Growing vegetables as a business profit. Business of growing vegetables in a greenhouse all year round

The current economic situation is forcing more and more people to become entrepreneurs. Trying to find a suitable niche, they try different options. The Internet is replete with ideas and business plans. But most projects for megacities are not suitable for people living in rural areas or the private sector of a small city. It's worth switching to available options. When choosing a vegetable growing business, you should minimize the seasonality factor in order to get stable income.

Advantages and disadvantages of growing vegetables in a greenhouse

Using greenhouses you can completely change the seasonality of your business. The main advantage of greenhouses is the ability to supply fresh vegetables to the market in cold weather. By choosing adherents of proper nutrition as the target audience, high profit rates are achieved. In summer it is not difficult to find cucumbers or tomatoes, but in winter prices rise significantly, but consumers are ready to purchase the products.

Growing any plants in a greenhouse all year round does not cost much. The main costs go to renting land. The construction of the building does not require special knowledge or expensive materials. Due to this, the project will quickly pay for itself and begin to generate good profits. As a rule, the first income comes a year after the opening of the business. Farmers also consume the products themselves, guaranteeing the quality and safety of the food.

As for possible disadvantages, a lot of expenses go into constantly paying electricity bills. Greenhouses should be well lit almost all day long. During the summer months you will have to work hard to find a free market with a good price. Often, buyers cannot pick up vegetables and fruits themselves, so they often have to take delivery themselves.

The financial component of a greenhouse business

It is worth understanding how much you need to invest and how quickly it will pay off before starting any work. Keep in mind that the ratio of income to expenses greatly depends on the area occupied by the greenhouse. As an example, consider an option of 300 m2.

Initially, the question arises about the need to rent or purchase territory for a greenhouse. The cheapest option is to look for a place outside the city, because it is cheaper there, and you need to take into account delivery costs. It is important to find the “golden mean” in terms of distance from the city. Then there are expenses for building materials and construction. Initial purchase of soil and seedlings. This includes costs for legal issues. On average, this comes out to 500,000 rubles.

When the building is ready, you can hire employees who will guard the premises and care for the vegetables. The salary fund varies depending on the qualifications of the workers. For a building of 300 m2, 3 people are enough, about 70 thousand rubles per month. Associated expenses require about 40,000 rubles. And income starts from 400,000 rubles. per month. Depending on the season, the figure may increase or decrease.

How to choose what to grow in a greenhouse

Having taken the first steps, a reasonable question arises about which plants bring more profit. It is also important to understand what is easier to start with and what requires the least amount of care. It is important to consider the shelf life of the product.

The opportunity to choose forces you to consider in detail all options, as well as third-party factors, in order to run your business as efficiently as possible. We study the level of competition in the market you are going to enter. It is important to understand what entrepreneurs are now offering. Not only competitors who own greenhouses are taken into account, but also the number of plants offered from ordinary fields.

The wishes of clients cannot be discounted. At the beginning of the work, crops are selected that attract consumers all year round. The fundamental law of entrepreneurship says: “Demand creates supply.” Therefore, at the start it is better to focus on popular plants.

Assess your options wisely. Investing in a business to grow vegetables in a greenhouse all year round has an important bearing on the choice of final product. You can build a small greenhouse for unpretentious greenery. At the same time, flowers will require a significantly larger area, better conditions and careful care.

It is important to take into account the climatic features of the area. In cold areas, greenhouses are more expensive because the costs of maintaining a suitable temperature increase. It is easier to manage business in the southern regions.

Analysis of possible options

The most suitable candidates are:

Hybrid roses are popular in the flower business. These flowers are constantly in price and require minimal care. They require good soil, adequate watering and fertilizers. With good care, one bush produces about 250 units of goods. Indoor flowers and chrysanthemums are also often grown in greenhouses.

If we consider working with greens, the crops here are diverse and unpretentious. At the same time, greens in peat pots sell well. They are sold with soil, so the products can be stored longer. The advantage of this option is high margins and stable interest of the end consumer, regardless of seasonality.

Growing vegetables in a greenhouse all year round as a business is a more complex process from a technological point of view, and income also varies depending on the season. The cheapest way is to grow vegetables in a greenhouse all year round using hydroponics. In this case, the final product has a specific watery taste. For this reason, most businessmen abandon this technology in favor of improving the quality of goods.

Most farmers choose cucumbers. They can be easily grown from seedlings, which will reduce the ripening time. A high percentage of humidity is important for them; it should be above 80%. Cucumbers are not picky about soil. Therefore, they can be placed either using the classical method directly in the soil or in mats on special racks. The second option is preferable, as it saves space, which means the usable area of ​​the room increases.

Tomatoes can also be grown in soil and in hydroponic setups. The second option brings more profit, but the color, taste and aroma of vegetables suffers. For this reason, soil cultivation in a greenhouse is most often chosen as a business. This option is more expensive, but the product is easier to sell and is valued higher. It is important to choose the right tomato varieties. It is necessary to pay attention that the seedlings are intended specifically for greenhouses. At the same time, large yields are obtained from varieties that were bred in Russia, Holland or Poland.

Another vegetable suitable for greenhouses is cabbage. Like cucumbers, it requires high indoor humidity to produce good yields. The advantage of cabbage is that it can bear fruit several times a year when grown in closed soil. You can choose almost any variety of cabbage: Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts or regular white cabbage.

To speed up the growing of vegetables in a greenhouse as a business, it is recommended to grow seedlings in advance using the cassette method. Early hybrid varieties that do not require pollination are best suited. In addition to sufficient humidity, you need to pay attention to the temperature in the room. It should not be higher than +20 degrees Celsius. This slows down the release of flower stalks.

Sweet peppers would be a good choice. It does not require special pollination and ripens quickly. It is important to focus on special greenhouse varieties. When growing them, it is necessary to constantly add minerals and fertilizers to the soil, and also monitor the high level of humidity.

If desired and there is a request from the market, other vegetables can be grown. The most profitable ones can be:


  • Hot peppers.

The most difficult thing is to grow and implement a business in a greenhouse, growing berries. They are more demanding than other plants, they are more difficult to transport, and they have a shorter shelf life. At the same time, such farms are often found due to high demand throughout the year. Special greenhouse varieties are purchased. They are characterized by a pronounced taste, beautiful shape and less juiciness, which simplifies the transportation process.

When growing plants in regular soil, gardeners purchase ready-made seedlings. At the same time, a more profitable option for growing vegetables in a greenhouse all year round is to prepare the seedlings yourself. It’s convenient that you can start in another room. You can also produce seedlings in the main room, but then you need to install the section with them as close to the light as possible. You can sow seeds once every two weeks, this way you get seedlings of different ages and a continuous supply of vegetables for the customer.

When it comes to soil selection, many crops require a combination of pitch, peat and garden soil. The finished mixture must be disinfected. The best option is to use copper sulfate. Then fertilizer minerals are added to the soil and loosening occurs. Watering the seedlings is done as the soil dries out. Indeed, due to lack of water, the harvest will be significantly reduced. An equally important factor is temperature.

There are three ways to grow vegetables. Hydroponic systems are almost never used due to low demand for such products. The soil method is used for most vegetables. The shelving option is good for small plants. Once every 1.5-2 weeks it is important to treat the soil and remove weeds.

Caring for some vegetables

To increase profits and productivity, it is necessary to understand that one crop is grown in a greenhouse. This is due to different watering needs and environmental conditions. Therefore, each greenhouse has a specific purpose or is divided into sectors at the construction stage.

To get a big harvest, you need to take care of the right conditions. If you want cucumbers to bear a lot of fruit, then you need them to trail upward. To do this, racks are built and threads are pulled. They act as a guide.

Tomatoes and peppers need more rigid support. After all, their fruits are heavier and there is a danger of damage to the plant itself under their weight. Please note that sweet and bitter peppers should be separated into different compartments. If you grow them in the same bed, the sweet peppers may become bitter. Cabbage does not require additional equipment and gets along well with other crops. It also produces fruit all year round.

Construction of a greenhouse for business

When all the nuances of choosing and growing different crops have become clear, the question arises of how to build a greenhouse. In order for the greenhouse to function throughout the year, it is necessary to choose a capital type of construction. The frame is chosen either from wood or galvanized metal. A winter greenhouse is always built on a foundation. The thickness is determined by the climatic conditions of the area.

The cheapest and fastest construction option is polyethylene coating. At the same time, the film is not durable and does not transmit sunlight well. As a rule, its replacement is necessary every season. Due to this, the payback is significantly reduced. This type of construction can be chosen for crops that prefer a humid environment:

  • Tomatoes;

In such greenhouses, greens, flowers and strawberries produce a poor harvest.

An expensive, but more reliable option is glass greenhouses. It should be borne in mind that ordinary glass is not suitable for a greenhouse. You need to purchase special industrial glass. It tolerates temperature changes and bad weather conditions well. In addition to cost, glass has another disadvantage: an increase in the amount of ultraviolet light. On summer days it will be necessary to provide shade to prevent overburning.

The most suitable choice would be an acrylic or polycarbonate greenhouse for year-round use as a business. Such materials have high strength, while it can be easily bent into the desired shapes and cut. Polycarbonate has an excellent light transmittance coefficient and performs well even in northern regions.

For large businesses, you can choose a single-slope structure. It will distribute the light evenly, and the snow will roll off the roof faster. Engineers recommend making the north side of wood or cinder block. The opaque surface will imitate a solar panel, which will save on heating costs. It is important that the greenhouse has good air ventilation, climate control and irrigation devices.

To avoid microclimate disturbances, it is necessary to equip a double door or vestibule. Due to this, there is no loss of heat. To increase heating savings, the best option is to use a combination of different types of fuel. use:

  • Electric boilers;

    Infrared cables.

For industrial purposes, larger sizes are used, most often the area ranges from 500 to 1000 m2. To ensure the reliability of the structure, load-bearing columns are located in it. For beginning farmers, you can choose more modest sizes. To work with vegetables and flowers, you can stay on an area of ​​up to 200 m2, and there is enough space for greenery in a greenhouse measuring 100 m2.

Finding consumers for greenhouse products

You should look for a sales market at the construction stage. This will avoid downtime and ensure stable income from plants throughout the year. Due to the short shelf life for most vegetables, it is better to look for several options at once. As a rule, farmers refuse to sell all goods to the final consumer.

Most often, the goods are sent to wholesale centers. Through cooperation with wholesale centers, there is a significant reduction in the time when ripe vegetables are stored in greenhouse warehouses. In this case, the price decreases and you need to take care of delivery.

Another option is to work with resellers. The advantage is that such entrepreneurs have personal transport and you are relieved of the need to deliver products. You can also establish work with processing enterprises. Since they regularly produce canned products, they constantly need fresh raw materials. This makes it possible to supply them with large quantities at good prices.

The most difficult, but also the most profitable option is to sell to retail stores. In this case, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort communicating with the owners of retail outlets and following all the recommendations of retail chains to certify the facility. As in the case of wholesale warehouses, delivery is carried out by the farmer, so a forwarder and official transport will be required.

Thus, greenhouses for growing vegetables bring good income all year round. Although this business requires investment at the start, it quickly pays off. With the right approach, you can make large profits without repeated investments.

Our interlocutor is Gafurov Rasul Usmanovich. He works as a surgeon in a regional hospital in a small town in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, but at the same time manages to run his own business - growing vegetables in the fields. How does he do this?

Main points of the interview:

  • Type of activity: growing vegetables
  • Business location: Russia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
  • Occupation before starting a business: surgeon (business is conducted in parallel with medical activities)
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: individual entrepreneur
  • Initial investment amount: 50,00 rub.
  • Source of initial capital: personal savings, help from relatives
  • Payback period: within the first season of operation
  • How the business started: by planting potatoes on one hectare of land
  • The first harvest was 18 tons of selected potatoes (3 tons were planted).
  • Formula for success: “The most important thing in business is to have a good attitude towards what you do - there will always be results!”

Hello! Tell our readers about what you do?

In general, by profession I am a surgeon, I work at the Prokhladnenskaya regional hospital. But I also have my own business - I grow vegetables in the fields.

How did you come up with the idea of ​​doing business in parallel with your work as a surgeon?

In general, it is quite difficult to combine your main job with running your own business. But when there is not enough money, you have to look for a way out of the current situation. That is why I decided to try to open my own business.

Communication with a friend who started growing potatoes pushed me to this. According to him, he earned 9 times more than he invested. I planted 500 kg and harvested 5 tons. Such a profit could not leave me indifferent!

Why did you decide to pursue farming rather than something closer to medicine? Where did you get your knowledge about growing vegetables?

In our small town, I did not see any prospects for doing anything related to medicine. It is too difficult to open a private clinic; there are already many pharmacies.

My father was a war and labor veteran, and back in Soviet times he was allocated a plot of land (1 hectare). There we worked as a family, planting vegetables. Therefore, I have been familiar with farming since childhood; I know and can do a lot.

Nowadays I just need one look at a potato and I can tell what variety it is and in what region it was grown.

How did you start your business?

I rented 1 hectare of land and planted potatoes. The harvest turned out to be 1 in 6. I planted 3 tons and harvested 18 tons. This was a very good result! After that, I firmly decided that next year I would continue growing vegetables.

How is your case registered?

How is the land you work on regulated?

I rent land.

What taxes do you pay?

Does your main job allow you to devote time to business, or do you take time off and vacation during the harvest?

In this sense, I was lucky - according to the law, we, surgeons, have a vacation of as much as 45 days. I divide it into two parts - I take 20 days when vegetables are being planted (in the spring), and 25 when the harvest is in progress, in the fall.

Where do you store the harvest and how do you sell it? Have you tried selling your products through online stores?

I don’t store the harvest anywhere, I sell it straight from the field! I sell wholesale, all at once. Of course, I set the price lower, but then I don’t have to decide where to store it all, how to sell and transport it, and so on. I don’t have a huge barn or a spacious, dry basement at home. So I sell it straight from the field on the same day we collect it.

But it all depends on what exactly you are growing. For example, one day I planted beets. Its harvest occurs in November-December, and prices were low. I wanted to earn more money, and I found a place where I could store it. It sat nicely in the basement for several months, and we sold it for a good price later.

I didn’t even think about chain stores, since the problem was with storage space.

Now you have grown a product, but before you sell it, do you need to certify it or obtain any permits?

We take a certificate from the collective farm from which we rent land. It is needed for carriers who pick up products from our fields. That’s what we call it, “traveling”. I have not heard about the need to certify grown vegetables.

Does the state help you?

They offered me help - to take out a loan with a reduced interest rate. But, to be honest, I don’t even have time to delve into the terms of this offer - I’m in the hospital all week, and on the weekends I’m on the field. For now I'm making do on my own.

How will joining the WTO affect your business?

I don't think so. I have a small business, this will only affect large suppliers.

What mistakes can you warn those who want to start growing vegetables from?

Even 20 years ago it was possible to give some advice. Now farming is becoming unprofitable and very difficult, so I don’t even know what to advise.

One of our main problems is the appearance of a large number of pests: potatoes have their own, cabbage has its own... This never happened before. You need to treat the plants all the time, otherwise insects will simply eat up the entire crop. And all the chemicals that destroy them are very expensive.

Therefore, now I cannot give any guarantees to those who want to do this. I can’t give an accurate forecast - you plant this much and you get this much. If you have money, invest it, you won’t end up in the red, but the amount of profit can fluctuate greatly due to such costs. One year I get 1 in 6, the next - 1 in 4...

Are you planning to open a vegetable processing plant? Why?

No. I consider this unprofitable. And in general, this is a completely different direction, you need to thoroughly understand it. It is necessary to make places for storing vegetables where humidity, temperature, and so on will be maintained.

Why do you think some people are able to do business and others are not?

If you have a good attitude towards what you do, there will always be results! In principle, farming is profitable in any case, you just need to have time, finances and special knowledge. You need to consult with those who understand this.

Personally, I even took soil from my field to the laboratory for analysis, where they told me what was missing in the soil and what needed to be added. Others don’t do this, they think that they can just unload a truck of manure onto the field and not think about anything else. And here, too, problems can arise - if you add a lot of it, the field will be overgrown with grass, which will have to be poisoned with expensive reagents... In short, you need to figure it out and run your business competently!

Your parting words to our readers who want to start their own business.

Acquire knowledge in the area where you plan to open your business.

Unfortunately, the pace of modern life obliges us to give up spending time in nature, dedicated to both relaxation and growing organic products on our own plots. However, at the same time, the fashion for healthy eating and all related products is only on the rise, and we understand that it would be good to combine healthy foods with work activities. In this regard, many landowners made a rather non-trivial decision: to start growing vegetables in a greenhouse as a business. In this material we will talk about what difficulties you will encounter in this market niche and how to equip your gardening enterprise.

Of course, in order to make growing vegetables your life’s work, it won’t be enough for you to work hard during one season, but you will need to work in greenhouses all year round. Moreover, it will be necessary to analyze the vegetable market for:

  • products that are in short supply on the market;
  • vegetables that are in high demand.

These nuances will depend largely on the region of your residence. Let's give an example.

Imagine that you live in the south of the country. So, in regions with a warm climate you will not be able to earn much, for example, from cucumbers or tomatoes, because:

  • they can be easily grown by any interested gardener without film cover;
  • Due to mass cultivation, they are available most of the year.

The factors listed above determine the rather low price of the mentioned goods, which only increases slightly during the cold season.

At the same time, cultivating this scarce commodity in the form of private farming in the northern regions of the country is also not profitable, since:

  • cold weather leaves late and comes too quickly, and the growing season is very short;
  • heating in greenhouses, turned on and paid for by the entrepreneur for about 9 months a year, will eat up all your proceeds from sales;
  • Even if you include the heating of greenhouses in the price, the end result is, albeit a slightly higher quality, but significantly more expensive product, the price of which will seriously exceed the cost of a similar product supplied from warm countries.

Features determined by the regional location of the business are not all the nuances that you will have to face.

So, a rough plan for setting up your business will look like this.

Table 1. Step-by-step plan for organizing a business for growing vegetables in a greenhouse

Step No. 1 - study the assortment on the marketAgree, it is stupid to supply what your competitors already bring to the market in abundance. As we have already said, you can occupy a niche related to vegetables:
  • not available on the market or present in small quantities;
  • forming a high demand throughout the year, and especially during the cold season.
  • Step No. 2 - development of a detailed planIn a business plan, you will need to think through every detail of the future enterprise, for example:
  • where will you get start-up capital;
  • what will be the costs of your business at all stages of its organization;
  • what are the potential earnings;
  • the amount of final profit, etc.
  • Step No. 3 - organize work areasFor your business to operate, you will need at least:
  • equip a heated greenhouse by building it yourself or hiring specialists;
  • equip premises for processing, storage, packaging of grown vegetables;
  • provided that you are going to sell the grown goods personally, you will also have to organize a small store on the farm.
  • Step No. 4 - choosing the right cultureThe right choice of culture is the key to the success of the entire enterprise. So, you need to choose the vegetable that you will grow based on:
  • climatic conditions of the territory;
  • growing season of a particular crop;
  • the power of your greenhouse and other parameters of the enterprise.
  • Step No. 5 – searching for suppliers of high-quality seedIt is foolish to expect that you can grow a huge greenhouse of tomatoes from a few seeds that you personally selected last summer. To get a harvest, you need to find suppliers of high-quality seed, or immediately suppliers of seedlings, which are more expensive, but significantly reduce the time needed to grow the final product.
    Step No. 6 - determine cultivation technologyHow you cultivate your vegetables is another important consideration. So, you can grow them in beds, but for this you need to heat the soil, or on multi-tiered racks that need to be equipped. In general, you will have to strain your head, your own strength, and your wallet.
    Step No. 7 - control the soil compositionEach garden crop can grow and produce the most abundant harvest only in conditions of soil suitable for it, for example:
  • slightly acidic;
  • neutral;
  • loamy;
  • sandy loam, etc.

    If you grow plants on land that is not suitable for them, you will not see a profitable business, so you will also have to find out the composition of the soil and change it on your own before opening supplies.

  • Advantages and disadvantages of a business growing vegetables in a greenhouse

    Before you decide to take such a brave step as growing vegetables in a greenhouse as a business, you need to identify for yourself all its positive aspects and disadvantages. Let's do this and look at the table below.

    Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of the business we are considering

  • no significant heated greenhouse space is required; an industrial greenhouse of 6–10 acres of land is sufficient to successfully make a profit;
  • it is possible to pour the foundation of the greenhouse and erect a frame for further work in 1-3 days, while all work is completed in two weeks;
  • the cost of a heated industrial greenhouse is high, but if the business is successful, it fully pays off in 24-30 months;
  • the state willingly gives various grants to enterprises related to agriculture;
  • a heated greenhouse allows you to grow vegetables all year round, even those that are scarce in cold weather;
  • heating a greenhouse is very expensive, and it is this expense item that will “eat up” most of the profit;
  • the financial profitability of the business will fluctuate simultaneously with changes in market prices;
  • a businessman should always have money to buy consumables, that is, soil, fertilizers, seedlings, etc.;
  • market demand is volatile;
  • Unfortunately, the risk of losing a significant part of the harvest will constantly haunt your business due to the fact that the plants are sick, may freeze, are improperly maintained, etc.
  • The love of gardening will determine all the pros and cons of such a business.

    As you can see, there is a lot to think about. However, if gardening is your passion, then some of the shortcomings can be immediately crossed out, and then the positive side will still outweigh.

    What crops are suitable for year-round cultivation in Russia?

    As you know, the climatic conditions of our homeland are harsh, therefore, for a business, even one that involves working inside a heated industrial greenhouse, it is necessary to use:

    • early varieties of any crop;
    • preferably hybrid varieties of a particular vegetable, prolific and resistant to harsh conditions;
    • self-pollinating varieties, because in winter you will hardly find bees ready to work anywhere.

    In addition, a novice businessman needs to remember that it is impossible to effectively grow different crops in one, even a very large, greenhouse, because:

    • they may be hostile to each other;
    • they require different air temperatures, lighting levels, humidity, etc.

    That is why, if you want to grow several different vegetables, it is better to equip not one huge greenhouse, but several smaller shelters.

    So, let’s look at what can be most successfully grown in Russia in greenhouses to run a successful business.

    Crops suitable for planting in greenhouse beds


    So, the first and one of the most acceptable crops to grow is zucchini. Ordinary gardeners would not plant this plant in a greenhouse, since even in the northern regions it grows well in open ground. However, since we are talking about year-round cultivation, zucchini will “live” in the shelter, which will benefit them:

    • the crop will give a bountiful harvest;
    • the taste of the fruit will improve.

    The growing season of these plants is approximately one and a half to two months, therefore, the crop can be harvested for sale about 5 times a year. At the same time, per square meter of area you will get approximately 12 kilograms of harvest.

    Zucchini is practically a delicacy in winter, so there is always a high demand for them in the cold season

    Prices for zucchini seeds

    zucchini seeds


    The second crop successfully grown in the greenhouse is eggplant. We would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that this plant is capricious, and you will have to:

    • select the ideal temperature regime for them;
    • purchase fertilizers of the highest quality.

    However, once in the greenhouse, this crop will show itself from a new side: it will reach a height of about two meters and will begin to bear fruit much more abundantly.

    Thus, the growing season of the desired crop will be approximately 4 months, so it will be possible to harvest it for sale about three times in a year. For each square meter there will be 10-15 kilograms.

    Prices for eggplant seeds

    eggplant seeds


    Tomatoes are a traditional crop grown in industrial greenhouses, as there is a constant demand for them.

    So, under greenhouse conditions, these plants bear fruit:

    • approximately 2-3 weeks earlier than in open ground;
    • 2.5 times the standard yield.

    So, from the moment the crop is planted, it will take an average of 120 days to ripen the crop, while one square meter of area yields about 15-20 kilograms of tomatoes.

    Tomatoes are the most common and, at the same time, effective choice of a crop suitable for growing.

    Bulgarian pepper

    Growing this type of vegetable is complicated by the fact that the crop loves high temperature and only grows successfully if it is present. So, we are talking about constantly maintaining at least + 25°C in the greenhouse.

    Over a standard cultivation period of 120 days, this crop can produce 18 kilograms of food per square meter.

    Pepper is a capricious crop, but its popularity is high

    Let's sum it up

    Growing vegetables all year round is a profitable business. You will have to work hard to organize and launch it, but rest assured, you will make a profit, and over time it will only get bigger. At first you will have to take into account many nuances, for example, how to heat the greenhouse, how water will be supplied for irrigation, what form of enterprise to register, however, after a while it will become easier, because you will already know every corner and small detail of your brainchild.

    Video - Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse as a business idea

    Food production is one of the most promising areas of entrepreneurship. According to economists' forecasts, products in this category will only become more expensive. Taking this into account, growing vegetables as a business looks like a rather attractive line of activity, if, of course, you have a passion for tasty, natural and vitamin-rich products, the quality of which you are one hundred percent sure.

    Features of the initial stage

    An entrepreneur who wants to start a business growing vegetables initially faces three tasks.

    After solving these problems, you should familiarize yourself with the basics of vegetable growing. Ignorance of the principles of agriculture and reluctance to learn new things has led to the widespread belief that agriculture is unprofitable. For example, being aware of the ripening times of various crops and the temperature conditions of the region, you can grow individual vegetables in two harvests per season. And this, you see, will significantly increase the profitability of the business.

    Vegetable growing is a fairly extensive industry, and mastering its basics can take a lot of time. But some approaches and rules need to be learned even when you decide where to start a vegetable business.

    Ways to grow vegetables

    There are two main ways to grow vegetables:

    • Open ground: beds, fields.
    • Indoor ground: greenhouse, greenhouse.

    To say exactly how it would be better to organize cultivation in relation to various indicators - profitability, simplicity, economy, etc. – is impossible, since here it is necessary to take into account the climate, the selected crop variety, production volumes, and many other criteria.

    So, for example, growing vegetables all year round as a business is easiest to organize using a greenhouse, while the production of potatoes for wholesale sale will be optimal on open ground.

    Vegetable growing technologies

    A lot of technologies have been developed for growing vegetables that take into account the characteristics of not only crops, but also different varieties. The largest number of methods, for example, are proposed for potato agricultural technology.

    Let us list the so-called universal technologies, the use of which is possible when growing any vegetables.

    TechnologyShort description
    HydroponicsVegetables are grown without soil.
    According to MittliderProvides a special procedure for fertilizing the soil with minerals, dividing the plot, planting patterns for vegetables and watering them.
    Combination of cropsSeveral crops are planted together. Here it is important to know the principles of compatibility of various vegetables with each other.
    By John JevonsBiointensive method: based on treating vegetables planted in the ground with a special solution of microbes

    Estimated Costs

    Product quality is the main criterion, which in the vegetable growing industry is characterized by an upward trend: consumers are willing to pay even 25-30% more compared to the average market price if they are confident that they will buy high-quality vegetables that do not contain substances harmful to the body.

    A business growing vegetables comes with costs for:

    • seed/planting material;
    • fertilizers;
    • plant protection products;
    • construction, rental of structures, arrangement, repairs;
    • purchase and maintenance of machinery and vehicles;
    • payment of utilities, etc.

    A separate expense item will be employee remuneration. Their number is usually determined at the rate of one worker per 200 square meters of land.

    How to plan profitability

    When determining the cost of production, the amount of costs for growing vegetables is correlated with the weight of the crop. The economic efficiency of vegetable growing, depending on the chosen method of doing business - in open or closed ground - is calculated differently.

    On average, full payback for a vegetable business is achieved after 10-12 months of stable operation of the business. The amount of revenue that can be obtained by growing vegetables for sale is determined by many different factors. But the most important thing in the vegetable business, as in any other business, will be a well-thought-out business plan.

    Business plan and business registration

    When drawing up a business plan, you will need to calculate as accurately as possible the amount of investment, the payback period of the idea and the level of expected profit. You should not lose sight of the competition in your niche by analyzing in detail the activities of each competing enterprise. It is important to clearly calculate and plan all opportunities and associated costs for each stage.

    To run a vegetable business, two forms of substantive activity are possible: a legal entity or individual entrepreneurship. You can do the paperwork for your business either independently or entrust it to a specialized company. In the second case, you will have to pay about a hundred dollars for the services of a specialist, and these costs should also be included in the business plan.

    Sales of products

    You can sell vegetables in several ways at the same time:

    In Russia today, an innovation is such a vegetable business as the production of products grown using “clean” technologies: on proven soils, without the use of artificial fertilizers and chemical plant protection products.

    A peculiarity of the functioning of such a business is that vegetables are grown according to customers’ orders. Accordingly, the question of choosing an implementation method in this case loses relevance. The attractiveness of such activities is ensured by the increased cost of goods - 20-25% higher than the standard one. And, given the almost complete absence of competition, today anyone can become a successful pioneer in this area in their region.

    Growing vegetables in modern greenhouses: Video

    A greenhouse helps increase productivity and extend the growing period of plants. In a properly equipped shelter harvest can be harvested all year round, which will significantly increase the profitability of the enterprise.

    Experts divide greenhouses by shape, materials from which they are made, heating methods and other criteria. Choosing one option or another depends on climatic conditions, in which the greenhouse will operate, as well as from the vegetables intended for cultivation.

    The most convenient option is a greenhouse on a metal frame, covered. Such a structure will last for many years without requiring repairs or additional investments. In particularly cold regions double glazing recommended. The air between the two layers of polycarbonate will help maintain the desired temperature inside the greenhouse, saving on artificial heating.

    Another way to insulate a structure is to make the northern wall blank by lining it with cinder blocks. The wall will serve as a solar panel and protection from cold winds without interfering with normal insolation.

    Necessarily use biofuel, it will help you save a lot.

    To create biofuel, pig, cow or goat manure is mixed with straw, spilled with water and placed in piles under film. After a few days, the rotted mass is placed in the greenhouse, under the top layer of soil.

    Such fuel valid for 3-4 months, maintaining the temperature between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius.

    The heating will be supplemented by pipes laid underground or along the perimeter of the greenhouse. Electric boilers or fires are used as a heater. You can maintain the desired temperature in the greenhouse using stoves, air heaters or infrared cables.

    Greenhouse Necessarily equipped with a ventilation system and good lighting. The ideal option is fluorescent lamps with a warm spectrum, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of plants.

    Vegetables for the greenhouse: what to choose?

    In the greenhouse you can grow any type of vegetables, from the usual to the exotic. You should not rely on seasonal root vegetables (turnips, etc.). These types of vegetables have good shelf life; summer cultivation in open ground allows you to easily preserve the harvest until spring.

    Greenhouse owners should focus on crops that do not last longer than a few months.

    Among the most popular vegetable growers highlight:

    cucumbers– leaders of greenhouse crops. It is better to grow them from, this allows you to significantly speed up ripening. Vegetables very sensitive to humidity, it should not fall below 80%. Frequent organics are required. You can grow cucumbers in the ground or on mats using the shelving method. Shelving will help save space in greenhouses and significantly increase the planting area.

    Read also on our website how to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse.

    Tomatoes can be grown in a greenhouse using different technologies. The most profitable is hydroponic, which involves the use of a nutrient solution. Hydroponics has a significant disadvantage - the fruits acquire a watery taste and lose their aroma. Therefore, many greenhouse owners prefer soil cultivation.

    Find out on our website how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse.

    It makes the process more expensive, but the tomatoes turn out much tastier. Choose varieties specifically designed for greenhouses; tomatoes of Russian, Polish and Dutch selection are preferred.

    Cabbage– an ideal candidate for greenhouses. An enclosed space will provide this crop with the required level of humidity. In closed ground, you can harvest several harvests per year.

    For growing Suitable broccoli, white cabbage, Beijing, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts cabbage. To speed up growth, you can pre-grow seedlings using the cassette method.

    For sowing, choose early-ripening hybrid varieties that do not require pollination. To achieve a good harvest, it is important to monitor the temperature in the greenhouse. It should not exceed 20°C, otherwise young plants will throw out flower stalks too quickly.

    – an excellent plant for greenhouses. It is better to choose varieties that are specially selected for growing indoors, that ripen quickly and do not require pollination. Peppers in greenhouses grow fast, they need regular mineral and organic fertilizing and a high level of humidity.

    Main costs of greenhouse business

    Growing vegetables in a greenhouse as a business, requires large initial investments. These include:

    1. Land lease. An industrial greenhouse occupies at least 100 square meters. m, there may be several such buildings on a farm.
    2. Construction of greenhouses. The construction of a standard polycarbonate greenhouse on a metal frame will cost 100,000 - 120,000 rubles.
    3. Purchase of planting material. Purchasing ready-made seedlings will cost more; growing from seeds will help save money. You need to spend at least 10,000 rubles on planting in one greenhouse.
    4. Fertilizers and agricultural implements. For rapid growth, plants require complex mineral and organic fertilizers; they are applied to the soil several times a season. You will have to spend at least 10,00 rubles a year on fertilizers.
    5. The most expensive part is heating and lighting. To successfully grow plants, you need to maintain a temperature of 15 to 20 degrees throughout the year. The cost depends on the chosen method of heating greenhouses. The most expensive option is electricity, the cheapest is biofuel.

    Profitability and income

    Specialists evaluate profitability vegetable greenhouse business in 50-75% . The difference depends on the season; in winter, profitability is significantly higher. In lean years it can increase to 200% or more. Business pays for itself in 2-3 years A.

    The profitability of a greenhouse business depends on many factors. Among them:

    • greenhouse size;
    • presence of competitors in the region;
    • selected crops;
    • number of distribution channels.

    To increase your income you need to focus on 2-3 popular crops. Among the leaders in profitability are cucumbers and tomatoes, greenery will also bring good income: green onions, different types of lettuce, parsley, dill, herbs.

    Very it is also important to establish multi-channel network sales, which may include chain stores, convenience store outlets, vegetable kiosks, market stalls, online sales and much more.

    Useful video:

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