Fulfillment of a wish in 1 night. Spell to make a wish come true

There is probably no person in the world who, at least once in his life, has not dreamed of getting a magic wand and using it to fulfill his deepest desires. But, alas, magic lives only in fairy tales. In real life, you often have to rely on luck, which is in no hurry to favor everyone, but still all people, without exception, are waiting for this moment. A prayer for the fulfillment of a wish will help bring this moment closer - in some cases it can play the role of a magic wand and make a person’s cherished dream come true in the very near future.

Prayers for the fulfillment of a desire should not be confused with those pursuing the same goal - these are two completely different things.

Not a single Orthodox prayer, even the most powerful, gives an absolute guarantee that a person will receive what he wants. A prayer is a request, and when voicing it, the person praying never knows in advance whether higher powers will respond to this request or not, he only hopes for a positive outcome.

Although Christ said: “ Ask and it will be given to you”, - we should not regard God as a great magician and wizard who will miraculously fulfill all our desires. There may be no result from prayer - first of all, due to the fact that the person praying is simply not morally ready for his dream to come true; moreover, if it comes true, it may not justify his aspirations and hopes, and even sometimes cause harm. Higher power they understand this and always know how a person will feel better, and therefore they are in no hurry to fulfill absolutely all his requests.

A conspiracy, unlike a prayer, already a priori gives an orientation towards a positive result and is almost always accompanied by various occult actions.

The conspiracy has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. A conspiracy is witchcraft, therefore its use by the Church is not welcomed (in particular, due to the fact that turning to it negatively affects a person’s soul and causes great harm to it).

Specification is the key to fulfillment of desire

It often happens that the person praying has only some general idea about his dream, but does not know what he specifically and precisely wants to receive. The inability to formulate a competent formulation of your desire delays its implementation indefinitely or completely deprives any chance of fulfillment. Therefore, you need to ask for a specific need: healing from an illness, profit in business, obtaining a certain position, profitable sale apartments, etc. It is concretization that is the primary guarantee of the nearest meeting with your cherished dream.

Ritual before reciting the sacred text

  1. Think carefully about your desire, formulate it, not forgetting to be specific.
  2. Visualization. You need to imagine in your imagination that the dream has already come true. Next, try to clearly feel the feelings and emotions that your desire would evoke in you after its fulfillment.
  3. In such a joyful and upbeat mood, you need to formulate your desire and write it down on a blank piece of paper. It is also advisable to describe your joyful experiences there.

The finished piece of paper must be protected and carried with you until the wish comes true. The text written on it should be re-read at least 2 times a day. It is useful to do this before reading sacred words.

The most powerful Orthodox prayers

With a prayer for the fulfillment of a desire, it is customary to turn, first of all, to the Lord God himself. Also characterized by strong efficiency prayer requests, directed to:

  • John the Theologian;

There are also ways in which everyone is asked heavenly angels guardians and saints.


Nicholas the Wonderworker

One of the most powerful Orthodox prayers, helping to bring the fulfillment of your cherished dreams closer. The performer must carefully prepare for reading it: clear his head of anxious and negative thoughts, forget about problems, and clearly formulate his desire.

It is best if its text is pronounced in the temple. If there is no opportunity to visit the church, it is not forbidden to contact Nicholas the Pleasant at home, but this must be done in complete silence, with a burning candle, in front of the icon of the saint. Text:

This prayer will have special power if it is said by the performer on his birthday. But also in common days it can be used.

Matrona of Moscow

You can make a request to the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow at home. This must be done in a calm state, in absolute solitude.

Icons of Matronushka, Nicholas the Pleasant and Jesus Christ are placed on the table (if any of them are missing, buy them in advance), 11 church candles are lit in front of them. Having crossed yourself and bowed to the images, begin reading:

This prayer ritual is required to be performed daily until the dream comes true.

John the Theologian

Your innermost desire will be fulfilled in the near future if you say a prayer to John the Theologian on your birthday. The words are as follows:

This prayer is read daily, 12 days in a row. Be sure to visit the church on one of these days and light a candle in front of the icon of Christ and say these words in front of it. It is also advisable to make a donation to the temple (any amount).

The wish usually comes true within the next 12 days after the completion of the prayer ritual.

Important: prayer can be used no more than once a year!

How to read prayers correctly

There are quite a lot of Orthodox prayers designed to help a person fulfill his desires. All of them must be pronounced sincerely, with firm faith, with repentance and humility in the soul. Besides, desires must be such that they cannot harm anyone. If all these conditions are met, the Lord and His saints will certainly respond to the request of the person praying, although sometimes this may take some time - everything is God’s will.

When dreaming of the fulfillment of his desire, a person should not place all his hopes only on prayer. Efforts will be required from him himself so that the dream can come true. The person praying must try to do everything in order to get what he wants: pray in accordance with all conditions, improve himself, his knowledge, skills, and take care of his soul.

“Funny question,” you might think. Of course have! What person doesn’t want his whole life to consist of white stripes? Everyone without exception has desires. But how can you perform them without much effort? This question, perhaps, remains relevant at all times of the year. There are actually a great many ways, but we’ll figure out in our article whether they are really as effective as we would like, and whether you can make your dreams come true with the help of magic.

To many people, their life seems, to put it mildly, unhappy, and when everything is already traditional ways the fight against this has been used, and all that remains of bright hopes is dust, magic comes to the rescue, and there is nothing wrong with this, moreover, it is quite effective, safe and harmless. A person simply protects against the penetration of all kinds of problems and troubles into his life and wants something better and brighter for himself. How this is done and what wish fulfillment spell really works, we’ll figure it out in our article.

But before we understand the spells, let's look at a few necessary rules their reading.

Rules for casting spells

  1. Completely disconnect from all thoughts and problems, the best way in this case there will be meditation.
  2. Clearly visualize everything you say, think about every word you say.
  3. Cast a spell to make your wish come true in a quiet environment with the TV and phone turned off and, most importantly, in complete solitude.
  4. Never wish for anything bad or destructive, otherwise you may invite disaster upon yourself.

So, we figured out the spells, and now let's move on directly to them.

River water spell

In order for all your dreams to come true, wait until midnight and go to the river. Place one foot in the water and let the other stand on the shore.

Start twisting your foot so hard that the water mixes with the sand, and in the meantime, cast a spell to make your wish come true. His words are:

“Sand and water are mixed,

They fraternized with each other.

I know the secret word

I call upon a strong force

From the deepest depths,

From high heights.

Secret power, come

Help me (name)

Do me a favor

Not for self-interest, but for friendship.

From now on and forever

May my words come true.

Let it come true (wish)

From this time, from this hour.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Read the spell clearly, without being distracted by unnecessary sounds, and under no circumstances wish anything bad, otherwise it may turn against you.

Spell on a scarf

This is a fairly easy wish fulfillment spell that you can read at home. In this case, you will need a handkerchief that belongs to you. To do this, sit in a quiet room away from everyone.

Concentrate and try to get everything that has accumulated out of your head. Spread the handkerchief in front of you and clearly state your cherished wish. After this, say these words:

“My desire will be fulfilled with the help of God.

God provides help to those who ask Him for it.

Help will arrive in unknown ways,

My wish will become reality.

By God's Spirit I will be given what I ask of Him. Amen".

Cast this wish-fulfillment spell three times very carefully, visualizing what you are talking about. Then tie a knot in the scarf and carry it with you until your wish comes true. After this, burn the scarf.

Ritual and spell using icons

To carry out the ritual, purchase 4 icons:

Mother of God.


Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Your own name.

The ceremony is held in dimly lit room without strangers and sounds. Cover the table with a white tablecloth or cloth. Arrange the three icons so that they resemble a pyramid. Place a white sheet of paper on top, on which you first write your cherished desire. Place yours on top personalized icon so that the image faces up. Light a candle in front of each icon and read the following spell:

"God! All Holy Miracle Workers and Holy Mother of God, hear my prayers and help me, servant of God (name), to fulfill my cherished desire. I (name) want (this, that, that).”

The candles must be lit all the time. Read the Lord's Prayer and ask the saints to fulfill your desire until the candles burn out. After this, place the piece of paper with your dream written in the Bible for 40 days. This is a very powerful spell to fulfill a wish, and if you do everything correctly, then your dream will definitely come true.

How can bread, salt and water make your cherished dream come true?

These are very ancient spells for the fulfillment of desires, which were used by our ancestors. It is more advisable to carry out this ritual on Saturday or Sunday. To do this, take a candle, bread, salt and clean water. Hold the salt in your left hand and the bread in your right. Light a candle and sprinkle the bread generously with salt while saying the following words:

“Salt and bread are made for the deities, intended for desire. I want my dream (this, that, that) to come true. I’ll eat salt and bread, my dream will come true, I’ll thank the gods.”

You need to chew the bread thoroughly, clearly imagining how your desire will come true. After this, take 3 sips clean water, which must first be spoken using the following words:

“Just as all living things come from water, so my dream will be born from it. Water, water, help me."

At the end, cast the last spell to make your wish come true:

“Water, bread, salt will always help, this is happiness, not trouble. Everything will be as it was said. Amen".

How to make a wish come true using plain paper?

Many rituals, conspiracies and magic spells To make wishes come true, they are still used to this day, one of these is with the help of ordinary paper. The main thing here is faith in what is happening, without this the dream cannot come true. To do this, take plain paper and write your deepest desire on it in detail. Roll the sheet into a tube and tie it with red thread or ribbon. Sit down at the table and light it, which you should first buy on Friday. Concentrate and watch how it burns all the time, thinking about desire.

After the candle burns halfway, set fire to the wish sheet and say these words 3 times:

“As a candle melts, so does my dream grow; as paper burns, so does my dream begin to come true. When the candle burns out, my dream will come true.”

Also quite effective is a spell to make a wish come true in Latin. But many will find it difficult to read.

When all the paths have been passed, and hopes for good life there are none left, many fall into magic, and there is nothing criminal about it. Strive to fulfill your dream, believe that it will come true, and you will definitely achieve your goal.


Always keep an eye on own thoughts and words. Whatever you constantly focus on, you will receive in full. If you are indignant about how unfair the world is or constantly think about your debts, this is what will be constantly present in your life. It is enough to change yourself, to radically reconsider your views on good side, believe that the best awaits you in the future. Gradually, positive changes will begin to occur in your life, because what you have now was “planned” in the past.

Imagine that what you want has already happened. If you want to meet love, then imagine that you already have it. If your goal is a high-paying job, then think that it is already in your hands. Visualization stimulates the psyche very well and you, imagining how everything could be if what you want comes true, will strive on a subconscious level to achieve it.

Take action. If you sit


For a wish to come true, you need to ask, believe and accept.

As they say in the fundamental book on the fulfillment of desires, “The Secret,” in order for a desire to come true, you need to start the process of creation, consisting of 3 consecutive steps.

The process of creation used in The Secret is taken from the New Testament.

The process is extremely simple and will have you creating what you want in just three steps

I will give this book its due and say that, despite its popularity and mass appeal, this book contains really the right things.

Important! The creation process is really simple. And if you apply it exactly, you can get everything you dream of.

Step 1: To make a wish come true, you need to ask

Lisa Nichols:

The first step is to ask. Give a command to the Universe, the Universe responds to your thoughts - tell it what you want.

Bob Proctor:

What do you really want? Sit down at the table and write down all your desires. Write in the present tense. You can start with the phrase: “I am now happy and grateful for...” And then explain what you want your life to be like in every detail.

Not only do you need to choose what you want, but you also need to have a clear idea about it. That's your job. If you yourself do not understand what you want, then the law of attraction will not be able to give you what you want. You will emit an inaccurate frequency, and the results will also be inaccurate. Think carefully (perhaps for the first time in your life) what you really want. Now that you know that you can become anyone, have and do anything and you have no limits, what do you want?

Your request is the first step in the process of Creation, so learn to ask, make it a habit. If you need to make a choice and don't know which way to go, just ask! You will never find yourself in a dead end, you will always know what to do next - just ask!

Joe Vitale:

It's incredibly exciting. It's as if the Universe is your catalogue. You look through it and say, “Oh! I would like to have this experience, and also have this thing and meet this person.” You place your order in the Universe. It's really that simple.

You don't have to ask again and again - just once. It really is like ordering from a catalogue. After all, when you order something, you are not tormented by doubts whether your order will be accepted, and you do not repeat it again and again. You do it once. It's the same with the process of Creation.

The first step is to clearly understand and choose what you want. When you understand everything clearly, you have already sent the order - you asked.

How to ask the universe to fulfill a wish? The answer is in this video

Step 2: To make a wish come true, you need to believe

Lisa Nichols:

The second step is to believe. Believe that what you want is already yours. Let love nourish your faith and make it unshakable. Believe that your wish will materialize.

Complete and absolute faith is required. You must have unshakable faith that you have already received what you want. You must know that what you want became yours the moment you asked for it. You have sent your order and have no doubt that you will receive it, so you can relax and enjoy life.

Imagine what you want is already yours. Know: what you want will come to you upon your request. Don't worry about him, don't worry. Don't think about how much you miss him. Think of it as yours, yours, already in your possession.

The moment you ask and believe, when you firmly know within yourself that the desired thing or event is already yours, the whole Universe changes so that it manifests itself in the reality around you. You must think, speak and act as if you are already receiving it.

Because the Universe is a mirror and the law of attraction reflects your dominant thoughts. Therefore, you need to imagine how you already accept what you want. After all, if your thoughts are filled with the consciousness that you have not yet received your “order,” you will continue to attract non-receipt, absence.

You must believe that you already have what you want, that it is already yours. In order for the Universe to reflect the pictures of your imagination in the form of life events, you need to emit the frequency of receiving what you want, to create such a feeling in yourself.

And when you do this, the law of attraction will powerfully move all circumstances, people and events so that you get what you want.

When you book a vacation, buy a new car, or buy a house, you know in advance that these things are yours. You will not book another tour for the same time, or buy a second car or house. If you win the lottery or receive a large inheritance, you know that the money is yours even before you pick it up. This means “believing that what you want is already yours.” This is the feeling of having what you wanted. Believe and feel that whatever you desire is yours.

Then the law of attraction will powerfully set in motion all circumstances, people and events so that you get what you want.

How to bring yourself to such faith?

With the help of imagination.

Be like a child: fantasize, believe in what you imagine. Act as if you already have what you want, and you will begin to believe that you have it. The Genie answers your main thoughts all the time, not just when you ask. That's why after you have asked, you must continue to believe and know. Believe that you already have what you want; unwavering faith is your greatest strength.

Once you manage to believe it, that's when the magic begins!

You can get what you want if you know how to cast the mold of what you want in your own thoughts.

There is no dream that will not come true when you learn to harness the power of Creation and allow it to operate within you.

If a method works for one person, it will work for everyone.

The key to power lies in using what you have... freely, completely... and thus opening channels through which even more of the power of Creation will flow into you.

Joe Vitale:

The universe will begin to rearrange itself to make what you want happen.

Jack Canfield:

Most of us never allow ourselves to want what we really want because we have no idea how to get it.

Bob Proctor:

Even a little research will clearly show you that everyone who has achieved anything did not know how they would do it. He only knew that he would certainly do it.

Joe Vitale:

You don't need to know how it will happen. You don't need to know how the Universe will rearrange itself.

How this will happen, how the Universe will give you what you want is not your concern. Let the Universe do everything for you. When you try to figure out how this will happen, you emit a frequency of lack of faith - you don't believe that you already have what you want. You think you have to do everything yourself and don't trust that the Universe will do it for you. The “how” is not your part of the Creation process.

Bob Proctor:

You don't know how - but they will show you. You will attract the way.

Lisa Nichols:

It happens that we don’t see what we asked for and get upset.

We become disappointed and begin to doubt. Disappointment gives rise to doubt.

Recognize your doubt and replace it with unshakable faith: “I know that everything is going the way I need.”

Step 3: For a wish to come true, you need to accept it

Third step and final stage process - accept. Be in a great mood about this. Feel the way you will feel when what you want comes to you. Do it now.

In order for your wish to come true, you need to be in a good mood throughout the entire process, to feel happy, because when you are positive, you reach the frequency of what you want.

Michael Bernard Beckwith:

Our Universe is a universe of feelings. If you believe only in your mind, but do not have the corresponding feelings, you will not have enough power to realize what you want in life. You have to feel it.

Ask first, then trust that you have already received what you want, and now you just need to remain positive. How to do it?

When you're in good location spirit, you are tuned to the receiving frequency. You are on a frequency that attracts all good things and you are receiving what you asked for.

You wouldn't ask for it if you weren't going to enjoy it, would you?

Then tune in to the frequency Have a good mood and accept what you want.

A quick way to tune into this frequency is to say to yourself, “I am accepting now. Now I accept all the good things in my life. Now I accept (insert what you want).” And feel it. Feel as if you have already received what you asked for.

My wonderful friend Marcy is one of the greatest materializers I have ever met. She feels everything. She feels what it will be like to accept what she asks for. Marcy materializes everything with her feelings. She doesn't try to figure out how, when or where she will get what she wants - she just feels it and everything appears.

So feel great now.

Once you have succeeded in making your fantasy come true, you will want to build ever more grandiose fantasies. And this, my friends, is the process of Creation.

Gospel of Matthew:

And whatever you ask in prayer with faith, you will receive.

Gospel of Mark:

Therefore I tell you: whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and it will be done for you.

Feel like you have what you want now

The Law of Attraction, its study and application, is simply figuring out what helps you feel like you have what you want now.

Take a ride in this car. Go to the store and buy something for the home you dream of. Try to get into that house. Try to create the feeling that what you want is already yours, and remember this feeling. Everything you do to get closer to what you want will help you literally attract it to you.

When you feel as if you already have it, and the feeling is so real that you believe in having what you want, you will certainly get it.

Maybe you will wake up, and what you dreamed of is already nearby. It showed up. Or you will have a brilliant idea of ​​what you need to do to get it. Of course, you shouldn't think: "Okay, I can do this, even though I hate it!" This is the wrong way.

You may have to do some things, but if you are in alignment with what the Universe is trying to bring you, those actions will be enjoyable. You will feel joyful and revitalized. Time will stop and you will be able to do your work all day long.

Action is a word that for many people means roughly the same thing as “work.” But inspired action is not at all like work. The difference between inspired and ordinary action is this: if you act in an effort to get what you want, it is inspired action.

If you try to force something to happen, you move away from him. Inspired action is effortless and feels great because you are on the frequency of acceptance.

Imagine life as a fast-flowing river.

When you try to make something happen, you are going against the grain. You feel it as hard work, as a struggle. But when you act to get what you want from the Universe, it is like being carried along by the flow of a river. It doesn't require effort. This is the feeling of inspired action and being in the flow of the Universe and life.

Sometimes you may not even realize that you have “acted” until you get what you want because the action feels so good. Then you will look around and see the miracle - and understand how the Universe brought you and what you wanted to each other.

The universe loves speed

To make your wish come true, you must not put it off, don’t hesitate, don’t doubt. When there is an opportunity, an impulse, an inner feeling - act. It's your job. And that's all you need to do.

Trust your intuition, because the Universe itself inspires you.

The Universe is speaking to you on a receiving frequency.

If your gut feeling and intuition tell you something, follow it and you will find that the Universe, like a magnetic field, is pulling you to receive what you asked for.

You will attract everything you need

If you need money, you will attract money. If you need people, you will attract those people. If you want a particular book, you will attract it.

You should remember what you are striving for, pay a lot of attention to it: as long as you hold images of what you want in your mind, you will be attracted to it, and it will be attracted to you.

But what you want comes into physical reality with your help, in accordance with the law.

Remember that you are a magnet, you attract to yourself. When you clarify in your mind what exactly you want, you become a magnet that attracts what you want. It, in turn, attracts you.

The more you practice The Secret, the more you will begin to see how the law of attraction brings you everything you want, and the more powerful a magnet you will become, because the power of your faith, conviction and knowledge will grow and strengthen.


For a wish to come true in 1 day, it must be very strong and motivate you so much that you will not find a place for yourself until it comes true. There is even a special visualization technique, when a person continuously imagines that he has already achieved what he wants, for example, driving the car of his dreams, being in a relationship with the girl he is in love with, etc. Some people believe that thoughts have a basis real basis, and the universe is capable of obeying a person and giving him what he wants.

If you want to make your wish come true in one day, try to make a wish that can really come true. For example, a girl may want the young man she likes to pay attention to her, and the desire of a person with financial difficulties may be the emergence of a much-anticipated source of income. Thus, first of all, it is important not just to want something, but to set a specific and achievable goal.

Don’t expect a miracle and for your wish to come true in one day by itself. First of all, think about what actions on your part would lead to achieving your goal as quickly as possible. For example, if we look at the examples already given, a girl can commit just one act that will make her young man pay attention to her and even admire her. It could be beautiful Foto or, a poem or song of your own composition, posted on the Internet. And sometimes, to express your feelings, you just need to pluck up the courage and call or write to the one you like. A person who wants to earn money can easily post his detailed resume on the Internet in one day, look at the methods of earning money available to him both online and in his city, and this will also bring certain results.

Gather together all your knowledge and skills that will help you quickly achieve what you want. This could be advice successful people, friends and relatives, colleagues or teachers at school and college, etc. Over the course of his life, a person accumulates simply a huge amount of knowledge, and if you constantly organize it and try to apply it in suitable situations, you will have practically no unattainable goals.

It is important not to despair and not to give up, even if it seems that what you want will not come true so quickly. If you put in even minimal effort and take effective action, you can still get at least minimally close to achieving your goal even in one day. And if you continue to move in the right direction again and again, the final result will not be long in coming.

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