Kitchen design in Khrushchev with a bar counter. Design ideas for a small kitchen in Khrushchev (65 photos)

Sooner or later, every owner Khrushchev's time is coming engage in modernization small kitchen 5-6 sq.m. This square, like in previous times, is always not enough. This is especially felt when purchasing a new one. kitchen appliances and furniture. Before starting renovations, it is advisable to think about the functionality of each square meter, using the advice of experienced designers involved in the reorganization of Khrushchev’s apartments.

The design of a small-sized kitchen in apartments with an old layout (from 5 square meters and more) is a challenge for any designer.

The essence of the problem of renovation work in a small kitchen

Advice that before purchasing something new you need to get rid of the old one, in small Khrushchev kitchen remains the most relevant. Not only is there no extra space here, even for free passage a few centimeters in width are not enough if there is cabinet furniture. Although if you call a professional, built-in furniture is a little more expensive than a ready-made kitchen, it is the most rational solution for attaching all kitchen utensils.

This is an opportunity to occupy all corners and vertical planes, as in the photo.

Small Khrushchev kitchen of 5-6 square meters many received it as a Soviet “legacy.” But when there is no alternative, you have to adapt to these conditions. It is difficult to increase the square footage without redevelopment and demolition of walls, but this is not always possible. Therefore, most residents of such urban “khrushchubs” have to reorganize their space.

Despite the lack of space, it is always possible to make even a small cooking area welcoming and cozy.

Many people know that small-sized city apartments are called “Khrushchevka”, mainly in panel houses, where most of the walls are load-bearing. It is very difficult to obtain permission to redevelop them. If everything works out, you can only combine two adjacent rooms and add a balcony. But the apartment won't get any bigger. Thoughtful design project for a 5 meter kitchen in Khrushchev should include this possibility.

Attention! Brick houses are often demolished by city authorities because the deadline for their sale has passed. There is no point in investing in expensive repairs to a damaged property, even if you manage to get permission!

When making repairs in a Khrushchev-era building, it is necessary to calculate the size of each item and its location with millimeter accuracy.

The main problem of these apartments is the “robbed” footage of the kitchen and bathroom in the hallway and corridors. In this limited area it is necessary to place all the kitchen attributes:

  1. Fridge;
  2. Gas stove;
  3. Washing;
  4. Another household appliances(dishwasher or washing machine);
  5. Kitchen units for food processing and cooking;
  6. Cabinets and shelves (for storing food, dishes, etc. kitchen utensils);
  7. Working surface.

For 5-6 sq. meters you need to fit storage containers, kitchen furniture, and household appliances.

It’s difficult to pack in when stuffed to the limit kitchen 5 sq.m., but thoughtful design and functionality of a Khrushchev apartment capable of performing miracles. It all depends on the lifestyle of the owners of small-sized housing. There is no need for a dishwasher in a small family. Big slab You don’t need an oven either if you don’t cook much.

Rules for organizing space

Organization of limited space and design of a small kitchen 5-6 meters in Khrushchev often becomes a “headache” for owners. But if you approach this process creatively, you can benefit from every square meter.


1. Location work surface As close as possible to the sink and stove, preferably between them
2. Refrigerator installation Close to the work surface and sink, but not near the stove, so as not to heat up
3. Wall cabinets and shelves Fill corners and vertical surfaces as much as possible – up to the ceiling
4. Gas stove location You can’t directly near the window so that the curtains don’t burn and the draft doesn’t blow out the flames
5. Table and chairs (stools), dinner table Better stackable seats to remove when not needed, the tabletop is small, it can be replaced by any folding and sliding planes
6. Boxes and lockers Fills all niches of built-in furniture
7. Windowsill Better to combine with a tabletop
8. Kitchen furniture Shallow, functional, compact.

Advice . It is important to consider ergonomics kitchen furniture so that your hands don’t get tired when processing food, you don’t have to reach for every little thing on the cabinet shelves. Use door closers to prevent doors and rails for placing dishes and kitchen utensils from slamming.

The main “enemy” of the small-sized Khrushchev kitchen is clutter. It is important to think through everything to the smallest detail and get rid of all the items that are needed literally once a year, or even less often. They need to be placed on mezzanines in the corridor, on the balcony or other place that serves as a storage room.

This will help free up a few cabinets, shelves and drawers.

In small rooms, furniture such as transformers and folding planes, as in the aisle of a compartment car, is welcome. These seats are returned to their original position (folded) when not in use. They are very convenient if made according to all the rules - another way to save space in kitchen design for 5 sq.m. in Khrushchev . But it’s better to make improvised “seats” on a leg (telescopic rod) - rest assured, they won’t let you down due to weight.

IN small kitchenOften you have to give up the table. Often a family has lunch or dinner in the living room or hall while watching TV.

In this case, the only table left is a cabinet with a work surface, but eating there is inconvenient.

Advice . To have a place to put your feet, it is important to have a niche under the tabletop. For this, a window sill enlarged to the size of a tabletop, or a retractable plane hidden under the cutting surface of kitchen furniture, is suitable.

If there is no place to put the washing machine and refrigerator, they are taken out into the corridor or hallway adjacent to the kitchen. This is not very convenient, but you can get additional space for a modern kitchen design in Khrushchev 5 sq.m.

In a small kitchen, it is possible to place a large number of cabinets without compromising the area of ​​working surfaces, making some of them from floor to ceiling.

Important ! Cozy kitchen will not make a refrigerator or washing machine, but beautiful kitchen accessories, window decor and other tastefully selected attributes. These are paintings and decorative plates, knitted tablecloths and lace napkins, original lampshades and mystical lighting.

Methods for visually expanding the limited space of the Khrushchev kitchen

Convert Area small kitchen it can be done in different ways.

  1. The method of rationality is to remove the old bulky cabinets and wall cabinets and install light, compact built-in furniture.
  2. Functionality method - leave in Khrushchev's kitchen Only the necessary items, trying to arrange them as compactly as possible.
  3. Visual illusion method - choose light colors in the design of the room, use horizontal and vertical lines, photo wallpaper “pushing” the walls, a light veil on the windows (maximum light and space).
  4. Zoning method - if redevelopment is planned, make a reasonable allocation of space so that everything is at hand.
  5. The design concept method is to create a small kitchen in Khrushchev with a stylish modern room.

In a small kitchen, every centimeter of free space is important, so it is very important to correctly design the kitchen set.

During renovations in small room It is advisable to choose light shades, “mirroring” or glossy surfaces to provide more light. It's better to refuse tension fabric And suspended structures when repairing the ceiling, they will also take up 10-20 cm of space.

Place cabinet furniture only against one wall, while occupying the corners, so the kitchen will appear wider.

It’s better to do it on a free wall interesting decor. IN kitchen design project 5 meters in Khrushchev can be provided interesting decoration of a free wall to create the illusion of a “dismantled” wall. Photo wallpaper with a panorama will help with this big city or going out into nature. Some people like spatial illusions, photo collages and mosaic panels.

Secrets of remodeling a kitchen 5.5 sq. m in Khrushchev

Redevelopment small apartments with the demolition of secondary partitions in the design environment, it is considered one of the best methods of modernization.

Don't be afraid to place the shelves or closed part of the furniture set too high.

  • Combine with the adjacent living room;
  • “Cut off” a couple of meters from the adjacent corridor or hallway;
  • “Increase” the footage by adding the area of ​​an insulated balcony or loggia;
  • Convert a Khrushchev-era apartment into a studio-type apartment, leaving part of the walls in the form of arches, retractable partitions and sides with posts, which will help hold up the main “frame” of the apartment.

Advice . If the owner of the apartment is not a specialist in construction and renovation, you should not remodel the apartment. On initial stage It is better to entrust reconstruction work to specialized construction companies.

When transforming an apartment without a “big” redevelopment, you can widen the doorways or shift the passages so that the rooms are not walkable. Some apartments in the old housing stock do not have balconies, especially on the lower floors.

Advice . If desired, you can remove the partition under the kitchen window and insert a balcony door.

Don’t forget to install safety glass and metal bars on your impromptu balcony – protection from uninvited guests.

But there will be a place where you can go out to smoke or breathe fresh air without leaving the apartment. Do large balcony This method will not work, but the spherical shape of the lattice will provide enough space for drying clothes and planting balcony plants.

How to disguise a column, sink and kitchen appliances?

In a small Khrushchev kitchen very little space, but it has to be allocated for gas equipment:

  • Counter;
  • Geyser;
  • Stovetop with oven or grill;
  • Hood hood with corrugation.

White color will visually enlarge a small narrow kitchen.

There are 2 ways to veil them in kitchen design in Khrushchev 5 sq.m. with refrigerator and other equipment:

  1. Hide kitchen furniture facades behind doors;
  2. Leave in open form, originally decorated.

Important ! So that the hood takes less space in the kitchen, it is recommended to purchase not a traditional bell, but an inclined shape. This is convenient when leaning over the stove when preparing dishes, and it is more compact.

Gas equipment is very convenient to hide behind kitchen cabinet doors. But any specialist will tell you that it is better to make slits in them to monitor the indicators. Geyser and wood furniture are incompatible.

You need to think about the choice of material in advance or leave the column open, but think about what it will be adjacent to.

Advice . During repairs, do not forget to provide high-quality insulation around the stove. Waterproofing is needed near the sink. Bulky tiles can be replaced with a compact 2-burner module - saving space.

How to improve lighting in a small kitchen?

A well-chosen color scheme and lighting of local areas always work to their advantage if you need to work with expanding the space.

Attention ! During repairs, it is worth replacing old emergency wiring and equipment that cannot cope with the load of modern household appliances.

The design of surfaces (especially walls, window textiles) should be made in light shades.

When choosing lighting fixtures focuses on the design style and functionality of the kitchen.

  1. It is very convenient when the working surface is illuminated by diodes mounted on the bottom of wall cabinets, like on the picture.
  2. IN modern kitchen The diode strip looks good around the perimeter of the ceiling or framed by cabinet furniture.
  3. Buying ceiling lamp, refuse a bulky chandelier that takes up a lot of space. The exception is a large lampshade that goes down to the center of the table.
  4. If in the interior small kitchen there is a corner and a dining table; the eating area should be illuminated by a compact sconce with a practical lampshade that is easy to clean.
  5. Try to equip all lamps with energy-efficient lamps.

Light reflections playing on the surface will give the room a bright, light and sunny mood, as in the photo.

The ideal option would be big window, where a lot penetrates daylight. If there is an opportunity to expand the window opening or replace the frames with lighter and lighter ones, be sure to take advantage. Curtains or window decor are lightweight, made of translucent fabrics that are easy to wash and do not require ironing.

The design of curtains and curtains should highlight and unobtrusively decorate this part of the kitchen, but in no case prevent the penetration of sunlight.

Design of washable surfaces: apron and work area

When renovating a kitchen, practicality comes first. Every housewife knows how much time cleaning takes. The more practical the facing materials, the easier it is to clean the kitchen.

A small kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building will require a non-standard approach when choosing furniture.

Do not be afraid white or light shades of beige, gray and blue. If it is smooth plastic on the ceiling or tiled materials in the decoration of walls and floors, then cleaning takes no more time than in others color solutions. In addition, the light cladding initially looks “clean”.

Attention! Gloss (any color) reflects more light, but scratches are more visible after cleaning household products with abrasive particles.

A modern kitchen does not require huge amount cabinets, a couple of shelves on the wall and open shelves for large dishes are enough.

When choosing tile materials for kitchen design 5m2 in Khrushchev do not use large blocks or large designs. With them, a small room will seem even smaller. The ideal option for tiling a kitchen backsplash is small mosaic tiles.

For wall cabinets, it is better to use doors that open upwards rather than to the sides, since they do not take up any useful space at all.

The walls do not have to be monochromatic, but light shades are preferred. The quality of facing materials depends on financial capabilities, but all surfaces must be practical to clean. Tiled floors should not be slippery; for safety reasons, choose one with a rough texture.

A good option for the kitchen is a light, moisture-resistant laminate.

The place where you have to cut meat, peel vegetables and cut juicy products often gets dirty. Here you have to give up wallpaper, textured plaster And decorative panels made from materials that are difficult to clean.

Advice . It is recommended to cover interesting relief decor with several layers of colorless varnish.

Most often you have to clean the work area, so the choice of finish is most important here.

Remember that the small Khrushchev kitchen has its own “plus” - small area surfaces. You can save on finishing materials by choosing more luxurious tiles, countertops and facades. This will help transform Khrushchev beyond recognition, like in our photo.

The tips in this article will help you successfully cope with the transformation of the smallest kitchen.

VIDEO: Projects and design of a small kitchen.

50 design ideas for a kitchen with an area of ​​5-6 square meters. meters:

Design of a small kitchen with an area of ​​5 square meters. m in Khrushchev is not so simple, however, judging by the photos in interior catalogs, there are no tasks that are impossible for designers. Having planned correctly working space, you can avoid most of the difficulties that may arise in such cramped circumstances. Modern tendencies in interior design and organization of the work area will create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere.

Functional placement of furniture in a compact kitchen of 5 square meters

Efficient use of space

Thinking through the design of a kitchen 5 sq. m in Khrushchev, you need to use some tips that will help you properly organize a small space:

Important! The higher the furniture, the lighter and more spacious the interior looks. A set that is too low will create the effect of a cluttered space.

Optimal layout options

The smaller the room, the more difficult it is to maintain a balance between the beauty of the interior and practicality. Few people would want to sacrifice their own comfort for an extra meter or limit themselves in possibilities due to lack of space. How to think through the layout in a tiny kitchen of 5 square meters. meters in a Khrushchev-era apartment building, without any problems placing on it not only a stove with a sink, but also a refrigerator and other household appliances?

Bright U-shaped kitchen design with tempered glass shelves

L-shaped layout

In photos of design projects you can often see a corner kitchen set; this L-shaped layout is used in both large and small kitchens of no more than 5 square meters. m.V small spaces both are fully occupied corner walls. Often one of the ends of the headset is adjacent to the door. It is better to round the corners of the headset, especially near the doorway.

A classic example of a corner kitchen in a small area

Smooth outlines look much more harmonious and beautiful in the interior, in contrast to sharp corners. If the kitchen is not square, but elongated, then it is better to place the refrigerator and stove along the long wall, while the sink can be moved close to the short wall. In the opposite corner it is good to place a small corner sofa with a compact table and hanging open shelves and cabinets.

Corner kitchen 5 square meters with rounded ends

Note! It is better to equip the area by the window as a workspace, since the kitchen area is only 5 square meters. every extra centimeter is valuable.

Corners in a small kitchen should not be empty. To free up some space, you can place a sink in the corner. For convenience, it is better to choose a beveled or radius corner tabletop with a narrowed short side. This will provide enough space in the kitchen for a hob or stove and refrigerator.
Instead of a sink, sometimes a stove or hob. If you like this option, try to choose the most compact model. At the same time, it is also worth remembering the predominance of smooth lines in a corner kitchen - rounded outlines will become a small trick that distracts from the modest dimensions of the kitchen.

Interior of a corner kitchen in Khrushchev

U-shaped layout

With this option for arranging furniture and equipment, three walls are occupied at once. Thus, you can organize a comfortable work triangle with the same distance to the refrigerator, stove and sink. To make it more convenient for you and your household to work in the kitchen and move around it, the passage should be no narrower than 120 cm. The U-shaped layout is not only one of the most comfortable in everyday life, it also provides a lot of opportunities for non-trivial design solutions.

Kitchen design in Khrushchev with U-shaped furniture arrangement

Vertical block at the door

In the kitchen of 5 sq. meters, the tallest and largest objects are most often located in the corners, this layout option can be seen in the photo kitchen interiors. This technique allows you to visually make bulky elements of the headset less noticeable, giving them a more elegant look. If you need a large number of spacious shelves and appliances, you can put several tall cabinets in the kitchen at once - a pencil case in the middle of the wall, a tall unit with a built-in oven and, for example, a refrigerator in the corner by the window.

Interior of a corner kitchen 5 square meters with a refrigerator by the window

Due to tall pieces of furniture, you can significantly increase the capacity of the set, but such an arrangement greatly reduces the working area. In a five-meter kitchen you can comfortably fit an oven, dishwasher, microwave and refrigerator, but a vertical cabinet near the door will not only lengthen the corridor, “stealing” valuable space from the kitchen, but will also create an extra sharp corner, which is quite dangerous.

Kitchen cabinet by the window in a small kitchen

Kitchen option without refrigerator

The refrigerator is often the largest item in the kitchen. Often this is what is sacrificed for the sake of additional space, placing the refrigerator on an insulated balcony or in the hallway. This arrangement is not very convenient if approached from practical side, but there is an opportunity to arrange a cozy kitchen dining area with a good table and soft corner sofa or expand the working area.

Kitchen with furniture arranged along all walls

If in the corridor or on the loggia there is enough free space for a refrigerator, then in the kitchen of 5 sq. meters you can easily do without it.

Kitchen interior without a refrigerator with glossy surfaces and rounded ends

Kitchen in one row

The simplest and most economical option for designing a workspace is to arrange furniture and equipment along one wall. Despite the fact that minimalism is on trend in 2017, such organization of space may not appeal to everyone. By removing the large refrigerator from the kitchen, you can better organize your workspace by conveniently placing the stove and sink.

Single-line kitchen 5 square meters in Khrushchev

If you decide to leave the refrigerator in the kitchen 5 sq. m in Khrushchev, then purchase a stove or oven no more than 45 cm wide.

Interior of a small kitchen 5 sq.m. in Khrushchev

Kitchen in two rows

This layout is otherwise called parallel, when all pieces of furniture and appliances are located along opposite walls. With this arrangement kitchen set There may not be enough space for a dining area, but there is room to expand in terms of organizing the workspace.

Compact kitchen in two rows

Important! To create the most convenient kitchen triangle, place the sink and stove on the wall opposite the refrigerator.

Kitchen interior with furniture on both sides

For convenience and free movement around the kitchen while cooking, try not to clutter the space in the center, minimum distance between the facades the set should be wider than 1.2 m. The kitchen is furnished in two rows, with simple and strict design it looks more spacious and lighter - the window in this case is completely open, and the furniture does not create obstacles to daylight.

Kitchen window with transparent short curtains

Interior Design

Even in a tiny kitchen of 5 square meters. m you can bring to life almost any new design that is relevant in 2017 - in the photo you can see the most different variants interior design. Pretentious Rococo and Baroque, which are characterized by an abundance of decor, bright colors, gilding, complex furniture design, etc., will not fit into a small space. However, there are other styles that can be used.

Modern kitchen interior 5 sq.m. in Khrushchev


One of the most popular modern styles, still relevant in 2017. This the best option to create a comfortable and cozy interior without unnecessary accessories and flashy colors.

Minimalism in the kitchen 5 sq.m in Khrushchev

The main techniques used in interior design are a minimum of furniture, simplicity of shape, neutral colors, glossy surface, high-quality lighting, modern light Decoration Materials. All together this creates a spacious and bright space.

Corner kitchen 5 sq.m. in Khrushchev with a pink countertop

High tech

A distinctive feature of the high-tech style is the desire to use cutting-edge materials and technical innovations. Appliances and household appliances are hidden behind the facades of cabinets, and the set is modular design, which allows you to use the available space to maximum benefit.

Small-sized kitchen in high-tech style


Classics, with the exception of its most extravagant varieties, are always in fashion. This is a win-win option for those who are afraid of making a mistake with the selection of textures, colors and furniture design.

Classic interior of a small kitchen with a sink by the window

Used in the interior natural materials, natural colors. Light shades are often used for decoration, which allows you to refresh the interior and visually enlarge the kitchen.

Corner light kitchen in classic style

Despite the very modest size of the standard Khrushchev kitchen (only 5 square meters), and in such an area you can conveniently place the necessary furniture and equipment, creating a cozy and practical space.

The 5 m2 kitchen is quite compact. At the same time, it can become extremely convenient if you approach the issue creatively. Many people see the main problem as being able to place a refrigerator, hob, sink, storage cabinets and a dining table in addition in such a small space.

So, let's pick up a pencil

First, let's face it honestly and write it down on a piece of paper so we don't forget anything.

  1. How often do you go to the store?
  2. How often do you cook?
  3. How many people are in your family? How often do you use all 4 burners? Maybe two is usually enough for you?
  4. How many people should be seated at one table in the kitchen?
  5. How many dishes are constantly in use?
  6. Can some of the kitchen utensils be moved to the balcony, pantry or any other storage location?

Now you can start designing your kitchen.

Work triangle

Now we take a tape measure and measure our walls. If the length of the street wall is 2.5 m, then the remaining wall is 2 m. So, one wall with a window and the opposite with a door. In total, we have 8 m of linear walls along which we can place our set with a refrigerator. Usually one wall goes under the dining area. There's not much left.

What must be distributed throughout the kitchen:

  • Refrigerator – 60 cm.
  • Washing machine – 60 cm.
  • Gas stove – 60 cm.
  • Sink – 60 cm.

Total, 2.4 m for household appliances with a sink. Let's try to fit this into our space. The upper cabinets can be placed as you please, the main thing to remember is that it is better to place a dish dryer above the sink, and a hood above the stove.

If possible, it is better to take the washing machine into the bathroom. However, you can manage to find a place for it too.

Costly option

The refrigerator can be placed in a mini-corridor in a niche, which is cut off from the bathtub by installing a shower stall. You will have to go through the dismantling of the wall, renovation of the bathroom and give up the bathtub. But we win a place in the kitchen for a full-fledged table.

Tricky with placement

We place the refrigerator near the window, the sink in the corner, and the stove near the entrance. It is convenient because there is a fairly spacious tabletop. It is possible to place a washing machine near the refrigerator.

But in terms of security, this option has a drawback, because... When entering, you might accidentally push boiling water from the stove onto your feet. This can be easily solved if you add a small side, about 15-20 centimeters, which will protect against accidents.

The second option for a refrigerator by the window also causes quite controversial opinions. So, the refrigerator stands near the window, 10 cm from it there is a stove, behind it there is a sink hidden through a cabinet with drawers in the corner, and near the door a narrow tabletop of 40 cm rests on the lower cabinet. For safety reasons, the corner is rounded and equipped with open shelves.

The refrigerator needs high-quality cooling of the rear radiator grille. She's always hot with him. If there is a stove next to an oven, then a problem arises. For long service life of cooling devices, they must be installed away from heating devices. Also, do not place them near radiators and heating pipes.

The void between the stove and the refrigerator can be filled with cargo.

What if you think about it some more?

The minimized version provides a comfortable dining area and an ultra-compact set.

The refrigerator, sink and stove line up along the side wall. Opposite the entrance in the corner by the window there is a dining area. In this case, you can put a kitchen corner in which you can put a lot of all kinds of utensils and organize the storage of dry products, for example, groceries.

The dining table will act as a cutting surface while preparing dishes.

What if you need spacious storage boxes?

The stove and sink can be placed along the street wall with a window. In this case, the refrigerator will stand in a free corner.

This adds spacious cabinets and a spacious work surface. Especially if you use a built-in oven and a domino hob instead of a stove.

Feeling cramped and want some space?

Let's try to build a working triangle along the window. Cold zone opposite the door. Next is a sink, a small cabinet and a stove. In the free corner there is a chic table with a soft corner.

If you place a table along the wall from the door, and behind it a wide cabinet, opposite them will fit a refrigerator, a spacious closet, a sink in the corner and another piece of furniture along the short wall. At the same time, wall cabinets will occupy three walls, absorbing all the accumulated goods of the hostess.

If you prefer to dine in the living room, then the task is simplified and the set grows. You get a full kitchen with cabinets, a chic countertop and a refrigerator facing the door from the window.

If you modernize this option, you can build a place for lunch near the window, where you can have a snack together.

What about the washing machine?

It can be placed between the sink and the stove.

Or between a mini refrigerator and a sink under the hob. And the oven will move to a microwave with convection.

Take a closer look at mini refrigerators that can be installed under the countertop. They take up little space. But you can win the desired cutting plane.

If you build a strong frame, then the following option is possible:

In this case, the main thing is that the frame on which the refrigerator rests can withstand the weight of the unit and products. If you continue this pencil case upward, you can add several shelves.

Do you still think that 5 sq. meters - is this a hopeless death sentence? Then look for a competent designer who will help you create comfort in this space. Better yet, take a closer look at how these problems are solved on a more modest area in European mini-apartments and tiny houses. This is an inexhaustible source of ideas for compact kitchens.

Kitchen interiors 5 sq m with a refrigerator in the photo in real apartments

See examples of renovations in small kitchens and get ideas.

Corner kitchen 5 sq m

White corner kitchen 5 sq m

Stylish kitchen in Khrushchev with a refrigerator

An example of a 5 room kitchen with a refrigerator and a gas water heater. The column is covered with a white box.

Use additional features corner cabinets

Kitchen 5 sq m with refrigerator and washing machine

Jul 28, 2017 Werri

The kitchen is considered an important room, the renovation of which requires special attention. Khrushchev buildings are distinguished by the small area of ​​​​this room. Therefore, it is important to make the most of square meters. Think carefullyyou can radically transform it.

A kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building is only 5-6 square meters of space with low ceilings.

Design ideas for a small kitchen in Khrushchev

When designing this room, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations.

  1. Select finishing materials and color palette in advance.
  2. Develop a design for furniture arrangement and household appliances. They should be convenient to use, but they should not create obstacles to movement around the territory.
  3. Decide on the type and placement of lighting, choose decor.

Good light, bright enough to make cooking convenient, is one of the main requirements.

When the area is small, it is important to rely not only on beauty, but also on practicality kitchen design in Khrushchev.

Kitchen remodeling in Khrushchev

Redevelopment helps to increase the area, change the purpose or configuration of the room. Most often the kitchen is connected to the living room. This can be done using different methods.

  1. If the dividing wall is not load-bearing, it is simply demolished.
  2. Make an arch to create a passage between rooms.

The brighter the kitchen in the Khrushchev-era building, the more spacious it seems.

If the rooms were connected, then it is necessary to create several zones, including a working and dining area. For zoning, you should use a screen, install a bar counter, or separate everything with finishing materials.

The kitchen can be connected to the balcony. It is recommended that you first think about removing the heating system and insulating the windows. Be sure to carefully consider all the details before implementation.

All surfaces must be workable. The more efficiently they are used, the more space there is in the kitchen.

Interior style for the “Khrushchev” kitchen

There are several design options for this room. They are marked in the table.

Multifunctional furniture that can change its purpose according to your wishes is right choice For small kitchens in Khrushchev.

Style Description
Modern It is distinguished by its brevity. Maximum practicality of the elements, all lines are clear. Kitchen appliances must be built in. Ditch the standard stove and replace it with a hob. The tabletop can be continued by a window sill. Use spot lighting. The interior has a lot of metal, glass and light colors.
Classic Reflects luxury and the owner of the house has good taste. The main details are the use of a headset made of natural wood with milky enamel. Application gypsum stucco, soft chairs with a high back.
Provence A distinctive feature is the use of pastel colors, textiles made from natural fabrics, lace inserts, prints in the form of flowers and patterns. A small kitchen will be filled with a light and fresh atmosphere.
Scandinavian Differs in an abundance of light shades. You can add other tones, but not too many and not too bright. Like kitchen interior in Khrushchev helps make it visually more spacious.

Color solutions for the kitchen in Khrushchev

An important stage of repair is the choice of palette. This determines how the kitchen will look in the final version. It is necessary that it does not look dark and cramped. The following tones are suitable.

  • White. He does a great job of reflecting light. Suitable for combination with almost any color scheme, creating contrast. Should not be used on the floor, area close to the sink or on the countertop.

It’s better to focus on the walls, ceiling, and furniture.

  • Natural wood shade. Even if the furniture is not made of natural wood, imitation color will create comfort in the work area.

Helps add coziness to the atmosphere.

  • Yellow. Relevant for rooms where there is very little natural light. It will help fill the kitchen with warmth and add Have a good mood, will get rid of dullness.

Used as a rich accent or general background.

  • Green. Perfect for a small room. You can use it as the main color or choose details from a similar palette.

Pairs perfectly with grey, pink and orange.

  • Red. It is distinguished by its richness, thanks to which it is able to attract everyone's attention. It is believed to increase appetite. May take up a lot of space due to its brightness. Therefore, in a small kitchen it is important to use it in doses.

It's better not to make red the background color.

  • Pastel colors. When combined with white, you can achieve tenderness and lightness. It is perfect for a small area, allowing it to look airy. As an addition, it is recommended to choose rich colors, but not flashy or bright ones.

The pastel palette gives peace and harmony.

Finishing and materials for the kitchen in Khrushchev

The final design of a small kitchen in Khrushchev depends on the chosen finishing materials. Each area in the room has its own recommendations to achieve beauty and practicality.

Furniture for a small kitchen in Khrushchev

Among the main pieces of furniture required for the kitchen, it is worth noting the following.

  • Headset It can be made of natural wood or imitate it. The product must be coated with varnish to protect it from moisture. May have elements made of metal, glass or plastic. Choose a dark matte shade if the kitchen is spacious. Glossy light colors will become ideal option when the territory is limited. To optimize space, you should purchase built-in appliances, then order a set.

This will help to accurately manufacture it, in accordance with the dimensions of each device.

  • Lunch segment. If the kitchen is small, then it will become real problem placement of a full-fledged table in it. For a studio apartment, a bar counter is usually installed, which performs several functions at once. If space is limited, it is recommended to use folding products. A folding table allows you to have a dining area without taking up much space.

If the window sill is wide, it can become a tabletop for eating.

  • Storage system. Before purchasing a set, it is important to think carefully about where all the necessary things, such as dishes and kitchen utensils, will be located. You can save space and organize everything wisely by increasing the height of the cabinets. Be sure to use the corners in the room.

Thinking through the interior of a kitchen in Khrushchev may be complicated due to the characteristic small size premises. The room reserved for cooking and eating is often so small that it can be difficult to fit even the necessary attributes into it. Such problems can be solved if everything is organized correctly. It is important to set the light correctly. It can hide the shortcomings of a space and show only its advantages.

Add mirrored surfaces and light colors to make the kitchen visually larger and fresher.

What types of Khrushchev buildings are there?

Khrushchev buildings differ according to the year in which the construction was carried out, and according to the number of floors. May vary in size and other parameters.

There are often several main types of Khrushchev buildings.

  1. Buildings with 5 or 6 floors, erected in the late 50s. The ceiling in such a home has a height of 2.5 m. The dimensions of the kitchen are reduced to 7.6 sq.m.
  2. Houses built between 1960 and 1965. The buildings are made of brick. The ceiling height is identical to the first view. The dimensions of the kitchen are somewhat smaller and are reduced to 6.2 - 6.5 sq.m.
  3. Buildings erected between 1965 and 1968. These are panel dwellings. The dimensions of the kitchen space remained unchanged. Additionally, problems related to thermal insulation arose. Presumably, the kitchen in such houses was supposed to be a place only for preparing food. Other rooms were allocated for meals.

Kitchen design in Khrushchev with a gas water heater

If a small kitchen is equipped with a gas heater, the best solution would be to build it into a hanging cabinet. It must correspond to the general design style. The cabinet helps to remove the unit from public view, which can only spoil the overall appearance.

This will allow you to select right size closet It should not only be beautiful, but also safe. A certain width and many holes are required for good ventilation.

What can you do with your own hands?

In addition to making custom-made furniture, you can have a hand in creating small kitchen design in Khrushchev . It is recommended to use the following tips.

The key task will be to visually increase the area of ​​the room.

  • Choose furniture in light colors. It will be successfully combined with wall coverings in the same range.
  • Installing shelving up to the ceiling helps to visually increase the height.
  • Avoid small pieces of furniture. This will only clutter up the overall environment. It is recommended to give preference to a few large items rather than many small ones.
  • For the dining segment, choose a round or oval-shaped table. Avoid having sharp corners.
  • For the window, choose blinds or Roman shades.
  • Hang the cornice almost to the ceiling. Textiles should be pastel colors, which will add comfort and softness.
  • Remove large, bulky parts.

It is better to add several small elements placed randomly.

What kind of built-in equipment is needed?

Built-in appliances are necessary for the correct and practical use of all available space. This allows you to combine several tasks, including not wasting additional meters, but maintaining functionality. Among necessary equipment You can note the oven, hob, dishwasher, extractor hood.

You should not choose large items.

The hob can have only 2 burners, this will be enough. Even if the kitchen is tiny, you cannot refuse the hood. There are compact models. When installing, it is worth considering that it will subsequently slide out.

For dishwasher An area close to the sink is ideal.

Functionality in design

A small room should be as functional as possible. To do this, you should use the following recommendations.

In some cases you can do without overhaul, it is enough to reconsider the approach to organizing the workspace and optimize it.

  • Remove the dining area from the kitchen. If there are no problems, you can simply move the place of eating to another room. Then all you need to do in the kitchen is prepare food. This will greatly facilitate the selection and placement process. required attributes. Be sure to install a refrigerator, sink and stove. The remaining items should be purchased if there is sufficient space and necessity.
  • You can purchase a horizontal refrigerator model. Then its surface can additionally be used as a working surface. Which increases functionality.
  • Remove unnecessary pieces of furniture from the room. Modular models can be installed. Choose cabinets with the ability to transform.
  • If the window sill is large, make it an additional work surface.

The tips listed will help you rationally and usefully use the available square meters.

VIDEO: Kitchen design in Khrushchev 6 sq. m.

50 design options for a kitchen in Khrushchev:

Owners of small-sized Khrushchev apartments have to put up with the presence of an uncomfortable and cramped kitchen. Over time, many people get used to it and simply don’t notice the discomfort, but if a small kitchen becomes a source of irritation, something urgently needs to be done.

For a housewife, the kitchen is the place of her culinary creativity, and if she “creates” with bad mood, then this will definitely affect the quality and taste of its preparations. Let's talk about what can be done with a small kitchen, excluding the option of combining it with another room.

How to furnish a small kitchen in Khrushchev

Some housewives do not pay much attention to the fact that “Khrushchev” should be fundamentally different from the furniture that can be placed in a large kitchen. Often in a small kitchen you can see a table for six people, around which you have to literally squeeze, or even an old sofa, “exiled” from a large room. Such an irresponsible approach to the selection of furniture is not suitable. Let's approach this problem comprehensively. If you need a good seat, look at buying a small one. For the approximate location of furniture, you can use.

Necessary furniture and equipment

It is very difficult to make kitchens in Khrushchev comfortable, since there is not enough space, but if you approach this issue wisely, it is possible

Regardless of whether the kitchen in the apartment is large or small, the housewife wants to have maximum convenience and enjoy all the benefits of kitchen progress that exist. However, we have to make a compromise, limiting ourselves to small area what a kitchen in a Khrushchev building provides. Therefore, for effective use every square centimeter, it is worth using the services of making custom-made furniture, paying attention to and. Read how to arrange a small kitchen in a private house.


A small kitchen does not allow you to treat furniture irresponsibly. In order for the housewife to be comfortable and comfortable, it is necessary to be very careful in selecting a kitchen set.

Limited space gives few options for furniture arrangement. It is impossible, for example, to install in the center of the kitchen. However, there is room for creativity. Let's consider two popular layouts - corner and straight arrangement of furniture.


Corner set will save space in a small kitchen

Almost for a small kitchen square shape corner set - really very interesting option. All work areas are located in one corner, and in the other there is the opportunity to organize a small dining area. Very a good choice.

It is unacceptable to place a stove and a refrigerator next to each other. They should be spaced at least 30 centimeters apart. Otherwise, the refrigerator will be heated by the stove, which will force it to work harder and may even damage it.


A straight set is suitable if you spend little time in the kitchen and you simply don’t need a large work area

At direct location The set occupies one wall of the kitchen, combining only the most necessary elements. To save space with this design, you may have to abandon the oven, large refrigerator or washing machine. But there is much more space left for. When placing equipment, you should adhere to the same rules as for angular placement.

Wall cabinets

It is quite possible to use cabinets that reach the ceiling. Then you can place rarely used items on the upper shelves. In this case, it is necessary to provide a special stable ladder. It is unacceptable to use stools and other kitchen furniture for this. Read how to correctly calculate the dimensions of kitchen furniture.

The cabinets should be of a size that makes it convenient for the housewife to get items from the top shelf.

Work zone

work area by the window - suitable if your day is spent in the kitchen - there is plenty of lighting

The work area should be located between the food preparation area and the sink. This way the housewife will spend much less effort and time moving around the kitchen. The work area should be well lit. Depending on the type of headset, it can be placed in front of a window - then additional lighting will only be needed in the dark, or it can be located against a blank wall - then it should be available at any time.

It is best to use lamps for lighting that are mounted on the bottom surface of cabinets located above the work surface, and if it is placed in front of a window, on the sides or top.

It is unacceptable to place lamps in such a way that a shadow from a person standing in front of it falls on the surface.

How to hide a gas water heater

The installation location of the geyser must be agreed upon with gas service specialists. Compliance with clear rules is designed to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of people. When creating a kitchen design, these rules must be strictly followed:

  • you cannot mount the speaker closer than 10 centimeters to gas stove;
  • the column must be hung directly on the wall;
  • a distance of at least 3 centimeters must be maintained from the walls of the headset to the walls of the speaker;
  • The column cannot be installed in places where there is no air circulation;
  • Gas supply pipes cannot be hidden in the wall.

By following these rules and agreeing on the location of the dispenser with gas services, you can begin installation.

In a small kitchen, a gas heater can be placed in several ways:

  • hide the speaker in the closet;
  • place between cabinets;
  • make it an element of the interior.

If you decide to make the speaker completely invisible, then the right solution would be to place it in a false cabinet that follows the design of other wall cabinets in the kitchen. Such a cabinet should have neither a top, nor a bottom, nor a back wall. This will ensure that those installation rules are followed geysers what we have listed.

The side walls inside the cabinet should be covered with a material that prevents them from igniting from heating, and the front door will hide the speaker from prying eyes.

The geyser can be decorated under a cabinet or under an artificial fireplace

The second option - placing it between cabinets - will reliably hide the column if gas specialists allow it to be hung in the corner of the kitchen. In this case, hanging cabinets will camouflage it well and space will be spent on placement, which will still “waste” in vain.
An interesting step could be the installation of a designer speaker that can become a worthy element of the interior and even its central accent. You don't have to buy a new speaker for this!

The front surface can be painted with heat-resistant paints in the same style as your set, you can glue heat-resistant applications, or, if you have artistic zeal, you can paint it yourself.

Built-in technology

To optimize space in a cramped kitchen, appliances built into furniture are well suited. Modern hobs and electrical ovens allow them to be placed almost anywhere in the kitchen.

They have different sizes, which you need to choose based not only on the size of the kitchen, but also on the needs of the family.

The oven can be placed in a vertical cabinet. In this case, it will be more convenient to access than a conventional gas stove. After all, the cabinet can be installed at any height that is convenient for the owner. You can also place a microwave oven in the same pencil case.

You can hide a washing machine and dishwasher under the countertops. Dishwasher and washing machine should be placed as close to the sink as possible to avoid laying water and drain pipes

throughout the kitchen.

Design ideas Interesting design ideas

The lack of free space stimulates the imagination of manufacturers and designers to create non-standard moves to increase free space. Their ideas can be implemented in your kitchen.

Place a pull-out table

Extendable tables are very popular among designers. They can hide under the guise drawer, appearing from the lower cabinets of the kitchen unit, turning into part of its facade.

Typically, a retractable table solves two problems:

  1. It looks most harmonious as a small tea table and is very good for a quick snack.
  2. a convenient extension of the working surface of the set, on which you can install a food processor, stack food or place dishes, or use it as an additional cutting board.

Advantages of extendable tables:

  • simplicity and reliability of design;
  • a kitchen free of unnecessary furniture becomes more spacious;
  • The set includes an additional work or dining tabletop.


  • you will have to clean the table every time after eating so that it does not clutter up the space;
  • such a table cannot be moved to another room.

Window sill is a continuation of the tabletop, how to arrange it

The window sill-tabletop is convenient to use for both large and small kitchens

Often in the kitchen, the window sill takes up a lot of space, but is not used in any way. , will become an excellent analogue of a bar counter or even a full-fledged dining area.
By the window it is possible to organize not only a dining area, but also a work area. Combining the window sill with the tabletop allows you to maintain a solid line of the set. If there is a heating radiator under the window, then it can be covered with a cabinet, providing screens for the passage of air. Drawers can be secured under the tabletop.

The table top-window sill can also be made folding. This will be a good solution in cases where there is no need to combine the window sill with the set. Such a tabletop will rest on one or two supports from below, which fold when the table is removed so as not to interfere with the housewife preparing food.

But it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages of this design:

  • all re-equipment work must be carried out during repairs before installing slopes, plastering and finishing;
  • To prevent it from fogging up in winter, it is necessary to provide access to heat from the heating radiator. If this is not done, then high humidity can provoke the appearance of harmful mold, which can be difficult to get rid of.

Shelves and fixtures, space-saving design

All kinds of shelves save space well in the kitchen, but it is important not to clutter the space

The corners that remain empty after installing the headset can be used to install rotating shelves. Despite the narrow space for access to the shelf itself, due to its rotation around the central axis, many items are placed on the shelf.

Read more about the interior in the article.

Corners shouldn't be empty either.

If you simply fill kitchen cabinets in the usual way, that is, by piling dishes and food onto the shelves, then you will not be able to fill it rationally. The space allocated for the shelf is not completely filled, voids are formed and a lot of space is wasted. But it is possible to use special devices that can increase the occupied area several times.

Using all kinds of holders, you can accommodate significantly more dishes

In drawers for storing dishes, it is convenient to use small shelves on legs to create additional levels. They are made of metal or plastic and perfectly fill the space between kitchen shelves, which often disappears without any use.

Another type of device is various types of holders that are hung on a shelf and placed under it. They store rolls of cling film, baking paper, and food foil. Such holders can hold coffee or tea cups, glasses or wine glasses. They hang under the top shelf, and the plates are on the bottom shelf. The entire volume of the bottom shelf is fully used!

Narrow shelves can be used to store spices or small containers - everything is at your fingertips Another type of convenient devices is a variety of over-the-door structures. With their help it is convenient to store small things - jars with seasonings, sauces or spices, dough boards and, cutting boards kitchen towels

and oven mitts, pot lids.

You can hang gloves and brushes on the hooks. Spatulas and small pancake pans can be hung on the walls on hooks - always at hand Small metal objects such as knives or scissors can be conveniently stored on magnetic holders. The holder is placed on the wall in front of work area and are easily accessible during work. View on

perfect kitchen

from Internet users. Perhaps their ideas will be useful to you:

  1. When creating a kitchen design in a Khrushchev-era building, you should use calm, neutral colors that visually expand the boundaries of the room, using a maximum of two shades.
  2. Using materials that reflect light well in finishing kitchen furniture will give the same effect - the kitchen will seem larger than it actually is.
  3. Use straight and round mirrors in decoration - mirror tiles instead of an “apron”, mirrors on the walls, mirrored cabinet doors will enlarge the kitchen, “expanding” its walls.
  4. Oval shaped dining table with numerous point light sources.
  5. Don’t get carried away and arrange an abundance of small shelves, bedside tables and cabinets - they will create the effect of chaos, and the kitchen design will seem even smaller.
  6. If you place the tallest object, such as a pencil case or refrigerator, in the corner farthest from the entrance, it will attract the eye, which will create the impression of a higher ceiling.

The ideal solution would be to create .

Knives on magnetic tape will always be at hand

Here interesting idea for storing spices. You just need to screw the lids of the jars onto the shelf with self-tapping screws.

Holders for glasses will save space in the cupboard

Don’t be afraid of original solutions, take into account what was said above, create and invent, use. After all, you are doing this for yourself, for your family, and for this it is worth trying!

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