Decorative fern at home. Indoor fern benefits and harm

Fern is one of the most ancient plants on the planet. Its pedigree dates back to prehistoric times and goes back millions of years. The antiquity of the fern is evidenced by numerous fossilized imprints of leaves, which are discovered during archaeological excavations.

Experts count more than 10,000 species of this plant. Ferns can be found in different latitudes. But in most cases they prefer tropical and subtropical climates. Fern became especially popular in the 19th century, when it began to be grown en masse in greenhouses. You can also grow this crop at home. The main thing is to ensure the necessary conditions maintenance and basic care.

Types and varieties of ferns for growing at home

Although there are many types of ferns in nature, as indoor greatest interest cause only a few of them.


The plant is native to the tropical forests of America. This is a genus of ferns from the Lomariops family. The rosette is formed by openwork leaves, which are covered with spores from the inside. It includes about 30 varieties. Nephrolepis is the most popular for home grown and one of the most unpretentious.


An epiphytic fern with thin light green leaves up to 35 cm long, which are located on thin black shoots. The leaf blades are openwork, reminiscent of curls. Among the varieties of adiantums, the most common are Tenerum Farleyense and Capillus Veneris.


A large plant native to tropical Australia and Africa. At the base, the brown leaves form a center that resembles a head of cabbage. The leaves have an unusual shape. They are wedge-shaped, with the tip resembling deer antlers. There are more rounded leaves that lie close to the ground. They accumulate water, which the plant feeds on.

Common ostrich

It grows mainly on the outskirts of swamps, in damp forests, and in shady areas. Its leaves are spore-bearing and resemble ostrich feathers. The plant is different rapid growth, ease of care. At the end of summer, spore-bearing shoots appear, which are used to create floral compositions.


It has whole leaves with wavy edges. This species does not like to be disturbed or touched.


It has shaggy modified shoots and rhizomes. They crawl out of the ground and hang down. The leaf blades of the plant are bright green. It is grown as a hanging crop. For home cultivation, dallalia canariasis, which is also called “hare’s feet,” is more often used.

Home care

Growing ferns at home is not particularly difficult. It all depends on the variety. Although in most cases these plants are unpretentious and require simple care.

Location and lighting

Under natural conditions, ferns prefer shady areas, but at home it should not be placed in the shade. Although light partial shade will not harm the culture. A well-lit place, but without direct sun, is more suitable for it.

Fern is a spreading crop that grows quickly. This must be taken into account when choosing a location. While the plant is small, the flowerpot can be placed on the windowsill. But in the future, it is better to prepare a floor stand for it. The fern looks good in the corner opposite the southwest window. Nothing should hinder the growth of stems. In summer, you can take the pot out onto the terrace or veranda, shading it from the bright sun.

Choosing a flowerpot, soil and drainage

The soil should be loose and allow moisture to pass through well. Otherwise, stagnation of water in the soil can cause rotting of the roots. The substrate should be slightly acidic. For ferns, a mixture of peat, rotted leaves, turf, and sand is suitable.

To ensure rapid removal of excess moisture, good drainage must be ensured. This can be expanded clay, broken brick, crushed foam. It is better to take a ceramic or clay pot for ferns. It allows air to pass through well and allows the roots to breathe. The roots of the plant grow mainly in breadth. Therefore, a wide and shallow container is suitable for it.

Planting and transplanting

Ferns should be replanted as needed. The plant gains leaf mass quite quickly. Therefore, it needs transplants annually. It is better to carry out the procedure in the spring.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Prepare a pot 5 cm larger than the old one. Pour a layer of drainage into it.
  • Cover it with moss and pour soil on top.
  • Remove the plant from the pot without disturbing the earthen ball and transfer it to a new one.
  • Fill all the voids with the prepared substrate and compact it.
  • Water the fern generously.

If the plant has signs of disease, it is better to clear the roots from the soil by soaking them in water.


In the spring-summer period, it is better to keep the fern at a temperature of +20-22 degrees. You can take it outside. He easily adapts to new conditions. In winter, cooler temperatures are suitable for the plant. But it should not fall below +12 degrees. You also need to protect the plant from drafts.

Watering and humidity

The fern should be watered sparingly. The soil should not dry out. It should always be slightly moistened, but not swampy. If the soil is not watered for a long time and then suddenly filled with water, there is a 100% guarantee that the roots of the plant will begin to rot. Watering should be done in small portions. The optimal watering schedule during the growing season is 2-3 times a week. In winter, the need for watering is reduced.

Note! Most ferns prefer to grow in humid conditions. Therefore, in order for the plant to feel good, its leaves need to be sprayed regularly. It is important to take into account the room temperature and humidity. From time to time the fern can be given warm shower. Water for irrigation and spraying needs to be soft and settled.

Feeding and fertilizers

When a fern is actively growing, it may not have enough nutrients. Therefore, from the end of spring and all summer it needs to be fertilized. Complex mineral supplements are suitable for this. It is recommended to apply them on average 1-2 times a month. Good composition for fern: solution in 1 liter of water, 1.5 g of superphosphate, 1 g of potassium salt, 1.5 g ammonium nitrate. Use organics very carefully. It can cause root burns.


In order for the crop to grow fully and look healthy, it is pruned from time to time (every few years). But it is not recommended to do it during the growing season. Exceptions are cases when the fern is sick and needs urgent rehabilitation. Do not touch young snail leaves during pruning. Old leaves of adult specimens are removed.

Reproduction methods

Since it is unlikely that anyone will be able to wait for the fern to bloom, it reproduces in wildlife using spores. But this method at home is very labor-intensive and is rarely used. It is usually used for breeding rare varieties fern.


The spores are located on the underside of the leaves in small sacs. When they ripen they turn brown. They are cut off along with part of the leaf. Store in paper bag. Dry spores are shaken out of the bags and sown in the ground.

The optimal composition of the substrate for planting is: 1 part sand and 3 parts leaf soil. Will do ready mix for violets. The soil must be well sifted; it must first be disinfected by steaming. Sow spores onto the surface of the soil, moisten it and compact it. Its thickness should not exceed 3-4 cm. Cover the container with film and place in a warm room until shoots appear. If the temperature is below +15 degrees, then the spores will not germinate. Water the seedlings only in the tray. When the seedlings grow up, they are planted in separate pots.

Dividing the bush

More often at home they use bush division. It is best to carry out the procedure in the spring when replanting the fern. The plant is divided into separate rosettes. Each should have several leaves and a growing point. Only young basal rosettes are suitable for propagation. Divide the bush very carefully so as not to injure the roots.

Features of seasonal care

Fern care has some differences in different seasons. Although the plant does not have a clearly defined dormancy.

In spring and summer it is necessary to ensure:

  • temperature +20-25 degrees;
  • regular moderate watering;
  • feeding 1-2 times a month;
  • bright diffuse light.

In winter, all processes are dulled, so the plant can be slightly lowered in temperature, reduce the amount of watering, and stop feeding.

Care errors and their elimination

Problems when growing ferns and ways to solve them:




Falling leaves

Lack of watering

Water regularly, do not allow the soil to dry out

Yellowing of leaves, brown spots

Dry, hot air

At low humidity, spray the plant more often, bathe it in the shower, place a container of water nearby

Pale leaves, slow growth

Nutrient deficiencies

During the growing season, regularly apply mineral fertilizers

This culture is also credited with the ability to bring harmony to the relationships of spouses. Close people stop swearing if a fern appears in the house. Also, if you put a fern leaf in your wallet, it promises financial well-being and profit.

But it’s better not to place a pot with a plant near the bed. It takes energy. The best place- near the computer, TV.

Fern - perennial, which will decorate any interior. In order for it to always remain healthy and actively develop, it needs to create basic conditions for its maintenance: good light, warmth, moderate watering and frequent spraying.

More in the next video useful information and advice to gardeners about the peculiarities of growing ferns indoors:

How to care for Asplenium fern at home is briefly described below.

Kostenets- distributed throughout to the globe, mainly in the tropics. There are from 20 to 800 species.

  • Location: A bright place, without direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: 16-24 °C, but in winter not lower than 18 °C
  • Air humidity: Average.
  • Substrate: Flower mixture soil with leaf compost.
  • Watering: abundantly, but you need to take into account that everything depends on the air humidity and temperature in the apartment.
  • Feeding: 1 time every 2 weeks with minerals and organic fertilizers in spring and summer.
  • Transfer: Of necessity.
  • Trimming: remove dried leaves and petioles as necessary.
  • Reproduction: Disputes, dividing the bush.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite, scale insect.

Caring for the Davallia house fern at home is quite simple and does not take much time.

Davallia - exotic look fern. A genus of perennial, fast-growing plants.

  • Temperature: in summer 18-21°C, in winter at least 16°C.
  • Air humidity: Low.
  • Watering: Moisturize moderately in winter and generously during hot periods of the year.
  • Feeding: Liquid fertilizer 2 times a month during active growing season.
  • Transfer: As needed in the spring.
  • Reproduction: Dividing the bush.
  • Pests, diseases: Shchitovka; The plant grows very poorly.

Caring for indoor fern Polypodium (centipede) at home consists of observing a number of indicators.

  • Location: Loves coolness and shade.
  • Temperature: in summer up to 23-25°C, and in winter not lower than 13°C.
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Watering: The autumn-winter period is moderate, the spring-summer period needs to be watered abundantly.
  • Feeding: In autumn and winter without fertilizing, and in spring and summer once a week with mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • Transfer: In the spring.
  • Reproduction: Dividing the bush.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, whiteflies, scale insects, springtails, thrips, root rot.

How to properly care for indoor nephrolepis fern is briefly described below.

  • Location: a bright place with diffused light, without direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: In summer - 15-17°C, and in winter at least 14°C.
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Watering: In the hot season, abundant watering is recommended, and in winter - moderate.
  • Feeding: in summer once every 2 weeks using complex organic and mineral fertilizers.
  • Transfer: Once a year in the spring.
  • Reproduction: By dividing rhizomes and cuttings.
  • Pests and diseases: Scale, root rot.

How to properly transplant an indoor fern (with video)

Before transplanting indoor flower fern, you should know that this plant is quite sensitive to changes in germination conditions. Adaptation to a new nutrient substrate can last up to 2 months. It is best to update the soil and change the pot using the transshipment method - a method of replanting indoor flowers that preserves the old one earthen layer on the rhizomes.

As a rule, this procedure is performed in the spring. Fern is home plant, preferring loose soil with admixtures of pine needles, leaves and peat. The most favorable soil acidity is 5-6.5 pH. To prepare your own soil mixture you will need the following ingredients:

  • Peat.
  • Leaf soil.
  • Humus.
  • Bone flour.

All components of the list must be mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1:1.5.

To carry out the transplant, you need to select a pot 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Place a drainage layer 2-2.5 cm thick on the bottom. Carefully transfer the plant without damaging the roots. Afterwards, it is enough to fill the remaining space with fresh soil and water it with water at room temperature.

Watch a video about the correct transplantation of indoor ferns, which shows the entire process in detail:

First you need to collect mature planting material. It is located in special education– sporangia that acquire Brown color during its readiness for seedlings. In some species, spores may be located in pinpoints.

The second stage will be holding planting material in a paper bag until it dries and is completely ripened. As soon as the mass looks like a brown free-flowing powder, you can move on to the last stage of planting. To do this, just sprinkle a thin layer of spores into moist soil.

This method is very labor-intensive and painstaking. To make it more effective, you can use methods for creating a home greenhouse. For example, cover the container with spores with polyethylene, glass or plastic bottle with a cut bottom.

How indoor fern propagates by division

The easiest way to plant young shoots is to plant young shoots during plant transplantation (in spring). To do this, you need to carefully cut off the young parts of the plant with part of the root system. Then plant the seedling in a separate container, water it and cover it with a greenhouse.

Take a look at the photos of the escapes indoor plant fern and its name for reference:

Most probable cause- dry air. Ferns love moisture and dark places, water it more often, place it in a dark and cool place. Remember, they cannot tolerate direct sunlight.

If the fern does not have enough moisture, place the pot with your “green favorite” on a tray with damp sand. This will increase the humidity level.

Trim yellowed and damaged branches - they will no longer turn green, but will only take away the strength of the plant.

Another reason why an indoor fern flower turns yellow is watering with cold or too hard water. This tropical plant does not tolerate such temperature changes. Therefore, carefully monitor the water used for irrigation.

The last common reason why the leaves of an indoor fern flower dry is that low temperature plant maintenance and drafts. Any type of this vegetation reacts negatively to such environmental conditions.

Try to protect the flower pot from the winds by moving it away from the window or insulating the opening with specialized means.

Another sign of poor plant health is dryness of its leaves. The main reasons why an indoor fern flower dries are described below.

Due to mistakes in caring for the plant, its leaves may dry out and curl. A similar problem is encountered most often in the autumn-spring period. The reason for this is too heat and dry air, this can harm the fern. First, the tips of the leaves will dry out, and then the entire leaf.

The second reason why an indoor fern flower dries out is insufficient moisture. In this case, you should create a watering schedule. It is very important to monitor the condition of the soil in which the fern grows; it should always be moist, but not overwatered.

Pests can greatly harm your plant. Their vital activity on the fern leads to the fact that its leaves simply die off and fall off. In this case, the reason why the leaves are drying is house fern, serves the harmful effects of insects.

To solve this problem, it is enough to remove the affected parts of the plant and remove pests using specialized or folk remedies(alcohol, laundry soap, etc.).

The most common reason why the leaves of an indoor fern dry is a disrupted light regime. Prolonged exposure of vegetation to direct heat sun rays detrimental to the flower. Remember that healthy growth and development of ferns requires soft, indirect light and moisture.

For indoor landscaping, various crops are used: beautifully flowering, decorative deciduous, exotic and other greens that can grow at home. Ferns are unpretentious and spectacular bushes. It is not destined to see it bloom, but it is quite possible to revive an office or living room thanks to it. Especially considering that caring for the plant will not be a hassle. It is enough to create optimal conditions.

Types of indoor ferns

There are about 10 thousand varieties of ferns in nature. All of them are perennials, but differ in appearance and living conditions. Differences appear in the shape and density of foliage, color saturation, and flower size. Many varieties grow in marshy area, have a bright salad color and delicate leaves, while others, tougher, denser, resistant to drought and sun, can be found on the lawns of fields and forests.

There is also a place for home floriculture. There are many varieties found here, collected all over the world. But the following types are in greatest demand:

  • Nephrolepis - thick and lush bush with openwork leaves up to 50 cm long.
  • Dawallia (hare's foot) - native to China and Japan, has wedge-shaped leaves on red shoots with a shallow root system.
  • Platycerium (flat-horned) - its unusual shape makes the fern popular, but when growing it you should adhere to certain rules.
  • Asplenium (kostenets) - looks impressive and resembles a fountain of solid light green leaves with waves along the edge. Needs humid air(at least 60%).
  • Blekhnum (Derbyanka) - spreading bushes reminiscent of a palm tree. The leaves are long, pinnately dissected.
  • Dixonia is a giant fern, gradually turning into a palm tree. The woody trunk has a thick cap of leaves at the top and reaches 3–6 meters.
  • Polypodium (centipede) is an epiphytic plant that can grow without soil. Often found on the surface of trees and rocky areas.

The list contains the most popular indoor ferns grown as indoor decorations. But for each of them it is necessary individual approach And special conditions. Nephrolepis is considered the most stable and non-capricious. It can most often be found in home floriculture.

The riot of colors and the size of the foliage directly depend on proper care behind the fern.

How to care for crops - the main rules

In order for the plant to maximize its decorative properties, it is important to follow all recommendations, do not overfeed or overwater it. Everything should be in moderation and as necessary, because wild relatives grow in forests without fertilizer and regular watering.

The condition of the fern foliage can determine the indoor air quality. If the room is dusty, smoky, gassy, ​​or too dry, the flower will begin to hurt. This is the first signal that the cause needs to be eliminated and the living conditions of not only the plants, but also the residents of the house must be improved.

Selecting a location

A resident of the tropics needs warmth, comfort, diffused lighting and space, especially considering his size. The ideal place for its location would be a wall or corner opposite a window (east, south or west). Large pots are best placed directly on the floor or on a low stand. Hanging varieties look great in hanging flowerpots.

Small “babies” can be temporarily placed in a west-facing window, avoiding direct sunlight, especially in the summer. Otherwise, the leaves will get burned. In general, the fern tolerates partial shade in the center of the room well, but best indicator growth - bright, diffused light.

The air temperature must correspond to the standard - +15-22 degrees Celsius.

Soil composition and capacity

Before placing a flower in the house, it must be replanted after purchase. To do this, use a purchased soil mixture or make it yourself from the following ingredients:

  • Sod land.
  • Humus.
  • Leaf soil and needles.
  • Coarse river sand.

Mandatory requirements for the soil: looseness, airiness and high acidity (this is increased with the help of pine needles).

You can take soil from the forest, but it is important to ensure that all the components are present.

For replanting, plastic or clay pots are used, increasing their diameter by 2-3 cm annually. At the first stage of the procedure, the container is filled with drainage; it is mandatory and will save the roots of the flower from rotting when overwatered, enrich it with oxygen and accelerate growth.

Clay pots are a priority. They absorb excess moisture and release it as needed; the disadvantages include the tendency to form fungi and mold, which are quite difficult to remove. The diameter of the container is chosen to be half the size of the crown of the plant itself, but you should remember about the stability of the container and fill it with heavy drainage.

Watering and spraying

For correct height and to preserve the decorative appearance of the fern, it is necessary to monitor the level of moisture in the pot: the soil should always be moist, but not wet. Overwatering is very harmful to the plant and will easily lead to its death. This is one of the reasons for yellowing and falling leaves.

Moderation in watering is ensured by high-quality drainage, which releases excess water from the pot and takes care of the ventilation of the roots. The procedure is carried out 3 times a week, while paying attention to the air temperature. In winter, once is enough.

Daily spraying is carried out to remove dust and provide additional moisture. Maintain air humidity during heating season A wet towel placed on a hot radiator will help.

Water the fern with rain or settled, soft water.


During the growing season, the flower needs strength to grow, form foliage and new shoots. This can be achieved using ready-made liquid fertilizers for indoor plants, which are diluted in settled water according to the instructions and applied after the main watering in certain portions.

Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones and are applied every 2 weeks - from early spring to autumn. In winter, during the dormant period, they are removed and watering is reduced to once a week.

Yellowing and pale foliage will indicate a lack of nutrients. If the problem is not solved in time, the shoots will dry out and the plant will die.

Do you need a transplant?

Needed! Annually! Fern is a flower that quickly thickens and grows, so it needs to be replanted annually. The procedure is carried out in early spring, before the start of sap flow (in March-April). To avoid damaging the roots, they use the transshipment method.

Step-by-step fern transplantation:

  • The soil in which the flower grows is watered abundantly to soften and remove the roots without injury.
  • Prepare a new container 3 cm larger than the previous one.
  • The pot is filled one third with drainage.
  • The fern is carefully, shaking from side to side, removed from the flowerpot along with the soil and transferred to a new container, sprinkling the free space with soil.
  • Lightly tamp the root area and water.

Transplanted plants take root quickly and easily. But if the procedure is carried out at the wrong time, then long-term adaptation or death of the flower is possible.

Reproduction is carried out during the same period as transplantation. To do this, the plants removed from the pot are cleared of the earthen clod and the mother bush is examined. The shoots are carefully separated and planted in a separate container.

It is almost impossible to propagate ferns by seeds (spores) at home, so they use division of the mother rosette.

Separated children should be provided with greenhouse conditions for rapid and successful growth. This can be done by covering the seedling with a plastic or glass cap (jar or cut-off bottle).

Caring for a fern is not at all difficult, the main thing is moderate watering and spraying, loose, acidic soil, timely replanting and fertilizing. By following all the recommendations, you can grow a beautiful bush that will become the highlight of any room.

A fern growing in an apartment is a very attractive and unusual indoor plant. This openwork shrub very popular, they decorate apartments and houses. It can reach impressive sizes and is therefore often planted in hotels, offices and various institutions. So that the indoor fern, a photo of which will be presented in the article, has luxurious appearance, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for its care.

Description of indoor ferns

All ferns are perennial terrestrial epiphytic plants. They have pinnately dissected leaves and short rhizomes. In addition to a large number of leaves, the stems also have ground loops, which, when in contact with the ground, can quickly produce roots. There are sporangia on the bottom of the leaves.

More than 10 thousand species of tree, herbaceous, terrestrial and aquatic ferns grow in nature. They can be found in meadows, swamps or forests. Among them there are little ones and giants, whose leaves can be as long as be more than half a meter. Moisture-loving plants have delicate, heavily dissected leaves of a light green hue. Drought-resistant shrubs are distinguished by leathery leaves that may have a waxy coating.

Types of indoor ferns

Exists a large number of cultivated species of ferns that are grown at home. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  • Nephrolepis is the most unpretentious appearance house fern. It is characterized by a spectacular rosette formed by lacy leaves with spores on inside. Each leaf reaches a length of 45–50 cm.
  • Davallia. This shrub has another name - hare's foot. It is characterized by reddish hairy rhizomes. The whole plant is strewn with succulent green leaves.
  • Platycerium - this type of fern has flat leaves that grow in different directions, resembling deer antlers. The middle of the plant with brown leaves looks like a head of cabbage.
  • The ossicle (asplenium) is distinguished by leaflets that are not divided and wavy around the edges, and he really doesn’t like it when his leaves are touched.
  • Blekhnum or Derbyanka to yours appearance resembles a palm tree. The crown of an adult plant can reach a meter in diameter.
  • Polypodium or centipede is characterized by deeply dissected leaves located on thin stems. The rhizomes of the shrub creep and cling to surfaces, and the plant itself can grow in the air.

How to care for ferns at home?

In the wild, this flower can survive for a very long time without fertilizers, watering and other manipulations that are required for the growth and development of the bush. At the same time, it remains unpretentious and when grown at home, it is not difficult to plant and grow. However, even in this case, a number of conditions must be observed, as a result of which the indoor plant will be healthy and strong.

Selecting a location

Shrub care starts with choosing a location. In this case, you need to remember that such a plant is an “indicator” of air pollution. It should not be placed in a room if it is gassy, ​​smoky or with dry air. Therefore, this homely beauty will quickly wither in the kitchen, but in other rooms located far from this room, he will feel very good. To create favorable conditions for ferns in the kitchen, you need hood or humidifier.

This exotic plant loves both light (but not direct) and shadow. Therefore, it is best to place it in a corner opposite the window. It also needs an influx of fresh air.

When choosing a location for a shrub, you need to consider features of his growth. It can grow very large, forming large and lush leaves around itself. It is better not to place it on the windowsill, since in such a limited space the leaves will rest against the glass and walls, becoming deformed. As a result, it will suffer decorative look bush.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Many gardeners believe that all types of ferns are shade-tolerant plants. But if the plant remains in the shade for a long time, it will simply die. In order for the bush to form healthy, strong and large leaves, it should be exposed to bright and diffused light. Therefore, the ideal place for it would be a southwest window. In this case, the pot should be placed on a separate flower stand, and not on the windowsill.

Fern care includes following temperature regime . It grows remarkably well at room temperatures from +15 to +22 degrees. But some varieties require a certain temperature:

  • for heat-loving species such as platicerium, asplenium, adiantum and nephrolepis, the room temperature should be at least +18 degrees;
  • for winter-hardy species (pellea and polypodium pimply), the temperature in the room should not fall below +12 degrees.

The plant should not be placed in drafts when ventilating the room. In summer, the pot can be taken out onto the balcony.


When growing fern at home you should choose the right soil. If this point is not observed, then all efforts to create favorable conditions for the plant will not be successful.

The soil for ferns must meet a number of requirements:

  • the soil should be loose and well permeable to water and air;
  • contain a large number of rotted leaves;
  • the soil should have a little increased level acidity;
  • it should contain a small amount of peat and pine needles, and it is also recommended to add a little sand and humus.

It is this kind of soil that is found in the forest, which is a favorite place for ferns to grow in the wild.

Watering and fertilizing

How to water fern at home? This is very important point when caring for the plant, since overdrying the soil is contraindicated for an exotic plant, which may die. It should be watered when the top layer of soil dries out.

But you should also remember that excessive watering is also undesirable. Stagnation of water in the soil can cause rotting of the root system. It is recommended to water the fern once a week using well-settled water.

If the plant does not receive all the necessary nutrients during active growth, its leaves will become very pale, after which they begin to turn yellow and dry out, so it needs to be fed. For this purpose, once a week the shrub needs to be fed with special complex fertilizers.

This plant needs a period of rest. The best time for this it is the end of October - mid-February. If it is located in a cool room, then stop all feeding and reduce watering by half.

Caring for an exotic plant involves replanting young bushes, which is carried out every year. Adult plants are replanted after their roots completely fill the entire pot.

How to replant an indoor fern? The complexity of this procedure lies in the fact that such an exotic plant undergoes transplantation quite painfully and recovers after this within several months. Therefore, it is recommended to use the transshipment method, when the bush is transplanted from one pot to another without clearing the roots from the ground.

The best time for transplantation is spring. The fern needs to select a wide and low flowerpot, and the soil acidity level should be 5.0 – 6.6 pH. First, drainage is poured onto the bottom of the pot, after which fur is laid and covered with substrate. The plant must be planted and the roots covered with soil in such a way that there was no space between them. Immediately after transplantation, the fern is watered abundantly.


How to propagate fern? This is done in two ways:

  • dividing the bush;
  • disputes.

In nature, this shrub reproduces by spores, but at home this is a very complex and painstaking process. Therefore, it is recommended to propagate ferns by dividing the bush. For this purpose they use only young root shoots(sockets) that need to be seated. They must be separated from the mother bush very carefully so as not to harm the adult plant. It should be remembered that a lot of ground must be stored on each individual outlet.

Having received the required material, they begin to plant it in a new container. So that the planting material takes root well and quickly adapted, the plant is provided fresh air and optimal water regime.

Diseases and pests

Usually there are no problems when growing ferns, but they can be affected by the following pests:

  • Scale insects, thrips and aphids. They appear if the air in the room is dry. In this case, the plant must be treated with special chemicals.
  • The bush can also be affected by a nematode that appears when watering the plant. cold water With big amount chlorine In this case, its leaves turn yellow and dry out. The fern needs to be transplanted into fresh soil as quickly as possible, having previously treated the bush with insecticides.

During cultivation at the fern leaves may turn yellow and dry out. Why is this happening? The main reasons for this include:

  • watering with cold water or containing a large amount of chlorine;
  • too dry air or high room temperature;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • growing shrubs in a very cold room;
  • drafts.

Therefore, by finding out the reason, you can get rid of this problem.

How to care for Asplenium fern at home is briefly described below.

Kostenets- distributed throughout the globe, mainly in the tropics. There are from 20 to 800 species.

  • Location: A bright place, without direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: 16-24 °C, but in winter not lower than 18 °C
  • Air humidity: Average.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mixture with leaf compost.
  • Watering: abundantly, but you need to take into account that everything depends on the air humidity and temperature in the apartment.
  • Feeding: Once every 2 weeks with mineral and organic fertilizers in spring and summer.
  • Transfer: Of necessity.
  • Trimming: remove dried leaves and petioles as necessary.
  • Reproduction: Disputes, dividing the bush.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite, scale insect.

Caring for the Davallia house fern at home is quite simple and does not take much time.

Davallia- an exotic type of fern. A genus of perennial, fast-growing plants.

  • Temperature: in summer 18-21°C, in winter at least 16°C.
  • Air humidity: Low.
  • Watering: Moisturize moderately in winter and generously during hot periods of the year.
  • Feeding: Liquid fertilizer 2 times a month during active growing season.
  • Transfer: As needed in the spring.
  • Reproduction: Dividing the bush.
  • Pests, diseases: Shchitovka; The plant grows very poorly.

Caring for indoor fern Polypodium (centipede) at home consists of observing a number of indicators.

  • Location: Loves coolness and shade.
  • Temperature: in summer up to 23-25°C, and in winter not lower than 13°C.
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Watering: The autumn-winter period is moderate, the spring-summer period needs to be watered abundantly.
  • Feeding: In autumn and winter without fertilizing, and in spring and summer once a week with mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • Transfer: In the spring.
  • Reproduction: Dividing the bush.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, whiteflies, scale insects, springtails, thrips, root rot.

How to properly care for indoor nephrolepis fern is briefly described below.

  • Location: a bright place with diffused light, without direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: In summer - 15-17°C, and in winter at least 14°C.
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Watering: In the hot season, abundant watering is recommended, and in winter - moderate.
  • Feeding: in summer once every 2 weeks using complex organic and mineral fertilizers.
  • Transfer: Once a year in the spring.
  • Reproduction: By dividing rhizomes and cuttings.
  • Pests and diseases: Scale, root rot.

How to properly transplant an indoor fern (with video)

Before transplanting an indoor fern flower, you should know that this plant is quite sensitive to changes in germination conditions. Adaptation to a new nutrient substrate can last up to 2 months. It is best to update the soil and change the pot using the transshipment method - a method of replanting indoor flowers, which preserves the old soil layer on the rhizomes.

As a rule, this procedure is performed in the spring. Fern is a houseplant that prefers loose soil mixed with pine needles, leaves and peat. The most favorable soil acidity is 5-6.5 pH. To prepare your own soil mixture you will need the following ingredients:

  • Peat.
  • Leaf soil.
  • Humus.
  • Bone flour.

All components of the list must be mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1:1.5.

To carry out the transplant, you need to select a pot 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Place a drainage layer 2-2.5 cm thick on the bottom. Carefully transfer the plant without damaging the roots. Afterwards, it is enough to fill the remaining space with fresh soil and water it with water at room temperature.

Watch a video about the correct transplantation of indoor ferns, which shows the entire process in detail:

First you need to collect mature planting material. It is located in special formations - sporangia, which turn brown when they are ready for seedlings. In some species, spores may be located in pinpoints.

The second stage will be keeping the planting material in a paper bag until it is dried and fully ripened. As soon as the mass looks like a brown free-flowing powder, you can move on to the last stage of planting. To do this, just sprinkle a thin layer of spores into moist soil.

This method is very labor-intensive and painstaking. To make it more effective, you can use methods for creating a home greenhouse. For example, cover the container with spores with polyethylene, glass or a plastic bottle with a cut bottom.

How indoor fern propagates by division

The easiest way to plant young shoots is to plant young shoots during plant transplantation (in spring). To do this, you need to carefully cut off the young parts of the plant with part of the root system. Then plant the seedling in a separate container, water it and cover it with a greenhouse.

Take a look at the photo of the shoots of the indoor fern plant and its name for reference:

The most likely cause is dry air. Ferns love moisture and dark places, water it more often and place it in a dark and cool place. Remember, they cannot tolerate direct sunlight.

If the fern does not have enough moisture, place the pot with your “green favorite” on a tray with damp sand. This will increase the humidity level.

Trim yellowed and damaged branches - they will no longer turn green, but will only take away the strength of the plant.

Another reason why an indoor fern flower turns yellow is watering with cold or too hard water. This tropical plant does not tolerate such temperature changes. Therefore, carefully monitor the water used for irrigation.

The last common reason why the leaves of an indoor fern flower dry is that the temperature of the plant is too low and drafts. Any type of this vegetation reacts negatively to such environmental conditions.

Try to protect the flower pot from the winds by moving it away from the window or insulating the opening with specialized means.

Another sign of poor plant health is dryness of its leaves. The main reasons why an indoor fern flower dries are described below.

Due to mistakes in caring for the plant, its leaves may dry out and curl. A similar problem is encountered most often in the autumn-spring period. The reason for this is too high a temperature and dry air, this can harm the fern. First, the tips of the leaves will dry out, and then the entire leaf.

The second reason why an indoor fern flower dries out is insufficient moisture. In this case, you should create a watering schedule. It is very important to monitor the condition of the soil in which the fern grows; it should always be moist, but not overwatered.

Pests can greatly harm your plant. Their vital activity on the fern leads to the fact that its leaves simply die off and fall off. In this case, the reason that the leaves of the house fern dry out is the harmful effects of insects.

To solve such a problem, it is enough to remove the affected parts of the plant and remove pests using specialized or folk remedies (alcohol, laundry soap, etc.).

The most common reason why the leaves of an indoor fern dry is a disrupted light regime. Prolonged exposure of vegetation to direct scorching sunlight is detrimental to the flower. Remember that healthy growth and development of ferns requires soft, indirect light and moisture.

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