How the body can react when switching to a healthy diet. How can the All-Good God allow an eternity of torment? How does it work

From Vitalik Buterin, "A Guide to 99% Fault Tolerant Consensus" provides a simplified overview of the design and implementation of an algorithm for blockchains that is resistant to unexplained errors, which in turn is based on a simpler version of Leslie Lamport's algorithm proposed in 1982 to solve tasks of the Byzantine generals.

The algorithm discussed by Buterin in this paper does not involve the abandonment of proof of work (PoW) or proof of ownership (PoS). However, it should be noted that with some modification, such a replacement is possible, especially if decentralization is not so important. The algorithm can be seen primarily as a way to track the creation of blocks for a 51% attack in real time, and also as a method for organizing soft forks to eliminate the consequences of such attacks. The model assumes that if a 51% attack occurs, the ability to detect it will remain even if the number of good nodes is reduced to 1%.

Although 51% attacks on Ethereum and other decentralized networks are unlikely, this algorithm can be very useful. There is always a risk of centralization of Ethereum mining pools, and the algorithm will help protect against this threat and increase trust in the network, attracting more developers, companies and consumers. In addition, Ethereum's upcoming transition to PoS should reduce fault tolerance by 30-33%, and the above consensus mechanisms will only be able to function if two-thirds of the active nodes are honest. Thus, the benefit of additional protection against attacks becomes increasingly clear.

It is also important that this algorithm is applicable not only to Ethereum. It can be used by any blockchain project, including more centralized ones in which consumers may have significant interest.

Regular Reddit user drcode (that's Konrad Barsky, CEO of Forward Blockchain) explains the above consensus mechanism as follows:

Typically, all blockchain problems are related to verification systems (essentially miners). Vitalik suggests that an independent observer of network traffic - an actual user of the blockchain (but not a miner or verification system) - monitor what is happening in real time, paying attention to the potential "dirty play" of miners with their 51% attack intentions. This may provide additional security guarantees.

Buterin writes about the usefulness of the algorithm, apparently agreeing with drcode’s opinion that “understanding such an algorithm goes beyond the technical comfort zone.”

[The algorithm] can be used as a tool to detect 51% attacks and coordinate the prevention of soft forks by the minority, which also does not require human intervention in extreme situations.

So how does this work in practical terms? Of course, it all comes down to a complex mathematical equation, but you can figure it out without going into such details.

At the most basic level, nodes operate on an algorithm that uses blockchain hash and timeout data to prove the legitimacy of blocks. In this way, observer nodes can monitor blocks in real time to detect the occurrence of foul play on the part of miners. This mechanism ensures that if one respectable node sees " permissible value", then all respectable nodes - both mining and observing ones - will see it. It should be said that this mechanism is tied to a time delay, and 99 percent fault tolerance is only guaranteed when the algorithm is synchronized with block verification.

Of course, algorithms like Casper, " Practical implementation Fault Tolerance for Unexplained Errors" (PBFT, Miguel Castro and Barbara Liskov) and similar consensus mechanisms may not finalize blocks all the time, but only if a given number of blocks have already been created. That is, the algorithm cannot be executed after each block, as required to ensure 99 percent fault tolerance. In the paper, Buterin also outlines ways to modify an unexplained error-tolerant algorithm to 99 percent fault tolerance, but notes that in practice, critical levels of dependency would likely reduce this fault tolerance to around 95 percent.

Modification of the algorithm requires that some observer nodes are always online, observing the finalization of block formation. At the same time, according to Buterin, 512 randomly selected “finalizing” nodes must execute a given algorithm every 4096 seconds and broadcast data about the finished blocks to other nodes, including observer nodes.

Finally, Buterin also talks about the limitations of the proposed algorithm, emphasizing that they are inevitable in any algorithm that is robust to unexplained errors.

So, it is important to understand: if such an algorithm is implemented, all transactions recorded in the blockchain will be valid and secure if 1% of block producers are honest and there is a network of observing nodes.

The last hour of the working day always drags on slowly, vacation ends quickly, and in the company of friends time flies by. The perception of time is constantly changing.

Time flow

“Time is money,” says the old proverb. Today, in the age of communications and rapidly developing technologies, time is more important than ever. People have learned to measure it with maximum accuracy.

Atomic clocks are accurate to less than a second in 60 million years, and microseconds are the primary measure of time in radar.

In our picture of the world, time is a smoothly flowing stream, with a starting point at one date or another: the Birth of Jesus Christ, the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, the founding of Rome and even the creation of the world.

However, this was not always the case. For example, the ancient Greeks imagined time moving in one place, like a firmament of stars, rotating above the world equally and unchanged.

They had no concept of progress. There was not even a chronology as such: the notorious counting of the Olympics was used only by historians to organize the sequence of events. And among the Amazonian tribe Amondava, who still lives today, the abstract concept of time is simply absent. In the language of these Indians there was not even a separate word for time, month and year. Of course, they build a sequence of events in their speech, but time as a separate category does not exist for them.

Subjective factor

Time is perceived by each person subjectively: perception changes depending on the life period. So, time goes slower or, on the contrary, speeds up depending on our emotions. Describing a moment of danger associated with the risk of life, people say: “your whole life flashed before your eyes!” And this statement is often close to the truth. In extreme situations, the brain begins to work faster and reproduces the most vivid memories.

The experience of base jumping athletes shows that the human brain remembers much more images during a jump than in ordinary life.

Our perception of time can be affected by: fear, age, body temperature, isolation and concentration. To people watching a parachutist, the time of his jump seems very short, and when independent jump on the contrary, that the flight was long. When you are sick or in an isolated room, time seems to “crawl like a snail,” but in a state of concentrated work, on the contrary, it flies by unnoticed.

Internal alarm clock

Man and many animals have their own inherent sense of time. Thus, South American hummingbirds that feed on flower nectar are able to count exactly twenty minutes, during which the flower will again be filled with sugary juice, and fly up to it again. According to one of the most popular hypotheses, in the human body and many animals certain organs are responsible for one or another manifestation of this sense of internal time.

In particular, different parts of the brain. The cerebellum in our body coordinates movements and perceives the smallest periods of time. The frontal lobe of the brain is where the ability to hold something in memory is formed.

Studying the behavior of people with a distorted perception of time, scientists found that more than two seconds are associated with the perception of time. basal ganglia between the frontal lobes of the brain.

Another part of the brain is responsible for the ability to sense physiological processes in own body, for example, heartbeat. And the intensity of signals entering the brain from different senses also affects our perception of time. If the number of signals accelerates (with fear, temperature), then the sequence of emotional moments should speed up, “internal time”, and therefore “external” should slow down.

However, we do not have a separate organ responsible for the perception of time. A special science, chronobiology, deals with periodic processes occurring in living organisms. The subject of her study is that very “internal time” that operates in a person regardless of light, darkness and time of day.

Visualization of time in space

Each of us imagines certain periods of time in our own way. Psychologists have proven that this picture is formed in childhood and does not change. The image of a timeline is especially important when studying history. However, this tape itself is in images different people looks different: for some it is directed from top to bottom, for others from left to right.

Sometimes a specific decade or century begins to be associated with a certain event: adolescence, war or era... And the year is most often represented in the shape of a circle or oval. Moreover, the movement of time most often occurs in such representations from left to right, as is customary in European culture. Consequently, our perception of time is also influenced by our language, our writing system.

"The Vacation Paradox"

Immediately after the vacation, it seems that it flew by very quickly: compared to the time of waiting, the accumulation of money and the number of worries, this is a very short period. However, when you arrive home, you are overcome with the feeling that you have not been here for ages. Researcher Claudia Hammond cites the phrase that time filled with interesting events seems short when it passes, but long when we look back at it. On the other hand, time that is not filled with events seems long while it is moving, and short when we think about it afterwards. Thus, impressions and temporal milestones play a key role in the perception (and distortion!) of time.

Time in our minds is often distorted: sometimes it slows down, sometimes on the contrary it flows too quickly. The reasons for this lie in the fact that our brain is actively working to create a subjective sense of time. Attention, memory and emotions help him in this. If the brain concentrates on time itself, it begins to drag on; if it gets carried away with something else, it flies by quickly. If nothing new happens that the memory could cling to, then later it will seem that this time has flown by quickly. We will never gain complete power over time, but the better we know it, the easier it is to subordinate time to our own destiny.

Domestic and foreign doctors claim that the electrocardiogram as such, the procedure itself, is harmless to human body. Its harm lies only in the non-systemic use of an ECG - an unscheduled examination using this device can contribute to the incorrect diagnosis of the patient.

When is it better not to undergo this examination?

Candidate of Medical Sciences A.V. Rodionov believes that there are many situations when an ECG is not necessary, it is unnecessary. This is especially true for children and young people - each growing organism has a lot of individual developmental characteristics, and if a competent attending physician has not prescribed an electrocardiogram, you should not engage in amateur activities.
Rodionov assures that a healthy person does not need an ECG - undergoing this procedure as unnecessary is harmful in terms of possible subsequent incorrect interpretation of the results: a physician with low qualifications can “consider” a “serious pathology” on the heartbeat gradation tape, which will then have to be “seriously treated.”
Anton Vladimirovich is convinced that for a professional physician, a banal measurement of pressure and familiarization with the results of banal tests is enough to decide whether a patient should have an ECG or not.

Is a cardiogram in itself dangerous?

Cardiologist Rakesh K. Pai, MD, says an electrocardiogram "may show heart problems that would make an exercise ECG unsafe." In fact, Pai’s colleagues in this sense are more in favor of professional suitability - Domenico Corrado, Cristina Basso, Antonio Pellecchia and Gaetano Tiene, authors of the collection “Sports and Cardiovascular Diseases,” are seriously concerned about the problem of adequate interpretation and timely diagnosis of heart disease using ECG. This book provides many examples where misdiagnosis by unqualified physicians of the consequences of injuries contributed to the false interpretation of ECG results, which, in turn, then harmed the health of athletes.

To find out everything, you need to behave correctly

As the doctor confirms highest category Zakir Anvarovich Khannanov, ECG is prescribed by a doctor if the patient himself complains of heart pain or problems at work of cardio-vascular system were identified as a result of a medical examination. So that the electrocardiogram does not “go wrong” and ultimately harm the patient himself, doctors do not advise unnecessarily physically loading the body before the ECG: the heart should work as usual before the examination, without extremes.
According to therapist Z. A. Khannanov, the “harm” from an ECG lies primarily in improper preparation of the patient for this procedure. Before undergoing an electrocardiogram, you should not smoke, drink coffee or strong tea (caffeine will in any case affect the results of the examination). It is advisable not to eat anything for 2 hours before the ECG. It is better not to use oil-fat creams applied to the body after a shower before taking an electrocardiogram: the electrodes have difficulty contacting the “oiled” skin, which complicates the process of obtaining an ECG.

Someday in the (hopefully) foreseeable future, our planet may become uninhabitable. At least for the form we all know. This could happen3 after many millions of years, or maybe even earlier: astrophysicists believe that a catastrophe can happen at any moment.

There are many reasons for the Earth to become a deserted and lifeless planet. Here are some of them.

1) The core of the planetwill cool down

The magnetosphere is the magnetic field that surrounds the Earth. This is what protects us from the solar wind. This field is created due to the rotation of the planet: a liquid iron-nickel shell (outer core) moves around a solid metal core (inner core), forming a giant magnetic generator.

Energy particles emitted by the sun are deflected by the magnetosphere, and they change their size and shape.

As soon as the planet's core begins to cool, the Earth's magnetosphere will gradually disappear, which means there will no longer be any protection from the solar wind, earth's atmosphere will gradually be carried away into space. Scientists believe approximately the same fate once befell Mars: now it is a dry and lifeless world, but once it had both an atmosphere and water.

2) The Sun will expand

The sun, and especially our distance to it, is perhaps the most important factor that makes the existence of life possible. But stars are not eternal, they die, and the Sun is a star.

Now our star is in the middle of its life path, constantly converting hydrogen into helium using thermonuclear reactions. But this can't last forever. In a few billion years, the hydrogen in the Sun's core will run out, and it will begin to recycle helium.

Due to the fact that recycling helium provides much more energy, the Sun will begin to expand, and possibly pull the Earth towards itself. We will burn and evaporate.

There is another version of the development of events: the Sun, expanding, will push the Earth, which will leave its orbit and will be doomed to wander through space as a wanderer planet - a dead piece of cold stone.

3) The Earth will collide with a wanderer planet

There are many planets in space that move freely through it and do not revolve around a star. Planets quite often find themselves thrown out of their star systems during their formation. Recent calculations show that the number of wandering planets in the Milky Way outnumbers the number of stars by 100,000 times.

At any moment, one of these planets could unexpectedly approach Earth, destabilizing its orbit.

A rogue planet could also collide with Earth. And this has already happened: about 4.5 million years ago, a small planet collided with a larger one, which formed the Earth and the Moon as we know them.

4) The Earth will collide with an asteroid

This is Hollywood's favorite script. But in fact, stone aliens from outer space can be very destructive. It was one of these space rocks that once destroyed the dinosaurs. Although, of course, in order to completely destroy the planet, much more asteroids are needed.

But it can still happen. For example, in the hundreds of millions of years since the formation of the Earth, asteroid impacts have been very common. The impacts were so strong that the oceans boiled for years, and air temperatures were above 500 degrees Celsius. Life on Earth then was single-celled, and was represented in the form of particularly heat-resistant microbes. Most of modern forms I couldn't bear to live like that.

5) The Earth may come close to a wandering black hole

The second most popular catastrophe in Hollywood that causes the planet to die is black holes. It's easy to see why: they are mysterious and frightening, even just the name gives you goosebumps.

We don't know much about black holes, but we do know that they are so massive that not even light can escape beyond their event horizon. Scientists also know that there are black holes that travel freely through space. So it is possible that one of them may visit the solar system.

If light cannot escape from a black hole, then the Earth certainly cannot. There are two theories about what will happen to a planet after it crosses the point of no return of a large enough black hole. A smaller one will simply stretch (as astrophysicists say, “spaghettiify”) the planet.

Some physicists say that beyond the event horizon, atoms will stretch until they are completely destroyed. Others argue that in this way we will find ourselves in another part of the universe, or even in another dimension.

But even if black hole does not pull the Earth into itself, then if it passes close enough, it can cause earthquakes and other natural disasters or disrupt the planet's orbit, so that we either leave solar system, or we will fall into the Sun.

6) The Earth will be destroyed by a burst of gamma radiation

Gamma-ray bursts (or simply gamma-ray bursts) are some of the most powerful phenomena in the universe. Many of them are the result of the collapse of a star during its death. One short burst can contain more energy than the Sun can produce in its entire lifetime.

Such a powerful flow of energy could deprive the Earth of the ozone layer, leaving us defenseless against dangerous ultraviolet radiation, and trigger the mechanism of rapid global cooling.

A gamma-ray burst that hit the Earth 440 million years ago could have caused the first mass extinction.

But fortunately, David Thompson, deputy director of the gamma-ray observation project, said that gamma-ray bursts are actually not very dangerous. He believes that the chance of Earth being caught in a gamma-ray burst is about the same as "the chance of me meeting a polar bear in my toilet."

7) The Universe will fall apart in its final "Big Rip"

This is something that can destroy the entire universe, not just the Earth. The point is this: an unknown force called dark energy is causing the universe to expand faster and faster.

If the expansion continues (which is very possible), after 22 billion years, interatomic bonds will weaken and all matter in the universe will gradually dissipate as energy. But if we assume that the Big Rip does not happen, then what could happen after a global catastrophe that humanity will not survive?

It is quite possible that some microbes will survive, from which life will then develop again. But if the destruction is absolute, then, as a last resort, we can hope that somewhere in the universe there is another intelligent life that can pay us the last respects.

M Congratulations to you, dear visitors of the Orthodox island “Family and Faith”!

G They say: God is good, His will is all-good. How then can this will allow eternal torment? How can the All-Good God allow an eternity of torment? Is this fair: you stole, for example, five rubles - but you have to suffer for it not for five years, not for fifty, but forever? This is wild even by the most barbaric human standards. And you attribute this to God! After all, Christ, preaching on earth, forgave everyone, so why not hope that he will forgive everyone in the future? What is eternal joy? What does a person need in order for God to forgive him?

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev answers :

"T Oh, that God has enough mercy for everyone - I have no doubt about this, but, as it seems to me, not every person will agree to be pardoned.

Not so long ago, the word “homeless” appeared in the Russian language. Now, I think, few people are not familiar with representatives of this tribe. It is customary to feel sorry for the homeless - and rightly so, some people are trying to help them - and this is true. But how to do that? Give money and they will drink it, it has been repeatedly tested by experience, unless they feed and drink, and put on clothes and shoes.

In my memory, there were well-wishers who tried to more radically organize the life of one of these tramps. They established his identity, assigned him to a shelter, began to work for recognition as a disabled person, and negotiated his placement in a boarding school. It would seem that what could be better in this situation: you receive documents, a constant source of (albeit not so much, but still) money, regular food and permanent housing.

Can you guess in one try how this story ends? After some time, this unfortunate man ran away from the shelter: none of the blessings awaiting him could overshadow the prospect of a free life and an unsightly death in a drunken stupor in a puddle of his own sewage under the fence. Apparently, being homeless for him, according to his inner feelings, was more valuable, more desirable than what was offered to him as help and what most people consider a completely tolerable life.

I am ready to admit the idea that a person, like the mentioned homeless person, can consciously choose the path of evil and torment, and even eternal torment, and this path will be preferable to eternal joy for him.

After all, what is eternal joy? This is a reflection of communication with God. What if a person is not familiar with God and does not want to become acquainted? Will communion with God be joyful for him? Or painful? Such a person is more likely to choose “being homeless” in hell, as the least of the possible sufferings.

How can such a person be forgiven? How to make him able to live in Paradise? Should I undergo brain surgery to change consciousness? Erase the old personality and reprogram for eternal delight? But who then will be the result of reprogramming - a cheerful zombie? Is this how you imagine the population of Paradise?

Anyone who says that Christ forgave everyone is mistaken and, apparently, has not read the Gospel well. Christ did not forgive everyone, but only repentant sinners. He Himself said: “ I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."(Matt. 9:31). And the self-righteous and self-sufficient scribes and Pharisees, who sincerely did not understand - they have something to repent of, because they do so many good deeds - what did they hear from Christ? “Snakes, brood of vipers! How will you escape from condemnation to Gehenna?”(Matt. 23, 33).

So, not everyone can hope for forgiveness. And the point here is not so much in the number of good or evil deeds, but in whether a person repents of his sins or does not repent - this is what is important for forgiveness. The thief, who immediately went to Paradise from the place of execution, had the most hopeless balance of good and evil deeds, and vice versa - the scribes and Pharisees, to whom Christ foreshadowed Gehenna, had, it would seem, the most reliable surplus of good deeds.

So what is more important (I admit the riskiness of this statement) is not what you do, but WHO you are. Because it is the purpose of the act, its internal motivation, the state of the heart of the person committing the act, that makes it (the act) good or sinful.

How the All-Good God can allow eternity of torment is also a mystery to me. I would be happy, I think, like anyone else, to assume that we humans simply somehow misunderstood Christ. But it is extremely difficult to understand His categorical words in any other way: “ If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off; It is better for you to enter life crippled than With with both hands to go into Gehenna, into the unquenchable fire, where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off: it is better for you to enter into life lame than, having two feet, to be cast into hell, into the unquenchable fire, where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. And if your eye offends you, pluck it out: it is better for you to enter the Kingdom of God with one eye, than with two eyes to be cast into fiery hell, where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.”(Mark 9:43-48).

Which bright image: The worm does not die and the fire does not go out! Is it possible to understand it otherwise than as an indication of incessant torment?

There is another loophole that allows us to evade the recognition of the eternity of torment: maybe Christ... - I don’t know how to say it... - is intimidating us, or something. So that it would be discouraging to sin. Who cares, but, in my opinion, this pedagogical technique, based on concealment and distortion of the truth, and therefore, on lies, is more suitable not for the arsenal of the Heavenly Father, but for the “father of lies” - the devil.

Hopes for future forgiveness are based on the assumption that when a person comes face to face with the terrifying reality of afterlife torment, he will heart-rendingly and frantically turn to God, if only out of fear, seeking help.

Alas, I am inclined to think that this is not so. God does not postpone the possibility of admonishing a person for later; already during his lifetime, He exhaustively makes it clear to everyone what kind of future can await him, and if a person remains deaf to this here, he will be the same there.

Let us remember the rich man from Christ’s parable about the rich man and Lazarus: he, being tormented in hell, asked righteous Abraham: “I ask you, father, send him (Lazarus. - Prot. . A.L.) to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, let him testify to them, so that they too do not come to this place of torment.” Abraham said to him: “They have Moses and the prophets; let them listen to them." He said: “No, Father Abraham, but if someone from the dead comes to them, they will repent.” Then Abraham said to him: “If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not believe even if someone were raised from the dead.”(see Luke 16:27-31). Like this: they won’t believe it, won’t be horrified, and won’t try to avoid it.

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