Most have biological germination up to 12-20 years. But for gardeners this has no practical significance.


How long do flower seeds last?

U annuals:

Some seeds are stored less than a year: asters and aquilegia.

The now popular castor bean is stored 2-3 years. Even during this period they have low germination rates. Out of 10 pieces, at best, six sprout. They are poisonous!

In flax and milk thistle ─ 3 years.

U two-year-olds:

  • viola, foxglove, bluebell 2-3 of the year;
  • mallow, daisies, forget-me-nots 3-4 ;
  • Turkish cloves 4-5 .

U perennial:

  • primrose, delphinium, doronicum - 1-2 of the year;
  • gaillardia, cornflower, bluebell, rudbeckia, tansy, alpine aster, coreopsis 2-3 ;
  • gypsophila, lychnis 3-4 ;
  • lupine, yarrow 4-5 years.

Milk thistle is stored 3 years, is a medicinal and ornamental plant.

Flaxseed is also stored for the same period.

Indoor flowers

Nowadays hobbyists grow from seeds houseplants, especially flowering ones that can be used one summer season : pelargonium (geranium), the seeds of which are stored for 2-3 years, balsam, with a shelf life of 4-5 years.

But fuchsias need to be planted only fresh.

How to choose the right seeds?

There are several simple tips choice:

  1. Before you go to the store for new seeds, check last year's stock.
  2. Never stock up for future use.
  3. Better buy at specialized stores
  4. Check carefully packaging.
  5. Take seeds from well-known proven firms.
  6. It is preferable to buy without mark F.
  7. Don't get carried away with seeds exotic plants.
  8. Choose varieties that grow in your region.
  9. Be attentive to expiration dates.

Arriving home, on every package duplicate expiration dates in large pen. The same should be done on packages. with collected seeds.

Can I return them to the store?

Returning seeds to the store is very difficult.

If you bought it, then you will most likely be blamed for this: the expiration date is indicated on the package.

Prove Moreover, it is almost impossible that you bought this particular package of seeds in this store.

You can only make claims in large specialized stores that value their reputation.

Nowadays, many people prefer to order seeds from online stores. Follow the above rules there too. Try to extract maximum information from what is written on the package.


Plant seeds are living, they breathe and gradually use up their reserves. nutrients. There comes a time when this stock is running low, and with it the embryo is depleted, the opportunity to give a new life disappears.

And so that in the spring you no disappointment When suddenly only a few shoots are found in the garden bed instead of slender green rows, pay attention to the seeds you purchased.

Seed shelf life limits When purchasing seeds, pay attention to their expiration date. When reviewing your own seeds, determine whether they are suitable for sowing by comparing them with the shelf life limits given below. 10-12 years – purslane; 6-8 years – watermelon, melon, kale, cucumber, squash, pumpkin; 5-7 years – endive, escarole, sweet corn; 5-6 years – vegetable peas, watercress, beans; 4-5 years – white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese, cauliflower and kohlrabi, radishes, turnips, red beets, asparagus, tomatoes, physalis; 3-5 years – eggplant, okra, hyssop, broccoli, red, Beijing and Savoy cabbage, 3-4 years – basil, mustard, oregano, chervil, coriander (cilantro), onion and leek, lovage, chard, carrots, borage (borage), pepper, lettuce, chicory, spinach; 2-3 years – anise, katran, catnip, onion, marjoram, lemon balm, peppermint, parsley, rhubarb, caraway, dill, fennel, sorrel, tarragon; 1-2 years – parsnip, celery, scorcionera, savory. It must be borne in mind that as the storage period of seeds increases, their germination rate decreases, the vigor of growth changes slightly, and the number of female flowers in a number of crops increases. The germination of seeds of dill, carrots, celery, parsley, parsnip, caraway, and marjoram can be determined by their smell: old seeds lose their inherent aroma and, therefore, germination. -Seed germination, timing of germination and ripening of vegetable crops Very often, gardeners ask such questions. How to check seed germination? In how many days will they sprout? What are the germination times? When to sow and when to expect germination? How many days does it take for the seeds of a particular vegetable to germinate? When will the first shoots emerge from the ground? How many days should I wait for the harvest after germination? When can you harvest? Knowing the timing of germination of a particular vegetable crop is very important for calculating the date of sowing vegetables for seedlings. Remember that all seeds have an expiration date, after which germination can be doubted. For example, the shelf life of celery seeds, onions, trumpets, leeks, sorrel, rhubarb is 2-3 years, dill, parsley, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, carrots are 3-4 years, peas, beans, cabbage, radishes, turnips, salad mustard - 4-6 years, watermelon, melon, pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini, squash - from 6 to 8 years. Beet seeds can be stored for 10 or even 20 years. And beans do not lose their viability for up to 700 years (it’s hard to even imagine). These periods cannot be considered strictly established. If certain conditions are observed (required humidity, temperature, tightness), then the seeds of many crops can be stored for longer long time. And under poor storage conditions, their germination rate can sharply decrease. A useful procedure when preparing seeds for sowing is calibration. It allows you to separate quality flowers from barren flowers. To cull barren flowers, it is customary to dilute salt in water, throw in the seeds, and leave them for a while (from half an hour to 2 hours). Those that float up must be thrown away. There is no 100% germination rate, but you can find out what percentage will sprout in advance. It’s easy to determine the germination rate of seeds. We need to create favorable conditions for them to grow. We take the seeds of any crop and place them between two layers of gauze. You don’t need to take a lot to check germination. 8-10 pieces are enough. Cover the seeds soaked in gauze with film or a saucer on top and place them where it is warm. shelf life of vegetable seeds Periodically, at least once a day, ventilate to prevent mold from appearing, check whether they have sprouted. Seeds that have roots or sprouts are considered sprouted. Each crop has its own time period after which they sprout. If the radish, for example, did not sprout after 7 days, and the zucchini after 10 days, then do not even try to sow such seeds. If they haven’t sprouted at home, they definitely won’t germinate in the garden. It also happens that the test showed good germination, but you sowed them in a bowl for seedlings, but they just don’t sprout. There is a very simple way to prepare seeds - to “force” the seedlings to emerge from the ground faster. True, it is more suitable for small containers. Place your bowl with the sown seeds inside a plastic bag and breathe into it. Then quickly tie the bag and place it in the same place. The carbon dioxide you exhale and its concentration inside the bag will have a beneficial effect on the seedlings. Soon you will see the first shoots. You can increase germination by warming it up. To do this, place the seeds in a thermos with water at a temperature of 40-50°C. Keep them there for at least 6 hours. This method is contraindicated for tomato seeds! It is better to subject them to a hardening procedure. Rinse the seeds calibrated in salt water. It is advisable to disinfect them with a solution of manganese or a solution of colloidal silver. After all this, place the bowl with the seeds in plastic bag and place in the refrigerator where you store vegetables for 10-12 hours. Repeat this procedure every day for a week. That is, for 12 hours the seeds are kept at, and the remaining 12 hours - in the refrigerator. Seeds of crops such as carrots, celery, parsley take a very long time to germinate, because the essential oils that are present in their shell prevent the flow of water to the embryo. Therefore, the seeds of these plants must be treated before sowing. Place the seeds of these crops on a gauze (one gauze - one vegetable), place it in a saucer and pour a thin layer of vodka (40°). Leave them there for 15 minutes. During this time most of essential oils will dissolve. Then rinse the gauze with seeds in cool water several times.

Cucumber seeds and each crop have their own shelf life. This concept refers to the lifespan of the seed. Often, beginning gardeners confuse the shelf life indicated on the seed package with the expiration date during which the seeds retain a certain percentage of germination.

Seed germination means percentage of sprouted seeds. The shelf life depends on the following factors:

  • indoor air humidity;
  • temperature;
  • percentage of moisture in seeds;
  • oxygen.

As a rule, seeds are stored in a dark and dry room with good ventilation. Low humidity ensures that the seed material does not germinate ahead of time, and good ventilation helps maintain the vital activity of the seeds. Without access to oxygen, they die and may not emerge at all.

For full germination, the presence of these components is necessary:

  • humidity;
  • a certain temperature.


For good cucumber germination, the room temperature must be from +19 to +25 degrees. At this temperature regime, seedlings can be expected on the fifth day after planting. In addition to the temp. air and soil must also be taken into account.

If the soil temperature is below 13 degrees, then the seed material will, at best, take a long time to germinate, and at worst, it will die.


Tomato seed material is stored for 5-6 years. At temp. germination +22+25 degrees will sprout in 5-7 days. To increase germination rate, seeds can be pre-soaked in a growth stimulator.

This melon crop retains germination from 6 to 8 years. Germinates at temperature +20+30 degrees. The germination period is two days.

Before storing watermelon seeds, they must be thoroughly rinsed to remove any sweet juice and placed on a paper towel to dry excess moisture. Collect dry seeds in a cloth bag and store in a room with moderate humidity, avoiding exposure to direct sun rays and light.


Retains germination 5-6 years. Germinate at +10+11 degrees. Shoots will appear on the 10th day.

To collect seeds for storage, bean pods must be collected in the morning to prevent cracking. Seed material must be thoroughly dried before packing for storage, turning them over several times during the drying process. Packed in cloth bags. Store in a well-ventilated area.


Peas germinate throughout 5-6 years. Germinates at +10+11 degrees on the 7th day. In the process of peeling the pods, it is necessary to immediately discard the darkened ones. Then spread the collected peas in a thin layer on paper and dry for six days.

Then, once dried, they are packaged in a paper envelope or cloth bag and stored in a room with moderate humidity at room temperature.

It is necessary to check the material from time to time for the absence of any pests: worms, rodents, weevils.


Shoots appear +20+30 degrees. This melon crop has an expiration date 6-8 years.

Germinate at +20-30 degrees. Shoots appear on the 8th day. Before packing for storage, the seeds must be thoroughly dried to avoid spoilage or premature germination. The material is placed in glass containers. The humidity inside the container should be 6%.

3-5 years. Germinate at +20+30 degrees on the 10th day. Rinse the collected seeds well, dry thoroughly, and pack in cloth bags. Storage temperature +10-15 degrees.

Seeds packed in bags must be thoroughly ground to prevent the seeds from sticking together, which subsequently deteriorates their quality.

Pumpkin, zucchini

Germinate at +20+30 degrees within 10 days. Germination is maintained throughout 6-8 years.

It is better to dry the collected pumpkin or zucchini material in the fresh air, but covering them from direct sunlight. During the drying process, the seeds must be turned over. Store at +10-15 degrees in a well-ventilated area. Collected seeds must not be washed and the partitions removed.


Shelf life of seeds 4-5 years. Germination at +20+30 degrees.

To test cabbage seeds for germination, place them in damp gauze for five days. You need to make sure that the moisture does not evaporate and that the gauze is always damp. On the fifth day, the hatched seeds can be sown for seedlings. Shoots appear on the 10th day. Store in a room with a humidity of 55% and a temperature of 0 +5 degrees.


Germinates on day 7 at germination temperature +20+30 degrees. For planting, only large, undamaged seeds are selected and kept in a 5% saline solution for 5 minutes to check for germination.

Only those that have settled to the bottom during the soaking process are planted. Maintains germination throughout 2-3 years.

Has an expiration date 2-3 years. Sprouts on day 10 at germination temperature +20+30 degrees.

In order to speed up the germination process, it is recommended to soak carrots in a nutrient solution.

To do this, you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of ash (level spoon) in 1 liter of water. The water temperature should be at least 30 degrees.

Soak the seeds in a rag bag in this solution for 24 hours. After soaking, rinse the seeds and place them in the refrigerator for 5 minutes to harden, dry them and start sowing.


Beets remain viable 1-2 years. Seeds of both sugar and fodder sprout after 8 days, at germination temperatures +20+30 degrees.

Storage temperature 14-16 degrees. Air humidity 50-60%. The temperature regime and humidity are also suitable for crops such as corn, radishes, radishes, turnips and onions.


3 years. Optimal temperature germination +20+30 degrees. Shoots appear on the 14th day. Storage conditions are similar to storage conditions for beets.


Onion seeds are suitable for planting throughout 3-4 years. Germinates at temperatures +20+30 degrees, sprouts on the 12th day.

Before sowing, seeds must be checked for germination. 14 days before planting, wrap them in a damp cloth and leave them in a warm room. During this time, keep the napkin slightly moistened so that the fabric does not dry out.

After two weeks, pour the hatched seeds into a rag bag and immerse them in boiling water for 15 minutes, and then dip them in water for 1 minute. cold water. After this, keep for another 24 hours in a damp bag at room temperature.

This procedure will increase the immunity of seeds to fungal diseases.


Maintains viability for 3 years. Shoots appear on the 15th day, at germination temperature +20+30 degrees. Storage temperature +5 degrees. Air humidity 55-60%.

Experienced gardeners have noticed that medium-sized seeds can sprout better if they are previously disinfected with a 2% solution of potassium permanganate and kept for 5 hours in an ash solution.

The solution is prepared as follows:

  • water -1 liter;
  • ash - 20 grams.


Maintains germination throughout 2-5 years. Germinates at +10+12 degrees.

Dill seeds will produce better seedlings and lush greenery if the seeds are soaked in hot water for 72 hours before planting. Place the seeds in a cloth bag and place in hot water. During the soaking process, the water must be changed at least 5 times.


Shelf life of seed 2-3 years. Germinate at +20+30 degrees. It sprouts on the 14th day.


Maintains germination throughout 4-5 days. Germinates at temperatures +20+30 degrees within 7 days.

Before sowing, it is necessary to sift the seeds through a 2 mm sieve to calibrate the largest ones for planting. Soak the selected seeds for 48 hours. This must be done to speed up germination.


Shelf life of seeds 1-2 years. Germinates at temperatures +20+30 degrees within 10 days. Seed germination depends on their size and density.

Seeds that are wet in the rain and dried are not suitable for sowing, as cracks form on them, which is why they should be discarded.


Seeds remain viable for 4-5 years. Germinate at temperature +20+30 degrees. The first shoots appear on the 7th day.

Before sowing, it is recommended to heat the seeds for 30 minutes. Place the seeds in a glass container, close tightly and place in hot water. Water temperature 55 degrees. After warming up, for ease of sowing, mix with wet sand.


Seeds remain viable for 1-2 years. Germination temperature +20+30 degrees. Shoots appear after 14 days. Seeds are stored at +14-17 degrees. Air humidity in the room is 55-60%.

Celery seeds take a long time to germinate due to the high content of essential oils in the seeds. Before planting, it is recommended to immerse the seeds in a rag bag in hot water for 20 minutes, then immediately plunge them into very cold water for 20 minutes. Then leave on a damp cloth in a warm room until they hatch. Mix with wet sand and sow in the ground or greenhouse.


The shelf life of the seeds is maintained throughout 4-5 years. At germination temperature +20+30 deg. gives germination on the 7th day.

Germination percentage to shelf life data

Culture Shelf life Shoots (days) t % 1 year % 2 year % 3 year % 4 year % 5 year % 6 year % 7 year
Cucumber 6-8 4-8 19-25 85 95 95 72 60 40 13
Tomato, peas, corn, beans 5-6 4-8 10-11 85 89 83 83 71 76 0
Cabbage 4-5 3-6 2-3 85 75 59 54 14 0 0
Radishes, turnips 5 7 15-17 71 57 49 37 12 0 0
Beet 5 7-8 20-22 74 70 69 62 34 0 0
Celery 2-3 18-20 3-4 46 23 2 0 0 0 0
Dill, parsley 2-3 12-22 3-4 46 23 23 0 0 0 0
3-4 10 4-5 60 35 22 7 0 0 0
Rhubarb 5 14 15-17 85 75 69 59 14 0 0
Watermelon melon 6-8 6-15 13-15 86 88 92 77 90 92 36
Corn 5-8 10 15-20 86 80 72 62 33 14 9
Zucchini 6-8 4-8 10-12 85 89 83 83 71 76 32

By observing the correct temperature conditions, care rules and maintaining the necessary humidity in the room, as well as marking the bags with seed material, you can always count on a good quick harvest.

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