Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "The Snow Queen". Foreign literature abbreviated

The plot of Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

Once upon a time there lived an evil troll. One day he made a mirror in which everything good decreased and everything evil increased. The troll's disciples accidentally broke it. It shattered into many fragments. If a fragment hit a person’s heart, then it turned into a piece of people. If he looked into the eye, then he began to notice only the bad.

IN big city There lived Kai and Gerda, who loved each other like brother and sister. Everything was wonderful until the moment when fragments of the devil’s mirror fell into Kai’s heart and eyes. This made him angry, rude and indifferent to what he used to love. He also began to see only the bad around him.

One day he went sledding and hitched it to a passing sleigh. It turned out to be the sleigh of the Snow Queen, who kissed him, freezing him even more and took him with her to her palace.

Gerda waited for Kai all winter, and in the spring she decided to go in search of him.

The first woman she met on her way was a woman who knew how to cast magic. She bewitched the girl, depriving her of her memory, because she wanted to keep her. But Gerda managed to escape from her and went further in search of Kai.

The second person she met was a talking raven. He told the girl that a young prince very similar to Kai had wooed the princess of their kingdom. It turned out not to be him, but the kind prince and princess took pity on her, dressed her, gave her a golden carriage and sent her on a journey in search of her named brother.

In the dark forest through which her path lay, she was attacked by robbers. Among them was a little robber, the daughter of the chieftain. Despite who she was, the girl turned out to be kind and gave Gerda a reindeer. She continued her journey on it when she learned from the wood pigeons where Kai was.

On the way to the palace of the Snow Queen, she visited a Laplander and a Finnish woman. Each of them helped the girl in any way she could.

Having reached the palace of the Snow Queen, Gerda was left alone and, gathering her last strength, went forward through the snowstorm, resisting the troops of the Snow Queen. She read a prayer and angels came to her aid. So she got to the castle, where she found her friend.

The Queen was away at the time, leaving Kai alone. He was completely frozen and did not pay attention to anything except his puzzle. Then Gerda began to cry, and her tears melted the boy’s heart. He also began to cry, and a piece of glass flowed out of his eye.

They went home and lived happily ever after.

In neighboring houses in a big city, right under the roof, lived two children, a boy and a girl. The boy's name was Kai, and the girl's name was Gerda. They were very friendly. And since the houses were very close, Kai and Gerda could easily move to visit each other by stepping over the balcony. Children grew roses in pots there. For them, there were no more beautiful flowers in the world than roses.

In winter, when it was impossible to go out onto the balcony, Kai came to visit Gerda. They sat by the hot stove, and the old grandmother told them fairy tales. One day she told them that far, far in the north, among the snow, the Snow Queen lived. Whoever it blows on turns into a piece of ice. Kai stated that if the Snow Queen appeared with them, he would put her on a hot stove. She would have melted.

And at this time the Snow Queen was just looking into the windows of the apartment where Kai and Gerda were sitting. At the boy’s words, she opened the window, and a cold air blew over the children. Kai began to close the window and suddenly screamed. Gerda and grandmother rushed to him. The boy said something got into his eye and stabbed him in the heart. After a minute he calmed everyone down. It does not hurt anymore.

But neither Kai, nor Gerda, nor the grandmother knew that fragments of a magic mirror fell into the boy’s heart and eyes. This mirror was made long ago by an evil troll. In the mirror, the beautiful seemed ugly, the good - evil. The troll broke the mirror, and its fragments scattered throughout the world. Anyone who got pieces of the mirror into their eyes or heart became angry.

This is how Kai became. He changed a lot and became disobedient. Gerda no longer recognized her friend. Everything that had previously seemed beautiful to them, he now called ugly. Kai offended Gerda, and even imitated his grandmother. I did not pay attention to the prohibitions and did as I wanted.

One day he was sledding in the square. Suddenly a beautiful white sleigh came around the bend. Kai hooked his sled onto them and rolled. This is how they often amused themselves. This was the height of dexterity among boys. And now Kai triumphed over the other guys. And the sleigh made a circle around the square and drove out of the city. Kai tried to unhook the rope. But nothing worked for him. And the sleigh drove further and further. And then they rose into the air and flew across the sky.

Kai was scared and cold. Finally, the woman sitting in the sleigh looked back, and the boy recognized her as the Snow Queen. She was dressed all in white. There was no blush on her face. The Queen stretched out her arms and lifted the boy into her sleigh, and his sleigh was carried on the back of a white hen. The Snow Queen kissed Kai on the forehead, and he stopped feeling the cold.

Gerda was waiting for the named brother Kai, but he still did not come. He and his grandmother began to look for him, but the boy was nowhere to be found. They learned from his friends that Kai had left, caught in a beautiful white sleigh. Since then, none of his friends have seen him. Everyone decided that Kai drowned in the river that flowed outside the city.

Spring came. Gerda missed her adopted brother and decided to go in search of him. She did not believe that Kai drowned. Gerda went to the river. She began to ask her to return Kai, promising her new shoes. The boat in which the girl was standing broke away from the shore and was carried downstream.

Gerda ended up with a woman who knew how to cast magic. The sorceress wanted to keep the girl with her. She combed Gerda's hair, and she forgot both her grandmother and Kai. It was always summer in the old lady's garden, they were blooming different flowers. Only there were no roses. The sorceress hid them underground so that Gerda would not remember her relatives. But the girl managed to remember everything. Her tears fell to the ground. The roses were back in the garden. Seeing them, Gerda remembered Kai. She ran away from the old woman. It was already autumn outside the gates. Gerda continued on her way.

On the way, she meets a talking raven, whose bride serves in the palace. He tells the girl that not long ago a boy came to the palace. He speaks so well that the princess decided to leave him in the palace. In the boy's description, Gerda recognizes Kai. She wants to look at him and make sure that it is really him. The crows take her to the palace at night. The girl lit up the prince's face. But it wasn't Kai. The prince woke up from the light. The guards grabbed Gerda. The prince and princess began to ask the girl why she snuck into the palace. Having learned the story of Gerda and Kai, they decide to help the girl in her search. They give her a golden carriage.

In the forest, a carriage is attacked by robbers. They want to kill everyone. But the daughter of the leader decided to take Gerda to her as a toy. She demands that the girl tell her something interesting. In response to her demand, she heard the story of Kai's disappearance. The little robber took pity on Gerda and her adopted brother. The pigeons that were tied to the pole said that they saw Kai, who was carried away by the Snow Queen. Flying past the nest, the Snow Queen died, and everyone froze. Only these two pigeons survived. The reindeer tied up right there said that he knew where the Snow Queen’s palace was. The little robber releases the deer so that he can carry Gerda there.

On the way, Gerda and the deer first visit a Finnish woman, an old woman who wrote a letter to the Laplander asking her to help the girl and make her stronger. The journey north was long and difficult. Completely exhausted, Gerda reached the Laplander's house. She took her off the deer, carried her into the house and laid her on the bed. After reading the Finnish woman’s message, the old woman said that she could not make Gerda stronger than she was. The girl woke up and rushed to the door. She was in a hurry to get to the Snow Queen's palace, so she forgot her hat, fur coat, and mittens.

At the very border of the Snow Queen's palace, the deer became exhausted and fell. N could not get up, and Gerda continued on foot. Entire regiments of the Snow Queen's servants stood in her way. They flew at her and tried to knock her down. But they could not stop the girl and, defeated, fell silent. The storm has stopped. Finally Gerda entered the palace. Everything here was made of ice: the floor, the ceiling, the walls, the throne. In one of the rooms the girl saw Kai. He was completely blue from the cold. The boy was passionate about making the word “eternity” out of pieces of ice. For this, the Snow Queen promised Kai a gift.

Gerda was so happy to have found her adopted brother that she threw herself on his neck and began to cry. Her hot tears reached Kai's heart, and a piece of the mirror melted. And the one that was in the eye jumped out of tears, because Kai was in pain, and he also cried. The boy recognized Gerda. He was delighted to meet her. Then suddenly I got scared. He remembered that the Snow Queen was due to return. And she was already sitting on her throne. Gerda boldly looked into the eyes of the cold woman and shouted that she would not give Kai to her. The power of her love was so enormous that the Snow Queen melted.

And Kai and Gerda went home. On the way they visited a Laplander and a Finnish woman, a little robber and a prince and princess. Finally they reached home. How happy their old grandmother was! She no longer hoped to see the children alive. Kai and Gerda found their roses on the balcony. They bloomed, and there was nothing more beautiful in the world than these flowers.

Fairy tale " The Snow Queen"H.H. Andersen

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" and their characteristics

  1. Gerda, girl with kind hearted, very beautiful, calm, honest, devoted. She traveled a very long way in search of Kai, and everyone tried to help her, because everyone was touched by the love she felt for Kai.
  2. Kai, Gerda's sworn brother, is a boy whose heart has turned to ice. At first kind and cheerful, and then angry and callous. Saved by Gerda.
  3. The Snow Queen, a beautiful but soulless sorceress, mistress of snowflakes
  4. The old lady in the garden, a kind sorceress who wanted to keep Gerda with her
  5. Raven and his bride, old and wise
  6. Prince and Princess, young and smart
  7. The little robber, a stern but very romantic girl, helps Gerda
  8. Lapland and Finka are simply wise women.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"
  1. Troll Mirror Shards
  2. A shrapnel gets into the eye
  3. Kai is changing
  4. Kai leaves with the Snow Queen
  5. Gerda in the boat
  6. Beautiful garden and old lady
  7. Fairy tales of flowers
  8. Gerda and the Raven
  9. The prince and princess help Gerda
  10. Robbers
  11. The Little Robber and the Reindeer
  12. Lapland
  13. Finca
  14. Gerda's tear
  15. Return.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. A piece of mirror gets into Kai's eye and he becomes rude, he leaves with the Snow Queen
  2. Gerda goes in search of Kai and meets an old woman in the garden and a raven near the palace
  3. Gerda meets a prince, a princess, and a little robber.
  4. The reindeer takes Gerda to Lapland, and the Finnish woman tells him where Kai is now.
  5. Gerda enters the Snow Queen's palace and melts Kai's heart with her tears
  6. Kai and Gerda return home as adults.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"
No obstacles can stop a person if he has a loving heart and a kind soul.

What does the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us to believe in the best, teaches us that there are no barriers to true love, that even the most powerful witchcraft is powerless in front of the human heart.
The fairy tale also teaches us perseverance, loyalty, perseverance, the ability to find friends, honesty, openness, and goodwill.

Review of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"
I really liked this fairy tale. Its main character, Gerda, has come a very long way, experienced many dangerous adventures, but still found her Kai. She was able to revive him, melt his heart, because all the power of the Snow Queen turned out to be powerless before her love.
There are many interesting characters in this fairy tale, it has an entertaining plot, and you follow the characters with constant interest. A very good fairy tale.

Signs fairy tale in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

  1. Magical creature - Snow Queen, Troll
  2. Talking flowers, animals
  3. Sorceresses and witchcraft
  4. Magic test - the search for Kai.
  5. Victory of good over evil.
Proverbs for the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"
To believe firmly means to win.
The hardest road is the one you don't know.
The heart is not a stone.

Brief summary of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" by chapters
Mirror and its fragments.
One day, an evil troll made a magic mirror in which reality was reflected in a distorted form. His students were very happy about the mirror and the fact that now they could see everything in the real light.
They decided to rise with the mirror to the angels, but the higher they rose, the more they writhed, and so they dropped the mirror and it shattered into thousands of fragments.
And if such a fragment fell into the heart, then the person’s heart turned into a piece of ice.
Boy and girl.
In one city, in neighboring houses lived a girl Gerda and a boy Kai, who loved each other like brother and sister. In the summer they played on the roof in the flower garden, but in the winter the games stopped and the children looked at the snowflakes.
The grandmother told the children about the snow queen and Kai recklessly boasted that he would melt her.
In the evening, through the window he saw a stranger who smiled and beckoned to him.
And then there was spring, everything was blooming, and one day a fragment of a troll mirror fell into Kai’s eye. Kai began to behave very badly. He teased, did not listen, his fun became evil.
Winter came again and Kai ran to the square to sled. He grabbed onto the sled and the stranger took him out of town. It was the Snow Queen, and she kissed Kai and the boy went with her to her castle.
Flower garden of a woman who knew how to cast magic
Gerda cried a lot, but then spring came and she went to the river. It turned out completely by accident that Gerda climbed into the boat and the water carried her along. The river seemed to want the girl to go look for Kai.
The river brought the boat to a house with wooden soldiers at the entrance. Some woman saw Gerda and caught the boat with a stick. Gerda told the old woman that she was looking for Kaya, and she invited the girl to admire the flowers.
The old woman knew how to cast magic and did not want to let Gerda go. She hid all the rose bushes so that they would not remind the girl of Kai. But Gerda cried and alone rose bush grew up and the girl remembered Kai.
The flowers said that Kai was not among the dead and told the girl their fairy tales.
The fire lily told about a widow who ascends to the funeral pyre.
Bindweed told about a girl in the castle who was waiting for her prince
Snowdrop told about children on a swing and a small dog
Hyacinths told about three girls who succumbed to the scent and died.
Dandelion told about the grandmother and the girl’s kiss.
Narcissus spoke about the dancer in whom he saw himself.
Gerda was offended by the flowers and ran away from the garden.
Prince and Princess.
Gerda meets a raven who tells her about the princess.
The princess was very smart and decided to find a groom. Many came to talk to her, but they were all stupid. And then a man came in whom Gerda thought was Kai, who was not afraid of the princess and just wanted to hear smart speeches.
Gerda asks the raven to help her get into the castle and the raven's bride takes the girl to the bedroom. Gerda sees that the prince is not Kai at all.
The prince and princess took pity on Gerda and dressed her in Nice dress, they gave me a carriage and Gerda moved on.
Little robber.
In the forest, the carriage is attacked by robbers and the old robber woman wants to kill Gerda. But the Little Robber, her daughter, does not allow her to do this. She gets into Gerda’s carriage and the girl tells her everything about Kai.
Gerda is brought to the castle and the Little Robber shows her the pigeons. When the girls go to bed, the pigeons coo about Kai. They say that the Snow Queen took Kai to Lapland, and the Reindeer confirms the story.
The little robber decides to let Gerda go and tells the Reindeer to take her to Lapland. She gives Gerda the boots and her mittens, but takes away the muff.
Lapland and Finka.
The deer takes Gerda to the old Laplander's house. She listened to Gerda’s story and felt sorry for the girl. She writes a letter to a Finnish woman on dried cod.
The deer brings Gerda to the Finnish woman and asks her to give Gerda the strength of twelve heroes.
Finka replies that Gerda’s strength is already very great. She says that Kai is really with the Snow Queen and orders the deer to carry Gerda to the Snow Queen's garden. Gerda forgets her boots and mittens.
Near the garden, Gerda sees huge snowflakes - the army of the Snow Queen. but she reads a prayer and the angels help her get to the palace.
What happened in the halls of the Snow Queen and what happened next.
In the middle of the huge hall, Kai sat and laid out the word “Eternity” from pieces of ice. The Snow Queen flew away to the volcanoes and he was alone.
At this time Gerda arrives. She rejoices at Kai, but he does not recognize her. Then Gerda cries and tears drown Kai’s heart. The boy cries and a piece of mirror falls out of his eye.
Gerda and Kai go home. A reindeer and a doe take them to Lapland, and there they meet the Little Robber. The robber tells about the death of the raven and that the prince and princess have left for distant lands.
Kai and Gerda go home and discover that they have become adults.
They sat holding hands and looked at the roses.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

Title of the work: The Snow Queen
Hans Christian Andersen
Genre: fairy tale
Year of writing: 1844
Main characters: Gerda, Kai- teenagers named brother and sister, The Snow Queen.

After reading summary fairy tales "The Snow Queen" for the reader's diary, you will not only find yourself in amazing world fairy tales, but you will also learn what qualities help you achieve your goal.


Once upon a time there lived an evil troll who saw the whole world in a magic mirror that distorted everything that was good and beautiful. One day this mirror broke, and the fragments scattered throughout the world and fell into the eyes and hearts of people. And this made people angry and cold. One of the fragments got into Kai’s eye, he stopped loving Gerda and his grandmother, wanted a new wonderful life, and the Snow Queen took him to her chambers to make him her successor.
Gerda went to her brother’s rescue; along the way she had to meet many trials and difficulties, but also many good people who were interested in her story and happily helped the brave girl. She endured everything and in the Far North, in an ice palace, she found Kai and with her love was able to melt his heart and return the boy to people.

Conclusion (my opinion)

If a person sets a goal and boldly goes towards it, then nothing can stop him. Gerda was faithful and devoted, even when she saw that Kai had changed and became cruel and rude, she did not turn away from him, but tried with all her might to help. As a result, her selfless love helped Kai become his old self again and find love and friendship.

The first story, which tells

about the mirror and its fragments

Once upon a time there lived a very evil troll. Once, being in a good mood, he “made such a mirror in which everything good and beautiful shrank further, and everything bad and ugly stuck out and became even nastier.” In this mirror, the most beautiful of people looked like real freaks. “And if a person had a good thought, it was reflected in the mirror with such an antics that the troll would roar with laughter, rejoicing at his cunning invention.” The troll's disciples ran with this mirror everywhere until they decided to take it to the sky. They flew high with the mirror, but it slipped out of their hands and broke into many fragments, which brought a lot of trouble to people. If a fragment of such a mirror fell into a person’s eye, then they began to see only the bad in everything, and if such a fragment fell into the heart, then the heart became like a block of ice, that is, just as insensitive. The evil troll was very amused by this. And countless such fragments began to fly around the world.

Story two

Boy and girl

In a big city there lived a boy and a girl who loved each other very much, like brother and sister. The boy's name was Kai, and the girl's name was Gerda. Their parents, who lived under the very roof of the house, each had a large wooden box in which rose bushes grew. Kai and Gerda visited each other and played among the roses.

In winter, when the windows froze, “the children heated copper coins on the stove, applied them to the frozen glass, and immediately a wonderful round hole thawed, and a gentle peephole looked out of it - a boy and a girl were watching.” They came to each other in winter, and the old grandmother told them about the queen of white snowflakes, often flying through the city streets at night and covering the windows of houses with frosty patterns. Gerda was afraid that the Snow Queen might enter their house, but Kai promised: “I will put her on a warm stove, so she will melt.”

Getting ready to sleep, Kai looked out the window and saw “a woman wrapped in the finest white tulle, woven, it seemed, from millions of snow stars.” She beckoned Kai with her hand, but he got scared and moved away from the window.

Spring has come, followed by summer. Kai and Gerda played again in their small garden, in which, as never before, roses bloomed luxuriantly. Suddenly Kai exclaimed: “I was stabbed right in the heart, and something got into my eye!” He began to blink frequently, but it was as if there was nothing in his eye. The boy decided that what got into his eye popped out. But this was not so: a fragment of the troll’s mirror (and it was he) remained inside Kai’s heart, turning it into a piece of ice. Gerda instantly noticed the changes that had occurred in her friend: he now began to call roses, which he had previously loved, disgusting, and a picture book - suitable only for small children. Kai began to imitate his grandmother, and then his neighbors, and even Gerda, flaunting the shortcomings of other people. And all this was to blame for the fragments of the troll’s mirror that got into his eye and heart. The boy's interests also changed: in winter he looked at snowflakes under a magnifying glass, finding them the most beautiful thing in the world. One day Kai went with other boys to ride in the square. Suddenly a large sleigh appeared on the square white, to which Kai tied his sled. The man sitting in the sleigh nodded affably to Kai, and the boy did not dare to untie the sleigh. So they got out of the city. It was already getting dark, and Kai tried to untie his sled, but it seemed to have become attached to the large sled. When the sleigh finally stopped and the man sitting in it stood up, Kai saw that this man was a woman, “a tall, slender, dazzling white woman - the Snow Queen; and the fur coat and hat she was wearing were made of snow.”

She put the boy in her sleigh, kissed him on the forehead, and Kai forgot all his relatives and Gerda. Kai decided that he had never seen anyone smarter and more beautiful than this woman. The Snow Queen, picking up the boy, soared into the black sky.

Story three

Flower garden of a woman who could do magic

Gerda, not finding Kai anywhere, cried for a long time. Everyone around decided that Kai had drowned in the river. But when spring came, the sunlight and the swallows told Gerda that they did not believe that Kai was dead. In the end, she herself stopped believing in it and decided to go in search of him. The girl put on her new red shoes and went to the river to ask about Kai. She decided to give her shoes to the river, if only it would return her friend. But the river did not accept Gerda’s gift, since she did not have Kai. The girl decided that she had not thrown the shoes far enough into the water, and climbed into the boat to throw the shoes in the middle of the river, but the boat was not tied and carried Gerda away. The girl was scared, but then she thought that the river might bring her to Kai.

She sailed to a large cherry orchard, in which there was a house with a thatched roof, with red and blue glass in the windows. A very old woman came out of the house with a stick, wearing a large straw hat painted with wonderful flowers. She felt sorry for Gerda, who told her everything. The old woman took the girl to her place and locked the door. Her house was very beautiful. The old woman treated Gerda to cherries and combed her hair with a golden comb. The longer she combed her guest’s curls, the more she forgot Kai. The old woman was a witch and now she decided to do everything so that the girl would stay with her. To do this, she “went into the garden, touched all the rose bushes with a stick, and as they stood in full bloom, they all went deep, deep into the ground.” She did this so that the roses would not remind Gerda of her past life.

The girl lived well with the witch and often played in her wonderful flower garden in the sun. A lot of time passed, and Gerda began to think about what flower was missing in the old woman’s garden. Examining the witch's straw hat, she noticed the most beautiful flower- a rose and ran into the garden to find the same one, but there were no roses anywhere. Gerda sank to the ground and began to cry, and her tears fell exactly on the place where the rose bush had once been. As soon as the tears moistened the earth, the rose bush instantly grew as blooming as before. Gerda remembered Kai and the need to find him. She asked the roses, who had been underground, if they had seen Kai among the dead.

Roses answered no. Gerda decided to run, and when she got out of the gate of the old woman’s wonderful garden, where it was summer, she saw that it was already late autumn outside. She decided to hurry in her search and hit the road.

Story four

Prince and Princess

Gerda sat down to rest. Jumped in the snow next to her big raven. Suddenly the bird greeted the girl in human language, and then asked what she was doing alone in the forest. Gerda told the raven about what had happened to her and asked if he had seen Kai. Raven replied that he may have seen Kai, but he probably forgot her “with his princess.” The raven told the girl about the princess what he knew from his bride, the court's pet crow. The princess is “so smart that it’s impossible to say,” and “for her husband she wanted to choose a man who would know how to answer when they talk to him, and not someone who could only put on airs.” An advertisement appeared in the local newspaper that the young man who would come to the palace and behave at ease with the princess would become her husband. Many young people came to the palace, but at the sight of the princess they all lost the power of speech, for which they were rejected by her. On the third day, a poorly dressed short young man with a knapsack on his back came to the palace on foot. He was not at all embarrassed by the luxurious palace, nor by the fact that his boots creaked. He boldly approached the princess, who was sitting on a huge pearl, and freely started a conversation with her. He said that he had not come to make a match, but to listen to the clever speeches of the princess. The young people liked each other.

From the raven's story, Gerda concluded that it was about her Kai, and she asked the raven to help her see him. The raven promised to ask his bride, the court crow, for help. Raven brought Gerda to the palace to his bride, who found Gerda's story very touching. She told Gerda to take the lamp and follow her forward. Finally they reached the bedroom, where they were going to look at the sleeping man who could be Kai. The prince was sleeping in one of the beds, shaped like a lily, and the girl, bringing the lamp closer, realized that it was not Kai, although he was very similar to him. Suddenly the princess woke up. She asked the crying Gerda what was causing her tears. Gerda told the princess her story. The prince and princess took pity on Gerda; they were not at all angry with the raven and crow, but, on the contrary, granted a position at court. The next day they dressed Gerda in beautiful clothes - shoes, a muff, a wonderful dress, put her in a carriage made of pure gold and wished her a happy journey. And Gerda then went in search of Kai.

Story five

Little robber

Gerda rode into a dark forest and was attacked by forest robbers. They took away her golden carriage, and Gerda herself was taken prisoner by a little robber - a capricious and spoiled girl. She took Gerda's muff and dress from her and, after Gerda told her her story, she promised not to let anyone offend her, but if Gerda got tired of her, she would kill her herself. Gerda, along with the robbers in a carriage, arrived at the robbers' castle. The girl saw that the little robber had her own menagerie, which included more than a hundred pigeons, hares and a reindeer tied to the wall by the horns. They were all prisoners of the little robber, just like Gerda. When the little robber fell asleep, the pigeons told Gerda that they had seen Kai sitting in the Snow Queen's sleigh and that they were probably heading to Lapland. The reindeer told Gerda about the palace of the Snow Queen, which is located near the North Pole, on the island of Spitsbergen.

In the morning, Gerda told the little robber what she had heard from the wood pigeons. The little robber took pity on the girl, helped her escape and even released the reindeer in exchange for taking Gerda to the Snow Queen's palace. The reindeer set off at full speed towards the North Pole, and very soon they found themselves in Lapland.

Story six

Lapland and Finnish

The deer stopped at a hut in which there was an old Laplander woman. The reindeer told the Laplander the whole story of Gerda. The Lapland woman said that they needed to get to Finland, and wrote a message on dried cod addressed to a Finnish woman living in those places, in which she asked for Gerda’s help. The travelers warmed up and hit the road again. Reindeer and Gerda ran to Finland, and they quickly found the Finnish woman’s home. After the travelers had warmed up, the deer asked to make a drink for Gerda that would give her the strength to defeat the Snow Queen.

The Finn said that in order to defeat the Snow Queen, it is not strength that is needed. She said that Kai is actually with the Snow Queen and that he is happy. And the reason for everything is the fragments of the mirror that are in his heart and eye. They must be removed so that the Snow Queen loses her power over him. The Finn said that Gerda's strength is in her heart.

The deer, as the Finnish woman said, without stopping, carried Gerda to a bush with red berries and, crying, said goodbye to the girl, who was left alone in the bitter cold without shoes or mittens (she forgot them at the Finnish woman’s). Gerda ran forward with all her might and ran until she reached the palace of the Snow Queen.

Story seven

What happened in the halls of the Snow Queen

and what happened then

In the palace of the Snow Queen it was “cold, deserted, grandiose.” In the middle of the largest snowy hall there was a frozen lake, in the middle of which the Snow Queen sat on the mirror of the mind. Kai tinkered with the ice floes, arranging them into all sorts of shapes, but could not put together what he really wanted - the word “eternity.” The Snow Queen promised to give him the whole world and a pair of new skates if he succeeded. She was about to fly to warmer climes to freeze all living things. The Snow Queen flew away, and Kai was left alone. At this time, Gerda entered the ice hall and saw Kai, hugged him and exclaimed: “Kai, my dear Kai! Finally I found you!" But he remained cold and motionless. Gerda began to cry, “her hot tears fell on his chest, penetrated his heart, melted the icy crust, melted the fragment. Kai looked at Gerda and suddenly burst into tears and cried so hard that the splinter flowed out of his eye along with the tears.” He recognized Gerda and was delighted with her. They were so happy with each other that even the ice floes began to dance and composed the very word that the Snow Queen ordered Kai to compose. That is, now he had a vacation pay written in icy letters.

Kai and Gerda left the icy halls, and when they reached a bush with red berries, a reindeer was already waiting for them. They went first to the Finnish woman, then to the Laplander. The reindeer accompanied them all the way to the border of Lapland.

Entering the forest, Gerda and Kai met a little robber. Everyone was very happy to meet. Gerda asked her about the prince and princess. The robber said that they left for foreign lands, and the raven died, leaving the tame crow a widow. Gerda and Kai told the robber about what happened to them.

Finally they reached their hometown. As they walked through the low door of their home, they noticed that they had become quite adults.

“The Snow Queen” is a fairy-tale story in which the fantastic images created by the writer carry symbolic meaning. The image of the Snow Queen, as well as the image of the troll, symbolize not only evil and cruelty, but also indifference. It is no coincidence that the Snow Queen, as a “payoff,” suggested that Kai make the word “eternity” out of ice floes, because only eternity had meaning for her, cold and indifferent to people’s feelings.

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  • summary of the snow queen
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