The functions are performed by the formulas of speech etiquette. Speech etiquette formulas: main groups

Municipal educational institution

"Kremenchugskaya high school"

Russian language lesson in 5th grade on the topic

Compiled by a teacher of Russian language and literature

Kostiv Lyudmila Vasilievna

Subject:Formulas and words speech etiquette

(Workshop on the culture of speech communication)


  • Introduce students to the formulas of speech communication, teach them to use and observe formulas and words of speech etiquette in different situations.
  • Develop a culture of speech.
  • Cultivate a kind attitude towards people, a respectful attitude towards each other.

Equipment: laptop, projector, presentation, phones, drawings.

During the classes

Opening a topic. Setting a learning goal.

"We can't predict

How will our word respond?

And we are given sympathy,

How grace is given to us.

F. Tyutchev (Slide No. 2)

Etiquette- (French - label, label) - a set of rules of behavior relating to attitude towards people. (Slide No. 3)

Today in class we will conduct a practical lesson on the culture of verbal communication.

(I refer to the slides depicting various human facial expressions and the table “Forms and formulas of speech etiquette”)

Checking homework - a study of students on the use of etiquette words in the village: store, post office, school.

Over to the guys. They present the results of their research and act out dialogues.

Conclusion: Our speech etiquette, unfortunately, is not always as we would like. So let's learn.

Practical work on cards with situational tasks.

(work in groups)

Gratitude formulas:

a) Flies - Cluttering - for boots, for honey:

Fleas came to Mukha,
They brought her boots... (Slide No. 4)

Came to Mukha
Grandma bee
Brought honey... (slide No. 5)

b) The teacher brought you a book that you have long wanted to read... (options)

c) Mom prepared a very tasty dinner... (options)

Request formulas:

In order for your request to be fulfilled, you must be able to ask:

a) You are on duty, but today you need to go home early...

b) You ask to borrow a ruler from a friend...

c) You ask your mother to buy you shoes...

d) You ask to give up a seat on the bus for your grandmother...

Greeting and farewell formulas:

1)-Listen to two dialogues (listening to an audio recording):

a) - Hello. Call Misha.

Let's go for a walk.

No, I haven't done my homework yet.

It's a pity. Bye.

b) - Hello. Hello. Please, call Tanya.


Hello. I'm listening to.

Tanya, you weren't at school today. How do you feel?

I got sick. Thank you. I'm feeling better now.

We'd like to visit you. When can this be done?

I’m very glad, but the doctor doesn’t allow it yet.

Get well. Goodbye.

2) Analysis of listened dialogues.

3) Acting out situations:

a) Masha calls Tanya, finding out what program the cartoons are shown on. Where to start the conversation. What is the best way to end it, what “polite” words should be used in this conversation?

b) Sasha calls Seryozha to arrange a meeting with him. Seryozha’s mother answers the phone. How should you start a conversation in this case?

c) Volodya calls his sick friend. Act out this conversation on the phone.

d) Katya calls her mother at work. A stranger answers the phone. How to start a conversation in this case? Don't forget to apologize: you're taking people away from their work.


1. When starting a conversation on the phone, don’t forget to say hello.

2. When turning to someone with a request, remember more often the words please, excuse me, please, thank you.

3. At the end of the conversation, don’t forget to say goodbye.

Polite refusal formulas:

It is not always possible to fulfill a request or accept an invitation, therefore polite, well-mannered people refuse in such a way as not to offend or insult the dignity of a person, explain the reason for their refusal, apologize... In Russian speech etiquette there are special expressions with the help of which a refusal is softened, this words with the meaning of doubt, regret, reflection: maybe, perhaps, probably, unfortunately, etc.

Exercise: Answer each request politely: a) with agreement; b) refusal; c) give a vague answer. What label formulas will you use?

a) How would you refuse the Dragonfly if you were a kind, but not very rich Ant?

b) You find yourself in an underwater kingdom and they offer you a chest with magnificent treasures, but you must stay there forever.

c) You are Carlson, who lives on the roof. And the Kid asks to take him to visit. How could you refuse him?

5. (picture on slide No. 6)

Guys, rate this drawing. I ask that statements about him be not only justified, but also sensitive. Your ratings should not offend the author of the drawing.

Lena, did you like Volodya’s drawing?

No. I think he doesn't know how to draw animals. The hare and the fox are not alike.

It seems to me that you are not entirely right. I think it's not all that bad. For example, Volodya’s house turned out well.

Conclusion: Lena was too categorical. (She answered the question sharply with the word no, but could have said that she didn’t quite like it or I liked this drawing of Volodya less than his other works.)

During the royal reception, those present were given leaflets outlining the rules of conduct. In French - “labels”.

Today under etiquette we understand set of rules good manners accepted in a given society, and established standards behavior and communication of people in certain situations.

The rules of etiquette are of a specific historical nature and have national specificity. Polite, respectful attitude towards others can be expressed non-verbal means, and maybe even speech.

Speech etiquette - This is a system of formulas developed in a given language that serve to establish contact between interlocutors and to maintain communication in the desired tone.

Words of speech etiquette in everyday language perform a number of functions:

1) peacekeeping (or contact-establishing);

2) ethical;

3) aesthetic, which includes cultural creativity.

Speech etiquette formulas - these are typical ready-made designs, which are regularly used in correct communication. Such formulas help organize etiquette situations taking into account social, age, and psychological factors, as well as the sphere of communication.

Speech etiquette formulas are divided into three main groups:

Speech formulas related to the beginning of communication;

Speech formulas used in the communication process;

Speech formulas related to the end of communication.

1. Rules and norms of speech etiquette at the beginning of communication.

Official and informal meetings of acquaintances, and sometimes strangers, begin with greetings . In Russian the main greeting is Hello. It goes back to the Old Slavonic verb hello, which means “to be sound”, i.e. healthy. Along with this form, a common greeting indicating the time of the meeting is: Good morning! Good afternoon Good evening! In addition to commonly used greetings, there are greetings that emphasize the joy of meeting, respectful attitude, and the desire to communicate: I am very glad to see you! Welcome! My regards!“Hello” as an etiquette sign pleases the participants in communication; it is needed at least to say: I notice you. One of the most important and necessary components of speech etiquette is appeal .

The address is used at any stage of communication, throughout its entire duration, and serves as its integral part. At the same time, the norm for using the address and its form have not been definitively established, cause controversy, and are a sore point of Russian speech etiquette. Appeal "citizen", originating from the Old Slavonic townsman (resident of the city) and received a new meaning in the 19th century (a full member of society, state), did not become commonly used in the 20th - early 21st centuries. This is due to the fact that this word was used mainly when addressing those arrested, convicted, or prisoners to law enforcement officials and vice versa ( citizen under investigation, citizen judge).

As a result, the word “citizen” became associated with detention, arrest, and police. This negative association made it impossible to consume of this word as a common address. Appeal "comrade", actively used during the period of existence Soviet Union, legislatively left as an official address only in armed forces and others security forces, as well as in communist organizations, factory and factory teams. Currently appeal "mister", "madam" is perceived as the norm at Duma meetings, in television programs, at various symposia and conferences. Among civil servants, businessmen, and entrepreneurs, the norm is becoming "mister", "madam" in combination with last name, position title, rank ( Mr. Soloviev).

Appeals "sir", "madam", used in the 19th century as addresses to representatives of the middle class, are also used quite rarely. They are used mainly by educated people, more often by office workers. Scientists, teachers, doctors, lawyers prefer words "colleagues", "friends". Appeal "dear", "dear" found in the speech of the older generation. The words “woman” and “man”, which have become widespread as addresses, violate the norm of speech etiquette and indicate the speaker’s lack of culture. It is preferable to start a conversation without references, using etiquette formulas “be kind”, “be kind”, “excuse me”, “excuse me”.

Of particular note address to you - you , the existence of which is due to the presence in the Russian language of two pronouns - “you” and “you”, which can be perceived as forms of the second person singular. The choice of one form or another depends on the social status of the interlocutors, the nature of their relationship, and the official (unofficial) environment.

Address as "you" accepted:

To strangers;

In a formal setting;

To a senior in age or position;

In case the relationship is no longer friendly.

Address on "you" accepted to friends and relatives, classmates or colleagues. When addressing each other in the process of communication, we use linguistic means that encode the face. They serve to identify the speaker (1st person), the listener (2nd person) and the person not taking part in a given speech act (3rd person).

The basic linguistic units are the indicators of the first (“I”) and second (“you”) persons. Indicators of a third person (“he”) are usually mentioned along with them. However, from a content point of view, the third person differs significantly from the first and second. The use of third-person indicators produces not a positive, but a negative identification of the communicator: “he” is neither the speaker nor the listener. In the presence of the person in question, you cannot refer to him in the third person . If the person's name is not known, you can say something like this: “My girlfriend and I”, “Me and a young man”.

If the addressee is unfamiliar to the subject of speech, then communication begins with acquaintance. Moreover, it can occur directly or indirectly.

Etiquette prescribes the following formulas acquaintance :

- Allow me to meet you.

- I would like to meet you.

- Let's get acquainted.

When visiting an institution, office, office, when there is a conversation with an official and you need to introduce yourself to him, the following formulas are used:

- Let me introduce myself.

- My last name is Petrov.

- Elena Nikolaevna.

2. Rules and norms of speech etiquette in the process of communication: formulas of politeness and mutual understanding.

After the greeting, a conversation usually ensues. Speech etiquette provides for several principles that are determined by the situation. The most typical are 3 situations: solemn, working, mournful. The first includes public holidays, anniversaries of the enterprise and employees, receiving awards, birthdays, name days, significant dates of the family or its members, presentations, concluding contracts, and creating new organizations. Anyway solemn occasion, significant event is followed by invitations and congratulations. Depending on the situation (official, semi-official, informal), invitations and greeting cliches change.


- Allow me to invite you...

- Come to the holiday (anniversary, meeting...), we will be glad to see you.


- Please accept my (most) heartfelt (warm, ardent, sincere) congratulations...

- On behalf of (on behalf of) congratulations;

- Heartily (warmly) congratulations.

As in all other situations interpersonal communication Congratulations must be extremely correct, appropriate and sincere. You need to be very careful with sincerity. Congratulations are a socially accepted ritual of respect and joy for loved one, but this is in no way a way to conduct a conversation or correspondence; congratulations should not contain purely personal topics and questions of the addressee of the congratulations. The content of the congratulation is a ritual expression of joy, but nothing more.

When mournful In situations involving death, death, murder and other events that bring misfortune, condolences are expressed. It should not be dry, official.

Formulas of condolences, To As a rule, they are stylistically elevated and emotionally charged:

- Allow me (allow me) to express (to you) my (my) deep (sincere) condolences.

- I bring (to you) my (accept mine, please accept my) deep (sincere) condolences.

- I share (understand) your sadness (your grief, misfortune).

The listed reasons (invitation, congratulations, condolences, expressions of sympathy) do not always turn into business conversation, sometimes the conversation ends with them.

IN everyday business environment Speech etiquette formulas are also used. Often in business situations there is a need to thank or reprimand someone, make a remark, give advice, make a proposal, make a request, express agreement, etc. Here are the speech cliches that are used in these situations.

Gratitude :

- Allow me (allow me) to express (great, huge) gratitude to Ivan Alekseevich Samoilov for the excellent (excellent) organized exhibition.

- The company (directorate, administration) expresses gratitude to all employees for... In addition to official thanks, there are also ordinary, unofficial thanks. This is ordinary "Thank you", "You are very kind".

Notes, warning :

- The company (directorate, board, editorial office) is forced to issue a (serious) warning (remark) ...

- To (great) regret (chagrin), I must (force) make a remark (condemn).

Request :

- Do me a favor, fulfill (my) request...

- Don’t think it’s too much trouble, please take it...

- Please pass...

Consent, permission :

- Now (immediately) it will be done (completed)...

- I agree, do (do) as you think...


- (I) cannot (unable, unable) to help (allow, assist).

- Sorry, but we (I) cannot (can) fulfill your request.

- I am forced to prohibit (refuse, not allow).

3. Rules and norms of speech etiquette at the end of communication: farewell, summarizing.

When the conversation ends, the interlocutors use formulas for parting and stopping communication.

They express hope for a new meeting :

- Until evening (tomorrow, Saturday);

- I hope we don't part for long.

- I hope to see you soon;

Wish :

- All the best to you! Goodbye!;

Doubt about the possibility of meeting again :

- Goodbye! It's unlikely we'll see each other again. Don't be rude! An important component of speech etiquette is an established ritual compliment . A tactfully and timely compliment lifts the mood of the recipient and sets him up for a positive attitude towards the interlocutor.

A compliment is said at the beginning of a conversation, during a meeting, acquaintance, or during a conversation, when parting.

The compliment refers to appearance, indicates the recipient’s excellent professional abilities, his high morality, and gives an overall positive assessment:

- You look good (excellent, wonderful).

- You are (so, very) charming (smart, resourceful, practical).

- You are a good (excellent, wonderful) specialist.

- It’s a pleasure (excellent, good) to do business (work, cooperate) with you.

- Nice to meet you!

- You are a very nice (interesting) person (interlocutor).

The basis of speech etiquette is speech formulas, the nature of which depends on the characteristics of communication.

Any act of communication has a beginning, a main part and a final part. In this regard, speech etiquette formulas are divided into three main groups: 1) speech formulas related to the beginning of communication; 2) speech formulas used at the end of communication; 3) speech formulas characteristic of the main part of communication. Let's look at what each group is.

1. Start of communication. If the addressee is unfamiliar to the subject of speech, then communication begins with acquaintance. Moreover, it can occur directly or indirectly. According to the rules of good manners, it is not customary to enter into a conversation with stranger and introduce yourself. However, there are times when this needs to be done. Etiquette prescribes the following formulas:

Let me get to know you (you).

- I would like to meet you (you).

- Let me get to know you.

- Let's get acquainted.

When visiting an institution, office, office, when there is a conversation with an official and you need to introduce yourself to him, the following formulas are used:

Let me introduce myself.

My last name is Kolesnikov.

- Anastasia Igorevna.

Official and informal meetings of acquaintances, and sometimes strangers, begin with greetings. In Russian the main greeting is Hello. It goes back to the Old Slavonic verb hello, which means “to be sound”, i.e. healthy. Along with this form, a common greeting indicating the time of the meeting is: Good morning!; Good afternoon!; Good evening!

In addition to commonly used greetings, there are greetings that emphasize the joy of meeting, respectful attitude, and the desire to communicate: (I am very glad to see you!; Welcome!; My regards.

2. End of communication. When the conversation ends, the interlocutors use formulas separation, termination communication. They express a wish (All the best to you! Goodbye!); hope for a new meeting (Until the evening (tomorrow, Saturday). I hope we will not be apart for long. I hope to see you soon); doubt about the possibility of meeting again (Farewell! It’s unlikely that we’ll be able to meet again. Don’t remember it badly).

3. After the greeting, it usually starts business conversation. Speech etiquette provides for several principles that are determined by the situation. Three situations are most typical: 1) solemn; 2) mournful; 3) working, business.

The first includes public holidays, anniversaries of the enterprise and employees; receiving awards; opening an office, store; presentation; conclusion of an agreement, contract, etc.

For any special occasion or significant event, invitations and congratulations follow. Depending on the situation (official, semi-official, informal), invitations and greeting cliches change.

Invitation:Let me (let me) invite you...;

Come to the celebration (anniversary, meeting...), we will be glad to see you,”

Congratulation:Please accept my (most) heartfelt (warm, ardent, sincere) congratulations...; On behalf of (on behalf of)… congratulations…; Heartily (warmly) congratulations...

A sad situation is associated with death, death, murder and other events that bring misfortune and grief.

In this case it is expressed condolences. It should not be dry, official. Formulas of condolences, as a rule, are stylistically elevated and emotionally charged: Allow me (allow me) to express (to you) my deep (sincere) condolences. I offer (you) my (accept mine, please accept my) deep (sincere) condolences. I share (understand) your sadness (your grief, misfortune).

The listed beginnings (invitation, congratulations, condolences, expressions of sympathy) do not always turn into business communication, sometimes the conversation ends with them.

In everyday business settings (business, work situations), speech etiquette formulas are also used. For example, when summing up the results of work, when determining the results of selling goods or participating in exhibitions, when organizing various events, meetings, the need arises to thank someone or, conversely, to reprimand or make a remark. At any job, in any organization, someone may have the need to give advice, make a proposal, make a request, express consent, allow, prohibit, or refuse someone.

Here are the speech cliches that are used in these situations.

Expression of gratitude:Let me (let me) express my (great, great) gratitude to Nikolai Petrovich Bystrov for the excellent (excellent) organized exhibition; The company (directorate, administration) expresses gratitude to all employees for…

Note, warning:The company (directorate, board, editorial office) is forced to issue a (serious) warning (remark)…; To (great) regret (chagrin), I must (force) make a remark (condemn) ...

Often people, especially those in power, consider it necessary to express their suggestions, advice in a categorical manner; All (you) are obliged (must)...; I strongly (persistently) advise (suggest) to do...

Advice and suggestions expressed in this form are similar to orders or instructions and do not always give rise to a desire to follow them, especially if the conversation takes place between colleagues of the same rank.

Handling request should be delicate, extremely polite, but without excessive ingratiation: Do me a favor, fulfill (my) request...; Don’t consider it a labor, please take it...

Consent, permission is formulated as follows:

(Now, immediately) will be done (completed).

- I agree, do (do) as you think.

In case of failure expressions used:

(I) cannot (unable, unable) to help (allow, assist).

- Sorry, but we (I) cannot (can) fulfill your request.

– I am forced to prohibit (refuse, not allow).

An important component of speech etiquette is compliment. Said tactfully and at the right time, it lifts the mood of the recipient and sets him up for a positive attitude towards his opponent. A compliment is said at the beginning of a conversation, during a meeting, acquaintance, or during a conversation, when parting. A compliment is always nice. Only an insincere compliment, a compliment for the sake of a compliment, an overly enthusiastic compliment are dangerous.

The compliment refers to appearance, indicates the recipient’s excellent professional abilities, his high morality, and gives an overall positive assessment:

You look good (excellent, wonderful, excellent, magnificent, young).

– You are (so, very) charming (smart, quick-witted, resourceful, reasonable, practical).

You are a good (excellent, wonderful, excellent specialist (economist, manager, entrepreneur, partner).

- WITH It’s a pleasure (good, excellent) to do business with you (work, cooperate).

The concept of speech etiquette

Ergonomics of the environment component speech etiquette

The first thing people notice when they come to an appointment, interview, meeting, business meeting, is the external environment of the room in which any issues will have to be resolved. The results of the conversation and negotiations partly depend on what the office looks like.
Proper construction of space requires adherence to a single style in the design of the room: planning solution, in decoration, decor, furniture.
A properly and tastefully planned office helps create a favorable environment for conversation, which contributes to the establishment of fruitful contact.
This, of course, applies not only to offices. Special requirements apply to other premises. A convenient and aesthetic layout should be in the reception area, in departmental premises, in classrooms, and in document storage areas.
Appearance any room must correspond to its functional purpose, give the impression of a reasonably organized business environment. Furniture and its arrangement should be convenient for employees and visitors.

Speech etiquette is a system of requirements (rules, norms) that explain to us how to establish, maintain and break contact with another person in a certain situation. The norms of speech etiquette are very diverse; each country has its own peculiarities of communication culture.

It may seem strange why you need to develop special rules of communication and then stick to them or break them. And yet, speech etiquette is closely related to the practice of communication; its elements are present in every conversation. Following the rules of speech etiquette will help you express your thoughts and quickly achieve mutual understanding with your interlocutor or audience.

Mastering the etiquette of verbal communication requires acquiring knowledge in the field of various humanitarian disciplines: linguistics, psychology, cultural history and many others. To more successfully master communication culture skills, use the concept of the speech etiquette formula.

Some frequently used formulas of speech etiquette are learned in early age when parents teach their child to greet, thank, and ask for forgiveness. With age, a person learns the subtleties of speech etiquette. The ability to correctly assess a situation, start and maintain a conversation with a stranger, and competently express one’s thoughts distinguishes a person high culture, educated and intelligent.

Speech etiquette formulas are certain words, phrases and fixed expressions used for three stages of conversation:

  • starting a conversation (greeting/introduction)
  • main part
  • final part of the conversation

Starting a conversation and ending it

Any conversation, as a rule, begins with a greeting; it can be verbal (speech) and non-verbal (non-verbal, for example, a handshake, a hug). The order of greeting also matters. youngest first greets the elder, the man greets the woman, the young girl greets the adult man, and the junior greets the elder. Let us present in the table the main forms of greeting the interlocutor:

At the end of the conversation, formulas for ending communication and parting are used. These formulas are expressed in the form of wishes (all the best, all the best, goodbye), hopes for further meetings (see you tomorrow, I hope to see you soon), or doubts about further meetings (goodbye, farewell).

Main part of the conversation

Following the greeting, a conversation begins. Speech etiquette provides for three main types of speech situations in which various speech formulas of communication are used, among which solemn and business situations occupy an important place. The first phrases spoken after the greeting are called the beginning of the conversation. There are often situations when the main part of the conversation consists only of the beginning and the ending of the conversation that follows.

speech etiquette formulas - stable expressions

Solemn atmosphere, approaching important event involve the use of speech patterns in the form of an invitation or congratulations. The situation can be either official or informal, and the situation determines what formulas of speech etiquette will be used in the conversation.

In everyday life, the work environment also requires the use of speech etiquette formulas. Brilliant or, conversely, improper execution assigned tasks can become a reason for gratitude or blame. When carrying out orders, an employee may need advice, for which it will be necessary to make a request to a colleague. There is also a need to approve someone else’s proposal, give permission for implementation or a reasoned refusal.

The request must be extremely polite in form (but without ingratiation) and understandable to the addressee; the request must be made delicately. When making a request, it is desirable to avoid the negative form and use the affirmative. Advice should be given uncategorically; giving advice will be an incentive to action if it is given in a neutral, delicate form.

For fulfilling a request, providing a service, helpful advice It is customary to express gratitude to your interlocutor. Also important element in speech etiquette is a compliment. It can be used at the beginning, middle and end of a conversation. Tactful and timely, it lifts the mood of the interlocutor and encourages a more open conversation. A compliment is useful and pleasant, but only if it is a sincere compliment, said with a natural emotional overtones.

Speech etiquette situations

The concept of situation plays a key role in the culture of speech etiquette. Indeed, depending on the situation, our conversation can change significantly. In this case, communication situations can be characterized by a variety of circumstances, for example:

  • personalities of the interlocutors
  • place
  • time
  • motive

Personalities of the interlocutors. Speech etiquette is focused primarily on the addressee - the person being addressed, but the personality of the speaker is also taken into account. Taking into account the personality of the interlocutors is implemented on the principle of two forms of address - “You” and “You”. The first form indicates the informal nature of communication, the second - respect and greater formality in the conversation.

A place of communication. Communication in a certain place may require the participant to have specific rules of speech etiquette established for that place. Such places can be: a business meeting, a social dinner, a theater, a youth party, a restroom, etc.

In the same way, depending on the topic of conversation, time, motive or purpose of communication, we use different conversational techniques. The topic of conversation can be joyful or sad events; the time of communication can be conducive to being brief or to an extensive conversation. Motives and goals are manifested in the need to show respect, express a friendly attitude or gratitude to the interlocutor, make an offer, ask for a request or advice.

Any national speech etiquette makes certain demands on representatives of its culture and has its own characteristics. The very appearance of the concept of speech etiquette is associated with an ancient period in the history of languages, when each word was given special meaning, and there was a strong belief in the effect of words on the surrounding reality. And the emergence of certain norms of speech etiquette is due to the desire of people to bring about certain events.

But the speech etiquette of different nations is also characterized by some common features, with the only difference being the forms of implementation speech norms etiquette. Each cultural and linguistic group has formulas for greeting and farewell, and respectful addresses to elders in age or position. In a closed society, a representative of a foreign culture who is not familiar with the peculiarities of national speech etiquette appears to be uneducated, poorly well-mannered person. In a more open society, people are prepared for differences in the speech etiquette of different nations; in such a society, imitation of a foreign culture of speech communication is often practiced.

Good manners one of the most important indicators of a well-mannered, cultured person. From early childhood, we are instilled with certain behavior patterns. To a cultured person it is necessary to constantly follow the norms of behavior established in society observe etiquette.Knowledge and compliance with etiquette standards allows you to feel confident and free in any society.

The word "etiquette" came into the Russian language from French in the 18th century, when court life took shape absolute monarchy and broad political and cultural ties between Russia and other states were established.

Etiquette (French) etiquette) a set of rules of conduct and treatment accepted in certain social circles (at the courts of monarchs, in diplomatic circles, etc.). Typically, etiquette reflects the form of behavior, treatment, and rules of courtesy accepted in a given society, inherent in a particular tradition. Etiquette can act as an indicator of the values ​​of different historical eras.

At an early age, when parents teach their child to say hello, say thank you, and ask for forgiveness for pranks, learning occurs. basic formulas of speech etiquette.

This is a system of rules of speech behavior, norms for the use of language means in certain conditions. Speech communication etiquette plays an important role for a person’s successful activity in society, his personal and professional growth, building strong family and friendly relations. To master the etiquette of verbal communication, knowledge from various humanitarian fields is required: linguistics, history, cultural studies, psychology. To more successfully master cultural communication skills, they use such a concept as speech etiquette formulas.

IN Everyday life we constantly communicate with people. Any communication process consists of certain stages:

  • starting a conversation (greeting/introduction);
  • main part, conversation;
  • the final part of the conversation.

Each stage of communication is accompanied by certain cliches, traditional words and fixed expressions formulasami speech etiquette. Given formula exist in the language finished form and are provided for all occasions.

To the formulas of speech etiquette words of politeness include (sorry, thank you, please), greetings and farewells (hello, greetings, goodbye), appeals (you, you, ladies and gentlemen). Greetings came to us from the west: good evening, good afternoon, Good morning, and from European languages ​​- farewells: all the best, all the best.

The sphere of speech etiquette includes ways of expressing joy, sympathy, grief, guilt, accepted in a given culture. For example, in some countries it is considered indecent to complain about difficulties and problems, while in others it is unacceptable to talk about one’s achievements and successes. The range of conversation topics varies across cultures.

In the narrow sense of the word speech etiquette can be defined as a system of linguistic means in which etiquette relations are manifested. Elements and formulas of this system can be implemented at different language levels:

At the level of vocabulary and phraseology: special words, set expressions, forms of address (thank you, excuse me, hello, comrades, etc.)

At the grammatical level: for polite address use of plural and interrogative sentences instead of imperative (You won't tell me how to get there...)

On a stylistic level: maintaining the qualities of good speech (correctness, precision, richness, appropriateness, etc.)

At the intonation level: using calm intonation even when expressing demands, dissatisfaction, or irritation.

At the level of orthoepy: use of full forms of words: з hello instead of hello, please instead of please, etc.

On organizational and communicative level: listen carefully and do not interrupt or interfere in someone else’s conversation.

Speech etiquette formulas are characteristic of both literary and colloquial, and rather reduced (slang) style. The choice of one or another speech etiquette formula depends mainly on the communication situation. Indeed, the conversation and manner of communication can vary significantly depending on: the personality of the interlocutors, the place of communication, the topic of conversation, time, motive and goals.

A place of communication may require participants in a conversation to comply with certain rules of speech etiquette established specifically for the chosen place. Communication at a business meeting, social dinner, or in the theater will differ from behavior at a youth party, in the restroom, etc.

Depends on the participants in the conversation. The personality of the interlocutors primarily influences the form of address: you or you. Form You indicates the informal nature of communication, You to respect and greater formality in conversation.

Depending on the topic of conversation, time, motive or purpose of communication, we use different conversational techniques.

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Your Zodiac sign makes up only 50% of your personality. The remaining 50% cannot be known by reading general horoscopes. You need to create an individual...

Description of the white mulberry plant. Composition and calorie content of berries, beneficial properties and expected harm. Delicious recipes and uses...

Like most of his colleagues, Soviet children's writers and poets, Samuil Marshak did not immediately begin writing for children. He was born in 1887...

Breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method help cope with attacks of high blood pressure. Correct execution of exercises -...
About the university Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky is the largest university in the region, with more than 14...
The Forex Economic Calendar is a reference book for every trader, regardless of trading experience and level of professionalism, and especially...
Representatives of the arachnid class are creatures that have lived next to humans for many centuries. But this time it turned out...
Girls and women almost always associate white shoes with a wedding dress, although the white color of shoes has long been no longer required. A...