Financial and economic activities of preschool educational institutions. Financial and economic activities of preschool educational institutions

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Financial and economic activities of preschool educational institutions.

7.1. The preschool educational institution is financed by the founder in accordance with the agreement between the preschool educational institution and the founder.

7.2. Financial resources are generated from budgetary allocations based on standard funding per child and parental payment.

7.3. The official salaries of preschool educational institutions employees are determined based on the results of certification based on the unified wage system.

7.4. The Charter is adopted general meeting DOW.

7.5. Changes and additions may be made to the Charter, which are subject to registration as additions to the Charter.

7.6. List of local acts: orders; orders of the director of the kindergarten; rules internal regulations preschool educational institution; bonus regulations; agreement between the founders and the preschool educational institution (or a general agreement between the founders and the school); agreement between the preschool educational institution and each child.

8. Liquidation and reorganization of preschool educational institutions:

1. on the initiative of the founder;

2. automatically if the withdrawn license is not renewed within 12 months;

3. by decision of the body that registers the preschool educational institution, in case of failure to fulfill the statutory targets.


On November 16, residents of many countries around the world celebrate the International Day of Tolerance or Tolerance Day. This holiday was established in 1996 by decision of the UN General Assembly.

Modern cultured person is not only an educated person, but a person who has a sense of self-respect and is respected by others. Tolerance is considered a sign of high spiritual and intellectual development of an individual, group, and society as a whole.

Definition of the word tolerance in different languages globe sounds different:

1. in English – willingness to be tolerant, condescending;

2. in French - an attitude when a person thinks and acts differently than you do;

3. in Chinese – to be generous towards others;

4. in Arabic – mercy, patience, compassion;

5. in Russian - the ability to accept another as he is.

Tolerance is mercy;

Tolerance is compassion;

Tolerance is respect;

Tolerance is the kindness of the soul;

Tolerance is friendship.

Tolerance is respect, acceptance and proper understanding of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, forms of self-expression and ways of expressing human individuality.

To be tolerant means to recognize that people differ in their appearance, positions, interests, behavior and values, have the right to live in the world while maintaining their individuality.

There are two ways to develop a personality:

The tolerant path is the path of a person who knows himself well and feels comfortable in environment someone who understands other people and is always ready to help, a person with a friendly attitude towards other cultures, views, and traditions.

The intolerant path is characterized by a person’s idea of ​​his own exclusivity, a low level of education, a feeling of discomfort in existing in the reality around him, a desire for power, and non-acceptance of opposing views, traditions and customs.

Rules of tolerant communication:

1. Respect your interlocutor

2. Try to understand what others are saying

3. Defend your opinion tactfully

4. Look for better arguments

5. Be fair, ready to admit that others are right

6. Strive to consider the interests of others

A cohesive team - to achieve this goal (a cohesive team, united by common goals and interests, you need to treat each other kindly, friendly, patiently, respectfully. It is impossible for everyone to like it, it is impossible to love everyone, it is impossible for all people to be devoted friends. Because we have different upbringing, education, intelligence, needs, character, tastes, temperament, etc. But we can live in harmony with each other, appreciate each other, accept him as he is, i.e. be tolerant.

The most important task is to develop in the younger generation the ability to build relationships in the process of interacting with others on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding, willingness to accept other people and their views and habits as they are. In connection with these tasks, the child must master universal human values ​​- cultural, social, moral, which underlie different civilizations and are not alien to other peoples. The basis of human culture is national cultures. By introducing a child to the history, traditions, and customs of our people, we introduce him to the world of rich folk culture.

The presence of people of different nationalities in society requires special attention to the issue of forming national identity and tolerant relations. In scientific publications, tolerance is interpreted, first of all, as respect and recognition of equality, rejection of domination and violence, and the diversity of human culture, norms, and beliefs. Tolerance is the willingness to accept others as they are and to interact with them on the basis of agreement.

Preschool childhood is a time of achievements and problems not only for one little person, but for the entire society as a whole. At this age, children develop the skills of respectful and friendly behavior during relationships with representatives of different cultures, the ability to perceive the environment as the result of cooperation between people of different nationalities and different ethnic origins. They have a positive effect on a person, transform him, elevate him, and return him to a more harmonious state.

In solving the problems of developing tolerance, a special role should be given to preschool education and upbringing as initial stage V moral development child.

Therefore, in order to raise a child to be tolerant, you must first treat children yourself tolerantly. First of all, don't offend him. Secondly, listen to his opinion and take it into account. Thirdly, be able to forgive offenses and ask for forgiveness from the child. This is the most difficult moment, but at the same time the most important, since children have a heightened sense of justice. Fourthly, be able to negotiate without quarrels and destructive conflicts. Under the phrase " destructive conflict“implies a confrontation that causes damage to the “enemy”, moral or physical. Of course, in Everyday life it is impossible to avoid conflicting interests, desires and opinions. The task is to turn the conflict into a constructive one, calling the child to talk about the contradictions that have arisen and to jointly make compromise decisions. Fifthly, you cannot humiliate a child’s dignity - ignore him, show disrespect for his hobbies, etc. Sixthly, you should not force a child to do what you want.

In developing tolerance in preschoolers, it is necessary to rely on playful methods of education, since play is the main activity of children preschool age. We try to make our home truly kind, warm, and bright for everyone who, for one reason or another, comes to it and lives with us.

The foundations of tolerance are laid in preschoolers during work in the classroom, during leisure time, and in independent work. play activity, all kinds of excursions, in particular visits to city libraries, the museum of ecology and local history. And also - this is a huge daily work of educators. One of the important links in instilling the basics of tolerance in preschoolers is interaction with the children’s parents. Educators are unlikely to be able to re-educate parents, but they can influence the nature of the relationship between parents and children, and adjust their actions towards the child and other people when carrying out special work.

In order for the work on developing tolerance in preschoolers to be fruitful, it is necessary to involve a wide range of activities and different types activities of preschoolers:

1) holding holidays and other mass forms in order to introduce children to the culture and traditions of their people and the peoples of the world;

2) theatrical activities of preschoolers according to scenarios based on fairy tales of the peoples of the world;

3) role-playing games preschoolers, whose main goal is to master and practical use children's ways tolerant interaction;

4) Russian folk outdoor games, such as “Burn, Burn Clear”, “Boyars” and others; outdoor games of other peoples: “Copper Stump”, “Throwing Stick”, “Brave Horseman” and others;

5) holding Russians national holidays, for example, such as Maslenitsa, Christmas in accordance with folk calendar;

6) study of folk holidays of the closest neighboring countries;

7) introducing children to the traditions of peoples different countries;

9) games and activities created using materials various fairy tales, in order to solve problems interpersonal interaction in fairy-tale situations;

10) composing fairy tales and stories by the children themselves; fairy tale dramatizations;

11) meetings with parents, at which children are told about the traditions and customs of their people;

12) creation of a mini-museum "Russian Izba";

13) survey of parents - development of a system of classes, trainings, seminars on teaching the basics of constructive communication, non-violent interaction with children, and education of tolerance.

To develop mutual respect, sensitivity and attentiveness between children and parents, the following work is carried out:

Creating a situation for nurturing children's respectful attitude towards their parents (organizing congratulations on holidays, birthdays);

Organizing joint activities of parents and children (carrying out joint activities, holidays, trips to the forest, preparing for projects);

Carrying out creative family tasks (reports, stories about the family, home, parents’ professions);

Traditional joint tea parties on Fridays (making salads, setting tables, talking together).

Most effective forms work with families includes individual conversations, counseling, communication training and parent-teacher meetings.

Project No. 1.

“Organization of financial and economic activities in an educational organization”

Having analyzed the website of MDOU “DS No. 41” we can note that

all legal requirements for compliance are met.

All information presented on the official website, as well as the format of the information presented, meets the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" to the websites of educational organizations;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 582 to the websites of educational organizations;

Rosobrnadzor requirements No. 785 for websites of educational organizations

Requirement for domain name educational organization website

Personal data protection requirements (PDP)

The requirement is stated in the following documents: 1.

Letter Federal service on supervision in the field of education and science dated March 25, 2015 No. 07-675: “Version of the official website for the visually impaired: ... educational organizations must ensure the availability of an alternative version of the official website of the educational organization on the Internet for the visually impaired.”

2. Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ (as amended on July 21, 2014, as amended on December 1, 2014) “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” (November 24, 1995) Article 14: “Ensuring unhindered access of disabled people to information.”

3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2014 N 531-FZ "On Amendments to Articles 13 and 14 of the Federal Law "On Information, information technology and on the protection of information" and the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences":

4. Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2014 N 419-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Issues social protection disabled people in connection with the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities": "Article 10 of the Federal Law of February 9, 2009 N 8-FZ "On ensuring access to information about activities government agencies and organs local government"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, No. 7, Art. 776; 2011, No. 29, Art. 4291; 2013, No. 23, Art. 2870) add part 6 as follows: "

5. The procedure for ensuring accessibility conditions for the visually impaired of official websites of federal bodies state power, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments on the Internet is established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Financial and economic activities are regulated by the following local acts of an educational organization:

Charter of the educational institution

Plan financial activities by month

Employment contract

Job Descriptions employees, including administrative staff, teachers, managers

Regulations on the establishment of bonuses and additional payments (regulations on the incentive wage fund) to official salaries employees performing additional workload, if this activity is not provided for by job responsibilities.

Regulations on certification of teaching staff, etc.

The site has a section with subsections:

"Basic information",

“Structure and governing bodies educational organization", "Documentation",


« Educational standards»,

"Management. Teaching staff",

“Material and technical support and equipment educational process»,

"Financial and economic activities"

“Vacancies for admission (transfer).”

"Protection of personal information"

Other sections and subsections with information that is posted on the site are published on the site with the permission of the PA or are mandatory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. During the academic year, activities are carried out to update information on the website. Updated educational materials, information about ped. team, public report-analysis of the work of the preschool educational institution for the past academic year, information for parents, etc.


State educational institution

higher professional education

"Perm State Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Pedagogy and Childhood Psychology

Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology

Organization of financial and economic activities of preschool educational institutions

Educational and methodological complex of the course

for specialty

050707.65 – “Pedagogy and methods of preschool education”

1. Goals and objectives of the discipline

The purpose of the discipline is to prepare students for organizing the financial and economic activities of preschool educational institutions in modern socio-economic conditions.

Objectives of the discipline:

    familiarize yourself with regulatory documents on the organization of financial and economic activities and teach you how to navigate them;

    to form a system of knowledge about the financial and economic activities of preschool educational institutions (DOU);

    teach to analyze specific situations and materials reflecting the financial and economic activities of preschool educational institutions.

2. Requirements for the level of mastery of the discipline content

A student who has studied the discipline must:

State policy in the field of organizing the economic activities of preschool educational institutions;

Sources of financing for preschool educational institutions;

Economic methods of management of preschool educational institutions;

Organizational conditions for the provision of paid educational services;

The rights of a preschool institution to conduct independent financial and economic activities;

Requirements for accounting for financial, material and technical resources of preschool educational institutions;

Promising directions for the development of financial and economic activities;

Plan, organize and control financial and economic activities;

Draw up cost estimates for the maintenance and development of preschool educational institutions;

Use methods of economic stimulation depending on the goal;

Prepare documentation for preschool educational institutions related to the implementation of financial and economic activities;

Carry out marketing research in order to maintain and develop the activities of an educational institution.

Extract from the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the specialty “Organization of financial and economic activities of preschool educational institutions”

Fundamentals of organizing the economic activities of preschool educational institutions. Economic mechanism. Management techniques and methods. Forms and structures of organizing economic activity. Estimated financing and budgetary rationing of expenses for a preschool educational institution. Cost estimate as a financial plan for a preschool educational institution. Budget planning. Standards, calculation of standards. Extra-budgetary funds of a preschool educational institution. Types of extrabudgetary funds. Sources of income. Entrepreneurship in education. Entrepreneurial activity. Business plan. Forms of organization of entrepreneurial activity. Organization of labor and wages in an educational institution. Unified tariff schedule. Accounting.

3. Scope of discipline and types of academic work

Part-time form of study

View academic work

Number of hours in specialty 050707.65 – “Pedagogy and methodology preschool education»

Semester numbers

Auditory lessons:

practical and seminars

laboratory work (laboratory workshop)

independent work

Total hours per discipline

Current control

(number and type of current control, number of semesters)

Course work

(semester number)

Types of intermediate control

(exam, test) – number of semesters

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