What does it mean to highlight the grammatical basis of a sentence? What is a grammatical basis

In the center of the connections between the words of each sentence there are words that create a grammatical basis (predicative), in fact this is the main distinctive feature sentences as a syntactic unit. That is grammatical basis- this is the organizing center, a kind of frame, skeleton, or the so-called main members of the sentence - the predicate and the subject. They are called the main ones for a reason, since they are grammatically independent from other members and occupy a dominant position in the sentence. The predicate and subject mutually presuppose each other. So, the subject names the subject of speech. And the subject of speech affirms, denies, characterizes by action, attribute, time, reality, etc.

Usually the main members of a sentence form its obligatory part. Some of them are enough for the sentence to be a grammatically and meaningfully formed unit. Often there are sentences where there is only a grammatical basis. Examples: The sun is shining. Children are playing. Such proposals are called non-common, because do not have secondary members of the sentence. If the sentence also includes other members of the sentence (minor), then such a sentence is called widespread, for example: On the street children are playing.

In addition, the grammatical basis of a sentence can consist of both a subject and a predicate (two-part sentences), or only one of the main members, for example: Our children- ours joy (two-part). Autumn. I love autumn(one-part).

Also, depending on the number of grammatical stems, sentences are classified as simple and complex. If a sentence contains one grammatical stem, then it is two or more stems - complex. For example: They're coming torrential rains (simple sentence). Very soon will fall out snow, And will begin real winter (difficult sentence).

It necessarily begins with defining the grammatical basis. To correctly define it, you should be able to find its components - the subject and the predicate. To do this, you need to know which parts of speech can be used to express the grammatical basis.

Thus, the subject is expressed:

  • By noun: Coming soon snow.
  • By adjective: New requires a lot of knowledge.
  • Communion: Speaking often makes mistakes.
  • Infinitive: Live- means to feel.
  • Invariable parts of speech (interjection, adverb, preposition, particle, conjunction): To us Tomorrow enters light and radiant.
  • By phrase: We are with friend let's go fishing.

The predicate is expressed:

  • Verb: Costs good weather.
  • Noun: Moscow - capital Russia.
  • Adjective: To me nice poems Russian heat.
  • Adjective in comparative degree: Every day of separation for me longer of the year.
  • Adverb: We have everything Fine.
  • Communion: Our family involved to science.
  • With a stable phrase (phraseologism): My health - no way, no way.

In addition, pay special attention to the correct definition of a compound nominal predicate, which consists of a linking verb and a nominal part ( He's coming soon will become an astronaut ) and a compound verbal predicate, also consisting of two parts: an auxiliary verb and an infinitive ( You must go to the meeting).

It should be noted that the correct definition of grammatical basics helps to avoid mistakes when placing punctuation marks. Thus, in a complex sentence, punctuation marks must be placed to indicate the boundaries of the simple sentences included in their composition. The ability to determine the subject and predicate will help to place correctly in a simple sentence, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by the same parts of speech, and in some other cases.

The grammatical basis of a sentence (subject and predicate) is the most important syntactic structure that determines not only the structure of the sentence, but also its informational meaning. Moreover, without the correct definition of the grammatical basis, it is impossible to correctly solve punctuation problems, especially in complex sentences.

Second level students secondary school(grades 5 - 9) it is not always possible to correctly and quickly find the grammatical basis of a sentence, because this syntactic structure is very diverse both in form and content. Consequently, problems arise both with the general analysis of the sentence and with punctuation.

Let us note right away that teaching children to correctly determine the grammatical basis of a sentence is possible only by fully performing one of essential principles didactics, namely the principle of promising learning.

This means that, starting from elementary school, one should look far ahead and gradually introduce children both to the members of a sentence that make up its structure, and to terminology.

Children's initial acquaintance with the main members of a sentence occurs in primary school(in 3rd grade). Simplest form The grammatical basis of a sentence (the subject is expressed by a noun, and the predicate by a verb) is learned by children relatively easily and quickly. But the slightest deviation from this formula already causes difficulties and confusion both in understanding and in terminology.
Unfortunately, teachers are sometimes the culprits of this confusion.

Here's an example:
The class works with the sentence “Children play in the school yard”
Teacher: Where is the subject?
Student: Children.
Teacher: Correct. Where's the verb?

What did the teacher do? He grossly violated the classification system completely different concepts. After all, the classification of parts of speech is one thing, but the classification of sentence members is something completely different. Under no circumstances should these things be confused!

The teacher should have asked: Where is the predicate?

In the system of teaching children the Russian language in primary school, the most important place is occupied by an unmistakable understanding and ability to distinguish the meanings of various parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns, prepositions and adverbs.

If this confusion of the concepts of “part of speech” and “member of a sentence” is not eradicated in elementary school, then in the middle school it is extremely difficult to do this.

When leading children to understand the structure (construction) of a sentence, it is necessary to emphasize that a word can only be a member of a sentence as part of a sentence. This is the first thing. And secondly, on the fact that the members of the sentence (so far we are talking only about the subject and the predicate) can be expressed by any part of speech (“made” from any part of speech).

It is very important that already in elementary school children understand and firmly know what a subject is and what a predicate is, what these main members of a sentence mean and what questions they answer. Children find it especially difficult to find a predicate if it answers the questions “What is the subject?” or “What is (who is) the subject?”

It is very useful already in grades 4 and 5 to conduct a written survey “What is the subject?” and “What is a predicate?”, where students must give not only precise definition the main members of the proposal, but also give your own examples.

Particular attention should be paid to the logical connection of the main members of the sentence with each other, i.e. the ability to correctly ask a question from subject to predicate and persistently teach children to give a complete answer.

We are working with the proposal “Children play in the garden”

The student's answer should be:
“This sentence talks about children, this word is in the nominative case, which means it is the subject, it is expressed by a noun.

What are the children doing? - playing. This word denotes the action of the subject, which means it is a predicate, it is expressed by a verb.

The Russian language course in primary school (grade 5) begins with syntax. This is correct, because children must first learn how to construct a sentence correctly. In this initial syntax course, students already study in detail the ways of expressing the main members of a sentence and become familiar with the minor members of a sentence in detail. The concept and term “grammatical basis of a sentence” are familiar to them. Children relatively easily find the subject, expressed by a noun, and the predicate, expressed by one verb. Deviation from this formula already causes difficulties.

Painstaking work begins, as a result of which the children must understand that the subject can be expressed not only by a noun, but also by other parts of speech.

It is advisable already in the 5th grade to gradually introduce children to different types of predicates: simple verb, compound verb, compound nominal, although this is material for 8th grade. Practice shows that by the end of the first half of the year, fifth-graders are already quite consciously distinguishing between these types of predicates. True, at the first stage, confusion arises between the compound verbal predicate and homogeneous simple verbal predicates.

Children are confused by the fact that in both cases there are two verbs. But pretty soon everything falls into place. Again, written surveys are helpful.
Thus, in the fifth grade, groundwork has been made for the long term in understanding the structure of one of the main members of the grammatical basis of a sentence. Now you should methodically (preferably at each lesson) consolidate the structure of the predicate, terminology and its understanding.
Already in the 5th grade, it is advisable to introduce the concepts of “one-part and two-part sentences.” The guys master these concepts quite easily and quickly. By the way, the Russian language textbook for 5th grade by the authors Lvov and Nosov does just that. This is also a good foundation for the future. Ladyzhenskaya's textbook introduces these concepts only in 8th grade.

Syntax simple sentence studied in detail in 8th grade. But, if we do not prepare children in grades 5-7 to perceive and understand this complex section of the entire school course of the Russian language, it will be very difficult for children to master the punctuation of a simple sentence. This is why the concept of the most difficult cases Expressions of grammatical basis should be gradually introduced in grades 5 - 7. This is reasonable and possible when learning different parts of speech. You just need to constantly remember this and select didactic work material for the lesson, taking into account the role of the part of speech being studied in the sentence.

For example, when studying adjectives, it should be shown that this part of speech can be both a subject in a sentence (“The sick people are going for a walk”) and a predicate (“The night is bright”); when studying numerals, we demonstrate that numerals can fulfill the roles of both subject and predicate (“Two sixth-graders gathered ...”; “Twice two is four”), etc.

If in grades 5-7 we conduct a syntactic and punctuation analysis of at least one sentence in each lesson, we will prepare children to solve many problems of stylistics and punctuation in grades 8 and 9.

It is in these classes that children are faced with very complex constructions of the grammatical basis of a sentence. They are mainly associated with the indefinite form of the verb (infinitive).

The infinitive form of the verb most often in a sentence is the main part of the compound verbal predicate. (“Scientists have learned to distinguish…”). In these cases, the infinitive answers the questions: “What to do?”, “What to do?” and is included in the structure of the grammatical basis of the sentence.
In general, the indefinite form of a verb (infinitive) is a rather complex linguistic phenomenon that can perform a variety of functions in a sentence. This, of course, makes it difficult to find the grammatical basis.

The infinitive can perform the functions of a subject both independently and as part of a logically integral phrase (To feel is to live), (To love nature is a need of the soul). In the structure of a compound verbal predicate, the presence of an infinitive is mandatory, as is the presence of an auxiliary verb. Moreover, the infinitive can play the role of not only the main, but also an auxiliary verb (I want to learn to fly.) The infinitive can also be part of the structure of a compound nominal predicate (Sister is going to work as a dressmaker).

However, the infinitive can also be a secondary member of the sentence: a goal adverbial (“We went to the store to buy...”) and an object (“I asked the doctor to help”), i.e. not be part of the structure of the grammatical basis of the sentence.
In the sentence “We went to the store to buy...” the grammatical basis is “we went.”

The infinitive buy is a goal adverbial because it depends on the predicate and answers the question “came in for what purpose?” In the sentence “I asked the doctor to help...” the infinitive is an object because it depends on the predicate and answers the question “asked for what?”

As a rule, such syntactic constructions have no practical meaning for punctuation. But both the State Examination Academy and the Unified State Examination have tests specifically for distinguishing between similar types of grammatical fundamentals. So we have to teach children these theoretical subtleties as well.

Particularly difficult are the grammatical basics, consisting only of verbs (To teach is to sharpen the mind). It seems that in these cases there is no need to diligently search for the subject and predicate; it is enough to indicate the grammatical basis of the sentence.

The ability to correctly and quickly find the grammatical basis of a sentence is extremely necessary when studying various types complex sentences. Without this skill, children will not understand and master punctuation complex sentence.
Problems begin already when studying one-part sentences. The absence of one of the main parts of a sentence often confuses students. They cannot find the boundaries of simple sentences in a complex one if one of the simple sentences is one-part. One-part sentences are studied in 8th grade.

Here again we need to work for the future: study one-component sentences in the context of complex ones.

In general, there is no need to prove that the ability to accurately determine the grammatical basis of a sentence in all its forms is the most important condition to understand the structure of any sentence and even more so for its punctuation. As a rule, the entire academic year in 9th grade. If you methodically, based on practice in grades 5-7, gradually prepare children to understand the syntactic structures studied in grades 8 and 9, the punctuation of simple and complex sentences can be mastered well.

Grammar basis sentences form the main members of the sentence ( subject and predicate). That is, the grammatical basis of a sentence (predicative basis, core) is the main part of the sentence, which consists of its main members: subject and predicate. See also introductory words..



Subject can be expressed not only by a noun or pronoun in nominative case, but also:

1) numeral, adjective and participle in I.P. as a noun;

Seven (num.)one is not expected. All the past (adj. as a noun)I was just dreaming.

2) designs:

Numeral / several, many, part, majority, minority + noun in R.P.;

The prince had gathered in the hut a lot of people. Several ladies walked quickly up and down the platform.

Some, every, much / adjective + of + noun in R.P.;

Best of Students quickly solved this problem.

Someone, something + adjective, participle as a noun;

Something so insignificant tied in a scarf.

Noun / pronoun + s + noun / pronoun in Tv.P. ( but only if the predicate is expressed by a plural verb!).

Vanya and Iwent along the forest road ( plural predicate.).

Annashe entered the room with her daughter in her arms (predicate in singular).

3) an infinitive, which names an action that does not occur in time.

Livein a lordly way - this is a noble affair


In the Russian language there are three types of predicates. The following algorithm of actions will help you determine which type is represented in your proposal.


If a sentence contains homogeneous predicates, then each of them should be considered separately.

Also watch the video presentation.


1) Most often, the definition of a simple verbal predicate, expressed in more than one word, raises doubts:

I I will take part in the exhibition.

In this example I will take part– a complex form of the future tense, which is defined in syntax as a simple predicate. And the combination participate is a phraseological unit that can be replaced by the word I'm participating. Therefore, we have a simple verbal predicate.


People often make the mistake of calling the following construction simple verbal predicates:

Everything in Moscow is imbued with poetry, punctuated with rhymes.

This error is due to two factors.

First, we must distinguish the short passive participle from the past tense verb form.


Short participles have suffixes -T-, -N-, and the verb -L-. Means, soakedBut, puncturedTo- These are short passive participles.

Secondly, we have before us a predicate that is expressed in just one word, but what is it - simple or compound (see Morphological analysis of a word with examples)? Try adding some time adverb to the sentence, for example, at the beginning of the twentieth century, and see how these forms behave.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, everything in Moscow was imbued with poetry and punctuated with rhymes.

A bunch appears was and the predicate clearly becomes compound. The Russian language is not characterized by constructions in the present tense with a copula be. Agree, it sounds clearly foreign if we say: All in Moscow There is imbued with poetry, rhymes There is pierced.

Thus, if in a sentence you come across predicates, expressed short passive participles then you are dealing with compound nominal predicate.


Words it is impossible, it is possible, it is necessary, it is necessary included in composite predicates.

To me need to get off at this stop.


Be careful with your words to be, to appear, to appear, since by highlighting only them, you may miss another component of the predicate.

She seemed funny to me.Wrong!

If you only highlight words appeared, then the meaning of the sentence changes completely ( seemed = dreamed, dreamed, imagined).

Right: She seemed funny to me

Wrong: The teacher was strict (was = existed, lived).

Right: The teacher was strict.


This task offers quite complex sentences for analysis and the answer options are very often similar to each other. What “traps” can you expect here?

1) Proposals can be compiled according to different models:

  • subject + predicate;
  • only predicate or subject (one-part sentences);
  • subject + homogeneous predicates;
  • homogeneous subjects + predicate.

The answer option may omit a subject, predicate, or one of the homogeneous subjects or predicates.


The grammatical basis includes ALL the main parts of the sentence; omitting one of them is a clear mistake.

2) The answer option can combine the subject and predicate of different grammatical bases.

3) The subject can only be in I.P.! Answer options with nouns, pronouns not in I.P. obviously incorrect (except for those cases when they are part of the predicate and without them the whole meaning of the sentence changes).

4) The answer option may contain a participial or adverbial phrase, which are never included in the grammatical basis.


Designs should be distinguished verb + noun in V.P. And noun + passive participle.

The coordinates were calculated. ? The coordinates have been calculated.

IN first case coordinates is a noun in the accusative case that depends on the verb (i.e. addition), and in second is a nominative case form that agrees with the past participle (i.e. subject). If you change each of the designs, the differences will be visible. Let's put the predicates in each of the sentences in the singular form:

Calculated the coordinates. The coordinate has been calculated.

The subject and predicate always agree with each other, but the object remains unchanged.

5) Sometimes words which, which in complex sentences they are subjects.

[And shiny droplets crawled down his cheeks], (the kind that happen on windows when it rains). (what = droplets).

Analysis of the task.

1. Which combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence?

(1) So what is the difference between human and animal perception? (2) For an animal, only concrete things exist; its perception is inseparable from the real environment in which it lives and acts. (3) So, for example, the “TV version” of a dog means nothing to a cat. (4) Man, in the process of evolution, acquired the unique ability to create in his imagination ideal images of reality, but they no longer seem to be a direct copy of a specific thing. (5) Thanks to development cognitive activity, in particular, the processes of abstraction and generalization, a person can isolate any individual features of the object being studied, abstracting from all other, unimportant details. (6) Thus, a person has the ability to form a generalized image of a real thing, which allows him to see and recognize general signs and the qualities of various phenomena of reality.

1) perception is (sentence 2)

2) acquired the ability (sentence 4)

3) they do not appear to be a cast (sentence 4)

4) which allows you to see (sentence 6)

Option #1 is not a grammatical basis, since here the predicate is not fully represented, which distorts the meaning of the entire sentence (perception is = in the meaning “comes, arrives somewhere for some reason”). See point 3 in the “Predicate” section.

Option No. 2 is also incorrect because it lacks a subject. Who acquired the ability? In sentence 4 the subject is the word Human.

Option #3 true, although at first glance it seems wrong. The authors of the task are deliberately trying to confuse us. Although the word cast is not in the I.P. form, but it is part of the predicate, since without it the logic of the story is lost. They don’t introduce themselves = The images don’t give their names?!

Option No. 4 incorrect . The subject is highlighted correctly. Word which, as we have already said, can be subject. In the subordinate clause it is replaced by the word image and performs the same functions, that is, it is the subject. But the predicate is not fully represented. In the sentence it is - allows you to see and recognize.

So way, the student who chooses option 3 will be right.

2. What words are the grammatical basis in the sixth (6) sentence of the text?

(1)… (2) They are united by one desire - to know. (3) And their ages are different, and their professions are very different, and their level of knowledge is completely different, but everyone tried to know more than they already know. (4) This expressed the need of millions and millions of people who greedily absorbed all the secrets of the world, all the knowledge and skills accumulated by mankind. (5) Library visitors either studied somewhere or dreamed of studying. (6) They all needed books, but when they came to the library, they got lost in the ocean of books. (7) ... (According to K. Chukovsky).

1) books were needed, they were lost

2) they needed it, they were lost

3) books were needed, when they came here they got lost

4) books were needed, they were lost in the ocean

The correct one is Option 1, since in other variants the second ones included minor members of the sentence in the base: in the second, the word is superfluous them (addition, stands in D.P.), in the third there is an adverbial phrase that is not part of the basis of the sentence, and in the fourth there is an adverbial phrase in the ocean.

3. What combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences (or part of it)?

(1)... (2) She will die of hunger if the gates are strong and no one opens them, but does not think of moving away from the gates and pulling them towards themselves. (3) Only a person understands that you have to be patient, work hard and do something you don’t want in order for what you want to happen. (4) A person can restrain himself, not eat, not drink, not sleep only because he knows what is good and should be done and what is bad and should not be done, and this is taught to a person by his ability to think. (5) Some people increase it in themselves, others do not. (6)…

1) she will die (sentence 2)

2) what you want (sentence 3)

3) what is good and should be done (sentence 4)

4) teaches ability (sentence 4)

This is a task of increased difficulty.

Option #1 incorrect, since not all predicates are indicated by the authors. The sentence has a rather difficult structure to analyze. It is complex with a subordinate clause that is wedged between two homogeneous predicates. Therefore, you may not notice that the basis she will die must also include a predicate won’t think to step back and pull.

Option No. 2 is also excluded. Verb I want to is impersonal and there cannot be a subject with it.

Option #3 similar to the previous one. This sentence is also impersonal. Word must in dictionaries it is defined as a category of state that is used in sentences without a subject.

True is Option 4.

An educated person is distinguished, first of all, by his ability to competently express his thoughts both orally and on paper. In order to follow the rules of punctuation, you need to know everything about the main parts of the sentence.

The grammatical basis of a sentence (aka predicative) consists of the main members of the sentence, which are subject And predicate . Usually the subject is written out and highlighted with one line, and the predicate with two.

The article answers the most important questions:

  1. How to find the grammatical basis of a sentence?
  2. Which parts of a sentence form its grammatical basis?
  3. What does the grammatical basis consist of?

The subject is a word that indicates the subject to which the predicate refers. For example: The sun came out from behind the mountains. The sun is the subject expressed by a noun. A wide variety of parts of speech can act as the subject.

The subject can be expressed not only in single words, but also in phrases.

  • A combination of a noun in the nominative case with a noun in the instrumental case. For example: Katya and Arina love to do figure skating.
  • A pronoun, as well as a numeral and an adjective in the superlative degree. For example: The bravest came forward.
  • A pronoun or noun in the nominative case combined with a participle or adjective. For example: Someone bad tore up her album with drawings.
  • A combination of a numeral in the nominative case and a noun used in the genitive case. For example: Seven guys went out into the yard.

I wonder what the subjects can may even be a phraseological unit.


The predicate is connected with the subject and answers questions such as “what does the object do?”, “what happens to it?”, “what is it like?” The predicate in a sentence can be expressed through several parts of speech:

Compound predicates

The predicate often consists of several words. Such predicates are called compound. Compound predicates can be verbal or nominal.

Composite verbal predicates are expressed in the following ways:

Compound nominal predicate may consist of:

  • Linking verbs to be and short adjectives. For example: Today Margarita was especially beautiful.
  • Verbs become, appear, be considered and other semi-nominal verbs combined with a noun. He finally became a doctor!
  • Verbs that mean the state of an object. Marina works as a teacher.
  • Verb combined with adjective in different forms.His dog was more beautiful others.

In a two-part sentence, both main members are present. However, there are also sentences in which only one is used main member. They are called one-component.

The subject of one-part sentences is most often a noun in the nominative case.

It can be expressed by means of a verb in its different forms.

In one-piece definitely personal in a sentence, the predicate is expressed by a verb in the first/second person, singular/plural and present/future tense in indicative mood or a verb in the imperative mood. Today I'm going for a walk. Don't touch a dirty dog!

In a single-component indefinite-personal predicate, the verb is in the third person and plural, present, future or past tense in the indicative mood. Also, the predicate can be expressed by a verb in the imperative or conditional mood. There's a knock on the door! Let him call Aunt Dasha. If I had been informed earlier, I would not have been late.

IN generalized-personal In a sentence, the predicate is expressed either by a verb in the second person singular or plural, or by a verb in the third person and plural. This is how they now talk to visitors.

In one-piece impersonal The predicate is a verb in the third person singular and present or future tense. The predicate can also be a neuter verb in the past tense or conditional mood. I feel sick. It was getting dark.

It is important to remember that the number of grammatical stems in a sentence is not limited. How to determine the grammatical basis of a complex sentence? The grammatical basis of a complex sentence is just as easy to determine as the basis of a simple sentence. The only difference is their quantity.

The grammatical basis of the sentence. The concept of the main members of a sentence

The grammatical basis of a sentence consists of a subject and a predicate.

The grammatical basis expresses the grammatical meanings of a sentence. They are associated with the meanings of moods and tense of the predicate verb.

The troops are moving to the front.

(The action actually happens and takes place in the present tense).

Yesterday he came to see us.

(The action actually happened, but in the past tense).

You should talk to your mother, Ivan!

(The action is not realized in reality, but is desired by the speaker).

The subject and predicate are called the main members of a sentence because all the minor members in a sentence directly or indirectly extend them.

Let us show the dependence of the minor terms on the main ones in the following diagram:

The astonished Varenukha silently handed him an urgent telegram.

Subject as a member of a sentence. Subject expression forms

The subject is the main member of the sentence, which denotes the subject of speech and answers the questions of the nominative case who? or what?

The subject in Russian can be expressed in different ways, sometimes in “unusual” forms. The following table will help you correctly determine the subject.

Basic ways of expressing the subject.

Part of speech in subject position

Noun in i. P.

Language reflects the soul of the people.

Pronoun in i. P.

He left.

Who was there?

This is right.

This is my brother (for questions: who is this?)

The house, which was barely standing, belonged to a forester. (Here note the subject in subordinate clause.)

The sparks that flew from the fire seemed white. (Here, pay attention to the subject of the subordinate clause.)

Someone has come.

Everyone fell asleep.


Being honest is half the battle.

To understand means to sympathize.

Smoking is harmful to health.

Combination of words (one of which is in i.p.)

He and I visited there often.

Two clouds float across the sky.

A combination of words without and. P.

About an hour passed.

Predicate as a member of a sentence. Types of predicate

The predicate is the main member of a sentence, which is connected with the subject by a special connection and has a meaning expressed in the questions what does the subject of speech do? what's happening to him? what is he like? what is he? who is he? and etc.

The predicate in Russian can be simple or compound. A simple (simple verbal) predicate is expressed by one verb in the form of some mood.

Compound predicates are expressed in several words, one of them serves to connect with the subject, while the others carry the semantic load. In other words, in compound predicates, the lexical and grammatical meanings are expressed in different words.

(Verb was Colonel

(Verb started serves to connect with the subject, to the word work the semantic load of the predicate decreases.)

Among compound predicates, a distinction is made between compound verbal and compound nominal predicates.

Learn more about predicate types. Simple verb predicate

A simple verbal predicate is expressed by one verb in the form of some mood.

It can be expressed by the following verb forms:

Present and past tense forms of the verb.

Future tense form of the verb.

Forms of the conditional and imperative mood of the verb.

We emphasize that in the case of you will be expected tomorrow, the simple verbal predicate is expressed by the compound form of the future tense of the verb to wait.

Compound verb predicate

A compound verbal predicate consists of two components - an auxiliary verb, which serves to connect with the subject and expresses the grammatical meaning of the predicate, and an indefinite form of the verb, which expresses its main lexical meaning and carries the main semantic load.

(Here began - this is an auxiliary verb, and gnawing is an indefinite form of a verb that carries a semantic load.)

(Here I don’t want is an auxiliary verb, and to offend is an indefinite form of a verb that carries a semantic load.)

The role of an auxiliary verb can be a combination of some short adjectives (must, glad, ready, obligated, etc.) and an auxiliary verb-linking be in the form of one of the moods (in the present tense this linking is omitted).

(here the copula will be omitted).

So, let’s imagine the structure of a compound verbal predicate with the formula:


Compound nominal predicate

A compound nominal predicate consists of two components: a copular verb that serves to connect with the subject and expresses the grammatical meaning of the predicate, and a nominal part that expresses its main lexical meaning and carries the main semantic load.

(Here the copular verb becomes, and the nominal part is expressed by the adjective viscous.)

(Here the copular verb will be, and the nominal part of the predicate is expressed by the noun handball player.)

Let us imagine the structure of a compound nominal predicate with the formula:


The nominal part of a compound nominal predicate is expressed by the following parts of speech: noun, adjective (full and short, various forms of degrees of comparison), participle (full and short), numeral, pronoun, adverb, word of the state category, verb in the indefinite form.

In the Russian language, at least four main types of one-part sentences can be distinguished.

Basic types of two-part sentences

Form of expression of subject and predicate


The subject is expressed by a noun or a pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate - by a specific form of the verb.

The subject is expressed by a noun or pronoun in the nominative case, the predicate - by a noun in the nominative case. In the past and future tense, a linking verb appears and the case in the predicate changes to instrumental.

The subject is expressed by the indefinite form of the verb or a phrase based on it, the predicate - also by the indefinite form of the verb. Particles are possible between the subject and the predicate, this means.

The subject is expressed by the indefinite form of the verb or a phrase based on it, the predicate - by an adverb.

The subject is expressed by the indefinite form of the verb or a phrase based on it, the predicate - by a noun in the nominative case or a phrase based on it. In the past and future tense, a linking verb appears and the case in the predicate changes to instrumental.

The subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate - by the indefinite form of the verb or a phrase based on it. A linking verb appears in the past and future tenses.

The subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate - by an adjective or participle (full or short) in the nominative case. In the past and future tenses, a linking verb appears in the predicate.

Knowing the main types of two-part sentences, it is easier to find grammatical basics in them.

Basic types of one-part sentences

Typical form and meaning

Nominative (nominative) sentences

These are sentences where the main member is expressed by a noun or a pronoun-noun in the form of the nominative case. This main member is considered the subject and indicates that there is no predicate in the nominative sentence.

Nominative sentences usually report that some phenomenon or object exists (are) in the present.

Large area in the city.

Here's a bench.

Definitely personal proposals

The predicate is expressed by a verb in the 1st or 2nd person form. The ending of the verb in these cases clearly indicates the person and number of the pronoun (I, we, you, you). There is no need to use these pronouns as subjects.

Vaguely personal proposals

The predicate is expressed by a verb in the 3rd person form plural(in present and future tense) or in plural form (in past tense). In such sentences, the action itself is important, and the doer is either unknown or unimportant to the speaker, so there is no subject in them.

Impersonal offers

These are sentences in which there is not and cannot be a subject, since they denote actions and states that are thought to occur “by themselves,” without the participation of an active agent.

According to their form, these sentences are divided into two types: with a verbal predicate and with a predicate - a word of the state category.

Verb predicate can be expressed by a verb in the 3rd person singular form (in the present and future tense) or in the neuter singular form (in the past tense). This role is usually played by impersonal verbs or verbs in impersonal use. The verb predicate can also be expressed by the infinitive form of the verb.

In order not to freeze, she captured jacket

In addition, the predicate in an impersonal sentence can be the word No.

The owners are not at home.

Secondary members of the sentence: definition, addition, circumstance

All members of the sentence, except the main ones, are called secondary.

The secondary members of the sentence are not included in the grammatical basis, but extend (explain) it. They can also explain other minor members.

Let us demonstrate this with a diagram:

According to their meaning and role in the sentence, minor members are divided into definition, addition and circumstance. These syntactic roles identified by questions.

Appreciated (to what extent?) high- circumstance.

Appreciated (what?) canvases- addition.

Canvases (whose?) his- definition.

Supplement as part of a sentence. Types of add-ons

A complement is a minor member of a sentence that answers questions of indirect cases (i.e., all except the nominative) and denotes the subject. The object usually extends the predicate, although it can also extend other members of the sentence.

I enjoy reading (what?) magazines. (Here the addition logs extends the predicate.)

Reading (what?) magazines is a fascinating activity. (Here the journals complement extends the subject.)

Objects are most often expressed by nouns (or words in the function of nouns) and pronouns, but can also be represented by an indefinite form of a verb and complete phrases.

During the campaign he shaved with (what?) a bayonet. (Here the complement bayonet is expressed by a noun.)

This is understandable only to connoisseurs of (what?) beauty. (Here the complement of beauty is expressed by an adjective in the role of a noun.)

And I’ll ask you (about what?) to stay. (Here the complement to remain is expressed by the infinitive form of the verb.)

He read (what?) a lot of books. (Here the addition of many books is expressed by a combination that is integral in meaning.)

Additions can be direct or indirect.

Direct objects belong to transitive verbs and denote the object to which the action is directly directed. Direct objects are expressed in the accusative case without a preposition.

I don’t know when I’ll see my relatives now (v.p.).

These furnaces used to melt steel (v.p.).

All other additions are called indirect.

Play the piano (p.p.).

I put the bread on the table (v.p. with a preposition).

I was forbidden to worry (expressed in the infinitive form of the verb).

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