All cards and their names. Appearance of the card: what a bank card looks like and what information is on the bank card

Each of us knows what it is playing cards and many played them. But has anyone ever wondered how the first cards and the suits depicted on them appeared?

One option for the origin of cards and suits is the assumption that the first cards appeared in Asia, from where they were already distributed by the Arabs throughout Europe.

Foreign merchants transporting goods and traveling to different lands traded cards with four suits, which were called pentacles, staves, cups and swords.

The origin of card suits is not known for certain, but there are several plausible theories

According to other assumptions, they appeared in Europe during the reign of Charles IV - they were invented by the royal merry fellow for the amusement of the master's family.

In the Old World, gambling cards were first described around the same time period. Of all the variety of decks, their quantitative and quality composition, certain commonalities can be identified:

  • all decks had 4 suits (as well as special cards called jokers);
  • each suit contained several representatives, differing in design or information sign;
  • the card combined a suit and a hierarchical place.

The modern deck is a French variation of the combination of card suit and rank, which appeared in the 15th century. The popularity and prevalence of this particular specimen is explained by the low cost of production. On French maps, low rank was indicated by Arabic symbols, which eliminated the difficulty of drawing.

There are the following opinions on how the visual images of the suit were formed:

  • equipment of knights (spades - spears, worms - shields, diamonds - banners, crosses - swords);
  • four social groups feudal society (army - spades, church - worms, merchants - diamonds, peasantry - crosses);
  • objects associated with the death of Jesus Christ (spades - a spear, worms - a sponge, diamonds - nail heads, crosses - a cross).

The last of these explanations is determined by the church’s well-established condemnation of gambling, including card games, which are considered the creation of the Devil. In many European countries rooted enough interesting name suits. For example, in Germany, worms are called hearts, spades are called leaves, diamonds are called bells, and crosses are called acorns.

Names of card suits

In the Spanish set of cards, suits are also called by peculiar words. Residents of France call them differently: peaks (spears), squares, hearts, clovers. The most common and familiar terms in Russia are those that came from France, or derivatives similar to them.

Thus, diamonds come from “bells”, clubs are the pronounced word “trefle” in Russian, hearts are a derivative of “chervonny”, and spades speak for themselves.

Hierarchy of card suits

In all the variety of card games, there has never been a universal seniority of suits, so many games have their own scale: for example, in bridge or poker there is a hierarchy - spades, hearts, diamonds, crosses. For this reason, games are organized in such an order that would regulate the location and, so to speak, the strength of the suits.

Trumps and special suits

In “bribe” games there is always a suit that is more powerful than others throughout the game. In some games, one or more suits may have a specific meaning. In the game "Spades", by the way, a specific suit is established, which is trump during the game.

Another example of the use of special suits is the game "Hearts", where the presence of cards with hearts puts you in a losing situation.

Plastic bank cards have long become a part of everyone’s life. modern man. And there are a number of reasons for this. Some receive a salary, others receive a scholarship or financial assistance on bank cards.

Kinds bank cards, the conditions for their opening, use, methods of closing, as well as the history of this financial product, you can find out by reading this article. The most popular international systems involved in issuing and supporting plastic cards will also be given.

Origin and further history of development

Let's look at plastic cards, starting from the moment when the first bank cards began to appear.

Before the trade boom in America in the fifties of the last century, as throughout the world, money was used in two forms: cash and non-cash.

If everything is clear with the first form, then let’s focus our attention on the second.

Non-cash money then consisted of checks and check books. For the modern user plastic card All the negative aspects of using a checkbook are clear:

Possibility of counterfeiting;

Long processing time for each operation;

You should always carry a paper receipt with you, which can easily be damaged.

During that same American trading boom, when the number of trade transactions multiplied several times, the need to have a means that would be more reliable than checks became very acute.

The choice should depend on your needs

Knowing all the listed features of the cards, you can easily choose the one that suits you. The most important thing is to correctly identify your needs. For example, why do you need a “credit card” if you are a wealthy person, as well as a “Kukuruza” card if you do not use the services of “Euroset” or its partners?

Also keep in mind: the higher the class of the card, the more expensive its maintenance will cost you. If you are a student, then you obviously don’t need a gold card. And if you travel abroad frequently and have a fairly large turnover of personal funds, you cannot do without a platinum bank card, taking into account all the services that will be available to you.

Everyone's favorite card games are firmly rooted in modern society. A deck of cards and a couple of good friends will help you pass any leisure time. It's no secret that people have come up with many exciting games using a deck of cards. Where did playing cards come from and what were they called before? The card suit of spades is of interest to both amateurs and professionals.

Rooted in China

Like many other ancient objects, maps have a fascinating history, often steeped in myths and legends. Since they were invented a long time ago, no one can say where they exactly came from. However, there are quite Interesting Facts, which suggest that cards first appeared in the Empire of Silk. The ancient Chinese dictionary says that playing cards are an ancient heritage of China, and that it was there that they became so widespread.

According to this theory, the four suits symbolized the seasons. Before the advent of paper copies, the ancient Chinese used “cards” from ivory, wood, and the Japanese even from mussel shells. In the thirteenth century, the fascinating “overseas game” became known in Egypt and India. Europe learned about it two more centuries later. An interesting fact is that the appearance of maps on its territory coincides with the arrival of gypsies there.

What were they called before? Card suit of spades: history and meaning

European versions of the cards have their own equally interesting explanation. The suits familiar to the modern player also have their own individual history. What was the card suit called spades in the old days? It often symbolized a spear or a flower. In Rus' everything was much less poetic - “shovel”. Such names are most likely explained by the shape of the figure, symbolizing the suit, which is indeed somewhat similar to the above-mentioned objects. But another name was popular in Russia in the old days. The peaks were sometimes called vinas (grape leaves).

Although the maps themselves originated in China, France brought its own changes to them. It was the French who added suits to the playing deck. Since then, this option has spread worldwide. As history shows, initially the suits symbolized the essential attributes of a knight - a sword (clubs), a spear (spades), a shield (hearts) and a coat of arms (diamonds). Now it is not difficult to understand why the card suit of spades used to be called that way. In India, these four images had a completely different meaning. Each suit was a symbol of a certain class - the nobility, merchants, clergy and, of course, royalty.

Maps and the royal court

By the way, about kings. Card games were more than popular with them. Not long ago it became known that cheating flourished even in the royal palaces. The kings themselves resorted to this “innocent trick,” which was quite difficult for the common people to comprehend. Both now and before, we could be talking about quite large sums of money.

Gamblers often lost to smithereens and also ended up in debt. Given this state of affairs, the first bans on gambling began to appear, which significantly reduced the number of inveterate cheaters.

21st century deck

Every self-respecting player should know the history of his hobby, including cards. What were they like? What were they called before? The card suit of spades itself has interesting story, not to mention others.

Many are also interested in the question of who became the author of the famous images? Today the cards have quite modern look, although they are made according to the sketches of Charlemagne, who came up with these drawings back in the last century. Although cards are now available to almost everyone, there are expensive decks from world brands that are intended mainly for poker or bridge. Having gone through several thousand years of history, they changed and came to the twenty-first century exactly as they are known today. Now for many, the origin of the cards does not matter at all: where they came from and what they were called before. The card suit of spades (like hearts, clubs and diamonds) has gone through a fascinating journey and deserves close attention.

I was given a debit bank card, but the bank employee did not explain anything about what information is reflected on the bank card, what the appearance of the card conveys. May I need information on a bank card, and in what cases?

Answer: First, let’s talk about what a bank card looks like, or rather, what the card’s appearance might be. The bank card has a format defined by the ISO 7810 ID-1 standard: 85.6 mm x 53.98 mm x 0.76 mm, and is mainly made of plastic. The front and back sides of the card carry various functional information. General background The front side of the bank card is approved by the bank according to the designs developed by the designers, and the back side always has a plain background. That is, the design and color of the card depends on the preferences of the issuing bank, and also takes into account the requirements of the payment system that services this card.

The background should contribute to the aesthetic perception of the card and the recognition of the bank that issued the card. For certain types of cards, banks offer cardholders to decide on the design themselves, that is, they give the client the right to choose an individual design.

It is more difficult to purchase goods using stolen personal cards retail outlets, especially expensive, since if the purchase amount is significant or if there is the slightest doubt, sellers have the right to ask to see a passport.

  • Card expiry date– located below the card number, it indicates the month and the last two digits of the year in digital format - mm/yy (month/year). The card is valid until last day month indicated on the card, inclusive. Some cards reflect both the start date and expiration date of the card. After the card expires (date), the card is blocked by the bank, and Bank operations it is no longer possible to use it. And since the period for closing a card account does not end with the expiration of the card, the client, if necessary, can be issued a new card for the next validity period.

    Therefore, one month before the expiration date of the card, you must contact the bank for reissue new card or write an application to close a card account.

  • Logo and hologram of the payment system indicates which system provides services for conducting payment transactions using this bank card. Russian banks work with several payment systems that service bank cards. The following systems are considered the most common:

    When choosing to make a payment, you must take into account that the name and logo of the payment system on the bank card must correspond to their counterpart on the self-service device or ATM. If there is no such logo on the device, then this self-service device/ATM will not service your card.

  • Card number– this is the individual number of your card. For Visa and MasterCard payment systems, the number consists of 16 digits divided into 4 blocks of 4 digits (4-4-4-4). Sometimes the card number may have 18 or 19 digits.

    For the American Express payment system, the card number consists of 15 digits, divided into 3 blocks of 4,6 and 5 digits each (4-6-5).
    And for the Russian national payment system "Mir" the card number consists of 16 digits divided into 4 blocks of 4 digits (4-4-4-4).
    The card number is the access number to the cardholder's bank account.
    The card number is used by the holder in the Mobile Bank or Online system.

  • Using the first digit of the card number, you can obtain information about which payment system the card belongs to and whether it matches the logo. So, the first numbers of payment systems that operate in Russia are as follows:
    • World - 2;
    • VISA – 4;
    • American Express – 3
    • MasterCard – 5
    • Maestro - 3, 5 or 6
    • China UnionPay - 6
    • JCB International - 3
    • UEK - 7.
  • – located on the front side of the card above the card number (on the right or left) and consists of four digits. The code located here is found only on American Express cards. This is an additional means of identifying the cardholder during payments, especially on the Internet. For MasterCard and Visa payment systems, the card authentication code is located on the back of the card (see clause 10).

  • Chip- this is the additional and most high level protecting the card from unauthorized access to the account. The built-in chip is present on the cards in the form of a microprocessor that functions like a minicomputer. It contains all the information on the map. Cards with a chip are more secure than cards with a magnetic stripe only. Therefore, to enhance protection, banks are increasingly issuing combined cards - with a chip and a magnetic stripe.

  • Issuing bank logo located at the top of the card in the right or left corners of the card and identifies the card as the property of the specific bank that issued the card. The logo always contains the abbreviated corporate name of the bank. For example:
  • Back of the card

    A sketch of the appearance of the reverse side of a bank card with the numbering of elements looks like this:

    The reverse side of the bank card displays information on the following elements:

    1. Bank's name– at the bottom of the card the name of the bank to which the card belongs must be repeated.

    2. paper strip white located next to the magnetic stripe. It is only available on personalized cards - and is intended for applying a sample signature of the card holder. This is also protection - if you try to forge a sample signature at the time of making payments using a stolen card, problems may arise.

      The paper strip, in addition to the sample signature of the card holder, is filled with information taking into account the elements of the type of payment system and the card authentication code.

      So, for example, a bar can be filled:

      • diagonal lines with the word VISA in blue/blue and gold colors and a 19-digit number printed in a special font slanted to the left, which includes 16 digits of the card number and 3 digits of the security code

      • diagonal lines with the word MasterCard or MC in red, blue/cyan and yellow flowers and a 7-digit number in the center of the panel, printed in a special font slanted to the left, which includes the last four digits of the card number and 3 digits of the security code

    3. Card authentication code(CVV2 and CVC2) - for payment systems, MasterCard or Visa, it consists of three digits, and is located on a white strip of paper, next to the place for the holder’s signature after the last four digits of the bank card number indicated there. The code is used as an additional means of identifying the cardholder during payments, especially on the Internet. It is not found on all categories of cards of these systems.

      Card authentication code using technology MirAccept payment system "MIR" - consists of three digits and is located on the back of the card. Sberbank of Russia, for example, has a code located before the words “Thank you from Sberbank.”

    4. Magnetic stripe on the card- This is a magnetic strip soldered into plastic, which is a carrier of information. Data is written to the card once and will not be rewritten in the future. The recording (or encoding) is made on the instructions of the bank and includes data: about the cardholder, his account number, bank and other additional data necessary for the bank.

      The magnetic stripe can be black, dark brown or any other color.

    You can read about the appearance and complete information that Russian World maps contain
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