High-quality facade panels. How to choose high-quality panels for facade finishing? Facade cladding with fiber cement panels

Those who decide to buy siding for facade finishing in Belarus should pay attention to top manufacturers from Russia and Belarus. They offer a worthy alternative to foreign analogues, often not inferior to them in quality. At the same time, the price of siding will be much more attractive than for products from Western companies.

We present to you five leading manufacturers of siding panels that are deservedly popular on the Belarusian building materials market.

Siding Dock

This is a product Russian manufacturer"Deque Extrusion". The company has been on the market since 2005. The company supplies products to the regions of Russia, as well as to the markets of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria and Moldova

The company's products are represented by a fairly wide range. This is not only siding and additional elements, but also the entire range of materials that allow for complete finishing of the house.

Docke offers the following series of vinyl siding:

  • D4.5 Dutchlap - “Ship plank” - panels of horizontal fastening, externally resembling ship timber. The panel is an imitation of two boards, one located above the other.
  • D5C - “Herringbone” - horizontal fastening panels, reminiscent of a “ship plank” in structure, but differing in profile shape.
  • “Block House” is a horizontal panel imitating the round shape of a log.
  • S7 – Vertical siding - panels with an unusual, vertical method of fastening.

Deke siding color range is represented by “appetizing” pastel colors, which have corresponding names: “banana”, “peach”, “caramel”, “ice cream”, etc. - about 16 shades in total. Externally, houses with this decoration look fresh and quite bright.

Siding from Deke Extrusion is popular due to its relatively low price and interesting texture and color solutions.

However, some consumers note the following disadvantages:

  • there are games with poor quality coloring (erasable);
  • low reliability of additional elements;
  • due to the fine structure of the panel, dust accumulates and is difficult to remove, which requires additional maintenance;
  • tendency to burn out fairly quickly.

In addition, the quality of the raw materials used to produce the panels is last years decreased slightly.

Siding Vox

The international Polish-Belarusian company Profile VOX has been producing furniture and building materials since 1992. Vinyl siding, produced under the VOX brand, can be purchased in Belarus; products are also imported to of Eastern Europe and the European Union, the Asian region, and also to Africa.

Advantages of VOX siding:

  • Quality at fairly reasonable prices building material in principle, capable of satisfying the aesthetic and practical needs of homeowners.
  • Installation of the panels is facilitated by a well-thought-out locking system. The company also offers a full range of components for siding installation.
  • The special shape of the edges creates enhanced wind protection.
  • The textured grooves of the panels ensure water drainage and spontaneous cleaning of the surface under the influence of wind.
  • The material has a sufficient degree of strength and resistance to sunlight.

VOX siding will appeal to connoisseurs of traditional color solutions who prefer soft shades.

VOX panels are available in the following series:

  • NATURE – the series presents high-quality imitation of the color and texture of valuable tree species: various types of oak, as well as pine.
  • UNICOLOR is a series represented by textured panels made in pastel colors. The color range of the series is varied.

The disadvantages of Vox siding include low resistance to fading, and a fairly high cost, compared, for example, with the same Yu-plast by 25-30%. Also often when selling they say that Vox is of Polish origin, to increase quality and price, although the main factories are in Belarus. Inability to exchange if defective.

Siding Alta-profile

The Alta-profile company, founded in 2004, is the first manufacturer of vinyl siding in Russia. Currently, its products occupy one of the leading positions in the markets of the Russian Federation, Belarus and other countries of the post-Soviet space.

The advantages of Alta-Profile siding include:

  • Product compliance with GOST requirements. The Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences took part in the development of the siding.
  • Materials developed with climate in mind middle zone, tolerates temperature changes and severe frosts well.
  • The color palette of Alta-Profile siding is bright and extremely diverse.

Buyers note good quality, ease of installation, the availability of all the necessary additional materials, allowing you to quickly and efficiently produce all types of facade finishing, convenient compact packaging of siding, facilitating transportation.

Finishing material is presented in the following series:

  • "Alta-Siding" is a classic horizontal siding that imitates a wooden texture and is available in 10 colors traditionally used for finishing houses.
  • “Kanada Plus” - panels with increased strength and resistance to temperature changes.
  • “Blockhouse” is a siding that imitates the topography of a rounded log, available in single-fracture and double-fracture versions.
  • “Quadrohouse” – vertical fastening panels.
  • "Alaska" is a siding of an improved form, created on the basis of innovative technologies. Tolerates frosts well.

With all the advantages of this brand, the price of siding for it seems slightly overpriced. This option is suitable for lovers of bright, creative facades.

Siding Yu-plast

The U-Plast company is a Belarusian manufacturer of vinyl siding, selling its products throughout the country, as well as in post-Soviet space- in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. Since the summer of 2018, the company states that it began supplying goods to the European market.

Some of the main advantages of this company’s products include:

  • Affordable prices.
  • A wide variety of design solutions: siding panels are a naturalistic imitation of valuable wood, there is a unique series that imitates neat brickwork.
  • Color fastness - as of 2018, the Yu-Plast company uses dyes and pigments from MasterTec (Germany).
  • Easy installation at positive temperatures.

Among the disadvantages, there is an opinion among “old-school” installers who worked with the first versions of siding - this is the fragility of the material and the tendency to burn out under intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

"U-Plast" offers customers the following series of vinyl siding:

  • Timberblock - panels that imitate the color and structure of valuable wood species: oak and ash.
  • Timberblock spruce is a special series, the panels of which reproduce lumber made from various spruce species.
  • Ship timber is a series presented in a variety of delicate pastel shades.
  • Block house is an imitation of logs, made in various light brown tones - beige, cream, coffee.
  • Stone House is a series that imitates brickwork and is distinguished by the rich color palette characteristic of this material.

Vinyl panels from U-Plast are suitable for those who want to give country house careful modern look and at the same time strive to spend money economically.

Siding FineBer

Siding of this brand is produced by the Terna Polymer company, which specializes in the production of materials for facade and interior decoration.

Panels from this manufacturer have a number of advantages over products from other companies:

  • The company's products undergo strict laboratory quality control and fully comply with the requirements of GOST and the American ASTM quality standard.
  • The siding has a unique texture that exactly replicates the texture of wood, while having all the advantages of vinyl material.
  • The colors repeat natural shades, a house with such finishing fits organically into both the country and urban landscapes, looks noble and respectable.
  • The price for FineBer siding is the most competitive on the market.

The range of siding is presented in the following series:

  • “Standard” – horizontal siding traditional form, made in soft classic colors.
  • “Standard Plus” - the series is distinguished by more saturated shades, mainly imitating valuable tree species.
  • “Block House” – panels with a rounded profile, mostly in light, noble shades.
  • "" is a line of budget, but durable and high-quality siding made specifically for Belarus.

This siding is suitable for connoisseurs of traditional design solutions who value nobility and excellent quality, but do not forget about savings.

Let's sum it up

5th place Vox59%

Price (5.3/10) - quite expensive, to increase quality and price they say that it is Polish, although the main factories are in Belarus.
Quality (5.6/10) - brittle, can smell like paint and fades in 2-3 years, well, depending on your luck, you come across both good and bad.
Appearance (6.5/10) is unique, but it’s difficult to call it the most beautiful.

The modern market for facade materials includes both time-tested materials, such as siding And face brick, as well as constantly emerging new products, be it various façade panels or new coatings. Moreover, the wealth of choice no longer helps the buyer, but only confuses him. After all, every seller prefers to praise his product and keep silent about its shortcomings. Let's try to figure this issue out together.

As practice shows, some materials (for example, thermowood), despite their obvious advantages both quickly appear on the market and quickly disappear or are not in demand. This is probably due to two reasons: first, weak marketing, that is, potential customers simply do not know about new materials, and advertising is inactive, and second, probably most importantly, consumer inertia. People are very wary of everything new, preferring to trust their beliefs, even despite the obvious advantages of new technologies.

It’s up to you, dear readers, to choose, but our task is to describe all the main alternatives and answer the question which facades are better among those on the market.

advantages flaws price of material, rub. per sq.m Turnkey price with insulation, rub. per sq.m
low price, easy installation, time-tested unnatural appearance, vulnerable to blows 210-350 800-1200
natural material needs care, may warp 600-2000 1500-2700
made of polymers easy installation, impact resistant, invisible seams expensive price for non-natural material 780-1200 1400-1800
Facade tiles Hauberk low price, easy installation new material 330-350 1200-1300
wide choice of colors, ease of installation new material 600-1500 1000-2200
easy installation, retains its shape well high price 1400-2200 2100-3000
There are no restrictions on color and architecture. decor careful selection of specialists is required 800-1100 1800-2000
Block house, false timber low price, natural material susceptible to fungi, flammable, requires periodic maintenance 220-600 1100-1200
Resistant to moisture, fading, fire unnatural material 550-600 1600-1800
easy installation, beautiful texture limited textures, not popular 1150-1350 1650-1850
many color and texture options, self-cleaning high price 1200-3500 2300-4500
easy installation, low price, does not require a frame new material 600-1000 1200-1800
high price 1300-4500 2500 and above
noble appearance, durability high price 2100-6800 3100-8000
Thermal panels easy installation, different variants decorative layer, different manufacturers not time-tested 1000-2000 1500-2500
time-tested 700-6000 2200-8000
Long service life, noble appearance, natural material only natural colors 300-2500 1100 and above
wide selection of colors and textures less durable than natural 580-2200 1500 and above

Vinyl siding trim

Let's start with the most affordable options for your budget. Here, PVC siding holds the clear leadership precisely because of its low price. In this section you will learn:

  • What brand of siding do experts recommend?
  • how much does quality siding cost?
  • why does siding warp?
  • how much does it cost to cover a house with siding?

Denis Fedorov, head of the Master of Houses company:

Installation of a façade made of vinyl siding will cost about 800 rubles/sq.m. turnkey (if you also insulate it in parallel with mineral wool, then the cost is approximately 1000 rubles. Cost for Kazan for 2017). This price takes into account the use of higher quality siding - this will cost about 200-220 rubles. per sq. m. material. What brand of siding should I choose? I recommend Docke, NordSide or GrandLine brand siding to my customers. You can organize the work yourself: the siding facade has a simple design. True, any work has its own subtleties that can worsen the quality of operation.

Siding is often faulted for warping. I think this is the result of choosing low-quality material or unprofessional installation. If you don’t skimp on this, you’ll get a good-quality façade long years. Manufacturers claim 50 years of operation. However, it is worth noting that siding still loses its rich color after a few years, no matter what the manufacturers say.

Approximately the same budget will come from wood cladding material . The technology is essentially the same: a frame is created on which the façade material is mounted. In this case, this is lining (200-250 rubles per sq.m.), block house or false beams (500 rubles per sq.m.). The advantage here is the beautiful appearance of natural material for little money, the disadvantage is the need for regular maintenance. The facade will have to be painted every 5 years. At the same time, it is also important to ensure the quality of installation, the choice of quality material and paint coating so that the material does not turn blue or become covered with fungus ahead of time.

Dmitry Bulenev, official representative of GrandLine siding in Tatarstan

Why is siding crooked?

We have been supplying siding for 10 years, and I can definitely say that siding that has lost its shape or bent is the result of unprofessional work of installers. This material has a certain coefficient of expansion, and can both contract and expand, not only in summer, but also in winter. It is enough to leave technological gaps at the joints - and the issue is resolved. Even the cheapest siding will hold its shape. There is, of course, also the factor of the sheathing: if it is made of undried wood, then this can also play a negative role, so it is better to use a metal frame.

Well-known manufacturers have long been providing their customers with detailed installation instructions, with the help of which even a non-professional can cope with the task. But the irresponsibility of both many sellers (they don’t issue instructions) and installers (they don’t study the technology) leads to disastrous results. High-quality siding (the brands Docke, Grand Line, Alta Profile, FineBer, Holz Plast are valued on the market) is guaranteed for 10 years; everything is produced in Russia using high-quality imported equipment.

The main factor that separates good and bad siding is color retention over time. Yes, of course, any siding will lose color over time. Even for premium car brands, paints have not yet been developed that completely eliminate the ultraviolet factor. But the intensity of losses is different for everyone.

Beige, gray, and peach colors are best preserved; yellow and light green are worse.

High-quality material costs on the market - from 220 rubles. per sq.m., and high-quality installation costs 450-500 rubles. per sq.m. There are offers for 250-300 rubles. per sq.m. work, but there are much more risks here.

How much does a façade panel cost?

Facade panels look aesthetically preferable to siding. In the last couple of years they have begun to actively appear on facades country houses Kazan. This polypropylene material is often used for cladding the plinth due to its increased impact resistance and more beautiful appearance (the seams are less noticeable due to a special groove system). True, it will cost more – 1200 rubles. per sq.m. for propylene panels and 780 rubles/sq.m. for budget, but less durable vinyl ones. Read more about panels


Many people don’t like siding for its artificiality and unnatural appearance. Despite the fact that manufacturers have already brought “log-like” siding to the market, the issue has not been fully resolved. Those who are willing to pay extra can choose planken – wood siding from rocks resistant to environmental influences. This is primarily larch, although exotic species from the tropics can also be found on the market. Larch boards, depending on grade (determined by the number of knots per linear meter), cost respectively from 600 rubles (grade C) to 1000 (grade B) and 1400 rubles (grade A) per sq.m. material and higher. Ready-made larch siding costs from 1,100 rubles/sq.m. and is made from grade A material. By choosing this material, you get a noble appearance, a façade designed for many years of use. True, the need for periodic maintenance (treatment with a septic tank) and the risks of shrinkage and distortion of the material (the selection of well-dried wood is required) do not disappear anywhere.

WPC siding

The composite analogue does not have these disadvantages - WPC (wood-polymer composite) .

The material, which appeared on our market not so long ago, has already won the trust of consumers, especially as a material for flooring on outdoor terraces. This material is a symbiosis of wood (70%) and binding polymers (30%). Due to the use of polymers, WPC becomes more impact-resistant, resistant to temperature changes, does not rot (designed for 25 years of operation or more), but most importantly, it does not warp, the material does not change shape like wood or PVC siding. It looks very noble, but not as natural as the same larch.

It is true that the cost of such siding is several times higher than usual. A square meter of material will cost you 2000-2300 rubles. Another advantage of WPC is the ability to order panels for almost any facade - from 1 to 15 m. This allows you to benefit from the absence of scraps and unnecessary joints, the facade will be more complete.


Another popular material is metal siding, which is more resistant to fading than its plastic counterparts. These are galvanized panels with a pattern applied on them. Most often this is a pattern that repeats the texture of wood. There are options just in one color, but they are practically not bought in the private sector. The undoubted advantages of metal siding include its resistance to moisture, sun and even direct fire. Metal siding is very stable, it does not warp, so it has won the trust of a fairly large part of the audience.

Wood-look metal siding will cost 520-550 rubles. per sq.m., together with components and turnkey installation, the price will increase to 1,600 rubles. per sq.m., if you also insulate it, then up to 1800 rubles. You can read more about metal siding

Soft facade tiles

A new budget material that has recently appeared on the market. Essentially it's the same flexible tiles, but used for the facade. Installation is also similar to the “bigger” roofing sister. It is produced by the TechnoNikol company under the Hauberk brand. Due to the low price (only 330-350 rubles/sq.m) and quite nice appearance, it is very likely that the material will gain its significant niche in the market.

soft facade tiles

Flexible stone

Externally, “flexible stone” resembles soft facade tiles. Flexible stone is made from cut sandstone in two versions: tiles and sheets. Thanks to its small thickness (up to 4 mm) and plasticity, you can decorate any surface, even round and angular, and its structure allows you to create seamless coatings, imitating monolithic stone slabs. The cost of material is on average 800 rubles/sq.m., installation – 600 rubles.

flexible stone

Facing brick

One of the most popular ways to update the facade of a house. As an advantage, we can note a wide range of colors of bricks from different manufacturers and the factor of “reliability” in the eyes of homeowners. The disadvantage is the high load on the foundation, which can cause cracks on the facade if the foundation is not designed to withstand such weight.

The cost of such a facade is determined primarily by the materials used. You can use local Tatarstan brick and spend 700-1000 rubles. per sq.m., you can bring higher quality and more beautiful bricks from Lipetsk and spend up to 2000 rubles. per sq.m of material, or you can buy imported hand-molded or clinker bricks, but then the price will be within the range of 5000-6000 rubles. per sq.m. As for masons, their work on laying a half-brick wall will cost from 1,500 rubles. per sq.m. There are cheaper prices on the market, but according to a specialist from one of the construction companies in Kazan, qualified masons work at a rate of 1500-2000 rubles. per sq.m.

Clinker tiles for facade

House, tiled clinker tiles or clinker bricks, looks very solid, on par with some European estate. This pleasure, therefore, is not cheap.

A square meter of material costs from 1,700 rubles. up to 4,500 rubles depending on color and texture. A few years ago, Russian clinker appeared, the price of which starts from 1,300 rubles. per square, but its durability is lower (M300), and the color palette is limited to a dozen. Real German clinker has a sky-high M1000 index (1000 freezing-thawing cycles) and a water absorption rate of 2-3%, which is several times lower than that of conventional ceramic bricks

Clinker tiles mounted with special facade clinker glue. It is also important to attract skilled specialists here.

The issue of cladding and simultaneous insulation is solved by thermal panels. These panels are a combination of an outer layer of clinker tiles and polyurethane foam insulation. The cost of such panels starts from 2100 rubles. up to almost 7000 rub. per square, depending on the manufacturer (there are both foreign and Russian manufacturers, including in Kazan).

Installation of clinker thermal panels will cost 1000-1500 rubles. per square, although there are teams for 500 rubles. per sq.m.

Thermal panels

In addition to polyfacades, the market offers other types of thermal panels. They are united by several common properties: first, a layer of insulation (usually mineral wool or polystyrene foam 5-10 cm thick), which is decorated with various coatings, second, quick and easy installation. For example, a Chelny manufacturer of thermal panels under the Tepla Khata brand offers its products at a price of 1,100 rubles. per sq.m. The insulation is polystyrene foam, and marble chips are used as decoration.

Stone façade finishing

Olga Titova, head of sales department at Zlatalit:

It would seem that cladding a house with natural stone is quite an expensive pleasure, but in reality the price can be very reasonable. The cost of natural stone depends on the material itself (its prevalence and delivery distance) and processing methods. Of course, even flat tiles will cost more than, for example, chipped texture. Accordingly, the price of the material ranges from 300 rubles. (untreated sandstone) per sq.m and up to 2500 rubles. (processed quartzite and mica, comparable in strength and durability to granite). Processed material starts from 900 rubles. per sq.m. The choice of stone is quite large, limited only by nature. This year, for example, sandstone is not as popular as before; lemesite (from 400 rubles/sq.m), quartzite and slate are more often ordered.

The appearance of your home will always be original, individual, unique and will be your calling card for many years, since the variety of color schemes of shapes and textures is limitless, colored patterns will transform any facade and always look natural and harmonious. They will tactfully emphasize the style and uniqueness of your home, and treating the stone with a special hydrophobic compound will protect it from atmospheric influences and give the cladding the effect of wet stone.

The stone is glued to the surface of the house using special reinforced facade glue or using cement-sand mortar. High-quality installation allows you to protect yourself from the destruction of rocks (our climate is not very suitable, for example, for such a “southern” rock as shell rock. The material requires additional treatment with impregnation). Therefore, it is important to find professionals so that all seams are well sealed to protect against moisture penetration and the facade elements do not periodically begin to fall off. Depending on the architectural delights, the cost of the installation work itself will range from 800 to 1500 rubles. per sq.m.

Can also be used fake diamond, which is usually made from white cement high strength (for example, M700) and has a much wider pigmentation and range of textures. Decorative stone will cost you 580-2200 rubles. per sq.m. material. The price varies depending on the texture, the amount of material used and the brand of the manufacturer. The cost of installation is similar to work with natural stone.

Fiber cement siding, slabs (Japanese facade)

One of the options curtain facades – Japanese facades from fiber cement boards. There are also options in the form of siding. This material, made from cellulose, cement and sand, is very popular in Japan. Such facades are resistant to moisture, ultraviolet radiation, shock and even earthquakes! Japanese manufacturers have developed various coatings that even allow the surface to clean itself. Dirt does not stagnate on the façade and is washed away by rain. And the manufacturer gives a solid guarantee for the material itself - 30 years.

But the material is imported, which affects the price: square meter costs from 1300 to 3500 rubles. (depending on the thickness and type of coating), so not many houses are faced with this modern material every year.

Gazinur Akhmetzyanov, specialist in ventilated facades

Decorative stone curtain facades are actually an alternative to facing brick. This option involves the construction metal frame, which is used as a constructor decorative elements made of concrete. If the wall is flat, then you can do without a frame, since the elements are fastened using self-tapping screws, without the use of sand-cement compounds. Perhaps the most known system curtain facade in Russia - the Novabrick system appeared in Canada in the late 90s, and is now produced here, at a plant near Nizhny Novgorod.

This facade has a rather attractive appearance - the texture repeats crushed stone. Installation is quite simple - with proper skill, you can figure it out yourself. In addition to ease of installation, one can also note its durability (50 years of operation are stated), lightness in comparison with a brick wall (a 6.5 cm thick Novabrik wall weighs at least half as much as a brick facade), less load on the foundation, and elasticity to soil movement. You can choose different shades (the material is dyed in the mass). The price for such a facade starts from 1150 rubles/sq.m. (unpainted) and reaches 1350 rubles/sq.m of material (painted, based on white cement). Installation services will cost approximately 500 rubles/sq.m.

Wet facade

Albert Bikkinin, director of Sartexim Kazan

It’s a mystery to me why such an extremely popular façade renovation option in Russia is so undervalued in Tatarstan. I often go to different regions Russia, and there wet-type facades can be found much more often. Perhaps a “good” service in popularizing these systems was provided by unskilled builders who erected facades with a service life of only 1-2 seasons. After all, technology wet facade very demanding of performers. I believe that in Kazan today there is a strong shortage of skilled hands in this area.

As for the technology itself, the main advantage here is the absence of restrictions in the color scheme and architectural decor options. Another advantage is the minimal weight of such a façade. The disadvantages include the above-mentioned attachment to the qualifications of specialists and the need to carry out work only at positive air temperatures.

Important points here: it is necessary to ensure the vapor permeability of each subsequent layer higher than the previous one and try to avoid the use of acrylic plasters.

Mineral wool or polystyrene foam is traditionally used as insulation. The cost of a turnkey wet facade is 1800 rubles (insulation - foam plastic 100 mm) - 2000 rubles (insulation - mineral wool 100 mm) per sq.m. You can read more about the technology


Polyfacade panels consist of a layer of insulation spliced ​​together and an external decorative surface made of concrete. The insulation is polystyrene foam or mineral wool high density (135 g/cc), and the outer decorative layer is made of high-strength concrete (M200) with a thickness of only 1.5-1.8 cm, which makes the panels very lightweight: a standard 50*50 cm panel weighs only 6 kg . Low weight allows you to achieve another significant advantage - ease of installation. As a rule, most façade systems require a frame; here the façade panels are glued directly to the wall with a special glue and additionally secured with anchor bolts.

In principle, having studied the installation technology via video on the Internet, any customer can carry out the installation themselves, which will help save significant money: as a rule, any facade work costs from 400 rubles. per sq.m. and higher.

The price of the material is quite attractive: from 550 rubles. per sq.m of material on foam plastic (50 mm) and 600 rubles. on basalt insulation(50 mm). Turnkey work will cost 1200-1800 rubles. per square

The choice of facing materials is very important, as it determines the appearance, its attractiveness and comfort. A review of the market for this category of building materials leaves no doubt that manufacturers from the Land of the Rising Sun are leading here. They have been manufacturing these products for more than half a century. Japanese facade panels cannot be confused with similar Russian or Finnish ones.

Features of Japanese facade panels

The products of each manufacturer are individual and have a number of features; But All of it is united by common properties:

  1. High sound insulation associated with complete thermal insulation.
  2. Light weight due to the reduced density of fiber cement slabs, which provides less load on the frame and foundation. This creates advantages for their use when cladding houses on light foundations.
  3. Minimal linear expansion when heated.
  4. Self-cleaning ability. Dirt and dust do not stick to these surfaces; they are easily washed off with rain or with a hose. This is achieved by applying a special layer to the panels that retains oxygen molecules, which in turn prevent contamination.
  5. Identical dimensions: 910 by 3030 and 455 by 3030 with a thickness of 14–21 mm. This allows you to unify the installation scheme, which can be understood by anyone not involved in construction. High strength and compliance with uniform dimensions are achieved using autoclaving technology for slabs, when they are placed in special equipment and exposed to high pressure and temperature.
  6. Versatility of fastening. Based on the type of fastening, materials are divided into two categories: using self-tapping screws or nails, with smaller panels mounted horizontally, and larger ones vertically. This is how thinner plates are attached - 14 mm (economy series); using hidden clamps, and in this way panels with a thickness of 16 mm and smaller are mounted (standard series).
  7. Possibility of combining panels different color, textures on one surface, not only from one, but also from different manufacturers.
  8. The hidden fastening system allows the façade to be installed in all weather conditions all year round.
  9. High color fastness. The ability not to fade for many years and the high moisture resistance of the panel are achieved thanks to a special multi-stage painting technique. First, a waterproof layer is applied, and then several more layers of special, fade-resistant acrylic paint.

Panels from Nichiha

Nichiha facades are very popular in their country. These panels are very diverse, original, non-standard, elegant. Among them there are imitation of natural materials: bricks, tiles, boards and others. The assortment will not disappoint the most demanding consumers. These products are distinguished by a relatively affordable price. The composition of such slabs includes cement, as well as wood shavings, inorganic inclusions, quartz, and mica. Essentially, it is a monolithic panel with wood chips. “Nichiha” uses wood fibers as a filler - waste generated from the processing of hard wood. This allows you to minimize such waste materials, i.e., use wood economically.

Manufacturers claim that each buyer of their products saves one tree.

Another advantage of this product is the ease and simplicity of working with it.

The material is very pliable and easy to attach. A common person can deal with . There is no doubt about the high quality of these plates. But consumers are especially attracted to this brand of façade materials by the original design solutions, creating comfort in your home.

Panels from Knew

The Knew brand competes with Nichiha in everything; these materials are also very high quality and have an unsurpassed design inspired by stone and wood. To achieve special attractiveness and stability, the slabs are coated additional layer acrylic and ceramic layering, which protects the paint from the decomposing influence of ultraviolet radiation and allows you to increase the service life of the coating without repair to 35 years. They are a little more expensive in price. Shredded paper is used here as a filler, which helps reduce tree cutting. These panels have voids inside. This guarantees their high frost resistance and durability due to the fact that water entering through small cracks and freezing at low temperatures, penetrating into the pores, does not have a detrimental effect on the slab as a whole.

In addition, porosity reduces the weight of the panel.

Some of the slabs are coated with a light catalyst, which also neutralizes the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation and improves the durability of the colored layer. This special coating breaks down emissions from automobiles and industrial waste harmful chemicals, turning them into neutral substances. The cleansing effect of such a coating on the scale of a small house is equivalent to the effect of 12 poplars.

Seismic shocks are common in Japan, so facade manufacturers are trying to produce earthquake-resistant materials with a reliable fastening method. Buildings lined with Knew panels are guaranteed to withstand even strong earthquakes.

AT-WALL panels

The AT-WALL facade is a monolithic panel consisting of cement interspersed with quartz, fiber fiber and other additives. Ceramic siding from this manufacturer can provide the implementation of any architectural solutions: brick, stone, tile, wood, mosaic and others. Due to the variety of textures, it is used in both low-budget buildings and luxury complexes.

In any version, high quality finish is guaranteed:

  • AT-WALL siding, stylized as stone or with an ultra-modern design, allows you to save the customer’s money;
  • AT-WALL façade cladding with plaster is a low-budget option for structures.

The slabs are quite light due to the small specific gravity. Any modification of the panels is complemented by corner elements that serve to decorate the front corners, as well as help to cover cornices and columns. Using them, you can create complex exteriors with the participation of overhead components, create various combinations of materials with different structures: stone, wood, mosaic and others - using corner elements.

Self-cleaning coatings from this company come in four types:

  • fluoride;
  • nanohydrophilic;
  • self-cleaning;
  • self-cleaning lite.

In addition, this siding contains additives that prevent the appearance of fungal mold.

Installation of Knew facade panels (video)

Konoshima facade panels

Konoshima panels contain:

  • calcium silicate,
  • fiberglass,
  • viscose,
  • polypropylene,
  • methylcellulose,
  • they include small cavities and microgranules.

This is a fireproof nanoceramic material with excellent characteristics of durability, frost resistance, sound and heat insulation. The material is environmentally friendly, harmless, and can be used for both external and internal work.

Due to the presence of cavities, it is lightweight, and plastic microgranules prevent its destruction from moisture entering the pores, pressing on these components when freezing.

Nano-coating of the plate includes chemical compounds, forming a protective film that does not allow dirt to linger on the surface. Silica particles allow water to penetrate between the surface and the dirt, which helps it be quickly washed away by precipitation. This significantly saves the cost of maintaining the panels. The hybrid coating adsorbs ultraviolet radiation and protects the paint from fading.

Stone-look facade panels look sophisticated and elegant, while the wood-imitating finish looks expensive. These coatings are good to use when decorating small homes, while creating a cozy exterior.

Facade panels "Torey"

Torey coverings consist of concrete with fillers, lined with ceramics with an original texture. They imitate stone, brick, clinker tiles, decorative coating. The scope of application of such panels is varied; they are suitable for cladding housing, business centers and other buildings.

The kit includes strips, sealant, paint, finishing strip, metal corners and other elements that provide a complete set of materials necessary for installation. In addition to these, there are also decorative elements for decorating the facade, which give it an individual and unique look and complement the chosen design style. The cost of these coatings is lower than NICHIHA and KMEW without compromising the traditionally high quality of Japanese materials.

Facade panels produced in the Land of the Rising Sun are famous all over the world, they are distinguished by:

  • durability, strength, wear resistance;
  • self-cleaning ability;
  • excellent frost resistance;
  • non-flammability;
  • environmental friendliness of materials;
  • color fastness;
  • light weight.

Facade panels are one of the current types of cladding for country houses, cottages and dachas. They have an important functional purpose - preventing heat loss and creating natural ventilation. A wide variety of textures and shades allows you to create a unique style and unique appearance of your home. Among the most popular facade materials are basement siding, thermal panels, vinyl siding, fiber cement panels, WPC siding, porcelain stoneware, glass panels.

Vinyl siding: the main advantage

Beveled edges and hidden locking joints make it possible to create a single solid fabric on the façade without visible seams. This is attractive from an aesthetic point of view and is a guarantee of good sealing to protect against moisture and dampen the walls. The panels are made of polyvinyl chloride, which is resistant to temperature changes of −50 to +50°C and has non-flammable properties. A choice of 100 shades of color palette and 50 relief structure options allows you to create any exterior design.

Stone-like facade panels

Cladding in the form of natural stone attracts with its respectable appearance and creates the appearance of an aristocratic format. But not everyone can afford to buy such building materials. This is where vinyl siding comes to the rescue in imitation of malachite, marble and granite.

An important advantage over analogues

Vinyl siding can be mounted on any type of base - concrete surface, brick wall, wooden sheathing. Cladding with natural stone cannot boast of such versatility.

Wood-look facade panels

Facade siding, imitating a wooden texture, is one of the most diverse in texture. This is a recreation in PVC of: ship planks, wood chips, block houses, rounded logs, lining.

Brick-like facade panels

Polyvinyl chloride brick facing material perfectly imitates not only its appearance, but also its texture. This is expressed in the creation of a smooth, rough or chipped surface, which is difficult to distinguish from its analogue even by touch.

Disadvantages of vinyl siding

Vinyl panels do not withstand blows applied purposefully with very great force - cracks and scratches appear. Products respond to change temperature regime, especially its sharp jumps. This is expressed in the appearance of wave-like deformation on the facades if installed incorrectly. Professional craftsmen know these features and take them into account during installation, reliably adjusting the locking connection. Therefore, it is so important to find suitable specialists for facade work.

Basement PVC siding - protection of vulnerable areas of the facade

The lower part of the house adjacent to the foundation is always difficult to cladding. Facade materials are far from suitable for this. Close location to groundwater and blind area indicates that the cladding should be as resistant to moisture as possible. Otherwise, the owners will have to make repairs every year. The use of PVC basement siding allows you to avoid such problems.

The importance of purchasing basement siding

Even if you use other facing materials for the main part of the facade, it is advisable to buy special ones to decorate the base. This will protect the building from freezing, prevent the walls from getting wet and the formation of unsightly white stains on them.

Basement siding is produced in the form of panels of short length for ease of installation. A possible difficulty during installation may be adjusting the locking connection. It is necessary to take into account the expansion or contraction of PVC panels with temperature changes within 5 mm.


The facing material melts quickly during a fire, so it is recommended to use it only for low-rise construction. It is contraindicated for finishing large buildings. The choice of siding shades is limited - a very small palette of shades. It is required to match the main look either according to a contrasting principle or according to a distant tone of the main palette.

WPC siding - environmentally friendly finishing

Wood-polymer composite siding is one of the new modern cladding materials. It is an imitation of timber or lining with original embossing. The production is based on sawdust and other wood processing waste, thermoplastic polymers and modifying additives. The products are presented in the texture of a board, panel or decking board.

Distinctive properties

The wood-polymer composite has absorbed all the best features - the attractive appearance of wood texture and the strength of modern polymers. This means that the facade cladding will not delaminate, deform, become saturated with moisture and swell during operation.

Advantage of installation

Compared to other facing materials, installation of WPC siding is waste-free. Any parts can be cut off and used.

Weaknesses of the KDP

Flaws facade material most often appear under certain weather conditions. Strong wind, raising streams of dust and small pebbles can cause damage in the form of small scratches on the surface.

Facade thermal panels - “warm” cladding

Warm panels - warm house. It is on this principle that façade thermal panels are produced. This facing material is combined and simultaneously combines clinker facing tiles and insulation based on polyurethane or polystyrene foam. His distinctive feature is waterproof. A humid environment does not form on the surface, which is a breeding ground for fungal plaque and vegetation on the facades.

Used for production the best varieties clay, which is fired at a temperature of +1200°C. In this way, complete sintering of the raw material is achieved, which gives the thermal panels high characteristics of strength and resistance to mechanical impact. Using insulation allows you to create a good level of thermal insulation at home without spending extra money on it.

Defects can only appear after poor-quality installation

Before installation, the walls must be carefully leveled, otherwise the thermal panels will become deformed during operation.

Fiber cement panels

The production of fiber cement panels is carried out from cement, cellulose, quartz sand and mica using the autoclave method at a temperature of +175°C. In this way, a uniform, homogeneous, durable structure of the facade material is achieved. Paint or varnish is applied to the surface, clearly displaying the smooth or rough texture of the brickwork.

Benefits of use

Fiber cement panels are one of the most durable types of facade cladding, which is confirmed by frost resistance of 100 cycles. The density of the material is 1.5 kg/cm3, it is resistant to mechanical stress, and the bending strength characteristics of 24 MPa create resistance to strong gusts of wind.


Installation inconveniences include the mandatory use of power tools. Otherwise, the panels simply cannot be cut. Their weight up to 30 kg requires the work of a team of 5-6 people. The most important problem with use may be the water absorption rate of up to 10%. That is, the material tends to absorb moisture.

Porcelain tiles - cladding for centuries

Porcelain tiles are identical in properties and characteristics to natural stone. Its use is extensive - both low-rise construction and high-rise buildings. Porcelain stoneware cladding especially favorably emphasizes the status, therefore it is often used for commercial real estate. An important selection factor is the possibility of installation at any time of the year, at sub-zero temperatures.

Most winning features

Porcelain tiles are chosen not only for the respectable appearance of houses, but also for the distinctive characteristics of wear resistance and lack of abrasion. The material is particularly resistant to cracks, scratches and chips on the surface. Even stains will have a hard time appearing on it. The original appearance and shade are preserved for decades thanks to UV resistance and absolute waterproofness.

Disadvantages of use in price

Porcelain stoneware is a premium facing material and has a high cost. Again, the large weight of the products requires strengthening the foundation, and this again is an additional expense.

Glass panels as an original type of facade glazing

Glass panels are used in facade glazing when filling structures made of aluminum or PVC. The products are relevant for both high-rise and low-rise buildings. The following types of glass are used as filling: thick, impact-resistant mono glass, laminated structures with a special film. It creates a darkening effect and reduces the visibility area for passersby. Double glass “triplex” is internally filled with inert argon gas to prevent breaking.

Advantages of purchasing glass panels

A large glazing area is an original type of façade cladding. Glass panels allow sunlight to penetrate into the room for as long as possible. This helps save energy.

Features of application

Possible operating difficulties

When using glass panels, it is necessary to install blinds, blackout curtains or other window accessories to avoid scorching sun rays in the summer. Otherwise, overheating occurs and the room feels stuffy. Maintenance also causes many problems, since industrial climbers will have to be involved in cleaning the glass.

What to look for when choosing facade panels

The variety of facade panels allows you to choose the facing material according to taste, quality and price, create a unique home decoration, combining products, experimenting with shapes and color palette. To avoid making a mistake and not buying a fake or defective product, pay attention to the following important components of purchasing any material: a certificate of compliance with quality and safety standards, a manufacturer’s warranty accompanying the album technical solutions or detailed instructions on installation. It is desirable that all facade panels can be purchased from one company along with components.

You need to select the cladding for a house at the design stage - it often influences the choice of building design and foundation type, and the characteristics of load-bearing structures. Thus, facing bricks and decorative stones have an impressive weight - it is important to take this load into account when choosing and calculating the foundation. The wooden facade has a number of restrictions on fire safety, and this also needs to be taken into account during planning.

Have you already built a house? Don't give up on the façade of your dreams! Wood finish can be replaced with a PVC block house, and brick or stone with facade panels. It is about them that we will talk further.

What are façade panels?

Facade panels (basement siding) are a type of ventilated facade. This means that there is a special gap between the wall and the finish where air can circulate freely. It prevents the occurrence of condensation, fungi and mold.

The main advantages of facade panels:

    simple and quick installation;

    small load on the foundation and supporting structures;

    high strength, reliability and durability;

    attractive appearance;

    low cost compared to facing bricks and natural stone;

    resistance to environmental influences;

    ease of care;

    durability – the service life of basement siding can be up to 50 years or more.

The original purpose of the facade panels is to finish the base, which is why they received their second name – base siding. But more and more often they are used to cover the entire facade, which makes it possible to create interesting design solutions, especially in combination with other finishing materials.

Main types of facade panels for exterior finishing

Facade panels are made from PVC, metal, fiber cement, clinker and other materials. Let's briefly describe each of them.

Fiber cement facade panels are made from cement and cellulose using special additives. They are characterized by increased strength, good mechanical stability and frost resistance. But such panels are quite heavy and place a high load on supporting structures. And when cutting, they release substances that are dangerous to the human respiratory system, so they work with them in special protective equipment.

Base metal siding attracts buyers with its high strength and affordable price. Metal protects against corrosion special coating, so you need to monitor its integrity. The main disadvantages of such panels:

    high thermal conductivity (in summer they get very hot in the sun);

    low sound insulation (during rain and wind, an unpleasant hum may occur in the house).

Facade panels made of polypropylene differ from siding in increased strength. Special stiffening ribs provide high protection against mechanical damage. Their advantages compared to previous types: light weight, corrosion resistance, easy installation. PVC panels are environmentally friendly and do not emit harmful substances and do not support combustion.

Based on their appearance, façade panels are distinguished for exterior finishing under wood, stone or brick. They differ not only in the design and shape of the panels themselves - manufacturers offer a wide selection of finishes, colors and textures.

Thus, Alta-Profile produces more than 80 options:

    8 collections of facade panels for exterior stone finishing: “Canyon”, “Rocky Stone”, “Rubble Stone”, “Neapolitan Stone”, “Venetian Stone”, “Florentine Stone”, “Granite” and “Stone”;

    4 collections of façade panels for brick-like exterior finishing: “Brick”, “Antique Brick”, “Clinker Brick”, “Bassoon”;

    collection “Facade tiles”, imitating the surface of tiles made of onyx, basalt, goldite, travertine and dolomite.

By looking at, you can learn more about all types of Alta-Profile panels.

How to choose facade panels?

When choosing basement siding, pay attention to the following characteristics:

1. Lock system

A special locking system allows for reliable fastening of the panels to each other without the use of glue or other compounds.

2. Stiffening ribs

Special ribs on back side panels provide additional rigidity and strength. The more of them, the more resistant the panels are to mechanical stress, heavy winds, hail, etc.

3. Panel shape

To make panels imitating brickwork or natural stone look natural, they are given the shape of a small fragment of the wall. Rectangular elements will look unnatural and the joints will remain visible.

4. Coloring

To create an uneven color like natural stone, the panels are painted in several layers using a special technology.

5. Texture

Basement siding imitates the surface of brick or stone with its chips and natural irregularities. Thanks to this, at a distance of several meters quality panels cannot be distinguished from stone or brick.

2 more nuances to consider

Before purchasing facade panels, imagine what your future home will look like. Are you planning to finish the entire façade, its individual elements, or just the base? What materials do you want to combine façade panels with, and will they look harmonious? To answer these questions, use online program on the selection of finishes, for example, "". It is easy to use and allows you to choose the materials that will look best on your home.

Finally, important question: who will finish the outside of the house with facade panels? If you want to do this yourself, we recommend purchasing PVC panels - they are lightweight and do not require special equipment and tools. Buy a complete set of materials from one manufacturer - this will avoid annoying mistakes due to incorrect selection of elements. In addition, you will be able to receive qualified advice from the company’s specialists. Don’t be afraid to appear incompetent and ask questions - the quality and durability of the facade depends on this.

And if you are not confident in your abilities, order installation from a certified team - professional craftsmen will do the work quickly, efficiently, with a guarantee from the manufacturer.

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