The use of a Fokin flat cutter when performing various types of work on a land plot. Fokin's flat cutter: how to work correctly and how to distinguish a real tool from a fake

Promoted by Enthusiasts organic farming becomes a common occurrence. The principle of such management is considered to be non-moldboard (without turning over the layer) tillage. On small household plots and dachas, farmers use the Fokin flat cutter, modifications of which perform most of the agrotechnical operations for plant care.

curved in a complicated way metal plate with holes for mounting on the handle. For a larger blade, the mounting holes are made taking into account possible installation at various angles for ease of use. Three working edges of the product are sharply sharpened.

This is how you can describe the tool invented by V.V. Fokin. The kit includes two working blades - large and small - fixing bolts and instructions for use. Additionally, a flat handle is purchased.

What can you do

The tool performs:

  • loosening and weeding beds with planting vegetables and herbs;
  • the formation of beds;
  • ground leveling;
  • deep loosening;
  • making furrows for sowing seeds or planting seedlings;
  • land cultivation - the destruction of large clods of soil;
  • destruction of weeds;
  • hilling plants;
  • processing of seedlings, thinning of plantings;
  • digging up small weeds with thick or deep roots.

The shape of the bends allows you to work with minimum slope, immersing the working part shallowly into the ground.

What tools does it replace

Thanks to its design, Fokin's flat cutter replaces:

  • hoe or chopper;
  • shovel;
  • rake;
  • braid;
  • furrower.

Types and features

Manufacturers offer several options for the flat cutter. The choice is made, taking into account the composition and type of soil on the site, as well as the upcoming work.

With the help of a large flat cutter, beds are prepared and furrows are cut for planting. The mass and dimensions contribute to easy and quick weeding of row-spacings, hilling, cutting down large weeds, deep loosening of the soil. The model will replace the scythe in places that are hard to reach for mowing, for example, around bushes and trees. Tedding mowed hay during drying and mixing small volumes of mortars - unusual ways use.

The small flat cutter looks like a large model, with smaller dimensions. It is useful for processing row-spacings and beds with planting vegetables. Light weight allows shallow weeding and loosening. Suitable for right-handers and left-handers.

Large and small weeding operations are carried out with large and small weeding large and densely planted cultivated plants areas. The design feature is an elongated and narrower blade compared to flat cutters. The narrow structure of the working part imposes a limitation on the depth of processing - in order to avoid breakages, it is better not to loosen the soil deeper than 3-4 cm.

Thanks to the wide blade, the “powerful” modification facilitates the hilling of potatoes, leeks at the stage of leg bleaching and the creation of side borders of the beds.

The "robust" model is designed for processing heavy and clay soils, virgin and long uncultivated areas. Working part shortened by 3 cm, and the width is the same or slightly wider than standard blades. Suitable for older gardeners.

How to choose

Gaining popularity devices cause fakes from unknown companies to appear on the market. Products are made of low-quality, quickly blunt metal, the shape of the bend negates the ease and quality of work. The constant need for sharpening stretches the work in time, requires locksmith skills from the user.

Before buying, you should decide on the purpose of the tool and choose the appropriate modification.

What to look out for

original kit:

  • packed in a branded triangular box with a logo;
  • necessarily includes two working blades of the same shape, but different size, galvanized fasteners, instruction (color brochure);
  • upon purchase is accompanied by a certificate of quality.

The blades included in the kit are coated with an anti-corrosion compound and have a logo indicating belonging to the Organic Farming Club.


  • covered with paint;
  • bend easily.

The box, instructions and certificate, made in black and white, have signs of forgery, for example, if they are printed on a printer and not in a printing house.

Blades or fasteners are made of black metal.

Video: how to work with Fokin's flat cutter

Flat-cut tillage, its loosening without wrapping with the preservation of stubble on the surface is carried out in conditions of low moisture, in arid steppe regions, in regions with wind erosion. At present, the use of flat cutters has been widely mastered by both large farms and private owners, summer residents and gardeners.

Depending on the requirements for the cultivator, one of the many types and modifications that exist today is used.

1 Fokine's invention

The most famous and used by summer residents and gardeners, for sure, can be considered a cultivator, invented by an inventor from Vladimir region Fokin Vladimir Vasilievich The invention received the name of the author.

Fokin's invention successfully solves the following problems:

  • loosening of the arable layer with penetration to different depths;
  • weed removal;
  • hilling of cultivated plants;
  • processing of inter-row spaces;
  • gardening, etc.

1.1 What is it, what is it for and how does it work?

The device of the cultivator is very simple: it is a metal plate 3-4 mm thick, bent at the right angle. The tool must be correctly sharpened on both sides. The handle can be a regular wooden handle purchased at any hardware store.

Outwardly, it looks like an ordinary chopper or. Fokin's manual cultivator, according to the principle of operation, is visually associated with the process of sweeping with an ordinary broom. The working plate is inserted into the ground parallel to the surface to a depth of 4 cm and “revenge” begins from side to side.

When the operating rules are followed, a double-sided sharpened working plate has the property of self-sharpening and does not dull. Therefore, the question - how to sharpen a flat cutter - is usually not relevant. If such a need arose, it is better to use a grinder.

1.2 Varieties of Fokin cultivators

According to their characteristics, purpose and method of application, these tools are divided into five main types:

Flat cutter "Krepysh" without handle

  • cultivator "Krepysh", used in the processing of heavy clay soils;
  • flat cutters "Powerful", applicable for high hilling of crops;
  • small flat cutter, indispensable for high-speed study of row spacings of onions, carrots, etc.
  • large cultivator, ideal for weeding, hilling, preparing the area for sowing seeds, mowing grass around trees, etc.
  • large polotik, used for processing large areas

1.3 How to work with Fokin's flat cutter correctly? (video)

2 Do-it-yourself Fokin flat cutter

Your homemade flat cutter is not at all difficult to make at home. To do this, you need a metal strip 3-4 mm thick, up to 40 cm long. The metal is heated with a blowtorch and 4 bends of the metal strip are made, shaping the tool and holding desired angle 30-40 degrees. Cool the metal. sharpen work surface. Drill 3 holes for the handle, insert and secure it. Drawings for assembling a flat cutter are easy to find on the Internet. Made individually hand tool ready.

AT countryside it is often possible to build a flat cutter from a braid with your own hands. It is enough to take a scythe and cut the blade to 17 - 20 cm, cut off the stiffening shoulder at the blade so that it does not cling to the ground. These operations are performed by a grinder. We increase the angle of the blade to 40 degrees, bending it with a vice and a gas wrench.

The handle for the flat cutter will be the handle of the scythe. For a more rigid attachment of the blade to the handle, they are tied with a stainless steel clamp.

2.1 Varieties of manual cultivators

For tillage and weed control, not only Fokin flat cutters are used. The number of only manual varieties of the cultivator has more than two dozen. Here are the most interesting options:

  • flat cutter "Hydra" helps to process various soils by hilling. When planting seeds, it is convenient to use the Hydro flat cutter;
  • flat cutter "Bee" - an excellent assistant in the fight against grass and weeds in hard-to-reach places;
  • flat cutter "Pyshka" perfectly loosens the soil, which saturates it with oxygen;
  • flat cutter "Aist" with its special shape makes soil processing without turning over the layer;
  • Swift medium flat cutter works on soft and medium soils, Swift large flat cutter works on heavy soil;
  • cultivators "Crab" loosen the soil of any hardness, plowed and sod.

"Crab" - a flat cutter with loosening teeth that enter the ground when the handle is pressed, and loosening when it is turned. The work of this cultivator resembles the movements that a sea crab makes.

Cultivator "Crab"


Land, or rather its processing, occupies an important place in human life. Therefore, it is clear why such a thing was invented a large number of devices to make it easier. For the garden and vegetable garden, the presence of one or another cultivator has become a necessity. The requirements set for them are very different, but all are resolved positively in view of their multifunctionality.

2.2 Mechanization of the cultivator in the subsidiary farm

Types of flat cutters are not only manual, but also mechanized. Soil cultivation with a flat cutter mounted on a walk-behind tractor greatly simplifies the work. How to use this helper?

To the walk-behind tractor it is enough to fix the necessary attachments. The alignment is done with an adapter. Requirements for the assembly and preparation of the cultivator for work - tough. The range of attachments for walk-behind tractor is quite wide. This can be a plow plow, a combined flat plow with loosening elements, supplemented with soil deepeners (makes a deep row), etc.

Many items equipped with different types engines (gasoline, diesel, electric). Here is a small list of them - Salyut, Favorit, Neva, Avangard, Forte, etc. The most popular in terms of price and reliability is perhaps the Neva. Given such an abundance, the question is “how to do it?” walk-behind tractor individually, not worth it. And more recently, engines from old mopeds and motorcycles were adapted for this.

A do-it-yourself flat cutter for a walk-behind tractor is often used in the countryside, because our people are ingenious and resourceful. Yes, and various spare parts and pieces of iron after the collective farms remained in abundance.

A do-it-yourself flat cutter is made mainly for reasons of economy, or to solve a specific problem in tillage, taking into account the specifics of the soil.

2.3 Mechanization of a cultivator in a large farm

In large farms also can not do without the use of flat cutters. These powerful attachments are attached to tractors and are capable of performing various tasks. Specific models of cultivators, flat cutters, subsoilers are aggregated with tractors of various traction classes. Popular models are listed below.

Five working bodies are installed on the flat-cutting cultivator KPSh 5. This wide-cut (up to 4.4 m) cultivator works in tandem with tractors of the 3-4 t class and has a capacity of 4.4 ha/h.

The KPSh 9 cultivator aggregates tractors of class 5-6 tons. It has 9 working bodies, a total working width of up to 10 m and a productivity of 10 ha / h.

PG 3 5 tractors of class 5 tons are assembled. Its working width is 3 - 5 m, productivity is up to 5 ha / h. All sections of the flat cutter PG 3 5 have 5 working bodies.

Soil cultivation with flat cutters, in which the layers of the earth do not turn over, and the stubble is preserved and protects the earth from weathering and drying, has long been known (at the end of the 19th century it was successfully used by I. E. Ovsinsky). At the same time, an increase in productivity and a decrease in the amount of labor applied were recorded.

All the advantages of flat-cut plowing were especially clearly manifested during the development of virgin lands in Kazakhstan in the 1950s.

In individual farms, gardeners and gardeners actively use various manual flat-cut cultivators.

Among the most successful and common modifications is Fokin's flat cutter. Note that this flat cutter - a manual cultivator is quite capable of being made independently with the help of drawings and step-by-step instructions.

Did you know? Fokin Vladimir Vasilyevich (1941-2002) - the inventor of the manual cultivator named after him. Due to disability (he suffered a massive myocardial infarction in 1987), the author of the future invention could not actively engage in his favorite pastime - growing plants. Not succumbing to the disease, V. Fokin continued his rationalization activities and in the early 1990s. managed to get an effective and easy-to-use tool that does not require excessive physical effort (the disabled author used it to process up to 40 acres a day).

Why do you need a Fokina flat cutter for a summer resident

Before you make a Fokin flat cutter with your own hands, you need to figure out what it is, how it works. Main principle Fokine's flat-cutting robots consists in planar cutting of the soil at a depth of 5 to 15 cm.

Such pruning damages the roots of weeds (dying off, they will fertilize the soil), loosens the soil, and increases its hygroscopicity. Regular use of a flat cutter for two to three years can improve soil structure and increase yields.

The physical load when using a manual cultivator is two to three times lower compared to working with a conventional garden hoe or shovel (a minimum load allows people with problems of the joints, spine, of cardio-vascular system and etc.).

Important! The thickness of the mulch layer does not affect the efficiency of the Fokine flat cutter.

Manual flat cutter is a fairly versatile tool. It is capable of performing more than twenty different operations. Among them:

  • horizontal loosening of the soil up to 5-10 cm - flat pruning (unsown beds, aisles);
  • the formation of beds - by alternately raking the earth and cut weeds from both borders (the optimum width of the beds is 1 m);
  • leveling the surface of the bed - deepening the blade by 1-2 cm, row smoothly or with acceleration along the bed and towards yourself (clods of earth are crushed, if you move all the time when leveling along the northern boundary, the southern slope of the bed is gradually formed);
  • cutting grooves for seeds and their subsequent powdering;
  • weeding (flat loosening before sowing and 3-4 times after sowing with a weekly interval);
  • hilling (use as a garden chopper);
  • loosening strawberries and chopping mustaches;
  • cutting raspberry, weeds;
  • extraction with root growing in close proximity to garden plant weeds (no need to bend over);
  • crushing large fragments of manure and uniform distribution over the surface (superior to forks in efficiency);
  • loosening trunk circles fruit trees and etc.

How to choose a material for a flat cutter

To make a flat cutter for a garden or vegetable garden, in principle, is not difficult. The first step is to choose the right material - for the flat cutter itself and for the handle.

For the manufacture of a flat cutter, a strip of metal 40-45 mm wide and up to 400 mm long is needed. The metal must be of high wear resistance. Ordinary iron is not suitable for a flat cutter (it will quickly become dull, bend, etc.).

V. V. Fokin made his flat cutter from spring steel 65G, that's why the best option will use a thin (5-6 mm) spring from a car (trailer) or a torsion bar suspension plate (from ZAZ, LuAZ) as a blank.

It is more difficult to process such material at home, but the result will meet all expectations - the flat cutter will serve for a long time and efficiently. Experienced gardeners recommend Fokin's flat cutter as one of the options to make it yourself from a steel corner (after sawing it with a grinder into two strips).
For the cutting, you can use:

  • pine- the most accessible and cheap material, easy to process, but short-lived (quickly breaks, cracks);
  • birch– durable and inexpensive material (quality is superior to pine), easy to process, but needs more polishing – best option for flat cutter;
  • ash- an expensive option, but the quality is very high (density is one and a half times greater than that of birch), wood with longitudinal fibers does not deform, it is perfectly polished. An ash stalk will last for many years.

Important! For wintering, the flat cutter is cleaned from the ground, washed, wiped and lubricated with machine oil (it can be worked out). You can also store a flat cutter in a container with sand soaked in mining. This method is also good in that it prevents accidental contact with the blade of the flat cutter.

Do-it-yourself Fokina flat cutter: step by step instructions with drawings

When making a Fokin flat cutter with your own hands, you should adhere to the drawings and instructions as much as possible - this will help maintain the ergonomic properties and technological qualities of the product.

In addition to metal and wood, for the manufacture of a flat cutter you will need:

  • electric drill;
  • a hammer;
  • blowtorch;
  • engine oil - working off (for hardening and anti-corrosion treatment);
  • vise;
  • pliers and two keys 10 x 12;
  • Bulgarian;
  • grinder;
  • whetstone;
  • sandpaper;
  • plane;
  • bolts, washers and nuts.

Important! Fokin's flat cutter has well-defined dimensions: increasing the length of the blade will not improve the mowing qualities of the flat cutter (you can often find similar tips on the Internet). This will lead to a loss of versatility and the inability to do most operations. For mowing, it is better to use a scythe.

The manufacturing process of the workpiece

A billet of ordinary iron is cut to the right sizes. When using high-alloy steel, it should be taken into account that the workpiece will be both hard and brittle.

Before further processing, the steel must be "released". For this you need:

  • evenly heat the workpiece with a blowtorch (gasoline or gas) along its entire length until it acquires a cherry color (it is important not to overheat, if it starts to turn orange - already overheating);
  • making sure that the workpiece has become a cherry color, leave it to cool. It is better to carry out such processing in the summer or in a warm room - the cooling will be more uniform.

After the workpiece has completely cooled down, you can already make a flat cutter with your own hands. Having cut off the required length with a grinder, you can proceed to the next step - marking according to the drawing (where to drill holes, where to bend).

Workpiece deformation

The stage of deformation of the workpiece is important in that it is necessary to give the desired shape and maintain the angles. The workpiece should be clamped in a vice and using a hammer to bend the metal marks (the bends can be preheated with a blowtorch):

  • the first bend should have an angle of 95-105 degrees;
  • the second - 110-130 degrees;
  • the third bend is similar to the second;
  • the last, fourth bend, is made within the same limits, fitting the workpiece under the handle.

The deformation sequence cannot be changed (otherwise the last fold will not work). Thus, we will get a blank of the so-called large Fokine flat cutter, in which the blade dimensions are 170 mm.

Did you know? The shape of the handle for a flat cutter differs from the shape of the handles of shovels and choppers. The rectangular handle does not slip, does not rotate in the palm of your hand. This shape reduces the chance of blisters and provides a more comfortable grip. To increase the life of the cutting, gardeners recommend treating it after sanding it with “zero” hot vegetable oil.

Workpiece transformation and flat cutter sharpening

The last stage is drilling holes, giving the final shape, sharpening and hardening. Drilling holes is no problem.

The final shape is given according to the drawing using a grinder and a grinder. The grinder cuts off at an angle of 45 degrees the edge of the working part of the flat cutter, including the end. The further efficiency of its work depends on how to sharpen Fokin's flat cutter - correctly or not.

Fokin's flat cutter is a unique device for manual tillage, developed and patented by a Russian craftsman - V.V. Fokin. In the Bulletin of inventions and discoveries of Russia, it is officially called "Fokine's Manual Tillage Tool" - a versatile tool that can perform the functions of a hoe, shovel, pitchfork, rake and other gardening tools, minimizing the labor intensity of most agricultural operations.

Station wagons from generalists, Fokin's flat cutters received two silver medals at international exhibitions in 1998-2000. Vladimir Vasilievich Fokin himself received four RF Patents for his inventions.

What is a Fokin flat cutter

When disassembled, the flat cutter consists of a metal part (a bracket with a blade) and 2 bolts. The assembly of the tool is very simple: the flat cutter is attached to a flat wooden handle with bolts in two different positions, depending on your height and the way you work.

As necessary, the flat cutter needs to be sharpened 1-2 mm from the edge. When sharpening on the machine, overheating, which reduces the strength of the blade, should be avoided.

The inventor of the tool, Vladimir Vasilievich Fokin, claimed that 20 types of gardening work can be performed with a flat cutter, and also explained in detail how to prepare the soil for planting or sowing and care for it in order to make gardening several times faster and easier than at traditional approach. The performance of a particular function does not require reconfiguring the tool and depends only on how to take the flat cutter handle in your hands and what operations they perform. It is easier and more convenient to work with a manual flat cutter than with a shovel, chopper and hoe.

As with any new unfamiliar tool, it is necessary to adapt to Fokin's flat cutter, get used to it, learn how to work with it. At this stage, you need to adjust the tool to suit your height, build and manner of working, find the best grip method for yourself, turn the flat cutter and the nature of the movements made.

With the help of Fokin's flat cutter, in an hour you can effortlessly cultivate a whole acre of land, or up to six acres a day, because this tool works only with a slight inclination of the body, like an oblique, as a result of which the load on the spine is minimal.

Practical application of Fokin's plane cutter

First and foremost: with a flat cutter, you can perform non-moldboard plowing, that is, cultivate the land without turning over its layers. Such processing does not violate the natural structure of the fertile soil layer, creates favorable conditions for plant nutrition, soil life, and as a result, the earth becomes softer, more hygroscopic and more fertile over time. Thanks to this progressive way of handling the soil, with the help of a manual Fokine flat cutter, a higher yield is achieved without plowing the land.

On heavy soils, it is more rational to use a flat cutter with a short blade, a “powerful” one, which is also used for quick and “thin” weeding, and on light soils, with a long blade, designed for basic tillage.

Loosen the ground horizontally and vertically, deepening the flat cutter into the ground to a depth of up to 5 centimeters, and leading it towards you, or along the beds. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is not raked, namely loosened, remaining in place.

Level the surface and grind the clods of earth slightly, by 1-2 cm, deepening the blade of the flat cutter, and with acceleration or smoothly leading it towards you and along the bed, like a rake. If at the same time you move along the northern boundary, then, leading the tool blade towards you with acceleration, you will get a slope of the beds to the south, and this will help you get a crop earlier.

Large clods of earth are broken by striking with the narrowed end of the blade until the size necessary for the main loosening technique is obtained.

Cut weeds, especially when they are still in the "thread" stage. No other tool helps in weed control like this one. For this alone it is worth buying a Fokin flat cutter! The removal of such weeds by 70-80% is obtained by itself when loosening, leveling and powdering the seeds. To minimize the appearance of weeds, one of these operations should be repeated after sowing, after 7-10 days. If the processing has not been carried out, and weeds have appeared, it is necessary to remove them with the root, deepening the blade by 1-3 cm and smoothly leading the tool.

Remove weeds with a long tap root, sticking the blade of a flat cutter with a tapered end into the ground at an angle of no more than 60 degrees and “beveling” the soil layer. This operation can also be performed near cultivated plants, the flat cutter works so well.

Plan and form beds. To do this, moving along the boundary, rake the earth, as well as cut weeds to the future bed along the entire length, then go to the formed boundary and rake the earth from the boundary along which they moved before.

If the ground is wet, it is necessary to make the bed higher by jerking the earth over it. The most convenient bed width for further processing with a flat cutter is one meter.

Sprinkle the sown seeds with soil, deepening the blade flat by 1-2 cm, and leading it across or along the grooves with the seeds.

Hill up, filling the earth with a long blade under the plant or, if necessary, hill up the plants on great height, throwing up the ground with a jerk, more impetuous.

Cut even grooves of the required depth for sowing seeds with a short or long blade, sticking the narrowed end of the blade to the desired depth and with acceleration, jerking it along a trajectory parallel to the longitudinal axis of the bed. To make them wider, you need to move the end of the flat cutter handle away from you.

Thin out carrots, parsley, dill by cutting small grooves across rows of cultivated plants and cutting off excess.

Mow down unroughed grass, weeds, raspberry overgrowth, working with a flat cutter, like a scythe. In this case, the blade should move along the ground, and when cutting raspberries, it should be directed from above, obliquely.

Loosen the soil in trunk circles trees and shrubs and at the same time destroy weeds by flatly deepening the blade and tilting the flat cutter handle closer to the ground so as not to prick and damage the branches.

With the help of Fokin's flat cutters, many other operations can be performed: distribute manure over the garden, rake and turn hay, get rid of the consequences of the appearance of a soil crust, and so on. The inventor Fokin tested the manual flat cutter for more than 7 years. The company producing the novelty was awarded diplomas of the All-Russian and International Agricultural Exhibitions in Moscow.

I need such a tool!

The kit includes two flat cutters: large and small, as well as a brochure-instruction written by Vladimir Vasilievich Fokin "To the Earth with Science", which contains detailed description practices and substantiation of non-traditional gardening technology based on the use of a flat cutter. The effectiveness of this approach is confirmed by the experience of many people, and first of all, the engineer-inventor himself.

Attention! Cuttings can be purchased in our store. We do not send cuttings by mail!

BEWARE OF FAKE! The most important thing in the original instrument is the quality of the metal. Flat cutter V.V. Fokina is made of structural spring steel 65G, which has undergone special processing - annealing, hardening, tempering and sharpening. Don't try to save money by buying cheaper alternatives. You will most likely receive a low-quality product that will quickly bend, become dull, and break. In our store you can buy only original Fokin flat cutters at the most attractive prices.

To buy a Fokin flat cutter, place the product in the shopping cart and enter the data required for delivery of the Fokin flat cutter to your address.

The summer season brings a lot of trouble to the owners every year land plots. The main task is to cultivate the site for planting a new crop of vegetables and fruits, flowers and herbs. This hard work requires special tools.

Fokine's flat cutter is the original familiar and is a tool that performs many functions, making it easier hard labour for processing. Equipped with a double-edged metal blade with sharpening.


  • Big
  • Small
  • Fastening (bolts and nuts)
  • Book
  • It is possible to purchase cuttings separately. Length 130 cm.

Use of a flat cutter

Works for which it is intended:

  • digging;
  • loosening;
  • hilling;
  • weeding;
  • weed removal;
  • application and leveling of fertilizers;
  • formation of beds for planting.

When using this device, the earth is enriched with oxygen, saturated organic matter. When applied, the need for soil application is eliminated chemical substances and some fertilizers. Fertility rises naturally. This becomes possible thanks to the author's method of V. Fokin, based on knowledge of the laws of agriculture and facilitating the work of gardeners and gardeners.

If the tool is positioned at the right angle and used according to the manufacturer's recommendations, it will reduce the strain on the person's back. Working with the device, you cultivate the soil according to the rules. It is saturated with oxygen, retains its natural structure. Despite the fact that the device is inexpensive, it is reliable and durable, easy to maintain - it needs to be cleaned after use. For even more convenience, the kit includes a large and small flat cutter for processing the respective areas.


  1. With its help, many operations are performed: grind the soil horizontally to a depth of 5 cm; level the surface with breaking lumps; sprinkling seeds; raking grass, leaves, hay.
  2. High quality tool. Made from durable hardened steel. The thinnest sharpening makes it possible to use it effortlessly.
  3. Easy to use.
  4. Compact. It is freely transportable and takes up little storage space. Transportable even by bike.
  5. Original gardening technology.

The essence of the land cultivation technology proposed by V. Fokin is that it is not necessary to dig it up, as was done before, on a spade bayonet. Sufficient processing depth - 5-7 cm. Thus, useful material are preserved in the layer and do not allow useful living organisms to die - they, together with the cut grass, prepare favorable environment for breeding and cultivating plants. This prepares the soil for sowing and planting much easier and faster than digging with a shovel. The yield increases due to the biological activity of the earth.

How to distinguish Fokin's flat cutter original from a fake:

We offer to buy the original Fokin flat cutter at an attractive price in our online store. We carry out delivery throughout Russia, as well as the possibility of self-delivery in all major cities countries.

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