Gymnastics ground. Gymnastic halls Area for gymnastic equestrian competitions

Building codes and regulations provide for gymnastics rooms listed in Table. 15.

The halls require auxiliary rooms for equipment, rooms for teachers, locker rooms (men's and women's), as well as showers and restrooms. They must be located so that it is convenient to use them - without going into the common corridor. To store apparatus and gymnastic equipment, a storage room (apparatus room) is constructed, connected to the hall by a door or an open opening at least 2 m wide, without a threshold. It should have special cabinets and pyramids (devices) for storing equipment.

The changing rooms are equipped with two-tier lockers (0.3 X X 0.5 x 0.8 m) for storing things of those involved and benches, as well as special furniture, drying cabinets, electric towels, foot washers, universal washbasins, etc.

Assembly halls available in schools can be used for classes physical culture with primary school students (after thorough cleaning).

Hygienic requirements for the use of halls. The hall and its utility rooms should be convenient for cleaning and for the educational process. The walls should not have protrusions or irregularities at a height of 1.75 m from the floor. Color them oil paint in light colors or upholstered in a solid wood panel without notches, overlays or protrusions.

Ceilings are also painted with oil paint in light colors. The floor is made like a deck, smooth, without cracks, non-slip, and has elastic, heat and sound insulation properties. Heating appliances are covered with grates level with the plane of the walls. Windows are usually placed along longitudinal walls. For uniform lighting of the floor, it is advisable to use two-sided lighting (windows on both sides of the room).

In the hall for practicing various types of gymnastics, as a rule, a constant temperature is maintained (18--20° Celsius). Air humidity should be within 50-60%.

Ventilation is convenient: natural and artificial (supply and exhaust and heated), providing three air exchanges per hour (with an influx of fresh air at the rate of 80 m 3 per hour per person).

The light area of ​​the windows must be at least 5 times the floor area. Windows should be located no lower than the floor. Electric light is needed soft, sufficient at floor level). Changing rooms are located next to the hall. All premises should be cleaned regularly (wet cleaning daily after each lesson and general cleaning once every 1-2 weeks). Rational operation and careful maintenance of the hall ensure its good condition, which contributes to the effectiveness of classes held in the hall.

Every school needs a physical education room. It can be placed in the teachers' room and is equipped with equipment (tape recorder, player, film projector, etc.). It is advisable to have an electric megaphone, stopwatches, propaganda materials: posters, special literature, etc. It is necessary to have a movie screen for showing slides, film materials, as well as methodological literature and teaching aids, stands.

Currently, specialized halls are equipped for artistic gymnastics, artistic acrobatics and rhythmic gymnastics with the necessary gymnastic apparatus and equipment constantly placed in them.

Equipment for gymnasiums. To practice basic, sports and other types of gymnastics, the halls must have special apparatus and equipment. The number of apparatuses in a particular hall is determined by the number of students simultaneously in it (Table 16).

The placement of gymnastic equipment in the hall takes into account the nature of the educational process. In the center of the hall it is recommended to place a platform for floor exercises measuring 14x14 m; the competition mat is 12 x 12 m); along one of the longitudinal walls there is usually a place for vaults; It is customary to place the crossbar in the background in relation to the entrance to the hall, and in the foreground there are parallel bars, a gymnastic beam and a horse with handles. Poles and ropes are attached to the monorail parallel to the end wall, and the gymnastic wall is attached to the end or longitudinal wall of the hall. Gymnastic equipment (especially portable ones) must be installed so that they can be conveniently removed (using special transport carts).

gymnastics sports equipment equipment


The gymnastic wall is used when performing general developmental exercises and climbing. Its height is 320 cm, span width is 100 cm. Horizontal crossbars (slats) are secured in the rack with screws. The slats are made from ash, beech or plywood. A two-span (single-span) wall is bolted from above to a special longitudinal beam, and from below - with angles and screws to the floor. The number of wall spans in the hall must be equal to, not less than 1 1 3 the number of people involved in it at the same time (Fig. 185).

The gymnastic ladder is used to perform exercises in climbing and climbing. Its length is 5 m, width 48 cm, steps (slats) 3.5 cm in diameter, distance between slats 25 cm.

The gymnastic bench is used for group outdoor exercise classes, balance exercises, exercises, climbing, etc., as well as for recreation for those involved. Its length is 4 m, width 24 cm, height 30 cm. A 5 cm wide block is mounted in its lower part for performing exercises in balance (in an inverted position).

The climbing rope (or pole) is suspended from ceiling beams, a monorail, or special consoles. Its thickness should be comfortable to grip with your hands, length 4-6 m. For ease of use, it is marked into half-meter sections with colored tapes (material).

The rings are usually attached to special consoles, sometimes to the ceiling beams in the school hall, and to the portico in halls with high ceilings. The height of their fastening from the floor is 5.5 m. The height of the rings from the floor is 2.5 m, the distance between them is 50 cm. Wall-mounted rings have a lock with which the chain is secured to a pin driven into the wall. This fastening allows you to change the height of the rings. In halls with high ceilings, the rings are installed using a portico. When installing the rings, the equal height of each ring from the floor is checked (a horizontal rail is placed on the rings).

When checking the readiness of the rings, special attention is paid to the strength of all fasteners; Before the lesson, the condition of the cables, belts and buckles, and the working surface of the rings are checked.

Horse for swings. Length 160 cm, width 36 cm, handles are located symmetrically at a distance of 40-45 cm, the height of the handles from the plane of the horse is 12 cm, from the floor - 120 cm. Covered with leather or substitute (Fig. 186).

Jumping horse. Same size, but without handles. The horse is firmly attached to the floor using a stretcher. The height of the horse from the floor is 150 cm. For women, the horse is placed wide (with a height of 0 cm).

Goat. Length 60 cm, width 40 cm. Covered with leather or substitute. For jumping, it can be installed both in width and in length, to a height of 100 to 160 cm. To install the goat (horse) to the required height, tilt it to one side and install two legs, then tilt it to the other side and install the remaining legs , secured with a stretcher to the floor.

Bars: a) men's (Fig. 187). The length of the poles is 350 cm, oval shape (height 5 cm, width 4 cm). The poles are hingedly connected to swivels inserted into hollow posts mounted on a metal frame. They are installed at a height of 160-- 175 cm from the floor; distance between poles 42-52 cm;

b) women's (of different heights). The lower pole is at a height of 130--150 cm, the upper one is 190--240 cm; the distance between the poles is 45 cm or more. The poles are fixed on cables (Fig. 188). In secondary schools and at small-scale competitions, they sometimes use old-style parallel bars - on a frame. In this case, there should be no protruding parts on them that create a danger when performing exercises;

c) low (auxiliary). The height of the poles is 100--130 cm.

Men's (and low) bars have devices to hold the poles at a certain height (latches, clamps, screws). When changing the height or width of the poles, hold the pole with one hand and secure the pole with the other using a screw or clamp. When moving them, you must use special carts.

The crossbar (Fig. 189) consists of a polished bar 28 cm in diameter, horizontally mounted on two posts using braces. The crossbar can be installed at different heights - from 1-20 to 240 cm. For classes with beginners, as well as in secondary schools, a wall-mounted crossbar is convenient.

The crossbar posts are installed exactly in a vertical position, and the bar in a horizontal position, paying attention to the strength of the fastenings, especially the hooks in the floor. To quickly install the crossbar, you need to place it on the floor with the base of the posts in the place where it will be installed. After checking the guy lines and cables, two people lift her to a vertical position, and two people secure the guy wires. Having installed one side correctly, you can use a turnbuckle to tighten the braces on the other side, controlling the accuracy of the position of the racks and the bar. Markings are made on the racks (with paint) to quickly determine the desired height of the projectile. It is even easier to install a wall crossbar: a second (movable) stand is quickly placed on a stand fixed to the wall, the position of which is determined by the first.

A magnesium pot is a box, urn or similar container on a stand, with high walls that prevent magnesia from spilling onto the floor.

Magnesia (in the form of powder or briquettes) is applied to the palms for better adhesion to the surface of the projectile, strengthening the grip in the hangs and stops.

Area (carpet) for floor exercises. Size (judging) - 12 x 12 m, the borders are bordered by a white line of 10 cm, behind which a margin of at least 1 m is required. The best covering is considered to be elastic flooring.

The bridge is used for jumping, exercises on the beam and uneven bars (in the second case, for entering the apparatus). Height 15 cm, width 60 cm, length 120 cm (Fig. 190). Recently, they began to produce a bridge up to 20 cm high with an equally elastic surface (due to a roller device between the upper surface and the spring part).

Springboard (spring bridge). Height 40 cm, length 120-130 cm. The upper part is covered (x / 3 surfaces) with non-slip material. For training, a bridge or springboard is usually installed on the runway so that the front edge rests on the gymnastics mat or is attached to the floor.

The gymnastic balance beam is used to perform balance exercises. Length 5 m, thickness (height) 16 cm, width of the upper surface and lower plane 10 cm. Upper working part should be smooth and non-slip. Height from floor 120 cm. For primary education, warm-ups, etc. use a low log of the same size, but 50 cm high, or a log placed on the floor.

Before class, check that the beam is installed horizontally and stable. Particular attention is paid to its surface (cleaned of magnesia or rosin).

A trampoline is a horizontal woven mesh stretched on a frame with rubber shock absorbers or steel springs. The mesh is woven from durable braid. Folding trampolines are convenient. When folded, they take up little space.

Jump stands are made of wooden blocks square section. Height 2.5 m. The height of the bar (rope) is set using “legs” (protrusions) on the rack couplings.

The stands consist of parallel poles, stably mounted on low posts (or each separately).

Depth jump area. Dimensions 45X50 cm with hooks with which the platform is secured to the gymnastics wall.

Mats 200 cm long, 125 cm wide, 60-65 mm thick are usually laid in two layers in landing areas. In other cases - in one layer. When learning complex exercises, use foam mats (or special pits with foam shavings).

Before the lesson, check the serviceability of the mats and covers, as well as their installation (tightly, without gaps, do not overlap the edges, etc.). Minimum number of mats: for the crossbar 7, for parallel bars 3--4, for parallel bars of different heights 4, for rings 3, for beams 5--6, for jumping apparatus 3--6.

Multi-set gymnastic equipment.

The following basic requirements are imposed on the design of these apparatus: a) it must allow the group to perform exercises; b) the sizes must correspond to the age characteristics of those involved; c) projectiles must be easy to manufacture, reliable, convenient for quick installation (Fig. 191). The main of these projectiles are.

-- children's universal gymnastic equipment

Its working part is a hemp rope covered with a sheath;

extended (multiple) crossbar. It can be installed at the desired height. Consists of several bars supported on racks;

extended beams (low or equal height). Installed on racks (Fig. 192);

elongated gymnastic pommel horse. Consists of wooden frame, covered with felt and leatherette. Standard handles are attached to the horse’s body;

multiple ring design (Fig. 193);

vault device (Fig. 194).

In recent years, many complete shells and other designs have been created.

Gymnastic equipment intended for competitions must comply with the established standards stipulated by the rules in terms of shape, size, elasticity and location of attachment points to the floor. For mass (non-classification) competitions in secondary schools and in grassroots teams, old-style equipment is acceptable, but they must be in good working order and stable.

It is recommended to carefully inspect suspended projectiles regularly (at least once every six months). Pay special attention to the bolts and nuts holding the system with blocks for the rings, the hanging belt for insurance, the blocks themselves, the reliability of the suspension of ropes and poles, as well as the fastening of the gymnastic wall posts to the walls of the hall.


Gymnastic sticks with a diameter of 25-30 mm are used in classes with men (length 1 cm), with women (100 cm) and with children (90 cm).

Medicine balls made from tires (leather or substitute) tightly stuffed with sea grass, hair or other material. Diameter 31--40 cm, weight 1--5 kg.

The length of a short rope is 2--3 m, a long one is 4--5 m.

Dumbbells can be different shapes and weight. The most convenient are spherical dumbbells weighing 3-8 kg. Its greatest use is in athletic gymnastics.

Maces - made of wood or partly of metal; consist of a rod 40-52 cm long, a neck and a head. They have different shapes, weight 400-500 g. They are used for dynamic swing exercises in rhythmic and basic gymnastics. Exercises with clubs help develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle, increase the mobility of the arm joints and improve motor coordination.

In rhythmic gymnastics and for performances, lighter clubs are used: tennis balls on a rod, “snowflakes”, clubs with flashlights in the body (luminous), etc.

In addition to clubs and ropes, the following items are widely used in rhythmic gymnastics (including for various performances): balls, hoops, ribbons, flags, pennants, scarves, etc.

The belay belt (lounge) is made of wide braid trimmed with leather. A buckle is sewn to the end. Steel wire rings are attached in two places, to which cables (or ropes) are attached using carabiners. Both manual and suspended safety belts are used. Two belayers hold the performer with a hand belt and grab the ends of the ropes. The cables of the hanging lounge are thrown over the blocks.

Throwing boards measuring 100 x 100 cm are attached to the gymnastics wall with hooks. Marking: “bullseye” with a diameter of 18 cm (center), then circles 40, 60, 80 cm in diameter, applied to the shield with oil paint, 1 cm wide.

The pad is a special leather device to protect the palms when performing hanging exercises (Fig. 195).

Judge's pointer - a device for displaying scores for performing exercises: a) hand pointer; b) a device for displaying ratings (numbers on cardboard, light display, etc.). In secondary schools, they sometimes use for this purpose an ordinary student’s notebook, on each page of which the numbers from 0 to 10 (whole numbers and tenths) are written.


A gymnastics ground is a specially equipped, green area of ​​land on which gymnastics classes are held. The dimensions of the site are 40x26 m*. For classes with schoolchildren, the size of the site may be smaller (35x25 m). You can equip such a playground at a school site, at a stadium, in a park or at a housing office on your own.

A gymnastics town is being installed on the site. It is, as a rule, a structure that combines all the main projectiles, especially suspended and stationary ones, into one complex. On the ones dug into the ground wooden pillars(or metal) 4.5-6 m high with strong horizontal beams, rings, ropes, poles, a gymnastic wall, a ladder, crossbars (high and low), a gymnastic beam, etc. are attached. The remaining equipment (portable) are installed on the site, taking into account recommendations mentioned above.

At large stadiums and special educational institutions, complex (two-complex) gymnastic towns are usually built. The number of suspended shells (and therefore the rest) is 2 times greater. Accordingly, the area itself increases.

For landing after jumping and dismounting from projectiles, pits can be prepared, most often 2x3 m in size, which are filled with sawdust mixed with clean sand in a ratio of 3/4. It is recommended to edge the pits with boards (on edge) covered with rubber top edge(level with the surface of the site). Sawdust should be covered with a tarpaulin, and foam mats should be placed at the landing sites. There is also a path for walking and running, a shed or room for storing portable equipment, equipment, spare poles, bridges, etc., and a shed for musical instrument, gymnastic benches for rest. For individual projectiles it is necessary to have protective covers and casings. On the children's gymnastics ground, equipment suitable for children should prevail of different ages, including equipment for climbing and climbing, balance exercises, various games and relay races.

The gymnastics court must have space for performing group general developmental, floor and other exercises. The surface of this part of the court (no smaller than the floor exercise mat) can be covered with wooden flooring, which is covered with a carpet during classes, or be earth-sand (or adobe) or grass. Depending on the location (sports and recreational camp, pioneer camp, etc.), the gymnastics ground may include separate natural and artificial obstacles: canals, trenches, “blockages”, etc. It is desirable that the gymnastics ground fits harmoniously into the landscape of the area , was well landscaped. A pond with clean water for swimming is desirable near it. Considering the great hygienic importance of a gymnast’s outdoor activities, it is necessary to strive to ensure that physical education lessons in schools and educational institutions, preparation and passing of GTO standards and other forms of training are conducted in open areas. This is especially true for the middle zone and southern areas of the country where long time During the year, classes can be conducted outdoors.


Participants are required to comply with the following rules:

Handle equipment and supplies with care. Skillfully prepare them for classes and then clean them up. In order not to damage the floor, the projectile should be transported on special trolleys.

Handle magnesium with care. After finishing the lesson, participants must clean the crossbar bar, parallel bars poles, rings, horse handles from magnesium, wipe them with a towel, and the mats with a damp cloth.

Store shells and equipment in special rooms or niches (away from heating appliances).

Clean the floor daily. Wash floors, walls, window sills, doors, etc. with hot water. Clean soft equipment (tumbling track, carpet for floor exercises, etc.) regularly with a vacuum cleaner.

In between classes, wipe the floors with a damp cloth and ventilate the room.

At the entrance to the hall there are instructions (memo):

a) be in the hall only in a gymnastics suit and kidneys;

b) during classes, accurately follow the instructions of the teacher (trainer), help your friends;

c) study safety rules, self-insurance techniques;

d) enter and leave the hall only with the permission of the teacher. It is better to install (portable) shells not very far from storage areas, so as not to waste time carrying them. Educational departments (subgroups) must be located in such a way that it is possible to quickly, in the shortest possible way, move from one type of activity to another, without interfering with others.

Gymnastics area- a specially equipped, landscaped plot of land on which gymnastics classes are held. The dimensions of the site are 40x26 m*. For classes with schoolchildren, the size of the site may be smaller (35 x 25 m). Such a platform

at a school site, at a stadium, in a park or at a housing office, you can equip it yourself.

A gymnastics town is being installed on the site. It is, as a rule, a structure that combines all the main projectiles, especially suspended and stationary ones, into one complex. Rings, ropes, poles, a gymnastic wall, a ladder, crossbars (high and low), a gymnastic beam, etc. are attached to wooden (or metal) pillars dug into the ground, 4.5-6 m high, with strong horizontal beams. The rest of the equipment (portable) installed on site taking into account the recommendations indicated above.

At large stadiums and special educational institutions, complex (two-room) gymnastics camps are usually built. The number of suspended shells (and therefore the rest) is 2 times greater. Accordingly, the area itself increases.

For landing after jumping and dismounting from projectiles, pits can be prepared, most often 2x3 m in size, which are filled with sawdust mixed with clean sand in a ratio of 8/4. It is recommended to border the pits with boards (on edge) with a rubber-lined upper edge (at the level with the surface of the site). Sawdust should be covered with a tarpaulin, and foam mats should be placed at the landing sites. There will also be a path for walking and running, a shed or room for storing portable equipment, equipment, spare poles, bridges, etc., and a shed for a musical instrument and gymnastic benches for rest. For individual projectiles it is necessary to have protective covers and casings.

The children's gymnastics area should be dominated by equipment suitable for children of different ages, including equipment for climbing and climbing, balance exercises, various games and relay races.

The gymnastics court must have space for performing group general developmental, floor and other exercises. The surface of this part of the site (no smaller in size than the carpet for floor exercises) can be covered with wooden flooring, which is covered with a carpet during exercise, or be sand-earth (or adobe) or grass.

Depending on the location (sports and recreational camp, pioneer camp, etc.), the gymnastics ground may include separate natural and artificial obstacles: canals, trenches, “blockages”, etc. It is desirable that the gymnastics ground fits harmoniously into the landscape of the area was well landscaped. It is advisable to have a body of water near it clean water for swimming.

Considering the great hygienic importance of doing gymnastics in the fresh air, it is necessary to strive to ensure that physical education lessons in schools and educational institutions, preparation and passing of GTO standards and other forms of classes are conducted in open areas. This is especially relevant to middle lane and the southern regions of the country, where classes can be held outdoors for a long time of the year.

Design of gymnasiums. Minimum area of ​​utility rooms for gymnasiums. Typical layout of a gymnasium. Scheme of the relative arrangement of rooms in the gymnasium average size. The minimum required space for gymnastic exercises. Recommended sizes of gyms for various types sports.

Changing rooms: for each athlete - 40 cm of bench length. Average area changing rooms with bench lengths of 16 - 20 m are 20 - 30 m2. When arranging benches in parallel rows, the distance between them should be ≥ 1.1 m. Double-sided benches with a dividing wall at the height of the coat hooks are used. The walls are washable. Floors: from roll materials(linoleum, rubber, plastics), tiled or self-leveling. The gratings should not be made of wood, but of plastic.

Washrooms and showers: 10 showers in one room (if possible with an inclined stream direction, with screens at shoulder level or higher); 10 low-height taps for washing hands and feet; drain for dirty water along a covered gutter, the walls are tiled to a height of up to 2 m with ceramic tiles. Floors made of grooved and rough tiles; Laying wooden gratings on the floor is not allowed (to avoid the transmission of fungal infections).

Storage room for sports equipment (equipment):

depth 4 - 5 m, opening to the hall - the entire width of the projectile; the floor is wooden. Plaster on the corners of walls and pillars should be protected from damage by corner caps. Individual sports unions or federations may have their own equipment facilities.

Technical equipment. For competitions, there must be places for spectators with a separate passage to them if possible. Mobile stands for spectators can be built into wall niches (Fig. 7). It is advisable to provide in the middle of the hall, opposite the stands for spectators, a time board, a microphone and a lighting control panel (Fig. 8).

3. Crossbar.

4. Rings.

5. Gymnastic box.

6. Parallel bars.

8. Large and small sports halls at the Darmstadt Higher Technical School. The project was developed by the Darmstadt Higher Construction Service educational institutions. 1 - projectile; 2 - small hall; 3 - men's locker room; 4 - watchman's room; 5 - lobby; 6 - teachers' room; 7 - locker room for boys; 8 - timing, 9 - storage of sports suits; 10 - engine room; 11 - storage of balls; 12 - storage of cleaning equipment; 13 - large hall.

7. Retractable stands (section length – up to 6 m).

9. Trolley for transporting mats.

10. Gymnastic bench.

Minimum area of ​​utility rooms:

View of the hall Projectile Small equipment Changing rooms Washrooms and showers Restrooms Instructor's room
area, m2 number area, m2 number area, m2 souls Taps for washing hands and feet men's women's number area, m2
toilet bowls pis-soirs toilet bowls
Gym: small 40 1 20 1 15 – 20 10 10 1 1 2 1 9 – 12
average 48 2 20 – 30 2 15 – 25 10 – 12 10 – 12 1 – 2 2 2 – 3 1 – 2 9 – 12
big 72 2 20 – 30 2 20 – 25 12 12 – 15 1 – 2 2 2 – 3 2 9 – 12
Gym, games room 84 4 20 – 30 2 25 – 30 12 – 15 15 1 – 2 3 2 – 4 2 9 – 12
Premises for physical education: minimum area 10 1 20 1 15 – 20 10 10 1 1 2 1 9 – 12
regular sizes 10 1 25 1 15 – 20 12 12 1 1 2 1 9 – 12

Halls for sports games and gymnastics (DIN 18032) are located at a distance of ≤ 10 minutes walk from the school, away from main streets and industrial enterprises. The direction of the longitudinal axis of the hall is from east to west. The walls of the hall should be smooth, without protrusions or niches; the surface of the walls is durable, light and easy to clean. The wall covering must be acoustically efficient and the reverberation time must not exceed 1.8 s. If possible, hall doors should not be placed at the ends; placing doors along the middle axis, on which the day gates of a number of sports games are located, is not allowed. When locked, doors must be flush with the wall (the door hardware is recessed into the leaves).

For portable gymnastic equipment, fastenings and storage places should be provided (for crossbars, ropes, rings, wall bars, basketball hoops, there must be fastening strips in the floor, beams for suspension, etc.). The axes of the projectiles must be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the hall:

a) the axis of the ring stands runs through the middle of the hall;

b) the axis of the crossbar - at a distance of 6 m from the end wall opposite the entrance; the axes of the ropes are at a distance of 4 - 5 m from the end of the hall.

The floor in the halls must be elastic, not chip or heave, resistant to abrasion, non-slip, and must have sound and heat insulating properties. Elastic floors are now widely used; they don't anchor. Before varnishing and treating with anti-slip agents, markings for various games are applied to the surface of the floors in the form of multi-colored lines 2 - 5 cm wide.

The window area should be 1/5 of the total surface area of ​​the walls. Gyms must have natural light, but not blinding (sun visors and blinds should be provided); The installation of wide inter-window partitions, which cause sharp contrasts in lighting intensity, is not allowed. Glazing should be made of safety glass up to a height of 3.5 m from the floor level. Window sills at a height of ≥ 2.2 m can only be installed along one longitudinal side of the hall.

In physical education rooms, the window area should be ≥ 1/3 of the total wall surface area.

Average illumination during ECP exercises is ≥ 120 lux.

The average illumination during ECP competitions is ≥ 200 lux.

Design temperature: in the hall 12 -15°С: in utility rooms 18 - 22°С

In school gymnasiums heating system the hall and utility rooms are made independent.

Hot water supply should be arranged separately from the heating system so that the supply hot water provided throughout the year. In the halls sports clubs install direct-flow water heaters.

Sports and gymnastics halls. The dimensions of sports halls specified in DIN 18032, based on a modular size of 3 m, are partially rejected by sports specialists; Instead, the gym sizes shown in the table are recommended.

X competitions are possible.

Only training sessions are possible.

All dictionaries Ushakov's Dictionary Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words of the 18th-19th centuries Bible Dictionary for the Russian canonical Bible Encyclopedic Dictionary Ozhegov's Dictionary Efremova's Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia

Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words of the 18th-19th centuries


, A , Wed

1. An area for various types of competitions (equestrian, gymnastics), as well as the competition itself.

* The owner of the estate enjoyed the colors, the lists, ate fruits and smelled flowers. // Saltykov-Shchedrin. Poshekhon antiquity // *

2. Field, area of ​​activity.

* But such hard hearts are rare; barely one person in the whole century will appear on the secular list. // Radishchev. Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow // *

Bible Dictionary to the Russian Canonical Bible


rist'alishche (from the Old Russian ristat - move, run, ride) (1 Cor. 9:24) - a sports facility for running, racing, wrestling and other gymnastic exercises, which the ancient Greeks were very fond of. They set up lists in almost all their cities.

Ozhegov's Dictionary


RIST A LISCHE, A, Wed(old). An area for gymnastics, equestrian and other competitions, as well as the competition itself.

| adj. listsical, oh, oh.

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. Wed outdated
    1. The square served as a place for equestrian, gymnastic and other competitions.
    2. Competition.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


(among the Greeks ίππόδρομος, among the Romans circus) - a place for equestrian competitions on horseback and in chariots: see Hippodrome. The most famous hippodrome in Greece was the Olympic. In Rome there was a Circus Maximus, which, according to legend, existed even under Romulus, who in the Murcipian Valley, between the Aventine and Palatine hills, established games in honor of Consus. The long, flat area of ​​the valley served as R., and the grassy slopes of the hill served as places for spectators until the architectural structure of the circus was erected. Tarquin the Proud, according to legend, arranged wooden seats(fori) for the public, burned and restored more than once. Julius Caesar installed stone seats in the lower tiers. Augustus added an imperial box (pulvinar) in marble and erected an obelisk, which currently stands in Piazza del Popolo. Since the time of Claudius, the circus, which previously accommodated up to 150 thousand spectators, was designed for 250 thousand people. Successive emperors restored parts of the building, adding marble tiers of seats and decorating the circus with marble, gold and mosaics; under Constantine it was one of the most luxurious buildings in Rome, containing 385 thousand seats for spectators. Total length the building was at least 2000 feet, width - at least 600 feet. Marble seats were supported by vaults and bulls, a row of which formed the floor of the building. Along the R. there was a low wall or an elevated platform (spina) made of marble, which served as a separate line for the R. Statues and ornamental objects such as obelisks, altars, trophies, etc. were placed on it. At both ends of the spina two elevations were installed, each of which had 7 marble eggs. After each circle (curriculum) made, one egg was removed. Instead of eggs, dolphin figurines were also used for this purpose. In addition to Circus Maximus, in Rome there was also Circus Flaminius on the Campus Martius, Circus Caligulae et Neronis in the Gardens of Agrippina, at the foot of the Vatican Hill, Circus Hadriani on Campus Vaticanus, Circus Maxentii on Via Appia, Circus Sallustii. For the structure of circus competitions, see Circus.

Wed. Krause, "Gymnastik und Agonistik der Hellenen" (Leipzig, 1841); Guhl und Koner, "Leben der Griechen und Römer" (1890); Baumester, "Denkmäler Antiker Kunst" (1888); Smith, "Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities" (1890-91).

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City center rhythmic gymnastics, designed for conducting gymnastics training sessions, competitions and individual youth performances.
The center is a building of variable number of floors - 1-2-4 floors, rectangular in plan, with dimensions in the axes - 30.5x60.30 m.
Each hall is designed for simultaneous classes of 2 groups from 10 to 30 people in each group. The hall is equipped with folding telescopic stands for 150 seats, an electronic video scoreboard, Swedish gymnastic walls with a hanging board, gymnastic benches, and a pedestal.
Total number service personnel- 51 people/shift. The total number of visitors to the gymnastics center is 240 people/shift. Opening hours are from 9:00 to 21:00.

Main technical and economic indicators
Construction area – 2065.10 sq. m, Total area buildings - 3190.93 sq. m, estimated building area – 2557.31 sq. m, Usable area– 2990.21 sq. m, Construction volume – 31875.0 cubic meters. m, Number of floors – 4 floors.

Detailed documentation, estimates and a positive expert opinion in PDF, DOC format were provided. Documentation content:
Volume 1 General plan, code: GP;
Volume 2 Architectural solutions, code: AR;
Volume 3 Metal structures, code: KM;
Volume 4 Water supply and sewerage, code: VK;
Volume 5 On-site water supply and sewerage networks, code: NVK;
Volume 6 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, code: OV;
Volume 7 Heat networks, code: TS;
Volume 8 Communication networks, code: SS;
Volume 9 Technological solutions, code: TX;
Volume 10 Estimate documentation, code: SM.

Description of technological solutions
The designed rhythmic gymnastics center is intended for conducting gymnastics training sessions, holding competitions and individual youth performances.
The main designed premises of the center include:
-1st floor: large gymnasium with 2 carpets, warm-up room No. 1, locker room with 30 lockers, auxiliary, administrative, sanitary and technical premises, medical center;
-2nd floor: massage nurses' room, food intake room, accounting, referee's room, trainers' room, administrative and service premises, sanitary facilities;
-3rd floor: warm-up room No. 2, locker room with 30 lockers, meal room, sanitary facilities, service and administrative premises, utility rooms.

Each hall is designed for simultaneous classes of 2 groups from 10 to 30 people in each group.
The total number of service personnel is 51 people/shift. Total number of visitors
gymnastics center - 240 people/shift.
Opening hours are from 9:00 to 21:00.
The number of seats in the gymnasium is 150 people. The project provides for a mechanized vertical system for dividing the hall into two parts.
The large gymnasium provides for the placement of two gymnastic mats measuring 14 x 14 m with platforms for two sports groups with a capacity of up to 30 people. The hall is equipped with folding telescopic stands for 150 seats, an electronic video scoreboard, Swedish gymnastic walls with a hanging board, gymnastic benches, and a pedestal.
All halls have protective nets for windows. Meal rooms are equipped with everything necessary equipment, washing tub and sink.
Medical care for those involved and provision of first aid is organized in the medical center on the 1st floor of the center building. The first aid station is equipped with modern medical equipment, a refrigerated cabinet, an examination couch, a bactericidal irradiator and an elbow-controlled sink.
The project provides premises for storing cleaning equipment, equipped with a tray, sink and cabinet for storing cleaning equipment.
Scrubber dryers are used for wet and dry cleaning of premises.
On the territory of the center there is a container for collecting garbage (dry waste), which is removed in accordance with the schedule for special solid waste. by motor transport.
To protect the facility and prevent unauthorized access to the facility individuals and cargo provided:
-fencing and 24-hour security of the territory;
- installation of a video surveillance system for the perimeter of the territory, lighting for monitoring at night;
- equipping the building with an access control and management system, a video surveillance system, a security and alarm system, speech type warning system;
-equipping employees with voice radio transmitters for emergency communications;
-availability of a hand-held metal detector and a hand-held vapor gas analyzer explosives at the security service.

Description of architectural solutions
The designed urban rhythmic gymnastics center, intended for gymnastic training, competitions and individual youth performances, is a building of variable number of floors - 1-2-4 floors, rectangular in plan, with dimensions in the extreme axes - 30.5x60.30 m, maximum elevation of the building (top of the parapet) +16.680 m. Building without basement. The floor height is 3.6 m. The relative elevation of 0.000 m is taken to be the floor level of the 1st floor, corresponding to an elevation of 158.45 m.

The center has a gym (on the first floor) and two warm-up rooms (on the first and third floors). Height of the gymnasium (up to suspended ceiling) - 12.0 m, dimensions - 51.0x24.0 m. The gymnasium is equipped with folding telescopic stands for spectators with 150 seats. There are also warm-up rooms with a ceiling height (up to the suspended ceiling) of 6.0 m and dimensions of 12.0x24.0 m.
The building has separate entrance groups, equipped with ramps and canopies. The gyms are separated from the rest of the premises by a fire wall. Evacuation from the second, third and fourth floors is carried out through two dispersed stairwells of the 1st type; from the warm-up room on the third floor there is a staircase of the 3rd type.
Access to the roof is provided from the staircases through fire doors. At differences in roof heights, fire escapes of type P1 are provided. The roof is made with internal organized drainage. The project provides for a roof fence with a height of 0.9 m.

Structure and composition of premises:
On the ground floor (altitude 0.000 m), in addition to the gymnastics and warm-up halls, there are the following premises: a lobby with a dressing room, a security room, inventory rooms, a medical center, an administration room, a cash desk, a locker room for exercisers with a shower and a toilet, bathrooms (men's and women's ) for visitors, a bathroom for MGN, a room for cleaning equipment, engineering and technical rooms, a storage room for fluorescent lamps.
On the second floor (elevation +3,600 m) there are: a massage nurses' room, a trainers' room, a food intake room, an accounting office, a judge's office, a labor protection office, a director's office, a chief engineer's office, a cleaning equipment room, bathrooms (male and female) for personnel.
On the third floor (elevation +7,200 m) there are: a warm-up room, a meal room, a locker room for exercisers with a shower and a toilet, offices, a room for cleaning equipment, bathrooms for men and women, and utility rooms.
On the fourth floor (elevation +10,800 m) there are ventilation chambers.

Exterior decoration of the building:
The facades are constructed using “Sandwich” composite panels, painted at the factory in accordance with color scheme facades, and large planes of translucent facade structures.
The basement of the building is covered with porcelain stoneware slabs.
Used for finishing facades accent colors: white, blue, pistachio and light gray panels; translucent façade structures and windows with gray profiles; gray and blue canopies over the entrances to the building.
In all premises with permanent occupancy, natural and artificial lighting. The gymnasium and warm-up halls have translucent façade glazing. IN stairwells The façade glazing was also designed.

Interior decoration premises: Walls:
gymnastics and warm-up halls - sandwich panels painted in the factory, except for the wall along axis 11, where gypsum board sandwich panels are covered metal frame followed by painting with water-based paint;
showers, toilets - ceramic tiles for the entire height of the premises" administrative, household and technical premises - putty primer followed by painting with water-based paint.
suspended ceiling of the "Armstrong" type in all rooms, except for bathrooms and rooms for storing cleaning equipment, as well as staircases and engineering rooms;
cleaning equipment room, bathrooms (including for MGN), showers - hanging rack, aluminum;
in the staircase and engineering rooms - painting with water-based compositions; in ventilation chambers - without finishing. Floors:
in the lobby, corridors and staircases - porcelain tiles with a non-slip surface;
gymnastics hall, warm-up rooms - carpet for rhythmic gymnastics, carpet safety zone - carpet;
administrative premises, dressing rooms - linoleum; bathrooms, showers, cleaning equipment rooms and engineering rooms - ceramic tiles with a non-slip surface;
ventilation chambers - concrete floor.
Windows, stained glass - from PVC profiles;
External and internal doors - metal, plastic with glazing, fireproof.
The finishing of the premises is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the standards technological processes and fire safety.

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